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WEKAF Rules Full Contact

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Wekaf Tournament rules and regulations

Contest area
a. The contest area or ring shall not be less than 8 meters not more than 9 meters square within the
boundary markers.
b. The ground shall be plane and made of either vinyl wood, tartan, grass or hay straw mat or any
material of soft foundation.
c. More than one contest area can be used in competitions where there are several entries.
Gong, Bells, Horns etc.
a. The gong, bells, horns, or buzzer –
Whichever is used – must be sufficiently loud so that officials and contestants can hear it clearly.
b. When using more than one ring or
Contest area in competition / tournament it is recommended that a bell or whistle shall not be used
as sounding devices. This creates confusion and shall be used when only one ring is utilized.
Other equipments
a. Tables and chairs for officials – Judges, Announcers, Timekeepers, Physicians, Jury,
Administration, Media, etc.
b. Score cards – for judges with extra black copies. Also extra pens, pencils and clipboards.
c. Microphones and speakers.
Article II
Section 1.
Length and number of rounds
The contestant shall have three (3) rounds of one (1) minute per round with thirty (30) seconds to
one (1) minute interval.
Section 2.
Striking or hitting points shall be any part of the body and hand – except from the knee down to the
foot, the groin and neck and back of the head and body.
Section 3.
The contestants shall stand about two (2) meters apart at the center of the contest area, both facing
and jury. At the command of the referee who shall stand between the contestants, the contestants
shall execute the formal salutation or “yuko” – then facing each other, another “yuko”. After the
salutations, the contestants shall assume on-guard (“handa”) position upon instruction of the referee.
The contest then begins at the referee’scommand of “Fight” (“Laban” or “Palo”).
Section 4.
When the contest comes to an end, the contestants shall return to the original position, stand face to
face and – following the referee’s command of “yuko”, shall make the salutation simultaneously. The
contestants then turn to face the jury while waiting for the announcement of the decision, and after
the announcement of the decision, and after the announcement of the decision, the contestants shall
execute “yuko” to the jury.
Section 5.
When a round ends or when the time allotted for the contest expires, the timekeeper shall notify the
referee by the ringing of gong or bell or sound of a whistle or by some other means which shall
indicate the end of the contest.
Section 6.
Any strike or technique delivered simultaneously with the signal notifying the expiration of the time
limit shall be declared as valid.
Section 7.
Any strike or technique applied when the other or both contestants are outside the contest area shall
be judged as null and void. In this case, the contestants shall be directed to return to the center of
the contest area.
Section 8.
Strikes or techniques executed while both contestants are in the contest area shall be valid even if
the other falls down or lands outside the perimeter of the contest area.
Article III
Judgement of contest
Section 1.
The contest shall be decided by a panel of three (3) judges. Their decision shall be final and
unappeable. The referee has no decision on the scoring.
Section 2.
The judges shall take position at opposite sides and outside the contest area and shall not encroach
upon the contest area.
Section 3.
When the time limit expires without any player having lost by technical knockout (TKO) or referee
shall require both contestants to return to the original position at the start of the contest. The referee
shall then collect the score cards from the judges and them over to the jury. After checking the score
cards, the jury shall announce the decision.
Section 4.
Judgement of draw “patas”, shall be made when the result of the contest reaches a tie, i.e. when no
result is reached in a contest within the regulation limit of time or when the superiority or inferiority of
the two contestants cannot be judged from the comparison of their action, skill or technique and
other conditions during the particular contest.
In the event of a draw or (“patas”). The contest shall be extended for another round of one (1)
minute. Should the extension fail to break the “patas”, then another extension shall be granted until
one contestant shall be declared a winner.
Section 5.
The following acts shall be prohibited:
a. Holding, pushing, grabbing, punching, kicking, fist, elbow, knee or any karate blow and the like.
b. Hitting an opponent who is down or who is in the act of rising, or who signals to surrender.
c. Hitting while holding opponent’s olisi, or holding to avoid action.
d. Hitting when a contestant turns his back in surrender.
e. Deliberately going outside the contest area.
f. To adjust or fix the costume or protective gears without the referee’s permission.
g. Hitting the groin, neck, back, knee or any part below the knee.
h. Locking the opponent’s arm or hand, or pushing an arm underneath the arm of the opponent.
i. Useless, agressive or offensive utterances during the round.
j. Failure the step back when ordered to break (“buwag”).
k. Attempting to strike the opponent immediately after the refereehas ordered “buwag” and before
taking a step back.
l. Assaulting or behaving in an agressive manner towards a referee at any time.
m. Any unsportsmanlike conduct causing embarrassment to an opponent, tournament official or the
n. The use or application of prohibited drugs such as stimulants, steroids, marijuana, opiates and the
o. All other things or acts which might be prejudicial to the spirit of Eskrima Kali Arnis.
Section 6.
Legitimate strikes or blow include slash, thrust and butt. However in consideration for the safety of
the contestants, the organizers may limit or totally exclude the application or use or thrust or butt or
both, upon approval of WEKAF.
Article IV
System of scoring
Section 1.
a. A contestant making more hits to the body. Head and arm.
b. When a contestant loses his olisi as a result of disarming (“agaw”), or his olisi is knocked off from
his hand.
Section 2.
Scoring shall be by the “10-point must” system. The winner during the “encounter” or “exchange”
gets “10″ points while the loser receives anywhere from “9″ to “7″ points – depending upon the
decisiveness by which the former won the round. The 10-point must system of scoring shall be
applied as follows:
Even round: 10 – 10
Slight edge: 10 – 9
Wide edge: 10 – 8
Overwhelming or One – Sided: 10 – 7
In scoring a contest the elements of offense, defense, clean hitting, ring generalship, technique and
sportsmanship shall be carefully considered.
The use of foul strikes or blows, and other foul or unsportsmanlike tactics shall result either in a
warning or penalty. The referee shall stop the contest upon the commission of the foul to admonish
or warn the contestant, and to advise the judges in case of s point deduction. However in a clean
intentional foul, the referee shall disqualify the erring contestant automatically for only after
consultation with the judges.
Section 3.
Judgement for “winner of contest” shall be made on the following conditions:
a. WIN ON POINTS: At the end of the contest, the fighter who has been awarded the decision by a
majority of the judges shall be declared the winner. If both fighters are injured or are technically
knocked cannot simultaneously and cannot continue the contest, the judges shall record the points
gained by each fighter up to its termination and the fighter who has been leading on points at the
actual end of the contest shall be declared the winner.
 Outclassed or one-sidedness of the contest: If in the opinion of the referee the fighter is
totally outclassed or is receiving excessive punishment the bout shall be stopped and his
opponent declared the winner.
 Injury: If a fighter, in the opinion of the referee, is unfit to continue because of injury or other
physical reasons, the bout shall be stopped and his opponent declared the winner. The right
to make decisions rests with the referee who may consult the physician. After proper
consultation with the physician the referee shall follow his advise. When a referee calls a
physician into the ring to examine a fighter, only the two officials shall be present inside the
ring. No coaches should be allowed into the ring. The ringside physician has the right to
request the bout to be stopped or suspended of, for medical reasons, a contestant shall be
unfit to continue.
 Refusal to continue or Voluntary surrender: If a contestant retires voluntarily or if he fails to
resume fighting immediately after the rest between rounds, his opponent shall be declared
the winner.
 Disarm (Agaw): When a contestant is disarmed, or his “olisi” has been knocked off from his
hand by any other means except. Foul blows, three (3) times during the contest and within
the regulation time limit. However, in consideration of the safety of the contestants, the
organizers or the Local Eskrima Kali Arnis Committee (LEKAC) may require that any Three
(3) combinations of “bagsak” and “agaw” shall automatically declare a TKO.
c. WIN BY DISQUALIFICATION: If a fighter is disqualified, his opponent shall be declared the
winner. If both fighters are disqualified the decision shall be announced accordingly. A disqualified
fighter shall not be entitled to any prize, medal, trophy, honourable award or grading, relating to any
stage of the competition in which he has been disqualified.
d. NO CONTEST: A bout may be terminated by the referee inside the scheduled distance vowing to
a material happening outside the responsibility of the fighters or control of the referee, such as the
ring becoming the slippery or damaged, failure of the lightening system, exceptional bad weather
conditions, etc. In such foregoing circumstances, the bout shall be declared “no contest”, and in the
case of championships the jury shall decide the necessary further action.
e. WIN BY WALKOVER OR DEFAULT: Where a fighter presents himself in the ring fully attired for
fighting and his opponent fails to appear after his name has been called out by the public address
system, the bell sounded and a maximum period of three (3) minutes has elapsed, the referee shall
declare the first fighter the winner by walkover or default. The referee shall first inform the judges to
mark their score cards accordingly, collect them and then to summon the fighter to the center of the
ring and after the decision is announced raises his hand as winner.
For medical disqualification as determined by the ring physician, and administrative disqualification,
such as a contestant not making weight limit, the winning fighter may enter the ring for the
announcement of the decision but shall not be required to be in proper attire. The official in charge,
or tournament administrator/director, shall endeavour to inform the affected contestant as soon as
Section 4.
A contestant is “DOWN” or “BAGSAK” when any part of his body but his feet is on the floor, resulting
when he goes down without being struck for the purpose of avoiding a legitimate strike or attack.
Section 5.
In the event that a contestant fails to continue because of injury, the result of the contest shall be
decided on the basis of the following conditions:
a. When the cause of the contestant’s injury is through any means except by foul blows, the injured
shall be the loser. However if the injury occurs in the first round, a judgement of “patas” shall be
b. When the cause of the contestant’s injury is his opponent’s foul tactics or strikes, the opponent
shall be the loser.
Article V.
Section 1.
All fighters must use WEKAF approved equipment. Said equipments should be approved by the
Board of Directors or Board of Governors.
a. Hair shall be cut in such a manner as not to interfere with his vision. The first time a fighter’s hair
interferes with his vision. The first time a fighter’s hair interferes with his vision, have the
coach/assistant coach correct the interference and issue a caution. A second occurence will result in
another caution. And on the third interference, a warning will be issued, and in the succeeding time,
a deduction of one point from score card of the fighter and, finally, a disqualification, should there be
another interference.
b. Contestants shall not wear contact lenses or eyeglasses during competition.
c. All contestants must be clean, present a tidy appearance and must, if possible, be cleanshaven
with no goatee or beard.
d. Fighters must wear EKA attire of loose trousers and T-shirt or loose trousers and jacket or a set of
club / club uniform; provided that it shall allow free movements of the fighter’s arms, legs and body.
e. Contestants must fight in proper costume including an approved foul-proof protection cup,
whenever required, which shall be fully adjusted before the fighter enters the contest area.
f. No metal, straps, buckles, necklaces, jewelry of any kind or any other object, which may cause
injury to either contestant, shall be worn.
g. Shoes shall be of soft material, without spikes, cheats or heels.
h. Dress infractions. A referee shall not allow from competing any fighter who does not wear a cup-
protector when required, headguard, body protective, jacket, gloves, or is not clean and properly
dressed. In the event a fighters gear’s shall become loose or undone during the contest, a referee
shall stop the contest to have it attended to.
i. Contestants must face the center of the contest area during interval (rest period) between rounds,
either sitting or standing.
Section 2.
Headguard must be fitted with steal/Aluminum grille screen to fully cover the face, designed in such
a manner as not to impair a contestant’s vision.
Section 3.
The competitive headguard shall be made adjustable to all head sizes. It shall fully cover the face
and head with flaps to protect the neck and back of the neck. Their should be and adjustable strap
for proper adjustment.
Section 4.
Body protective jacket
a. A protective jacket must be worn by all contestants which shall cover the entire body down to the
knee. The jacket shall cover all portions of the leg above knee wit sufficient foam padding in front
and on the sides. Foam padding shall extend to both sides of the body, although a light padding at
the back portion is allowable.
b. When the body protective jacket is undone during the contest, the referee shall stop the contest,
the contest and have it attended to.
Section 5.
Approved Gloves
a. Authorized Gloves. Competitor shall wear gloves which the organizers of the competition have
placed at their disposal, however, may be allowed to wear their own gloves upon prior approval.
b. The glove may extend to cover up to a big portion of the arm. However, if he so desires, a fighter
may be permitted to use additional arm pad to protect his arm.
Section 6.
Rattan Stick (Olisi)
a. Contestants shall be provided with rattan stick “olisi” with the following specifications:
i. Length shall not be more than 74 centimeters.
ii. Diameter shall not be more than 2.6 centimeters.
iii. Weight shall not be more than 200 grams.
b. Contestants may use their own rattan sticks provided prior approval have been granted by the
Section 7.
Optional Equipment
Leg band or pad, arm pad or additional body vest may be permitted for use by the contestants
provided prior authorization shall be obtained.
Article VI.
Coaches / Assistant coaches
Seciton 1.
Each competitor shall be entitled to one coach and one assistant who shall be governed by the
following rules:
a. The coach and the assistant coach must be previously registered with the organizer or National
Eskrima Kali Arnis Governing Association or representive of WEKAF.
b. Only one coach and assistant coach shall be allowed to stay close to and be with the contestant
during the interval.
c. A registered fighter may serve as an assistant coach in order to assist a fighter competing for the
same club.
d. During the match, neither the coach nor the assistant coach shall stay close to the contest area or
ringside. They shall, before the round begins, remove from the fighter’s corner, towels, fan, bucklets,
bottles, etc…
e. Any coach or assistant coach or official encouraging or inciting spectators by words or signs to
advise or encourage a fighter during the progress of the round shall not be permitted to continue to
act as a coach, or assistant coach, or official of the tournament where the offense is committed.
f. If a coach or his assistant infringes on the rules, the fighter may be warned or disqualified by the
g. No coach shall attempt to render aid to a seriously injured fighter without the approval of the
attending physician.
Coaches shall leave the fighter’s corner at the command of the timekeeper and referee, ten (10)
seconds before the beginning of each round.
h. Coaches must wear clean outer apparel and shall not be permitted to wear hats of any style.
i. Violations of the foregoing provisions shall result in the removal offenders from the area and from
future participation as coaches in the contest tournament, or may be banned forever from any
WEKAF sanctioned tournament and may result in the disqualification of their contestant by the
j. A coach may retire his fighter by throwing a towel, or any piece of white cloth or by-formally
informing the referee or by entering the contest area, except when both fighters are in the process of
exchanging strikes or blows.
k. Whenever a contestant is charged with an infraction of rules that his coach is aware of and has
not reported or is responsible for said infraction, he shall also be subject to disciplinary action.
Article VII.
Physicians, safety precautions and contest officials
Section 1.
Safety precautions and physicians
a. One or more physicians (medical doctors or MD) must be in the attendance at the ringside at all
times during the competition, and shall be prepared to deal with any medical emergency which may
b. The physician shall determine if any injury warrants the match to be discontinued. Upon his
decision, he shall advise the fighter and his coach/assistant coach in writing or treatment for such
injury. He is not personally obligated to perform such medical treatment but must make the
appropriate medical referral to such treatment.
c. Contestants must undergo medical examination before the start of the contest and, if necessary,
after each bout.
d. In the event of TKO/RSC or if a fighter is seriously injured, the referee shall immediately request
the physician to check the fighters condition and/or to render aid to the injured fighter as may be
necessary before the fighter is permitted to rise from the floor or leave the contest area. A physician
may, at his own discretion, enter the contest area immediately if about is stopped or if it is stopped
because of the injury.
e. A referee, before officiating on any WEKAF competition, must be examined and approved by the
attending physician.
f. The attending physician may suspend a bout at any time by entering the ring or contest area. He
shall examine the fighter and if in his opinion a contestant is in danger of further physical injury, he
shall notify the referee to terminate the bout. The referee shall notify the jury and all judges that the
bout has been stopped on RSC. The termination of the bout shall be deemed to the best interest and
safety and well-being of the fighter.
g. The attending physician shall not enter the ring between rounds for the purpose of examining an
injured contestant, unless requested by the referee. He may indicate to the referee that he wants to
examine the fighter and the referee shall, after the bell sounds, suspend the match and bring the
fighter to side mid-ring in front of the physician for examination. If in the opinion of the physician, a
contestant is in danger of further physical injury, he shall notify the referee to terminate the bout.
h. In the event of any serious injury, the attending physician shall immediately render treatment and
prescribe further treatment if necessary.
i. Any fighter who shall sustain a severe injury, TKO/RSC (except stoppage through disarming) in a
contest, shall be required to follow the instructions of the attending physician.
j. In case of repeated “stopped contest” (except disarming), the fighter concerned should be retired
by the LOCAL EKA COMMITTEE (LEKAC) or the National EKA Governing Association on advice
from a physician.
k. When a fighter is “down” as a result of a blow or footsweep and is unresponsive, no one shall be
allowed to touch him, except to remove the headguard, until the attending physician enters the
contest area and personally attends to the fallen fighter and issues such instructions as he deem
necessary to the coaches.
l. A stretcher and, if possible, a portable resuscitator with oxygen must be available at all times at the
m. Procedures after an RSC or TKO.
1. UNCONSCIOUS FIGHTER: If a fighter is rendered unconscious, then only the referee and the
physician summoned shall remain in the contest area, unless the physician needs additional
2. MEDICAL ATTENTION: A fighter who has been stopped due to severe beatings, making him
defenseless or incapable of continuing, shall be examined by the physician immediately.
The referee in the bout shall notify the jury and all judges that the bout was stopped due to the
fighter receiving hard blows or terrible beatings. Judges must annotate their score cards “RSC” or
i. A restricted fighter shall not be permitted to take part in the sparring or competitive EKA match for
the duration of his medical restriction. All other training for conditioning and maintaining of weight
shall be permitted. Restriction period shall be on the attending physician’s recommendation and
ii. Before he may resume fighting, after the period of rest prescribed by the physician, a fighter must
be given a special examination by the athlete’s physician who is a qualified Doctor of Medicine and
certified to by the examining physician to be physically fit to take part in the competitive EKA
Section 2.
Administration-Contest Officials
a. REGISTRATION: Officials and non-athlete members responsible for and/or who will enforce
WEKAF policy, rules, regulations etc… must be registered, i.e., referee, judge, timekeeper,
weightmasters, physicians, inspectors, clerks, armorer or equipment fitter, competition
director/administrator, drawmaster, trainers, coaches, etc…
b. Each local EKA Committee (LEKAC) is responsible for the recruitment, certification, registration
and assigning of all officials, coaches and non-athlete members. Each member is required to attend
an annual certification program under the direction of WEKAF.
c. Assigning of officials is the responsibility of the LEKAC in the territory where the competition is
Section 3.
a. PRIMARY CONCERN: The primary concern/duty of the referee is to insure the safety of the
b. DRESS: The referee and male officials in all WEKAF sanctioned competitions shall be dressed
properly and wear rubbers shoes without heels. Referees while officiating in WEKAF National
Championships may wear the organization’s patch on their attire.
c. DUTIES: The referee shall officiate in the contest area or ring. He shall:
i. See that the rules and fair play are strictly observed.
ii. Maintain control of the contest at all stages.
iii. Prevent a weak fighter from receiving undue and unnecessary punishment.
iv. Check the protective gears and equipment.
v. He shall use three words of command:
1. “STOP” (tigil or hunong): When ordering the fighters to stop fighting.
2. “FIGHT” (laban or palo or bunal): When ordering to continue.
3. “BREAK” (buwag): When breaking a clinch, upon which each fighter shall step back.
vi. He shall indicate to a fighter by any suitable explanatory signs or gestures any infringement of the
vii. At the end of the contest, collect and check the score cards of the judges; after checking, he shall
hand those score cards to the jury or on occasion where there is no jury, to the announcer.
viii. The referee shall not indicate the winner by raising a fighter’s hand or otherwise until the
announcement has been made. When the referee has disqualified a fighter or stopped the bout. He
shall first inform the jury or announcer which fighter he has disqualified or the reason for which he
stopped the bout, to enable the jury to instruct the announcer to make the decision correctly known
to the public. When the winner of a bout is announced, the referee shall raise the hand of the
winning fighter.
Section 4.
Power of the referee: The referee is empowered:
a. To terminate a contest at any stage if he considers it too one-sided.
b. To terminate a contest at any stage if one of the fighter’s has received an injury on account of
which the referee decides he should not continue.
c. To terminate a contest at any stage if he considers the contestants are not fighting in earnest. In
such cases he may disqualify one or both contestants.
d. To caution fighter or stop the bout during a contest and administer a warning to a fighter against
fouls or for any other reason in the interest of fair play, or to ensure compliance with the rules.
Section 5.
Jury: There shall be a jury composed of not more than five (5) persons.
a. In case of world championship, to come from different member countries.
b. In case of national championship, to come from different regional or state/provincial organizations.
Provided that, if possible, one should be a Grandmaster and at least one is a member of the Board
of Governor’s or Board of Directors of WEKAF. It shall be the duty of the jury to decide on matters
like protests and other actions that cannot be decided by the referee and judges or the committee on
rules and regulations.
Section 6.
The timekeeper:
a. Position: He shall be seated directly at the ringside.
b. Duties: The duties of the timekeeper are:
i. The main duty of the timekeeper is to regulate the number and duration of the rounds and the
intervals between rounds.
ii. Ten (10) seconds before the start of each round, the timekeeper shall signal “second out” by use
of whistle or similar device.
iii. The timekeeper shall commence and end each round by striking the gong, bell ringing the buzzer
or blowing the horn.
iv. Stops in the contest for warnings, cautions, bringing the dress or gears into order or for any other
reason, are to be excluded from regulation time.
v. In the event of “bagsak” or “agaw”, the timekeeper shall stop the clock and shall re-start it once
the referee gives the command “Laban” or “Palo”.
vi. A competitor failing to resume fighting at once after the rest between rounds, or after an interval
of ten (10) seconds if he has been down, and the referee has ordered to resume fighting, shall lose
the bout.
vii. If the referee is incapacitated in the course of a bout, the timekeeper shall strike the gong or ring
the bell to stop the bout and the next available neutral referee on the list shall be instructed to control
the bout and order the fight to be resumed.
Section 7.
a. The announcer will announce the names of all contestants, the weight of the class in which they
are competing and the club they represent.
b. The announcer shall announce the names of the referee and the judges when competitions are
about to begin and also all changes are made either in the referee or judges as the tournament
progresses so that the audience will know who the officials are for each bout.
c. The announcer shall not announce the decision until the referee has the fighters in the center of
the contest area and is ready.
Section 8.
Armorer. There shall be an armorer in all tournaments who has the following duties:
a. The armorer shall inspect the protective gears before each bout.
b. He shall see to it that each gear is properly fixed and fitted on each fighter.
c. He shall bring to the attention of the referee or the tournament officials or the jury if he finds or
believes a fighter is using unapproved gears or equipment.
d. He shall see to it that all gears and equipment upon order of the referee or tournament officials.
Section 9.
Clerks and Inspectors. In all tournament there may be appointed clerks and inspectors whose
duties are as follows:
a. The clerk shall conduct the drawing in accordance with the rules.
b. They shall examine the weight and classification of the contestants, and report immediately to the
tournament organizers or jury, if there is one, of any discrepancy or error.
c. They shall notify the contestants when to get ready for their bout.
d. Inspectors shall be assigned the above duties of the clerks if they are unable to do so.
Section 10.
Weigh-ins and Weightmasters.
a. Weigh-ins.
i. Weigh-ins must be conducted for all WEKAF tournaments.
ii. All contestants must weigh in at least stripped to the shorts.
iii. All contestants must weigh in either a day before or on the day of the tournament.
iv. A competitor must present himself at the official weigh-in. If he is above his weight classification,
he is given two hours to make his weight limit on the next weigh-in, he is disqualified.
b. Weightmasters.
i. At least two weightmasters must be appointed for all WEKAF sanctioned tournaments.
ii. Weightmasters must be weigh-in athletes coming from their own local club or organization.
iii. Weightmasters must read and record “exact” weight.
iv. The decision of the weightmasters as to weight of each contestant shall be final and without
Section 1.
All contestants must be registered under their own name with WEKAF or LEKAC and compete in
their respective age and weight categories.
a. Contestant must be registered with the LEKAC in which they reside and have been passed as
physically sound by the attending examining physician immediately before and after the contest.
b. A contestant may not represent a club or any organization that is not a member of WEKAF or
LEKAC. Any contestant who participates for a club or organization that is not registered member
must enter a contest as “unattached”.
c. Contestant must report to the clerk or responsible official at the time specified on the entry form or
other notice.
d. Any registered member who participates in an unsanctioned tournament shall be liable to
disciplinary action such as suspension or disqualification from entering in WEKAF sanctioned
Section 2.
Ring Name or Nickname. All contestants must enter and compete in all EKA tournaments or
contest under their own name. The use of ring name or nickname is strictly prohibited.
Section 3.
Medical Aptitude.
a. Medical Certification. A competitor shall not be allowed to compete in a sanctioned competition
unless a qualified Doctor of Medicine shall have certified him as fit to do so.
b. Medical Certificate. Every fighter competing outside his own country must have in his possession
a certificate signed by an authorized Doctor of Medicine stating that prior to leaving his own country
he was in good physical condition and not suffering from any injury, infection or disability liable to
affect his capacity to fight in the country being visited. Such certificate may be incorporated in a
record or passbook maintained by the fighter in accordance with practice of his LEKAC or national
EKA governing association and must be produced at the medical examination before the general
Section 4.
Prohibited conditions.
a. Vision. A fighter possessing the sight of only one eye is prohibited from fighting. The use of
contact lenses by fighters in the contest area or ring is prohibited.
b. Deaf and mute fighters who can pass a physical examination are eligible to compete.
c. Cut the Abrasions. No fighter shall be allowed to take part in any contest if he wears a dressing
(bandage or band-aid) on a cut, wound, abrasion, laceration or blood swelling on his scalp or face
including the nose and ears. The decision should be made by the physician examining the fighter on
the day of his match.
Section 1.
All tournaments and competitions will be conducted in accordance with rules promulgated by the
World Eskrima Kali Arnis Federation (WEKAF) except as modified by mandatory rules of local
members consonant to the laws of the member’s country.
Section 2.
All Eskrima Kali Arnis (EKA) contests must be sanctioned by the member country’s national EKA
governing body or association within whose territorial limits the event is held. In the event there is no
national governing body/association, the sanction must be granted by the local member club, school,
association or organization duly recognized and registered with the World Eskrima Kali Arnis
Federation (WEKAF).
Section 3.
All participating member’s / fighters, coaches, assistant coaches, officials, physicians, clerks,
inspectors, timekeepers, etc. must be registered with WEKAF or WEKAF-affiliated organization.
Section 4.
Registration annually will cover the period from June 1 through May 31st.
Section 5.
Uniform Sanction Fees for competition are not to exceed the following:
Club Competition -$10 max.
Intra-local Competition -$20 max.
State or Provincial Tournament -$30 max.
Regional or Inter-State Tournament -$40 max.
National Championship -$60 max.
Or 5% of net profits whichever is higher
Note: All amount indicated are in US Dollars.
Section 6.
Glossary – EKA contest term defined.
Clean striking or hitting – clean, clever fighting or not resorting to foul and unfair tactics.
Direct clean blow – a strike or blow without being blocked or guarded, with the “olisi” landing directly
on any part of the front or side of the head or body or any part above the knee.
Defense – blocking, parrying, slipping, ducking, sidestepping, swaying, bending or turning the body
to avoid a strike or blow. These maneuvers may be regarded as „getting away” or as „evasive
movements” which are made to avoid the other fighter’s attack.
Aggressor – one who assumes the offensive, one who constantly presses forward delivering blows
or strikes and, at the same time, avoids his opponent’s blows. And not one who wades in or moves
forward aimlessly and takes two or more punches to get one in.
Attack – successful leads or strikes, which are struck first, not counter strikes.
Section 7.
Classes of competitions.
See the Divisions menu.
Section 8.
If any state or province or municipal statute/law prohibits or restricts stickfighting contests is
accordance with WEKAF rules, regulations or policies, the championship or tournament will not be
conducted or sanctioned in those state province or municipality.
Section 9.
Restricted participation
a. Foreign Athletes. Any foreign athletes (one who is not a citizen of the country) are barred from
participating in any national or local tournaments except when prior approval has been granted.
However a permanent resident of the country is permitted provided he is a registered member of any
local club, school, association or organization.
b. Incarcerated Atheletes. Individual incarcerated in a penal institution are eligible to register and
participate in WEKAF sanctioned club and informal programs but they are not authorized to
compete/participate in official championship or promotional or advancement tournaments.
c. Female Athletes. They may be registered and accepted as athlete members and are authorized to
compete in Female Tournaments sanctioned by WEKAF.
Section 10.
Failure to compete.
a. A contestant who fails to compete after entering a competition shall be required to furnish a
satisfactory excuse in writing, if requested, for such failure. Otherwise, he renders himself liable to
disciplinary action – to include suspension by the local committee or WEKAF.
b. A contestant failing to appear when his bout is called automatically disqualifies himself from
further competition in the tournament. However, a contestant may be permitted to fight at the
discretion of the local committee or WEKAF in the case of regional or national championships when
it can be shown without reasonable doubt that the failure to appear was not due to any fault of the
c. Entry forms. A contestant must not sign an entry form for a tournament unless he fully intends to
compete. Fighters must arrive for physical examinations and weighing-in at a specified time.
Sponsoring organization must issue their publicity in advance. If a fighter has signed an entry form,
the sponsor has the right to use his name and to feel certain he will compete. If, for any valid reason,
a fighter is unable to appear in a bout he has entered, he must notify the organization in advance so
that a substitution may be arranged.
Section 1.
Warning. Warning shall be called upon by the referee for the first offense based on the following
a. Any foul strikes or blows and prohibited acts provided in Article 3 Section 5.
b. Unruly contestants and their officials or any unsportsmanlike conduct causing embarrassment to
an opponent, official or the public.
Section 2.
Point Deduction. A deduction of points shall be called upon by the referee to the offending
contestant and advise the judges of the point to be deducted immediately upon the commission of
foul based on the following:
a. A second violation of the same offense shall be given a point deduction.
b. Another point deduction thereof for the third offense or the referee may in his own discretion
declare a disqualification of the erring contestant.
Section 3.
a. A contestant who continuously commits a prohibited act shall be disqualified by the referee after
sufficient warning or warnings. Except on clearly intentional fouls, in which case the referee shall
automatically disqualify the erring player or upon consultation with the judges.
b. Default. Any contestant who fails to appear three minutes after the final announcement of his
name during the contest shall be declared in default.
c. Technical Disqualification.
i. Any contestant or his official committing grave „technical foul” on an opponent or official in the
contest area shall be declared in „Technical Disqualification”.
ii. Any contestant under the influence of prohibited drugs such as stimulants, steroids, hormone-like
substances, alcohol, marijuana, opiates and the like.
Section 4.
a. Any second offense committed by a contestant or his officials under the influence of prohibited
drugs shall be suspended for a period which may be determined by WEKAF.
b. Any perennial violator or habitual delinquent of the contestant that caused injury to opponent,
officials or public shall also be subject to disciplinary measure which may take the form of
suspension or expulsion as may be determined by WEKAF.
Article XI

Section 1.
Weight Classes for tournaments: (17 weight classes)
See the Divisions menu
Contestants in a lower division may be permitted to compete in the next higher weight division, but
not otherwise.
Section 2.
The Draw.
a. Immediately before the contest, a competitor who has weigh-in or his representative shall draw
numbers to determine the bouts in which he will participate.
b. No contestant shall receive more than one bye in a tournament.
c. One drawing may be made for the entire tournament using brackets at the request of the
tournament Director. In national championship this decision shall be subject to the approval of the
Board of Directors of the national governing association/WEKAF present at the national
championship. Where the competition is not concluded in one day, there may be a new drawing for
each subsequent round of bouts started on the following day.
d. No competitor may receive a „bye” in the first series and a „walkover” is the second series or two
consecutive „walkovers”. Should such a possibility arise, a fresh draw shall be made of the other
fighters remaining in the series who have not received a „bye” or a „walkover” in the preceding
series, and the new draw shall then proceed in the normal way.
Section 3.
Length and Number of Rounds.
a. Sanctions may be granted for contest beyond three rounds of one minute per round duration with
one minute interval between each round but in no case more than two minutes per round or a total of
six minutes for three rounds.
b. Stops of the contest for warnings, cautions, brining the dress equipment or gears into order or for
any other reason are not included in the duration limit for the round.
Section 4.
Classification of Fighters.
a. The following is offered as a guide for a LEKAC to establish experience classification.
i. Novice Class – A fighter who has not competed in any sanctioned WEKAF / LEKAC tournament.
ii. Beginners Class – A fighter who has not competed in more than (2) sanctioned tournament.
iii. Veteran Class – A fighter who has not competed in more than six (6) sanctioned tournaments.
iv. Advanced Class – A fighter who has completed in more than six (6) sanctioned tournaments.
b. Common sense and good judgment must always be used when matching contestants.
Article XII
Section 1.
Tournament Advancement.
a. All national EKA governing association or local EKA Committee/Association (LEKAC) will offer
advancement for the various competitions.
b. A champion who has been found to have been ineligible at the time he won his championship
shall forfeit the same, and all those defeated by him must fight again to determine a new champion.
c. All contestants must be matched on the basis of experience and ability.
d. The LEKAC shall require that a record of each individual’s bouts be recorded in a Record Book of
the Local Committee/Association.
Section 2.
Guidance for Local EKA Committee / Association
a. LEKAC must conduct annual certification clinics for officials, coaches and administrators.
b. LEKAC medical support personnel are required to attend seminars held for the purpose of
updating their knowledge on their duties and responsibilities.
c. LEKAC or the National EKA Governing Association is responsible for the status of referees and
judges in their territorial limits.
d. It is considered necessary that a chairman for referee and judges be designated for each LEKAC.
The chairman is responsible to have such a committee named and to be assured that discussions
and tests are given on rules and officiating producers at least once each year.
A. The following is a guide for referee to hone their skills and improve their ring mechanics:
1. The first and most important duty of the referee is to prevent either fighter from receiving
unnecessary punishment. The referee must immediately stop the match when a fighter
appears unable to properly defend himself.
2. When the fighters have been introduced to the public, call them to the center of the
ring/contest area and have them shake hands in very friendly and sporting gesture. It is not
necessary to explain to them any of the rules as they are supposed to know the rules and
regulations of EKA contest. Your duty is to see that they stick to the rules when fighting in the
3. Likewise you are expected to be aware of all the rules and the prescribed „fouls” so as to
carry out your duties efficiently.
4. Be strict without being severe. EKA contest is a sport.
5. Forget the public who may „boo” when you issue a caution or warning. The third man in the
ring risks more criticism than anyone else.
6. Never try to get into the act. A good referee makes the fighters feel his presence, but the
audience hardly realizes he is in the ring.
7. Rules are intended to prevent one fighter taking advantage of the other. The referee is there
to see that the rules are followed. Be quick and alert to detect instantly any of the
8. Deal with the serious offenses at the very outset with proper cautions and warnings. Your
demeanor should impress on the fighters that they are not inside the ring for the purpose of
fighting but for a game skill in strictly according to the rules.
9. You have the responsibility to interpret the rules of the contest for which you are officiating
and to decide any question not provided in the rules.
10. Make sure that the fighters are ready; the judges are ready, and that no equipments or gears
are lying on the contest area before signaling the timekeeper to commence the round.
11. Make sure your signal to commence the round is noticed by the timekeeper. When the gong
/ bell is sounded, you are in full control of the bout and must see that the rules are strictly
observed by the fighters and their coaches.
12. Move around the contest area. Do not remain in one position. Always try to be on the „open”
side of the action. Your work in the ring should create a favorable impression. The
contestants do better if they are in the hands of a good referee.
13. You must decide when a fighter is incapable of continuing the bout. Do not let a bout
continue if in your opinion the weaker fighter has no chance of winning and could be hurt.
14. Be especially alert for the most common infringements such as
1. holding,
2. not stepping back on the command „break” (buwag)
3. hitting while holding opponent’s olisi etc.
4. Thrusting or butting successively or even single thrusting or butting when these strikes are
prohibited or disallowed in particular tournaments;
5. Low blow – hitting the knee or any part below the knee.
6. Hitting or striking the neck, back or groin.
7. by jumping up causing a low blow, or
8. by deflecting downward a properly delivered strike thereby making it land low. In cases of
deliberate low blow, the offender should either be deducted a point in his score cards or be
disqualified immediately. „Thrusting” and „butting” when specifically prohibited are very
serious infringements which may cause grave injury and deprives an innocent fighter from
9. The total of points is correct.
10. The decision is correctly given to the fighter receiving the higher total points.
11. The corner of the winning fighter is correctly indicated with a circle.
15. Do not create difficulties for the judges by allowing the infringements to pass unnoticed. A
judge may otherwise feel that he is mistaken and thereby give credit to a fighter that should
have been admonished or penalized.
16. Distinguish between „in-fighting” and „clinching”. A clinch occurs when one or both fighters
lead and for a moment their arms become locked together. This is not an offense, but an
offense does occur when a fighter does not make an attempt to disengage from the clinch
and continues to hold.
17. Do not give the command „break” (buwag) too quickly or too often. This order should be
given when the fighters are slow in getting out of a clinch. It must be noted that if one of the
fighters has his hands free there is no clinch. Therefore, the command „buwag” need not be
given, but the bout may be stopped and the other fighter cautioned fro holding. Remember
that fouls should be dealt with cautions and warnings not by always ordering „buwag”.
18. At the command „buwag”, insist on both the fighters taking two full steps backward before
resuming the fight.
19. Never push or pull fighters apart or step between them when breaking the clinch. They must
respond by your vocal command.
20. Deal severely with the following infringements:
21. Cautions and warnings must be given clearly in such a way that the fighter understands the
offense and that you are „speaking” to him with your signal. Demonstrate by imitating the
nature of the infringements.
22. Do not touch the fighters during the progress of the round.
23. You do not need to give the command „Laban” or „Bunal” after you have ordered „buwag”;
however, „Laban” must follow „tigil”.
24. A mirror infringement which is not advantageous to the offender does not merit the warning.
A caution therefore should be sufficient. Warnings are for dangerous infringements, harm
fouls or persistent offenses.
25. To camouflage their holding, some fighters extend their arms under those of their opponents
and never make an effort to withdraw them. This results in the opponent finding it difficult to
prevent himself from locking the arm. The offender therefore is the fighter extending the arm
and should be warned if the offense is repeated.
26. You must be able to differentiate between in-fighting balances steadily on his own feet
without leaning on his opponent and can take an upright position anytime without falling
27. Do not allow coaches to leave their corner or to interfere in any way during the progress of
the bout. If after a caution they persist in infringing the rules, they should be warned that their
fighter may be disqualified.
28. Pay special attention to the offenses like „low blow” and when specifically prohibited,
„thrusting” and „butting”. You must be able to decide instantly whether they are deliberate or
accidental. Every low strike or blow is not necessarily a foul blow. Sometimes, the victim may
contribute to the offenses by his own action, such as:
29. To issue a „warning”, you must stop the bout by giving the command „tigil”. The command
„laban” or „palo” should be given only after you have been satisfied the offender and each
Judge clearly understand the warning and who committed the foul.
30. At the second „warning”, you may deduct a point from offender’s score cards, or when
appropriate, disqualify the offender outright. Should there be a third „warning”, you may
disqualify the offender. After you have disqualified the offender by issuing the „warning” and
then returning the fighters to their respective corners you must let your decision be known to
the Administrator / Tournament Director and to each judge.
31. It is not necessary to stop a bout to caution the offender for less serious infringement of the
rules. You may avail yourself of a suitable safe opportunity duringthe round to caution the
32. The referee upon noticing any bleeding on any part of the body shall give the command
„tigil”. The referee will have on his person a gauge pad to clean the injured area, and if he
thinks it is necessary, the referee will consult the ring physician. The ring physician will
inform the referee whether the bout is to continue or to issue RSC. The referee may summon
the physician as often as necessary during a bout to include between rounds.
33. The referee has the sole right to decide whether the fighter is fit to continue or not, but when
in doubt, be on the safe side. Safeguard your position, consult the physician and thereby
avoid unnecessary demonstration from the audience and the concerned fighter’s camp.
Once you consult the physician, you are duty bound to follow his advice.
34. At the knockdown, command „tigil” immediately and order the other fighter to neutral corner.
You then approach the fallen fighter and help him to his feet. You order the resumption of the
fight only you have been satisfied the fallen fighter is not hurt nor injured. One you declare a
knockdown, you signal and give instruction to the judges to score a knockdown, and make
sure they understand you decision.
35. Remember you are empowered to caution, warn and even disqualify a coach, his assistant
and his fighter for the offenses committed.
36. At the command ”seconds out (which is normally (10) seconds before the round begins), see
that the coaches immediately clear the ring or contest area. Be very firm with the coach who
ignores the rules. Report him to the administrator or Tournament Director who may even
disqualify him from coaching for the duration of the competition.
37. At the end of the bout give a few seconds to the Judges to complete their score cards.
Proceed to collect the scorecards form the judges, as much as possible, in the order in which
they are seated. Observe the score cards that:
38. After collecting the score cards and having verified it, hand them over to the jury or to the
announcer if there is no jury.
39. When you have handed the score cards to the jury, direct the contestants to come to the
center of the contest area, and with you standing in between them, face the jury and wait the
announcement of the decision. If you feel the fighters have put up a good performance,
make it an excellent contest by all means let your feelings be known to them by shaking
hands with them. Immediately, when the decision is announced, raise the hand of the
winner, and once again make them shake hands.
40. Exit the ring immediately after the fighters.
B. Suitable Gestures or Signs
1. In international contest, where difficulties arises concerning language, the referee in the case
of „cautions” or „warnings” should first of all make sure that the fighter concerned realizes
that it is he whom the referee is addressing. The referee shall then by sign or demonstration
clearly indicate the offense.
2. In order to overcome language difficulties, a referee shall use suitable gestures or signs
which indicate some of the common offenses. It is desirable also, that fighters be taught this
„international EKA contest sign language”, some examples of which are as follows:
1. THRUSTING OR BUTTING: Referee demonstrates the movements of a thrust or butt strikes.
2. HOLDING IN VARIOUS WAYS: Referee imitates the nature of the hold.
3. LYING ON: Referee bends the body forward.
4. HITTING BELOW THE LEGITIMATE TARGET POINTS: Referee points to the position
below the allowed target point or move the edge of the palm along the boundary line and
then points below.
5. NOT STEPPING BACK ON THE COMMAND „BUWAG”: Referee demonstrates „stepping
6. BLOWS ON THE BACK: Referee touches his back.
7. PUSHING OR SHOVING, ELBOWING OR PUNCHING: Referee demonstrates or imitates
the violations.
Additionally, even when there is no language difficulty, the referee should officiate all EKA contests
in a similar manner wherever possible refraining from using any vocal language other than the
commands, „tigil”, „buwag”, „laban” or „palo”.
1. A judge is advised to direct his gaze on a point midway between the two fighters – to enable
him to see and note the actions of each. He should avoid any inclination to watch a particular
fighter, who by reason of his style or personality may attract more attention than his
opponent. Therefore such concentration on one fighter is not advisable as judge may fail to
see some of the scoring actions of the other fighter. Judges are advised to assess the
scoring value of each incident as it occurs and credit it mentally to each fighter concerned.
When a fighter has obtained a lead in points, further gains made by him shall be added to his
score.and those by his opponent subtracted from his score.
2. A judge must be thoroughly familiar with all WEKAF Rules and Procedures. He / she should
also have a complete understanding of the signals, motions and procedures in refreshing.
3. It is well to verify names and identities of listed fighters as soon as your program is received.
Check for changes. Verify corner colorings and team assignments, if any.
4. As soon as the announcement of he verdict is made of the bout previous to the one you are
to officiate, occupy the correct judge’s seat assigned to you.
5. Complete legibly the following in the score card before the commencement of the bout:
1. judge’s number
2. date of the tournament
3. bout number
4. weight division
5. referee’s name
6. fighter’s name
7. judge’s signature
6. You may speak to the referee during the interval and bring to his attention any incident
involving break of the rules which he has not indicated. However, when the bout is in the
progress, do not speak to the contestants, referee or other judges.

7. When coffee or soft drinks are served while actually judging, drink only during the interval
and place the drink container on the floor and not openly on the judge’s table. Do not smoke
while sitting on the judge’s seat or anywhere close to the ringside.

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