ALL SITES - Request Letter For Load Allowance 11.14.23
ALL SITES - Request Letter For Load Allowance 11.14.23
ALL SITES - Request Letter For Load Allowance 11.14.23
Subject : Request Load Allocation of 350.00 per month for Site Timekeepers.
Dear Sir,
I am writing to request a smartphone and load allocation to be used on site by Mr. Rodanie Bandula
(Timekeeper) to enhance Rodanie Bandula’s work efficiency and effectiveness as a Timekeeper at
BMQ Builders and Supply Corp. - Padada Site, Lower Malinao . Deduction will be on his salary per
week for 6 weeks.
I kindly request your approval regarding this request for smartphone and load allocation, and I am
willing to provide any additional information for any clarification you may need.
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