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Teachers Day Script

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Teachers Day Script

Yra: Good morning Noacians.Hi! Hello!I’m Yra Mierelle B. Pepito your

moderator today. But before anything else, allow me first to greet my
partner here on stage. Partner Ken. How are you feeling today?

Ken: Hmmm, it feels so great as we spearhead this program together with our
SPG officers and also a little bit nervous because it is my first time to be one
of the moderators of this event. And by the way, I’m Kynthzyn Paul A.
Bolivar, your co-moderator.

Yra: Yes, we felt the same partner, coz it is also my first time to be the host of
this momentous celebration for our unsung heroes here in our school. But
there’s no doubt why they are called our heroes.

Ken: You are really correct partner. So, at this point I know everyone is so
excited to witness our surprise program to all our teachers. That’s why
let’s start now our program.

Yra: Andy Hargraves once said, “Teaching is a very emotional practice. It

creates, it colors, and it changes our lives.” Certainly, there can be no
better profession that educates, informs, inspires, encourages and at the
same time teaches us to inculcate a way of life and most importantly
prepares us for a world that is not easy to handle.

Ken: I agree with you partner. The celebration of World Teacher’s Day is held
annually since October 5, 1994. It’s been 28 years of recognizing the
importance of educators in the future of every generation to show
appearance and highlight the many contribution of the teaching
profession. As we all know that teaching is all about changing and
transforming the lives of children and young people and their families. This
year we are celebrating under the theme- Teachers at the heart of
education recovery”.
Yra: Yes partner. And with due respect and honour to our ever supportive
Principal Mam Teresita T. Cadagat , together with its teaching force of
Noac Elem. School, the celebrators of this momentous occasion, to my
fellow SPG officers, friends, schoolmates, and to everyone who is here
with us this morning.

Ken/Yra: A pleasant day to all.

Ken: To start with, requesting everyone to please stand for the singing of the
Philippine National Anthem to be led by Reign B. Manlapao SPG Treasurer
and to be followed by an invocation to be led by Dwayne Moody M.
Deocares Safety Protocol Officer.

----------------------------------------National Anthem/Prayer----------------------------------

Yra: Thank you and you may now take your seat.
To formally welcome us all, let me call on Ma’am Teresita T. Cadagat our
school Principal for her welcome address. A hand please.

---------------------------------------Message Mam Cadagat------------------------------------

Ken: Thank you so much Mam for a warm welcome to all of us, and I hope you
are enjoying your special day today.
And now, brace yourselves as my co-SPG officers entertained all of you
with a dance number. A big round of a applause please.

-------------------------------------------SPG Dance Number-------------------------------------

Yra: Wow! What a splendid performance we did, my fellow officers. Truly, we

want to dedicate that song to all of you our dear teachers because you
really care, secure and guide us. That’s why we love you all teachers.
And now, this is the moment that we all waiting for, to give back for all the
hardworks and sacrifices that all our teachers had sown to each and every
one of us. The giving of cards and tokens to our teachers. So, partner are
you now ready?

Ken: Yes partner, I was born ready. And that’s the spirit of being a Noacians
Yra: You’re right partner. So, at this juncture, may I request the Kinder and
Grade I advisers to please take the center stage for the giving of tokens.
And for those learners who want to give something to your teachers, you
may now come up the stage.

---------------------------------Giving of Tokens Kinder/ Grade I------------------------------

Ken: Thank you so much for the great effort my fellow learners for the surprise
to our teachers. And now let’s be entertained by a song number to be
given by Aaliyah Grace O. Tano our SPG Auditor. Let us give her a warm

-------------------------------------------Aaliyah Grace Tano--------------------------------------

Yra: A well-deserved applause for that heartfelt song to offer to our dear
teachers from Aaliyah. So for now, may I call on another set of Grade Level
advisers the Grade II and III advisers to please suit yourself at the center
for the giving of tokens.

----------------------------------Giving of tokens Grade II/ Grade III--------------------------

Ken: Fantastic, great job to all who give integrity to our teachers today. Next,
let’s lend our ears as we listen to a special song number to perform by
Chesca Theresse L. Palma a Grade- IV Glenny learner. A big round of
applause please.

---------------------------------------Chesca Theresse

Yra: What an amazing performance Chesca, you truly have a voice that
everyone listens to your song. So, at this moment let’s continue the giving
of tokens and gifts to our Grade IV and Grade V advisers. Teachers
please at the center. Let’s give them a hand please.

----------------------------------Giving of Tokens Grade IV and V------------------------------

Ken: Truly an extraordinary heroes our teachers are. Thank you my dear
schoolmates. And now, let’s be entertained once more by a song number
to be delivered to us by Nhelgrace M. Amistoso trained by her adviser
from Grade-V Phines. Let’s welcome her with a big applause.

------------------------------------------Nhelgrace Amistoso--------------------------------------

Yra: That was indeed a lovely performance Nhelgrace, thank you for sharing it
our teachers. So at the moment, may I request our last set of advisers the
Grade VI, along with them with our School Principal Mam Teresita T.
Cadagat, as well as with our School Clerk Mam Sheila Francisco to be at
the center.

---------------------------Giving Of Tokens Grade VI, Principal, Clerk-----------------------

Ken: Thank you, thank you Noacians for giving honor to all our teachers of
NOAC Elementary School. Again we salute you all teachers, once again
thank you.

Ken/Yra: And happy, happy teachers day to all.

Yra: Now hold your breath as the selected Grade VI pupils captivates us all in
their one of kind performance. Let’s give them a very warm of applause.

-------------------------------------------Grade VI pupils-------------------------------------------

Ken: Bravo, Bravo, Grade VI tiktokers, you really did a nice job to entertain us.
Up next is the Prayer for teachers to be headed by Maeriane Alyson
Scheherazade P. Tanzo our SPG-Vice President.

-------------------------------------------Maeriane Tanzo -----------------------------------------

Yra: Ultimately the power of prayers foster a sense of connection towards
others. Thank you Maeriane for bringing spiritual and alignment to all our
teachers. Teachers are also born to be ready and talented just like us, as
their learners, that’s why they will be the one to unleash and show to us
their some little hidden talents. So, may I call on our so ever gorgeous and
gifted teachers with angelic voices to share to us a song number, Mam
Pinili Canonoy, Mam Glenny Tano, Mam Sherrylyn Infante and Mam
Joielyn Manlapao , the NOAC divas. Let’s give them a big, big warm

----------------------------------------------NOAC Teachers----------------------------------------

Ken: Amazing!What an excellent performance from our NOAC Divas, you truly
our great example of being a talented and versatile one in every craft we
take.Hello, hello noacians are you still there? How about you partner?

Yra: Yes, I’m certainly here partner alive, alert and awake for the next activity of
our program to our teachers. It’s time for us to heat up a little bit by
playing our prepared games. But before that let’s give them time for a
short introduction of who they are according to the costumes they are
wearing. Everybody let us clap our hands to our Superheroes.

---------------------------------------Introduction of Superheroes------------------------------

Ken: Yes, teachers, you are truly one of kind superheroes here in our hearts.
Thank you for being our exceptional parents here in school.

Yra: I agree with you partner, that our teacher is also our hero. So to make our
activity a fun one, let the games, games of our teachers begin.

-------------------------------------------Mam Cheryl/SPG-----------------------------------------

Ken: Good job teachers, for participating actively and enjoying our games
prepared for you. Congratulations to all the winners and better luck next
time to others. We hope you enjoy the games.
Yra: Teachers, are you still there?
Yes, they are still active, because this time our teachers will present to us a
dance number headed by our ever energetic Principal Mam Teresita T.
Cadagat. A big round of applause please to our teachers.

-----------------------------------NOAC Teachers Dance Number------------------------------

Ken: What a groovy presentation from our teachers in Noac Elem. School. We
are as proud of you as your learners.
Again, a big, big round of applause to all our teachers.

Yra: That’s right partner, we are so blessed to be the learners of our teachers.
So to make our program a remarkable to all of us, we the SPG together
with all the learners of NOAC Elem. School prepare a song to pay tribute to
all our teachers. This song is dedicated to all of you our HEROES.

----------------------------------------Community Singing-----------------------------------------

Ken: Thank you Noacians for singing it to all our teachers, because being one of
the learner I am so grateful every day that you are all our teachers who
guides and stay with us up to this time.

Yra: I strongly agree with you partner that our teachers always stay for us to
turn our little to great ,and teaches the right from wrong.
But now,ladies and gentlemen. We have come now to the finale of our
program and to formally end our activity, may I call on our superhero in
SPG, our ever glowing adviser Mam Cheryl S. Mendoza to give to us a
closing remark.

-------------------------------------Mam Cheryl Mendoza message----------------------------

Ken: Thank you so much Mam Cheryl for that commendable words from you.
Indeed we are very proud to pay tribute to all our teachers here in NOAC
Elem. School.

Yra: And on behalf of the SPG officers and all NOACIANS may you all our
teachers be bless as you continue on teaching minds, touching hearts and
transforming the lives of every learners.

Yra/Ken: Once again happy, happy teachers’ day to all our teachers!

Ken: So this is Kynthzyn Paul A. Bolivar

Yra: And I’m Yra Meirell B. Pepito

Yra/Ken: Your moderators and now we are signing off. Keep safe everyone and

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