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Reverse engineering of binary

programs for custom virtual

Alexander Chernov, PhD
Katerina Troshina, PhD
Moscow, Russsia
About us

• SmartDec decompiler
• Academic background
• Defended Ph.D.

• Industry
Once upon a time…

• In a country far far away…

• Reverse engineering of binary code

– No datasheet
– Very poor documentation

High-level representation for engineers

Once upon a time…

High-level representation for engineers

• Call graph
• Flow-chart
• C code
Approaches to the analysis

• First thought: to search the code and

data for clues about processor type
• To try different disassemblers and
check if the disassembled listing looks
like a program
– IDA Pro supports above 100 “popular”
processors (no luck)
– Download and try disassemblers for other
processors (no luck)
Approaches to the analysis

• Fallback: to try to go as far as possible

in binary analysis collecting
information about processor
• Initial information:
– Rough separation of code and data
(based on pieces of documentation and
“look” of data)
– Enough code for statistics to be
meaningful (some 30 KiB )
Search space

• Architecture search space:

– Word byte order: LE, BE
– Instruction encoding: byte stream/WORD
stream/DWORD stream…
– Code/data address space: uniform (von
Neumann), separate (Harvard)
– Code addressing: byte, WORD, …
– Register based, stack based

[WORD – 2 bytes, DWORD – 4 bytes]

RET instruction

• Possible instruction encoding: fixed-

width WORD
• Expected “Return from subroutine”
(RET) instruction properties:
– RET instruction has a single fixed opcode
and no arguments
– RET instruction opcode is statistically
among the most frequent 16-bit values in
WORD values frequencies
• 20 most frequent 16-bit values: • Reference: most frequent instructions of
0b01 854 5.1 Java bytecode (in the standard libs of jre6)
0800 473 2.8 ALOAD 878565 18
8c0d 432 2.6 DUP 382278 7.9
2b00 401 2.4 INVOKEVIRTUAL 328763 6.8
4e1c 365 2.2 LDC 231162 4.8
0801 277 1.6 GETFIELD 230158 4.8
890f 261 1.6 ILOAD 214427 4.4
8f09 217 1.3 SIPUSH 207427 4.3
0f00 196 1.2 AASTORE 168088 3.5
0b00 195 1.1 INVOKESPECIAL 140387 2.9
0b8f 162 0.97 ICONST_0 132669 2.7
4a01 163 0.97 ASTORE 128835 2.7
0b36 155 0.92 BIPUSH 126262 2.6
0802 149 0.88 ICONST_1 107881 2.2
3ddc 145 0.86 SASTORE 96677 2.0
0b80 132 0.79 PUTFIELD 87405 1.8
990f 131 0.78 NEW 84285 1.7
8afa 125 0.75 GOTO 80815 1.7
1aff 119 0.72 RETURN 70388 1.5
0900 117 0.7 ISTORE 70064 1.4
ARETURN 68054 1.4
All returns: 176860 3.7
Possible code structure

sub1: …
CALL subn # absolute address

sub2: … # follows RET
subn: … # follows RET
CALL heuristics

• Assumption 1: there exists a CALL

instruction taking the absolute address
of a subroutine
• Assumption 2: a considerable number
of subroutines start immediately after
RET instruction
CALL search
• Search space: for each candidate for RET,
try all possible CALL candidates with
addresses as 16-bit bitmask in 32-bit
words, LE/BE, 16-bit/byte addressing
• Example:
– 4 bytes: 12 34 56 78
– Address bitmask: 00 00 ff ff (4057 different)
– Opcode: 12 34 XX XX
– Address: 56 78
• LE: 7856 (byte addr), F0AC (WORD addr)
• BE: 5678 (byte addr) , ACF0 (WORD addr)
CALL search results

• Only one match!

Trying 8c0d as RET
After-ret-addr-set-size: 430
Matching call opcodes for 1, ff00ff00, 1: 000b003d: total: 1275, hits: 843 (66%),
misses: 432 (33%), coverage: 76%

• 430 – number of positions after RET

• 1275 – total DWORDs with mask 00ff00ff
• 843 – calls to addresses right after RET
• 432 – calls to somewhere else
• 76% positions after RET are covered
RET search results

• RET: 8c0d (WORD LE)

• Absolute call to HHLL:
0bHH 3dLL (2 WORD LE)
• Confirmation: code areas end with RET:
0000de30 3d88 8c0d 3901 0b24 3daf 2b00 a942 2b00
0000de40 b961 8c0d ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????
JMP search heuristics

• Assumption 1: absolute unconditional

JMP has structure similar to call: XXHH
• Assumption 2: there must be no JMP’s
to outside of code
• Assumption 3: there may be JMP’s to
addresses following RETs
• Assumption 4: absolute JMPs are not
JMP search results

• Search result:
Candidate opcode: 000b000c
total: 82, hits: 7, misses: 0 adds: 0400 65a8 668e
Candidate opcode: 004e000b
total: 352, hits: 1, misses: 0 adds: 37c6
Candidate opcode: 004e00bf
total: 82, hits: 3, misses: 0 adds: 39b4
Candidate opcode: 00d8008c
total: 29, hits: 5, misses: 0 adds: 311c 5232

• Arguments for 0bHH 0cLL:

– Similarity to CALL encoding
– Some code blocks end with this
Rel. JMP search heuristics
• Set of target addresses: addresses after RET
and JMP and first addresses of code segments
• Assumption 1: offset occupies one byte
• Assumption 2: offset is added to the address
of the next instruction
• Assumption 3: code is WORD-addressed
• Assumption 4: relative jumps rarely cross RET
• Assumption 5: no relative jumps to outside of
• Search produces 32 candidates
Rel. JMP search first results

• Candidate opcode 0cXX - Similar to

absolute unconditional JMP 0bHH
• Assumption 1: 0bHH – prefix
instruction making jump (or call)
• Assumption 2: 0cXX – unconditional
relative jump
• Redo relative jump instruction search
with two new assumptions
1100: ...
1110: 1c27 J?? 1160 # Jump cand. insn
# 1112 + 27 * 2 == 1160
1112: ...

115c: 0b0f 0c30 JMP 0f30 # Uncond. abs jump

1160: ... # Jump target

1218: 0c12 JMP 123e # Uncond rel. jump

121a: ... # Jump target
123c: 5cee J?? 121a # Jump cand. insn
# 123e + ffee * 2 == 121a
123e: ...
Rel. JMP search results

Search results:
Candidate opcode: 1c00
total: 207, hits: 92, misses: 0, xrets = 12
Candidate opcode: (0b00) 2c00
total: 159, 0b_prefixed: 2, hits: 55, misses: 0, xrets = 19
Candidate opcode: (0b00) 3c00
total: 78, 0b_prefixed: 2, hits: 36, misses: 0, xrets = 20
Candidate opcode: 4c00
total: 81, hits: 40, misses: 0, xrets = 5
Candidate opcode: (0b00) 5c00
total: 93, 0b_prefixed: 2, hits: 43, misses: 0, xrets = 12
Candidate opcode: (0b00) 6c00
total: 182, 0b_prefixed: 2, hits: 72, misses: 0, xrets = 5
Candidate opcode: (0b00) 7c00
total: 147, 0b_prefixed: 1, hits: 81, misses: 0, xrets = 23
Assumption: these are relative conditional jumps
Intermediate results

• Instructions identified:
– Conditional JMPs
• High-byte extenstion prefix is
• Control-flow graph can be built and
the general structure can be identified
Cond. arithmetics heuristics

• Assumption 1: there are instructions

like AND and CMP with immediate
arguments preceding conditional
• Assumption 2: the opcodes are XXLL or
0bHH XXLL (byte or WORD values)
• Build the set of opcodes and the
corresponding values
Cond. arithm. search results

• Search results:
Jump opcode 1c (207)
Opcode: 1a
0001: 1
0002: 1
0100: 1
0200: 1
1000: 1
4000: 1
Arith. refinement

• Opcodes 1c, 5c: JZ, JNZ

• Opcodes 3c, 7c: JEQ, JNE
• Opcode 1a: AND with immediate
• Opcode 78: CMP with immediate
– Opcode 78 always occurs just before
conditional jumps 3c and 7c
• Opcode f8: also always occurs just
before conditional jumps
Load-store pattern
• Patterns:
0bHH 3fLL 890f 4a01 8f09
0bHH 3fLL 990f 4a01 8f19

Assumption 1: memory load, +1 (or -1), memory

Assumption 2: registers 0 and 1 are used
4a01 is never used before condjumps -> ADD
MOV R0, @DP0
MOV @DP0, R0
Memory clear pattern

• Often used:
0bHH 3fLL 0f00

• Corresponds to
MOV @DP0, 0
Arithmetics search results

• (0bHH) 2aLL – OR immediate

• (0bHH) 3aLL – XOR immediate
• (0bHH) 4aLL – ADD immediate
• (0bHH) 5aLL – SUB immediate
• 0bHH 3fLL – load memory address
• 890f – load R0 from memory
• 990f – load R1 from memory
• 8f09 – store R0 to memory
• 8f19 – store R1 to memory
Operation encoding
• Known MOVs:
890f MOV R0, @DP0
990f MOV R1, @DP0
8f09 MOV @DP0, R0
8f19 MOV @DP0, R1
0f00 MOV @DP0, 0
???? MOV R0, R1
???? MOV R1, R0
???? MOV R0, 0
???? MOV R1, 1

• Known operations:
5a01 SUB ACC, 1
???? SUB ACC, R0
Operation encoding
• Known MOVs:
890f MOV R0, @DP0
990f MOV R1, @DP0
8f09 MOV @DP0, R0
8f19 MOV @DP0, R1
0f00 MOV @DP0, 0
8919 MOV R0, R1
9909 MOV R1, R0
0900 MOV R0, 0
1901 MOV R1, 1

• Known operations:
5a01 SUB ACC, 1
da09 SUB ACC, R0
Register structure

• Instruction 08RR changes the active

accumulator (0800, 0801 … 080f)
• Arithmetics: one operand is explicit,
another is active accumulator
• The processor has at least 16
arithmetic registers 0 - F
00002a40 0800 0b80 3a00 0802 0b80 3a00 da29 8c0d
00002a50 4e1c 0b01 3f25 890f 8c0d 4e1c 0b01 3f26
00002a60 890f 8c0d 4e2c bf3f 890f 4e88 8c0d 4e28
00002a70 0b03 3f27 0f0f 4e58 2b51 3f22 898f 0b03
00002a80 3f62 0b0f 3d88 0b03 3f8c 0b0f 3d92 0b03
00002a90 3f16 0b0f 3d92 0b03 3f72 8f09 8958 1aff
00002aa0 d807 4e1c 0b01 3f2e 0b0f 3d22 0b03 3fac
00002ab0 0b0f 3df2 0b02 3f70 0b0d 3d8b 0b01 3f55
00002ac0 0b0e 3d22 0b02 3f70 0b0f 3d14 0b02 3f7b
00002ad0 0b0c 3d8b 0b02 3f50 0b0f 3daf 0b02 3f7b

Total: 16862, Code: 13734 (81%)

Different 16-bit values: 2085, known: 1618 (77%)
Top values
0800 MOV AP, 0 # change the current accumulator
8c0d RET
4e1c ?
0801 MOV AP, 1 # change the current accumulator
890f MOV R0, @DPO # load from data memory
8f09 MOV @DP0, R0 # store to data memory
0f00 MOV @DP0, 0 # store 0 to data memory
4a01 ADD ACC, 1
0802 MOV AP, 1
3ddc CALL ...
990f MOV R1, @DP0
8afa ?
1aff AND ACC, ff
0900 MOV R0, 0
Lessons learned

• It is possible to discover
– Subroutine structure
– Unconditional and conditional jumps
– Some arithmetic instructions
– Rough register structure
• Only by binary analysis of the code
without virtual machine (processor)
data sheets

• No obfuscation
• Most subroutines follow each other
Tool support

• Opcode specifications
• Specification of code and data areas
• Entry points
• Symbolic cell names
• Subroutine range and description
• Inline and outline specifications
SmartDec decompiler

• Demo version is free available at

• Current state:
– Alpha-version
– Supports limited set of x86/x64 assembly
– Supports objdump/dumpbin disassembly
– Initial support for C++ exceptions and
class hierarchy recovery
Thank you for your


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