The document outlines an intervention plan to address a family's unhealthy smoking habits. The goals are for the family to recognize the threats of smoking to health, comprehend the magnitude of the problem, and decide on an appropriate health action within 2 weeks. The nurse will conduct a home visit to discuss the effects of smoking through visual aids, assess the family's smoking factors, and identify implementation measures. A follow up visit will evaluate if the family applied interventions, experienced success/difficulties, and can continue the measures without supervision.
The document outlines an intervention plan to address a family's unhealthy smoking habits. The goals are for the family to recognize the threats of smoking to health, comprehend the magnitude of the problem, and decide on an appropriate health action within 2 weeks. The nurse will conduct a home visit to discuss the effects of smoking through visual aids, assess the family's smoking factors, and identify implementation measures. A follow up visit will evaluate if the family applied interventions, experienced success/difficulties, and can continue the measures without supervision.
The document outlines an intervention plan to address a family's unhealthy smoking habits. The goals are for the family to recognize the threats of smoking to health, comprehend the magnitude of the problem, and decide on an appropriate health action within 2 weeks. The nurse will conduct a home visit to discuss the effects of smoking through visual aids, assess the family's smoking factors, and identify implementation measures. A follow up visit will evaluate if the family applied interventions, experienced success/difficulties, and can continue the measures without supervision.
The document outlines an intervention plan to address a family's unhealthy smoking habits. The goals are for the family to recognize the threats of smoking to health, comprehend the magnitude of the problem, and decide on an appropriate health action within 2 weeks. The nurse will conduct a home visit to discuss the effects of smoking through visual aids, assess the family's smoking factors, and identify implementation measures. A follow up visit will evaluate if the family applied interventions, experienced success/difficulties, and can continue the measures without supervision.
Goal of care/ Objectives of care LTO & STOs proposed actions & Resources Evaluation nursing problem Methods/tools methods of teaching and required standard rationale of intervention Health problem: GOALS Method of contact: Home Material Enhances/Integrates: Question and Health condition or problem: The family will recognize the threat of smoking on health visit resources: - knowledge about answer unhealthy lifestyle and personal 1. Discuss with the > Visual the effects of Instant feed habit: smoking cigarette/tobacco LTO family: aids: for the smoking backing After 2 weeks rotation, the family will be able to manifest evidences of a. The effects of effects of Family Nursing comprehension of the magnitude of problem of smoking on the health smoking on a smoking on a Problem(diagnosis): of the family and decide an appropriate health action to correct them. human body pregnant b. The woman and • Inability to make decision STO complications of her child. with respect to taking 1. After an hour of health teaching (with visual aids), the family smoking on a appropriate health action will pregnant woman Minute ( time related to: a. briefly describe the effects of smoking on the body in their own and her child’s and effort a. Failure to comprehend words health resources ): the magnitude of the b. enumerate complications of smoking on a pregnant woman and > time and problem her child. 2. Assess and identify the effort of the b. Low salience of the c. Agree to cease smoking gradually to prevent complication of factors for smoking of the nurse, the problem smoking during pregnancy family members family d. state and formulate implementing measures as a health action members • Inability to provide for their family. adequate nursing care to Monetary ( the sick, disabled, 2. Given the next home visit on the second week, the family will: budget ): dependent or vulnerable/at a. Manifest evidences of having applied specific interventions > Expenses risk member of the family agreed upon for teaching due to: aids and a. Lack of/inadequate b. Verbalize experiences of success and difficulties in doing the transportation knowledge about child implemented measures of the nurse development and care. c. Verbalize that they can continue the implemented measures, without difficulty, even if the nurse is not present to supervise them