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Proposal Admass University

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Prepared BY






Sublimated to Advisor; Mr. Zeray Hagos









Department Head. Signature

________________________ ________________________

Advisor Signature

________________________ ________________________

Internal Examiner Signature

________________________ ________________________

External Examiner Signature

_____________________ ________________________


The purpose of this study is to asses practice in the case of Romel Electrical Trading and single
out the core challenges, problems

Inventory management is a challenging problem are in supply chain management .companions

need to have inventories warehouse in order to fulfill customer demand ,meanwhile this
inventories have holding costs and this is frozen fund that can be lost .Therefore , the task of
inventory management is to find the quantity of inventories that will fulfill the demand ,avoiding
overstock .the proposal will present a case study Romel electrical Trading on inventory
management .the relationship between the inventory management and company performance
were determined based on inventory days and return on asset (ROA) .

While performing this research paper both primary and secondary data were used. The
primary data were collected through mixed type (i.e. both close and open ended) questionnaires
and unstructured interviews and the secondary data were collected from other relevant material,
including former research papers done, proclamations, manuals and guidelines, declarations and
policies, books, encyclopedia, and the internet as well.


For all the thing he has accomplished and his endless support for us, we at the beginning of our
wisdom do like to the thank without any reservation.First and foremost, we would like to thanks
to almighty God for helping us. We would like to expresses Advisor Mr Zeray Hagose. So

We would like thanks for his constructive comments.

Table of Contents

..............................,......................... ...........,......................,.......................,.1.0 BACK GROUND

........................................................................................................................1.1 PROBLEM
STATEMENT .......................................................................................................... 1.2
OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................. 1.2.1 Main
objective ....................................................................................................................... 1.2.2 Specific
objectives ................................................................................................................1.3 PURPOSE OF THE
STUDY ....................................................................................................... 1.4 RESEARCH
QUESTIONS .........................................................................................................1.5 SCOPE OF THE
STUDY ............................................................................................................ 1.6 SIGNIFICANCE OF
THE STUDY ............................................................................................2.0 BRIEF
LITERATURE ................................................................................................................2.1 Definition of
inventory ............................................................................................................. 2.3 Motives of holding
inventory ................................................................................................... 2.4 Inventory
costs .........................................................................................................................3.0
METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................3.1 Study
area ................................................................................................................................. 3.2 Research design
........................................................................................................................ 3.3 Sampling
procedure .................................................................................................................3.4 Data
sources .............................................................................................................................3.5 Data
analysis ............................................................................................................................3.6 Design methods
........................................................................................................................ 4.0 PROJECT TASK
SCHEDULE ................................................................................................... 5.0 Resource
budget ........................................................................................................................... 6.0 CONCLUSION
AND RECOMENGATIONS ............................................................................ 7.0
References ....................................................................................................................................


The project will be carried out of Romel Electrical Trading which is located at Addis Ababa around urael
inferont of s.t urael church. Romel Electrical Trading is mattress foaming company having many
competitors in the same industry like Royal Electrical Trading, Dama Trading, Electric world etc. The
foaming industry in Ethiopia is composed of customers and companies that are price sensitive were a
slight increase in price can result into a big negative effect on sales obtained, there for, Romel Electrical
Trading competes with others using a cost effective strategy. Romel Electrical Trading uses series of
inventories including; raw materials (copper), polyethylene material, in processed materials like (copper ),
as mattress covers, finished mattress ready for dispatch, MRO inventory etc. At Romel Electrical Trading,
materials/inventory forms the biggest and most significant asset to the company, meaning that a lot of
capital is tied there. However, from the analysis of the Romel audited books of accounts for the business
years2018, 2019 and 2020, it was realized that the company is operating under highly increasing direct
production inventory cost, on average 74.5% of the total production cost and that a lot of money value
was/is lost inform of capital tied in inventory. This has resulted into a drastic decrease in the profit margin
by 10%.
Drastic increase in the production cost was due to rapid increase in the direct inventory cost, it has greatly
become a concern, and it has caused questions like why, what and how the problem be solved so as to
increase the profits of company with decrease in the direct production material cost.

The prevailing situation has brought a need for the design of an effective inventory management system
which can plan and control the direct production material/inventory.


Organization wish to achieve specific goals & objectives,goals will not achieved as expected
because they have to be achieved in an environment of risk and part of dealing with risk
exposure and organization inventory practice through the system of Internal control over
inventory. Internal control over inventory is essential to all organizations engaged in
import,store.,order to achieve their intended objective and to ensure the .In order to ensure such
objective,an organization should have good inventory controlling system,written
policies,rules,regulation,procedures,and principles that help the organization easily manage the
inventory and protect it from inventory control problems such as
overstocking,expiring,loss,theft,embezzlement & fraud which will lead the enterprise in to
bankruptcy.Generaly inefficient use of internal control over inventory adversely affect the
efficiency & effectiveness of activities for the organization.such kinds of problems results in
making the company compltely lost its assets & become out of the market & stopped its
function.The purpose of this study is to assesses the internal controlling system over inventory in
the case of Romel Electrical Trading Private Limited Company.
Romel Electrical Trading is operating under rapidly increasing direct production inventory cost of 74.5%
(average for the business year 2018, 2019 and 2020) of the total production cost, the company is hit by
rising inventory holding costs, spoilage, direct storage costs, obsolescence, pilferage and cost of losing
the use of funds tied up in inventory. This is greatly affecting the profits attained by the company.


2.1General objective
To asses an inventory management system for Romel Electrical Trading.

1.2.2 Specific objectives

To determine the economic order quantity, safety stock and reorder levels for each function group?

To evaluate the inventory and stock control handing tools of the company.

To examine the contributions of inventory management practices of the company.

To assess inventory controlling practices of the company.
To evaluate the existing warehouse policy and procedure that guides


To update and to asses an effective inventory management system for Rommel Electrical Trading which
will reduce the inventory cost to the optimum level
What are different production inventories used at Rommel Electrical Trading and their functional group?

What is the economic order quantity, safety stock and reorder levels for each inventory functional group?
How best can the store layout and codification system be made?


Content scope
The study will be based on the inventories used in the production of mattresses at Romel Electrical
Trading, the researchers will limit themself only on the direct production input
materials/ inventory to the production of mattress.

As it is previously mentioned, the aim of this research is to make the assessment on inventory related p
r o bl e m s. So, the scope of this research stud y were delimited to the assessment of inventory
management and stock control practices, that is inventory management is a systematic approach to
plan, acquire, store, move and control materials in such a way so as to maintain an event flow of
operation, at the same time avoiding excessive investment in inventories in order to optimize all
company resources and provide services consistent with company policy. Inventor y is the operating item
and it has a relation with all parts of the organization. In this case, b y making the initial and destination
point on the inventory or warehouse section, this research was o n l y confined to Finance,
Administration, Logistic and Purchasing, Operation department, and store user of the

Geographic Scope

There are 4 B r a n c h R o m e l E l e c t r i c a l T r a d i n g i n A d d i s A b a b a R e g i o n s . Due

t o time and resource limitation, the study was delimited to the 4 Addis Ababa Regions located in
the city of Addis; namely Urael branch,Atlas Branch,Megenagna Branch and Piyassa Branch .As the
mainstream of Romel Warehouse, it was included for the study. Furthermore Romel Warehouse is a
centralized store and gives a nation wise service, so there are varieties of electrical materials including
lighting fixtures and as a result a huge amount of materials flow in the store.


The inventory management system will provide an intelligent planning and control over direct production
inventory. This will have the following significance?

It will control the levels of stock and the investment in direct production materials, this will reduce the
company¡¯s money/capital invested and tied in inventory, thus giving high

Options and opportunities for the company to utilize the capital in other profit making businesses?
It will also reduce the loss and cost incurred by the company inform of obsolescent materials (chemicals)?
The project will reduce the storage cost?
The project will also help the researchers to complete his program since the project is one of the
requirements for the partial fulfillment for the degree in bachelor of Accounting and Finance


2.1 Definition of inventory
Pandey (2006) defines the term inventory as products a company manufacture for sale and components
that make up finished product that are kept in stock. According to Render (2005) and star, inventory is
any resourced used to satisfy a current or future need.
2.2 Types of inventory
Inventory differs according to organization, but they generally categorized according to the following;
1. Raw material inventory: materials waiting for dis parchment to the production system for conversion
into finished products.
2. in process inventory: this is work in process e.g. partially produced/worked on product awaiting for
further processing to completion.
3. Finished product inventory: this is finished products awaiting for dis parchment to the final
4. MRO (Maintenance, Reposeful in the maintenance, repair and operations of systems e.g. spare parts,

Continuous Receive System /Fixed Quantity System

Perpetual System: a record is kept of each transaction & the stock balance is
compare to the order point. The order quantity is fixed; the time between orders
will vary depending on the random nature & demand.

Two Bin System: The inventory is physically separated in to the order point
quantity (a special container or designated by a line on the storage bin or drum
and the remaining units. The latter all consumed first and an order is placed on
their conspire.

Periodic Review System

This involves determining the amount of an item in stock at a specified fixed time
interval and placing an order for a quantity that, when added to the quantity on
hand will equal to predetermined maximum law. The time period between rows of
the quantity on hand is fixed. The maximum inventory level is the sum of the
anticipated demand during lead time, the anticipated demand during the
replenishment period (review period) and the safety stock.

Elements of Inventory Management

Various elements of an inventory control model are discussed by Saxena,

(2004). According to him inventory management control systems have different
elements. Among these, the following are considered as basic elements:

Minimum Level: This is the level below which the inventory level is not
allowed to fall. In case, for any reason, the stock goes below the minimum level,
the matter is reported immediately and action is taken to ensure that the material
is received at the earliest with extra effort. In fact, reaching minimum level is an
indication of the danger of a likely stock- out situation. It is essential to keep an
eye on all the items, which have reached the necessary for these items.

Maximum Level: This is a control point to avoid any extra stock. Attempt is
made to avoid excessive purchasing that may result in crossing the maximum
level, and to ensure that the money is not blocked unnecessarily. Crossing of
maximum level reflects inadequate inventory control and should not be allowed
without proper analysis of overall benefits. Failure to control the maximum level
may result in non-moving or slow-moving items and obsolescence. Inventory
turnover would be adversely affected if maximum level is not controlled.

Safety Stock: This is a level, decided by keeping in view the degree of safety
planned against being out of stock. A very high degree of safety would need a
high level of inventory; where as a low degree of safety would require low
inventory stock. If the risk of

being out-of stock is acceptable, there is no need of having safety stock. As the extent of
Safety planned increases; a higher level of inventory is to be maintained. For a
high level of safety a very large quantity is to be stocked, which is into desirable.
According to the desired safety level, the inventory level, which is termed as
'Safety Stock' can be decided. Normally most organizations maintain safety stock
equal to the minimum stock level.

Lead Time: The time from the point a requisition for material is raised by the
user or the inventory control section has raised a purchase requisition after
review of stock level and a future requirement, to the point when material is
received, inspected, and is ready for use is known as the lead time.

Re-order Point Level: This is the level of inventory that triggers a purchase
order. Usually the reorder point is equal to the amount would be used ruing the
lead time period.

Material Requirement Planning (MRP): In order to avoid the conflicting

objectives of Inventory management, which is concerned in minimizing inventory
costs while providing adequate dependent demand inventory, inventory manager
must balance the costs of having dependent demand inventory with the cost of
doing without this type of inventory. MRP is a computer based management
information system, which is used for determine the quantity and timing for the
acquisition of dependent demand items needed to satisfy master schedule

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ): If one has to make decisions about managing
an inventory, it is useful to understand the behavior of the inventor-related cost
factors just discussed. These factors often help a manger determine which items
should or should not be carried in inventory, what inventory levels should be
carried for specific item, what order quantities are appropriate for given items.
Among the factors that often enter this decision process is a concept known as
EOQ the notion of an economic order quantity. As its name suggests, this concept
holds that the appropriate quantity to order may be the one that tends to
minimize all the costs associated with the order-carrying costs, acquisition costs,
and the cost of the material itself.

2.3 Motives of holding inventory

Organizations hold inventory for several motives. These include?
Transaction motive; to achieve continuous profit making since it emphasizes the need to hold the
inventory to facilitate smooth production and sales?
Precautionary motive, which necessitates holding of the inventory to guard against the risk of
unpredictable changes in demand and supply forces and other factors (Render and Star, 2005)?
Speculative motive, keeping inventory with the fear of increase in price if price inflation is being
experienced by your supplier and in the entire market.

2.4 Inventory costs

Ordering costs
These are the entire cost of acquiring materials/ raw materials. They include cost in cured in the following
activities: Requisition, purchasing ordering, transporting, receiving, inspecting and sorting. Ordering cost
increase in proportion to the number of orders, thus the more frequently inventory is acquired, the higher
the company¡¯s ordering costs. On the other hand, if the firm maintains large inventory levels, there will
be four orders placed and ordering cost will be relatively small. Thus ordering cost decreases with
increasing size of inventory (Pandey, 2006)Carrying cost Costs incurred for maintaining a given level of
inventory are called carrying costs. They include storage, insurance, taxes, and alteration and also license.
The storage costs comprise of cost of storage space (warehousing costs), stores handling and clerical and
staff service cost incurred in the recording and providing special facilities such as fencing, line tracks etc.
carrying costs vary with inventory size.
This behave is contrary to that of ordering costs which declines with increase in inventory size (paddy,
Stock out cost
These include loss of future sales because customer go elsewhere, lost contribution through a lost sale,
cost of production stoppages and extra cost associated with urgent small quantity replenishment order
(Lucey, 2002)
The methodology high light the methods that will be used when carrying the project, it will show the
study area, research design, sampling procedures, data sources, collection methods and analysis methods.
It will further show inventory control models, methods, replenishment methods and store management
system that will be used.

3.1 Study area

The project will be carried out at Romel Electrical Trading; it’s mainly centered on designing an
inventory management system for direct production inventory/ materials for the company.

3.2 Research design

The research
This research was Explanatory type.the project will involve collection of data and information to
facilitate the design, this will be done through direct visual observation (where phenomenon will be
observed from factory), face to face interview and desk research. Obtained data will be analyzed.

3.3 Sampling procedure

Using convenient (professional mix) and purposive sampling.
The target population of the study which directly related to the issues
Only employees from the production, procurement, finance, sales and marketing will be contacted, and
only two resourceful people from each department will be interviewed.

3.4 Data sources

Both primary and secondary sources will used; primary data will be generated by research himself using
methods like direct observation and face to face interviews.
Secondary data source which will be used will include; inventory procurement, store, production and
sales records.

3.5 Data analysis

The collected data will be analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using graphs and tables in Microsoft
Excel. Basing on the analyses that will be obtained, the system will be designed.

3.6 Design methods

Inventory planning tools like ABC analysis, Pareto analysis, VED analysis and alphabetical codification
will be used during the planning process. Under Inventory control, continuous or fixed order quantity
methods will be used; economic order quantity, safety and reorder levels will be determined to facilitate
proper control of inventory.



1 RESEARCH MORE 4 20/6/21 11/7/21
2 DESIGN 1 30/6/21 5/7/21
3 COLLECT 4 20/6/21 11/7/21
4 COLLECT 2 6/7/21 11/7/21
5 OBTAINED DATA 1/7/21 30/7/21
6 DATA ANALYSIS 4 12/7/21 17/7/21

7 CLASSIFY 1 18/7/21 20/7/21

8 DETERMINE 1 19/7/21 24/7/21
9 DETERMINE 1 25/7/21 30/7/21
10 DETERMINE 1 25/7/21 5/8/21
DETERMINE 1 6/8/21 8/8/21
RESTRUCTURE 3 12/7/21 27/7/21
DESIGNED 21/6/21 21/7/21
14 CONCLUSION AND 2 9/8/21 11/8/21
PARARE 2 12/8/21 17/8/21

REPORT 2 15/8/21 20/8/21


REPORT 1 21/8/21 25/8/21


5.0 Resource budget

Types of expenditure Description Total Cost

Stationery Stationery

Internet Internet 4 GB 600.00

Transportation Transportation 1300.00

Total cost   2700.00


Conclusion and recommendations will be derived from the findings and the designed system.

7.0 References
1. Company production records for 2018 to 2020 Company direct production records for 2018 to
2020 Romel electrical trading financial reports for years 2018 to 2020 and www.
Inventorymanagement.com ,www.wikipedia.org/wik/inventory D. Clay Why bark, inventory
management, Indian University, 2007 Bloomington

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