Pulmonary Circulation
Pulmonary Circulation
Pulmonary Circulation
Blood flow to lungs
Pulmonary circulation
- entire output of right ventricle ( cardiac output)
- supplies lung with venous blood draining all tissues of body
- undergoes gas exchange with alveolar air in pulmonary capillaries
Pulmonary trunk
Pulmonary trunk arises – right ventricle
Divide into right and left branches
Enters the lung
Divides repeatedly – forming the
Bronchial circulation
-supplies tracheobronchial tree
with systemic arterial blood
- bronchial capillaries drain into
- bronchial veins
- anastomose with pulmonary
capillary / veins
Forms physiological shunt
Lymphatic circulation-
Present in walls of terminal bronchioles and in all supportive tissue
allow unidirectional flow of lymph to subclavian veins
Use –
removal of particulate matter
Plasma protein leaking from lung capillaries removed , help to
prevent pulmonary edema
Characteristic features of pulmonary
Thin walled (1/3rd than sys. circulation) and
Hence low resistance low pressure
circulation but high compliance
Thickness of rt ventricle and pulm artery is
1/3rd of lft ventricle and aorta
Pulmonary arteries – less amt of smooth
Pulmonary capillaries – larger diameter than
systemic , have multiple anastomoses
At rest 600 ml blood present in pulmonary vessels , but can
accommodate about 200- 900ml of blood. Hence called capacitance
Act as reservoir vessels
Pulm artery-
Syst- 25 mmHg
Diast- 8mmHg
Mean PAP – 15 mmHg