Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Unit # 10:
10.1: The time period of a simple pendulum is 𝑙𝑚
T = 2π√ 𝑔
2s. What will be its length on the Earth?
What will be its length on the Moon if
22 𝑙𝑚
g=g/6? Where g, = 10ms". 2=2x √
7 1.66
Given Data:
44 𝑙𝑒
2= √
t = 2s 7 10
7/22 =√1.66
𝑔𝑒 Taking the square
gm = 6
7 𝑙𝑚
ge = 10ms-2 (22)2= = (√1.66)2
gm = 6 49/484 = lm/1.66
gm = 1.66ms-2 49𝑋1.66
= lm
T = 2π√ 𝑔 0.17m = lm
22 𝑙𝑒
2=2 √
7 10
10.2: A pendulum of length 0.99m is taken to
44 𝑙𝑒
the moon by an astronaut. The period of
2= √ pendulum is 4.9s . What is the value of “g”
7 10
on the surface of moon?
2x7/44 = √10 Given Data:
49 𝑙𝑚
= le /10 T = 2π√ 𝑔
= le 0.99
484 4.9 =2 x 3.14 √ 𝑔
as π =22/7=3.14
= le
484 Taking square of both sides:
1.01m = le
Tm = 4.9s
10.3: Find the time period of a simple pendulum 10.4: A simple pendulum completes one
of 1meter length, placed on Earth and on moon. vibration in two seconds. Calculate its length,
The value of g on the surface of moon is 1/6th of wheng-10.0ms*.
its value on Earth. When ge is 10 ms-2.
Given Data:
Given Data:
T = 2s
Length of pendulum= l= 1m
g = 10ms-1
Value of g on Earth= ge = 10ms-2
Length of pendulum = l=?
As the gm is 1/6 of Earth it means
gm = 10 x 1/6
gm = 10/6 T = 2π√𝑔
Time period on Moon = Tm 22 = (22)* (3.14)2 * 10
Solution: 22 *10 = (22)*(3.14)2 * l
Te = 2π√ 𝑔 4 *10 /((22)* (3.14)2) = l
λ =0.06m
10.7: A transverse wave produced on a spring
frequency= f=? has a frequency of 190 Hz and travels along the
length of the spring of 90m, in 0.5s
Time period=T=?
a) What is the period of the wave?
Speed= v =?
b) What is the speed of the wave?
Solution: c) What is the wavelength of the wave?
f=5Hz t = 0.5sec
T = 1/5 Speed= v =?
T = 0.2sec wavelength = λ =?
Speed= v= f λ Solution:
T = 0.005sec
10.6: A wooden bar is vibrating into the water Speed= v = S/t :- (S=v*t)
surface in a ripple tank has frequency of 12Hz.
v = 90/0.5
The resulting wave has wavelength of 3cm.
What is the speed of the wave? v= 180ms-1
frequency= f=12Hz v =f λ
:- 1m=100cm λ = v/f
λ=180/190 λ = 40/1000
λ=0.95m λ =0.04m
Distance=S= 80cm
10.9: At one end of ripple tank 80cm across, 5
v= f λ
Hz vibrator produces waves whose
wavelength is 40mm. Find the time the v/f= λ
waves need to cross the tank.
λ = (3 x 108)/ (9 x 107)
Given Data:
λ = (3 x 108 x 10 -7)/ 9 = (3 x 108-7)/9
frequency= f=5Hz
λ = 3 x 10 /9 =30/9
wavelength = λ = 40mm
λ = 3.33m
:- 1m=1000mm