02 - Bahan Syntax
02 - Bahan Syntax
02 - Bahan Syntax
Of course there are countless trees in the nearly 1 million acres composing Oregon’s Umpqua National Forest. But
the topography here reveals the volcanic history of the region near the southern end of the Cascade Mountain Range.
When Cascade volcanoes erupted, some of their lava flows cooled in particular conditions that caused vertical
fissures in the rock, forming these tightly packed pillars of stone. You’ll find these columns of basalt throughout the
forest, usually along steep hillsides where the landscape shifts dramatically.
Text 2
Staring down winter
Feel a chill in the air? Not these two. The first frosty blasts of winter have little effect on Highland cattle thanks to
their unusual coats. The long-haired outer layer is oily and slicks off rain and snow, keeping the fluffier undercoat
dry and toasty against their skin. These two Highlanders are in a national park in Drenthe province of the
Netherlands, but the breed developed by natural selection—only the fittest survived—in the wet and windy Scottish
Highlands. The original Highland Cattle Herd Book, which recorded Highland cattle pedigrees, dates to 1885,
making Highlanders the oldest registered cattle breed in the world.
Farmers used to keep their Highland cattle in open-air stone shelters called folds, and that name stuck to these hairy
bovines—a group of Highlanders is called a fold, not a herd. Today, you can find Highland folds all over the world,
as far north as Alaska and Scandinavia, and down south to Australia. Queen Elizabeth is a fan. She's had a fold on
her Balmoral estate since 1953.(BING : https://www.bing.com/search?q=highland+cattle&filters=lite:
Text 3
Keep Schools Open, New York
1. There are three texts.
2. Please analyze the participants, the types of the processes, and the
3. Do not specify the types of the participants. Just make sure that
each element can be separated correctly.
4. But please specify the process because it represents what experience
the clause intends to deliver.
5. Submit the analysis to V-class, or, your chairperson can organize
your works collectively and send them to my email.
6. I will explain the analysis on Mon, Nov 16 2020. Insya Allah.