Legends: L-Lecture T - Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice P - Practical C - Credit, ESE - End Semester Examination PA
Legends: L-Lecture T - Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice P - Practical C - Credit, ESE - End Semester Examination PA
Legends: L-Lecture T - Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice P - Practical C - Credit, ESE - End Semester Examination PA
(Code: 3340901)
Polyphase (mainly 3 phase) transformers are widely employed in power grids and
transmissions lines starting from generating station till the consumer end. Every generating
station uses alternators for electricity generation. Induction motors and Synchronous motors
are widely used in industries, farms and domestic applications. It is therefore must for
electrical engineers to posses knowledge and skills required to operate and maintain 3 phase
transformers, induction motors, synchronous motors and alternators. This course attempts to
develop these skills into the students.
The course content should be taught and implemented with the aim to develop different types
of skills so that students are able to acquire following competency:
Operate and Maintain transformers and rotating AC machines.
The theory should be taught and practical should be carried out in such a manner that students
are able to acquire different learning outcomes in cognitive, psychomotor and affective
domain to demonstrate following course outcomes.
i. Conduct various routine tests on 3 phase transformer.
ii. Operate 3- phase transformers in parallel.
iii. Select a 3- phase or 1- phase induction motor for a given application.
iv. Synchronize an alternator with bus bar or another alternator.
v. Use Synchronous machines for power factor improvement.
vi. Maintain rotating AC machines.
Unit Major Learning Outcomes Topics and Sub-topics
(in cognitive domain)
Unit – I. 1a. Justify the advantage of using 3- 1.1 Comparison of three phase transformer
Poly Phase phase transformer over a bank of 3 with bank of three single phase
Transformer single phase transformers transformers.
1b. With sketches explain the major parts 1.2 Arrangement of Core and windings in
of the 3-phase transformer transformer, use of tap changer. Types
1c. Sketch the different types of of losses in transformers.
connections of 3-phase transformer 1.3 Construction - Accessories of 3 phase
including vector groups transformer: Main tank, bushings,
1d. With sketches the describe the need of conservator with breather, oil level
parallel operation of 3 phase gauge, radiators, buchholz relay,
transformers . explosion vent, temperature indicators,
1e. State the maintenance procedure and junction box
the transformer oil change process 1.4 Star delta connections and vector
1.5 Cooling of transformer: Natural
cooling, Forced cooling
1.6 Parallel operation – Essential and
desirable Conditions
1.7 Maintenance of different types of
Unit– II 2a. Explain how a rotational field is 2.1 Construction, types - Squirrel cage -
Poly Phase produced in a 3 phase induction motor. Single and double cage, Wound rotor
Induction 2b. Differentiate between squirrel cage 2.2 Working principle with Torque-slip
Motors and wound rotor induction motor with curve, equivalent circuit and phasor
their salient features. diagram
2c. Explain the torque slip characteristics 2.3 Torque equation , Starting, running
of squirrel cage and wound rotor and condition for the maximum
induction motor including the torque
generation operation. 2.4 Necessary and types of starters- DOL,
2d. Explain various methods of speed Star delta, autotransformer type and
control of 3 phase induction motor. rotor resistance starter.
2e. State the maintenance procedure of 2.5 No load test and Blocked rotor test,
both squirrel cage and wound rotor Losses and efficiency
2.6 Speed control of squirrel cage and
induction motor
slip-ring inductionmotor
2.7 Maintenance of different types of
induction motors
Unit– III 3a. Explain the working principle of an 3.1 Principle of working and construction.-
Alternator alternator Salient and Cylindrical rotor
3b. Differentiate between turbo 3.2 Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
generator and hydrogenerators 3.3 Voltage regulation by synchronous
impedance method, OC, SC
3c. Derive emf equation
3d. Determine the voltage regulation 3.4 Synchronization of alternator with bus
of an alternator by synchronous bar/alternator
impedance method 3.5 Cooling system of alternator
3e. Synchronize an alternator with 3.6 Maintenance of different types of
infinite bus bar. alternators
3f. State the maintenance requirements
of the alternators including the
different cooling systems of the
Unit–IV 4a. Connect and operate synchronous 4.1 Principle of working, starting methods
Synchronous motor using proper starting method 4.2 Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Motor 4b. Improve the power factor of the 4.3 Effect of change in excitation ‘V’-
system using synchronous curves
4.4 Synchronous condenser
4.5 Hunting and its prevention
4c. State the maintenance requirements
4.6 Different torque of a synchronous
of the synchronous motor motor
4d. Differentiate the features between the 4.7 Maintenance of synchronous motors
synchronous and induction motor
Unit-V 5a. Describe the working principle of 5.1 Working of different types of single-
Single Phase different types of single phase phase induction motors
Induction motors. 5.2 Fractional horse power motors
Motors 5b. Describe the working principle of 5.3 Speed torque characteristics
5.4 Maintenance of different types of
different types of fractional horse
single phase motors
power motors
5c. Troubleshoot single phase
induction motor in a ceiling fan/
5d. State the maintenance requirements
of the single phase induction motor
vi. Download the catalogue of three phase transformer, three phase induction motor,
synchronous motor and alternator from websites of reputed manufacturers such as
BHEL, SIMENS, CROMPTON, JYOTI, ABB, VOLTAS etc. to learn the latest
(i) Arrange visit to nearby transformer and induction motor manufacturer/testing
(ii) Show video/animation films to explain functioning of induction
motor/synchronous machines/transformers and their accessories.
Title of Book Author Publication
1. Electrical Technology Vol. II B. L. Theraja S Chand and Co., New Delhi
2. Electrical Machines Smarajit Ghosh Pearson Learning, New Delhi
Electrical Machinery A.E.Fitzgerald, Charles Mc. Graw Hill, New Delhi
3. Kingsley, Jr., Stephen D.
Theory and performance of J.B.Gupta S.K. Kataria and sons, New
Electrical Machines Delhi
Electrical Machines Ashfaq Hussain Dhanpat Rai and Company,
New Delhi