DLP Grace For Cot 1docx
DLP Grace For Cot 1docx
DLP Grace For Cot 1docx
I. A. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of command of the convention of
standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
B. Performance Objective
Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking.
C. Learning Competencies
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures:
Subject-Verb Agreement EN6G-Ih-3.9
Show openness to criticism EN6A-IH-18
IV. Procedures:
A.1. Song
It’s a Beautiful Day
3. Drill
Read the words on the flashcards and think of an action word that can go with
1. basketball player
2. vendors
3. policeman
4. writer
5. teachers
3. Review
Clap your hands once if the noun or pronoun presented on the screen is singular,
then stamp your feet once if it is plural.
1. children
2. table
3. branches
4. monkeys
5. geese
4. Unlocking of Difficulties
Let’s play 4 pics 1 word game. Take a look at the given pictures then try to
guess the word using the pictures and the hint.
What causes a tornado? A “front” forms between a cold air mass and a warm
air mass. Sometimes a cold air mass moves in above the warm air. The hot air rises.
It spins. Then it forms a funnel-shaped cloud – a tornado. Weather experts look for
these conditions. Then they give a “tornado watch”. The winds inside a tornado may
reach 500 miles per hour. Sometimes a tornado touches the ground and destroys
everything in its way.
Using the comprehension ball and music, each of the chosen students will
get one question and will answer it in front of the class.
□ Use does and doesn’t with singular subjects; do and don’t with plural subjects
and pronouns I, we, you and they. Always use the form you are or you were
regardless of whether you is a singular or plural.
- Sheila does her chores without being told.
- He does his projects on time.
- You don’t understand what I’m saying.
- The children do their research in the library.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills no. 2 (Guided Practice)
B. Group Activity
The group will choose an envelope containing the activity assigned to them.
Group 1
Group 2
Use the given subject and verb in a sentence.
1. Subject: Cardo Verb: fight
2. Subject: Siblings Verb: watch
3. Subject: They Verb: take
4. Subject: Girls Verb: play
5. Subject: Doctor Verb: cure
Group 3
Look around the classroom and construct 5 sentences with the correct use
of subject-verb agreement
Group 4
Write a dialogue about a vendor and a buyer using the 2 rules of subject-
agreement that we had taken up. Make sure to give the script before you perform.
V. Evaluating Learning
1. I (love, loves) .
2. My brothers-in-law from other country ( visit, visits ) .
3. Our section ( create, creates ) .
4. Regine Velasquez ( sing, sings ) .
5. We ( learn, learns ) .
VI. Assignment
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