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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438

Prototype Development of Milling Machine Using

Nikita R. Saharkar1, Girish M. Dhote2
Student, MTech, CADMA, Mechanical Engineering Department,
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College of Engineering & Research, Nagpur, India
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College of Engineering & Research, Nagpur, India.

Abstract: The development of unmanned machining systems has been a recent focus of manufacturing research. The conventional
milling machine removes metal with a revolving cutting tool called a milling cutter. For this, CNC machines are in use. CNC machine
operates on part program. This program includes several G-codes and M-codes. This program is generated by skilled operators. This
may cause error in geometry. Also increases labor cost. Thus new technology of milling operation is conceptualized to reduce these
problems using CAD/CAM. In this, firstly part design is created in CAD software like CATIA, ProE etc. This part design is fed in CAM
software. Accordingly, coordinates forms. Also program is generated. According to that program, cutting tool operates to produce
required part.

Keywords: Milling machine, CAD/CAM, CNC machine, interfacing

1. Introduction program is generated. According to program, cutting tool

and workpiece moves to produce required part.
Milling Machines
Milling machines were first invented and developed by Eli 2. Literature Review
Whitney to mass produce interchangeable musket parts. The
milling machine removes metal with a revolving cutting tool C. Doukas et al have given multisensory data for milling
called a milling cutter. With various attachments, milling operations on the estimation of toolwear. A cutting depth of
machines can be used for boring, slotting, circular milling 0.5mm has been used along with a feedrate of 1000mm/min.
dividing, and drilling. This machine can also be used for The experiment has been repeated at the spindle speed of
cutting keyways, racks and gears and for fluting taps and 1350rpm and 2700rpm, to investigate the effect of cutting
reamers. Milling machines are basically classified as being speed on the wear level. Every 15 min the process is paused
horizontal or vertical to indicate the axis of the milling and the inserts are removed and inspected under an optical
machine spindle. These machines are also classified as knee- microscope for the measurement of the tool wear level.
type, ram-type, manufacturing or bed type, and planer-type
milling machines. Most machines have self-contained This paper shows the results of a preliminary experimental
electric drive motors, coolant systems, variable spindle investigation on tool-wear in end milling. Spindle torque and
speeds, and power operated table feeds. vibration signals were recorded during the process. A
correlation between measured signals and tool-wear was
CNC Milling Machine attempted. Power consumption, as depicted from the current
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Milling is the most draw signal, can be associated with the sustainability
common form of CNC. CNC mills can perform the evaluation of the milling operation, due to their directly
functions of drilling and often turning. CNC Mills are correlation to the toolwear level.
classified according to the number of axes that they possess.
Axes are labeled as x and y for horizontal movement, and z Table 1: Setup variables
for vertical movement. CNC milling machines are Variable S=1350 S=2700
traditionally programmed using a set of commands known Cutting Speed 210m/min 420m/min
as G-codes and M-codes. G-codes and M-codes represent Feed Rate 1000mm/min
specific CNC functions in alphanumeric format. Depth of cut 0.5mm
Feed per tooth 0.15 0.5
New Technology
A table top mini milling machine is produced. This milling A 3axis CNC knee mill, operating a spindle of 5Hp is being
machine is interfaced with the CNC machine. Use of used for machining and it is capable of reaching
traditional manufacturing system using CNC requires part approximately 3800 RPM. In order for the workpiece to be
program to be fed by skilled operators. But sometimes there securely positioned on the machine table, an adaptor plate
may be error and inaccuracy in manual part program. So as has been designed and manufactured, while also allowing
to reduce this error, new technology is conceptualized. In the positioning of the acceleration sensor as close to the
this technology, firstly part is designed in CAD tool. This machining area as possible. Straight cutting passes have
part is transferred to the CAM tool. From geometry been performed, alongside the Y-axis of the machine, to
coordinates are generated and using these coordinates minimize effects of feed direction changes. A cutting depth
of 0.5mm has been used along with a feed rate of
1000mm/min. The experiment has been repeated at the
Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015
Paper ID: SUB157329 1078
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
spindle speed of 1350rpm and 2700rpm, to investigate the The focus of this paper is to investigate the effect of spindle
effect of cutting speed on the wear level. Every 15, 5 min servomotor dynamic characteristics on milling processes at
the process is paused and the inserts are removed and various rotational speeds. Based on the simulation and
inspected under an optical microscope for the measurement experimental studies, it was found that the cutting speed
of the tool wears level. fluctuation is not negligible at low operation speeds and that
the spindle servomotor dynamics affect the machining
Adam Hansela et al, has given idea for improving CNC process and tool life. Thus, it was concluded that the spindle
machine tool geometric precision using manufacturing dynamics have to be carefully evaluated and chosen when
process analysis techniques. With the ever increasing testing machinability of metals, especially low rotational
demands for higher and higher accuracy on modern CNC milling applications typically required for machining of
equipment, the manufacturing processes for machining and difficult-to-cut materials. A physical cutting test was
assembling the structural components are an increasingly conducted on a highly rigid 3-axis milling machine equipped
important factor in establishing a geometrically correct with the high performance PMSM. A milling tool with a
machine tool. Specifically, flatness, perpendicularity, single insert was used to cut C55 carbon steel, and the
parallelism, and straightness of interfacing surfaces results were compared to the simulation in order to verify
determine whether the machine tool’s basic accuracy. model. The commanded rotational speed was set to 260 min-
Exhibiting less geometric error allows other errors such as 1 with required cutting torque of approximately 270 Nm. By
thermal growth, ballscrew pitch error, and control error to be adjusting the gain of the servomotor controller the high
isolated and more easily corrected. performance PMSM bandwidth was reduced to 100 Hz. The
simulated motor response against the same torque at the
Jig and fixture design same commanded rotational speed of 260 min-1. The
Parts of the machine tool are assembled in separate units as predicted reduction in spindle speed and overshoot were
much as possible for optimal efficiency. X and Z rails are relatively accurate, although there are differences while the
installed directly onto the bed, but the Y-axis rails are cutter was engaging the material. This is mainly due to the
installed to the column in an independent station. For torque disturbance being molded as a continuous input
assembly workers to efficiently place and measure the rails compared to the more complex physical torque profile,
during installation and adjustment, the column must be however this detail was not critical for the study.
placed in the horizontal orientation on a jig with the rails
facing upward. For stability and safety, a four point fixture Xiaoyan Zuo et al, revealed integrated geometric error
was originally designed. The geometric errors are compensation of machining processes on CNC machine
predominately a factor of the machine tool machining and tool‖. This paper presents an integrated geometric error
assembly process. Multiple orientations during fixturing in model of machining system and compensation method on
both assembly and machining result in significant distortions machine tools. Regarding a machine tool, fixtures,
to the final assembled product. These are a result of cutting workpiece and tool as an assembly, an integrated geometric
forces, fixturing deformations, gravity deformations, and error model has been established. The integrated error is
bolt force deformation. By analyzing each process in detail modeled by the propagation and the accumulation of errors
using virtual simulation techniques, a high fidelity model of based on Jacobian-Torsor theory. It is different with
the corresponding error at each manufacturing step can be previous model, in this model; all the geometric errors of
achieved that is not physically measurable due to constraints machining system are converted into the machine tool
of measurement equipment. Using simulated data as offset instead of the workpiece machining surface. As is well
data in the machining process as well as in the jig and known in the machine tool, there are 21 geometric error of a
fixture design ensures a geometrically accurate final 3-axis milling machine tool, which can be measured by laser
product. interferometer. Based on this integrated model and machine
tool error, the combination of geometric errors of machining
Masakazu Soshia et al, has given the concept of Spindle system reflect on the machine tool can be predicted. Finally,
rotational speed effect on milling process at low cutting a new compensation method is proposed to realize the error
speed. The spindle rotational speed fluctuates during milling compensation, NC program is corrected corresponding NC
due to intermittent cutting forces applied to the spindle, but codes according to the predicted errors during virtual
the speed effect when machining with a relatively large machining before it is fed to the actual machining.
cutter at low cutting speeds is still not clear. Table shows the
basic specifications for the motor. The maximum rotational B. Denkenaa et al, has suggested adaptive cutting force
speed and torque of the servomotor is 5,500 min-1, and 700 control on a milling machine with hybrid axis configuration.
Nm respectively. In the re-contouring process of aircraft engine components,
the unknown geometry and inhomogeneous material
Table 2: PMSM specification properties of the workpiece are major challenges. For this
Rotor size ( O.D. × length), mm 160 300 reason a new repair process chain is supposed which
Stator size (OD × Length), mm 240 410 consists of noncontact geometry identification, process
Cutting Speed 210m/min 420m/min simulation and NC-path planning, followed by a force
Feed Rate 1000mm/min controlled milling process. A new milling machine
Depth of cut 0.5mm prototype is employed to ensure an effective force control
Feed per tooth 0.15 0.5 loop. By use of a magnetic guided spindle slide, higher
dynamics and precise tracking are enabled.

Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015

Paper ID: SUB157329 1079
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
Since variation of the process forces result in variable performance is required. The main purpose of the study is to
control plant characteristics, an indirect adaptive controller see a practical application using FEA to improve design of a
has been designed. Consequently, models of actuator and typical mechanical component.
process are presented and the estimation of the present
parameters by a recursive least square algorithm is outlined.
Once the parameters are known, the control polynomials are
calculated on the basis of a pole placement control approach.
First experimental results of a force controlled milling
process are put forward.


In earlier times wherein computers were not yet developed,

there has been a representation of using conventional media
in designing. Ancient architects used text to abstractly
describe the design process.2D drawings were later
introduced and only expressed abstract visual thinking. The
attempts have been continued to identify the nature of Figure 2: Hyper-mesh model of proposed milling machine
different design tools. On recent years, digital technology
has been developed and matured at an unprecedented rate. Materials used for milling machine are steel and aluminum.
This growth has led to a converging phenomenon that erodes In this fig. portion of machine shown by blue is Steel
the traditional boundaries of computing. Compared with material. Likewise portion of machine shown by purple is
conventional design media it is worth employing computer Aluminum. In this hyper mesh model, there are 463973 total
technology meaningfully to bring significant changes in the elements and total nodes are 554403. In this, these elements
process of systems design and maintenance. The are in 2D as well as 3D. 2D elements are in Triangular,
conventional approach involves the use of drawings and Quadrilateral shape. Similarly, 3d shapes are in Pentahedral,
models as means of representing the basic convention. The Hexahedral shapes. Bluish colored portion denotes that part
type of models used in the design process can either be a is fixed and constraint. Red colored arrow near gantry
physical or digital model. Both types were used as a means denotes loads applied to worktable and red colored arrow
of solving complex problems that 2D drawings were unable near spindle denotes moment.
to handle. 3D CAD models are three-dimensional
computational representations of objects drawn in the x, y Boundary Condition
and z axes and illustrated in isometric, perspective or
axonometric views. These views are achieved simply by
rotating the viewpoint of the object. A 3D CAD model of an
object in general provides the following advantages: (a) an
object can be drawn once and then can be viewed and Moments
plotted from any angle; (b) A 3D CAD object holds
mathematical information that can be used in engineering
analysis, such as finite-element analysis and computer
numerical control technology; and (c) A 3D CAD object can
be shaded, rendered and assigned various materials for
visualization. 3D CAD models can be generated by the use
of various types of CAD software systems such as
AutoCAD, Micro station and many more.

Figure 3: Boundary condition applied to milling machine

Defining Boundary Conditions:

1) To define a problem that results in a unique solution, it
must specify information on the dependent (flow)
variables at the domain boundaries Specify fluxes of
mass, momentum, energy, etc. into the domain.
2) Defining boundary conditions involves:
a. Identifying the location of the boundaries (e.g., inlets,
Figure 1: CAD model of milling machine walls, symmetry)
b. Supplying information at the boundaries
FEM c. The data required at a boundary depends upon the
The finite element method (FEM) is one of the most used boundary condition type and the physical models
methods in engineering. These methods and programs based employed.
on it are fundamental usage in CAD. FEA / FEM are
indispensable in all engineering analysis where high

Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015

Paper ID: SUB157329 1080
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
FEA Results - Linear Static Analysis (Nastran): The results of the stress analysis of a complete milling
machine reveal that the maximum stress occurs in the frame
where the overall mechanism for the movement is mounted.
The maximum stress value is 14 MPa and the allowable
stress of the M.S material is 24 MPa. Therefore, we can
conclude that the design is safe enough for its application
and working. If the stress will increase beyond the allowable
stress of the material then there occurs a failure.

Part Programming Using CAD/CAM

A CAD/CAM system is a computer interactive graphics
system equipped with software to accomplish certain tasks
in design and manufacturing functions. One of the important
Figure 4: Finite elements results tasks performed on a CAD/CAM system is NC part
programming. In this method of part programming, portions
Linear static Analysis of the procedure usually done by the part programmer are
The linear static analysis of a milling machine is computed to instead done by the computer. The two main tasks of a part
calculate the loads and sustainability of a milling machine programmer in a computer assisted programming are
linear static analysis represents the most basic type of a) Defining the part geometry and
analysis. The term ―linear‖ means that the computed b) Specifying the tool path.
response—displacement or stress, for example—is linearly
related to the applied force. The term ―static‖ means that the The proposed methodology is used to automate both of these
forces do not vary with time—or, that the time variation is tasks.
insignificant and can therefore be safely ignored. An
example of a static force is a building's dead load, which is Tool path generation using CAD/CAM:
comprised of the building's weight plus the weight of The second task of the NC programmer in computer-assisted
offices, equipment, and furniture. This dead load is often part programming is tool path specification. The first step in
expressed in terms of lb/ft2 or N/m2. Such loads are often specifying the tool path is to select the cutting tool for the
defined using a maximum expected load with some factor of operation. Most CAD/CAM systems have tool libraries that
safety applied for conservatism. In addition to the time can be called by the programmer to identify what tools are
invariant dead load described above, another example of a available in the tool crib. The programmer must decide
static load is an enforced displacement. For example, in a which of the available tools is most appropriate for the
building part of the foundation may settle somewhat, operation under consideration and specify it for the tool
inducing static loads. Another example of a static load is a path. This permits the tool diameter and other dimensions to
steady-state temperature field. The applied temperatures be entered automatically for tool offset calculations. If the
cause thermal expansion which, in turn, causes induced desired cutting tool is not available in the library, an
forces. The static analysis equation is: appropriate tool can be specified by the programmer. It then
becomes part of the library for future use.
[K]{U} = {f}
The next step is tool path definition. There are differences in
Where [K] is the system stiffness matrix (generated capabilities of the various CAD/CAM systems, which result
automatically by NASTRAN for Windows (MSC/N4W), in different approaches for generating the tool path. The
based on the geometry and properties), f is the vector of most basic approach involves the use of the interactive
applied forces (which you specify), and u is the vector of graphics system to enter the motion commands one-by-one,
displacements that NASTRAN computes. Once the similar to computer-assisted part programming. Individual
displacements are computed, NASTRAN uses these to statements in APT or other part programming language are
compute element forces, stresses, reaction forces, and entered and the CAD/CAM system provides an immediate
strains. graphic display of the action resulting from the command,
thereby validating the statement.
Stress Analysis:
A more-advanced approach for generating tool path
commands is to use one of the automatic software modules
available on the CAD/CAM system. These modules have
been developed to accomplish a number of common
machining cycles for milling, drilling and turning. They are
subroutines in the NC programming package that can be
called and the required parameters given to execute the
machining cycle.

Introduction to Powermill:

PowerMILL is a stand-alone machining package, which

Figure 5: Stress Analysis of Milling Machine can quickly create gouge free cutter paths on imported
Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015
Paper ID: SUB157329 1081
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
component data. PowerMILL supports Wireframe, Triangle, This displays the shading on top of the wire. To remove
Surface, and Solid models created by other Delcam products the wire view and show the model as shaded only, click
or from neutral formats such as IGES. If the relevant PS- on the pressed in wire button.
Exchange translators are purchased PowerMILL will 7) Select the Wire Model icon.
directly import data created by the majority of non-Delcam By pressing the wire icon again, the wireframe is hidden
packages. showing the model only in shaded.
8) Click on the Shaded Model icon and then click on the
PowerMILL Environment: wire view icon.
1. Double click on the PowerMILL icon. Try the other Viewing icons and observe the results.
2. Pull Down menus are located across the top of the Sometimes it is useful to be able to see inside a model.
PowerMILL window. By placing the mouse over the In order to do this, the model can be made translucent.
menu and clicking with the left mouse key, this will open 9) Select the Shaded Model icon.
up the relevant submenu. Further selection can be done 10) Right Click over the Model and select Translucency
by moving the cursor along a right arrow ( ) from the menu.
The Main toolbar is as shown on the following page. Each 11) Enter the percentage translucency you require
icon has a specific function and by holding the cursor over (0 percent = opaque, 100 percent = transparent)
it, an appropriate description (or ToolTips) is displayed. The model is displayed in translucent shaded mode
allowing the user to see internal details
12) To return to normal shading set the translucency to

4. Conclusion
With increasing demand for small scale high precision parts
in various industries, the market for small scale machine
tools has grown substantially. Using small scale machine
tools has grown substantially. Using small machine tools to
fabricate small scale parts can provide both flexibility and
Figure 6: PowerMILL environment efficiency in manufacturing approaches and reduce capital
cost, which is beneficial for small business owners. In this
On the right hand side of the screen is the Viewing toolbar. thesis a small scale 3 axis milling machine is designed and
By selecting one of the icons a different view of the model analyzed. During the structure design stage the machine
and global transform is displayed in the central or graphics structure is explored and analyzed. Critical components such
area. as linear guides, motors are selected among few different
options. The best value components are selected to
PowerMILL accommodate stiffness requirement and budget constraints.

For the first exercise an existing model will be imported and In this project, firstly CAD model has been created using
used to illustrate some of the basic visual display options. SolidWorks software. Then this CAD model is imported to
1) Select File -> Import Model. CAM software such as PowerMILL. Then input commands
The open examples form appears and the large icon e.g. are provided for cutting tool features such as tool diameter,
provides access to an area within the PowerMILL depth of cut, length of cut etc. Then accordingly tool path is
product software tree where sample models are stored. generated and part program is prepared.
The icons marked 1 and 2 can be customized by the
user to locate areas where data for live jobs are stored. In this way, human labor cost can be reduced; more accurate
2) Click on the e.g. icon. component can be manufactured automatically. It reduces
3) Select the phone.dgk (For example) model and then total production lead time. It makes it possible to see how
click on Open. the component will be produced. Program can be generated
The phone model is displayed as a wireframe viewed in shortest time. It is more flexible. It requires less
down the Z-axis. Only part of the model is visible, as it investment cost. It provides improved surface finish. It
is too large to fit in the current view. To display the reduces manufacturing cost. It reduces tool loads. It provides
whole model the Resize to fit icon in the Viewing high speed machining.
toolbar is selected.
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Paper ID: SUB157329 1082
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
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ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
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Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015

Paper ID: SUB157329 1083
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

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