Intro Debriefing
Intro Debriefing
Intro Debriefing
Introduction to debriefing
Roxane Gardner, MD, MPH, DSca,b,c,d,n
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Division of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Boston Childrens Hospital, Boston, MA
Center for Medical Simulation, 65 Landsdowne St, Cambridge, MA 02139
Correspondence address. Center for Medical Simulation, 65 Landsdowne St, Cambridge, MA 02139.
E-mail address:
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S E M I N A R S I N P E R I N AT O L O G Y 37 (2013) 166–174 167
historians tasked with documenting the events of WWII as bridge the gap between acquisition and effective application
they unfolded.4 He became frustrated by the usual process of of knowledge skills and abilities. Guidelines for LOFT were first
reconstructing events from historical data and began con- released by the National Aeronautics and Space Administra-
ducting ‘‘interviews after combat’’ whereby troops were tion (NASA) following a NASA and commercial and military
interviewed in groups immediately after a mission or as soon aviation industry-wide conference convened in 1981.15 Butler
as fighting had ended. The aim of these sessions was to states that CRM LOFT training is systematic and intended to
chronologically reconstruct and describe the event to the ‘‘simulate actual problem situations that require good crew
smallest detail by those who participated in the event, not to skills for effective resolution and decision-making.’’16 Crew
address post-combat psychological distress.5 These inter- participation in CRM LOFT debriefing has been mandated by
views evolved into a systematic process by which key airline companies since the 1980s.15 LOFT instructors were
information was obtained from troops about what had encouraged since the dawn of LOFT to ‘‘act as moderators who
occurred, reviewing and assessing the conduct and results helped crews critically analyze and assess their own perform-
of the mission; and gathering intelligence to inform future ance.’’17 However, since the 1980s LOFT instructors are specif-
strategies. This technique was later combined with the ically trained to facilitate crew debriefings and not merely
military’s ‘‘performance critiques’’ to become what is now lecture them on what was done right or wrong.15
known as the military’s ‘‘after action review.’’ Performance The concept of facilitation stems from education18–22 and
critiques were a fundamental component of simulated battle psychology23,24 whereby one member of a group, the facili-
exercises whereby a senior military leader would observe and tator, helps others analyze, synthesize and evaluate issues,
give feedback to participants at the conclusion of the simu- and extrapolate and apply lessons learned to future situa-
lation. Feedback should convey specific information about tions. Facilitation promotes active participation of trainees
observed performance compared to a standard, given with through guided discussion and personal exploration. CRM
the intent to improve the participants’ performance.6 How- LOFT with facilitated debriefings is well-aligned with Knowles
ever, these sessions were based on subjective opinion, principles of adult learning.19,20 Of note, critical incident
focused on error, largely negative and poorly received by stress debriefing (CISD), also developed during the 1980s, is
members of the unit. In the early 1970s, consensus emerged a specialized form of debriefing for addressing issues related
that the traditional top-down approach of giving error- to deception, trauma, disaster or combat-related stress. In
focused feedback fostered resentment and was an ineffective this context, debriefing is used to help those who have
way to achieve the goal of improving team performance.5 experienced a traumatic or critical incident deal with their
Research driven by the US Army Research Institute for the physical and psychological symptoms.25 A detailed discus-
Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) transformed traditional sion of CISD is beyond the scope of this chapter. However, the
performance critique into a process based on objective coalescence of these various historical roots and the knowl-
performance indicators and guided group discussions in a edge gained from the wealth of experience and research in
non-punitive atmosphere fostering self-reflection and learn- the military, aviation industry and education informs our
ing. The Army’s current definition of after-action review is ‘‘a understanding of the role of debriefing in CRM and
professional discussion of an event, focused on performance simulation-based healthcare education.
standards, that enables soldiers to discover for themselves
what happened, why it happened, and how to sustain
strengths and improve on weaknesses.’’7 After-action reviews 3. The role of debriefing in healthcare
routinely occur after real and simulated missions. simulation
Debriefing also has deep roots in the aviation industry. The
crash of Eastern Airlines Flight 401 into the Florida Everglades It was during the late 1980s that David Gaba, an anesthesi-
on a clear December evening in 1972 catalyzed commercial ologist, translated aviation’s ‘‘crew resource management’’
aviation’s efforts to develop and incorporate formal training in into ‘‘critical medical event management,’’ later shortened to
human factors, crew coordination, communication and ‘‘crisis resource management.’’26 At the same time, Gaba et al.
resource management.8 What began as ‘‘cockpit resource reintroduced fully interactive human patient mannequin
management,’’ aimed primarily at pilots, became what is simulators and used them for training anesthesiologists in
now known as ‘‘crew resource management’’ (CRM).9 Such simulated critical incidents within a comprehensive, simu-
training programs were shown by Diehl to ‘‘reduce aircrew lated anesthesia environment.27,28 Gaba, regarded as the
error and thereby prevent accidents.’’10 CRM training has the grandfather of crisis resource management and medical
concepts of feedback and debriefing firmly embedded within simulation, highly values debriefing as ‘‘an integral part of
its curriculum. Such training is applicable to all members of the process of any experiential-learning technique.’’26 Gaba’s
the crew including pilots, flight attendants, air traffic control- innovations in training anesthesiologists were soon adopted
lers, dispatchers and maintenance personnel.11 CRM is tightly by others in the field.29 Crisis management and medical
coupled with aviation’s full mission flight simulation training simulation-based education has since been adopted across
known as ‘‘Loft Oriented Flight Training’’ (LOFT).12 Aviators the health professions and disciplines.30–33 Debriefing and
adopted the technique of simulation for practice and training feedback remain fundamental elements of simulation-based
by 1910, within 2 years of the first fatal aircrash.13,14 Advances learning.34,35 According to Dieckmann et al., regardless of
in technology made full-flight simulation a reality by the mid simulator usage, ‘‘the post scenario debriefing is important to
1970s, with much of the credit for pioneering its development maximize learning and facilitating change on an individual
going to Northwest Airlines.12 Simulation helped to safely and systematic level.’’35 Such change may involve modifying
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168 SE M I N A R S I N P E R I N AT O L O G Y 37 (2013) 166–174
for the better one’s attitudes, perceptions, behaviors, actions a different light and develop their capability to change and
or technical skills; or the organization’s culture, policies, improve, moving their professional ‘‘zones of mastery’’
procedures or operational mechanisms. Stewart36 and Kriz37 toward one of ‘‘wisdom’’ and ‘‘artistry’’ in their practice.39,41,43
further underscored the critical nature of feedback and Participation in a simulated or real experience can trigger a
debriefing, deeming it unethical not to debrief or provide range of emotions in those participating in the event. Emo-
feedback after a simulation or any experiential-learning tions can profoundly influence a learner’s retention and
exercise. Moreover, it is not enough to simply provide learn- activation of knowledge.34,44,45 A core affect that is highly
ers a debriefing and feedback session. Research on quality of activated can help anchor knowledge, skills and abilities
debriefings and the critical role of a facilitator by Smith- newly gained through experiential-learning cycle. The works
Jentsch et al. found that effectiveness of debriefings by of Lewin46,47 and Schein48,49 on change theory, ‘‘unfreezing-
trained facilitators correlated with effective performance.38 transition-refreezing,’’ highlight the relation of affect to
learning. Schein describes human change as a ‘‘profound
psychological dynamic process’’ involving ‘‘painful unlearn-
4. Experiential-learning and change theory ing without loss of ego identity.’’ The initial step in this
process is that of unlearning, ‘‘unfreezing’’ and recognizing
Adults learn through experience, by processing it and assim- the status quo no longer works, dismantling old habits,
ilating lessons learned into their world view. The more techniques or approaches. Unfreezing is followed by the
relevant the experience is toward achieving personal or ‘‘transition,’’ a process that Schein describes as a ‘‘difficult
professional goals, the more meaningful such learning is relearning’’ as one attempts to ‘‘restructure one’s thoughts,
regarded.20 Kolb’s theoretical framework of experiential perceptions, feelings and attitudes.’’ This is followed by
learning is a cornerstone in the educational foundation of ‘‘refreezing,’’ the process of accepting and assimilating new
simulation-based education22 (see Fig. 1). In Kolb’s cyclical knowledge, behaviors, techniques or approaches as the new
model, learners enter through active engagement in a con- norm.46 Simulation with facilitated debriefing capitalizes on
crete experience. Lewin’s three-step process of change, change that can be
The experience is followed by a period of reflective obser- transformational and essential to one becoming professio-
vation. Through self-reflection and facilitated discussions, nally competent.50
learners can conceptualize, make sense and gain insight
toward a more informed understanding of the event and
how this may apply to future situations. The final step in the
5. Structure and process of debriefing in
cycle is experimentation, the phase whereby learners try out
simulation-based medical education
the new approach or skills in a future simulated or real event;
and so the cycle continues. Kolb’s experiential-learning cycle
A sentiment shared among simulation educators is that
in the context of simulation-based education embodies
simulation is a good excuse to debrief. There is no universally
reflective practice, reflection-in-action and reflection-on-
accepted gold standard approach to debriefing in simulation-
action.39–42 Reflective practice helps build self-awareness of
based medical education (SBME). However, key structural
unconscious cognitive routines and emotional reactions.
elements of debriefing have been identified by Lederman that
Through reflective practice, learners can view situations in
includes, (1) the debriefer, (2) participants to be debriefed, (3)
an experience (simulated case), (4) the impact of the experi-
ence, (5) recollection, (6) report, and (7) time.2 (see Table 1.)
A few elements are straightforward and require no further
elaboration. Item four, the impact of the experience, relates
to the emotional engagement, be it stressful, anxiety-
provoking or elating; and the relevance of the experience to
the learner. Item six may range from a formal report to
completing a survey or questionnaire; and item seven refers
to the time that passes between the end of the experience
(simulated case) and onset of the debriefing. Debriefing in
SBME most often takes place immediately after a simulated
1. Debriefer
2. Participants to be debriefed
3. An experience (simulated case)
Fig. 1 – Kolb’s learning cycle.22 In Kolb’s experiential- 4. The impact of the experience (simulated case)
learning cycle, a learner enters through an experience, 5. Recollection
6. Report
reflects on that experience, analyzes and processes its
7. Time
meaning, and then tries a different approach in a similar,
future situation based on their new understanding. Seven key structural elements of debriefing identified by Leder-
(Modified from Kolb.22) man in 1992. (Modified from Lederman.2)
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S E M I N A R S I N P E R I N AT O L O G Y 37 (2013) 166–174 169
case. However, there may be instances where a longer period participants that this is a safe place to make errors and learn
of time is allotted for personal reflection and cognitive from them. This process is called ‘‘normalizing.’’
processing prior to onset of the formal debriefing. The reactions phase is also a time to explicitly review the
facts of the case and alleviate confusion about the nature of
the case. Either the debriefer or a key participant in the case
6. Process of debriefing can quickly state the facts and summarize what happened to
ensure everyone has a common understanding of what
Fanning and Gaba reviewed several models of debriefing, not transpired. Gathering reactions, normalizing as needed, and
specific to simulation in a medical context, as having any- reviewing the facts of the case helps the debriefer set the
where from three to seven steps.34 Leading SBME experts at stage for the understanding phase.
the Center for Medical Simulation in Cambridge, Massachu-
setts, have developed and refined a three-step model of
debriefing in SBME (see Table 2) with a reactions phase, an 8. Step II. ‘‘The understanding phase’’
understanding phase and a summary phase.51,52
The understanding phase is the heart of the debriefing
process. This is the inquiry and analysis phase during which
7. Step I. ‘‘The reactions phase’’ the debriefer learns about what happened from the partic-
ipants’ perspective; and delves deeper to explore their frames
The reactions phase occurs immediately after the simulation of mind, appreciating what participants were thinking at a
has ended and the participants have assembled for the particular moment or juncture and gaining deeper insight as
conversation. Emotions may abound, so this phase allows to what led them to behave, approach a problem, take action
for participants to vent and blow off a little steam. Immediate or execute a task in a particular way. Frames are the
reactions may be verbalized on the way to the debriefing area assumptions, goals, knowledge base, awareness or mental
so the debriefer should be alert for this opportunity to model that underlie actions and contribute to results.
appreciate raw feelings being expressed by participants. As Rudolph et al. highlighted the relationships between ‘‘frame-
the debriefer listens to initial reactions of the participants, s–actions–results’’51 (see Fig. 2).
insight is gained as to what most concerned them about the According to Rudolph et al., the debriefer serves as a
event. The debriefer can address these concerns during the ‘‘cognitive detective’’ who uses observations of a participant’s
course of the conversation and discuss how they relate to the or team’s performance and outcomes, and works backwards
learning objectives. Sometimes issues uncovered do not to identify what frames drove their actions.51 The technique
relate to the specific objectives of the case but may rise to a of advocacy–inquiry51,53,54 provides a model of conversation
higher level of importance and will need to be addressed at that promotes transparency and minimizes the guess work
some point in the debriefing. During the reactions phase, the for all involved. Advocacy is stating one’s views about how
debriefer can provide perspective if a participant’s feelings one feels or thinks, or expressing one’s judgment or promot-
are hurt or if they feel badly about their performance. If so ing a course of action. Inquiry is asking a question. A
then it may be helpful for the debriefer to let participants balanced pairing of advocacy with inquiry facilitates produc-
know if they have seen such performance by others who have tive conversation. The debriefer advocates from the first
managed this or similar situation; or share that they have person voice: I sawy, I observedy, I thinky, I’m concerned or
personally made the same or similar mistake and reassure pleased thaty
This makes explicit what is on the debriefer’s mind. It is
Table 2 – The Three Stages of Debriefing52 important that the debriefer be clear, concrete and state
observations from the ‘‘I’’ perspective and why this matters.
I. Reactions Thereafter, the debriefer follows up immediately with an
a. Clear the air inquiry from the stance of genuine curiosity and respect,
b. Review the facts
avoiding ‘‘guess what I’m thinking’’ and instead trying to
c. Set the stage for addressing learning objectives
understand what the participant was thinking at the time:
II. Understanding I wonder whaty, I’m curious thaty, I wonder how you see it or
a. Explore what happened what was on your mindy, I wonder whyy? This conversational
b. Unpack frames through advocacy–inquiry schema is as follows:
c. Apply good judgment and teach, moving participants
to new understanding or skills
I sawy
d. Generalize lessons learned to real situations
I thinky
III. Summarize I wondery
a. Review lessons learned
b. Discuss take-aways, lessons learned that will be applied A balanced advocacy–inquiry approach promotes two-way
in future events communication and learning. The debriefer states their view-
point and inquires into those of the participants; and partic-
ipants are invited to state their views and inquire into those
The three stages of debriefing with key steps taken by the
of their debriefer. According to Senge, blending advocacy with
debriefer during each stage as described by Rudolph et al.52
inquiry in conversation takes practice, ‘‘patience and
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170 SE M I N A R S I N P E R I N AT O L O G Y 37 (2013) 166–174
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S E M I N A R S I N P E R I N AT O L O G Y 37 (2013) 166–174 171
responsibility for building an open environment rests on the performance, with that of their colleagues or with the
debriefer. The debriefer sets the tone of non-negotiable, specifics of the case. When participants complain about the
mutual respect for all participants. At CMS, debriefers realism of the simulation then the debriefer is best served to
are taught to hold ‘‘the basic assumption’’ about all acknowledge the limitations of simulation and not engage in
participants51: arguments aimed at justifying it or articulate detailed explan-
The CMS basic assumption: ations about the mechanics of what the simulation was
trying to achieve. The discussion is much more fruitful when
We believe that everyone participating in activities at CMS is
the debriefer acknowledges limitations of simulator technol-
intelligent and well-trained, cares about doing their best and
ogy and uses that as a platform for relating back to real
wants to improve.
situations that have occurred in the past or may occur in the
The assumption is posted in a location that is readily visible future.
to the debriefer and the participants. Holding the basic Debriefing skills should be constantly refined through
assumption helps debriefers maintain the stance of curiosity ongoing educational activities, peer assessments and self-
and respect as they walk the tightrope of debriefing. It also evaluation. With deliberate practice and honing of skills, the
helps participants maintain their stance of curiosity and successful debriefer will develop effective techniques for
respect for each other and for the debriefer. When participants generating discussion, engaging colleagues and managing
manage a simulated case ineffectively or unusually poorly challenging conversations and situations. The use of video-
then the debriefer has to figure out: Why did this participant or tape review to highlight success or gaps in performance
team perform the way they did and not as expected? The basic during the course of debriefing is optional. Fanning and Gaba
assumption helps the debriefer remember that participants regard the strategic use of video as a helpful adjunct.34
are trying to do their best, trying to do the right thing and However, they state that optimal use of video is ‘‘currently
always have a rational motive for their actions. Understanding an art and not a science.’’
that rationale will guide the debriefer’s instruction and match
their teaching objectives with problems deemed meaningful
by the learners. It is unusual for a participant to intentionally 13. Debriefing immediately after a clinical
behave badly, act out or be negligent. In such an unusual event
situation then the basic assumption will not hold and a
different strategy may be indicated, such as off-line counsel- Debriefing has been classified in various ways, such as
ing, remedial training or discipline. according to who leads the session, by a trained facilitator
versus self or team-directed; or the context of the situation, a
simulated versus a real clinical event.34 Thus far, facilitated
12. Suggestions for successful debriefing debriefing of simulated cases has been the primary focus of
this chapter. As critical as debriefing is after simulated cases,
A successful debriefer understands the debriefing process, it also has tremendous value when performed after real
and knows when, where and how to debrief. An effective events.1,4,17,57–60 Why debrief in real-time? Above all, it is an
introduction and orientation of the participants to the sim- opportunity for learning and improving patient care, review-
ulation helps paves the way for a successful debriefing ing what went well and what can be done to improve
experience. Key components of an effective introduction teamwork and organizational systems. The team’s ability to
include attending to personal comfort of participants, build- recall details of the event is fresh and no detail is too small if
ing trust and agreeing on non-negotiable mutual respect and it leads to improvement in patient care. Routinely debriefing
confidentiality, providing a good orientation to the simulation after normal and critical, high acuity–low frequency, events is
environment, and agreeing on the ‘‘fiction contract.’’ Die- the goal. If time is taken to debrief after normal events then
ckmann et al., refer to the fiction contract in SBME as an debriefing is more likely to happen after critical events. The
agreement between participants and simulation educators greatest challenge of debriefing in real-time is in creating a
that, in view of the limitations of the simulator, the educators zone of safety that is peer-protected and nested within a
will do their best to make the simulation as real as possible dynamic, high-risk clinical area such as labor and delivery.
and the participants will behave as if the simulated case was Given the fast pace in high acuity care areas, securing a safe
real and treat the mannequin patients as real human place to gather the team for about 3–5 min and debrief
patients.56 immediately after a critical event is do-able although it may
Above all, the successful debriefer maintains the stance of seem impossible.
genuine curiosity and respect for all participants, curious The basic mechanics of debriefing after a real clinical event
about their reasoning, data, concerns and mental model. The are teammates assembling, discussing and reviewing what
debriefer needs to skillfully engage all participants and happened, what went well and what specifically could be
encourage them to speak up and ask questions. There is a done better next time. It is important to set the tone of non-
balance between the debriefer talking, inquiring, permitting negotiable mutual respect, maintaining an atmosphere that
silence and letting participants talk. Conflict and disagree- is blame free. Topics for discussion include the team’s
ments may arise during the conversation between partici- assumptions, actions and feelings, the team’s teamwork
pants or with the debriefer. It is ok to disagree but the and communication and the utility or availability of equip-
debriefer is tasked with not letting disagreements get out of ment and resources. Teammates take turns identifying what
hand. Participants may be upset about their own specifically went well with teamwork, clinical care, technical
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172 SE M I N A R S I N P E R I N AT O L O G Y 37 (2013) 166–174
performance or systems. Teammates then take turns identi- tool for evaluating and developing strategies and techniques
fying what specifically can be done to improve and how to go for debriefing.64 The Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in
about it. Healthcare&, ‘‘The DASH&,’’ is a tool that was specifically
Depending on the circumstances and clinical outcome, a designed for use by trained raters to assesses a debriefer’s
more formal review of events may be needed such as referral behaviors and actions that facilitate learning and change in
to quality assurance or risk management for a formal root- wide range of experiential settings. The rater version of the
cause analysis. tool is based on a behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)
Debriefs conducted in real-time will more likely be self- that contains six explicitly defined elements that include (1)
directed and not led by an external facilitator or trained establishing an engaging learning environment, (2) maintain-
debriefer, especially after a routine event with a good out- ing an engaging learning environment; (3) structures the
come. However, a moderator can be self-declared or desig- debriefing in an organized way, (4) provokes engaging dis-
nated by role, such as the team leader, nurse leader or the cussions, (5) identifies and explores performance gaps, and
event manager, whose primary task is to move the conversa- (6) helps trainees achieve or sustain good future performance.
tion along if it is getting stalled, circular or unproductive. If a No explicit weightage was assigned to individual elements.
moderator is designated by role then specific training in Raters are asked to observe the debriefer’s performance and
debriefing can be arranged. With or without a trained compare this to the defined elements, using a seven-point
debriefer, a simple model to follow is the ‘‘plus–delta debrief’’ rating scale with ‘‘1’’ being ‘‘Extremely ineffective/abysmal’’
(see Table 3). and ‘‘7’’ being ‘‘Extremely effective/outstanding.’’ The psycho-
The plus–delta debriefing model is based on the approach metric properties of the tool were evaluated to assess reli-
designed for commercial aviation and modified for healthcare.61 ability and detect evidence of validity by asking instructors to
This model is quick, convenient and easy to use as an after- review a series of three standardized debriefing sessions. The
action review. The ‘‘plus’’ column indicates things that went investigators found that the intraclass correlation coefficient
well and the ‘‘delta’’ column indicates things that need to be for the individual elements was greater than 0.6 and the
changed and how to change them. The key is to have team- overall intraclass correlation coefficient for the combined
mates be specific. The plus–delta debriefing approach tends to elements was 0.74. They concluded that the DASH& scores
focus on actions and system-related issues and not frames. showed evidence of good reliability and preliminary evidence
In summary, debriefing allows us to learn what went well of validity. Additional research is underway to further explore
and what did not go well so that individuals within the its psychometric properties and assess the generalizability of
organization can learn how to work together better as a the DASH& in other settings. A detailed discussion of the
team. No detail is too small to identify if it leads to improve- DASH& is beyond the scope of this chapter. However, addi-
ment in the system. With practice and consistency, debriefing tional information about the DASH& is available at /http://
can become a habit and more natural and comfortable after
an urgent event or emergent one with a poor outcome. healthcare.phpS. The site provides links to download the
Debriefing after each event, whether routine or not, facilitates instructional guide for using the tool, the bibliography, and
cultural change necessary to talk more openly about team the various versions of the DASH& that have since been
performance, and learn from near misses, errors and developed, including the full version for rating by trained
successes.62,63 raters, the student version for rating their instructor and the
instructor version for self-evaluation.
Until recently, there have been no standardized instruments Debriefing is the cornerstone of the simulation experience.
to assess the quality of debriefings in SMBE. In 2009, experts It is a unique opportunity for discussing and analyzing
in healthcare simulation-based education at CMS developed a experiences, making sense of what happened and integrating
þ D
‘‘Plus’’ ‘‘Delta’’
Team identifies what specifically went well Team identifies what specifically to change and do better next time
Inga stated the situation clearly out loud for the team and asked for help Teammates need to remember to call out each other
early: We have a shoulder dystocia, get help by name
Edward closed the loop about where to apply the suprapubic pressure Teammates need to close the loop of communication
Marie kept track of time and announced it out loud to the team Ob providers need to switch sooner in managing the
delivery and not fixate on one maneuver
The plus–delta debriefing model, adapted from aviation for use in healthcare settings, can be performed in 5 min or less by the team
immediately after any routine or critical event. Items identified can be used to facilitate organizational change. (Modified from Klair.61)
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S E M I N A R S I N P E R I N AT O L O G Y 37 (2013) 166–174 173
lessons learned to improve performance and do better in the November. Canberra Australia. /
future. An effective debriefer understands the process of resources/paper/diehl.htmS. Accessed 9.11.12.
debriefing, the art and science of engaging adult learners 11. Washington: Federal Aviation Administration. Crew Resource
and building an open environment that is psychologically Management Training. FAA (US); 1993. Advisory Circular 120-
51A (current version 51E—2004).
safe and conducive for learning. He helps learners identify
12. Butler RE. LOFT: full-mission simulation as crew resource man-
and explore performance gaps and bridge them to improve
agement training. In: Wiener EL, Kanki BG, Helmreich RL, ed.
future performance. This chapter has provided an introduc- Cockpit Resource Management. San Diego: Academic Press; 1993.
tion to debriefing in simulation-based education, an appreci- 13. The Wilbur and Orville Wright Timeline, 1867–1948. In: The
ation for its historical roots and the wealth of research and Wilbur and Orville Wright Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of
educational foundation upon which it rests. The concepts Congress, Washington, DC. /
articulated in this chapter serve to set the stage for the wrighthtml/wrightres.htmlS. Accessed 12.11.12.
reader’s own pursuit and mastery of the art and science of 14. Harward DM. The sanders teacher. Flight. 1910;2:1006–1007.
15. Lauber JK, Foushee HC. Guidelines for Line-Oriented Flight
debriefing in simulation-based healthcare education.
Training. Volume I. Ames Research Center. NASA Conference
The author reports no proprietary or commercial interest
Publication 2184. Proceedings of a NASA/Industry Workshop
in any product mentioned or concept discussed in this held at NASA Ames Research Center; 1981. January 13–15.
article. Moffett Field, California.
16. Butler RE. LOFT: full-mission simulation as crew resource
management training. In: Wiener EL, Kanki BG, Helmreich RL,
ed. Cockpit Resource Management. San Diego: Academic Press;
Acknowledgments 17. Dismukes RK, McDonnell LK, Jobe KK, Smith GM. What is
facilitation and why use it? In: Dismukes RK, Smith GM, ed.
The author is extremely grateful to the following experts in Facilitation and Debriefing in Aviation Training and Operations
SBME for their valuable and profound contributions to the Burlington. Vermont: Ashgate; 2000.
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