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Hydraulic Unbalance in Oil Injected Twin Rotary Screw Compressor Vibration Analysis (A Case History Related To Iran Oil Industries)

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Vol:7, No:11, 2013

Hydraulic Unbalance in Oil Injected Twin Rotary

Screw Compressor Vibration Analysis
(A Case History Related to Iran Oil Industries)
Omid A. Zargar

rotors to give a female rotor speed that is somewhat less than

Abstract—Vibration analysis of screw compressors is one of the the male speed. Some designs connect the drive to the female
most challenging cases in preventive maintenance. This kind of rotor in order to produce higher rotor speeds thus increasing
equipment considered as vibration bad actor facilities in industrial
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:7, No:11, 2013 waset.org/Publication/9997612

displacement. However, this increases loading on the rotors in

plants. On line condition monitoring systems developed too much in
the area of torque transfer and can reduce rotor life [1].
recent years. The high frequency vibration of ball bearings, gears,
male and female caused complex fast Fourier transform (FFT) and
time wave form (TWF) in screw compressors. The male and female
randomly are sent to balance shop for balancing operation. This kind
of operation usually caused some bending in rotors during the process
that could cause further machining in such equipment. This kind of
machining operation increased the vibration analysis complexity
beside some process characteristic abnormality like inlet and out let
pressure and temperature. In this paper mechanical principal and
different type of screw compressors explained. Besides, some new
condition monitoring systems and techniques for screw compressors
discussed. Finally, one of the common behavior of oil injected twin
rotary screw compressors called hydraulic unbalance that usually
occurred after machining operation of male or female and have some
specific characteristics in FFT and TWF discussed in details through
a case history related to Iran oil industries.

Keywords—Vibration analysis, twin screw compressor, oil

injected screw compressor, time wave form (TWF), fast Fourier
transform (FFT), Hydraulic unbalance and rotor unbalance.


R OTARY screw compressors are widely used today in

industrial refrigeration for compression of ammonia and
other refrigerating gases. Fig. 1 Typical twin rotary screw compressor main rotor clearances
Simple in concept, the screw geometry is sufficiently down and basic operation principals up
difficult to visualize that many people using screws today have
only a vague idea how they actually work. Compressors may be simply classified as dynamic
An understanding of the basics of their operation will help compressor and displacement compressor; the displacement
in applying them correctly, avoiding nuisance problems in compressors confine successive volumes of gas within a
operation, and achieving the best overall system designs. A closed space and increase the pressure by reducing the volume
typical oil flooded twin-screw compressor consists of male of the space. The displacement compressors are also classified
and female rotors mounted on bearings to fix their position in as two types: rotary compressor and reciprocating compressor.
A rotor housing which holds the rotors in closely tolerance As a major type of rotary and positive displacement
intersecting cylindrical bores shown in Fig. 1. compressor, the screw compressor has been playing more and
The rotors basic shape is a screw thread, with varying more important role in the applications of compressors. Some
numbers of lobes on the male and female rotors. The driving of the twin screw compressor equipped with timing gear
device is generally connected to the male rotor with the male otherwise oil provide the only necessary rotating role.
driving the female through an oil film. In refrigeration, four or
five lobed male rotors generally drive six or seven lobe female

Omid A. Zargar is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering -

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, Kukatpally,
Hyderabad-500085,Andra Pradesh India (phone: +91-40-23158661 to 4; fax:
+91-40-23156184, e-mail: hyd2_jntuadm@sancharnet.in).

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Vol:7, No:11, 2013

suction end, forming the back edge of the trapped gas pocket.
The two separate gas cylinders in each rotor are joined to form
a "V" shaped wedge of gas with the point of the "V" at the
intersection of the threads on the suction end.

Fig. 2 Types of twin-screw compressors (left equipped with oil gear

pump and right gearless)

Suction gas is drawn into the compressor to fill the void

where the male rotor rotates out of the female flute on the
suction end of the compressor. Suction charge fills the entire
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:7, No:11, 2013 waset.org/Publication/9997612

volume of each screw thread as the meshing thread proceeds Fig. 5 How compressors are started Compression back the fluid in
down the length of the rotor. This is analogous to the suction left reciprocating and right twin rotary screw compressor
stroke in a reciprocating compressor as the piston is drawn
down the cylinder. Further rotation begins to reduce the trapped volume in the
"V" and compress the trapped gas. The intersection point of
the male lobe in the female flute is like the piston in the
reciprocating. That is starting up the cylinder and compressing
the gas ahead of it.

Fig. 3 How compressors are started suction of fluid in left

reciprocating and right twin rotary screw compressor

The suction charge becomes trapped in two helically shaped

cylinders formed by the screw threads and the housing as the Fig. 6 How compressors are continued fluid Compression in left
reciprocating and right twin rotary screw compressor
threads rotate out of the open suction port. The volume
trapped in both screw threads over their entire length is In the reciprocating compressor, the discharge process starts
defined as the volume at suction, (Vs). In the reciprocating when the discharge valve first opens. As the pressure in the
analogy, the piston reaches the bottom of the stroke and the cylinder exceeds the pressure above the valve, the valve lifts,
suction valve closes, trapping the suction volume, (Vs). allowing the compressed gas to be pushed into the discharge
manifold. The screw compressor has no valves to determine
when compression is over. The location of the discharge ports
determine when compression is over. The volume of gas
remaining in the "V" shaped trapped pocket at discharge port
opening is defined as the volume at discharge, (Vd).

Fig. 4 When compressors have Maximum suction volume trapped of

fluid in left reciprocating and right twin rotary screw compressor

The displacement per revolution of the reciprocating

compressors is defined in terms of suction volume, by the bore
times the stroke times the number of cylinders. The total
displacement of the screw compressor is the volume at suction Fig. 7 How compressors are started fluid discharge in left
per thread times the number of lobes on the driving rotor. reciprocating and right twin rotary screw compressor
After that, the male rotor lobe will begin to enter the
trapped female flute on the bottom of the compressor at the A radial discharge port is used on the outlet end of the slide

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Vol:7, No:11, 2013

valve and an axial port is used on the discharge end wall. of machine in different loads, speeds and situations [8]-[10].
These two ports provide relief of the internal compressed gas In addition, traditional vibration measuring programs could
and allow it to be pushed into the discharge housing. be performed for all parts and components in screw
Positioning of the discharge ports is very important as this compressors. It is worthy to know that these methods could be
controls the amount of internal compression. In the effective in gear box [11]-[13].
reciprocating compressors, the discharge process is complete Besides, all vibration data such as overall vibrations, TWF,
when the piston reaches the top of the compression stroke and FFT and phase values could be evaluated in vibration analysis
the discharge valve closes. [14]. Besides, these methods could be effective in rotor
The end of the discharge process in the screw occurs as the unbalance identification [15], [16].
trapped pocket is filled by the male lobe at the outlet end wall These kinds of data are available in on line vibration
of the compressor. The reciprocating compressors Always has monitoring systems in most critical screw compressors.
a small amount of gas, (clearance volume), that is left at the Furthermore, a condition based monitoring system using
top of the stroke to expand on the next suction stroke, taking ultrasonic signal recently developed for gear boxes. High
up space that could have been used to draw in more suction frequency ultrasonic sensor is used as a transducer to collect
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:7, No:11, 2013 waset.org/Publication/9997612

charge. At the end of the discharge process in the screw, no data base on run frequency and gear mesh frequencies. Finally
clearance volume remains. All compressed gas is pushed out signals could filter within an ultrasonic range [17].
the discharge ports. This is a significant factor that helps the The phase analysis could be evaluated the condition of
screw compressor to be able to run at much higher coupling or misalignment, soft foot and high low flanges. In
compression ratios than a reciprocating compressor [2]. addition, vibration modal analysis could be identified the
machine overall condition with assist of data collector VDAU-
6000. On the other hand, noise-monitoring systems usually
performed in screw compressors.
Moreover, oil analysis is one of the other critical
checkpoints always recommended in screw compressors.
Nowadays thermography developed to evaluating the
bearing temperature in screw compressors and gearbox.
The lubrication system of different parts of screw
compressors considered as a main technical category in
Fig. 8 How compressors are finished fluid discharge in left monitoring systems. An environmental friendly palm-grease
reciprocating and right twin rotary screw compressor
has already been formulated from modified RBDPO (Refined
Bleach Deodorized Palm Oil) as base oil and lithium soap as
thickener. Such palm-grease is dedicated for general
Screw compressors usually connected to an increasing RPM application and or equipment working in different industries.
heavy gearbox with several main shafts and a high KW The grease was manufactured via 4 steps of processes:
electromotor (usually more than 38 KW). The couplings are saponification in pressurized reactor, soap dilution by heating,
usually rubber type to damping the related vibrations. The cooled recrystallization and homogenization. The lubrication
foundation could be rigid or flexible in different industrial performance tests result using 4-ball wear-test showed that the
plants. The flexible foundation screw compressors vibration amount of wear on ball specimen was smaller in test with the
behavior is usually more complicated and that is because of palm- grease than the test with mineral (HVI 160S) grease.
the annoying noises generated. The monitoring system is This ability of the palm-grease to provide better surface
connected to some on line vibration monitoring system in protection or anti wear property will be helpful in different
board substation. type of machine lubrication like screw compressors [18].
Each part (motor-gearbox-compressor) has a separated The electro motors of screw compressors usually equipped
vibration monitoring system. with slider bearings. Several modeling techniques developed
The electro motor usually equipped with journal bearings. in recent years for simulate such bearing conditions. The
These kind of bearings also equipped with some none contact homotopy analysis method (HAM) [19] for strongly nonlinear
probes and Bently Nevada vibration monitoring systems. problems is used to give explicit analytic solution for
Therefore, all vibration analysis techniques and methods like lubrications problems in slider bearings [20].
shaft centerline analysis [3] could be applied in critical These kind of bearings usually equipped with a vertical
conditions. direction none contact probe or two classical none contact
A new wireless condition monitoring system also developed probe for most critical equipment. The foundation of screw
in recent years. The main advantages of such system are in compressor may be flexible or rigid. Types of foundation
reducing the installation errors and increasing the monitoring could effects directly on vibration limits.
accuracy and speed [4]. Damping is a complex phenomenon, which acts in the form
The gear boxes usually equipped with shock pulse of absorption and dissipation of the energy in the vibrational
measurement (SPM) on line monitoring [5]-[7]. The bearing systems. Different factors effect on the damping such as type
condition unite (BCU) trends could be evaluated the condition of joints in the connections. There are several methods for

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Vol:7, No:11, 2013

foundation modeling and design like vibration modal analysis vibration rates may loosen the rubbers, both in compressor and
that is based on the phase values [21]. electromotor sides. These phenomena could produce coupling
Different maintenance strategies such as corrective, time unbalance that is hard to diagnose in complex screw
based, preventive, condition-based and predictive exist for compressors FFT and TWF. In addition, coupling abnormal
different equipment like screw compressors. noises could be disappeared in noise pollution of screw
A new fuzzy multi criteria model is introduced and it is compressor.
used for the optimization decision making of the complex It is strongly recommended to performed phase analysis
system maintenance strategy with five Criteria. Maintenance between two sides of both couplings especially between
strategies have been modeled with consideration of four fuzzy gearbox and compressor. The traditional strobe light method
parameters in the multi criteria decision making. could be helpful in some urgent conditions but the
One of the Criteria elaborates minimization of total disadvantages of this method is the danger of working with
Completion time. The second Criteria has been considered in naked critical coupling (without cover coupling) [24].
this model due to describe minimize cost. The other Criteria Shaft crack is also is one of the usual faults in both male
are in regards to minimization of risk and working man and and female or in main rotor of single screw compressors.
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:7, No:11, 2013 waset.org/Publication/9997612

maximize retrieval parts. This kind of modeling systems could Small size crack usually produce because of bad operation
be selected the types of maintenance strategy [22]. condition. The cracks may be longitudinal or radial.
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a process to Shaft crack could be detected by amplitude, 1X, 2X phase
ensure that assets continue to do what their users require in and second harmonics of RPM monitoring. Shaft crack is hard
their present operating context. It is generally used to achieve to diagnose in complex FFT shape of screw compressors.
improvements in fields such as the establishment of safe Some modeling techniques and strategies developed in
minimum levels of maintenance, changes to operating recent years and could be detected the shaft cracks in different
procedures and strategies and the establishment of capital complex rotor shape or process condition base on
maintenance regimes and plans. Successful implementation of mathematical methods with assist of technical software’s [25].
RCM will lead to increase in cost effectiveness, machine Moreover, the axial clearances of male and female
uptime, and a greater understanding of the level of risk that the installation are considered as most challenging machinery
organization is managing. concepts and maintenance issues in screw compressors.
RCM considered as a new revolution in maintenance Maladjustment of rotors will ruin tolerances and caused
strategies. Ball bearings and roller bearings are used both in abnormal axial vibrations. Effect of an axial force and shaft
screw compressors and gearboxes. Gears, male and female are characteristics on the lateral natural frequencies of a flexible
also produced high frequencies. That is why the screw rotating shaft with a cubic nonlinearity is also recently
compressors FFT are usually complicated in high frequencies. investigated.
Roller bearing failure is a major factor in failure of rotating The shaft is assumed to be uniform, and the Euler-Bernoulli
machinery. As a fatal defect is detected, it is common to shut theory is used to model the rotating shaft. Method of multiple
down the machinery as soon as possible to avoid catastrophic scales is used to solve the dimensionless partial differential
damages. Performing such an action, which usually occurs at equation of the motion.
inconvenient times, typically results in substantial time and Linear and nonlinear lateral natural frequencies are plotted
economical losses. It is, therefore, important to monitor the for various shaft parameters and effects of these parameters
condition of roller bearings and to know the details of severity and cubic nonlinearity is discussed. In addition, the natural
of defects before they cause serious catastrophic frequencies are plotted as damping coefficients functions. In
consequences. addition, lateral natural frequencies increases by applying
Traditional FFT and TWF are most effective methods in tension axial loading and decreases by applying compression
roller bearings and ball bearings fault diagnosis. The small hill axial loading at the ends of the rotating shaft [26].
shape type frequencies are appeared around bearing high
frequencies in first stages. After that by developing bad
bearing condition the frequencies shifted themselves to ball or
roller pass frequency and its small sidebands. In this stage
bearing is completely damaged and noises are appeared during
operation [23].
Besides, monitoring overall acceleration and bearing
condition units (BCU) could be effective in fault diagnosis.
The thermography and sound analysis could be helpful in
roller bearings and ball bearings fault diagnosis. These
methods are developed too much in recent years. The
couplings in both sides of gear box are considered as most
Fig. 9 Typical on line monitoring systems for screw compressors
challenging parts of screw compressors. The couplings usually
equipped with contact piezoelectric sensors
are rubber types and produced run frequencies.
The couplings are usually under high tension. High

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International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Vol:7, No:11, 2013


In this part a case history about oil injected twin rotary
screw compressor explained. The ratio of male /female is 4/5.
This screw compressor provided air for the special
electronic tools of main process board facilities and
considered as most critical equipment. This compressor has
not timing gear and oil provided by male and female rotation.
The couplings are rubber type. The electro motor is 38 KW
and the gear box is 3000/4500 (increasing). The schematic
diagram of screw compressors is shown in Fig. 10. In addition, Fig. 10 Twin rotary screw compressor motor driven with increasing
vibration limits calculated based on standard ISO2372 (BS gear box vibration-measuring points
4675, VDI 2056).
Values are shown in Table I. These kinds of standards TABLE I
usually work based on foundation type (rigid or flexible) and
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:7, No:11, 2013 waset.org/Publication/9997612

Vibration limits
the power of driver in KW (size of equipment).
Good Danger condition
Location Alert condition (fair)
Case history Air compressor Pj-K-2801 C Tuesday, condition (rough)
less than
March 19, 2013 Driver between2.8-7.1mm/s above7.1mm/s
The overall vibrations were increased in all parts, locations less than
Gear box between4.5-11mm/s above11mm/s
and directions considerably compared to previous trending less than
driven between4.5-11mm/s above11mm/s
data. The vibration data are shown in Table II. 4.5mm/s

Highest Amplitudes Measured
Position Type displacement in micrometer p-p Velocity in mm/sec (r.m.s) Acceleration (mm/s2) Location health condition
Driver motor 19 2.3 5.1 motor Allowable
Gearbox Gear box 16 3 4.9 Gearbox Allowable
Driven compressor 19 2.8 4 compressor Tolerable

Due to high amounts of run frequency in compressors area

the process problem is possible in this case. Therefore all air
and oil controlling paths like unloading valves and all special
electronic tools paths should be checked accurately.
Furthermore, the run frequency was dominated based on all
FFT, TWF, overall vibration and phase values. Besides, male
rotor is fall from crane during balancing activates in balance
shop according to the maintenance history. In addition, falling
caused bent shaft in male. Therefore, the maintenance group
sent male rotor for machining.
The machining operation caused hydrodynamic unbalance
in screw compressor. It was strongly recommended to check
compressor unloading valve, its seat, plug, cylinder, and their
piping systems for possible leakage accurately. Fig. 11 shows
FFT in highest amplitudes measured in compressor. Run Fig. 11 FFT in highest amplitudes measured in air compressor/ Pj-K-
frequency, male frequency and their harmonics are dominated. 2801 C
In addition, TWF shows high amount of impacts because of
rotor hydrodynamic unbalance.

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(11) 2013 2375 scholar.waset.org/1307-6892/9997612
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International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Vol:7, No:11, 2013

Recommended maintenance checks and activities applied.

The air compressor/ Pj-K-2801 C started up in full load
process condition at Thursday, April 4, 2013. The startup
vibration values are shown in Table III.
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:7, No:11, 2013 waset.org/Publication/9997612

Fig. 12 Impacted TWF in highest amplitudes measured in air

compressor/ Pj-K-2801 C (influenced by rotor hydrodynamic

Highest Amplitudes Measured
Position Type displacement in micrometer p-p Velocity in mm/sec (r.m.s) Acceleration (mm/s2) Location health condition
Driver motor 8.8 2 0.6 motor good
Gearbox Gear box 9 1.6 3.7 Gearbox good
Driven compressor 9 1.6 1.9 compressor good

By taking a glance on last two tables and compared the

data, all vibrations velocity, displacement and acceleration
reduced considerably after recommended maintenance checks
and activities.
In addition, the noise of screw compressor reduced too
much and come back to its normal initial condition. Moreover,
there are no impacts in TWF of different compressor points
any more. Run frequency, male frequency and its harmonics
are dominated in highest amplitudes measured FFT in screw
compressor yet but the peak amplitudes and their sidebands
reduced too much.
Furthermore, it is strongly recommended that this screw
compressor considered under close monitoring during
necessary operations because of rotor hydraulic unbalance
history. Fig. 13 FFT in highest amplitudes measured in air compressor/ Pj-K-
2801 C after repair


All types of screw compressors vibration behavior
considered as most challenging topics in preventive
maintenance. That is because of gear, bearing, male and
female high frequencies mixed together in FFT or TWF.
In addition, the noise pollution of screw compressors caused
monitoring problems. The male and female rotor usually sent
to balance shop for balancing operation. This usually caused

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Vol:7, No:11, 2013

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