Lab - 02 (BME-202)
Lab - 02 (BME-202)
Lab - 02 (BME-202)
To experimentally determine the gain of an inverting and non-amplifier and viewing the scope
traces of an output voltage for different input using National Instrumentation Elvis II.
Inverting amplifiers
Inverting amplifiers are used when it is required to amplify a signal and change its polarity, or
when several analog signals are to be added together. The phase of an inverting amplifier’s
output signal is 180° shifted to the input signal. Inverting amplifier’s circuit diagram is shown in
Fig. 2.1.
The potential at point A on the circuit is almost equal to the ground potential (as a rule, V q is
very small).
V¿ −V out
Therefore I R 1= and I fb = , Hence
R1 Rfb
V ¿ −V out
R1 Rfb
V out −R fb
Gain= =
V¿ R1
The minus sign in the right part of the expression means that the output is inverted. Thus, the
circuit’s gain only depends on the external circuit parameters and does not depend on the gain
of the op-amp. Usually the value of R 1 is high, so that the amplifier would not affect the output
of the input signal source, and R fb should be large enough not to overload the op-amp output.
Noninverting amplifiers
Noninverting amplifiers are used when it is required to amplify a signal without changing its
polarity. The phase of a noninverting amplifier’s output signal is the same as the input signal.
Noninverting amplifier’s circuit diagram is shown in Figure. 1
The potential at the inverting input must be equal to the potential at the noninverting input,
V¿ ( V out – V ¿ )
I R1 = ∧I f b=
R1 Rfb
( V out – V ¿ ) R f b
V¿ R1
V out Rfb
Gain= =1+
V¿ R1
Thus, the circuit’s gain only depends on the external circuit parameters and does not depend on
the gain of the op-amp.
For selected R1 and R fb , while varying the input voltage in the -9.5 to 9.5V range, measure the
input and output voltages of an inverting amplifier (Fig. 1).
Calculate the theoretical value of the amplifier’s gain as
Gainth =
Apply different types of signals from the arbitrary waveform generator to the input of an
inverting amplifier and watch the difference between the input and output signals on the scope.
Assignment Options
Choose the parameters of used components and all the required settings from Table 1 in
accordance with the assigned option.
1. Make sure that the NI ELVIS workstation is ON (workstation power switch is in the
position I
2. Set the prototyping board power switch on the NI ELVIS workstation into position O
3. Perform the op-amp balancing.
Step by Step Instruction
1. In the labs menu double click on the lab name: Inverting amplifier.
affect the output voltage), the steepness of the curve will change abruptly. For more
accurate representation of measured results in this range it is recommended to bring the
voltage back to the range just before saturation, then take up a few measurements,
changing the voltage in finer steps.
7. Click on the schematic selection arrow and make the required connections on the board
in accordance with the schematic #2 (Fig. 3), using resistors with the same values.
1. Open the saved data file in MS Excel.
In the Excel file, copy the data from the Experimental worksheet into the Calculations
worksheet, fill in the calculation results into corresponding columns and save the file.
In the Excel file, copy the data from the Experimental worksheet into the Calculations
worksheet, fill in the calculation results into corresponding columns and save the file.
Graph and Interpretation
Figure 4. Non-inverting Amplifier on NI ELVIS
7. Open the Graph plotter window and set it up for the display of the amplifier’s output
(V2) vs. the input voltage (V1):
In the plotter window drag the V1 DC (V) variable from the variables list into the
X axis field.
Drag the V2 DC (V) variable from the variables list into the Y-axis field.
8. Change the voltage, and click Record after each change. When the amplifier enters the
saturation mode (input voltage change does not affect the output voltage), the steepness
of the curve will change abruptly. For more accurate representation of measured results in
this range it is recommended to bring the voltage back to a range just before saturation,
then take up a few measurements, changing the voltage in finer steps.
9. Click on the Excel icon to open the file with the obtained data and save it.
10. Turn OFF the board power: set the OPAMP BOARD POWER switch on the NI ELVIS
workstation into position O (OFF) and close the lab.
1. Open the saved data file in MS Excel.
In the Excel file, copy the data from the Experimental worksheet into the Calculations
worksheet, fill in the calculation results into corresponding columns and save the file.
Graph and Interpretation
In the Excel file, copy the data from the Experimental worksheet into the Calculations
worksheet, fill in the calculation results into corresponding columns and save the file.
Graph and Interpretation
R1 _
Question 02
What will be the phase difference between the input and output voltages of an inverting amplifier
for a sine wave signal applied to the input?
Question 03
What will be a noninverting amplifier’s gain (below figure) if R1 =3k and Rfb =9k?