- Before I start, let me check the attendance. Please present to me your admission slip once your
name is called. (Let the candidate sign on the attendance sheet, compare signature on the
admission slip.)
I have here with me also your Self-Assessment guide which you fill up. This is an indication that you
are indeed ready to perform all the units of competency enumerated in this qualification.
Alright, once again I am here today to conduct assessment in BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION
NCII, but before that to put as in common perspective, let us first understand, what is assessment?
Basically, it is the process of collecting evidence and making judgement on whether or not the
competency has been achieved.
The main purpose of this assessment is to confirm if you can really perform that standards
expected in the workplace as expressed in the relevant competency standards in the Training
Along with this perspective, you don’t need to compete with one another, rather than you have to
test yourself whether you meet the competency standard prescribe in the Training Regulations and
Competency base curriculum. Once you found competent, you will be issued NCII certificate. You
can use it in seeking employment as your credential.
Today, I am going to administer competency assessment for BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION NCII with
(5) units core Competencies.
1. Prepare and Produce Bakery Products
2. Prepare and Produce Pastry Products
3. Prepare and Present Gateaux, Tortes and Cakes
4. Prepare and Display Petits Fours
5. Present Dessert
Once you are certified as Competent in BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION NCII there’s a lot of
career opportunities for you.
A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be a:
1. Baker
2. Commis
To pass this assessment, we need to collect 3 evidences from you.
1. Knowledge evidence- which include the oral questioning and the written test.
2. Process evidence- it is your actual performance; you are being rated with criteria.
3. Output evidence- you will perform the task in accordance with a standard procedure
throughout the process. This assessment method will help us measure your underpinning
knowledge and skill for BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION NCII.
As your competency assessor, I will always observe transparency in recording the evidence
collected based on your performance and observed confidentiality the results of the assessment.
Task to be performed and evidence to be collected.
Using the supplies and materials, tools equipment and PPE, you are required to perform: The CORE Units
of Competencies in BPP NC II and their corresponding TASK to be OBSERVED by the assessor.
Candidates, I have here with me a STOP WATCH to observe the time allotment for every task. You
will be given specific instructions to guide you in your work. After your demonstration, I will ask
you some questions related to your demonstration.
If there is a need for me to translate any instructions into your own dialect, I would be willing to do
so. If you have concerns, questions that made you to be clarified regarding with our assessment
please raise your hand and ask questions now because if the assessment has already been started
you are refrain to ask questions because it is no longer allowed anymore.
If you have questions regarding with the result of the assessment, you have the right to appeal. You
can submit your appeal to the TESDA Provincial Office where the assessment Center and the
assessor are accredited.
For the issuance of National Certificate, you can claim it in the TESDA Provincial Office within 3
working days after the assessment. Please submit this following requirements CARS, ID picture with
white background and 50 pesos.
After the assessment if you found out that you are not yet competent, don’t worry because you can
be reassessed anytime at your convenience.
Is there any questions or clarifications? Since there’s none. Please do your personal necessities so
that you will not be disturb during the assessment because I will not allow you to go out from the
assessment venue while you are doing the tasks.
I would like also to inform you that you have to observe safety precautions while performing the
different tasks.
As an assessor, I will consider some allowable/reasonable adjustments during the assessment. Such
1. Emergency situation
2. If cannot understand English language, then translate in vernacular language
3. Eye sight problem
4. Cultural/beliefs consideration
Provided it doesn’t violate the procedures in the conduct of the competency assessment.
So this are the DO’S and DON’T’S in the assessment center.
1. The candidate should follow and perform all the tasks prescribed in the assessment observing
the time allocated for every task.
2. The candidates should observe silence
3. You should also observe safety and sanitation in doing your tasks.
1. Doing the task without the PPE
2. Going outside from the assessment area without the knowledge of the competency assessor.
Alright Candidate no.1 MS. ANGELA D. LATAO please be ready for the assessment. This is based on
the unit of competencies found in the TR. By the way, do you have any third party report/portfolio
that will support your competence on any core units of competencies?
If there’s none, let’s proceed. I have here the different materials, tools and equipment which you
will use in performing the different task within 30 minutes.
I will be providing you with specific instructions. Kindly read carefully the activities that you will
perform. Do it in a step by step manner as reflected in the performance criteria. You may call me
when there is a need for me to translate or explain items for clarifications.
In that regard you may now begin but please be informed that after the demonstration there will
be an oral questioning.
DONE TASK……………………….
Alright Candidate no.2 MR. AJAY N. GRANA please be ready for the assessment. This is based on
the unit of competencies found in the TR. By the way, do you have any third party report/portfolio
that will support your competence on any core units of competencies?
If there’s none, let’s proceed. I have here the different materials, tools and equipment which you
will use in performing the different task within 30 minutes.
I will be providing you with specific instructions. Kindly read carefully the activities that you will
perform. Do it in a step by step manner as reflected in the performance criteria. You may call me
when there is a need for me to translate or explain items for clarifications.
In that regard you may now begin but please be informed that after the demonstration there will
be an oral questioning.
DONE TASK……………………….
CANDIDATE NO.1 MS. ANGELA D. LATAO Let’s move on to the interview portion. Please answer
the questions the best that you can.
Q. Why is there a measurement in every process of food?
A. To obtain the quality outcome of the product.
Q. How will you maintain the quality of each bakery items?
A. Cover the product to protect from environment. Keep chilled.
Q. Why do we need to use oven thermometer in checking the temperature of the oven?
A. To determine the internal temperature of the required recipe
How’s the assessment?
My observation is co-inside with your opinion, you are indeed competent in performing different
skills and perform all competencies according to the relevant standard. (insert feedback from
rubrics). You are relax, you really know what you are doing and you have shown your consistency
while performing the tasks. Your performance in the tasks is within the standard requirements of
the qualification. CONGRATULATIONS! You are indeed COMPETENT in all units of competencies
and now you are one of the NCII holder in BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION.
Please affix your signature in this Competency Assessment Result Summary CARS and for the
issuance of National Certificate, you can claim it in the TESDA provincial office after 3 working days
and bring with you the CARS, 2 pcs. Passport size and 50 pesos for the certificate fee.
Congratulations again!
CANDIDATE NO.2 Let’s move on to the interview portion. Please answer the questions the best that
you can.
Q. Why do we need to use oven thermometer in checking the temperature of the oven?
A. To determine the internal temperature of the required recipe
Mr. AJAY N. GRANA you did good in all the core competency (insert the rubrics). However, your
performance is not within the standards requirements of the qualification. Based on the result of
my observation, the outcome of the assessment is that you are NOT YET COMPETENT, but don’t
have to worry you can be re-assessed anytime at your convenience.
As an assessor observing your performance earlier, I noticed that you did not follow the correct
proper measurement and weighing in the ingredients and also the sift the flour before mixing it and
next time don’t forget to do that because that is one of the critical aspect in this competency.
If you have questions about the assessment result, you have the right to appeal at the TESDA
Provincial Office where the assessment center and the assessors are accredited.
Now, please affix your signature in the CARS.
By the way, do you have insights or suggestions about how I conducted the assessment?
Please fill up this Performance Evaluation Form.
I will be very happy to accept your suggestions to improve my role as a competency assessor.
Are you done? Please pass it forward.
Once again, MR. AJAY N. GRANA Not yet competent congratulations for completing the
assessment and better luck next time.
I think that would be all of our assessment. Thank you.