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Course Code EEPC202

Course Title
Power Electronics Converters and Applications
Number of Credits (L:3,T:0,P:0)
Prerequisites NIL
Course Category PC

Course Objective
The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency through
various teaching learning experiences:
Maintain the proper functioning of power electronic devices.

Course Contents:

Contents (Theory): Hrs./Unit

Unit: 1 1. Power semiconductor devices

1.1.1 Construction, symbol, operation &two transistor analogy.
1.1.2 V-I characteristics of SCR (Holding current, Latching current, Break overvoltage).
1.1.3 Thyristor specifications - voltage rating, current rating, power rating, dv/dt, di/dt,
Gate current, temperature.
1.1.4. Utility of Snubber circuit, Free wheeling diode.
1.1.5. SCR mounting and cooling.
1.1.6 DIAC, TRIAC, SCS - Principle of operation, specification, characteristics &application.
1.2 IGBT - Principle of operation, specification, characteristics &application.
1.3 Over view on Power BJT, Power MOSFET and GTO.
1.3.1. Comparison among Thyristor, BJT, MOSFET, IGBT and GTO as switch.

Unit :2 2. Turn-on and Turn-off Methods of Thyristor 10

2.1 SCR Turn-On methods: High Voltage, Thermal triggering, llumination triggering, dv/dt
triggering, Gate triggering.
2.2 Gate trigger circuits -Resistance and Resistance-Capacitance circuits.
2.3 SCR triggering using UJT, PUT: Relaxation Oscillator and Synchronized UJT circuit.
2.4 Pulse transformer and Optocoupler based triggering.
2.5 SCR Turn-Off methods: Class A- Series resonant commutation circuit, Class B-Shunt
Resonant commutation circuit, Class C-Complimentary Symmetry commutation circuit,
Class F- Line or natural commutation.

Unit:3 3.Converter and Inverter 12

3.1. AC to DC Converter:
3.1.1 Single phase fully controlled Half Wave Converter with: a) Resistive load; b) R-L load.
3.1.2 Single phase fully controlled Full Wave Converter with: a) Resistive load; b) R-L load,
3.1.3 Three phase fuly controlled Bridge Converter with a) Resistive load; b) R-L load.
3.2 Cycloconverter - Principle of operation of Single phase &Three phase
cycloconverter, Basic circuit diagram, Input &Output waveforms, applications.
3.3 Inverter:
3.3.1 Classification of Single phase & Three phase Inverter- Line commutated & Forced
commutated Inverters, Series, Parallel, Bridge Inverter.
3.3.2 Operation of basicSeries lnverter.
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3.3.3 Operation of basic Parallel Inverter.
3.3.4 Operation of Single-phase Bridge Inverter
a) Half Bridge Inverter
b) Full Bridge Inverter
3.3.5 Pulse Width Modulated Inverter
a. Single pulse width Modulated Inverter.
b. Multiple pulse width Modulated Inverter.
c. Sinusoidal pulse width Modulated Inverter.
Unit: 4 4. DC Chopper: 04
4.1 Principles of chopper.
4.2 Classification-a) Step-up & Step-down chopper; b) Second quadrant, Two quadrant &
Four quadrant operation.
4.3 Type-A, B, C, D& Echopper - Operating Principle and applications, Jones chopper.
4.2 Related numerical problems.

Unit: 5 5. DC &AC Drives: 06

5.1Speed control of separately excited DC motor by single phase fully controlled converter.
5.2 Speed control of separately excited DC motor with three phase fully controlled
5.3Speed control of DC series motor with chopper control.
5.4 Speed control of Three phase Induction motor with variable frequency PWM Voltage
Source Inverter.
5.5 Speed control of Three phase Induction motor with variable voltage variable frequency

Unit 6 6. Power Supply 03

6.1 Uninterrupted power supply - Principle of operation & Block diagram of On load &Off
load type UPS.
6.2 SMPS- Principle of operation and application of Forward converter and Flyback

Total 45

1. Soumitra Kumar Mandal, Power Electronics McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, ISBN
2. Ramamoorty M., An Introduction to Thyristors and their applications, East-West Press Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, ISBN:8185336679.
3. Sugandhi, Rajendra Kumar and Sugandhi, Krishna Kumar, Thyristors: Theory and Applications,
NewAgelnternational(P)Itd.Publishers, NewDelhi,ISBN:978-0-85226-852-0.
4.Bhattacharya, S.K., Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Noida.

5.Jain&Alok, Power Electronics and its Applications, Penram International Publishing(India) Pvt.
Ltd, Mumbai, ISBN:978-8187972228.
6. Rashid Muhammad, Power Electronics Circuits Devices and Applications, Pearson Education
India, Noida, ISBN:978-0133125900.
7. Singh M.D. and Khanchandani K.B., PowerElectronics, Tata McGrawHill Publishing Co.Ltd, New
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1 Continuous Internal Assessment of 60 marks is to be carried out by the teachers throughout the fourth Semester.
Distribution of marks: Continuous evaluation:50 Marks; Class Attendance: 10 Marks
2 External Assessment (end Semester examination) of 40 marks shall be held at the end of the fourth Semester on
the entire syllabus. Assignment on the day of Viva-voce and practical report submission:20; Viva-voce:20

Course Code EEPC206

Number of Credits 3 (L:3,T:0,P:0)
Prerequisites NIL
Course Category PC

Course Objective
The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency through
various teaching learning experiences -
"Maintain the proper functioning of the electrical transmission and distribution systems.
Contents (Theory): Hrs./Unit
Unit: 1 Basics of Transmission and Distribution 07

1.1. Single line diagrams with components of the electric supply transmission and
distribution systems.
1.2. Classification of transmission and distribution lines: Primary and secondary
transmission; Primary and secondary distribution; standard voltage level used in
1.3. Classification of transmission lines: based on type of voltage, voltage level, length
and others Characteristics of high voltage for power transmission.
1.4. Kelvin's laws for the economic choice of conductor size- related numerical
Unit: 2 Transmission Line Parameters and Performance 08

2.1 Line Parameters: Concepts of R, Land C of line parameters and types of lines.
Performance of short line: Efficiency, regulation and its derivation, effect of power
factor Ferranti Effect (Related Numerical Problems).
2.2 Performance of medium line: representation, nominal T', nominal 'r' and end
condenser methods (Related Numerical Problems).
2.3 Representation of long transmission line.
2.3.1. Surge impedance.
2.4 Transposition of conductors and its necessity.
2.5 Skin effect and proximity effect.

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Unit:3 Extra High Voltage Transmission 08
3.1 Extra High Voltage AC (EHVAC) transmission line: Necessity, advantages,
limitations and applications and lines in India. Corona effect.
3.2 High Voltage DC (HVDC) Transmission Line: Necessity, components, advantages,
limitations and applications. Layout of monopolar, bi-Polar and homo-polar
transmission lines. HVDC lines in India.
3.3 Features of EHVAC and HVDC transmission line.
3.4 Flexible AC Transmission line: Features, Types of FACTS Controller.
3.5 New trends in wireless transmission of electrical power.

Unit: 4 A.C Distribution System 10

4.1 AC distribution: Components, classification, requirements of an ideal distribution
4.2 Feeder and distributor, factors to be considered in design of feeder and
4.3 Types of different distribution schemes: radial, ring, and grid, layout, advantages,
disadvantages and applications.
4.4 Voltage drop, sending end and receiving end voltage (Related Numerical
4.5 Methods of solving A.C.-1 phase &3 phase -phase connection (balanced)
distribution system. (Numerical based on 1-ph &3-ph balanced distribution system)
4.6 Distribution Sub-Station: Classification, site selection, advantages, disadvantages,
and applications.
4.7 Single Line diagram (layout) of 33/11KV Sub-Station, 11KV/400V sub-station,
Main connection schemes, Symbols, and functions of their components.
Unit: 5 Components of Transmission and Distribution Line 12
S.1 Overhead Conductors: Properties of material, types of conductors with trade
names, Sag in Overhead Lines, Calculation of Sag (Related Numerical Problems),
Stringing chart and its uses, Spacing of conductors, length of span, Relevant I.E.
5.2 Line supports: Requirements, types of line structures and their specifications,
methods of erection.
5.3 Line Insulators: Properties of insulating material, selection of material, types of
insulators and their applications, failure of insulators, causes of insulator failure,
creepage distance (definition &significance only), derivation of equation of string
efficiency for string of three suspension insulator, methods of improving string
efficiency, Related Numerical Problems.
5.4 Underground Cables: Requirements, classification, construction, Description of (i)
PVC, (i) PILC (ii) FRLS (Fire Retardant Low Smoke), (iv) XLPE cables & (v) Gas filled
(SF6) cables, comparison with overhead lines, cable laying.
5.5 Power Factor Improvement Using Static condenser, and Synchronous condenser
(Related Numerical Problems), static VAR compensator.

Total 45

1. Mehta, V.K., Principles of Power System, S. Chand and Co. New Delhi, ISBN: 9788121924962
2. Theraja, B.L.; Theraja, A.K., A Textbook of Electrical Technology Vol. lII, S.Chand and Co. New Delhi,
ISBN: 9788121924900
3. Gupta, ACourse in Power Systems, S.K. Kataria and sons, New Delhi, ISBN: 9788188458523
4. Uppal,S.L., A Course in Electrical Power, S.K.Khanna Publisher New Delhi, ISBN :978817409238
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Course Code EEPC210
Number of Credits 3 (L: 3, T: 0, P:0)
Prerequisites NIL
Course Category PC

Course objectives:
The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency through
various teaching learning experiences:
Maintain Induction, Synchronous and FHP Machines used in different applications.
Contents (Theory): Hrs./Unit
Unit: 1 11
Three Phase Induction Motor

1.1 Working principle: production of rotating magnetic field, SynchronoUs speed, rotor
speed and slip.
1.2 Constructional details of 3 phase induction motors: Squirrel cage induction motor and
Slip ring induction motor.
1.3 Rotor quantities: frequency, induced emf, power factor at starting and running
condition. (Numerical)
1.4 Derivation of torque equation; Characteristics of torque vs. slip (or speed), Torques:
starting, full load and maximum with relations among them. (related numerical). Effect of
change in rotor circuit resistance and supply voltage on Torque-Slip characteristics.
1.5 Induction motor as a generalized transformer with phasor diagram and equivalent
circuit. Four quadrant operation.
1.6 Power flow diagram, Losses, Efficiency. (related numerical)
1.7 Starters: need and types; DOL, stator resistance, auto transformer, star delta, rotor
resistance and soft starters.
1.8 Speed control methods: stator voltage, pole changing, rotor resistance and Variable
Voltage Variable Frequency (VWF) speed control.
1.9 Braking ; Plugging, Rheostatic, Regenerative methods.
1.10 Cogging &Crawling (simple idea) and remadial measures.
1.11 Concept of double cage rotor &deep-bar rotor.
1.12 Motor selection for different applications as per the load torque -speed
1.13 Maintenance of three phase induction motor.

Unit:2 Single phase induction motors 06

2.1 Double field revolving theory, principle of making these motors self-starting.
2.2 Construction and working: Resistance start induction run, capacitor start induction
run, capacitor start capacitor run, shaded pole, repulsion type, series motor, universal
motor, and hysteresis motor.
2.3 Torque-speed characteristics for all of the above motors.
2.4 Motor selection for different applications as per the load torque-speed requirements.
2.5 Maintenance of single- phase induction motor.

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Unit:3 Three phase Alternators 15

3.1 Principle of working, moving and stationary armatures. Advantages of Stationary

armature and Rotating field system.
3.2 Methods of excitation systems of 3-phase alternator by- (a) Static excitation;
(b)BrushlessExcitation (c) DC Generator.
3.3 Constructional details: parts and their functions, rotor constructions; salient &
nonsalient pole.
3.4 Windings: Single and Double layer, Concentrated and Distributed.
3.5 E.M.F. equation of an Alternator by considering short pitch factor and distribution
factor. (Numerical)
3.6 Alternator loading: Factors affecting the terminal voltage of alternator; Armature
resistance and leakage reactance drops. Armature reaction at various power factors and
synchronous impedance. Phasor Diagram at lagging, leading and unity power factor load.
Terminal Voltage vs Load Current characteristics at different power factor.
3.7 Voltage regulation by direct load, synchronous impedance method;Open and Short
Circuit Characteristics (Related Numerical)
3.8 Active & Reactive power equations in terms of power angle at steady state for non
salient pole alternator.Power vs. Load angle characteristics.
3.9 Losses, efficiency and condition for maximum efficiency.
3.10 Parallel operation of alternators : reasons, advantages and conditions.(Numerical)
3.11 Synchronisation: Methods of synchronisation by (a) three lamp methd (b) using
3.12 Load-frequency characteristics of alternators running in parallel and sharing a
common load. (numerical)
3.13 Active Power and Reactive Power control (concept only)
3.14 Maintenance of alternators.

Unit: 4 Synchronous Motors 08

4.1 Principle of working /operation, significance of load angle.
4.2 Methods of Starting of Synchronous Motor.
4.3 Torques: starting torque, running torque, pull in torque, pull out torque.
4.4 Synchronous motor on load with constant excitation (numerical)
4.5 Effect of excitation at constant load (numerical).
4.6 V-Curves and Inverted V-Curves.
4.7 Hunting and Phase swinging.
4.8 Losses in synchronous motors and efficiency (no numerical)
4.9 Application of synchronous motors.

Unit: 5 Fractional horse power (FHP) Motors 05

5.1 Construction and working: Synchronous Reluctance Motor, Switched Reluctance
Motor,BLDC, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors, stepper motors, AC and DC
5.2 Torque speed characteristics of above motors.
5.3 Applications of above motors.

Total 45

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Course Code EEPC214
Course Title Renewable Energy Power Plants
Number of Credits 3 (L:3, T: 0, P:0)
Prerequisites NIL
Course Category PC

Course objectives: The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified
competency through various teaching learning experiences:
Maintain the efficient operation of various types of renewable energy power plants.

Course contents:

Contents (Theory): Hrs/ Unit

Unit1 1.1. Classification of energy resources.
1.2. Significance of Non-conventional energy resources.
1.3 Salient features of non-conventional sources and their availability in

Unit2 Solar Photovoltaic system and Solar Power Plants 15

2.1. Basic concept of Solar Radiation Geometry - Latitude, Longitude,

Declination, Surface azimuth angle, Solar azimuth angle, Slope of surface,
Hour angle, Angle of incidence.
2.2. Solar Map of India: Beam, Diffuse &Global solar power radiation.
2.3 Radiation on inclined surface (Expression only).
2.3 Measurement of solar radiation using Pyranometer.
2.4 Types of Solar Collectors: Liquid Flat plate collectors; Parabolic
Trough, Parabolic Dish, Fresnel Reflectors. (Brief description)
2.5. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) system:
2.5.1 Principles for Electron-Hole Pair generation by Photon absorption,
Photo-electric effect, Photo-conductive effect and Photovoltaic effect.
2.5.2 Solar cell and its classification.
2.5.3 Working principle of photovoltaic cell.
2.5.4 Current-voltage (1-V) and power voltage (P- V) characteristics of
photovoltaic cell, Maximum power point (MPP),dark current, Fill factor,
Short circuit current (Isc), Open circuit voltage (Voc), Cell efficiency.
2.5.5 Concept of PV module, PV panel, PV array and its formation.
2.5.6 Classification of PV system - Centralized Solar PV System.
Distributed Solar PV System (Brief concept only)
2.6. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) power plant: Components, Layout,
Construction, Working principle, Applications.
2.7 Concentrated Solar Power (cSP) plants -Components, Layout,
Construction, Working principle, Applications.
2.8 Rooftop solar PV power system.

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Unit 3 Wind Energy and Wind Power Plants 14
3.1Wind Map of India: Wind power density in watts per square meter.
3.2. Lift and drag principle; long path theory.
3.3. Energy estimation of wind, power coefficient (Cp); lift coefficient (C),drag
coefficient(Co ):tip speed ratio.
3.2. Types of wind turbines
3.2.1. Horizontal axis small wind turbine: direct drive type,geared type,
components and working.
3.2.2. Vertical axis small wind turbine: direct drive type,geared type,
components and working.
3.3. Wind energy conversion system (WECS):
3.3.1. Constant Speed Electric Generators: Squirrel Cage Induction Generators
(SCIG), Wound Rotor Induction Generator (WRIG).
3.3.2. Variable Speed Electric Generators: Doubly-fed induction generator
(DFIG), wound rotor synchronous generator (WRSG), permanent magnet
synchronous generator (PMSG).
3.4 Geared type wind power plants: Components, Layout and Working
3.5 Direct drive type wind power plants: Components, Layout and
Working principle.
Unit 4 Micro-hydro Power Plants 6
4.1 Energy conversion process of hydro power plant.
4.2 Classification of hydro power plant: High, medium and low head.
4.3 Layouts of micro-hydro power plants.
4.4 Construction and working of hydro turbines used in different types of hydro
power plant:
High head- Pelton turbine
Medium head- Francis turbine
Low head- Kaplan turbine.
4.5 Safe Practices for micro hydro power plants.

Unit 5 Biomass-based Power Plants

5.1 Properties of solid fuel for biomass power plants: bagasse, wood chips, rice
husk, municipal waste
5.2 Properties of liquid and gaseous fuel for biomass power plants: Jatropha,
bio-diesel, gobar gas.
5.3 Layout & working of a Bio-chemical based (e.g. biogas) power plant.
5.4 Layout & working of a Thermo-chemical based (e.g. Municipal waste) power
5.5 Layout & working of Agro-chemical based (e.g. bio-diesel) power plant.

Total 45

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Course outcomes:
The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught and
implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry oriented COs associated with the
above mentioned competency:

1. ldentify different components of solar PV and CS power plant and construct solar PV and CS power plant.
2. Identify different components of wind power plant and construct a small wind power plant.
3. Identify different components of micro hydro power plant and construct micro hydro power plant.
4. Identify different components of biomass based power plant and construct a biogas plant.
5. Integrate the power from different sources of renewable energy power plant and supply through
Microgrid system.

1, Continuous Internal Assessment of 60 marks is to be carried out by the teachers throughout the fourth
Semester. Distribution of marks: Continuous evaluation:50 Marks; Class Attendance: 10 Marks
2. External Assessment (end Semester examination) of 40 marks shall be held at the end of the fourth Semester
on the entire syllabus. Assignment on the day of Viva-voce and practical report submission:20; Viva-voce:20

|Course Code EEPE202

Semester Four
Number of Credits 3 (L:3,P:0)
Prerequisites NIL
Course Category PE
Full Marks 100 [ Internal :40 Marks+ External: 60 Marks]

Course Objective
The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency through
various teaching learning experiences:

Contents (Theory): Hrs./Unit

Unit :1Fundamental:
1.1Necessity &functions of protective system.
1.2 Normal & abnormal conditions.
1.3 Types of faults & their causes.
1.4 Symmetrical and Asymmetrical fault- concept of positive, negative and zero
1.5. Use of current limiting reactors &their arrangements.
1.5.1 Short circuit fault calculations in lines fed by generators through transformers.
1.5.2 Short- circuit KVA calculations for symmetrical faults - Numerical problems.
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Unit: 2 Circuit interrupting devices: 12
2.1 Basic fuse terminology: fuse element, rated current, fusing current, fusing factor,
prospective current, cut-off current, arcing time, rupturing capacity, total operating
time. Fuse Characteristics
2.1.1 HRC fuses - construction, types, working, characteristics, selection and
2.2 Isolators- vertical break, horizontal break & pantograph type
2.3 Arc formation process, methods of arc extinction (High resistance and Low
resistance), Arc voltage, Recovery voltage, Re-striking voltage, RRRV.
2.4 Circuit breakers- Concept, Classification, Working principle, Construction,
Specification & Applications of:
2.4.1 E.H.V/H.V - Minimum oil circuit breakers (M.0.C.B.), Air Blast Circuit Breaker
(A.B.C.B),Sulphur Hexafluoride circuit breaker (SF6). Vacuum circuit breaker.
2.4.2 L.V.- Air circuit breakers (ACB), miniature circuit breakers (MC B), Moulded case
circuit breakers (M CCB), Earth leakage circuit breaker (E LC8 or RC CB ),
Comparison of fuse & MCCB
2.5 Selection of MCCB for motor.
2.6 Selection and rating of HT and LT circuit breakers - breaking capacity, making
capacity, rated operating duty, rated voltage.
2.7 Elementary idea of Auto-reclosing.
2.8 Concept of Gas insulated switchgear.

Unit: 3 Protective Relaying: 12

3.1 Fundamental quality requirements: Selectivity, Speed, Sensitivity, Reliability,

Simplicity, Economy.
3.2 CT & PT used in protection: rating of CT and PT; Accuracy Class of CT and their
significance, PT; Requirements, Basic circuit diagram, working principle &application
of CVT and CCVT.
3.3 Zones of protection, primary & back-up protection.
3.4 Operating principles and construction (in brief) of: Electromagnetic relays
(Attracted armature type, Solenoid type, Watt-hour meter type), thermal relays,
3.5 Block diagram and working of static relays and Microprocessor based relays
3.6 Over current relay.- Time-current characteristics of definite time, instantaneous,
inverse time and IDMT Relays. Use of very inverse-type 0/C relay and extremely
inverse type O/C relay.
Time-setting, current-setting, PSM - Numerical problems.
3.7 Directional Relay - Construction, Characteristics: Constant product characteristics,
Polar characteristics, Concept of dead zone, 30, 60° and 90°connection.
3.8 Distance Protection Relay: Area of applications, Impedance relays, Reactance
relay, MHO relay: operating characteristics, effect of arc resistance on their
3.9 Differential Relay: Introduction, Current differential protection for an internal fault
-fed from single & both ends.
Voltage balance differential protection - Schematic diagram &operation (in brief).
Mention the position of operating coil and the restraining coil for both the

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|Unit: 4 Equipment Protection: 10
4.1 Protection of Alternators- Types of faults; Percentage differential stator
protection, brief idea of: - rotor protection due to loss of excitation, protection against
rotor overheating because of unbalance in load, overspeed protection, protection
against motoring and field suppression.
4.2 Transformer protection - Types of faults; Percentage biased differential
protection - numerical problems, Buchholz Relay: Construction, Operation, merit and
demerits, rate of rise of pressure relay, WTI and OTI; over-fluxing protection, O/C
protection, Earth fault protection and restricted earth fault protection scheme.
4.3 Protection of Motor: Abnormalities &faults. Short circuit protection, Overload
protection, Single phase preventer.
4.4 Protection of Busbar & transmission line
4.4.1 Bus bar protection: Differential and Fault bus protection.
4.4.2 Transmission line protection: Over current protection (Time graded, current
graded), Distance and Pilot wire protection.

Unit: 5 Over voltage Protection: 6

5.1 Causes of over voltages.
5.2 Lighting phenomena &over voltage due to lightning.
5.3 Protection of transmission line & substation from direct stroke.
5.4 Types of lightning arresters &surge absorbers &their Construction &principle of
5.5 Protection against traveling waves.
5.6 Insulation co-ordination.

Total 45


1. MehtaV K; Rohit Mehta, Principles Power System - S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi.ISBN-13- 978
8121924962; ISBN:10- 9788121924962
2. Rao. SunilS, Switchgear and Protection, KhannaPublishers, NewDelhi, ISBN:978-81-7409- 232-3.
3. Singh, R. P., Switchgear and Power System Protection, PHI Learning, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-81-203-3660-5.
4. Gupta. J. B. Switchgear and Protection, S. K. Kataria and Sons, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-5014- 372-8.
5. Bhavesh R. Bhalja, R. P. Maheshwari,Nilesh G Chothani ; Protection and Switchgear (Second edition) Oxford
University Press; New Delhi; ISBN: 13:978-0-19-947067-9
6. CLWadhwa; Electrical Power System (Seventh Edition); New Age International Publishers; New Delhi; ISBN: 978

7. Ram,Badri;VishwakarmaD.N.,PowerSystemProtectionandSwitchgear, McGraw-Hill,New Delhi. ISBN :

8. Ingole Arun; Switchgear and Protection; Pearson

Course Outcomes

The theory and relevant softs kills associated with this course are to be taught and implemented, so that
the student demonstrates the following industry oriented Cos associated with the above mentioned
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