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A Recognition Primed Decision RPD Model of Rapid D

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A Recognition Primed Decision (RPD) Model of Rapid Decision Making

Chapter · January 1993


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1 author:

Gary Klein
ShadowBox LLC & MacroCognition LLC


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Re<ognition·Primed Oecision Model 139


For the past several years, my colleagues and I have been studying
Chapter 6 command-and-eontrol perfonnance and have generated a Recognition­
Primed Decision (RPD) model of naturalistic decision malting. We be­
gan (Klein, Calderwood, & Clinton-Cirocco, 1986) by observing and
A Recognition-Primed Decision (RPD) Model obtaining protocols from urban fireground commanders (FOCs) about
emergency events that they had recently handled. Some examples of
of Rapid Decision Making* the types of decisions these commanders had to make include whether
to initiate search and rescue, whether to initiate an offensive attack or
concentrate on defensive precautions, and where to allocate resources.
Gary A. Klein The fireground commanders' accounts of their decision making do
Klein Associates Inc. not fit into a decision-tree framework. The fireground commanders
Fairborn, OH argued that they were not "making choices," "considering alterna·
tives," or "assessing probabilities." They saw themselves as acting and
reacting on the basis of prior experience; they were generating, moni­
toring, and modifying plans to meet the needs of the situations. We
INTRODUCTION found no evidence for extensive option generation. Rarely did the fire·
ground commanders contrast even two options. We could see no way in
Traditional models of decision making do not take into account many which the concept of optimal choice might be applied. Moreover, it
critical aspects of operational settings, as described in Chapter 1. Deci­ !~ appeared that a search for an optimal choice could stall the fireground
sion makers in operational settings are usually very experienced, in comm",nders lon~~to lose control of the operation altogether.
contrast to the naive subjects used in laboratory studies. In this chap­ Th-;'(liregrouriacommandent,were more interested in finding actions
ter I present a recognitional model of decision making that shows how that ~ere workable, timely, and cost effective.
people can use experience to avoid some of the limitations of analytical It is possible that the fireground commanders were contrasting al­
strategies. This model explains how people can make decisions without ternatives, but at an unconscious level, or possibly the fireground com·
having to compare options. It fuses two processes-situation assess· manders were unreliable in their reports. We have no way of demon·
ment and mental simulation-and asserts that people Wle situation strating that the fireground commanders weren't contrasting
assessment to generate a plausible course of action and use mental alternative options, but the burden of proof is not on us. There is no
simulation to evaluate that course of action. I believe this recognition. way to prove that something isn't happening. The burden of proof is on
al model describes how decision making is usually carried out in real­ those who wish to claim that somehow, at some level, option com·
world settings. This conclusion is based on a series of studies in which parison was going on anyway. The reasons we believe that the fire·
it was found that recognitional decision malting is much more common ground commanders were rarely contrasting options are: it seems un­
than analytical decision making. Finally, I contrast the strengths and likely that people can apply analytical strategies in less than a minute
weaknesses of recognitional and analytical decision strategies. (see, for example, Zakay & Woo:er, 1984); each FGC argued forcefully
that he or she wasn't contrasting options; and they described an alter­
native strategy that seemed to make more sense.
• Funding for the research cited in this chapter was received &om the U.S. Army Clearly, the fireground commanders were encountering choice
Re8eorch Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, Contract8 MDA903-86-C-0170 points during each incident. During the interviews the fireground
and MDA903-85-C-0327. However, the views, opinions, and/or findinp contained in t.hiI
commanders could describe alternative courses of action that were
chapter are those of the author and should not be construed as an official Department or possible, but insisted that, during the incident, they didn't think about
the Army poailion, policy, or decision. I wish to thank Caroline Zaambok, Michael Doher­
ty, and Reid Hastie for their helpful suggestions for improving this chapter. alternatives or deliberate about the advantages and disadvantages of

140 klein

the ditTerel ,ptions. Instead, the fireground commanders relied on

their abilities to recognize and appropriately clll88ify a situation, simi­
lar to the findings of Chase and Simon (1973) for che88 players. Once f-·-·-·-·_·_·_·_·--- --­
the fireground commanders knew it was "that" type of case, they usu­ l! ~

~ I!
ally also knew the typical way of reacting to it. They would use avail­
able time to evaluate an option's feasibility before implementing it.
They would imagine how the option was going to be implemented, to
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discover if anything important might go wrong. If problems were fore­ Ii' •• • > I~"
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seen, then the option might be modified or rejected altogether, and 3
another highly typical reaction explored.
We have described this strategy as a Recognition-Primed Decision re j~ nJ
(RPD) model (e.g., Klein, 1989a; Klein et aI., 1986) of how experienced :<
~ i ~
people can make rapid decisiona. For this task environment, a recogni­
tional strategy appears to be highly efficient. The proficient nre­ ~ !
ground commanders we studied used their experience to generate a
workable option as the first to conaider. If they had tried to generate a
large set of options, and to systematically evaluate these, it is likely ~

Uu ~ b


that the fires would have gotten out of control before they could make u
any decisions.
The RPD model is presented in Figure 6.1. The simplest case is one
in which the situation is recognized and the obvious reaction is imple­
mented. A somewhat more complex case is one in which the decision
maker perfonns some conscious evaluation of the reaction, typically ~.~
~ ~
~i~ ~~ N
lu 5,
~. ~ i~ f
using imagery to uncover problems prior to carrying it out. The most

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complex case is one in which the evaluation reveals flaws requiring
modification, or the option is judged inadequate and rejected in favor ~;t- ~ 3c'
~! ~ l~ ! ~
of the next most typical reaction. Because of the importance of such
evaluations, we assert that the decision is primed by the way the situa­

tion is recognized and not completely detennined by that recognition. <;'
Orasanu and Connolly, in Chapter 1, presented one of the firefight­ ~
ing incidents we studied-a reported fire in the basement of a four­ CD

story apartment building. Upon arrival, the FGC aaae88ed the problem
as a vertical shaft fire in a laundry chute. Since there had been no sign
of smoke from the outside, he judged that the fire was just getting
underway. This situation aaae88ment included plausible goals (he be­
J J:~~
c: i~N~j t5~11
lieved there was time to put it out before it got out of control), critical
cues (he needed to find out how far the fire had spread up the shaft),
expectancies (he believed that the firefighters could get above the fire
in time to put it out), and an obvious course of action (send teams with,·
hoses up to the first and second floors).


~ i ~

i ®i
Unfortunately, the fire had just spread beyond the second floor, and
the crews reported back that they were too late. The FGC then walked
back to the front of the building, where he saw smoke beginning to
142 Klein Recognition-Primed Decision Model 143

escape from un the eaves, just under the roof. He imagined how the ..agining it, conducting a mental simulation to see ifit will work.•• it
fire had just reached the fourth floor, pushing smoke down the hall. does, it will be implemented. If it runs into problems, it will be modi­
His situation assessment shifted-this was no longer a simple vertical fied. If it can't be fixed, then it will be rejected, and another likely
shaft fire. The whole building was being engulfed. The goals were now option will be considered. If there is not adequate time, the decision
obvious-search and rescue. The critical cues included the front stair­ maker is prepared to implement the course of action that experience
way as a prime evacuation route. The side stairway, previously the has generated as the most likely to be successful. Note that this eval­
focus of activity, was now irrelevant. The expectancies now centered uation is context-specific. The evaluation is directed at how a course of j
around the FGC's belief that spread of the fire might be too fast to
ensure complete evacuation of the building. The course of action was
action will fare in an actual situation, not at rating the advan­
tages/disadvantages for various dimensions.
straightforward-cease attempts to extinguish the fire, begin search .1
A recognitional decision process can also be seen in the example of
and rescue operations, and call in a second alarm. the Libyan airliner incident, presented in Chapter 2. The Israeli gener­
There seem to be four important aspects of situation assessment (a)
understanding the types of goals that can be reasonably accomplished
al did not try to generate a set of options or evaluate the options in
terms of utilities, probabilities, standard evaluation dimensions, or
in the situation, (b) increasing the salience of cues that are important base rates. Instead, the focus was on forming a situation assessment.
within the context of the situation, (c) forming expectations which can The general appeared to be willing to treat the airplane as being off
serve as a check on the accuracy of the situation assessment (i.e., if the course during a commercial flight, but the deviant behavior of pretend­
expectancies are Violated, it suggests that the situation has been mis­ ing to land and then fleeing to the west challenged this interpretation.
understood), and (d) identifying the typical actions to take'! The general used mental simulation to try to imagine how a legitimate
In the case of the laundry chute fire, the goals were partially deter­ pilot would have taken such actions in good faith and could not come .1
mined by doctrine (e.g., when to condUct search and rescue) and par­ up with a plausible scenario. Using the failure to find a plausible story 1
tially by the nuances of the situation-the goal of trying to extinguish as evidence, the general concluded that the pilot was not on a legiti­ i
the fire did not prevent the FGC from later ordering his crews to begin
search and rescue. But the FGC did have to make sure that the attack
mate flight. From this situation assessment, the goal was obvious­
prevent the airplane from escaping. The course of action was also
on the fire didn't take too long or become too exhausting. In addition, obvious-force the plane down. Even in retrospect, knowing the conse·
during the initial attempt to extinguish the fire, the crew members quences, it is hard to specify a superior decision strategy.
were all clustered around the rear stairway where the fire was spread­ Mental simulation is also used in evaluating a course of action. One
ing, so they were well positioned to shift into a search and rescue mode incident from our study of forest fires involved a decision to use a key
when necessary. The FGC had to be sensitive to a variety of goals at road to transfer crews to and from the fire line. A staff member noted
the same time. A simplistic decision analysis that separated different that a slight shift in wind direction could quickly bring the fire right
goals might have been misleading, whereas a more sophisticated deci­ across the road. The other staff members saw this was a real danger, so
sion analysis would be difficult to carry out under these time they decided to close that road and .transfer operations to another, less
pressures. convenient road. This decision did not involve any comparison of the
Continuing with the discussion of Figure 6.1, if there is enough strengths and weaknesses of using each of the roads. Instead, there
time the decision maker will evaluate the dominant response option by was a sequential evaluation in which the prime option was identified,
mental simulation was carried out, the prime option was rejected, and
was replaced by a second option.
l It should be noted that we had anticipated that the fireground commanders would There are a number of features that distinguish the RPD model
rely on retrieval or analogue case8. But de8pite our probes, the fireground commanders from classical decision models.
rarely were able to identiry analogue8 they had used. Each incident had 80 many unique
aspects that there wu no incident where an analogue matched the entire episode. Ana­
• The RPD model focuses on situation assessment rather than judg·
logues were cited a8 occuionally helprul ror aspects or an incident. For the most part, the
vast experience or the fireground commanders had enabled them to merge the individu­ ing one option to be superior to others.
al C8.8ell and to be able to uee a judgment orramHiarity or prototypicality that would not • The RPD model describes how people bring their experience to bear
be present with the retrieval or an individual analogue case. on a decision.

Recognition-Primed Oe<ision Model 14~
144 Klein
• The RPD n. .el asserts that experienced decision makers can iden­ .able 6. 1. Frequency of I\PD SlrOIegles Aaoss Domains·
tify a reasonably good option as the first one they consider, rather Propol'l1on 01 Decision
than treating option generation as a semi-random process, requir­ Ii Decision Points Hondled Using
ing the decision maker to generate many options. SfUcIy Palnls RPD Strategies
--'. The RPD model relies on satisficing (Simon, 1955) rather than 156
1. Urbon Flreground CommondeB (FGC-1) 60%
optimizing-finding the first option that works, not necessarily the 2. ExpelT Fireground Command.." (FGC-2) 46 58%
best option. No.'lce Flregraund Commonde" (FGC·2) ~~ 46%
• The RPD model focuses on serial evaluation of options and thereby ~, Wildfire 110 S1%
avoids the requirement for concurrent deliberation between options 4. Tonk Ploroon leoder> S5 42%
S. Design Englnee" 51 60%
that marks the focus on the "moment of choice."
• The RPD model asserts that experienced decision makers evaluate .1'he5e dora ~re odopted from Advances In Mort-Mochine Sysrem.s f'4e.seol"Ch. .5. 1Q89"
an option by conducting mental simulations of a course of action to Copynghr C> 1Q8Q by JAJ ~ I\ep<1nred by pe<ml"'on,
see if it will work, rather than having to contrast strengths and
weaknesses of different options.
, ,. Finally, a recognitional strategy enables the decision maker to be even for these very difficult CRBeS. This is true under circumstances
continually prepared to initiate action by committing to the option where the coding system involved a liberal criterion for categorizing a
being evaluated. Formal strategies require the decision maker to decision as "analytical" (I.e., relying on concurrent generation and
wait until the analyses are completed before finding out which op­ evaluation of options). If there was any indication that two or more
tion was rated the highest. options were contrasted, even if the decision maker abandoned the
effort or used it for only a limited part of the incident, it was classified
We have studied the use of recognitional decision making in a vari­ as analytic. Our coding methods were shown to be highly reliable;
ety of tasks and domains, including fireground command, wildland Taynor, Crandall, and Wiggins (1987) found intercoder agreement to
fire incident command teams, U.S. Army Armored Division personnel be between 87%-94%.
(see Klein, 1989a, for a description of these), battle planning (Thor­ For the first study in Table 6.1, Urban FCC-I, we looked at all the
dsen, Galushka, Klein, Young, & Brezovic, 1990), critical care nursing decision points in nonroutine incidenta, including trivial decisions.
(Crandall & Calderwood, 1989), and chess tournament play (Calder­ These decision makers averaged 23 years of experience and showed
wood. Klein, & Crandall, 1988). 80% recognitional decisions. The second study (FGC-2) only examined
These studies reflect a broad range of task constraints. The studies the nonroutine command decision points of nonroutine incidents. The
cover decisions made over several days as well as those made in less proportion of recognitional decisions was 58% for the experts and 46%
than 1 minute; decisions involving primarily a single individual and for the novices. In Study 3, the functional decisions about fighting the
also teams of 5-9 people; decision makers with more than 20 years of forest fires showed 56% recognitional decisions, whereas the organiza­
command experience and newly promoted officers. Both qualitative tional decisions (whether to relieve someone of command) required
and quantitative methods of investigation were employed in these more comparisons of different options. There the rate of recognitional
studies, including semistructured interviews, on-site observations, and decision making was only 39%, yielding an average of 51 %. The inci­
protocol analysis. The tasks performed ranged in the level of realism dent commanders in this study averaged 24 years of experience. In
from the observations and interviews during an actual wildland fire Study 4, the tank platoon leaders were cadets in their first 10 days of
requiring coordination of 4,000 crew members, to military exercises training, and the proportion of recognitional decisions was below 50%.
and computer simulations, to classroom planning exercises. For Study 5, we found that experienced design engineers who were net
The results have provided support for the validity and utility of the under time pressure still relied heavily on recognitional decision mak­
model as it applies to individual decision makers. Table 6.1 reports the ing for difficult cases (60%). These data suggest that recognitional
results of five studies that attempted to tabulate the incidence ofRPD strategies are the most frequent, even for nonroutine decisions. Ana­
strategies vs. concurrent deliberation of options, for nonroutine deci­ lytical strategies are more frequently used by decision makers with
sions. We can see that the recognitional strategies were more frequent, less experience.
14b klem Recognition-Prime<! UeLi!lion Model 147


• Prescriptive decision strategies are not designed for ill-defined
I am not proposing that there is a best decision strategy. Both recogni­ tasks or for time-pressured situations.
tional and analytical approaches have their functions. Sometimes, • A Recognition-Primed Decision (RPO) model describes how decision
both are applied within the same decision task. My claim is that recog­ makers use their experience to avoid painstaking deliberations.
nitional strategies can be adaptive, can allow experienced decision • Experience enables a person to understand a situation in terms of
makers to respond effectively, and should be acknowledged as a poten­ plausible goals, relevant cues, expectancies, and typical actions.
tial source of strength. • Experienced decision makers usually try to find a satisfactory
I have noted some limitations of analytical decision strategies. If course of action, not the best one.
they are used in the wrong conditions, they can leave the decision • Experienced decision makers can usually identify an acceptable
maker unable to react quickly and effectively. Conversely, the danger course of action as the first one they consider, and rarely have to
of misapplying recognitional decision strategies is that personnel will generate another course of action.
lack the experience needed to identify effective courses of action as the • Decision makers can evaluate a single course of action through
first ones considered, or will lack the ability to mentally simulate the mental simulation. They don't have to compare several options.
option to find the pitfalls. or will fail to optimize when necessary. For • Recognitional decision strategies are more sppropriate under time
example, the task of generating an operational order of battle requires pressure and ambiguity; analytical strategies are more appropriate
speed and satisficing, and can be compromised by excessive use of with abstract data and pressure to justify decisions.
analytical decision strategies. However, the task of anticipating the • In a variety of operational settings, recognitional decision strat­
enemy's course of action requires optimizing to identify the worst egies are used more frequently than analytical strategies, even for
thing that the enemy might do, and here recognitional processes can difficult cases.
lead to tunnel vision and self-deception.
Studies by other researchers suggest that there are a number of
factors affecting the use of analytical vs. recognitional decision "strat­
egies" (e.g., Hammond, Hamm, Grassia, & Pearson, 1987). Our re­
search has shown that recognitional decision making is more likely
when the decision maker is experienced, when time presaure is great­
er, and when conditions are less stable. In contrast, analytical decision
making seems to prevail when the available data are abstract and
alphanumeric rather than perceptual, when the problems are very
combinatorial, when there is a dispute between different constituen­
cies, and when there is a strong requirement to justify the course of
action chosen.
We do not believe that an RPD process approach should be taught,
since the RPD model is already a description of what people do. In­
stead, we would argue that training is needed in recognizing situa­
tions, in communicating situation asaessment, and in acquiring the
experience to conduct mental simulations of options.
This chapter has tried to show that when people use recognitional
rather than analytical strategies, it is not a sign of incompetence or
irrationality. Recognitional strategies have strengths and value in nat­
uralistic settings.

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