Morning Meeting Planning Template 1
Morning Meeting Planning Template 1
Morning Meeting Planning Template 1
Date: 11/15/22
Social Objective(s): What will students know or be able to do socially as a result of this meeting?
Students will be able to introduce themselves and greet each other while following the theme of
thankfulness during the morning meeting.
Academic Objective(s): What will students know or be able to do academically as a result of this
Students will be able to identify 5 characteristics about themselves which they are thankful for in
order to demonstrate and learn about gratitude.
Assessment: How will you know the students have met your objectives? What will you see students
do/what will you hear students say that will demonstrate their learning of your content?
We will know that students have met the objective once we see that the students have written 5
things on each of their turkey’s feathers to represent 5 things about themselves which they are
thankful for. We will see and hear students recognizing things about themselves which they
appreciate to demonstrate that they have learned the content which we are sharing with them.
procedures and your ● In order to gain student attention, the teacher will call
expectations to students? out, “Pumpkin spice,” and then have students respond
with, “and everything nice!” These directions will be
*How will you intervene
given to students before using the attention grabber so
if students are not
that they understand what to do when the attention
meeting the behavior
grabber is used.
● The procedures and expectations will be communicated
to students at the start of class before we begin with the
morning meeting. We will set goals for the students so
that they understand what they are working towards,
that way they are more likely to fulfill the expectations.
● If students are not meeting the behavior expectations,
we will intervene by using the attention grabber
mentioned above. If the students still continue to not
meet the behavior expectations, the teacher might go
over and redirect them to quiet down and focus on the
task at hand without calling them out in front of the
entire class.
What skills or processes ● I’m expecting students to know how to use scissors,
are you expecting of respond to attention getters, and write sentences using
students that might need sentence starters.
to be taught? (Ex. How to
talk to a partner, how to
listen to a partner, what
to do when you hear an
attention getter, etc.)
Greeting ● All students will be given a bag of m&m’s and will sit in a circle on
the floor.
Share ● Students will pull one m&m out of their bag randomly after the
*What will students say ○ Orange - Name a person you are thankful for.
& do?
○ Green - Name a place you are thankful for.
Group Activity ● Students will create hand turkeys using construction paper and
Morning Message ● Our morning message will be a quote from Winnie the Pooh
about gratitude. This message will say, “Piglet noticed that even
though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large
*What will the text of amount of gratitude.” - A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh
your message be?
● The message will be displayed on the screen for all students to
*How will you review the see so that the message can be accurately communicated to
message with students – students. To review the message, the teacher will read it aloud to
what will you say & do? the students. While this is happening, students should be
What will students say & remaining quiet and listening to the teacher read the message.