FNCP Sample
FNCP Sample
FNCP Sample
SUBJECTIVE DATA: The family is Short Term: - Home visit - Competency, GOALS MET
unable to make knowledge, and
Complaints of polyuria Established a friendly To earn the family Short Term:
decisions with skills of the Nurse
for the past four nurse-family member’s trust and
respect to taking After 8 hours of - Virtual conference
weeks. relationship. encourage their
appropriate health nursing intervention,
participation and After 8 hours of nursing
Further assessment action due to the family will be - Time and effort of
cooperation for the interventions, the family:
reveals an upcoming inadequate able to the Nurse
nursing interventions. - Interview method
appointment with knowledge or poor a.) Acknowledged the factors
understanding of a.) Acknowledge the
her optometrist for that may lead to unstable
the progression of factors that may lead
new onset blurred - Observation - Participation and glucose level such as:
the disease. to unstable glucose Assess the family's To develop the
cooperation of the
vision. level. understanding about necessary interventions Inadequate physical activity.
family members
diabetes mellitus. and have baseline
Patient has a family during the Noncompliance with prescribed
history of diabetes on communication. medication management.
b.) Recognize the
her father's side and
body's energy's (GLIMEPERIDE 5MG OD)
admits to a sedentary
requirements. To identify the
occupation and Assess the family's active source/cause of the - Compliance of the
lifestyle participation in family members
important issues such with the nursing
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
Patient MC states c.) Understand the daily activities, diet and problem and focus on interventions b.) Recognized the body's
that she is following dietary regimen metabolic patterns, and it. addressed to them. energy's requirements:
her meal and provided and family health status.
By Engaging in physical activity
exercise planning understand the
such as jogging, Zumba,
importance of having
goals with little cycling..
active exercises. Assess the family’s
eating patterns.
If dietary
recommendations for a
specific clinical Strictly adhering to a diet plan.
Patient MC is condition are not (Foods low fat, low carbs, fruits,
referred for fasting followed, blood sugar vegetables, high in fiber)
blood work the next fluctuations may occur.
Taking medication as
day, which reveals Assess for signs and prescribed. (Glimeperide 5mg
the following Long Term:
symptoms of once a day)
results: After 3 days of hyper/hypoglycemia, If you ignore the
nursing intervention, frequent urination, symptoms of
HbA1c: 8.5%
the family will be frequent hunger, blurry hypoglycemia too c.) Understood the dietary
Fasting blood glucose: able to: vision. long, you may lose regimen provided and engaged
147 mg/dL consciousness. That's in an active exercise such as
jogging, Zumba, cycling.
Total Cholesterol: 3.49 because your brain
a.) Participate in
mmol/L needs glucose to (Avoided full fat dairy, sugary
active exercises and
function. Recognize drinks, sweets, high fat red
Triglycerides: 1.20 in developing and
the signs and meat)
mmol/L adhering to a diet
plan to prevent or symptoms of
LDL: 1.98 mmol/L
hypoglycemia early,
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
To assist them in
adopting a healthy diet
and weight
management practices.
Exercise and activity
will increase blood
flow, lowering the
possibility of unstable
Assist the family in blood glucose level
identifying eating
patterns that need to be
modified. To meet the family's
nutritional needs and
maintain their
condition's health.
Educate the family
regarding the
importance of following
a prescribed meal plan. Provide resources such
as educational guides
for the family to follow
a diabetic diet for
awareness on how to
maintain a normal
Describe the significance range of glucose level.
of encouraging the
family to monitor and
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
2nd Level Assessment: Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to lack of knowledge/insight as to alternative courses of action open to
Analysis of the Nursing Method of
Cues Objectives Rationale Resources Required Expected Outcome
Problem Interventions Family Contact
Subjective data: The family is SHORT TERM Establish rapport with This is to gain the - Home visit - The GOALS MET
unable to make the family trust of the family, participation
• A family After 3 hours of SHORT TERM
decisions with especially the patient - Interview and the
history of nursing
respect to taking or client that is method cooperation of After 3 hours of nursing
diabetes on interventions, the
appropriate involved. the family interventions the family
her father's family will be able
health action due - Health members with understand the risk
side and to:
to not being able Assess Vital signs Vital signs education/ the student factors that contributes to
admits to a
to recognize that monitoring is crucial teachings nurse
sedentary • understand hypertension and its
the problem is a for living a long and
occupation and effect to the client and the
complication of healthy life. Vitals - Appropriate
and lifestyle determine importance of follow up
her DM type 2. gives us a glimpse materials in
the risk into our overall well- conveying appointments and taking
• States that factors being. knowledge to maintenance medicine
she is contributin the family
following her g to
meal and hypertensio - Sufficient
exercise Assess the knowledge This is to have a knowledge of
n and its
planning and understanding of baseline data, to the student
effect to
goals with the family regarding know what nurse about LONG TERM
the client
little success. the disease the disease
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500
Reinforce the
importance of This is to improve the
adhering to check-ups family’s compliance
or appointment
• problem needing urgent 2 ➢ the family sought help
attention 1 2/2=1 from the rural health
• problem needing not 1 1x1=1 unit.
urgent attention ➢ The family considered
the condition to need
• not a felt problem 0
immediate action.
barangay health
center and RHU for
consultations and ask
for the essential
steps/actions they
can take to handle
the illness.