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W6700 2022 1 - QMP

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Quality Management Plan

Approval, Control and Distribution

This Project Quality Management Plan (QMP) is a controlled document and shall be reviewed, approved and
distributed under controlled conditions. The Project Manager is the holder of the Quality Management Plan
and is responsible for updating the document during the project lifecycle. The signatures below certify that this
QMP has been reviewed and accepted and demonstrates that the signatories are aware of all the requirements
contained herein and are committed to ensuring their provision.

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Quality Management Plan

Table of contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Purpose of the Document........................................................................................................................ 7
1.2 Background .............................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Audience .................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Related Documents ................................................................................................................................. 7

2 Objectives .................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Key Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 Competence, Awareness and Training .................................................................................................. 13
2.4 Laws, Regulations and Guidelines .......................................................................................................... 14
2.5 Quality Management System Overview................................................................................................. 14
2.6 Relationship between Tellus’ and Contractor’s Quality Documents ...................................................... 14
2.7 Quality Management System (QMS) ..................................................................................................... 14
2.8 Quality Assurance Requirements ........................................................................................................... 14

3 Quality Assurance....................................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 16
3.2 Quality Assurance Scope of Services ..................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Record keeping (QA inspections) ........................................................................................................... 16
3.4 Construction Inspections ....................................................................................................................... 17
3.5 Document Management........................................................................................................................ 17

4 Project Assurance ....................................................................................................................... 18

4.1 Quality Control....................................................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Risk Management (Preventive Action)................................................................................................... 18
4.3 Monitoring and Measurement of Project Performance ........................................................................ 18
4.3.1 Project Reporting and Review ................................................................................................ 18
4.3.2 Customer Feedback................................................................................................................ 18
4.4 Lessons Learnt ....................................................................................................................................... 19
4.5 Control of Non-Conforming Items ......................................................................................................... 19

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Quality Management Plan

5 Corrective Action Procedure ....................................................................................................... 20

5.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 20
5.2 Preventive measures ............................................................................................................................. 20
5.3 Continuous improvement ...................................................................................................................... 20
5.4 Non-conformance report (NCR) ............................................................................................................ 20
5.5 Site Observation Report......................................................................................................................... 20
5.6 Corrective action system ....................................................................................................................... 21

6 Project Records and Documentation ........................................................................................... 22

6.1 Filing system .......................................................................................................................................... 22
6.2 Data backup ........................................................................................................................................... 22

7 Appendix 1 – Quality Policy ........................................................................................................ 23

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Quality Management Plan

OSH Occupational Safety and Health

OSR Owners Site Representative

Owner Tellus Holdings Limited

PCR Project Change Request

PVA Project Variation Approval

PT Project Team

RFI Request for Information

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

SOR Schedule of Rates

SOS Scope of Services

SOW Scope of Works

SRDP Sandy Ridge Development Project

SRF Sandy Ridge Facility

SWMS Safe Work Method Statement

TBC To be confirmed

TES Tender Evaluation Schedule

tpa Tonnes Per Annum

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Quality Management Plan

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the Document

This document defines the project quality assurance process during execution of the Sandy Ridge Development
Project (SRDP). The Quality Management Plan (QMP) documents the measures to be applied during the project
to provide confidence and assurance regarding overall integrity of the project.
This QMP is a subsidiary management plan of the overall Project Execution Plan. It sets out the approach and
method for the management of quality that is both consistent with relevant industry standards and the
company’s internal policies.
The objective of the Quality Management Plan is to ensure that the SRDP is delivered in accordance with
stakeholder requirements and contractual specifications to reduce cost of quality (namely cost of re-works,
non-conformity and deficiencies, unnecessary future maintenance and repairs) and to complete the project
within the approved baselines.
The QMP details the key elements to be applied during the project execution to achieve quality control, and
the monitoring and audits to be performed as quality assurance to ensure that these processes and procedures
are being applied.
While the QMP assures that the appropriate quality control processes are being applied throughout the
project, it does not in itself provide assurance regarding the technical integrity of the Project. The contractor is
responsible for the quality of the engineering and technical aspects of the project.

1.2 Background

The contracting strategy for the delivery of the project comprises a Design and Construction (D&C) contract
approach for the major packages, supported by several smaller packages for supporting infrastructure works
(such air dome supply)

1.3 Audience

This document is intended for the following key stakeholders:

• Project team members
• Tellus senior management and executives

1.4 Related Documents

This QMP should be read in conjunction with the following project documentation. Special attention should be
placed on the Project Execution Plan (PEP) as this is the basis for all other plans and project direction.
• Project Execution Plan (TSR-5-SR-08000-PM-PLN-0001).
• Tellus Quality Policy (TEL-01.001) (Appendix 01)
• Tellus’ AS/NZS ISO 9001.2015 Quality Management System certification.

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• Tellus’ AS/NZS ISO 45001.2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification.
• Tellus’ relevant policies and procedures.

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Quality Management Plan

2.3 Competence, Awareness and Training

Personnel performing specified assigned tasks are to be qualified on the basis of appropriate education,
training and/or experience as required. Competency assessments, identification of training needs and the
provision of training for personnel will be identified by the Project Manager during the project setup and
revised, as applicable, throughout the life of the project.

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Quality Management Plan

2.4 Laws, Regulations and Guidelines

Adherence to this plan does not absolve any party from any obligations or responsibilities under applicable
laws and regulations.

2.5 Quality Management System Overview

The project quality assurance and control program provide the basis for monitoring and reviewing:
• The establishment and effective implementation of the project management system.
• Compliance with contractual obligations and objectives, applicable policies and applicable legislative
• Verification of project management system suitability and effectiveness through review and assessment.
• Verification of the quality of the services supplied consistent with contractual obligations and assessed
• Continual improvement through analysis, corrective and preventive action (including risk assessments
and lessons learnt).

2.6 Relationship between Tellus’ and Contractor’s Quality Documents

The D&C Contractor and other subcontractors will be directly responsible for quality on their respective
works and are required to prepare a quality management plan, in accordance with its contractual obligations
and legislative requirements, for all activities under their control from the time they take possession of the
site through to Final Completion. The PT will review these plans prior to the main contractor starting on site.
The main contractors’ management plan will be the principal document for the management of quality on
This quality management plan is written to cover the PT during their involvement in the project.

2.7 Quality Management System (QMS)

• The PM will implement a Quality Management System (QMS) that is consistent with the overall contract
requirements, Tellus’ QMS, this QMP, and the D&C contractor’s requirements for quality management
outcomes on the Project. While owned by the Project Manager and Quality Manager, quality is to be
managed by the full Project team.
• The Project Manager ensures that the project team clearly understands how to meet:
○ Contract and scope requirements.
○ Tellus’ QMS.
○ Additional Project Management requirements.

2.8 Quality Assurance Requirements

Throughout the project, the PMC shall consult and audit contractors with regards to quality planning,
control, assurance, procedures and systems that will ensure the SRDP is delivered to the appropriate
standards. Consultation and communication shall be:

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Quality Management Plan

• Democratic – everyone has a right to input into issues and decisions that affect them.
• Transparent – the process will be open and transparent and aim to achieve clear outcomes.
• Equitable – an equal opportunity to participate be given to all stakeholders.
• Accessible – ensure that participants from all stakeholder groups can be involved.

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Quality Management Plan

3 Quality Assurance

3.1 Overview

• Quality Assurance (QA) is a set of activities for ensuring quality in the processes and deliverables of the
project. The focus of QA is the avoidance of problems and defects as well as the associated costs.
• By auditing compliance to the approved plans, processes, requirements and expectations, processes will
be continuously developed with regards to workability and cost efficiency.
• The key aim of QA is to continuously investigate issues and systematically develop a system and processes
to avoid repetition of earlier issues and establish a management structure to facilitate process
improvement at an organisational level.
• The targets are:
○ Increase awareness of processes that could enhance organisational competencies.
○ Identify processes that need organisational improvement.
○ Facilitate discussions to allow people to share their experience inside and outside their functional
○ Prioritise processes to achieve continuous improvement.
• It is the aim of this plan to determine potentially existing process errors and take corrective action
accordingly wherever possible before the error affects in any way.
• Any identified non-discrepancy will be resolved with the approved plan and/or methodology and will be
re-inspected prior to the commencement of the activity or any other activity which makes the later
rectification of the non-conformance virtually impossible.

3.2 Quality Assurance Scope of Services

• In accordance with the D&C Contract, each Contractor remains responsible for the performance of its
scope of work and services and will be audited against their approved Quality Management Plan. The
Owners project team shall work with the Contractors to meet the requirements of ISO 9001.
• The Owner’s Works Scope (WS) specifies the Quality requirements that the Contractors are to adhere to.
The PM will manage the Contractors, including regular auditing, to maintain compliance with the Owner’s
WS. Audits by the PM of the Contractors engineering, procurement, fabrication, construction and
commissioning works will be required, in accordance with the approved Quality Management Plan.

3.3 Record keeping (QA inspections)

• During construction, the Owner’s Site Representative (OSR) is responsible for the development and
completion of forms, checklist and registers that will be completed during the ongoing inspections. All
forms and checklists will be passed to the Document Controller (DC) before the end of the workday for
distribution and storage.
• The DC registers the documents and distributes them to the relevant people promptly.
• The OSR will maintain Daily Activity Records, which will summarize all QC operations including activities,
tests and inspections performed for each day during the SRDP life cycle.

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Quality Management Plan

3.4 Construction Inspections

• The D&C contract makes allowance for Construction Inspections by the PM that are expected to be
carried out during the execution stage. These are aimed at ensuring construction activities and
deliverables are consistent with statutory and contractual obligations and approved plans.

Typically, this involves:

• Review of contract terms and specifications and subcontractor data submissions to ensure clear
understanding of technical requirements and prerequisite verification and certification
• Review of personnel qualifications, construction records and certification.
• Chair or attend and record pre-inspection meetings when required and follow-up implementation
and closeout of agreed actions.
• Witness subcontractor process and personnel qualification tests in accordance with specification
• Witness/review of subcontractor inspection and test activities and records in accordance with
specification/code requirements in accordance with approved Inspection and Test Plans (ITP).
• Facilitate customer or independent (third party) verification activities as specified in agreed ITPs if
and as required.
• Monitor subcontractor technical query and design change control processes.
• Monitor subcontractor non-conformance and corrective action processes, and where necessary,
raise non-conformance notes and facilitate disposition of non-conforming works.
• Facilitate review of final construction data reports and acceptance of mechanical completion.
• Analyse and report on subcontractor performance for input into re-qualification and management
review processes.

3.5 Document Management

• Tellus utilises SharePoint as the primary document management system on the project and requires all
project documentation to be stored within the system.
• Documents shall be transmitted between companies using an email library. This provides the necessary
project control mechanisms for document communications.
• A detailed description of the document management system is provided within the Document
Management Plan.

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Quality Management Plan

4 Project Assurance

4.1 Quality Control

• Quality control is the responsibility of all project team members and is applied when implementing each
of the various project activities.

4.2 Risk Management (Preventive Action)

The SRDP risk classification and risk management process is defined by the Risk Management Plan (TSR-5-SR-
08000-PM-PLN-0009) and is the basis for managing project risks and preventive actions.
Prior to commencement of Works, a qualitative and quantitative risk workshop will be conducted to review
risks with focus on the execution stage of the project. Inputs to this workshop will be taken from the SRDP
cell one activities.
Other inputs to the project risk assessments should include (where applicable):
• Contract review findings.
• Analysis of any applicable legislative or regulatory requirements.
• Analysis of design basis and associated technical standards.
• Lessons learnt.
• Analysis of related historical non-conformance trends.
• Analysis of related audit findings.
• Project review outputs.
• Management review outputs.
The risk management process is then ongoing for the life of the project, with the facility to identify action
and close-out risk. The risk register is a live document and is kept in SharePoint (TSR-5-SR-08000-PM-REG-
Preventive (mitigating) actions identified from the assessment process are to be documented and tracked
through the applicable Risk Management Plan Risk Register.

4.3 Monitoring and Measurement of Project Performance


The PM monitors project performance and measures it against specified Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
criteria. Project reporting requirements are specified in the Communications and Stakeholder Management
Plan (TSR-5-SR-08000-PM-PLN-0011).
From the PM point of view, the project’s customers include Tellus Senior Management, Tellus Board and
Sandy Ridge Operations team.
The main communication tool with the project’s customers is the Monthly Project Status Report which is
issued by the 21st of each month (refer to the Communications and Stakeholder Management Plan).
Feedback received from the above groups will be reviewed, analysed and addressed through the Monthly
Report and/or through ad-hoc actions as required.
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Quality Management Plan

Ongoing informal performance feedback is to be sought by the project team and actions taken to ensure
that any deficiencies in systems, procedures and/or operations are identified and rectified.
Formal feedback is to be obtained from the Project Director prior to close-out of the project.
Any negative feedback or complaints will be handled internally through the Corrective Action Process
through which the root cause of issues will be investigated, corrective actions put in place and timely
feedback provided to Tellus.

4.4 Lessons Learnt

The project team is committed to continual improvement of processes and systems and shall implement a
Lessons Learnt process. All project team members are encouraged to identify and report lessons (both good
and bad) as and when they occur, in a “no blame” culture. Lessons Learnt are recorded in the Lessons Learnt
Collection, analysis and actioning of lessons learnt is to be undertaken continuously during project
implementation; through monthly meetings and focused workshops as required. A formal meeting shall also
be held at project close-out.

4.5 Control of Non-Conforming Items

Project team non-conforming items will be dealt with through the weekly progress meetings. Non-
conforming items will be tabled, and appropriate actions assigned to one or more members. Resolution of
non-conforming items will be monitored through the same forum.
Sub consultant and Sub-Contractor non-conformance procedures shall provide for:
• Identification of where non-conforming items exist.
• Documentation of the non-conformance in sufficient detail to facilitate analysis and agreement of
• Analysis by competent personnel and where required, referral to the responsible in-house or
independent technical authority for agreement.
• Correction as per the agreed method of resolution.
• Verification to confirm conformance to specified requirements.
Consultant and sub-contractor procedures shall also define arrangements for logging and tracking the
resolution of non-conformance and for analysis to establish the cost of non-conformance and as input to
corrective action and management review.

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Quality Management Plan

5 Corrective Action Procedure

5.1 Overview

The primary goal of the quality program defined in this document is the prevention of non-conformances,
reduction of reworks and continuous improvement of processes. In the unfortunate event that non-
conformances arise deficiencies will be resolved with an approved plan and/or method in a timely and cost-
effective manner and re-occurrence will be avoided to its maximum extent.

5.2 Preventive measures

• This QMP is intended to be proactive, to reduce risks and avoid issues and deficiencies. The prime tools
and techniques identified for this project to meet this target include (but are not limited to):
○ Inspections and verifications
○ Submittal management
○ Calibration and maintenance
• Overall quality will be built into the process as much as possible rather than inspected and rectified at a
later stage.

5.3 Continuous improvement

• The Quality manager (QM) together with the PM will review any instances where materials, components,
assemblies, features of work, or completed products fail to meet the specified requirements, and will
take appropriate action to prevent future occurrences.
• All members of the PM are encouraged to suggest improvements.

5.4 Non-conformance report (NCR)

• Identified executed insufficient workmanship or used materials not conforming to the specifications
and/or requirements or other non-conformities will be documented by the QM in an NCR and signed by
the PM.
• The NCRs will be passed to the DC for registration in the NCR Register and for submission to the PM and
responsible PT member, contractors(s), sub-contractor(s), supplier(s) and/or vendor(s).
• The NCR remains open until the non-conformance is satisfactorily resolved, inspected and approved by
the QM and PM.
• For the avoidance of repetition each NCR also will be included in a Lessons Learned Register and will be
evaluated with regards to process improvement by the PM and communicated to the PT to add to
organisational process assets.

5.5 Site Observation Report

• Significant deviations of any kind that can be corrected on the spot, but do not justify an NCR at the
discretion of the QM or the Construction Manager, will be documented and communicated in the Site
Observation Report.

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Quality Management Plan

• Such deviations will be promptly resolved on the spot so that the site observation report is only for
documentation in terms of lessons learned and avoidance of future repetition.
In case of recurrence, the site observation report will be a precursor to the NCR.
Conversely positive findings will also be documented in the form of a site observation report to record good
practice in the lessons learned register.

5.6 Corrective action system

Identified negative quality trends such as repeated NCRs, observations, defects or whatsoever will be
documented by the QM in a Corrective Action Report (CAR) and registered in the CAR Register.
As a deficiency is corrected, a CAR will be completed by the executor of the subject works and will be passed
to the DC for registration and further distribution to the QM.

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Quality Management Plan

6 Project Records and Documentation

The PM will establish and maintain the quality file which is a part of the project documentation. The purpose
of this file is to maintain a complete set of all relevant documents and records.
The quality file is a compilation of:
• Plans
• Reports
• Registers and logs
• Work orders
• Change orders
• Correspondences
• As-built records
• Certifications
• Any other relevant records that provide information on the project.
Under no circumstances documents will be removed from the quality file, even if superseded. In such cases,
revisions will be prepared and kept.

6.1 Filing system

SharePoint shall be used to store and manage all project quality documentation.
Hardcopies and electronic data will be maintained simultaneously. Each data folder will be represented by a
corresponding hard copy file and vice-versa. The names of both box file and data folder will be same, their
contents consequently will be same.

6.2 Data backup

All electronic data will be backed-up regularly. The responsibility of backup is outsider the scope of the
project team and reliance is made on the Information Technology systems utilised by Tellus.

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Quality Management Plan

7 Appendix 1 – Quality Policy

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Publicly Available

1.1 As an operator and developer of world’s best practice geological repositories and circular economy solutions,
and provider of innovative and professional environmental services, high quality systems, processes, culture
and people are critical to the success of Tellus Holdings Ltd and its related bodies corporate (“Tellus”, and
each, a “Company”).
1.2 Tellus strives to ensure that quality is integral in its way of working as it meets stakeholder and regulatory
expectations. It recognises that providing an excellent and consistent, service and experience for its
stakeholders positively impacts on Tellus’ sustainability, reputation and compliance status.
1.3 This Quality Policy (the “Policy”) applies to the activities of Tellus, and the people associated with each
Company. This includes employees, directors, visitors, consultants and contractors. Tellus shall ensure that
this Policy is communicated and understood throughout each Company and is available for access to relevant
interested parties, as appropriate.
Tellus is committed to:
(a) As a minimum, complying with applicable legislation, regulations, approvals and licences, and
monitoring relevant legislation for changes and the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015 (Quality
Management Systems). Tellus’ leadership regards compliance as a starting point; Tellus’ ethical
obligations and its desire to create respectful, healthy and sustainable relationships with all its
stakeholders are also of prime importance and must be taken into account in decision-making.
(b) Providing leadership that displays behaviour consistent with this Policy.
(c) Encouraging a culture amongst all directors, employees and contractors consistent with this Policy: in
particular, all directors and employees have an important role in embedding a culture of quality,
excellence and continual improvement, just as they have an important role in embedding a culture of
safety, environmental protection and sustainability.
(d) Ensuring that Tellus’ management system supports the strategic direction and purpose of Tellus.
(e) Continually improving the governance and the performance of our management system, for example
through early identification of opportunities for improvement, risk-based thinking, science-based
decisions, and the Plan, Do Check, Act process which underpins our management system. The Chief
Executive Officer is committed to providing resources essential to the implementation, training and
governance of the management system.
(f) Determining and meeting the expectations of relevant stakeholders, in particular recognising the need
to maintain client satisfaction through clear and honest communication and polite, efficient and
professional customer service. and striving to keep alignment with Tellus’ core values.
(g) Providing Tellus’ stakeholders with the utmost confidence in its ability to meet their needs by supplying
a service that meets or exceeds their expectations.
(h) Minimising non-conformances, through the implementation of procedures and resourcing to take
appropriate corrective and preventative actions.
(i) Continuous improvement of staff training and staff satisfaction.

Version No: 4 Version Date: 9/06/2021

For questions about the operation of this Policy, please contact Tellus’ Company Secretary. Page 1 of 1

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