Method Statement For Pipe Pile Works
Method Statement For Pipe Pile Works
Method Statement For Pipe Pile Works
1. Introduction
2. Construction Works
2.1 Preparation Works
2.2 Working Procedures
2.2.1 Pipe Piling
2.2.2 Grout Curtain
2.2.3 Kicker
2.3 Submission and Record
3. Plant & Materials
4. Health and Safety
3.1 Manpower
3.2 Equipment
3.3 Safe Lifting Procedure
5. Environment Protection
Appendix A - ELS Layout Plan
This method statement describes the details and sequence for the pipe pile works.
i) Before commencement of pipe pile works, monitoring check points shall be installed
ii) Site Safety Induction should be carried out before commencement of work.
iii) Setting out of pipe pile shall be marked on site for inspection before commencement.
iv) The working piles shall be drilled / installed after inspection of trial pile. (If necessary)
Step 1: Setting out for pipe piles and the coordinates shall refer to ELS layout plan
attached in Appendix A.
Step 2: Set up drilling rig at the pile location with tarpaulin sheeting covered the side
facing the public road / public footpath. The drilling mast is adjusted to the
vertical and will be checked regularly during the course of drilling by a spirit
level ruler.
Step 3: Prepare the 323/273 mm O.D. temporary casing and weld on the casing shoe.
Step 4: Attach the boring system to the temporary casing and lock the assembly.
Step 5: Connect air supply to the drilling head with air swivel and switch on the air
compressors as shown in Appendix D. The anticipated rate of advancement and
the corresponding compressed air pressure and air volume output to be applied in
Minimum Max.
Type of Max.
Anticipated Drilling Corresponding
Ground Compressed Air
Advancement Rate Volume of Air
Material Pressure (Bars)
(minutes/m) Supply (cfm)
Step 6: Drilling to proposed bottom level with temporary casing. The drilling depth can
be controlled by counting numbers of drilling rod used during the drilling process.
Step 7: Splicing of steel casing by butt-weld which will be carried out by qualified
Step 8: Verticality of pre-drill hole be monitored by spirit level ruler. The maximum
deviation from vertical of pile in any direction shall be less than 1 to 100.
Step 9: Repeat step 6 to 8 until the casing reaches the tentative level.
Step 10: After the drill bit reaches tentative pile toe level along with steel casing, remove
the drill bit from the hole.
Step 11: Flush the hole with air and water through the drill rods until the hole is free of
Step 12: The depth of the hole will be checked and agreed by the Engineer by dipping
method. After that backfill with granular material.
Step 13: Upon completion of drilling operation, backfilling with the in-situ excavated
granular materials. Submit piling record and drilling to RE.
Step 1: Set up crawler drill at the pile location with tarpaulin sheeting covered the side
facing the public road / public footpath. The drilling mast is adjusted to the
vertical and will be checked regularly during the course of drilling by a spirit
level ruler.
Step 2: 50mm O.D. P.V.C Tube-A-Manchettes shall be installed and the angular space in
the drillhole
Step 3: Grouting should be carried out in Bentonite Cement Grout.
Step 4: Grouting pressure should reach at least 1.5 times the overburden pressure.
Step 5: Bentonite Cement Grout will be prepared by site mixed grout (W/C ratio = 0.42)
under the following proportion.
Step 6: Measure the water of above quantity in the mixer by using the cylinder. The
required volume of water be marked on the mixing tank for controlling the water
Step 7: The required number of bags of cement will then be added into the mixer.
Step 8: The required quantity of CeBex 100 will be added into the mixer and mix the
material for 3-5 minutes until a lump free homogeneous mixture is achieved.
Step 10: Carry out flow cone efflux, bleeding and free expansion test.
Step 11: Pump the grout to the pipe by grout pressure pump.
Step 12: Repeat the same steps until grouting works completed.
2.2.3 Kicker
Step 2: Set up drilling rig at the pile location with tarpaulin sheeting covered the side
facing the public road / public footpath. The drilling mast is adjusted to the
vertical and will be checked regularly during the course of drilling by a spirit
level ruler.
Step 3: Prepare the 610 mm O.D. temporary casing and weld on the casing shoe.
Step 4: Attach the boring system to the temporary casing and lock the assembly.
Step 5: Connect air supply to the drilling head with air swivel and switch on the air
compressors as shown in Appendix D. The anticipated rate of advancement and
the corresponding compressed air pressure and air volume output to be applied in
different soil and rock strata together with the penetration rate shall refer to the
following table:
Minimum Max.
Type of Max.
Anticipated Drilling Corresponding
Ground Compressed Air
Advancement Rate Volume of Air
Material Pressure (Bars)
(minutes/m) Supply (cfm)
Step 6: Drilling to proposed bottom level with temporary casing. The drilling depth can
be controlled by counting numbers of drilling rod used during the drilling process.
Step 7: Splicing of steel casing by butt-weld which will be carried out by qualified
Step 8: Verticality of pre-drill hole be monitored by spirit level ruler. The maximum
deviation from vertical of pile in any direction shall be less than 1 to 100.
Step 9: Repeat step 6 to 8 until the casing reaches the tentative level.
Step 10: When rock head is encountered, the flushing out rock head sample will be
collected and checked by RE in order to agree the rock head level of the pile.
founding stratum. Upon completion of drilling to the founding level, the drill rods
Step 12: The depth of the hole will be checked and agreed by the Engineer by dipping
Step 13: Insert the kicker into the pre-bored hole according to the kicker schedule.
Step 14: Grout the hole with non-shrink cement grout up to by tremie method proposed
excavation level from the founding level and backfill the pre-bored hole to
existing ground level with approved granular material.
4.1 Manpower
i) All Personnel will complete the Construction Industry Safety Training Certificate
(Green Card).
ii) All workers will undergo a safety induction course before the commencement of works
on site.
v) All workers working at height are to be equipped with full-body type safety harness
with suitable lanyards and secure anchorage for the attachment of safety harnesses.
4.2 Equipment
i) The emergency contact list will be displayed near the gate.
iv) All lifting gear including lifting clamp should be tested and thoroughly examinated by
v) All machine, equipment and lifting gear shall be checked by site safety team.
vi) The design of lifting eye should be certified by Independent Checking Engineer.
vii) Spare lifting gears shall be provided to prevent inappropriate equipment were used.
ii) The Plant operator should verify the instruction on lifting operation before taking
iii) Lifting Clamp or Lifting Eye should be used to lifting circular hollow and steel
iv) The Rigger or Signalman should keep well communication with the plant operator by
v) During lifting, in order to prevent the swing of the object, a 3-4m long tagline shall be
vi) Prior to lifting operation, the balance conditions shall be checked at about 0.5m above
vii) Rigger or Signalman must stop the work if any abnormal operation is observed.
Material storage zone should be set up and fenced off. During lifting operation, only
Rigger or Signalman stays inside the storage zone to help processing lifting.
viii) A color coding system shall be adopted on all lifting gears such as wire ropes and
slings, etc. The color system is Blue (Jan – Mar), Yellow (Apr – Jun), Green (Jul –
i) Sump pit will be set up at suitable location to collect the fluid and pump to settlement
tanks prior to discharging to the drainage system during pile installation.
ii) All cement bags and grout bags will be placed in the disposal bin on site.
C - Control Point
W - Witness
H - Hold Point