Digital System Design: Provided by Humayra Jahan
Digital System Design: Provided by Humayra Jahan
Digital System Design: Provided by Humayra Jahan
Memory Devices
1. Define memory. Discuss the basic organization of a memory unit of 3x4 bits.
2. What is semiconductor memory? Discuss the classification of semiconductor memory.
3. Describe static and dynamic RAM.
4. Explain the differences between SRAM and DRAM.
5. Describe a basic PROM storage cell.
6. Differentiate between EPROM and DRAM.
7. Differentiate between EPROM and EEPROM.
8. Write down the applications of RAM and ROM.
9. Outline the steps that take place when the CPU reads from memory.
10.Describe the basic DRAM cell with read, write and refresh operation.
11.How many 32Kx8 RAM chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 256k
Arithmetic Circuits
1. Design and construct full adder circuit. Explain its operation with truth table.
2. Discuss half adder circuit with diagram.
3. How two half adder circuit can be used as a full adder?
Or, Construct a full adder circuit by using half adder circuit.
4. Draw and explain a complete 4-bit parallel adder with register.
5. What is 2’s complement? Explain significance of 2’s complement.
6. Explain the method of substruction using 2’s complement method with example.
7. Using 2’s complement system subtract 5 from 9.
8. Add and multiply be numbers 11110 and 1111.
9. What should be done in BCD addition when the sum is greater than 9? Explain with