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Behaviour Of Inline Knockout Machine

Operating Under Vibration

Vishal Shrimandhar Masutage Mukund V. Kavade
Student: Mechanical Engineering Dept. (CAD/CAM/CAE) Associate Professor.Mechanical Engineering Dept.
Rajarambapu Institute Of Technology,Sakhrale Rajarambapu Institute Of Technology,Sakhrale
Sangli,Maharashtra,India Sangli,Maharashtra,India
masutagevishal@gmail.com mukundkavade@ritindia.edu

Abstract— such as ANSYS adopting modified numerical method to carry

Inline knockout machine is designed to separate out calculation is used.
sand and castings from mold box. Vibration is controlled
by unbalanced weights provided on each side of spindle. II.VIBRATING SCREEN WORKING PRINCIPLE AND
Failure of the components such as vibrating box, vibrating MOTIVATION OF THE WORK
frame, and damper takes place after certain number of The simplest Vibrating Screen Working Principle can be
cycles. Modal analysis and harmonic analysis have been explained using the single deck screen and put it onto an
carried out based on dynamic analysis technology. The inclined frame. The frame is mounted on springs. The
working frequency selection of the vibrating screen was vibration is generated from an unbalanced flywheel.
studied using ANSYS. A simplified model of vibrating box
and vibrating screen was constructed by using CATIA,
and then imported into the ANSYS workbench to carryout
analysis of modal and harmonic characteristics. The stress
distribution, deformation and structural natural
frequency, mode shapes under static loads of the self-
balance vibrating screen were calculated, to provide
theoretical basis for the analysis of the dynamic
characteristics and structure optimization design of
vibrating screen and to ensure the screen and box has
sufficient strength and longevity.
Keywords - Working Frequency, Modal and Harmonic
Characteristics, Natural Frequency, Mode Shapes.
Fig1. Inline knockout machine
The vibrating screen is a common screening machine for A very erratic motion is developed when this wheel is rotated.
industrial and mining enterprises. It is made up of vibrator, a A double counterbalance system is used in the horizontal
screen box, a damping device and Transmission device. The screen. The counterbalance weight will alternately promote
exciting force is generated by the vibrator when the vibrating and retard the direction of vibration depending upon where
screen works. The shaker box may break in the long-term within each revolution the weights come opposite each other.
work; especially the sides of the screen box may fracture. This The first sign that an operator has indicating that the fatigue in
paper adopted a knockout machine as the object to study and the body of the screen deck is almost at a critical stage in its
analyse the stress distribution and deformation under static development are the hairline cracks that will appear around the
loads, check the strength of shaker box and analyse whether it vibration’s point of origin.
will resonate by calculating the natural frequencies and mode
shapes of the structure. The vibrating screen do forced
vibration when it is under high-intensity loads. It is prone to III. MODELING OF THE COMPONENTS
fatigue failure [1]. The key components of the Inline knockout The vibrating box is divided into two parts: Vibrating frame
machine is vibrating screen are screen box, because of its and screen frame. Because of the complex of structure and too
complex structure and shape; use of analytical design methods many parts of screen and screen frame, the finite element
for calculation of stresses is very unconventional, so software models of them are very difficult to be building by using the
ANSYS. Because CAD is mature and operational software, it
can quickly create virtual models of screen and screen frame.
Therefore, the combination of CAD and ANSYS is very
necessary for analysing vibrating screen. The CAD model was
changed into a standard format which can be imported into
ANSYS in order to get finite element model. CATIA v5 is
able to read and produce STEP format files for reverse
technological innovation and surface recycling [4].The
following simplified steps are taken:
(a) Some small connectors, fixing bracket, other non-bearing
components and functional parts are omitted.
(b) All chamfers, fillets, rivets and welding spots are ignored
which are not the major factors to reduce the workload of the
(c) Ignore the technological holes and bound holes on the
Fig 2. Meshed model of inline knockout machine
screen box as such small diameter holes has little effect on
general strength and stiffness of the structure, but the mesh
units will greatly increase.
(d) The parts of screen box are thin-walled plate except the
motor base. Modal analysis is used to determine a structure’s vibration
characteristics natural frequencies and mode shapes. Different
IV. PREPROCESSING mode shapes for different frequencies of structure can be
A. Connections And Preloading – determined in modal analysis. The purpose of natural
characteristic analysis is to avoid resonance and harmful
Import the modal in the ANSYS for the analysis purpose.
Auto connection feature is used to define all the connection of vibration modes and improve the reliability and service life of
the geometry. Spring is used as one more connection for screen and screen frame [6]. For a free vibration analysis, the
dampers; there are two types of springs natural circular frequencies ωi and mode shapes Øi are
1. body-body type 2.Body- ground type. calculated from the equation.

K   M    0
We have used body-ground type spring here, in this type of 2
spring reference is grounded (fixed) to the ground i.e there is i i
no any directional moment along any side of body, it will act Following assumptions are made to use this equation-
as base of spring damper. Scoping- the working part of spring
is considered as mobile direction of body, the direction in • {F} is not present, so no excitation of the structure is
which spring is going to experience compression or expansion. assumed
By considering all above explanation constraints of spring will
be GROUND to part 325121 00 003 (upper part of spring • The structure can be unconstrained (rigid-body modes
damper support) present) or partially/fully constrained, depending on the
Stiffness of spring 120.94 N/mm^2 is used as one of the input physical structure
characteristic of spring. Preloading i.e approximate load which
is acting on the spring is also considered in the analysis • Mode shapes are Øi - i is corresponding mode number.
because spring may suffer pre deformation due the load
applied by the whole structure. Approximately 3 ton preload is • ωi -natural frequency
applied on the spring.in this analysis only one spring is
• [K]- stiffness matrix [M] -mass matrix
considered as working condition.
B. Meshing of Model In modal analysis we have considered first ten modes of
vibration for analysis. Maximum 10 modes to find under
Imported model from CATIA is required to mesh for further
frequency range 0-10 Hz. We can check the behavior of
analysis. Efforts are made to achieve finer mesh for accuracy
structure at higher frequency but the natural frequency of the
of results. For meshing first auto mesh is generated, face
structure is 4 Hz, so only frequency range up to 10 Hz is
sizing and edge sizing is applied on the edges of circular part
and face sizing is applied on side walls of the box. Mesh is
hex dominant in meshing number of nodes formed are 403425
and number of elements are 57722.
TABLE I BEHAVIOR OF THE SYSTEM FOR FIRST TEN Minimum 325 121 00 005 2.1918e-010
Maximum 196.7
Mode Effect Name of part Deformation(mm) 013_Default<A
Minimum 325 121 00 005 s Machined>-8
Default<As 2.9041e-010
Machined> 325 121 00
1 Minimum
Maximum 325 121 00 013 005_Default<A
Default<As 223.78
s Machined>
Minimum 325 121 00 325 121 00
2 005Default<As 1.5326e-010
Machined> Maximum 151.72
Maximum 325 121 00 013- 130.58 s Machined>-30
325 121 00
325 121 00
Minimum 3.879e-011
3 Minimum 1.4019e-010 018_Default<A
005_Default<A 10
s Machined>-1
s Machined>
Maximum 325 121 00 019 49.66
325 121 00
s Machined>-7
325 121 00
4 Minimum 8.3181e-009
s Machined>-30
Maximum 325 121 00 003 4.4984
325 121 00
5 Minimum 7.3041e-010
s Machined>
325 121 00 Fig 3-Total deformation-1 at frequency 0 HZ
Maximum 172.27
s Machined>-6
325 121 00
6 Minimum
s Machined>
325 121 00
Maximum 177.57
s Machined>-6
325 121 00
Minimum 005_Default<A
7 s Machined> 3.2495e-010 Fig 4- Total deformation -10 at frequency 0.00060832 Hz .

Maximum 325 121 00 168.73

s Machined>-35
Harmonic analysis is used to determine the structural response
Mode Characteristic Of Vibration Mode at steady-state sinusoidal loads at a given known frequency.
y [Hz] This will give a closer look to verify whether or not our
designed part sustains the fatigue, resonance, and other
Rigid motion (translational motion, harmful effects of forced vibrations. Harmonic or frequency
1. pitch vibration) along x,y,z axis at response analysis considers only one frequency loading[5].
second compartment. The loads may not be in phase with each other, but the
excitation is at a known frequency. This process is not used
Rigid motion along x,y,z axis, at fourth
for any transient load. Before performing harmonic analysis,
2. compartment. always run modal analysis to gain an understanding of the
Rigid motion along x,y,z axis, at third dynamic behavior of the model. For the following analysis the
compartment. frequency range considered is in between 0-10Hz with
4. Displacement at damper support. solution interval 10.constant damping ratio is 0.0002.
5. Rigid motion along x,y,z axis, at fourth
6. compartment.

7. Rigid motion along x,y,z axis, at third

Rigid motion along x,y,z axis, at first
8. 0.000556
Rigid motion x,y,z axis, at third
9. 0.000589 Fig 5- forces applied on vibrating screen
Rigid motion along x,y,z axis,
supporting L plates of screen
Considering above inputs,for the first mode maximum
TABLE III NOMENCLATURE OF COMPONENTS deformation is 13.751 mm and minimum is 4.25e-012 mm on
part 325 121 00 005 and 325 121 00 018-7 respectively.In
Sr Component number Component name
second mode of vibration on part 325 121 00 018-7 maximum
effect of vibration can be seen which is 19.415mm and on part
1 325 121 00 005 Default<As Supporting parts of damper
Machined> at ground 325 121 00 005 minimum deformation 1.951e-012mm is
2 325 121 00 013 Default<As Vibrating frame –second observed.for the third mode maximum and minimum
Machined>-32 compartment deformation is 65.65mm and 6.23e-012mm respectively on
3 325 121 00 013_Default<As Vibrating frame –fourth parts 325 121 00 014 and 325 121 00 005.In fourth mode part
Machined>-6 compartment 325 121 00 018-8 suffers maximum deformation of 163.26mm
4 325 121 00 013_Default<As Vibrating frame –second and 325 121 00 005 suffer minimum deformation of 5.8766e-
compartment, horizontal 012mm.considering fifth mode maximum deformation is
section 13.564 and minimum deformation is 7.59e-013mm.in sixth
5 325 121 00 013_Default<As mode part no 325 121 00 018-8 suffers maximum deformation
Vibrating frame –third Of 6.933mm and part 325 121 00 005 shows mimimum
deformation 4.1977e-013mm. for seventh mode maximum
6 325 121 00 003 Vibrating box –front part
deformation is on 325 121 00 18 and minimum on 325 121 00
7 325 121 00 013_Default<As Vibrating frame –third 005.In eigth mode part 325 121 00 0018-4 has deformation of
Machined>-35 compartment 3.3159mm and 325 121 00 005 part has minimum of 1.05e-
8 325 121 00013_Default<As Vibrating frame –first 013mm.Maximum 3.19mm and minimum 5.15e-014mm
compartment deformation can be seen on part 325 121 00 002 and 325 121
Horizontal section
00 005.For last mode maximum deformation 1.72e-013mm on
9 325 121 00 013_Default<As Vibrating frame –third
compartment part 325 121 00 005 and minimum deformation 1.93mm on
Machined>-30 325 121 00 018-5 is observed.
Inclined section
10 325 121 00 018_Default<As
Vibrating box side wall
first mode of frequency in which 17.005 Mpa stress can be
11 325 121 00 019 Supporting L-plates of
seen on part 325 121 00 002 and minimum stress 1.09e-011
can be seen on part 325 121 00 003.In second mode of
vibration maximum equivalent stress 23.563Mpa present on IX.FREQUENCY RESPONSE
325 121 00 002 and minimum stress 1.4546e-011 on part 325
121 00 003.for third mode Maximum 208.63 Mpa von mises In harmonic analysis peak response will correspond to naturel
stresses can be seen on part 325 121 00 013-2,on part 325 121 frequency .So we will consider the frequency response of the
00 003 Minimum stress of 5.44e-011Mpa.For fourth mode structure and will plot the graph frequency vs amplitude for 10
maximum and minimum equivalent stresses are 3057.3 Mpa frequencies. Considering above statement we can infer that 4
and 4.04e-011 Mpa on parts 325 121 00 003 and 325 121 00 HZ is the naturel frequency of the vibrating structure.
018-2 respectively. In fifth mode of vibration maximum effect
can be seen on part 325 121 00 013-2 and minimum on 325
121 00 003 of 75.78 Mpa and 9.30e-012Mpa respectively.
Maximum effect can be seen on part 325 121 00 018-2 which
is 28.25 Mpa and minimum of 6.18e-012Mpa on 325 121 00
003 in mode 6. Considering mode 7 we can observe that
maximum equivalent stress 16.896Mpa on part 325 121 00
018-8 and minimum 3.2495e-010Mpa on part 325 121 00 003
can be seen. For eighth mode, 325 121 00 018-8 and 325 121
00 003 and corresponding maximum stress 32.17 similarly
minimum effect 2.189e-012Mpa. For ninth mode of vibration
maximum and minimum equivalent von mises stresses are
102.22 Mpa and 3.27e-012 on part 325 121 00 018-8 and 325
121 00 005.for last mode i.e tenth mode 325 121 00 019 and
325 121 00 003 parts maximum and minimum equivalent
Fig 8- Maximum equivalent stresses for mode 4
stresses are of 19.039 Mpa and 1.94 Mpa respectively.

Fig 6- Input data for harmonic response analysis.

Fig 9- Frequency Response

Fig 7- Maximum total deformation for mode 1
X.CONCLUSION Fabricators, Shiroli and sharing his valuable industrial
experience. I acknowledge with thanks, the assistance
In the above failure analysis we have conducted modal provided by central library, staff and CAD/CAM lab.
analysis and harmonic analysis to understand the behavior of
the components vibrating screen and vibrating box under
dynamic loading. REFERENCES
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018_Default<As Machined>-2 which is maximum of 3057.3 Applied Mechanics And Materials Vol. 141 (2012) Pp 134-
Mpa and minimum of 4.0435e-011 Mpa on 325 121 00 138.
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7. R.K. Luo, W.J. Mortel, X.P. Wu, ―Fatigue Failure
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Maximum deformation is developed at part 325 121
00 018_Default<As Machined>-8 which is maximum of
163.26 mm and minimum of 5.8766e-012 mm on 325 121 00
005_Default<As Machined>. Corresponding changes are
required to make in to front part of vibrating box and
supporting parts of dampers avoid this deformation on the part
so that the part can resist these deformations.
3.In frequency response peak response will
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I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my guide
Prof.M.V.Kavade for his invaluable and inspiring suggestions.
I would also like to thank Prof.S.B,Kumbhar for his valuable
suggestions. I would also like to express my deep sense of
gratitude to my industrial guide Mr.Navnath pawar for
allowing to conduct the project in VIJAY Engineers and

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