Literature Review On Police Brutality
Literature Review On Police Brutality
Literature Review On Police Brutality
In the realm of academic research, crafting a literature review on a complex and sensitive topic like
police brutality requires meticulous attention to detail, exhaustive research, and critical analysis. A
literature review serves as the foundation of any scholarly investigation, providing a comprehensive
overview of existing research, theories, and findings related to the subject matter. However, the
process of conducting and synthesizing vast amounts of literature can be daunting and time-
consuming for many scholars and students alike.
One of the primary challenges of writing a literature review on police brutality lies in the sheer
volume and diversity of literature available on the topic. From academic journals and books to
government reports and media sources, navigating through the multitude of sources requires careful
selection and evaluation to ensure relevance and credibility. Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of
police brutality necessitates drawing from various fields such as sociology, criminology, law,
psychology, and political science, adding another layer of complexity to the review process.
Furthermore, analyzing and synthesizing disparate perspectives, methodologies, and findings from
the literature demands critical thinking and analytical skills. Researchers must not only identify key
themes, patterns, and gaps in the existing literature but also offer insightful interpretations and
implications for future research and policy. This requires a deep understanding of the historical,
social, and institutional contexts surrounding police brutality, as well as a nuanced appreciation of
power dynamics, systemic inequalities, and marginalized voices within the discourse.
Given the challenges inherent in writing a literature review on police brutality, many scholars and
students may find themselves overwhelmed and in need of assistance. That's where ⇒
⇔ comes in. With a team of experienced researchers and writers specializing in various academic
disciplines, ⇒ ⇔ offers professional assistance in crafting high-quality literature
reviews tailored to your specific requirements. By entrusting your literature review to our experts,
you can save time, alleviate stress, and ensure the excellence of your scholarly work.
In conclusion, writing a literature review on police brutality is a demanding task that requires
extensive research, critical analysis, and interdisciplinary insights. While it may pose challenges for
many scholars and students, seeking assistance from ⇒ ⇔ can streamline the process
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Black people were 25% of those killed despite being only 13% of the population (Daniliana 1). This
is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
Officers are also very likely to internalize powerful sub cultural norms, a main one being loyalty to
other officers. In 2013, a disturbed man, Glenn Broadnax, ran through traffic which caused a
disturbance. It made a number of recommendations for strengthening procedures, aimed at
improving public confidence in the police. Therefore, when there a small altercations among the
members of the gangs, the police normally react to such an issue with strong determination and
aggression (U.S. Department of Justice, 1998). Throughout the course, we have talked about many
topics. There is also a lack of procedure for handling excessive force complaints against officers. One
case that has caught my eye was a case of Michael Bell v. We can see fewer indictments of police
officers, but the indictment rates of civilians are almost at a hundred percent. More people of color
are dying due to officers and their dehumanization of them. Therefore, the following issues are
begging for clearer explanations: (i) what motivates an average police officer to pull a trigger on an
ordinary, innocent citizen like himself or herself. The papers are not supposed to be submitted for
academic credit. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their
writing assignments. Well these are some of the questions you can ask yourself. These are the times
when the unlawful activities start to take a rise. Now and then police put in circumstances that over
the top power is required. This study employs a mixed methodology by collecting both qualitative
and quantitative data. Concerning the design of the questionnaire, the questions the participants will
be asked are concerned about the issues leading to police brutality, the victims’ self-defense efforts
and the quest for criminal justice by the families of the victims. Their responses were expected to
contain information that would be used in measuring. So here is the structure for your research on
police brutality. The police act in degrading their suspect are serious and it could give effects to the
society. Secondary analysis was advantageous for my dissertation because I did not need to gain
training or skills to interview or survey victims on a face-to-face basis. Police brutality can be
different but the most common form of police brutality is physical abuse like usage of nerve gas,
batons, pepper spray, and guns aiming to hurt or humiliate civilians by intention. The history,
including the beginning or the first case of police brutality, the different police brutality through the
times, and present day police brutality. In April 1985 officers from 106th Precinct in Queens were
accused of torturing three suspects with an electronic stun gun to force them to confess to having
sold small quantities of marijuana. They survey was given anonymously on paper to a group of
students in the architecture department of Hampton University on March 25, 2016. Just like if a
parent wanted to discipline their kids they would have to think twice as in doing so just for the
simple fact that using a belt or leaving a mark is unjust and a form of child abuse. Brutality is not an
acceptable force; it should never be. For understanding the phenomenon of Police Brutality it is
necessary to clarify its meaning.
That’s how white people stayed unpunished liquidating blacks in inner cities. What’s more, try to be
logical and consistent with your presentation. This study investigates the modern causes of police
brutality with hope of determining the possible impact on the American communities. Fifty (50)
participants are used for the purpose of this study. The justification of his death: suspicious behavior.
Like most issues, there are two sides to every story. On the other hand, the proponent of police
brutality assert that the use the excess force is inevitable because of the nature of the job. Work on
demonstrating fruitful in building a strong. I had 5 days to complete my paper and not even a single
chance to do it by myself. Consider a hypothetical situation in which you are on a jurydeciding
whether to convict four policemen on charges of police brutality. Where, in this case King was
beaten as a result of resisting arrest, when he wasn’t. The linkage between police brutality and the
overall mentality that these individuals have as a function of approaching their daily job duties is an
essential understanding towards attempting to ameliorate the situation. First, you state “that is the
reason why.” However, it is unclear what the reason is. On the eve of the tragic events in Ferguson, a
grand jury consisting of 12 jurors fully acquitted the policeman who shot the black named Michael
Brown. This incident became known for the fact that all five policemen were fully justified.
Essentially, as the United States police force is becoming more and more militarized, as a direct
result of the fact that the Pentagon and other agencies are selling military surplus that has come back
from Iraq and Afghanistan to police departments, the expectation that these police departments will
be more aggressive and more brutal and unrelenting on their “fight against crime” has come to be
expected. Retrieved April 01, 2016, from Watson, J. (2015, May 5). Black Crime Facts That The
White Liberal Media Daren’t Talk About. Mastrofski, S.D. (1999). Policing for people, ideas in
American policing. His father then brought the case up to a Supreme Court staying that the shooting
was not called for. Whereas the reader may take offense at such a remark, it must be appreciated and
understood that reliable studies using reasonable metrics to infer the overall levels of police brutality
and violence at necessarily been dependent upon proper reporting of such incidences. The fatal
shooting of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri showed the seriousness
of police brutality in the US. Be that as it may, on the grounds that a few officers utilize these
extraordinary measures in circumstances when it isn't, police fierceness ought to be tended to.
Patterns of Injustice: Police Brutality in the Courts. 47 Buff. L. Rev. 1275. Oftentimes, analysis of
police brutality is conducted from something of a neutral standpoint which seeks to understand the
actions perpetrated by police as compared to the actions that were perpetrated by the individual that
experienced police brutality. But we typically have those who do not want to follow the rules and. It
is unclear what is “the exceeding police authority.” How else can you describe this idea, perhaps
using a different adjective form of the verb “exceeding?”. In the case of Tamir Rice. “Officers
Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback responded to a call about a black male sitting on a swing
and pointing a gun at people in a city park. He complied with the orders of the officers and
deliberately beaten and kicked just because of the color of his skin. Still this controversy of judicial
background of the police brutality cases doesn’t mean that everybody is in danger, as there are
several categories of people who can be at risk to be abused by police.
Fyfe, (1993). Above the Law:Police and the Excessive Use of Force at 19. There were calls for an
inquiry into police brutality in the mid 1980s, following a series of highly publicized cases in which
black people died or were ill-treated in custody. However, recent studies on the theme of police
brutality pinpoint that there are some disturbing factors why police in American communities go on
killing spree. In both cases officers were acquitted of criminal wrongdoing after trials, although some
officer’s tactics were later criticized by internal inquiries. This process is therefore biased because the
jury only hears the prosecutor’s side of the story. Finally, if there are some contradictions in analysis
of any case when police is included, videotaping will be helpful in figuring out the details of the
case. People ought to realize that peace and order, isn’t the sole responsibility of police authorities.
Obviously it is important to remember that both authorities and police would hide any evidences and
try to close the case without any public interruption. Officers do this to reassure themselves that their
power is awesome and nearly completely unchecked (Scott 13). You start with some background
information, add historical view and definitions if needed. The problem is that those people who are
from the lower, poorer social classes usually get such an afflicting treatment (Pradesh 719).
Community Policing in action: lessons from an observational study. More people of color are dying
due to officers and their dehumanization of them. Further, the article indicates that even though it is
possible that innate levels of racism within individual police departments as slowly dropped over the
past several years, the increased militarization of the police is something that has essentially
transformed the way in which they perform their jobs. They don’t want to subject their families to
all the scrutiny, news reporters and people in the community who don’t agree with them. First of all,
it is important to define the cases that can be called police brutality, as any legal measures can be
formed based only on a certain definition of violation of a law it is supposed to prevent. Scholars can
use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. On
September 18th, 2009 Starr Brown, eight months pregnant at the time, was assaulted and thrown
down to the ground by officer Andrew Galletti after an argument. People are choosing to remain
unbeknownst to the problem itself, rather than find the time to ask the questions no one is choosing
to ask. The prevalence of these cases on police brutality simply depict the need to address the
problem not only at the institutional level but must be comprehensively rectified by in-depth
investigation; of brutality cases demystification, and strict enforcement of the administrative laws to
hasten the professionalization of police forces. This essay will explicate Police Brutality in United
States and delve into records of frequency, severity and ramification of Police Brutality exacted
against civilians. Being a 400- pound asthmatic man, Eric Garner repeatedly cried to officers that he
could not breathe. Since 1992, there has been an increase in police brutality; almost normalizing the
silencing of Black communities’ rights. Where Justice White wrote more on the majority side to say
this, “The use of deadly force against a subject is the most intrusive type of seizure possible, because
it deprives the suspect of his life. Those who are involved in police brutality tactics are characterized
with such nastiness as they were trained to view the public, the people whom they ought to secure,
as their enemy. One can obviously see the same patterns of abuse perpetuated that, the Freddie Gray,
the Alton Sterling, the Sandra Bland, the Eric Garner, and the Tamir Rice incidents proved. Injustice,
violence, hate, anger, rage, racism, unlawful, innocence, murder, and color are a just a few things that
invokes police brutality and the terror that takes place within this world. Start the new statement only
after you’ve finished the previous one. Young boys and girls regardless of their race should not have
to feel the pressures of becoming a victim based on the “suspicions,” they cause. Instead of using the
pronoun “that,” state the specific reason why police authority must be explored.
Officer Mehserle claimed Mr.Grant was reaching for his taser and his gun was his only protection. In
order to keep the police brutality cases far from public observance, in 1994 the U.S. Congress passed
the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Law which was suppose to take violent crimes
under restricted control (150). Those who are involved in police brutality tactics are characterized
with such nastiness as they were trained to view the public, the people whom they ought to secure,
as their enemy. An unreasonable seizure would insure “deadly force” simply by stating that deadly
force may never be used to make the arrest of or to prevent the escape of a person, whom has
committed a misdemeanor, and cannot be used on mere suspicion and never be used by officers to
arrest or prevent the escape of person who has committed a nonviolent felony. These are the times
when the unlawful activities start to take a rise. In another study by Watson (2015), facts are
presented to argue that because black people “commit more violent crimes than whites per capita”
they are more likely to be victims of “violent confrontations with the police.” In a research survey
conducted primarily, students of different races were asked about their experiences with police
officers. With how the courts are now changing how force can and cannot be used and which force
is necessary you cannot pinpoint at which it is too much. Amnesty International is concerned that,
while the incidence of corruption has reportedly fallen in the past two years, allegations of police
brutality have continued to rise. His father then brought the case up to a Supreme Court staying that
the shooting was not called for. Oftentimes, analysis of police brutality is conducted from something
of a neutral standpoint which seeks to understand the actions perpetrated by police as compared to
the actions that were perpetrated by the individual that experienced police brutality. This service is
exclusively for assistance purposes. Has someone with a background in both Anthropology and
History I did like having this source material, but it was not presented well and I felt that it was
incomplete. They included the cases of Michael Stewart, a young African American who died in
September 1983 13 days after being taken to hospital hogtied, bruised and in a coma following his
arrest by 11 officers from the New York City Transit Police Department for spraying graffiti in a
Manhattan subway, and Eleanor Bumpers, a elderly, mentally disturbed woman shot dead in October
1984 by armed police who broke into her Bronx apartment to evict her after she had. Name and
make them out due to your teacher’s requirements. He was also drinking and driving and did not
want to violate his parole. They are protected by the Blue-Wall-of Silence, other corrupt officers, and
people in charge, and this often times prevents officers to do right by the many Blacks who are
assaulted (Doherty 1282). You start with some background information, add historical view and
definitions if needed. An unmarked police car pulled up and before the young man could even get
his son off the ground from falling off a bike, he was pointed out and thrown to the ground.
Secondly, the obligatory usage of body cameras requires special addition positions in police
departments for people who will actually watch these videos as if the videos are used only in
contradictory cases to check who is wrong and who is right, then a lot of their functions are lost.
King in March 1991 led to global blacks’ statements against racism and police brutality. The
misconduct and brutality has resulted in the death or serious injury of many. Even when black men
are handcuffed or subdued, they still are considered a threat. Overall this book just could have been
done better. The topic sentence (first sentence of the paragraph) should connect to the thesis
statement and give the main point of the supporting paragraph. Don’t forget to structure it too, it
needs to be divided into paragraphs. Use the literature you developed for references to prepare an
analysis of the topic, and identify required changes, revocation, or additions to the issue, problem, or
policy you selected for study. One more case that stirred up the American public occurred in 2012
when 8 policemen fired a total of 46 bullets on mentally ill African-Americans, motivating their
actions by threat. Thus, it means that the state doesn’t carry out enough the responsibility for its
citizens. The organization instructs nationals about the law trying to help them. The persistent
imposition of the “danger of a terrorist threat” theme in recent years has served as an excellent
justification for strengthening the authority and strength of the police.
There are many forms of police brutality such as, false arrest, verbal abuse, psychological
intimidation, sexual abuse, racial profiling, political repression and improper use of pepper spray.
This can cause a lot of mental problems and human factor can once play its role. The remit of The
New York State Commission on Criminal Justice and The Use of Force (also known as the Curran
Commission, after its chair Paul Curran) was to investigate the use of force by police departments
throughout the state and to examine, among other things, whether racial minorities were more likely
to be victims of excessive or deadly force than other groups. Although the piece does focused mainly
upon the process of the militarization of police, the tangential understanding that can be gained is the
fact that this militarization has caused a psychological shift in the way that at least engage with
crime. Levitz, J. (2014, August 14). Towns Say No Tanks to Militarized Police. However, empirical
evidences showed otherwise as emerging abuses and Police Brutality are mounted by civilian
communities. King was beaten by police badly and such incident was captured by media workers
who magnified it to public eyes, and subsequently caused dissension amongst black
community—people who have viewed the incident as glaring proof of racial prejudice and
discrimination (Cannon, 1999). This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your
own, that is cheating. Also you. Were it not for the brutal force that met the protest by the Seattle
police initially, the organizers of the protest after the world trade organization (WTO) conference had
planned for a peaceful demonstration insisting that no violence was to be used, (Reitan 89). Police
Brutality James Regas December 15, 1996 Outline Thesis: But, because some officers use these
extreme measures when it is not needed, police brutality should be addressed. Organizations that are
trying to stop police brutality include: The National Police Accountability Project, Communities
United Against Police Brutality, Mothers Against Police Brutality, and more. Start the new statement
only after you’ve finished the previous one. People look at you like ' what is she doing with that.
When a new employee reports for duty he should be welcomed as. A thesis statement is the main
idea of your research work accommodated into one sentence. Five police posts and 100 police
officers will be used in the survey. Many may wonder and speculate but no will every truly
understand the negative attitudes these police officers have developed. Since 1992, there has been an
increase in police brutality; almost normalizing the silencing of Black communities’ rights. We as the
public demand to recognize that there are ever two sides to any narrative. This study will employ a
mixed methodology through the use of an inductive and deductive framework to investigate the
phenomenon of police brutality against ordinary American citizens (Kothari, 2008). For this reason,
the overall level of academic rigor and cross examination that this piece has undergone exceeds many
of the others that will be utilized within the research and will essentially add to the merit of the
argument in question. Police fierceness (i.e., utilization of exorbitant physical power) comprises an
extra?legal component. It is worth noting that according to the American legislation, this behavior of
policemen is completely justified. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with
the best. The lack of accountability forced onto Mehserle by the court system reveals the
normalization of police brutality and undue force when dealing with black people.The trend of police
brutality has greatly increased since the four officers, who beat unarmed Rodney King during a
traffic stop, were acquitted by the Simi Valley Superior Court (Badertscher 4). We can see fewer
indictments of police officers, but the indictment rates of civilians are almost at a hundred percent.
An unmarked police car pulled up and before the young man could even get his son off the ground
from falling off a bike, he was pointed out and thrown to the ground. BWC’s have been publicly
embraced by a number of resident advocacy and human rights groups (White 7). Chicago, the police
have framed an organization together with individuals from the Latino people. The police are people
just like us with human emotion, human aggression, and human fear, and often we put those in power
that is incapable of putting someone else’s self-worth on top of their own.
Hi, Aaron. My name is Lauren, and I will be your online tutor for this session. There are many
factors to consider when evaluating the reasons for police misconduct. The lack of accountability
forced onto Mehserle by the court system reveals the normalization of police brutality and undue
force when dealing with black people.The trend of police brutality has greatly increased since the
four officers, who beat unarmed Rodney King during a traffic stop, were acquitted by the Simi
Valley Superior Court (Badertscher 4). She is a white female police officer from Tulsa, Oklahoma.
However, empirical evidences showed otherwise as emerging abuses and police brutality are
mounted by civilian communities. But the following question that arises is how we can prove the fact
of violation by policeman if all the evidences are hidden by police and local courts ignore them. In
the United States, there are a number of incidences where police brutality has been reported. Many
don’t feel that it is important enough to go through all of the back and forth to get nothing done.
Meanwhile, stakeholders of peace and justice should maintain their vigilance to uphold human rights
at all times and to act with moral uprightness. Democracy thrives on the people’s choice; brutality
cannot define our laws and its enforcement. Five police posts and 100 police officers will be used in
the survey. In the case of Tamir Rice. “Officers Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback responded
to a call about a black male sitting on a swing and pointing a gun at people in a city park. Most of the
time police officers are trying to enforce the laws of the land. They just want to show that they have
the authority to do whatever they want when they want and how they want. Some ethical issues are
considered in the course of collecting the data for this study: they are outlined as follows. Men and
women who are either Black or Latino are much more likely to be assaulted or killed by officers
(Alang 1127). Question 6: Did other law enforcement agents around to stop the attack? LAWSON,
Law Review, 25(2), 218-243. This survey also shows that six of those people have experienced it five
or more times, and three of those people have experienced it on the campus of Hampton University.
When we were reading March Book Three and learning about the mistreatment of minorities. Many
cases are handled this way while others are able to escape punishment, hide behind their units and
get away with some very heinous crimes. They are trained to appear as a living blue wall ( Scott 12).
The problem of discrimination by race, nationality, and financial status made the abused people start
looking for the instances that would have enough influence to protect them on legal level. This
incident became known for the fact that all five policemen were fully justified. During the seventies
of the last century, widespread bribery in the police covered the facts of drug trafficking and illegal
gambling. Archie was taken to the police station, where by that time about one hundred police
officers had been waiting for him. A. Archie was beaten to death. They survey was given
anonymously on paper to a group of students in the architecture department of Hampton University
on March 25, 2016. The problem is that those people who are from the lower, poorer social classes
usually get such an afflicting treatment (Pradesh 719). Well, it depends on the demographic of the
community. Deaths in custody and police shootings also rose substantially between 1993 and 1994
(the last year for which figures were available).
List ONE specific area the tutor should address in this paper: Revising sentences for clarity and
logic. Were it not for the brutal force that met the protest by the Seattle police initially, the organizers
of the protest after the world trade organization (WTO) conference had planned for a peaceful
demonstration insisting that no violence was to be used, (Reitan 89). Training should utilize ways to
deal with the effects of weapons used by police, including proper medical assistance. When
considering best practices inside police and community organizations, it is essential. People ought to
realize that peace and order, isn’t the sole responsibility of police authorities. Crime is a problem that
preoccupies the news and the public. Even though there are few reports of police organizations
working towards the end of police brutality, there are organizations who do put effort into protecting
people from these violent interactions. However, there are cases of police corruption and brutality in
the United States. On the eve of the tragic events in Ferguson, a grand jury consisting of 12 jurors
fully acquitted the policeman who shot the black named Michael Brown. The ethical dilemma that
faces lack of accountability of police in America is. The mentality that racism is dead is fallacious,
and racism is a wide concept that has. We are now adding one billion people to the planet every 12
years. Out of a survey of thirty-five black people, a survey was conducted to find out how many of
them felt that they had been a victim of police brutality, and if they felt it was because of their race.
It is likewise the role of the civilian community to maintain community peace, although they must
also reassert their constitutional rights in case they become object of police brutality and other relate
or form of human rights violations. From the analysis of the secondary resources in this study, I
discovered some points that have been used in designing the questionnaire for providing the
quantitative primary data. Through a series of research on databases, credible news articles, and case
studies, this literature review will attempt to find the answers to these questions. This question is yet
to be answered comprehensively: one sure fact is that the police may have acted based on other
factors rather than self-defense. The paper is excellent and written according to all of my
instructions. In, “Police Brutality- Opposing viewpoint: it states that community policing turns
participating civilians and institutions into paramilitary forces that are used to oppress the very people
who most need protection.” This just confirms how those who participate in community policing can
often be turned on by the police and the fellow community for their efforts in keeping the
community safe. Kimper, J. (2014). WHY MILITARIZED POLICE DEPARTMENTS DONT
problems and human factor can once play its role. Injustice, violence, hate, anger, rage, racism,
unlawful, innocence, murder, and color are a just a few things that invokes police brutality and the
terror that takes place within this world. Police brutality is a huge issue with blacks because of
racism. After he recovered, King appealed for peace on television and the Department of Justice of
United States revived the investigation. Some ethical issues are considered in the course of collecting
the data for this study: they are outlined as follows. Loading interface. About the author Jill Nelson
21 books 21 followers Jill Nelson was born and raised in Harlem and has been a working journalist
for over twenty years. This incident became known for the fact that all five policemen were fully
justified. Roberts (2011) attributed this inhuman way of managing suspects, civilians and victims to
militarist treatment as abuse of power. Question 3: Did people around this scene of physical battering
do anything to help. The court’s acquittal in 1992 provoked mass riots, during which 54 people were
killed, 2,383 people were injured and 13,212 people were arrested.