Placement Test Speaking
Placement Test Speaking
Placement Test Speaking
Scoring sheet: ollow the instructions after each section before moving on to the next section.
If the student took the Teen Online Placement Test (Grammar and Vocabulary,
Listening and Reading), refer to the additional instructions for scoring before
recommending a course book.
Example speech: ote examples of student language on the scoring sheet. This information can be shared
with students and parents and used to support course placement recommendations.
The example speech included on the teacher prompt pages are possible 3-point responses.
sk the recommended examiner prompts and move to the next prompt if the student
Examiner prompts: A
can produce enough language to achieved a particular can-do.
Clarification: If the student doesn’t produce the intended language, rephrase or ask similar questions
until you feel confident in assigning a score.
Ending the test: Finish the test with an easy question that you know the student can answer.
Smile and thank the student before leaving the room.
After the test: sk another member of the academic team, or your academic manager, for help if you are
unsure in which level to place a student.
Make notes under Strengths and Recommendations on the Scoring Sheet.
Use the points from both parts of the test (speaking and online) to choose a recommended
entry book for the student.
“I went shopping.”
What did you do last weekend?
“I watched movie.”
Many movies are made about famous books. Would you rather read the book or watch
the movie? Why?
What changes might a movie director make when making a book into a movie?
Why would they want to make this change / these changes?
What is the last book you read? What was the “It’s about a boy called Merlin …”
book about? “I read a book about the Ming Dynasty.”
Would you rather read the book or watch the “I seldom watch movies.”
movie? Why? “Definitely the movie! I don’t like to read.”
What is the most important piece of technology that you use regularly?
How has this technology impacted your daily life?
How do you think will be used in the future?
If you could change or improve this technology somehow,
what would you change and why?
How do you think will be used “They might overtake consoles as gaming
in the future? machines.”
If you could change or improve this “If I could improve something, it would be …”
technology somehow, what would you
change and why? “I would make the battery last longer …”
What major problems do you think the world will face in the future?
Why do you believe that’s likely?
What might be the cause/causes of the issue?
What would you say to someone that doesn’t believe that this will be a problem?
How would you convince them to change their mind?
Why might some people disagree with you?
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