Incentive Schemes
Incentive Schemes
Incentive Schemes
•Increased perks or benefits > 80% of employees prefer strong incentives over a
bigger paycheck.
> Probationary
In addition to these stats, here is a table that simplifies the
> Regular difference between companies that offer incentives, and
those that don't.
- management development
( hindi ko nasulat kasi nilipat agad ) - financial incentives impart self confidence and give
sense of security to the workers. They take more interest
in work and produce more in the hope of getting still
more monetary benefits.
Incentive schemes
- Financial incentives also include such economic
> An incentive of "reward" can be anything that attracts incentives as are given collectively to the employees.
an employees.
A. Allowances
Incentives can
> Is made to the employees under wages/pay packet. It is
> Increase productivity paid by the employees to the employees in order to
provide relief to the latter against ever rising prices of
> Encourage teamwork consumer goods
> Thank employees for doing their work well > This incentives is given to compensation for rising
prices or consumer price index.
> Keep employees happy
> It is an important part of the wages paid to the
> Reward high achieving employees employees. Today, allowance is given to all government
and most of the private sector employees.
> Build trust with employees
> Initially allowances was kept separate from the basis
> Problem of absentism
B. Profit sharing
1. Monetary of Financial incentives
> Is an arrangement entered into by which the employees
- Allowances review a share, fixed in advance of profits.
> To motivate the workers payment of bonus > The workers must be aware
> Non- monetary incentives include all those non- Recognition incentives
financial, social and psychological factors for which
employees get incentives for maximum. > These incentives are actions like thanking, praising,
presenting employees with a certificate of achievement or
a announcing an accomplishment at a company meeting.
This can be used for individual or even in the use of the
1. Job security whole company.
> An employee expects justice and fair treatment in the 4. Incentives to professional employee
company. In matters of promotion or transfer, etc. the
management must play fair. Workers lose confidence in
management when the latter exercises discrimination.
Besides their enthusiasm for work becomes weak. 1. Individuals incentive plans
1. Piece work
5. Praise
> It is one of the oldest incentives plans. In straight piece
> Everybody likes that his good works be appreciated. It work incentive plan, the employees receive a certain rate
is the weakness of an ordinary person that he feels greatly for each unit produced. Compensation is determined by
flattered at his praise. It satisfies his ego. the total member of unit is produced during a particular
> Praise has great motivational force. It constantly
inspires the workers to take keen interest in the work and
adds to his productivity.
2. Standard hour plan Total sales amount = ₱90,000.00 + ₱45,000.00 =
- payment is determined based on the completion of a job
in a predetermined standard time. Now, let's find 25% of ₱135,000.00:
> It is an incentive plan given to an employee in addition Therefore, Juan Dela Cruz makes ₱33,750.00 in
to one's normal basic pay. commission.
> Based on performance > Employee x works for a company which pay him for
total net of 14,543,50 per month pay 5% of any sales
> Lump-sum merit pay above 50,000.00. If he sold goods worth Php. 100, 000.00
he will received a total income of ______?
> Special contributions are merchandise awards
personalized vacations, gift vouchers. Research showed Salary=14,543.50
that non-cash incentive awards along with regulation
program. Commission= 100, 000.00-50,000.00=50,000×5%
1. Sales incentives
Graduated commission
> As sales job requires done and enthusiasm depends in
sales volume. > Employee Y works as sales executive for a company
that pay him 1% on the first 5,000.00 sold 2% on the next
15,000.00 sold and 3% on all sales over 20,000. What is
his gross pay if he sells 25,000.00?
Types of sales incentive plan
1. Straight salary
2. Straight commission
Straight commission
> These organizational plans to increase productivity or 5. Actual labor costs 10,000
decrease labor cost and share the gains obtained through
higher productivity or reduced waste, with the employees. 6. Bonus pool 3,500
3 types of gain sharing plan 8. Employee share ( less 20% for deficit) 1,750
1. Scanlon plan
Ex. 2005 data( base year) for Alton Ctd > Bonuses based on the overall productivity of the team.
Total wage bill = 4,000.00 > Include all the employees respective of teams/groups
are based on the success of the organizations as a whole
Total wage bill/SVOP = 4,000.000/10,000,000 over a period of time.
= 40=40%
Actual wage bill ( August ) = $330,000 The best 23 employee incentive programs for the
Modern enterprise
Savings = $50,000