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Abstract: The development of unmanned machining systems has been a recent focus of manufacturing research. The conventional
milling machine removes metal with a revolving cutting tool called a milling cutter. For this, CNC machines are in use. CNC machine
operates on part program. This program includes several G-codes and M-codes. This program is generated by skilled operators. This
may cause error in geometry. Also increases labor cost. Thus new technology of milling operation is conceptualized to reduce these
problems using CAD/CAM. In this, firstly part design is created in CAD software like CATIA, ProE etc. This part design is fed in CAM
software. Accordingly, coordinates forms. Also program is generated. According to that program, cutting tool operates to produce
required part.
Introduction to Powermill:
4. Conclusion
With increasing demand for small scale high precision parts
in various industries, the market for small scale machine
tools has grown substantially. Using small scale machine
tools has grown substantially. Using small machine tools to
fabricate small scale parts can provide both flexibility and
Figure 6: PowerMILL environment efficiency in manufacturing approaches and reduce capital
cost, which is beneficial for small business owners. In this
On the right hand side of the screen is the Viewing toolbar. thesis a small scale 3 axis milling machine is designed and
By selecting one of the icons a different view of the model analyzed. During the structure design stage the machine
and global transform is displayed in the central or graphics structure is explored and analyzed. Critical components such
area. as linear guides, motors are selected among few different
options. The best value components are selected to
PowerMILL accommodate stiffness requirement and budget constraints.
For the first exercise an existing model will be imported and In this project, firstly CAD model has been created using
used to illustrate some of the basic visual display options. SolidWorks software. Then this CAD model is imported to
1) Select File -> Import Model. CAM software such as PowerMILL. Then input commands
The open examples form appears and the large icon e.g. are provided for cutting tool features such as tool diameter,
provides access to an area within the PowerMILL depth of cut, length of cut etc. Then accordingly tool path is
product software tree where sample models are stored. generated and part program is prepared.
The icons marked 1 and 2 can be customized by the
user to locate areas where data for live jobs are stored. In this way, human labor cost can be reduced; more accurate
2) Click on the e.g. icon. component can be manufactured automatically. It reduces
3) Select the phone.dgk (For example) model and then total production lead time. It makes it possible to see how
click on Open. the component will be produced. Program can be generated
The phone model is displayed as a wireframe viewed in shortest time. It is more flexible. It requires less
down the Z-axis. Only part of the model is visible, as it investment cost. It provides improved surface finish. It
is too large to fit in the current view. To display the reduces manufacturing cost. It reduces tool loads. It provides
whole model the Resize to fit icon in the Viewing high speed machining.
toolbar is selected.
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Paper ID: SUB157329 1082
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
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