History of Insurance in Ethiopia
History of Insurance in Ethiopia
History of Insurance in Ethiopia
Modern Insurance Service in Ethiopia started in 1905. Before the commencement of Modern
Insurance Service in the country, there have been traditional practices by which people help each
other whenever they face either financial difficulties or needs assistance. “Edir” and “Ekub” are
Examples of such traditional practices and have some similarities with Modern Insurance.
In the case of “Edir” people form an association where by each member contributes a fixed
sum, normally monthly, to a common fund from which predetermined compensations are paid to
members upon occurrence of unforeseen events such as death of family members or relatives.
The compensation is meant to cover expenses that a member would incur as the result of the
incident. The “Edir” also owns physical assets like tents, household goods like plate and
drinking cups, chairs and the like used mainly during the periods of mourning.
The other insurance type of association is “Ekub”. “Ekub” members contribute a fixed sum of
money weekly, fortnightly, or monthly to a pool of fund and lots are cast where upon the winner
receives the money so collected and uses it for a project if he or she has owned or sell it to
another member at a premium. If something happens to a member, who had already taken the
money that would not enable him to continue contributing to the fund, his guarantor will have to
be held responsible.
Insurance, being one of commercial activity, its historical growth is associated with what a
human being now reached in the fields of Science, Technology, Law, Economy, Culture and
- The initial phase started in 1905 when insurance business used to be transacted by an
Egyptian Bank which Served as agent of Foreign Insurance Company. The Covers given
by the Bank were Fire and Marine Risks.
The late 1930, that is during the five year Italian occupation, signifies the existence of a
number of Insurance Companies in the country. At that time only in Italian Insurance
Companies had been operating and other Non-Italian Companies were closed.
After liberation of Ethiopia from Italy in 1941, Seven Insurance Companies, most of them
British, were established. These were Phoenix, Caledonia, Royal, South British, London, Union
and Queensland.
The first motor insurance policy was issued in 1947 by the South British and all classes of
insurance cover, except life, were available by 1950.
Until the beginning of the 1950s, there was no locally incorporated insurance company in
In 1951, the first domestic insurance company, named Imperial, was formed.
In 1954 a study was conducted by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry to assess the existed
situations of the Insurance Industry in the country. The study noted, that there were 19 insurance
companies in the market out of which Imperial were the only local company. And, others
companies had been operating in the market as an agent of Foreign Companies.
In 1959 of the total number of vehicles in the country and the value of goods imported from
abroad only 50% and 14% were covered, respectively. During the same period 9 Insurance
companies were registered to give Life Insurance and total number of policy sold were 541.
A second study conducted by Ministry of Commerce and Industry in 1960 indicated that the
number of insurance companies reached to 33 and still Imperial Insurance company was the only
domestic companies.
Until 1960, there had not been any insurance law. But in 1960, two bodies of law were enacted
one of them was the Maritime Code of Ethiopia. In Title VII. Chapter 1-4, Articles 288-356,
marine insurance has been properly dealt with. The other was the Commercial Code of Ethiopia.
This law contained provision on the relevant points of insurance as a commercial activity,
especially for property, liability and the insurance of person. Title III, chapters 1-4, Articles 654
– 712 of the commercial code mainly the manner under which insurance contracts are entered
into the rights and duties of contracting parties.
A preliminary study was conducted by the Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce in 1967 to
investigate complains arose by unfair trade practice among insurance company. The study shows
that there were 30 Foreign and 10 Local companies in the market. And it also pointed out two
major problems.
These were nonexistence of compulsory third party motor insurance law and detailed Insurance
law that regulated and control the activities of Insurance.
On the basis of the provisions of Article 656 of the commercial code, proclamation No.281/1970,
known as the Insurance proclamation (dealing specifically with insurance business), was issued
at October 8, 1970 to regulate the market.
Therefore, it should be noted that the Commercial and Maritime Code of 1960 served as the only
law that governed the insurance business in Ethiopia up to 1970.
When the first insurance proclamation came into existence there were already 21 companies in
the market.
The Proclamation Limited Insurance to Ethiopian nationals and banned foreign companies to
operate in the country either directly or through agent.
The minimum requirements like the ownership and capital structure, records to be kept and
returns required by the controller of insurance were all stated in the proclamation.
This proclamation assigned the task of controlling insurance activities to the Ministry of
Commerce and Industry.
Based on the provisions of the proclamation an Insurance Council was formed chaired by the
above ministry that included various government offices as a member. The main duties of the
council were formulating policies that encourage and control the activities of insurance,
Reinsurance, Investment and formation of new strong insurance companies in the market.
- Following the 1991 change in Political and Economic Environment in the country, by 1992
the Provisional Government of Ethiopia enacted a new investment proclamation No. 15/1992
to encourage investment in the country.
Among the provisions of this proclamation chapter two Article (4) Sub Article (1) (e), stipulates
that Insurance, Banking and large scale financial institutions are areas reserved for the
Government to invest. However, Sub-Article (3) further states “the conditions under which
investment in banking and insurance business may be open to private domestic investors shall be
studied and decided by the Government”.
In 1994 the Licensing and Supervision of insurance business proclamation No. 86/1994 and the
Re-establishment of Ethiopia Insurance Corporation by council of ministers Regulation No.
201/1994 came into force.
The Licensing and Supervision proclamation allowed Domestic Private Insurance Companies to
flourish in the market.
This proclamation also vested the authority to control, licensing and formulating policies
regarding the insurance business to the National Bank of Ethiopia.
As of 19 September 1994 the Ethiopian Insurance Corporation was Re-established with a paid up
capital of 61 million Ethiopian Birr by council of Ministers Regulation No. 201/1994 with the
following objectives.
To engage in the business of rendering insurance services and
To engage in any other related activities conductive to the attainment of its purpose.
Currently, operating Insurance companies in Ethiopia are:Ethiopian insurance corporation,
United Insurance Company, African Insurance Company, National Insurance Company, Awash
Insurance Company, Nile Insurance Company, Global Insurance Company, Nyala Insurance
Company, Nib Insurance Company, Oromia Insurance Company, Abay Insurance Company,
Lucy Insurance Company, Tsehay Insurance Company, Birhan Insurance Company, Lion
Insurance Company, Ethio-Life Insurance Company, and Nice Insurance Company
86/1994 govern the terms and conditions for undertaking insurance business. As in the case
of banking, the Proclamation empowers the National Bank of Ethiopia (the Supervisory
Authority) to issue various Directives necessary to ensure the safe and sound operation of
insurance companies.