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oR SET3| 7 Ey Waa Fs Scie GES] ABE SET 5675/3 daa. adenel we-wa sis a Sat-gferaT Roll No. yaya 1 ae fered | Candidates must write the Q.P. Code on the title page of the answer-book. Bo nse) SESSA & & & Tare fart (aaifees) : F is CHEMISTRY (Theory) s Qh Pratfea aa: 3 ame sobre sf : 70 a a Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70 s 8 © pra ata a a fh ge werva 8 asa Ts 23 F s oe wer—aa # arfaa ara al afk fee 1 wed-va is a ulanell see-gferer % qa-ges Ge se mea | 8 pre aia at at PS ge Ta FH B85 wT | Bae ret a Sen Pea YR He a vee, See—gerar A wer ar ae area fre | ee wera 1 oes & fore 15 fire a aa fen ren 2 | wero ar fora Yate F 10.15 aa fea TET | 10.15 FFB 10.30 a ow voerel act we—-aa FSA IN FT eis ° SESS. # orate & ate 3 Satake He aS Te TET FST | & i) e Please check that this question paper contains 23 printed pages. ® © QP. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be #2 4 written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. s 4) ¢ Please check that this question paper contains 35 questions. is 34) ¢ Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer- {t) col book before attempting it. Ge 58 @ 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The ae % question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 #2 a.m,, the candidates will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. ITI TITATAVATATITITATATAT ITATATISATISHTATITATISASAT ITA &
P.T.O. $253:arrrea freer: ‘Prafeias Peat a aga araart 8 afge stk sre oer Fi : (i) Farr Her 85 WET a | a wer oath & | (ii) Wea -9a Ube ust FH fanfid 8 — GUS &, G, 1, TATE | (iii) GOSH; WET OM G18 TH ARLE T TER H UH-UH 37 H ETB | (iv) Bes: WEF ART 19 25 TH aft Ty-FAHOA TENE Y-a siast & 7B | (v) BUS: WET FEM 26 B30 aH ys HAN H cae aie) H eH S| (vi) GUSH; HEF AGA 1 TH 32 HA HATRT AR-AN HH ETB | (vii) WUS-F : WET ASM 33 335 TH Gases WER H a-We sTaF eT S| (viii) er—99 Far fared TE fear Tae | Tae, Wes-E % 2 Wear H, GS-7 2 Wet A, @us-7 2 weal Hae GIs-S & 2 Meat A siahes Frewerd 1 MAEM FAT TAT | (ix) Begcter ar sain afta 2 | GE-F 1. (NiCL, ar grabs arept 8 : 1 (a) 1.82 BM (b) 2.82 BM () 4.42 BM (@) 5.46 BM [ATT] ATH : Ni = 28] 36/5/3 <>General Instructions : Read the following instructions very carefully and follow them: @ This question paper contains 35 questions. All questions are compulsory. (ii) Question paper is divided into FIVE sections - Section A, B, C, D and E, (iii) In section — A: Question Numbers 1 to 18 are Multiple Choice (MCQ) type Questions carrying I mark each. (iv) In section - B : Question Numbers 19 to 25 are Very Short Answer (VSA) type questions carrying 2 marks each. ()) In section ~ C : Question Numbers 26 to 30 are Short Answer (SA) type questions carrying 3 marks each. (vi) In section - D : Question Numbers 31 and 32 are case based questions carrying 4 marks each. (vii) In section — E : Question Numbers 33 to 85 are Long Answer (LA) type questions carrying 5 marks each. (viii) There is no overall choice, However, an internal choice has been provided in 2 questions in Section — B, 2 questions in Section — C, 2 questions in Section — D and 2 questions in Section — E. (ix) Use of calculators is NOT allowed. SECTION -A 1. The magnetic moment of [NiCI,]°- (a) 1.82 BM (b) 2.82 BM () 4.42BM (@) 5.46BM [Atomic number : Ni= 28] 36/5/3
P.T.O.2. 25°C aera Hi 7g afiieen & fore Peafeatad watts ar sites wma BR : Aw * Be > C@ * Po STATE [A(|/mol dm | RABE [B,.]/mol dm~ | SRA A/mol dav 3.0 x 107 2.0 x 10 1.89 x 104 3.0 x 10“ 4.0 x 10% 1.89 x 104 6.0 x 102 4.0 x 102 7.56 x 10+ Ag WB > ae wife wae ? [ A, save | B,aatraie (a) De fetter ) wea zw © Fett a (d) fact waa 3. Praferfrd are gags fara art fran Ate -0.14V Sn**(,q) + 2e° > Sry E° Fed. +7 > Fe’. HX=+ 0.77 V 2h arefl ea: wade sififiren & fere det saftiBear ai ferwa ae 2 ? (a) 2 Fe* (aq + Sig) E° =- 0.91 V 2 Fe**, 2 Fe2 2+ Be 8) 2PM gq) +8) 72 FE gt SH B= +091 V (©) 2 Fea + Sn" yg > 2 Fe ag + Sng E = + 0.91 V @) 2Fe faq) + Sn? (qq) > 2 Fe® +Sn, (ag + Stig > 2 Fe?*qg) + Sn?"(qg) E°= + 1.68 V 4, Peta a a aa sitet safer wel A sep fea a a 7 (a) Feit aa ©) saree © H,-0, aaa @ weed 5. Prafeftad tetieietl a a fran silat ae em 2 (a) Beri &) FRt2-atTe (©) 2Afrereqe.2-3 (@) 3-Afrareae. 2-3 36/5/3 <4>2. The following experimental rate data were obtained for a reaction carried out at 25°C: 1 Avy * Big > Gp * Po Initial [Ajg)/mol dm~ | Initial [Bj)|/mol dm~* | Initial rate/mol dy 3s 3.0 x 10-2 2.0 x 10-2 1.89 x 104 3.0 x 102 4.0 x 10 1,89 x 10-4 6.0 x 10% 4.0 x 10-2 7.56 x 10 What are the orders with respect to Aw and By ? Order with respect to Aj | Order with respect to By (@) Zero Second (b) First Zero © Second Zero @ Second First Consider the following standard electrode potential values : 1 Sn?" (ay + 2e7" > Sng E°=-0.14V Fet 9 te" Fe.) B°=+0.77V What is the cell reaction and potential for the spontaneous reaction that oceurs ? fa) 2 Fe), + Sn, > 2 Fe, + Sng) E°=— 0.91 V (aq) (aq) (aq) (8) (b) 2 Fe), + Sng) 9 2 Fe. + Sn2,,4 +0.91V (©) 2 Fer.) + Sn, 92 Fe + Sng) EP=+0.91V (@) 2 Fee.) + Sng > 2 Fe%,,,) + Sn2",.4, EP=+ 1.68 V ©) 4, Which of the following cell was used in Apollo space programme ? 1 (a) Mercury cell (6) Daniel cell (©) H,-O, Fuel cell @ Dry cell 5. Which of the following alcohols will not undergo oxidation ? 1 (a) Butanol (b) Butan-2-ol (©) 2-Methylbutan-2-0l (@ 3-Methylbutan-2-01 36/5/3
P.T.O.6, Ther sreremen Ft gars @ (a) Sem? mol () Sem? molt (©) Sem? mol (@) Sem? mol 7. fraferftrd 1.0 M seta freer a ata sifterc feria see arten 7 (a) Naci (6) Na,SO, © CoH 206 @) Al(SO,), 8. Pet syst a feed prec Seg at ae fire (@) aR Bel ae @ sifebe PeeeT TT 2 ? (a) CH,C*HBrCH, (b) CH,C*HCICH,Br (©) HOCH,C*HOH)CH,OH (a) CH,C*Br,CH, 9. aafttrar C,H,NH, + CHCI, + 3 KOH > A+ 3B+ 303g AZ () C,H,CN (@) C,H,NHCH, 10, Sarita profes vite dean Fra Ha farerst earth 8 2 (a) rafter dizer (bo) factiaes eee © Tard @ ATi 11. La Ty a6 aK ol orfttrend ara eaig 1g e : I, 20h Cly + 2e~ Il. 40H" 0, + 2H,0 + 2c" II, Nat+e~->Na IV, 2H*+2e"—> Hy wa a oh ot dt attired aga afte creda @ we aig wast (STE) FT aepa-sroaes Pasar sa 2? @ 13RUL @) 13ikIv () I3itTIT @ T1aikIv 36/5/3 <6>6. The unit of molar conduetivity is 1 (a) Sem? mol! (6) Sem? mol (©) Stem? mol? (@ Sem? mol 7. Out of the following 1.0 M aqueous solutions, which one will show largest freezing point depression ? 1 (a) Nai () Na,SO, © CH, (@ Al,(SO,), 8. Which of the following molecules has a chiral centre correctly labelled with an asterisk (+)? 1 (a) CH,C*HBrCH, (b) © *HCICH,Br (©) HOCH,C*HOH)CH,OH (a) CH,C*Br,CH, 9. In the reaction 1 C,H,NH, + CHCl, + 3 KOH > A+ 3B + 3C the product A is (a) C,H,NC (>) C,H,CN (© CgH,Cr (@) CH;NHCH, 10. -pleated sheet structure in proteins refers to 1 (a) primary structure (6) secondary structure (© tertiary structure (@ quaternary structure 11. Four half reactions I to IV are shown below : 1 I. 20h Cl, + 207 Il 40H-- 0, + 2H,0 + 20~ II, Nat+e~->Na IV. 2H*+2e->H, Which two of these reactions are most likely to occur when concentrated brine is electrolysed ? (a) Land UL () Land iv () TWand I @ WandIv 36/5/3
P.T.O.12, Gana eTgatt ar Hl aT Te ga Shes HI Hila aaER He as ATA 2? (a) Seri @) sa are eae (© Reng an frit (a) aRachtta oafatiee saree 13. agg aaa a tetas Harrah eel & fee Peat a a cH sear ara FaI am? (a) LiAIH, () HYNi (Fe 3it HCL @ sna Hcl 14, fra a Peer pK, 4H Eee 7 (a) CH,- COOH (») 0,N-CH,- COOH (©) Cl-CH,- COOH (@) HCOOH wet der 158 18 & ferw, a) we fey mye — oral uae al safer (A) ae eet al I (R) Br sits Pear ae | ga MET & BM Te AS fee Te SST (a), (b), (0) 3H (@) 1a sree dfare | (a) aftrmer (A) atk rT (R) Si aT S SiN TET (R), sefReTT (A) A Be SET wea 2 | (>) after (A) sik art (R) ahi wet %, eg HITT (R), saftrse (A) Ft aa ‘Sareea eT EAT | (©) sare (A) waa, Fe HIT (R) TIA | (a) saftrene (A) Meta, FEA HRM (R) AE’ | 15. afte (A) : DNA ait RNA avail Al Og fanramta aren, Fle cha aie witha ag 8 fran wht at? | ‘AT (R) 1 Aiffasiers sit afresiiees ieke agg At safeafa F re firaen eatie & | 36/5/3 Be12. Which property of transition metals enables them to behave as catalysts? 1 (a) High melting point (>) High ionisation enthalpy (© Alloy formation (@)_ Variable oxidation states 13. Which of the following would not be a good choice for reducing nitrobenzene to aniline ? 1 (a) LiAIH, () HYNi () Feand HCl (@) SnandHCl 14. Which one of the following has lowest pK, value ? 1 (a) CH,;- COOH (b) O,N-CH,- COOH () Cl-CH,-COOH (d) HCOOH For questions number 15 to 18, two statements are given — one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below : (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of the Assertion (A). (6) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of the Assertion (A). (©) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false (@)_ Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true. 15. Assertion (A) : The backbone of DNA and RNA molecules is a chain consisting of heterocyclic base, pentose sugar and phosphate group. 1 Reason (R) : Nucleotides and nucleosides mainly differ from each other in presence of phosphate group. 36/5/3
P.T.O.20. 21. 22, 36/5/3 SRT (A): siftifeer oft ate rafts wa afte at sean Al ftiearsit a a], aia 1 ret (R) 2 after sfttiearsit & fore antenna aig axel set eter | . SRT (A): Oeste daae F sift searg Bea a, -sIgH wraihrer aiw Ty! 1 ‘srt (R) 1 Baa & TT a, P-HegH rsh ahs eaeht St aa S| . SRT (A): [Co(NH,); SO,] Ci, fara ase froma & are ae Ha eT e 1 wera (R) : Spa Prager Craik $O,2- sre Bz | ws-a eric ait agaciieataial are % fere fret & sex aifre : 2x1=2 (a) argaciteatate A gent 4 Fie aftr arectta wait ta 2 7 (>) Sh wea Paige & fore ws carafe wham ae | (a) Peafafaa ad a at at ois forts aft vif art at at wel 2 2 err Ae | OH-, NH}, CH,NH,, H,0 2x1=2 (b) 4a [CoNH,), (NOJICL, a w HI 2 | ses defi aaa aI ag aoa, ar aif | feet carats often ar oy aan seh an farts k sik aia Sat BB aT ‘aia’ 2 sitar fra Afar | 2 artim afeeerer oafitimar & fe Velika orttareter weit ae Me 7 St wre “fire | 216. Assertion (A) : Order of reaction is applicable to elementary as well as complex reactions. 1 Reason (R) : For a complex reaction molecularity has no meaning. 17. Assertion (A) : The final product in Aldol condensation is always a, B- unsaturated carbonyl compound. 1 Reason (R) : a, B-unsaturated carbonyl compounds are stabilised due to conjugation. 18. Assertion (A) : [Co(NH,); SO,] Ci gives a white precipitate with silver nitrate solution. 1 Reason (R) : The complex dissociates to give Cl and SO,2- ions. SECTION -B 19. For the pair phenol and cyclohexanol, answer the following : 2x1=2 (a) Why is phenol more acidic than cyclohexanol ? (b) Give one chemical test to distinguish between the two. 20. (a) Which of the following species cannot act as a ligand ? Give reason. OH-, NH}, CH,NH,, H,0 2x1=2 (b) The complex [Co(NH,);(NO,)|CI, is red in colour. Give IUPAC name of its linkage isomer. 21. What happens to the rate constant k and activation energy E, as the temperature of a chemical reaction is increased ? Justify. 2 22. Why haloarenes are not reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reaction ? Give two reasons. 2 36/5/3
P.T.O.23. (a) @) ae sae Fa ch feet cae: valde teiae after & fare Begg 3k AG? & wa fag (eaters sores) a afew 7 2x1=2 Gi) bas age sree a1 geen Fram ware | aaa (b) 298 Kut fet det a emf uftafera Afi : Fey | Fe’ (0.01M) || H*ayp | Haig (1 bar), Pty fear’ Begg = 0.44 V. 2 24, (a) (i) aebfafere ana & form Raat (Sere) oem ft ert GifaT | 2x1=2 Gi) fet NH, ang & afiraer wera a Se Peifira fare sae e 7 aa (>) @) Pattie rer sere 28 gu sifitirer opt sfc: 2x1=2 N,'Cr CH3CH,0H Gi) apieae ar se Fea Fifa | 25, Tele wl eegifauerteia a are em wey ah arf faean dire | ga afhiaea a fre aS Ay safeafe Fy gf Stat 8 7 2 WET 26, faeaferfina fara aia Sent & fore are fag : 3x1=3 (a) Tara an eentehie, eregifarerieta & are siftiear aet we | (b) Wet sree aavii r sifa a eata S| (©) ser facta faerfirat At fe eat ser F Frafira we & ert afer | (@) DNAS always Heat HH ata S| 36/5/3
23. (a) ) 24. (a) () () What should be the signs (positive/negative) for E°g,, and AG? for a spontaneous redox reaction occurring under standard conditions ? 2x1 (ii) State Faraday’s first law of electrolysis. OR Calculate the emf of the following cell at 298 K : Fey | Fe®* (0.01M)||H* qq) | Hay (1 bar), Pty Given Bp, = 0.44 V, 2 () Draw the zwitter ion structure for sulphanilic acid. 2x1=2 (ii) How can the activating effect of NH, group in aniline be controlled ? OR (® Complete the reaction with the main product formed : axis N,'Cr CH3CH20H eae (ii) Convert Bromoethane to Propanamine. 25. Give the reaction of heating glucose with hydroxylamine. Presence of which group is confirmed by this reaction ? 2 SECTION - C 26. Give reasons for any 3 of the following observations : 3x1=3 (a) Penta-acetate of glucose does not react with hydroxylamine. () © @) 56/5/3 Amino acids behave like salts. Water soluble vitamins must be taken regularly in diet. The two strands in DNA are complimentary to each other. a> B P.T.O.27. (a) () 28. (a) () 29. (a) (b) 30. (a) () 56/5/3 freea aa fergia & seme wt dt & fee wae @a forts % are geragifas farara ferftan fires fag a, > PRI 14+2=3 (Ni(H,0),]°* 1 fae eT Gat & Fg [Ni(CO),] #1 Frees ee | eATET afar | [Feary] HATH : Ni = 28] @)) Stic a C—O sree card Rata Ht otter aa a ee 7 3x1=38 Gi) Prafafad at aed sacra & aH crafted Afra : alaeeae, Beta, Sai, n-wT Gil) Orate S Frater He fae fear so aa @ 2 safer dita | wear G) Prefered orfirfiner = favenfefer fefiae : 24153 H,SO, CH,CH,OH —T-— CH,CH, ~ 0 ~ CH;CH, + H,0 Gi) wegen — stadt after wi screw fea AAs | we aire & aa Ssarn aioe ease | 1+2=3 aefia fae F (CH,),N 4 get 4 (CH,),NH afte aretia 2, ae Bia | 318 KR after 1+2=3 2N 054) > ANO gi) + Ong) % fore safifarar ar ufeeafera aifare ae NO, & ay BHT AT 14 x 10 ms’ I ae vam SHE fla & Fe tgs, = Logg, MARAT IA ATE | 5)27. (a) (b) 28. (a) (by 29. (a) ) 30. (a) ) 56/5/38 On the basis of crystal field theory, write the electronic configuration for dé with a strong field ligand for which A, > P. 14253 A solution of [Ni(H,0),]** is green but a solution of [Ni(CO),] is colourless. Explain. [Atomic number : Ni= 28] (Why is the C- O bond length in phenols less than that in methanol ? 3x1=3 (ii) Arrange the following in order of increasing boiling point Ethoxyethane, Butanal, Butanol, n-butane (iii), How can phenol be prepared from anisole ? Give reaction. OR () Give mechanism of the following reaction : 2+1=3 $0, 413K (ii) Mlustrate hydroboration — oxidation reaction with an example. CH,CH,OH > CH,CH, — 0- CH,CH, + H,0 Illustrate Sandmeyer's reaction with an equation. 1+2=3 Explain, why (CH,),NH is more basic than (CH,),N in aqueous solution. For the reaction 14253 2N205( > 4NO aq + Oni) at 318 K calculate the rate of reaction if rate of disappearance of NjOsy) is 14x10 ms}. For a first order reaction derive the relationship tygy, = 2tyyy, P.T.O.wea Prafefad sea a-srentea wea @ | agede wt aTaurfigdes ofee sik Tees Ward | weil ar oer dhe 31. safer afer sciteaai F airert ster aftr Sy1 sik Sy2 ahi feafahiet agar dared 6 on eat € | Syl a sett ht attire @ sahs $2 wa TET AY afeiAT 2 arg eeiiteas Br a Hearfate sermon, we areal aK Pele wer 8 SS Versa Fy ‘acer, arate aye 3 yet, afer safeties ait Rreres | fram gaa Hs : Syl aftieen F, afters & oman feats Ht ait freer Ht gaat of ait 2, wife cH gata faeras, afters oft atten camer fafa a aftr Sa sre 8, Hors Sea Sat aH ae 8 otk aaftifaear cha ala |B eet 2 1 Sy2 anfitinar 4, frepra oft pac aftianies & aan fete oft ait araraa: oftafa wet ere ait eae sre aa Sate | gaa, wate fererzs ar sor feats A ate Nu ae gee wens HT EAT, free sreoT aR sat eh gf SB Ate safeeT Fe Bh ae He aT eB | See fare 25 °C ata BARA a Wat (TTT 24) Al ata set (TTAGAIs 79) F frre FT (Sy 1) 300000 FAT artes ca ete @ | Qos FH shige wateicl F NaOH & ere afer 1 (S.2) Ft are 40% Tet vafea wrt 4 NaOH & are gy ae St sre @ | sta: reas A ya aT RK Syl BK Sy2 dei aftirensi 1 ware crea @, weg ators fra eta S| aaa: eH he HHA E fi gio ya rere S,.2 seftensit & fre sega BA & ras rer yt rere Syl aftiieansit & fore sepget aa & | ararera: ea He ae € fH Geter Belles HI fre aftiiea sect gata froraat HT S.1 frenfate a srentta @ (Saree & fore va} ay Ghia) | 36/5/3 Be31. SECTION -D ‘The following questions are case-based questions. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : Nucleophilic Substitution Nucleophilic Substitution reaction of haloalkane can be conducted according to both Syl and Sy2 mechanisms. Syl is a two step reaction while Sy2 is a single step reaction. For any haloalkane which mechanism is followed depends on factors such as structure of haloalkane, properties of leaving group, nucleophilic reagent and solvent, Influences of solvent polarity : In Sy1 reaction, the polarity of the system increases from the reactant to the transition state, because a polar solvent has a greater effect on the transition state than the reactant, thereby reducing activation energy and accelerating the reaction. In Sy2 reaction, the polarity of the system generally does not change from the reactant to the transition state and only charge dispersion occurs. At this time, polar solvent has a great stabilizing effect on Nu than the transition state, thereby increasing activation energy and slow down the reaction rate. For example, the decomposition rate (Sy1) of tertiary chlorobutane at 25 °C in water (dielectric constant 79) is 300000 times faster than in ethanol (dielectric constant 24). The reaction rate (Sy2) of 2-Bromopropane and NaOH in ethanol containing 40% water is twice slower than in absolute ethanol. Hence the level of solvent polarity has influence on both Sy1 and Sy2 reaction, but with different results. Generally speaking weak polar solvent is favourable for Sy2 reaction, while strong polar solvent is favourable for Syl. Generally speaking the substitution reaction of tertiary haloalkane is based on 81 mechanism in solvents with a strong polarity (for example ethanol containing water). 36/5/3
Be P.T.O.Preaferftaa weit & ser diftre : (a) Syl 8 tert ait ate 2 2 1 (be) Ser Al ger i water wa yet aa aie ? 1 (oC) Prafefaa sete rel ta ate S.2 afttina & sft orf aiftiftearetion 8 ? () CH,-CH,-1 s¥a CH,CH, Gi) (eer wear Ce 2 ear (©) Prrfefiad et S.1 afitrensit & oft seh siftiirersticta % aed aH F oraferat Aifire : @ 2-aW-2ARrereH, 1a, 2a Gi) L-sl-3-AferereqQt, 2-siil-2-Afeeregea, 2-se-3 Arete axl -Cl 2x1 32. Uga 3 298 Ke fate sigma % sete KCI eee ar wfete aa we fare odiceaa far 8 aS gu Uh area Ga Hl was aA gE UH wel cafe fase | sa ary arate dim 550 @ 5000 sam ofa Saws aTeh ac, uit a ieee fas B tST | ye fad fete 8 sfate ar oie eet & oad Sea area K ott Ae STAT Ag Mi oftpfed fear ait art ureaiani a arf ea # arftferftad Fea | water | visa (M) | k S cmt Am S em? mol 1 1.00 111.3 x 10-3 111.3 2 0.10 12.9 x 10-8 129.0 3. 0.01 1.41 x 10-8 141.0 Prafetian wet & arr dif : (a) AUT Me ethal Fil sect 8 2 1 (b) AR KCI fee A,,° 150.0 S cm? mol"! 2 @ 0.01 M KCI feet Hat afcafera Fifa | 1 (ae Uge a KCLS ea H HCI age fe ete a TG A, AAT a At 1g ITT fee KCL & andi A siten aftr ar an afara BE | sitfrcs fg fare | 2x1 ea (co) Tee aeardt fits 3 seit ser wt KC! faces & aK CH,COOH faa ere Sree | get Ht Gert A sa Marotta wp Varo ferfay st sae aaa aT sik wa am Si se8 fra er | 2x1 36/5/3 Be32. 56/5/3 Answer the following questions (a) Why racemisation occurs in Sy1? (b) Why is ethanol less polar than water ? (©) Which one of the following in each pair is more reactive towards Sx2 reaction ? (@) CH,-CH, - or CH,CH, - Cl Gi) C= elor (=H, -c1 ax (© Arrange the following in the increasing order of their reactivity towards Sy1 reactions () 2-Bromo-2-methylbutane, 1-Bromopentane, 2-Bromopentane (i) 1-Bromo-3-methylbutane, 2-Bromo-2-methylbutane, 2-Bromo methylbutane 2x1 Rahul set-up an experiment to find resistance of aqueous KC/ solution for different concentrations at 298 K using a conductivity cell connected to a Wheatstone bridge. He fed the Wheatstone bridge with a.c. power in the audio frequency range 550 to 5000 cycles per second. Once the resistance was calculated from null point he also calculated the conductivity K and molar conductivity »,, and recorded his readings in tabular form. S.No. | Cone.M)| kSem™! | a,,S cm? mol! 1. 1.00 111.3 x 10-3 111.3 2. 0.10 | 12.9x 107 129.0 3. 0.01 [| 141x107 141.0 Answer the following questions (a) Why does conductivity increase though the conductivity decrease with dilution ? (b) If Ay,° of KCI is 150.0 S cm? mol, calculate the degree of dissociation of 0.01 M KCI. (Q If Rahul had used HCI instead to KC/ then would you expect the Aj. values to be more or less than those per KCI for a given concentration. Justify. 2x1 OR (c) Amit a classmate of Rahul repeated the same experiment with CH,COOH solution instead of KCI solution. Give one point that would be similar and one that would be different in his observations as compared to Rahul. 2x1 P.T.O.33. (a) () 34. (a) 56/5/3 @ Gi) Gi) @ Gi) Gi) 0} Gi) Gi) WE-s ‘aR sifitiear # afters sifirtieer fear | 1+14+3=5 age araiftatrs arcii gern a Oteenai ott Hani & sais aa Fi wae? wes apr aitftes ‘A’ freee SA C5H,O, 2, eggs % arr aiff ae & ward NaOH w waigeia & aa TH HET nea F orrafid vat |
+ 3H,S + 8H* > ‘Preaferfiad & aren aire : G) +3 sraeer Ht oifaefteen & wis Fe’ ft ger Mn? sifers cart da 2 | Gi) IR ar STATE BTS TATE Eye A SIT | (ii) [Xe] 4176s? geagiire fare ated Eu2t om weet STATS e |(>) (i) Why is the value of Van't Hoff factor for ethanoie acid in benzene close to 0.5? 1+242=5 (ii) Determine the osmotic pressure of a solution prepared by dissolving 2.32 x 10-%g of K,SO, in 2L of solution at 25 °C, assuming that K,SO, is completely dissociated. (R = 0.082 L atm K-! mol“, Molar mass K,SO, = 174g mol") (ii) When 25.6g of Sulphur was dissolved in 1000g of benzene, the freezing point lowered by 0.512 K. Calculate the formula of Sulphur (8,). (K; for benzene mol") 5.12 K kg mol", Atomic mass of Sulphur = 32g 35. (a) Write the number of unpaired electrons in Cr**. (Atomic number of Cr = 24) 1+24+2=5 (b) Complete the reaction mentioning all the products formed Cr,0,2 + 8H,S + 8H* > (Account for the following : (@ Mn?* is more stable than Fe®* towards oxidation to +3 state. (ii) Copper has exceptionally positive E24 value. (iii) Eu2* with electronic configuration [Xe] 476s? is a strong reducing agent. 36/5/3 <>56/5/3
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