Katie Goetz Interest Inventory Lesson Plan
Katie Goetz Interest Inventory Lesson Plan
Katie Goetz Interest Inventory Lesson Plan
Use this guide as you plan for the Assessment Cycle meetings with your student.
Below, you will find Questions for Planning to remind you of essential pieces of teacher planning and
preparation. On the second page and beyond, you will find required lesson plan components.
Questions to ask yourself as you prepare: (These are just thinking points. You do not need to provide a
response in your planning document.)
1. If it is part of your responsibility, have you scheduled and confirmed your meeting time with the
teacher and/or student’s family?
2. Have you prepared all materials for your lesson/assessment? For example, for the engage portion of
your lesson, you might decide to prepare for a “show-and-tell”. Have you printed or do you have easy
access to all reading material and scoring sheets needed to administer the assessment? Do you have all
of the materials prepared for your connected game?
3. Have you documented where you found the ideas and/or materials for each element of your
session? You should use your textbook resources unless explicitly told otherwise by your instructor.
4. Have you practiced your lesson with a friend or in front of a mirror?
5. Are you prepared to record your lesson?
Lesson Plan (This lesson should be approximately 30-40 minutes total in length.)
Your lesson will consist of the following 3 steps. Be sure to provide yourself enough details about the
lesson activities and assessment administration so that you know how you think the session will go.
Include scripting where necessary (e.g., assessment instructions, game instructions, possible words of
encouragement, etc.).
Step 1) Engage (5 minutes): Describe how you will make a connection with your student with a quick
engagement exercise. Use your textbook resources to identify an icebreaker activity you would like to
engage in with your student.
Step 2) Assessment Administration (10-15 minutes): Describe the necessary steps for effective
assessment administration. Provide some examples of the language you will use to explicitly
communicate directions, promote continuous engagement, and offer words of encouragement.
Step 3) Connected Activity (5-10 minutes): Describe how you will engage your student in a game that
will allow you to continue to collect descriptive data related to the skills you have assessed. This game
should be connected to an assessment you delivered or an area where you need to gather additional
information about your student’s strengths and areas for growth. Use your course texts as resources!
Copy the chart from the next two pages into your own workspace to complete your planning.
Fall 2022/Spring 2023 - Assessment Cycle Planning
The purpose of this assessment session is to create an interest inventory for the student and find out the student’s reading preferences.
Student Background (continue to build on this section as you get to know your student):
The student is an African Amercian female who is very energetic and hard-working. This student is at a second to third grade level although she is in
the fifth grade. She is very sociable and comes from a big family.
Engage Name of activity: iSpy I will start by walking my student The rationale for these The only material needed for this
outside of the classroom, and instructions is to break is my laptop to record, no other
Time Frame: 5 minutes have them sit down with me at a the ice with the student, materials are needed for this
Name of “Hi [student name]! Today I wanna table. I will then begin the as they might be activity because we are only
Activity play a quick teacher language and start nervous to be having a spotting things were our eyes,
playing iSpy with the student, 1 on 1 with a teacher. and I will not be taking notes at
game with you.. Have you ever making sure that I am using Playing a game that a this point.
heard of iSpy? First, you start by positive body language to student may have
Time Frame saying ‘I spy with my little eye’ and explain the directions. When heard of or played
then you pick something and say playing iSpy, I might point to my before might make
the color! Do you want me to go eye to demonstrate how we are them feel more
first or do you want to go first? [Let looking for something. comfortable and realize
student answer] that this is a fun activity
and not scary, which is
Fall 2022/Spring 2023 - Assessment Cycle Planning
Play the game for 3-4 rounds, then why I try to maintain
at the end of the game: positive body language.
Assessment Name of assessment: Interest Once I introduce the The rationale for these ● Paper and pencil for my
inventory assessment, I might bring out my instructions is to make notes
notebook so that I am able to the student feel that ● Laptop to record
Time frame: 20 minutes note down what the student is this is not an
Name of
Assessment “I want to get to know a little bit saying. I will introduce the assessment, rather, it is
more about you, can you help me assessment by telling the a conversation between
out? So what kinds of things do student that I would like to get to two people, which is
you enjoy doing outside of school? know them more. I will model the why every now and
Any sports, singing, dancing, assessment by maybe sharing then I answer the
Time Frame baking, swimming? [Wait for my answers as well, so that the questions with the
student answer] That’s so cool! I student understands the students so it feels less
used to do dance and soccer as a questions more. If necessary, I like a qulz. In addition,
kid! Do you like any animals? [Wait will clarify if the student these questions are
for student answer] Awesome! My demonstrates that they don’t designed to be more
favorite animal is a pig! Who are understand, and I will do this by personal so that I can
some important people in your life? repeating the question or even get a better
[Wait for student answer] That’s rephrasing it differently for better understanding of the
awesome! Do you like reading understanding. student’s interest
books? [Wait for student answer} inventory.
What kinds of books do you like to
read the most? [Wait for student
answer] I really like mystery books!
What words come to mind when
you think about reading a book?
[Wait for student answer] Those are
Fall 2022/Spring 2023 - Assessment Cycle Planning
some great words! What’s the best
book you’ve ever read? [Wait for
student answer] What’s your
favorite place to read? [Wait for
student answer] What do you think
you’re really good at as a reader?
[Wait for student answer] How do
you think you can get better? [Wait
for student answer] Is there
anything I can do for you to help?
[Wait for student answer] Thanks
so much for answering all these
questions so I could get to learn
more about you!
Connected Name of activity: Would you rather I will first ask the student if they How does this activity ● Laptop to record
Activity want to play another game, align with your ● Printed out images of
Time frame: 5 minutes rather than just telling them what students’ each question option
“Would you like to play another we’re going to be doing. Then, goals/needs/interests? ● Paper & pencil for my
Name of game? This game is called ‘Would I’ll explain the instructions for the notes
game and model it by asking a The rationale for these
Activity you rather’, where I will give you instructions is to have
two options, and I want you to tell simple question. I will answer
some of the questions myself to fun playing a game, but
me which you would rather do! My to also have that game
first question is, would you rather give the student a good example
Time Frame connect back to their
eat ice cream, or cookies? [Let as well. In order to engage the
student, I might ask why they interest inventory,
student answer] That’s awesome! I which is why most of
personally love cookies but picked one option over the
other. During all of this, I will also the questions relate
especially when I put ice cream on back to reading. The
top of cookies! My next question is, be recording notes of the
student’s answer choices, support of the images
would you rather be a superhero, for each question will
or a princess? [Let student answer] especially since some include
questions about reading. As I’m help the student
I think I would want to be a visualize the options
going through each activity, I’ll
Fall 2022/Spring 2023 - Assessment Cycle Planning
superhero because maybe then I have a picture of both options, better before selecting
could have a special power! Would and myself and the student will which one they would
you rather do math or science? [Let point to which option we prefer prefer. I would also
student answer] I love math! How more. For example, for the answer the questions
about, would you rather read a “Would you rather eat ice cream, with the student to
funny book, or a caring book? [Let or cookies?” question, I would make the game more
student answer] I would rather read have a picture of ice cream, and fun for them so that
a funny book because I love when a picture of cookies for us to they aren’t just having a
a book can make me laugh with both point at. one-sided conversation,
students! Would you rather read a and we can maybe
made-up story, or a true story? [Let share some things we
student answer] Would you rather have in common in
read about people, or animals? [Let order to get to know
student answer} I personally love the student better. This
animals! I had so much fun playing activity aligns with my
this game with you, thanks so student’s
much for helping me out! goals/needs/interests
because I am able to
gain an understand of
what things my student
is interested in and how
I can set goals for this
student in order to help
with their needs. By
learning about my
student’s interests, I
might be able to help
them by using these
interests to help
motivate the student in
completing goals, along
with being able to
relate and connect to
Fall 2022/Spring 2023 - Assessment Cycle Planning
the student more in
order to assist them
with their needs as best
as possible.