Nikon N90s Exposure Sales Brochure
Nikon N90s Exposure Sales Brochure
Nikon N90s Exposure Sales Brochure
Sales Manual
Data sensed in
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all eight seg-
ments provides
• 3D Matrix Meter for quick opera- . ~...-/ detailed, com-
- - - - - - - ' prehensive
tion with reliable exposure control scene information for evaluating
• Center-Weighted Meter for light patterns. Matrix doesn't just
personal preference weight the exposure on the
• Finer Spot Meter for precise subject-it evaluates the entire
scene for optimum results.
metering of selected subject
• All three meters work for available
light and fill-flash operation
plex Ii~hting can handle virtually any kind of lighting condition and pictorial composi-
tion . The advantage of this type of segmentation is that the central area
conditions is finely segmented so the meter can read details precisely, and the
focus sensor area is exactly located at the three center segments. The
with ease information from each of the 3D Matrix Meter's eight segments, including
data on brightness and contrast, serves as the basic data for evaluation.
• Eight segments divide the scene
into logical components
• Brightness is measured, contrast
2. Focused subject distance
The Distance Signal from the D-type AF Nikkor lens in use is also con-
calculated and unusual lighting sidered in scene evaluation. The integration of all four factors (bright-
considered ness, contrast, subject-to-camera distance and focus status) makes
• Distance is monitored scene evaluation more precise and reliable.
• Composition is evaluated
3. Fuzzy Logic
Enables Fuzzy logic technology ensures that slight changes in composition do
not create an abrupt difference in exposure.
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composition 4. Focus status information
This information is important because focus data from CAM246 affects
• Subject does not need to remain metering computation . The AF sensor can tell whether the main
within the focus sensor's area subject is in the center area or not. If it is in the center, the center seg-
ments are weighted . If it is off-center, as when Focus Lock is used to
recompose the picture, the information from the peripheral segments is
Great for fast weighted . When Focus Lock is used, data prior to recomposition is also
considered for final evaluation. This system works also with manual
and focus operation using the Electronic Rangefinder. The result is extremely
powerful performance you won't find in any other existing system.
• All features operate in a split second
® Contrast
0l Distance information
Focus status
o Defocus amount
5. Intelligence
The N90s computer uses the most powerful and sophisticated software
that can precisely handle virtually any type of scene and lighting
condition-the culmination of Nikon's long-time study of hundreds of
thousands of pictures. The computer compares brightness data from
each segment, the contrast among the segments, and distance infor-
mation along with focus status information, to evaluate the scene more
precisely. The basic data is instantly processed to output the optimum
exposure value for specific scene requirements . This advanced data
processing method, which is beyond sif"'lple arithmetic, is incomparable.
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3D Matrix Metering
• Exposure mode is also on display
in the viewfinder
You make exposure mode choices by turning the Command Dial with
your thumb-a very simple operation that soon becomes second
nature. Also, the mode selected remains visible in the N90s camera's
viewfinder display; some systems don't indicate the exposure mode in
use, except for manual exposure.
• Simple Command Dial operation
2. Built-in Vari-Program
Full selection of
The N90s offers seven different Program modes. The photographer
can use any of the Vari-Program modes for enhanced shooting conve-
exposure modes nience in specific shooting Situations, or when there's no time to make
special settings-and be confident of optimum results.
• More Programs including Vari-
Program (Flexible Program usable
in all modes) 3. Flexible Program
For greater personal control-you can fine-tune the automatically select-
• Shutter Priority
ed exposure values in all Program modes including flash and Vari-
• Aperture Priority Program in fine 1/3 steps. A great advantage available only with Nikon.
• Manual
• Custom Programs via Data Link
4. Custom Programs via Data Link
Full selection of The photographer can create and store up to five Custom Programs
with the Data Link System for loading into the N90s body. The Data
exposure Link system's AC-2E IC card can store full-mode shooting data on up
to 52 rolls of 36-exposure film. Also, the difference between 3D Matrix
• Exposure compensation
• Independent or simultaneous AE- 5. 1/3 shutter speed increments in Shutter-
Lock and AF-Lock
Priority mode and Manual
• Exposure bracketing Shutter speed selection on Shutter-Priority (S) Auto exposure or Manual
• A (Aperture-Priority Auto)-Mode (M) can be done in 1/3 increments for truly fine-tuned exposu res.
Command Dial bracketing
• Fill-flash control with exposure
compensation and bracketing 6. Wider exposure compensation range
The Nikon N90s offers exposure compensation of up to plus or down
to minus 5 EV, in fine 1/3 steps. Also, the exposure compensation
High-precision value is visible inside the viewfinder when set. Some other systems
have a narrower range .
anCi fast
operation 7. A-mode Command Dial compensation
With Aperture-Priority Auto, the Data Link system enables easy, real-
• Precision control for shutter speed time exposure compensation (bracketing) in 1/3 EV steps-just turn
and aperture the Command Dial. This enables more flexible operation. For example, the
user can take the correct exposure first and then bracket to minus or to plus.
• 1/3 increment shutter speeds in
Manual and S (Shutter-Priority Auto
Exposure) modes 8. All-mode exposure bracketing with
• Exposure status also indicated in Multi-Control Back or Data Link System
viewfinder Exposure bracketing of up to 19 frames is possible with all exposure
• Vari-Programs for creativity with modes including Manual. Exposure bracketing can also be used with
fast handling flash , and does not affect flash exposurel. However, if so desired, you
can use the N90s camera's flash exposure compensation feature.
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Shutter-Priority Auto
Portrait Program
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AF 20-35mm f/2.S0
AF 24-50mm f/3.3-4.5
ISO-600mm f/S ED
13ml11 fl5.6
15ml11 f/3.5
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AF 2S-70mm f/3.5-4.50
AF 2S-S5mm fl3 .5-4.5
lSl1ml f/3.5
20l1ml fI2. S
-. f - - .----; l- I-- -- --l I
AF 35-70mm f/2 .S0 24nml f/2 I
AF 35-S0mm f/4-5.60 24mm fI2 .S
~ f-- - .- . _1
AF 35- 105mm f/3.5-4.50
AF 35- 135mm fl3.5-4 .5
2Srrull f/2
2Smm f/2.S
~ .-
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AF35mm fl20
AF 50mm filA
AF 50l11m fII .S
- 105111m fILS
105ml11 fI2.5
l35mm f/2
Compatibl e
1. Aperture cannot be selected. 3. Set preset ring, then determine
2. Set preset ri ng, then use AE- exposure before shift ing.
lock lever. 4. Set shutt er speed to 11125 sec.
or slower.
© Nikon Inc., 1995
Niko n Inc. 1300 Walt Whitman Road , Melvill e, N.Y. 11 747-3064, U.S.A.
We take theworldS
greatest pictures~
Printed in Japan (950 1/A) Code No. 8CE41709-2