HPCA Assignment 1& 2 For Improvement & Backlog
HPCA Assignment 1& 2 For Improvement & Backlog
HPCA Assignment 1& 2 For Improvement & Backlog
HPCA Syllabus For Midsem Exam
08 July 2023 05:50
(Submit you r Assig nm ents on the Day of Midse m Exa m )
Assignment: 1
1. What are the use of various components of MIPS data path unit example. In
latest MIPS pipeline data path unit , how branch address is evaluated in the
decoding unit, Explain the above with neat diagram.
2. Find out the minimum no of clock cycle required towards the completion of
following expression without and with using Operand forwarding technique in 5
stage pipelines.
3(a). How to find the CPU Execution time of a machine? What is the use of
SpeedUp factor in the performance evaluation of a computer.
3.(b) Find the average CPI, Execution time of a program that contains 50000
instruction and it is feed to a machine that supports the Mixed instruction type
with 1MHZ clock rate. Assume that 30% instruction are data transfer
instruction, 40% instruction are ALU instruction and the rest are the control
instruction. Each of data transfer, ALU and control instruction takes respectively
6clk cycle, 4clk cycle and 7 clk cycle.
© Referring to Q3(b) If the same machine subject to change in some hardware
and software configuration. Adding some more hardware change the clock rate
from 1 MHZ to 2 MHZ and using updated compiler the number of instruction
of the program changes from 50000 to 40000 then find the Speed up gain of the
Assignment -2
1. What is Dynamic Scheduling and what are the 4 stages used in scoreboard
toperform Dynamic Scheduling.
2. Suppose you have a data science pipeline with 3 operators that take 5s, 10s,
and 15s to execute, respectively. According to Amdahl's law, what is the
maximum speedup you can achieve by optimizing the 2nd operator?