The document discusses two examples of performance-based assessments: a speech delivery assessment which is process-oriented, and a poem writing assessment using adjectives which is product-oriented. It provides details on the objectives, activities, assessments, rubrics and affective domains for each. Rubrics are provided to evaluate students on organization, voice, manner, eye contact and other areas for the speech, and on cohesiveness, rhythm/rhyme, grammar and spelling for the poem.
The document discusses two examples of performance-based assessments: a speech delivery assessment which is process-oriented, and a poem writing assessment using adjectives which is product-oriented. It provides details on the objectives, activities, assessments, rubrics and affective domains for each. Rubrics are provided to evaluate students on organization, voice, manner, eye contact and other areas for the speech, and on cohesiveness, rhythm/rhyme, grammar and spelling for the poem.
The document discusses two examples of performance-based assessments: a speech delivery assessment which is process-oriented, and a poem writing assessment using adjectives which is product-oriented. It provides details on the objectives, activities, assessments, rubrics and affective domains for each. Rubrics are provided to evaluate students on organization, voice, manner, eye contact and other areas for the speech, and on cohesiveness, rhythm/rhyme, grammar and spelling for the poem.
The document discusses two examples of performance-based assessments: a speech delivery assessment which is process-oriented, and a poem writing assessment using adjectives which is product-oriented. It provides details on the objectives, activities, assessments, rubrics and affective domains for each. Rubrics are provided to evaluate students on organization, voice, manner, eye contact and other areas for the speech, and on cohesiveness, rhythm/rhyme, grammar and spelling for the poem.
DOMAIN Speech Through an Assessment: Impromptu Speech Analytic Rubric Responding Delivery interactive discussion, Receiving the students will be Instruction: teacher will ask the able to: students to deliver an impromptu a. Share their speech by answering the questions: insights on the What do you think of the importance of importance of speech delivery to speech you as a student? delivery through an Type of Assessment: Formative impromptu Assessment speech. Why is it considered process- oriented? -We consider impromptu speech as a process-oriented because it focuses on how the students deliver their speech. It assesses how they perform their assessment while showing proper voice projection, gestures, eye contact and the overall performance.
Analytic Rubric on Impromptu Speech
Excellent (5) Very Good (3-4) Fair (1-2) Organization Speech shows a Speech has a beginning, Speech is in organized, structure that is middle, and end but does not have beginning organized. It has a does not have a strong middle and end. beginning, middle, and structure. end. Voice Volume, language, tone Voice, language, tone is It needs improvement, is used effectively in adequately or minimal voice, language, tone is delivering the speech. for the delivery of the not maintained. speech. Manner and Appearance Appearance and Appearance and Appearance and mannerism are mannerism are mannerism are not presented with a appropriate. appropriate it needs professional and improvement. personal style. Eye Contact Eye contact maintain Eye contact is limited. Does not show eye until the end and shows contact too the audience. confidence in speaking.
DOMAIN Adjective Through an Assessment: Creating Poem Analytic Rubric Responding (Simple interactive discussion, Receiving Adjective the students will be Instruction: After brief discussion ) able to: of adjective, the teacher will ask a. show the the students to construct a 2-stanza importance of poem using simple adjective. simple adjective Type of Assessment: Formative through Assessment constructing a poem. Why is it considered product- oriented? - This is considered as a product- oriented because it focuses on the final output of the students. In the other hand, it assesses final task of the students which is the poetry. In here the teacher will see the proper application and usage of simple adjectives in the poem.
Analytic Rubric on Poem Writing
Excellent (5) Average (4-3) Poor (2-1) Cohesiveness The poem goes perfectly The poem is somewhat The poem not related to together. There is a going together. The the topic and no unity on unity between lines and lines and stanzas the lines and stanzas. stanzas, which connect somewhat away from with the topic the topic. (adjective). Rhythm/Rhyme The poem uses rhythm The poem uses limited It does not have any and rhyme which makes rhythm and rhyme. noticeable rhyme and it poetic. rhythm. Grammar and Spelling There are no mistakes Writers make a less than Writers makes a lot of made up. 5 mistakes in grammar mistakes in grammar and or in spelling. is spelling that can make the poem confusing.
It Can Be Seen From The Table That Vocabulary Skills in Spelling That The Ability To Recognize Incorrect Spelling in Grade 11 and 12 With A Verbal Interpretation of High