Revelyn Integ 1
Revelyn Integ 1
Revelyn Integ 1
Tan, A. (n.d.). Biag ni Lam-ang – lesson plan. Retrieved from
VI. Procedure
Preliminary Activities
Classroom Management
1. Elicit
A. Activate learner’s prior knowledge.
1) Complete Me Through the different
Direction: complete the statement given, base it on our literary forms during Pre-
past discussion. colonial period, we are able
“Through the different literary forms during Pre-colonial to know that the inhabitants
period, we are able to know__________”. of our islands showcase a
rich past through their folk
narratives, folk speeches,
and folk songs indigenous
rituals that affirm out ties
with our Southeast Asian
2. Engage
A. Share It Superman
Direction: Ask the students a question. If you will become a Spiderman
hero, who would you want to be? Why?
Column A:
1. It is property or money brought by a groom to his wife
on their marriage.
2. It is to feel very tired; very tiring.
3. It is to make someone seem unimportant.
4. It is to inflict serious damage.
5. It is a giant fish.
Column B:
A. exhausted 1. A
B. Mutilate 2. B
C. Berkakang 3. C
D. Dowry 4. D
E. Belittle 5. E
3. Explore
A. Inform students that they will read the story Biag ni Lam-
ang. Read the story loud and
B. They will read the story louder. clear
C. Ask them to summarize the story based on their The story of Lam-ang’s
understanding. life is about avenging his
father’s murder, to being
eaten by the water monster
Berkakan, to being reborn
and living happily ever
after with his love, Ines
4. Explain
A. Slight introduction about the author of the story.
B. Explain further the story for the students to understand it
C. Ask the students who are the characters in the story. Characters are;
Ines Kannoyan
Don Juan panganiban
White rooster
Parents of Ines Kannoyan
5. Elaborate
Share it
A. The students will answer the following questions through
1. What are the themes of the story and explain? Bravery, sacrifice, heroism,
justice, love, romance,
friendship and journey.
6. Extend
Direction: Answer the given question, base your answer on
the story that we have read.
A. How does the life of Lam-ang or Biag ni Lam-ang Participate actively
represent the Ilocano way of life?
7. Evaluate
Direction: Trace the turning point of Lamg-ang’s life. Write Participate actively
it on a short bond paper.
Creativity: 10
Originality: 10
Information given: 15
Total: 35 points