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We have used body-ground type spring here, in this type of 2
spring reference is grounded (fixed) to the ground i.e there is i i
no any directional moment along any side of body, it will act Following assumptions are made to use this equation-
as base of spring damper. Scoping- the working part of spring
is considered as mobile direction of body, the direction in • {F} is not present, so no excitation of the structure is
which spring is going to experience compression or expansion. assumed
By considering all above explanation constraints of spring will
be GROUND to part 325121 00 003 (upper part of spring • The structure can be unconstrained (rigid-body modes
damper support) present) or partially/fully constrained, depending on the
Stiffness of spring 120.94 N/mm^2 is used as one of the input physical structure
characteristic of spring. Preloading i.e approximate load which
is acting on the spring is also considered in the analysis • Mode shapes are Øi - i is corresponding mode number.
because spring may suffer pre deformation due the load
applied by the whole structure. Approximately 3 ton preload is • ωi -natural frequency
applied on the this analysis only one spring is
• [K]- stiffness matrix [M] -mass matrix
considered as working condition.
B. Meshing of Model In modal analysis we have considered first ten modes of
vibration for analysis. Maximum 10 modes to find under
Imported model from CATIA is required to mesh for further
frequency range 0-10 Hz. We can check the behavior of
analysis. Efforts are made to achieve finer mesh for accuracy
structure at higher frequency but the natural frequency of the
of results. For meshing first auto mesh is generated, face
structure is 4 Hz, so only frequency range up to 10 Hz is
sizing and edge sizing is applied on the edges of circular part
and face sizing is applied on side walls of the box. Mesh is
hex dominant in meshing number of nodes formed are 403425
and number of elements are 57722.
TABLE I BEHAVIOR OF THE SYSTEM FOR FIRST TEN Minimum 325 121 00 005 2.1918e-010
Maximum 196.7
Mode Effect Name of part Deformation(mm) 013_Default<A
Minimum 325 121 00 005 s Machined>-8
Default<As 2.9041e-010
Machined> 325 121 00
1 Minimum
Maximum 325 121 00 013 005_Default<A
Default<As 223.78
s Machined>
Minimum 325 121 00 325 121 00
2 005Default<As 1.5326e-010
Machined> Maximum 151.72
Maximum 325 121 00 013- 130.58 s Machined>-30
325 121 00
325 121 00
Minimum 3.879e-011
3 Minimum 1.4019e-010 018_Default<A
005_Default<A 10
s Machined>-1
s Machined>
Maximum 325 121 00 019 49.66
325 121 00
s Machined>-7
325 121 00
4 Minimum 8.3181e-009
s Machined>-30
Maximum 325 121 00 003 4.4984
325 121 00
5 Minimum 7.3041e-010
s Machined>
325 121 00 Fig 3-Total deformation-1 at frequency 0 HZ
Maximum 172.27
s Machined>-6
325 121 00
6 Minimum
s Machined>
325 121 00
Maximum 177.57
s Machined>-6
325 121 00
Minimum 005_Default<A
7 s Machined> 3.2495e-010 Fig 4- Total deformation -10 at frequency 0.00060832 Hz .
To avoid this maximum deformation of 223.78 mm at 4. Liu Xinyong,Cui Hongbin,Cao Pengxian,Bao Xuechun,Liu
0 HZ and 49.666mm at 0.00060832 HZ on corresponding Xinyu, ―TQLZ Self-Balance Vibrating Screen Static And
components vibrating screen and supporting L plates suitable Modal Analysis‖, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 852
changes are required to make in the components to avoid the (2014) Pp 619-623.
this maximum deformations.
5. Zhong-Jun YIN, Lei ZHANG, Bing CHEN , ―Kinematic
2. From harmonic response analysis we can take a And Dynamic Analysis Of Large Coal Vibrating Screen‖
closer look at the behavior of the system under cyclic loading Applied Mechanics And Materials Vols. 105-107 (2012) Pp
and its response such as fatigue, resonance, and other harmful 444-447.
effects of forced vibrations.
6. DING Chuanguang, SONG Fangzhen, SONG Boand Men
Maximum stress is developed at part 325 121 00 Xiuhua,‖ The Finite Element Analysis Of Vibrating Screen‖
018_Default<As Machined>-2 which is maximum of 3057.3 Applied Mechanics And Materials Vol. 141 (2012) Pp 134-
Mpa and minimum of 4.0435e-011 Mpa on 325 121 00 138.
003,corresponding changes are required to make in front part
7. R.K. Luo, W.J. Mortel, X.P. Wu, ―Fatigue Failure
of vibrating box and supporting parts of dampers to avoid this
Investigation On Anti-Vibration Springs‖ Engineering Failure
stress concentration on the part.
Analysis 16 (2009) 1366–1378.
Maximum deformation is developed at part 325 121
00 018_Default<As Machined>-8 which is maximum of
163.26 mm and minimum of 5.8766e-012 mm on 325 121 00
005_Default<As Machined>. Corresponding changes are
required to make in to front part of vibrating box and
supporting parts of dampers avoid this deformation on the part
so that the part can resist these deformations.
3.In frequency response peak response will
correspond to naturel frequency .So we will consider the
frequency response of the structure, we can conclude from
graph frequency vs amplitude that 4 HZ is the naturel
frequency of the vibrating structure.
To avoid resonance of structure frequency of forced
vibration must be greater or lower than 4 HZ.
I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my guide
Prof.M.V.Kavade for his invaluable and inspiring suggestions.
I would also like to thank Prof.S.B,Kumbhar for his valuable
suggestions. I would also like to express my deep sense of
gratitude to my industrial guide Mr.Navnath pawar for
allowing to conduct the project in VIJAY Engineers and