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Block Chain Technologies

Unit 2- Introduction to Cryptography and Cryptocurrencies

Dr.Ramya R S
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
October 2021

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Table of Contents

Cryptographic Hash Functions
Hash Pointers and Data Structures
Digital Signatures
Public Keys as Identifies
A simple Cryptocurrency

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Cryptocurrencies too must have security measures that prevent people

from tampering with the state of the system.
cryptocurrencies make heavy use of cryptography. Cryptography
provides a mechanism for securely encoding the rules of a
cryptocurrency system in the system itself.
We can use it to prevent tampering and equivocation, as well as to
encode the rules for creation of new units of the currency into a
mathematical protocol.

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Cryptographic Hash Functions

A hash function is a mathematical function with the following three

Its input can be any string of any size.
It produces a fixed size output. For the purpose of making the
discussion in this chapter concrete, we will assume a 256-bit output
size. However, our discussion holds true for any output size as long as
it is sufficiently large.
It is efficiently computable.
3 additional properties: (1) collision-resistance, (2) hiding, (3)

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Property 1: Collision-resistance

The first property that we need from a cryptographic hash function is

that it’s collision-resistant. A collision occurs when two distinct inputs
produce the same output. A hash function H(.) is collision-resistant if
nobody can find a collision.
Collision-resistance: A hash function H is said to be collision resistant
if it is infeasible to find two values, x and y, such that x y, yet

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Collision Resistance
Nobody can find collision, but collision exists.
The input space to the hash function contains all strings of all lengths,
yet the output space contains only strings of a specific fixed length.
To find Collission: Consider the following simple method for finding a
collision for a hash function with a 256-bit output size: pick 2 256 +
1 distinct values,
compute the hashes of each of them, and check if there are any two
outputs are equal.
Since we picked more inputs than possible outputs, some pair of them
must collide when you apply the hash function.

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Collision Resistance

If we pick random inputs and compute the hash values, we’ll find a
collision with high probability long before examining.
In fact, if we randomly choose just inputs, it turns out there’s a 99.8
percent chance that at least two of them are going to collide.
The fact that we can find a collision by only examining roughly the
square root of the number of possible outputs results from a
phenomenon in probability known as the birthday paradox

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Application: Message Digests

Consider SecureBox, an authenticated online file storage system that

allows users to upload files and ensure their integrity when they
download them.
Suppose that Alice uploads really large file, and wants to be able to
verify later that the file she downloads is the same as the one she
One way to do that would be to save the whole big file locally, and
directly compare it to the file she downloads.
While this works, it largely defeats the purpose of uploading it in the
first place;
If Alice needs to have access to a local copy of the file to ensure its
integrity, she can just use the local copy directly

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Message Digests Contd..
Alice just needs to remember the hash of the original file.
When she later downloads the file from SecureBox, she computes the
hash of the downloaded file and compares it to the one she stored.
If the hashes are the same, then she can conclude that the file is
indeed the one she uploaded, but if they are different, then Alice can
conclude that the file has been tampered with.
Remembering the hash thus allows her to detect accidental corruption
of the file during transmission or on SecureBox’s servers, but also
intentional modification of the file by the server.
The hash serves as a fixed length digest.
This gives us a very efficient way to remember things we’ve seen
before and recognize them again.
Whereas the entire file might have been gigabytes long, the hash is of
fixed length, 256-bits for the hash function in our example.
This greatly reduces our storage requirement.
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Property 2: Hiding
The second property that we want from our hash functions is that it’s
The hiding property asserts that if we’re given the output of the hash
function y = H(x), there’s no feasible way to figure out what the
input, x, was.
Example: When we flip a coin, result of the coin flip is heads or tails.
We then ask someone, an adversary, who didn’t see the coin flip. The
adversary was able to guess what the string was because there were
only two possible values.
A hash function H is hiding if: when a secret value r is chosen from a
probability distribution that has high min-entropy, then given H(r † x)
it is infeasible to find x.
Min-entropyis a measure of how predictable an outcome is, and high
min-entropy captures the intuitive idea that the distribution is very
spread out.
What that means specifically is that when we sample from the
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Application: Commitments.
A commitment is the digital analog of taking a value, sealing it in an
envelope, and putting that envelope out on the table where everyone
can see it.
When you do that, you’ve committed yourself to what’s inside the
But you haven’t opened it, so even though you’ve committed to a
value, the value remains a secret from everyone else. Later, you can
open the envelope and reveal the value that you committed to earlier.

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Property 3: Puzzle friendliness

Puzzle friendliness
A hash function H is said to be puzzle-friendly if for every possible n-bit
output value y, if k is chosen from a distribution with high min-entropy,
then it is infeasible to find x such that H(k † x) = y in time significantly
less than 2 n.

If someone wants to target the hash function to come out to some
particular output value y, that if there’s part of the input that is chosen in
a suitably randomized way, it’s very difficult to find another value that hits
exactly that target.

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Application: Search puzzle

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Bitcoin uses primarily SHA 256.

a hash function that works on fixed-length inputs, there’s a generic
method to convert it into a hash function that works on
arbitrary-length inputs.
It’s called the Merkle-Damgard transform. SHA-256 is one of a
number of commonly used hash functions that make use of this

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SHA 256 Simplified

The input to the hash function, which can be of any size, is divided
into blocks of length m-n.
The construction works as follows: pass each block together with the
output of the previous block into the compression function.
Notice that input length will then be (m-n) + n = m, which is the
input length to the compression function. For the first block, to
which there is no previous block output, we instead use an
Initialization Vector (IV).
This number is reused for every call to the hash function, and in
practice you can just look it up in a standards document. The last
block’s output is the result that you return.

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SHA 256 Simplified

SHA-256 uses the Merkle-Damgard transform to turn a fixed-length

collision-resistant compression function into a hash function that
accepts arbitrary-length inputs.
The input is “padded” so that its length is a multiple of 512 bits.

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Hash Pointers and Data Structures

A hash pointer is simply a pointer to where some information is

stored together with a cryptographic hash of the information.
Whereas a regular pointer gives you a way to retrieve the information,
a hash pointer also gives you a way to verify that the information
hasn’t changed.

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Linked List
Whereas as in a regular linked list where you have a series of blocks,
each block has data as well as a pointer to the previous block in the
list, in a block chain the previous block pointer will be replaced with a
hash pointer.
So each block not only tells us where the value of the previous block
was, but it also contains a digest of that value that allows us to verify
that the value hasn’t changed. We store the head of the list, which is
just a regular hash pointer that points to the most recent data block.

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Tamper Evident Block

If the adversary wants to tamper with data anywhere in this entire

He will have to tamper with the hash pointers all the way back to the
Road Block- He won’t be able to tamper with the head of the list.
Just remembering this single hash pointer, we’ve essentially
remembered a tamper evident hash of the entire list.
So we can build a block chain like this containing as many blocks as
we want, going back to some special block at the beginning of the
list, which we will call the genesis block.

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Merklee Tree

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Merkle Tree

A binary tree with hash pointers is known as a Merkle tree, after its
inventor Ralph Merkle.
We have a number of blocks containing data.
We group these data blocks into pairs of two, and then for each pair,
we build a data structure that has two hash pointers, one to each of
these blocks.
In turn group these into groups of two, and for each pair, create a
new data structure that contains the hash of each.
Continue doing this until we reach a single block, the root of the tree.

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Proof of Membership
If someone wants to prove that a certain data block is a member of
the Merkle Tree.
As usual, we remember just the root. Then they need to show us this
data block, and the blocks on the path from the data block to the
We can ignore the rest of the tree, as the blocks on this path are
enough to allow us to verify the hashes all the way up to the root of
the tree.

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Digital Signature
Firstly, only you can make your signature, but anyone who sees it can
verify that it’s valid.
Secondly, we want the signature to be tied to a particular document
so that the signature cannot be used to indicate your agreement or
endorsement of a different document.

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If an adversary who knows your public key and gets to see your
signatures on some other messages can’t forge your signature on
some message for which he has not seen your signature.
This unforgeability property is generally formalized in terms of a game
that we play with an adversary

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A simple Cryptocurrency

There are 2 coins:

Goofy Coin
The first rule is that a designated entity, Goofy, can create new coins
whenever he wants and these newly created coins belong to him.
The second rule of GoofyCoin is that whoever owns a coin can
transfer it on to someone else. Transferring a coin is not simply a
matter of sending the coin data structure to the recipient — it’s done
using cryptographic operations.

To solve the double-spending problem

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Each block has the ID of a transaction, the transaction’s contents,

and a hash pointer to the previous block. Scrooge digitally signs the
final hash pointer, which binds all of the data in this entire structure,
and publishes the signature along with the block chain.

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Goofy can create new coins by simply signing a statement that he’s
making a new coin with a unique coin ID.

Whoever owns a coin can pass it on to someone else by signing a

statement that saying, “Pass on this coin to X” (where X is specified
as a public key)

Anyone can verify the validity of a coin by following the chain of hash
pointers back to its creation by Goofy, verifying all of the signatures
along the way. valid coin.
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Scrooge Coin

Each block has the ID of a transaction, the transaction’s contents,

and a hash pointer to the previous block.
Scrooge digitally signs the final hash pointer, which binds all of the
data in this entire structure, and publishes the signature along with
the block chain.

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Rules Scrooge Coin
The consumed coins are valid, that is, they really were created in
previous transactions.
The consumed coins were not already consumed in some previous
transaction. That is, that this is not a double-spend.
The total value of the coins that come out of this transaction is equal
to the total value of the coins that went in. That is, only Scrooge can
create new value.
The transaction is validly signed by the owners of all of the consumed

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A PayCoins Transaction

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Thank You

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