2. Cytoplasmic membrane
3. Mitochondria
Provide energy necessary
to power the cell
4. Nuclear Membrane
It is a double layer that
encloses the cell’s
nucleus, where the
chromosomes reside.
Passage of the transcribed
5. Nucleus
Houses the genetic Cell
material for eukaryotic -Is defined as the smallest,
cell basic unit of life that is
responsible for all of life's
6. Ribosomes processes.” Cells are the
structural, functional, and
7. Endoplasmic Reticulum biological units of all living
Serves as a storage, beings. A cell can replicate itself
protein synthesis, and independently. Hence, they are known
lipid metabolism as the building blocks of life.
Rough ER – proteins
Smooth ER – lipids Organelle
- a membrane-bounded cell
8. Golgi Complex structure that has a definite
A factory in which function.
proteins received from the
ER are further processed - e.g nucleus, mitochondria,
and sorted for transport Golgi complex, and ribosomes
to their eventual
-is made up of DNA and is the
9. Cytoplasm basic physical and functional unit
of heredity.
-the process by which the
information encoded in DNA sequences
is copied into an RNA.
-the process whereby the
information in an RNA molecule is
used by the ribosome to synthesize a
Properties of All Cells
1. Structure
*All cells have a cytoplasmic
membrane, cytoplasm, a genome made
of DNA, and ribosomes
2. Metabolism
all the biochemical
processes that convert
food into energy.
transforming molecules
into energy.
exergonic – release energy
synthesizing macromolecules
endergonic – require energy
3. Growth
Information from DNA is
converted into proteins,
which do work. Proteins
are used to convert
nutrients from the
environment into new cells
results when genes in a
population of cells change
in sequence and frequency
over time, leading to
descent with modification.
For example, the
indiscriminate use of
antibiotics in human and
veterinary medicine has
selected for the
proliferation of
antibiotic resistance in
pathogenic bacteria
Properties of Some Cells 3. Transduction
is the process by which a virus
1. Differentiation transfers genetic material from
Some cells can form new cell one bacterium to another.
structures such as a spore. Viruses called bacteriophages
Sporulation are able to infect bacterial
o Protects the DNA cells and use them as hosts to
Clostridium make more viruses.
botulinum Vertical Gene Transfer
Basillus subtilis
is referred to as the transfer
2. Communication of genetic information,
Cells interact with each other including any genetic
by chemical messengers. mutations, from a parent to
their offspring.
EPS (Extracellular Polymeric
Substance) Importance of Microorganisms in the
o are organic polymers of Planet
microbial origin involved
in bacterial cells' 1. Cyanobacteria
interactions with their first living being in the
environment planet.
o EPS is comprised of
polysaccharides, proteins, 2. Life is possible everywhere
extracellular DNA (eDNA), Ubiquitous
and lipids.
3. More numerous than any other
*Biofilm kind.
-is an assemblage of surface- Bacteria
associated microbial cells that is o The most numerous
enclosed in an extracellular microorganisms
polymeric substance matrix (plaque, Archaea
slimes in bathroom) o Are extremophiles