Syit Software Engineering Question Bank
Syit Software Engineering Question Bank
Syit Software Engineering Question Bank
1)Discuss the client server model along with advantages and
2)Write a note on UI design process
3)Define Software project management and state different project
management activities
4)Explain different types of risks
5)Write short notes on SQA & SQC.
6)Explain importance of software quality.
7)Explain various properties of architecture design process.
8)Explain various design issues associated with UI.
9)Write short note on project planning.
10)Explain Risk Management process with diagram
11)Write short note on project scheduling.
12)Explain with neat diagram UI design evaluation cycle
13)Explain various different centralised control styles.
14)Explain UI design principles.
15)Explain risk monitoring and control.
16)Explain defect amplification model with the help of neat diagram.
17)Write short note on Defect Removal Efficiency
18)State properties to be focussed in Architectural design
1)Give the inspection checklist for different types of faults
2)Define system testing. Describe any three types of system testing
3)Define test case design with example. Give the characteristics of test
4)Explain size oriented metrics along with advantages and disadvantages
5)Write a note on Project duration and staffing.
6)Explain different software cost estimation techniques
7)Explain goals of verification and validation.
8)Write short note on automated test analysis check.
9)Define Software measurement and explain various activities
Involved in Software measurement process.
10)Write short note on COCOMO Model.
11)Differentiate between verification and validation.
12)Explain inspection process with the help of neat diagram.
13)Write short note on component testing.
14) Explain function and size oriented metrics with example.
15)Explain inspection process with diagram
16)Write short note on White and Black box testing
17)Explain benefits of automation testing
18)Explain various cost estimation techniques
) 1Define process and explain process classification.
2)Write short note on CMMI framework.
3)Write short note on service engineering.
4)Explain application framework and explain its types
5)Explain issues of distributed system.
6)Write short note on Saas.
7)Define process improvement and explain its need in industry.
8)Explain SOA with its benefits and components.
9)What is application framework? Give its advantages and disadvantages
10)Explain different types of software reuse.
11)Explain advantages of distributed approach.
12)Explain service oriented architecture along with its benefits and
13)Explain different types of Software reuse.
14)Explain distributed Software Engineering and explain its various
15)Explain client server computing.
16)Write short note on COTS