1. Code Way:
1、 SMS Code Way:PDU Mode
2、 Command make up of ASCII Character, The coding way is 7bit
2. The Command Structure from Center Sending:
For:* Command Title
XX Manufacturer Name,Two Digital Fix the ASCII Character,eg:TH、DC、XY…
The Vehicle Tracker will check the Manufacturer name whether it's correct, if incorrect that
will not be the center command.
can press the sos button to send the alarm message that can get the manufacturer
Name from the alarm message(should be set the tracker firstly) , separator
YYYYYYYYYY : Vehicle ID,Traker will ignore, and can use the character fill in
which less than 10 digital like:000
CMD : Command Mark
HHMMSS Time : Hour/Minute/Second
PARA : Command parameter
# : End Sign
The English christcross-row of the Command Character should be use capital and
Can’t insert any blank .
3. The feedback message structure of Vehicle Tracker:
General Message:
Confirm Message:
For:* Command Title
XX : Manufacturer Name,eg:TH、DC、XY..
, Sperator symbol
CMD: Comfirmed center command
Hhmmss: Confimed Time value of the command
HHMMSS: Vehicle Time, Standard Time, have 8 time difference than Beijin
S:Data A vailable
b (A/V),A iti m s G
ean d i vPS V i ata m G s d alid.
i s ean
l a t i t u d:
e D D F F. F F F F, D:DD e g r e e o f L a t i t (
u d0e0 ~ 9 0) , F F. F F F:
F cent of
Latitude(00.0000 ~ 59.9999),Save four bit decimal fraction.
D:Latitude Sign(N:North Latitude,S:South Latitude)
longitude:Format : DDDFF.FFFF,DDD:Degree of longitude(000 ~ 180),
FF.FFFF:cent of longitude(00.0000 ~ 59.9999),Save four bit decimal fraction.
G:Longitude Sign(E:North Longitude,W:West Longitude)
Speed: Wide : 000.00 ~ 999.99,Save Two bit decimal fraction
This message segment maybe is empty, like longitude,G,direction, means speed is o
vehicle_status:Vehicle S f tatus,
b m our
t s its,
o vehicle eans
a nda larm
s he tatus
tatus f
t h a t u s e A S C I I 1c 6h a hr ea xc at ed,re bc f i otmr ai ls m e a n u s e n e g a t i
logic,like bit=0 valid. See below :
function. and work in valid message mode once open the data function
Tracker will clean out all the alarm message after receivethe command and will not
back message, monitor system can confirm whether clean out all the alarm by sending
one monitor command.
5. Alarm
1、 Signal Input
2、 gps antenna plough, gps antenna short circuit, tracker use backup battery when
3、 external power cut off, power backout, door, sos button, engine, ACC, high power
4、 sensor(above 6V), low power sensor
Defence Status
5、 N o h a n d l e o r r e m o t c o n t r o l l e r o f t h e t r a c k e r c a n ' t s u p p o r t d e f e n c e , b u t c a n u s e r- d e f i n e d
alarm for monitor the door and engine
6、 Car Status
vehicle_status add some content, please check below form :
Tracker get the power from the backup battery(P1), the power voltage lowe
power),20V(24V p or t hep ower)vower h oltage
3 a t t igher
t w 3V,u t b t his ime, ra
power backout(P2) : the battery voltage lower 6V
Tracker off power and use the backup backup battery(P1), power backup(P2), the status is :
P1 P2 Status
1 1 power voltage is normally, tracker get power from
power of the car
1 0 Tracker battery have problem
0 1 battery have power, but voltage is high or low, tracker
get the power from the backup battery
0 0 External power was take out, tracker get the power from
the battery
Car in cut fuel and power status : center sending cut off fuel and power command and
complete this command, then the car can't engine on.
High power sensor is high:high power sensor connect power
Lower power sensor by iron:sensor input by iron
Door Open:Door Sensor input by iron
ACC OFF:ACC Cut off the power
Car defence:tracker in intending or alertness status
Engine:the engine status is in runing
Car over speed : the speed over upper limit or lower limit (made it by S14)
7、 Alarm and Status
vehicle_status have two sorts:alarm and status
a、 Alarm:The X o X a r o V larm i af ehicle-status
f g t t c sw nlarm, or uara
lose any a larm,
t u tracker t o w se w whe g ouch ae f ff o say, a e ill ive
, when the car over the setting speed that will touch off the alarm, if
data is 80km/h, and the continous time is 10 seconds, when car over 80km/h, and in the
10 seconds, the over speed bit will become 0 from 1, if the speed is always keep in
80km/h, the alarm will not touch off again.
b , A f t e r t o u c h o f f t h e a l a r m , t h e a l a r m w i l l b e l
the speed is, the alarm bit all is 0, and if the over speed is happen again(the speed of the car
should return back 80km/h, and then over 80km/h and keep this speed over 10 seconds )
,b e c a u s e t h e o v e r s p e e d b i t i s 0 a l r e a d y, s o t r a c k e r c a n ' t i d e n t i f y t w o a l a r m . s o t h e l o c k
s t a t u s w i l l k e e p i t o n u n t i l r e c e i v e t h e c l
c e n t e r, t h e n t h e o v e r s p e e d b i t w i l l b e c o m e 1 ( n o a l a r m )
not clean out alarm..
c. So the alarm means history record, over speed is mean that car have the over
history record, others the tracker identity don't know what's happen for the over speed.
d. There are no any connection between over speed alarm and car speed, this time,even the car is
stop or close the over speed alarm function, tracker will still impletement over speed alarm until
receive the clean out alarm from monitor center. only cold start and clean out command can do
this things .
For guarante the alarm is correct as the car status and also avoid lose alarm, the
monitor center should establish two different alarm rule : terminal alarm and
system alarm. any time the monitor center receive the terminal alarm, the monitor
center will send the clean up alarm command and inform the terminal have receive
the alarm(except SOS alarm), and also the monitor center should touch off and lock
some system alarm and wait someone deal it. and monitor center should establish
different level rule.
Status : the outside bit of vehicle_status is status bit, status bit is for the
car status when the message sending out, so this bit will change as the car status
change. the bit of over speed from the vehicle_status which is the car speed status,
when the speed is in legal area, the bit will be 1, when the speed is in irregular
area, the bit is 0, at this time, the speed value is abnormality, maybe over the
upper limit or lower limit.
when compare these data that ignor the decimal fraction of the speed, speed above
or equal to Max_speed that mean above speed upper limit, speed less than Min_speed
that mean above speed lower limit
M:valid condition
M = 0:dummy set, and will not change the current parameter, tracker back V4 message,
center can check the current setting.
M = 1:GPS p osition
d i v ( ataa s s a alidi v A)
i t g nds ipeed
V t m lso s alid,
speed no above the limit.
M = 2 or other number, whatever the gps data is valid or invalid, the speed always valid
(A or V,V is not mean not get the gps position, sometims mabe the statellite is not enough,
b u t t h e d a t a s t i l l c a n u s e i t , j u s t t h e a c c u r a t e i s l o w, a n d n o g p s s i g n a l a l s o i s V, t h i s t i m e t
position data will not change)
countinue:Continous time, the wide is 5 ~ 65535,units is second。Countinue=0 is mean
keep new parameter (continue=0 ) cancel the over speed alarm function, and also put the
bit2 of set_flag to 1 . Countinue =other value, will open the speed limit, bit2 of set_flag will
be 0 .
The tracker will take over speed alarm is base on the car change the speed from
valid speed to invalid speed and keep some time. after that, the speed is quickly
or slowly that will not have new alarm, but every time receive the limit speed command,
the tracker will put the car status be the last speed, and tracker will detect the
over speed happen, once it's happen , will take alarm.
When the car in the invalid speed area, the over speed bit of vehicle status
will become 0 .
eg:*TH,0000000000,S14,130305,100,10,1,3# ;
This command is mean that when the speed above 100bit and keep the time is 3 seconds
or lower 10 bit, will touch off over speed alarm, but the condition is that the gps data
is valid.
Tracker back message is like this :
This setting parameter from the command will not lost even the power is off
4)Startup cut off fuel and power S20
C:final cut off power way
C=0:dynamic cut off fuel and power, detect the engine work and then cut the power 5
seconds, stop the parameter work
C=1or other number, static cut off fuel and power, will not detect the engine, the
relay will always connect it, and cut off the power
dynamic cut off power will not consume the power from the car, but should connect
to the engine signal (power light)
If don't wang to connect the engine signal, then can use static cut fuel and power way
In intend or alertness status, stop startup the engine and only can use dynamic
c u t o ff p o w e r a n d f u e l w a y , s o i f w a n t t o s u p p o r t d e f e n c e f u n c t i o n ( s h o u l d h a v e h a n d l e o r
remote control), should connect to the engine signal
time:Action continous time, wide is , unit is second, if above the wide all use 5 for
calculate it
eg:*TH,0000000000,S20,130305,1,3,10,3,5,5,3,5,3,5,3,5# ;
Tracker receive the command will examine the set_flag, if don't support cut off fuel
and power, will back the message directly
Whether support cut off fuel and power that S12 the command can setit , but attention that
will change the automatical monitor status when setting the cut off fuel and power.
If support cut off fuel and power, will cut power 3 seconds(time1),electrify 10
seconds(time2), cut power 3 seconds(time3),electrify 5 seconds(time4),cut power
5 seconds(time5), electrify 3 seconds(time6), cut power 5 seconds(time7), electrify
3 seconds(time8), cut power 5 seconds(time9), electrify 3 seconds(time10), cut
power 5 seconds(time11), completeness cut off power, the limit completeness or cut off time
is not above 30 times. time1 is mean always cut power time . whatever the final time is
completeness or cut off status, all implement completeness cut off power, and keep
the cut off power status by C, and after cut off power will back message :
In intend or alertness status, if receive the command that will cut off fuel
and power (dynamic) directly and back the up message;
In cut off fuel and power status will use the new cut fuel and power way according C,
and then back the up message;
If receive the command and also in the cut off fuel and power work time which will
restart the command;
Tracker can't going to the alertness status if in the cut off fuel and power work time
Renew the fuel and power way , one way is that put the bit0 of set_flag (S12 command)
be 1 or set the S20 command which the first time is 0, the back way will back messag
We suggest that use the second way, the first way can't support cut off fuel and power,
s o t h a t ' s m e a n n e x t t i m e s h o u l d s e n d t h e S 1 2 b e f o r e s t a
Clean out the alarm command (R7) that can renew fuel and power normally work, but no
feedback message
Restart the tracker or cold start command also will renew the fuel and power working .
is bit of speed, so like 1852 meter/ 3600 seconds, so the way is :
This command examine the mileage of the car
M=0:mileage will become 0
M=1 or other number : examine the mileage
0000130502.35:ruan mileage, unit :0.51444 meter,130502.35 mean 67136.2 meter
T h e m o r eo ucn ti s 9 9 9 9 9 9 9.9
9 99,
9 l i k e 5 m i l l,
i oanf t e r t h a t t r a c k e r w i l l c a l c u l a t e t h e
mileage from 0 .
Manufacture default:mileage is 0,the mileage will not lost even cut off the power and fuel
Attention: the mileage data will accumulate base on the GPS data is A, and there are also
some error exsit, so only can be reference .
T h e s t a n d a r d m o d e r e c o r d ( b i
NO. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B
$ 0x1030731001 0x050316 0x220902
Mean Tracker ID Time Date
No. 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
0x22128745 0x00 0x113466574C 0x014028
Mean Latitude value save Longtitude value、N、E、AV Speed, direction
NO. 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F
0Xfffffbff 0xff 0x00
mean vehicle_status Usr_alarm_flag save
Explanation:“$”(0x24):record head, for identify the record origination position .
T i m e: 0 x 0 5 0 3 1,6 S t a n d a r d t i m e 5 : 0 3 1 6 , 1 6 m e a n 1 6 s e c o n d s , l i k e 1 3 : 0 3 1 6 o f B e i j
Date:0x220902,2002 year, September, 22th
Latitude value:0x22128745,22°12.8745 number 0x15)mean:
bit7654,the last bit of longitude
bit3,1:north longtide,0:west longitude
bit2,1:north latitude,0:south latitude
Speed, direction:0x014028:speed 014节,direction 028
vehicle_status、 Usr_alarm_flag:use b inary
s f t ystem
c s a oru he ara tatus nd
status. it's same as
message (ASCII)
R ecord numberuse : bi nary s yst em for t he recor d number, everyt i me send one recor d and
will add 1 automatically
Attention:standard mode record(like V1 general message) no temperature data
T h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n X m o d e r e c o r d c
Number 00 01 02 03 04 05 10 15
Standard mode
$ 0x1030731001 0x00 4C
Standard mode Record
Vehicle ID save N、E、AV
mean head
X mode content X 0x0000130502 0x31 4D
Record Temperature
X mode mean integer part of mileage data N、E、AV、TS
head value
Attention:X Mode record is only can use TCP protocol for transfer, if in the record that
nonumber message, the GPRS channel server which support X mode should be register
vehicle ID which corresponding SOCKET when the tracker login register, and also everytime
receive the X record and put this X record to the record to other procedure.UDP protocol only can
The GPRS Mode :
The English Adddress requst protocol(Terminal Request):
MYY,vehicle_status, net_mcc,net_mnc,net_lac,net_cellid#
The Chinese Adddress requst protocol(Terminal Request):
MYY,vehicle_status, net_mcc,net_mnc,net_lac,net_cellid#
*HQ,4106000054,I0,130305,10,1,2, 5e 7f 4e 1c
net_mcc,net_mnc,net_lac,net_cellid# 460,01,43559,344224#
Coding format:
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B
$ 0x1030731001 0x050316 0x220902
mean Vehicle Tracker Serial Number Time Date
ng Head
0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
0x22128745 0x00 0x113466574C 0x014028
Longitude Value、N、E、 Speed, Directi
mean Latitude value
AV on
19~1C 1D 1E 1F
0Xfffffbff 0xff 0x00
Status Definition(vehicle_status):
The B
yte S The third b
The first byte The second byte The fourth Byte
equen yte
G P S R e c e i v e d
0 0 0 0 0
fault Alarm
Car Defen
1 0 Move Alarm 0 Shake Alarm 0 0 SOS Alarm
make a r deport Over S peed
a l
2 0 1 Reserve 0 ACC Off 0
ata arm
Tracker g t et he
The vehicle in
3 0 0 power from the 0 0 Illegal Egine Alarm
cut fule status
backup battery
P o w e r o f The
t hp e ower
i b s a Geo F ence
A la
4 0 0 1 Reserve 0
car off alarm ckout rm (In)
5 0 0 0 engine 0
6 0 0 0 0
over spee Geo F ence
A la
7 0 0 0 0
d rm (out)