HS-MATH-ALG1 - Chapter 9 - Quadratic Functions and Equations
HS-MATH-ALG1 - Chapter 9 - Quadratic Functions and Equations
HS-MATH-ALG1 - Chapter 9 - Quadratic Functions and Equations
In this chapter, you will:
Solve quadratic equations by
factoring, graphing, completing the
square, and using the Quadratic
Analyze functions with successive
differences and ratios.
Identify and graph special functions.
Solve systems of linear and
quadratic equations.
FINANCE The value of a company's
stock is extremely important to the
company as well as to shareholders.
Use the mathematical practices to
complete the activity.
1. Use Tools Use the Internet to find
information on financial markets and
functions that have been used to
model them. Then, select a stock that
increased and then decreased over
a period of time and record its value
each day during this interval.
2. Model with Mathematics Use
graphing technology to plot the
data you recorded. Let x be the time,
in days, since the beginning of the
interval, andy be the value, in dollars,
of the stock. Describe the shape of
the graph.
3. Discuss Compare your graphs to
those of your classmates. What do
you think the graph would look like if
the value of the stock decreased and
then increased over a period of time?
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Chapter Projec·
In the 3... 2... 1... Blast Off! project, you
can use what you learn about quadratic
equations to complete a project that
Interactive Student Guide addresses business literacy.
Before starting the chapter, answer the
Chapter Focus preview questions. Check
[f~~-:,!-.,r:::=:::_.:::::~. -- ___
your answers as you complete each lesson. l --- ____
At the end of the chapter, try the
Performance Task. r ~E ~:
;;::·i 61
:r-- ---
=-- --·
; ::,;:,-=':;::.::
-·- ···--
Need help studying? ~ .. --
:A:C'HI EVE ____
,......__ You can use the Functions and
Complete the Quadratic Lines and Quadratic Functions
Functions and Modeling and Equations topics in ALEKS
and Expressions and to find out what you know
Equations domains in about linear functions and what
LearnS mart to review for you are ready to learn .~
the chapter test.
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Get Ready for the Chapter
Connecting Concepts New Vocabulary
2. How do you create a table of values from a new vertex p.559 vertice
equation? minimum p.559 mfnimo
3. Explain how to draw the graph of a line from a table maximum p.559 maximo
of values.
vertex form p.575 forma de vertice
4. Explain how to draw the graph of a line from an
equation without double root p. 581 doble rafz
using a table of . completing the square p.596 completar el cuadrado
Quadratic Formula p. 606 Formula cuadratica
5. Refer to the graph at
the right. Create a discriminant p.610 discriminante
table of values for ~
this graph.
6. Write an equation of
the line graphed at 0
' r'\
r". xi
Review Vocabulary
the right. domain dominio all the possible values of the independent
variable, x
7. Explain how to factor a trinomial with a coefficient of
1. factoring factorizaci6n to express a polynomial as the product
of monomials and polynomials
8. Describe the difference between solving an absolute
value equation and a linear equation. leading coefficient coeficiente delantero the coefficient of the
first term of a polynomial written in standard form
range rango all the possible values
Performance Task Preview ~ C:H.Vff.R9
~ Preparmg for Assessment of the dependent variable, y
0 3
You will use the concepts and -·--·-,......._..___ ...._--._.
problems about the mechanics ................. ,...., the domain is {0, 2, 4, 6}, and the range
............. . ..
-. 7
~:::-· ...... 4
of baseball. Understanding is {3, 5, 7, 9}.
6 9
quadratic equations will help you
..- _____ transformation transformaci6n the
. =..s:.·:::::::..-:.-=:::=:·--.--
,... ..... ... _ . .........._
finish the Performance Task at
___. .......- .._. ..... _,_,.., movement of a graph on the coordinate plane
,__ ... _"""""
the end of the chapter.
__ .,. _____ .. w_.,..,_,.
G In this Performance Task
you will:
- ...... ..............,..........
. ::;:::;:==::.-==:,.--...---
.,f:h~ New
quadratic function
standard form
1Characteristics of Quadratic= Functions
+ +
can be written in the formf(x) ax 2
standard form of a quadratic function.
Quadratic functions are nonlinear and
c, where a=/= 0. This form is called the
axis of symmetry The shape of the graph of a quadratic function is called a parabola. Parabolas are
vertex symmetric about a central line called the axis of symmetry. The axis of symmetry
minimum intersects a parabola at only one point, called the vertex.
So Key Concept Quadratic Functions
When a > 0, the graph of y = ax 2 + bx + c opens upward. The lowest point on the graph
is the minimum. When a< 0, the graph opens downward. The highest point is the
maximum. The maximum or minimum is the vertex.
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 559
Recall that figures with symmetry are those in which
each half of the figure matches exactly. A parabola is
symmetric about the axis of symmetry. Every point
on the parabola to the left of the axis of symmetry
has a corresponding point on the other half. The
function is increasing on one side of the axis of
symmetry and decreasing on the other side.
When identifying characteristics from a graph, it is
often easiest to locate the vertex first. It is either the
maximum or minimum point of the graph. Then
locate the x-intercepts. They are the zeros of a quadratic function.
- J 0 \ X
. . .·1 symmetry is located at x = 0.
\ fim Find the y-intercept. The parabola crosses the
y-axis at (0, 4), so they-intercept is 4.
fi@ll Find the zeros. The zeros are the points where the
graph intersects the x-axis, (-2, 0) and (2, 0).
Guided Practice
2A. y 28. j y l
J ' \
' 0
' \ X
' \.. ./
, I
I \
.,\ 0 X
x = -1 Simplify.
The equation for the axis of symmetry is x = -1.
To find the vertex, use the value you found for the axis of symmetry as the
x-coordinate of the vertex. Find they-coordinate using the original equation.
y = 2x 2 + 4x -3 Original equation
= 2(-1) + 4(-1) -
3 x= -1
= -5 Simplify.
b. y = -x 2 + 6x + 4
Formula for the equation of the axis of symmetry
x=-2(-1) a= -1 and b= 6
x=3 Simplify.
Guided Practice
~- y = -3x 2 + 6x - 5 38. y = 2x 2 + 2x + 2
Next you will learn how to identify whether the vertex is a maximum or a minimum.
01 X
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 561
Example4 Maximum and Minimum Values
Consider f(x) = - 2x 2 - 4x + 6.
Watch Out! Because a is negative the graph opens down, so the function has a
maximum value.
Minimum and Maximum
Values Don't forget to find
both coordinates of the b. State the maximum or minimum value of the function.
vertex (x, y) . The minimum
or maximum value is the The maximum value is the y-coordinate of the vertex.
The x-coordinate of the vertex is - b or -4() or -1.
2a 2 -2
J(-1) = 8 Simplify.
Review Vocabulary
The maximum value is 8.
Domain and Range The
domain is the set of all of
the possible values of the c. State the domain and range of the function.
independent variable x.
The range is the set of all The domain is all real numbers. The range is all real numbers less than
of the possible values of or equal to the maximum value, or {y I y:::;; 8}.
the dependent variable y.
Guided Practice
Consider g(x) = 2.x 2 - 4x -1.
4A. Determine whether the function has a maximum or minimum value.
2Graph Quadratic Functions You have learned how to find several important
characteristics of quadratic functions.
= (-2) 2 + 4(-2) + 3 x= -2
= -1 Simplify.
The vertex lies at (- 2, -1). Because a is positive the graph opens up,
and the vertex is a minimum.
= (O) + 4(0) + 3
=3 They-intercept is 3.
fim The axis of symmetry divides the parabola
into two equal parts. So if there is a point on
one side, there is a corresponding point on
the other side that is the same distance from
the axis of symmetry and has the same y-value.
There are general differences between linear, exponential, and quadratic functions .
Increasing I m > 0: y is increasing on the I a > 0, b > 1 or a < 0, a > 0: y is decreasing to the
Decreasing entire domain. 0 < b < 1: yis increasing on left of the axis of symmetry
the entire domain. and increasing on the right.
m < 0: y is decreasing on
the entire domain. a > 0, 0 < b < 1 or a < 0, a < 0: y is increasing to the
b > 1: y is decreasing on the left of the axis of symmetry
entire domain. and decreasing on the right.
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 563
You have used what you know about quadratic functions, parabolas, and symmetry to
create graphs. You can analyze these graphs to solve real-world problems.
c. What is the maximum height of the T-shirt? When was the maximum
height reached?
The maximum height of the T-shirt occurs at the vertex.
So the T-shirt reaches a maximum height of 42 feet. The time was %
or 1.5 seconds after launch.
Guided Practice
6. TRACK Emilio is competing in the javelin throw. The height of the javelin can be
modeled by the equation y = -16x 2 + 64x + 6, where y represents the height in
feet of the javelin after x seconds.
A. Graph the path of the javelin. ~
B. At what height is the javelin thrown? ~
C. What is the maximum height of the javelin? ?i
564 I Lesson 9-1 I Graphing Quadratic Functions
llrJj Go Online! for a
Check YHr Understanding = Step-by-Step Solutions begin on page R11. v Self-Check Quiz
Example 1 Use a table of values to graph each equation. State the domain and range.
1. y = 2x 2 + 4x - 6 2. y = x 2 + 2x - 1
3. y = x2 - 6x - 3 4. y = 3x2 - 6x - 5
Example2 Find the vertex, the equation of the axis of symmetry, the y-intercept,
and the zeros of each graph.
5. .~· y ... I
t I !
l II
9 r
2 \. [j
-6-4 0 2 4 6 8 10x
1--1-- 1--- -4
1--1-- 1--- -6
7. ~
8. v
"y \
\ I I \
'1\~ J
'1\ ~
I I \
I \
./ 0 X
l 0
r ; ..... ~
Example3 Find the vertex, the equation of the axis of symmetry, and the y-intercept
of the graph of each function.
9. y = -3x 2 + 6x- 1 10. y = -x 2 + 2x + 1
11. y = x2 - 4x + 5 12. y = 4x 2 - 8x +9
Example 4 Consider each function.
a. Determine whether the function has maximum or minimum value.
b. State the maximum or minimum value.
c. What are the domain and range of the function?
!!) y = -x 2 + 4x - 3 14. y = -x 2 - 2x +2
15. y = - 3x 2 + 6x + 3 16. y = - 2x 2 + 8x - 6
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 565
Practice and Problem Solving Extra Practice is on page R9.
Example 1 Use a table of values to graph each equation. State the domain and range.
22. y = x 2 + 4x + 6 23. y = 2x 2 + 4x + 7 24. y = 2x 2 - 8x - 5
25. y = 3x 2
+ 12x + 5 26. y = 3x 2
- 6x - 2 27. y = x 2
- 2x- 1
Example 2 Find the vertex, the equation of the axis of symmetry, the y-intercept, and the zeros
of each graph.
28. I I ll I I IY t I 11 I I 29. ~ y 4
\ I :
1\ I
\ :I \ I
'\ J
\ I
\ I 0 I X
' \.. .)
' ~ IJ
30. YV 31. 4Y ~
' ~
\ I
J '1'\ 1\ I
I l
I'I \ 0 X
l 0 W X
32. y 33. y
~ ~
\ I
\ I
\ , 1/
~ 1/J
0 J X X
\ I I ~
If I
' ~J
Example 3 Find the vertex, the equation of the axis of symmetry, and the y-intercept
of each function.
34. y = x 2 + 8x + 10 @ y = 2x 2 + 12x + 10 36. y = - 3x 2 - 6x +7
37. y = -x 2 - 6x - 5 38. y = 5x 2 + 20x + 10 39. y = 7x 2 - 28x + 14
40. y = 2x 2 - 12x + 6 41. y = - 3x 2 + 6x - 18 42. y = -x 2 + lOx- 13
Example 4 Consider each function.
a. Determine whether the function has a maximum or minimum value.
b. State the maximum or minimum value.
c. What are the domain and range of the function?
43. y = - 2x 2 - 8x +1 44. y = x2 + 4x - 5 45. y = 3x 2 + 18x - 21
46. y = -2x 2 - 16x + 18 47. y = -x 2 - 14x- 16 48. y = 4x 2 + 40x + 44
49. y = - x2 - 6x - 5 50. y = 2x 2 + 4x + 6 51. y = -3x 2 - 12x- 9
Example 5 Graph each function.
52. y = - 3x2 + 6x - 4 53. y = - 2x 2 - 4x - 3 54. y = - 2x 2 - 8x + 2
55. y = x 2 + 6x - 6 56. y = x2 - 2x + 2 57. y = 3x 2 - 12x + 5
GRAPHING CALCULATOR Graph each equation. Use the TRACE feature to find the vertex on
the graph. Round to the nearest thousandth if necessary.
59. y = 4x 2 + lOx + 6 60. y = 8x 2 - 8x +8
61. y = - 5x 2 - 3x - 8 62. y = -7x 2
+ 12x - 10
63. GOLF The average amateur golfer can hit a ball with an initial upward velocity
of 31.3 meters per second. The height can be modeled by the equation
h = -4.9t 2 + 31.3t, where his the height of the ball, in meters, after t seconds.
a. Graph this equation. What do the portions of the graph where h > 0 represent in
the context of the situation? What does the end behavior of the graph represent?
b. At what height is the ball hit?
c. What is the maximum height of the ball?
d. How long did it take for the ball to hit the ground?
e. State a reasonable range and domain for this situation.
64. MULTI-STEP The marching band is selling poinsettias to raise money for
new uniforms. In last year's sale, the band charged $5 each, and they sold
150 poinsettias. They want to increase the price this year, and they expect to sell
10 fewer poinsettias for each $1 that they increase the price. The nursery will donate
50 poinsettias and charge them $1.50 for each additional poinsettia.
a. If new band uniforms cost $925, will the band be able to raise enough money to buy
them? If so, what is the lowest price they could charge for each poinsettia and still
have enough money to buy the new uniforms?
b. Describe your solution process.
65) FOOTBALL A football is kicked up from ground level at an initial upward velocity of
90 feet per second. The equation h = -16t 2 + 90t gives the height h of the football
after t seconds.
a. What is the height of the ball after one second?
b. When is the ball126 feet high?
c. When is the height of the ball 0 feet? What do these points represent in the context
of the situation?
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 567
® MULTIPLE REPRESENTATIONS In this problem, you will investigate solving quadratic
equations using tables.
a. Algebraic Determine the related function for each equation. Copy and complete
the first two columns of the table below.
I Related Function
I Zeros
I y-Values
x - x= 12 I
x + 8x= 9
x2 = 14x- 24
x2 + 16x= -28
68. G SENSE-MAKING Write a quadratic function for which the graph has an axis of
symmetry of x =-~.Summarize your steps.
69. ERROR ANALYSIS Jade thinks that the parabolas represented 6 y
by the graph and the description have the same axis of 4
symmetry. Chase disagrees. Who is correct? Explain 2
your reasoning. -2 0 2 4 X
- - 1- -4
- /
"" \
a parabola that opens do'w'n'w'ard. passing -
I-- I--
through (0, 6) and having a vertex at (2., 2.) I-- I--
70. CHALLENGE Using the axis of symmetry, they-intercept, Y JA.. (3, 25)
and one x-intercept, write an equation for the graph shown. 20 I 1\
- t--
71. G SENSE-MAKING The graph of a quadratic function has a r-(?, 16)J
vertex at (2, 0). One point on the graph is (5, 9). Find
/4 \
another point on the graph. Explain how you found it. (-2,0) 8, J)
-8 -4 0 4
72. G REASONING Describe a real-world situation that l 8 l
involves a quadratic equation. Explain what the ,l
vertex represents.
0 D y = -x + Sx -20
Oc {xlx2::-1}
76. Which statement best describes the function 0 D all real numbers
graphed below? 0 1
f-- f- 5 .. ~ b. What is the range of the function?
f-- f- 4 1\ I
f-- f- 3 \ I 0 A {y I y ;;::: -1}
f-- f- 2 \
f-- f- 1
, II
0 B {yly ~ -1}
1\ ~
0 1\2 3 4/5 6 7 X
0 c {y I y ;;::: 1}
f--1 3 '!\. .)
0 D all real numbers
0 A The equation of the axis of symmetry
is x = -3. c. What is the vertex of the function?
0 B The y-intercept is 1. 0 A (-4, 3)
0 C The maximum value is 6. 0 B (-2, 1)
0 D The range is {y I y 2:: -3}. 0 c (-2, -1)
3 DG (2, 12)
, \
of change when the function is increasing and when it is decreasing. a:l
4. CHALLENGE If an object is dropped from 100 feet in the air and air resistance is ;P.
ignored, the object will fall at a rate that can be modeled by the function 0
f(x) = -16x 2 + 100, wheref(x) represents the object's height in feet after
x seconds. Make a table like that in Exercise 1, selecting appropriate values for x. ~
Fill in the x-values, they-values, and rates of change. Compare the rates of change. 3
Describe any patterns that you see. rD
'/'b.J New
Vocabulary Translations The graph of f(x) = x 2 represents the parent graph of the quadratic
vertex form 1 functions. The parent graph can be translated up, down, left, right, or in two
When a constant k is added to the quadratic function f(x), the result is a vertical
G Mathematical translation.
1 Make sense of
problems and persevere Key Concept Vertical Translations
in solving them.
8 Look for and express The graph of g(x) = x2 + k is the graph of f(x) = x2
regularity in repeated translated vertically.
If k > 0, the graph of f(x) = x2
is translated Ikl units up.
If k < 0, the graph of f(x) = x2
is translated Ikl units down.
Guided Practice
1A. g(x) = x2 - 7 18. g(x) = 5 + x2 1C. g(x) = -5 + x2 10. g(x) = x2 + 1
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 571
When a quadratic function f(x) is multiplied by -1 after the function has been evaluated,
the result is a reflection across the x-axis. When f(x) is multiplied by -1 before the
function has been evaluated, the result is a reflection across the y-axis.
value of a.
I fl\ X 01 I I X
fl + I~
r Guided Practice
SA. r(x) = 2( -x)2 58. g(x) = -ix2 5C. j(x) = (- 2x) 2
If lr -'--
if h is negative
''' i\.. _/ ~ ./~ _/ k is negative 1~ ,
~ 0
'' .I
11 k=O
a, Reflection a, Dilation
If a> 0, the graph J y l I I
If a > 1, the [ 111 A y
opens up. \ J graph is ~~1j ~ r J
If a < 0, the graph \ I stretched ~ \ I I A
I ~ \ I II
opens down. \.. ..1
<I I< """"" '
.... \.\ !U ...,. ~
0< lal < 1j
X lfO a 1, 0 X
\ the graph is
\Ja < o~
1 1
I compressed
' '
You can use a graphing calculator to verify descriptions of transformations.
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 575
Guided Practice
7. Compare the graphs to the parent function J(x) = x2. Then, verify using technology.
p(x) = -4 (x- 2) 2 q(x) = (-2x) 2 - 5
To identify a quadratic equation, when given the vertex and a point, solve for a in the
vertex form.
Study Tip
ExampleS Identify Equations Given the Vertex and a Point
The vertex form of any
quadratic function is Write a quadratic function in vertex and standard form that contains (3, 6)
f(x) = a(x- h) 2 + k, where and vertex (2, 4).
the vertex is (h. k). The vertex
Y· ).
being at (2. 4) means that the
graph was translated 2 units
right and 4 units up.
J(x) = a(x - h)2 + k
6 = a(3 - 2)2 + 4
Vertex form of a quadratic function
= [(3. 6). (h. k)] = (2. 4)
[x. f(x)]
' ~
J (3, 6)
6=a+4 (3- 2) 2 = 1
\ ll
2=a Subtract 4 from each side. (2, 4)
J(x) = 2(x 2 - + 4) + 4
4x Expand (x- 2)2.
f(x) = 2
2x - 8x + 12 Simplify.
The standard form of the function is J(x) = 2x2 - 8x + 12.
Guided Practice
Write a quadratic function in vertex and standard form that contains vertex V and
point P.
SA. V(5, -1), P(3, -5) 88. V(O, 3), P(4, 8) 8C. V(1, 2), P(-2, 8)
19. ROCKETS Candice and Paulo both launch a rocket during science club. The path of Candice's
rocket is modeled by c(x) = -16(x- 2.5) 2 + 105 and Paulo's rocket is modeled by
p(x) = -16(x- 2.8) 2 + 126.5, where c(x) and p(x) represent the height of each rocket after x seconds.
a. Use technology to compare the graphs of c(x) and p(x) to the parent function.
b. Whose rocket went higher?
c. Whose rocket was in the air for a longer time?
Example 8 Write a quadratic function in vertex and standard forms that contains vertex V and
point P.
24. SQUIRRELS A squirrel12 feet above the ground drops an acorn from a tree. The
function h = -16t 2 + 12 models the height of the acorn above the ground in
feet after t seconds. Graph the function, and compare it to its parent graph.
@ ROCKS A rock falls from a cliff 300 feet above the ground. At the same time, another
rock falls from a cliff 700 feet above the ground.
a. Write functions that model the height h of each rock after t seconds.
b. If the rocks fall at the same time, how much sooner will the first rock
reach the ground?
26. SPRINKLERS The path of water from a sprinkler can be modeled by quadratic
functions. The following functions model paths for three different sprinklers.
27. GOLF The path of a drive can be modeled by a quadratic ~g(x) = -0.0005(x- 200) + 201
function where g(x) is the vertical distance in yards of the j/
20 I"'" ..... ~
ball from the ground and xis the horizontal distance in yards. /
I \
a. How can you obtain g(x) from the graph of f(x) = x 2. I
b. A second golfer hits a ball from the red tee, which is
4 ,I ~ X
30 yards closer to the hole. What function h(x) can be used 0 100 200 300 400
to describe the second golfer's shot?
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 577
Describe the transformations to obtain the graph of g(x) from the graph of f(x).
28. f(x) = x 2 + 3 29. f(x) = x 2 - 4 30. f(x) = -6x 2
g(x) = x 2 - 2 g(x) = (x- 2) 2 +7 g(x) = -3x 2
[-10, 10] sci: 1by [-10, 10] sci: 1 [-10, 10] sci: 1by [-10, 10] sci: 1
y=x2 +2 y= -ix2
y=x2 -4 y = -2x2
Compare and contrast each pair of functions. Use a graphing calculator
to confirm.
34. y = x 2, y = x2 + 3 35. y = tx 2, y = 3x 2 36. y = x 2, y = (x- 5) 2
42. G CONSTRUCT ARGUMENTS Are the following statements sometimes, always, or never
true? Explain.
a. The graph of y = x 2 + k has its vertex at the origin.
b. The graphs of y = ax2 and its reflection over the x-axis are the same width.
c. The graph of y = x2 + k, where k;;::: 0, and the graph of a quadratic with vertex at
(0, -3) have the same maximum or minimum point.
43. CHALLENGE Write a function of the form y = ax 2 + k with a graph that passes through
the points (-2, 3) and (4, 15).
44. G CONSTRUCT ARGUMENTS Determine whether all quadratic functions that are
reflected across the y-axis produce the same graph. Explain your answer.
45. OPEN-ENDED Write a quadratic function that opens downward and is wider than the
parent graph.
46. WRITING IN MATH Describe how the values of a and k affect the graphical and tabular
representations for the functions y = ax 2, y = x 2 + k, andy= ax 2 + k.
1/ -.,
1 2 3 4 X
\ ~
~ II J
\ 11~ I
1\ "\
\ 2 I I
I\ _l I If I 6
\ I~ _)
-6-5_1 -3- , 0 1 2 X
Which statement about the relationship between
~LL 2 the graph of g(x) and the graph of the parent
function f(x) = x 2 is not true? ~ 1, 8 F.IF.7a, F.BF.3
0 A f(x) = x 2 - 6x +7 0 A g(x) is a vertical stretch of the graph of
f(x) = x2.
0 B f(x) =x 2
- 6x + 11
0 C f(x) = x2 + 6x + 7
0 B g(x) is a reflection across the x-axis of the
graph of f(x) = x 2 .
0 D f(x) = x2 + 6x + 11 0 C In vertex form, the equation of the
function is g(x) = -2(x- 1)2- 1.
D B compressed vertically
D C stretched vertically
49. The graph of f(x) = x 2 is reflected across the x-axis D D translated right
and translated to the left 4 units. What is the value
of h when the equation of the transformed graph is D E translated left
written in vertex form? ~ 1, 8 F.BF.3
D F translated up
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 579
• You solved quadratic
equations by
•1 Solve quadratic
equations by graphing.
Dorton Arena at the state
fairgrounds in Raleigh, North
factoring. Carolina, has a shape created by
Estimate solutions of
quadratic equations
by graphing.
two intersecting parabolas. The
shape of one of the parabolas
can be modeled by y = - x2 + 127x, where x is the
width of the parabola in feet, and y is the length of the
parabola in feet. The x-intercepts of the graph of this
function can be used to find the distance between the
points where the parabola meets the ground.
·f:JJ New
double root 1Solve+ by+Graphing
ax 2 bx=
A quadratic equation can be written in the standard form
c 0, where a=/= 0. To write a quadratic function as an equation, replace
y or f(x) with 0. Quadratic equations may have two, one, or no real solutions.
G Mathematical
3 Construct viable
arguments and critique
the reasoning of others.
5 Use appropriate tools
Solutions of Quadratic Equations
v·y 0 X
two unique real solutions one unique real solution no real solutions
Recall that the solutions or roots of an equation can be identified by finding the
x-intercepts of the related graph.
Quadratic Function Graph of Function
f(x) =x 2
- x- 6 I I I i f(x) l4 I I
:-2,0) f (3, OJ
J(-2) = (-2)2- (-2) - 6 or 0 ~ 0 X
f(3) = 3 2 - 3 - 6 or 0 1\ I
\ I
-2 and 3 are zeros of the function. '\\ /
Quadratic Equation {
x2 - x- 6 = 0
The x-intercepts are -2 and 3.
(-2)2- (-2) - 6 or 0 g
32 - 3- 6 or 0 ~
fim Graph the related functionf(x) = x2 - 2x- 8. \ I
Watch Out! I
G Precision Solutions fim Locate the x-intercepts of the graph. The
~ 0
fim Graph the related functionf(x) 2
= -2x + 6x + 8. 112
-4-3-2 .....j 0 1 2 3
fim Locate the x-intercepts of the graph. The
x-intercepts of the graph appear to be at -1 and 4,
I 4 .,\
so the solutions are -1 and 4.
Guided Practice
Solve each equation by graphing.
1A. -x 2 - 3x + 18 = 0 1B. x2 - 4x + 3 =0
The solutions in Example 1 were two distinct numbers. Sometimes the two roots are
the same number, called a double root.
connectEO.mcgraw-hill.com 581
CHECK Check the solution in the original equation.
-x2 + 4x - 4 = 0 Original equation
-(2) 2 + 4(2)- 4 = 0 x=2
0 = 0 ./ Simplify.
b. x 2 - 6x= -9
GoOnline! 't' Jim Rewrite the equation in standard form. y A
In Personal Tutor videos for x2 - 6x = -9 Original equation \ I
this lesson, teachers x2 - 6x + 9 = 0 Add 9 to each side. \ !l
describe how to solve
quadratic equations. Watch
~ I
with a partner, then try fim Graph the related function f(x) = x2 - 6x + 9. \ I
describing how to solve a
problem for them. Have fii§tiJ Locate the x-intercepts of the graph. Notice that 0
them ask questions to help
the vertex of the parabola is the only x-intercept.
your understanding.
Therefore, there is only one solution, 3.
~~~:::-1:; ---p 3 . - .
p .~."' .. ,
!=l ~111•H1rf •·• ~.I. •·f
l=l :x.-1!,:·:i.,-,
..... §
S•:t'f·.3)'•'(")'1 Vt~o)
Guided Practice
"ii:J•'I-19rM (o'l) I 'J( "+ f./
Solve each equation by graphing.
tg . :• i•fr- ~ 2A. x 2 + 25 = lOx 28. x 2 = -8x - 16
Sometimes the roots are not real numbers. Quadratic equations with solutions that are
not real numbers lead us to extend the number system to allow for solutions of these
equations. These numbers are called complex numbers. You will study complex numbers in Algebra 2.
Guided Practice
Solve each equation by graphing.
3A. -x 2 - 3x = 5 38. -2x 2 - 8 = 6x
-1.9 -1.1
-1.79 0.61
For each table, the function value that is closest to zero when the sign changes
is -0.11. Thus, the roots are approximately -4.7 and -1.3.
Guided Practice
5. Solve 2x 2 + 6x - 3 = 0 by graphing. If integral roots cannot be found, estimate
the roots to the nearest tenth.
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 583
IWJ'J Go Online! for a
Check Your Understanding
Q = Step-by-Step Solutions begin on page R11. v Self-Check Quiz
Example 4 Solve each equation by graphing. If integral roots cannot be found, estimate the roots
to the nearest tenth.
7. x 2 = 25 8. x 2 - 8x = -9
Example 5 9. SCIENCE FAIR Ricky built a model rocket. Its flight can be modeled by
the equation shown, where h is the height of the rocket in feet after
t seconds. About how long was Ricky's rocket in the air?
Example 4 Solve each equation by graphing. If integral roots cannot be found, estimate the roots to
the nearest tenth.
25. x2 + 2x - 9 = 0 26. x 2 - 4x = 20 27. x2 + 3x = 18
Example 5 28. SOFTBALL The equation h = -16t 2 + 47t + 3 models the height h, in feet, of a ball that
Sofia hits after t seconds.
a. How long is the ball in the air?
b. Find they-intercept and describe its meaning in the context of the situation.
29. RIDES The Terror Tower launches riders straight up and returns straight down. The
equation h = -16t 2 + 122t models the height h, in feet, of the riders from their starting
position after t seconds. How long is it until the riders return to the bottom?
41. CHALLENGE Describe a real-world situation in which a thrown object travels in the air.
Write an equation that models the height of the object with respect to time, and
determine how long the object travels in the air.
42. G STRUCTURE For the quadratic function y = ax2 + bx + c, determine the number of
x-intercepts of the function if:
a. a < 0 and the vertex lies below the x-axis
b. a > 0 and the vertex lies below the x-axis
c. a < 0 and the vertex lies above the x-axis
d. a > 0 and the vertex lies above the x-axis
43. CHALLENGE Find the roots of x 2 = 2.25 without using a calculator. Explain your
44. WRITING IN MATH Explain how the roots of a quadratic equation are related to the
graph of a quadratic function.
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 585
Preparing for Assessment
45. Consider x2 - x = 6. G 1, 6 47. MULTI-STEP Use the function y = x2 - 2x + c to
answer the questions. G 1, 7
a. Which is the related graph of the equation?
a. If c = -3 and y = 0, how many solutions are
OA ~~
y .4
there to the related equation?
'\ ~ b. If c = -2 and y = -3, how many solutions are
\ I there to the related equation?
o- X
c. For what values of c will there be no solution
when y = 0? Check all that apply.
D A c = -1 DC c=2 DE c =5
QB ~ y .4. D B c=O D Dc=1
\ I
0 X
0 C The graph has exactly one x-intercept of 0.
0 D The graph has no x-intercepts.
DE 0
- f- - -2
- 1--- - -3
-- 1/
DF 0 I
46. Solve x2 - 12x = -36 by graphing. G1 Q B 2.5
0 c 1,4
'fbJ New
Vocabulary Quadratic equations can be solved using a variety of methods. In addition to solving
Square Root Property quadratic equations by graphing, you can solve quadratic equations algebraically.
Zero Product Property
Words To solve a quadratic equation in the form x2 = n, take the square root of each side.
Example x2 =25
x= ±V25 or± 5
In the equation x2 = n, if n is not a perfect square, you need to approximate the square
root. Use a calculator to find an approximation. If n is a perfect square, you will have an
exact answer.
Since a negative number does not make sense in this situation, the solution
is 3.6. It takes about 3.6 seconds for the ball to reach the ground.
2. Find the time it takes a ball to reach the ground if it is dropped from a height that
is half as high as the one described above.
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 589
2 Solve Quadratic Equations by Factoring Some equations can be solved by
factoring. A quadratic equation will have roots if its factored form has real numbers.
Consider the following:
Notice that in each case, at least one of the factors is 0. These examples demonstrate the
Zero Product Property.
Words If the product of two factors is 0, then at least one of the factors must be 0.
Symbols For any numbers a and b, if ab = 0, then a= 0, b = 0, or both a and b equal zero.
d= -3 d=5 Divide.
(0)(-24) ~ 0 16(0) ~ 0
b. c 2 = 3c
c2 = 3c Original equation
Guided Practice
4A. 3n(n + 2) = 0 48. 8b2 - 40b = 0 4C. x 2 =-lOx
(y + 5)(y- 3) = 0 Factor.
0=0 ~ 0=0 ~
b. 3x2 - 12 = 9x
3x2 - 12 = 9x Original equation
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 591
ExampleS Write Quadratic Functions Given Their Graphs
Write a quadratic function for the given graph.
Jim Find the factors of the related expression. I~ 8 f() ~
\ 6
The two zeros of the graph are -4 and 3, so ~
(x + 4) and (x- 3) are factors of the related \ 2 If
There are many quadratic functions of different
-8-6- ~20
' ~
V" 4 6 8x
2 = 8a Stmplify.
t = a Otvide each side by 8.
Guided Practice
Write a quadratic function that has a graph that contains the given points.
SA. (-2, 0), (4, -12), (5, 0)
58. (-5, 0), (-1, 0), (1, 6)
5C. (-4, 0), (0, 4), (4, 0)
~ · Go Online/for a
Check Y~ur U~derstanding _ __ Q = Step-by-Step Solutions begin on page R11. v Self-Check Quiz
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 593
48. MULTI-STEP Ichiro wants to build an indoor swimming pool. Model A is 42 inches deep and
holds 1750 cubic feet of water. The length of the pool is 5 feet more than the width. Ichiro
has budgeted $200 dollars per month to heat the pool. His neighbor owns Model A, and she
spends about $150 per month to heat her pool. Ichiro wants a larger pool with a depth of
42 inches. Changing the length and width by a combined 10 feet increases the heating cost
by 25%. The depth does not affect the cost of heating.
a. What size pool should Ichiro have built to fit his budget? (Hint: Find the percent of
increase in cost.)
b. Explain your solution process.
c. What assumptions did you make?
PROM For prom court voting, Jen is building a ballot box that ish inches tall. The width of
the box is 2 inches shorter than the height and the length is 8 inches longer than the height.
If the volume is 96 cubic inches, what are the dimensions of the box?
50. ERROR ANALYSIS Kerry says that the given graphs can be represented by the same
quadratic function because they have the same zeros. Is she correct? Explain.
y ~
\ I
\ I
II ~~ ""'I\..
If \
J X JO \ X
\ I I \
' ~ ./
I ,
51. ~ SENSE-MAKING Explain how you could you solve x2 + 8x + 16 = 0 by using the
Square Root Property.
52. ~STRUCTURE Given the equation c = a2 - ab, for what values of a and b does c = 0?
53. ~SENSE-MAKING Given the equation (ax+ b)(ax- b)= 0, solve for x. What do we
know about the values of a and b?
54. WRITING IN MATH Explain how to solve a quadratic equation by using the Zero Product
55. ~SENSE-MAKING The polynomial2x2 - 5x- 3 has (2x + 1) and (x- 3) as its
factors. What are the solutions to the equation 2x2 - 5x - 3 = 0?
Write an equation that has the given roots.
56. -6,4 57. 0, 7 58. -3, 1, 6
59. SHOTPUT An athlete throws a shot put with an initial upward velocity of 29 feet per
second and from an initial height of 6 feet.
a. Write an equation that models the height of the shot put in feet with respect to time
in seconds.
b. After how many seconds will the shot put hit the ground?
60. For what value of c does 4x2 - 32x + c = 0 have only one real solution?
61. Solve x4 - 18x2 + 81 = 0.
0 C 33.5 em
67. MULTI-STEP The area of the triangle shown, in
0 D 46cm square inches, is equivalent to the area of another
triangle represented by the expression
b. Find the perimeter of the rectangle. 2x2 - 16x- 31. G 1, 6
D B 0.5 s
b. Find the height of the triangle shown.
DC 1s
D D 1.5 s
c. Are both solutions valid? Explain.
DE 2s
DB -2
De 2
65. Solve 2(x2 + 8) = 16. G 6, 7 Do 4
DE 6
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 595
• You solved quadratic
equations by using
•1 Solve quadratic
equations by
• In competitions, skateboarders may launch
themselves from a half pipe into the air to perform
the Square Root completing the square. tricks. The equation h = -16t2 + 20t + 12 can be
Property and by used to model their height, in feet, after t seconds.
1dentify key features of
quadratic functions by
writing quadratic
To find how long a skateboarder is in the air if
he is 25 feet above the half pipe, you can solve
equations in vertex 25 = -16t2 + 20t + 12 by using a method
form. called completing the square.
'~I New
completing the square
1Complete the Square You have previously solved equations by taking the
square root of each side. This method worked only because the expression on the
left-hand side was a perfect square. In perfect square trinomials in which the leading
coefficient is 1, there is a relationship between the coefficient of the x-term and the
G Mathematical constant term.
1 Make sense of
(x + 5) 2 = x 2 + 2(5)(x) + 5 2
problems and persevere
in solving them.
= x2 + lOx+ 25
2 Reason abstractly and
Notice that (;or = 25 . To get the constant term, divide the coefficient of the x-term
by 2 and square the result. Any quadratic expression in the form x2 + bx can be made
4 Model with
mathematics. into a perfect square by using a method called completing the square.
7 Look for and make use
of structure.
Words To complete the square for any quadratic expression ofthe form x2 + bx, follow
the steps below.
Symbols x + bx + (~t = (x + ~t
Guided Practice
1. Find the value of c that makes r2 - 8r + c a perfect square trinomial.
You can complete the square to solve quadratic equations. First, you must isolate the
x2- and bx-terms.
Since ( ~
x - 6x + 9=7+ 9 r = 9. add 9to each side.
(x- 3)2 = 16 Factor x2 - 6x + 9.
X- 3 = ±4 Take the square root of each side.
x=3±4 Add 3 to each side.
Guided Practice
2. Solve x 2 - 12x +3= 8 by completing the square.
To solve a quadratic equation in which the leading coefficient is not 1, divide each term
by the coefficient. Then isolate the x 2- and x-terms and complete the square.
No real number has a negative square. So, this equation has no real solutions.
Guided Practice
3. Solve 3x 2 - 9x - 3 = 21 by completing the square.
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 597
Real-World Example 4 Solve a Problem by Completing the Square
JERSEYS The senior class at Bay High School buys jerseys to wear to the
football games. The cost of the jerseys can be modeled by the equation
C = 0.1x 2 + 2.4x + 25, where Cis the amount it costs to buy x jerseys.
How many jerseys can they purchase for $430?
The seniors have $430, so set the equation equal to 430 and complete the square.
0.1x 2 + 2.4x + 25 = 430 Original equation
O.lx 2 + 2.4x + 25 = 430 Divide each side by 0.1.
0.1 0.1
x 2 + 24x
+ 250 = 4300 Simplify.
x + 24x + 250 - 250 = 4300 - 250 Subtract 250 from each side.
The annual "Battle for Paul
Bunyan's Axe" is one of the x 2 + 24x = 4050 Simplify.
oldest Division 1-A college
Since (~
football rivalry games. It x 2 + 24x + 144 = 4050 + 144 r = 144. add 144 to each side.
takes place between the
University of Minnesota and
x 2 + 24x + 144 = 4194 Simplify.
the University of Wisconsin. (x + 12)2 = 4194 Factor x2 + 24x + 144.
The rivalry began in 1890
and the trophy was X+ 12 = ±V4194 Take the square root of each side.
introduced in 1948.
X= -12 ±V4194 Subtract 12 from each side.
Source: Bleacher Report
Use a calculator to approximate each value of x.
x = -12 + V4194 or x = -12- V4194 Separate the solutions.
Since you cannot buy a negative number of jerseys, the negative solution is not
reasonable. The seniors can afford to buy 52 jerseys.
Guided Practice
4. If the senior class were able to raise $620, how many jerseys could they buy?
Vertex Form In Lesson 9-1, you graphed quadratic functions written in standard
2 form. A quadratic function can also be written in vertex form, y = a(x- h) 2 + k,
where a f. 0. In this form, you can identify key features of the graph of the function.
y + 42- 50= -2(x2 - lOx+ 25) Since -2(~t =-50, add -50 to each side.
y = -2(x- 5) 2 + 8 Add8toeachside.
Guided Practice
5. y = x2 + 2x + 4
Example 1 Find the value of c that makes each trinomial a perfect square.
1 ) x 2 - 18x + c 2. x 2 + 22x + c
3. x 2 + 9x + c 4. x 2 - 7x +c
Examples 2-~ Solve each equation by completing the square. Round to the nearest tenth
if necessary.
5. x 2 + 4x = 6 6. x 2 - 8x = -9
7. 4x 2 + 9x - 1 = 0 8. - 2x 2 + lOx + 22 = 4
Example 4 9. ~ MODELl NG Collin is building a deck on the
back of his family's house. He has enough lumber for
the deck to be 144 square feet. The length should be
10 feet more than its width. What should the dimensions
of the deck be?
Example 5 Write each quadratic function in vertex form.
10. y = x2 - 12x + 16
11. y = x2 + 18x + 36
12. y = 3x2 + 12x- 39
Example 1 Find the value of c that makes each trinomial a perfect square.
13. x 2 + 26x + c 14. x 2 - 24x + c 15. x 2 - 19x + c
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 599
Examples 2-3 Solve each equation by completing the square. Round to the nearest tenth if necessary.
@x 2 + 6x - 16 = 0 20. x 2 - 2x - 14 = 0
21. x 2 - 8x - 1 = 8 22. x 2 + 3x + 21 = 22
23. x2 - llx +3= 5 24. 5x 2 - = 23
25. 2x 2 - 2x + 7 = 5 26. 3x 2 + 12x + 81 = 15
Example 4 . 27. ~MODELING The price pin dollars for a particular stock can be modeled by the
quadratic equation p = 3.5t- 0.05t 2, where t represents the number of days after the
stock is purchased. When is the stock worth $60?
MODELING Find the value of x for each figure. Round to the nearest tenth
if necessary.
28. A = 45 in 2 29. A = 110 ft2
[ J 2x ft
(x+ 8) in.
37. MODELING The height of an object t seconds after it is dropped is given by the
equation h = -tgt 2 + h 0, where h 0 is the initial height and g is the acceleration due
to gravity. The acceleration due to gravity near the surface of Mars is
3.73 m/s 2, while on Earth it is 9.8 m/s 2. Suppose an object is dropped from
an initial height of 120 meters above the surface of each planet.
a. On which planet would the object reach the ground first?
b. How long would it take the object to reach the ground on each planet? Round
each answer to the nearest tenth.
c. Do the times that it takes the object to reach the ground seem reasonable?
Explain your reasoning.
Write each quadratic function in vertex form.
38. y = -2x2 + 16x- 29 39. y = 3x2 + 24x + 45
42. ~ ARGUMENTS Given y = ax 2 + bx + c with a -=/= 0, derive the equation for the axis
of symmetry by completing the square and rewriting the equation in the form
y = a(x - h) 2 + k.
+ bx = c has if c < - (~)
@ CHALLENGE Determine the number of solutions x2 .
44. WHICH ONE DOESNT BELONG? Identify the expression that does not belong with the
other three. Explain your reasoning.
45. ~ REASONING Write an equation in vertex form for the parabola shown below.
Justify your reasoning.
/ "\
J ~
70 \ X
j '1\
I \
1 \ ,
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 601
Preparing for Assessment
46. MULTI-STEP Consider 3x2 - 24x =51. G 1, 7 48. Which equation has no real solutions?
a. What is the first step to solve the equation by 0 A x 2 -2x=2
completing the square?
0 B x2 - 2x = 3
0 B -4
49. Which equation has solutions of -1 and 3?
0 c 16 G1.1
0 D 144 0 A x2 - x - 7 = -4
0 B x2 - 2x + 7 = -4
c. Which of the following are solutions to the 0 C x2 - 2x - 7 = -4
equation? Select all solutions.
0 D 2x 2 - 4x- 14 = -4
DB ~
50. What value should be added to x 2 20 in order to
D c 4+V33 complete the square? G 2
D D -4+V33
DE 4-V33
OF -4- V33
51. Solve -3x + 30x- 72 = 0 by completing the
square. G 2
d. Which is a key feature of the graph of the
0 A The axis of symmetry is x = 4.
52. Determine whether the following statement is true
0 B The vertex is (-4, -33).
or false. Justify your answer. G 3
0 C The graph opens down. b
To complete the square for x2 + bx, add 2 to
0 D The minimum value is 33.
the expression.
47. Which of the following is least likely to be a step 53. Chris solved the equation x 2 - 6x - 2 = 6 by
in solving the equation x 2 + lOx + 10 = 66 by completing the square. Which best describes
completing the square? G 3, 7 the solution or solutions? G 6
0 A Subtract 10 from both sides of the 0 A Rounded to the nearest tenth, the
equation. solutions are -4.1 and 4.1.
0 B Subtract 25 from both sides of the 0 B The solution is 3.
0 C Rounded to the nearest tenth, the
Add ( ~O) to both sides of the equation.
0 C solutions are -1.1 and 7.1.
0 D Factor x 2 +lOx+ 25. 0 D This equation has no real solutions.
mifJ Identify the axis of symmetry and extrema based on the equation in
vertex form. The vertex is at (h, k) or (-2, -14). Since there is no negative
sign before the x 2-term, the parabola opens up and has a minimum at
(-2, -14). The equation of the axis of symmetry is x = -2.
EimiJ Solve for x to find the zeros.
J 2 y l
(x + 2) 2 - 14 = 0 Vertex form . y = 0
(x + 2) 2 = 14 Add 14 to each side.
-8 t--4 0 I 4 ax
\ 4 I
X+ 2 = ±VM Take square root of each side. \ I
x ~ -5.74 or 1.74 Subtract 2 from each side.
\ aI
The zeros are approximately -5.74 and 1.74. \ - r..J
\ J
EmiiJ Use the key features to graph the function.
There may be a negative coefficient before the quadratic term. When this is the case, the
parabola will open down and have a maximum.
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 603
fim Identify the axis of symmetry and extrema based on the equation in vertex form.
The vertex is at (h, k) or (3, 4). Since there is a negative sign before the x 2-term,
the parabola opens down and has a maximum at (3, 4). The equation of the axis
of symmetry is x = 3.
fim Solve for x to find the zeros. 8 y
0 = -(x- 3) 2 + 4 Vertex form, y = 0
(x- 3) 2 =4 Add (x - 3) 2 to each side.
X- 3 = ±2 Take the square root of each side.
1 \
-8 -4 O/ 4\ ax
x = 5 or 1 I
Add 3 to each.
l j ' ~
Analyze the Results
Work cooperatively.
1. Why do you need to complete the square to write the equation of a
quadratic function in vertex form?
Write each function in vertex form. Identify the axis of symmetry, extrema,
and zeros. Then graph the function.
2. y = x 2+ 6x 3. y = x 2 - 8x + 6 4. y = x 2 + 2x- 12
5. y = x + 6x + 8
2 6. y = x 2 - 4x + 3 7. y = x 2 - 2.4x - 2.2
8. y = -4x 2 + 16x- 11 9. y = 3x 2 - 12x + 5 10. y = -x 2 + 6x- 5
DIVING Alexis jumps from a diving platform upward and outward before diving into h
the pool. The function h = -9.8t 2 + 4.9t + 10, where his the height of the diver in 10
meters above the pool after t seconds approximates Alexis's dive. Graph the \
function, then find the maximum height that she reaches and the equation of the
axis of symmetry.
2 \
0 0.5 1.5 t
fii§iiJ The vertex is at (0.25, 10.6125), so the maximum height is 10.6125 meters.
The equation of the axis of symmetry is x = 0.25.
11. SOFTBALL Jenna throws a ball in the air. The function h = -16t 2 + 40t + 5, where his the height in feet and t
represents the time in seconds, approximates Jenna's throw. Graph the function, then find the maximum height
of the ball and the equation of the axis of symmetry. When does the ball hit the ground?
604 I Extend 9-5 I Algebra Lab: Finding the Maximum or Minimum Value
Use a table of values to graph each equation. State 16. MULTIPLE CHOICE Which is an equation for the
the domain and range. (Lesson 9-1) function shown in the graph? (Lesson 9-2)
1. y = x2 + 3x + 1 y
2. y = 2x 2
3. y
= -x 2 - 3x - 3
4x +3
'' ~
I \
4. y = - 3x 2 - x + 1 I \
Consider y = x2 - Sx + 4. (Lesson 9-1)
5. Write the equation of the axis of symmetry. '
A y = -2x 2 C y = x 2 -1
6. Find the coordinates of the vertex. Is it a maximum
or minimum point? B y = 2x 2 + 1 D y = -2x 2 + 1
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 605
• You solved quadratic •
equations by
Solve quadratic
equations by using the
• For adult women, the normal systolic
blood pressure Pin millimeters of mercury
completing the Quadratic Formula. (mm Hg) can be modeled by P= O.D1a2 +
square. 0.05a + 107, where a is age in years.
Use the discriminant
to determine the
number of solutions of
This equation can be used to approximate the
age of a woman with a certain systolic blood
pressure. However, it would be difficult to
a quadratic equation.
solve by factoring, graphing, or completing
the square.
··~1 New
Quadratic Formula 1Quadratic
+ + =
ax 2
Formula By completing the square for the quadratic equation
bx c 0, a =fo 0, you can derive the Quadratic Formula. The Quadratic Formula
can be used to find the solutions of any quadratic equation.
G Mathematical ax
+ bx + c = 0 Standard quadratiC equat1on
6 Attend to precision.
2 b c
x +-x+-=0
a a 01v1de each side by a.
+ ab X-- _ _£
a Subtract~ from each side.
+ abX + ()!_
2a )
= _ _£
+ -4ab2 Simplify the right side.
( X + )!_)2
= - .£
+ - b22 Factor the left side.
(x + l2a )2 = b2-4a 24ac Find a common denominator and simplify the right side.
x= _ )!_ + Vb -4ac
Subtract 2: from each side.
2a - 2a
= -b ± V2ba
. - 4ac . h Q d . F
The equation x IS t e ua rahc ormu1a. l>
&JKey Concept The Quadratic Formula v,'"
- b± Vb 2
- 4a c
Quadratic Formula
- - (-12) ± y (-12) 2 - 4(1)(20)
- 2(1) a = 1, b = -12. and c = 20
12 ± v144- 8o
= 12 ±2v'64 or 12 ± 8
-2- Subtract and take the square root.
12-8 12 + 8
x = -- o r x = -- Separate the solutions.
2 2
b. x 2 - 6x = 7
x2 - 6x = 7 Original equation
- b± Vb2 - 4a c
Quadratic Formula
- (-6) ±y (-6) 2 - 4(1)(7)
a=1.b= - 6.andc= - 7
6 ± v36- 28
6±v'64 6±8
2 or - 2 - Subtract and take the square root.
6+8 6-8
x = --orx=-- Separate the solutions.
2 2
Guided Practice
1A. 2x 2 + 9x = 18 18. -3x 2 + Sx = -2
1C. x 2 + 14x + 40 = 0 10. 3x 2 + 2x- 1 = 0
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 607
The solutions of quadratic equations are not always integers.
-5 -13 -5 + 13
x= 6
or x =
Separate the solutions.
= -3 3
5 ± y25 + 1000
Study Tip
5± Vi025
~ Precision In
Example 2, the number
y'W25 is irrational, so the 5- Vi025 5 + Vi025
Separate the solutions.
calculator can only give you 20 or 20
an approximation of its
value. ~ -1.4 ~ 1.9 Simplify
So, the exact answer in
. 5±v'1625
The solutions are about -1.4 and 1.9.
Examp Ie 2 1s-- - .
The numbers -1.4 and 1.9 Guided Practice
are approximations.
2A. 4x 2 - 24x + 35 = 0 28. 3x 2 - 2x - 9 = 0
You can solve quadratic equations by using one of many equivalent methods. No one way
is always best.
608 I Lesson 9-6 I Solving Quadratic Equations by Using the Quadratic Formula
Watch Out! Example3 Solve Quadratic Equations Using Different Methods ~
Solutions Remember that Solve x 2
- 4x = 12.
the methods of factoring,
completing the square, or
IM311Ttftll Graphing
using the quadractic Rewrite the equation in standard form.
formula to solve quadratic
equations are equivalent. x2 - = 12 4x Orig1nal equation ax
Each method should
produce the same solution.
x2 - 4x -12 = 0 Subtract 12 from each side.
l~ffljittfttj Factoring
= 12
x2 - 4x Original equation
x - 2
4x -12 Subtract 12 from each side.
(x- 6)(x + 2) = 0 Factor.
x - 6 = 0 or x + 2 = 0 Zero Product Property
x= 6 x= -2 Solve for x.
4-8 4+8
x = --orx=-- Separate the solutions.
2 2
= -2 = 6 Simplify.
Guided Practice
Solve each equation.
3A. 2x 2 - 17x +8= 0 38. 4x 2 - 4x- 11 = 0
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 609
Concept Summary Solving Quadratic Equat ions
Method When to Use
2The Discriminant In the Quadratic Formula, the expression under the radical sign,
b2 - 4ac, is called the discriminant. The discriminant can be used to determine the
number of real solutions of a quadratic equation.
Study Tip
rS., Key Co nee ~t Using the Discriminant
G Sense-Making Recall Equation x2 +2x+5=0 x2 + 10x + 25 = 0 2x2 -7x+ 2 = 0
that when the left side of
the standard form of an
equation is a perfect square
"' b2 - 4ac = -16 b2 - 4ac = 0 b2 - 4ac = 33
trinomial, there is only one Discriminant
negative zero positive
solution. Therefore, the
discriminant of a perfect
~ n4 4 y ~ y J.
square trinomial will always
be zero.
'' ~
I "\ I
If I
'\ IJI'
0 X
0 1 2
Real Solutions
Guided Practice
4A. 2x 2 + llx + 15 = 0 48. 9x 2 - 30x + 25 = 0
610 I Lesson 9-6 I Solving Quadratic Equations by Using the Quadratic Formula
• JJ Go Online! for a
Check Your Understanding ____.....,0 = Step-by-Step Solutions begin on page R11. V Self-Check Quiz
Examples 1-2 Solve each equation by using the Quadratic Formula. Round to the nearest tenth
if necessary.
I 1. x 2 - 2x - 15 = 0 2. x 2 - lOx + 16 = 0 3. x 2 - 8x = -10
9. 9x 2 = 25 10. x 2 - 9x = -19
Example4 State the value of the discriminant for each equation. Then determine the number of real
solutions of the equation.
11. x 2 - 9x + 21 = 0 12. 2x 2 - llx + 10 = 0
13. 9x 2 + 24x = -16 14. 3x 2 - x =8
15. JAGUARUNDI A jaguarundi springs from a fence post to swat at a low flying bird.
Her height h in feet can be modeled by the equation h = -16t 2 + 22.3t + 2,
where tis time in seconds. Use the discriminant to determine if the jaguarundi
will reach the bird if the bird is flying at a height of 10 feet. Explain.
28. SQUIRRELS A flying squirrel drops 60 feet from a tree before leveling off. A function
that approximates this drop is h = -16t 2 + 60, where h is the distance it drops in feet
and t is the time in seconds. About how many seconds does it take for the squirrel to
drop 60 feet?
Example 3 Solve each equation. State which method you used.
29. 2x 2 - 8x = 12 30. 3x 2 - 24x = -36 31. x 2 - 3x = 10
32. 4x 2 + 100 = 0 33. x 2 = -7x - 5 34. 12- 12x = -3x 2
Example4 State the value of the discriminant for each equation. Then determine the number of real
solutions of the equation.
35. 0.2x 2 - 1.5x + 2.9 = 0 36. 2x 2 - 5x + 20 = 0 37. x 2 - tx = 3
38. 0.5x 2 - 2x = -2 39. 2.25x 2 - 3x = -1 40. 2x 2 = %x +%
41. G MODELING The percent of customers who have a store's loyalty card h can be
estimated by h = -0.2n 2 + 7.2n + 1.5, where n is the number of years since 2000.
a. Use the Quadratic Formula to determine when 20% of the store's customers will
have a loyalty card.
b. Is a quadratic equation a good model for this information? Explain.
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 611
42. TRAFFIC The equation d = 0.05v 2 + 1.1v models the distanced in feet it takes a car
traveling at a speed of v miles per hour to come to a complete stop. If Hannah's car
stopped after 250 feet on a highway with a speed limit of 65 miles per hour, was she
speeding? Explain your reasoning.
Without graphing, determine the number of x-intercepts of the graph of the related
function for each equation.
43. 4.25x + 3 = -3x 2 44. x2 + .1_
= lx
5 45. 0.25x 2 + x = -1
Solve each equation by using the Quadratic Formula. Round to the nearest tenth
46. -2x 2 - 7x = -1.5 4l 2.3x 2 - 1.4x = 6.8 48. x 2 - 2x = 5
2,5 (x - 2), (x - 5)
(x - 2)(x - 5) =0
a. Tabular Copy and complete the x2 -7x+ 10 = 0
first two columns of the table.
b. Algebraic Multiply the factors to write each -1,3
equation with integral coefficients. Use the
0, 6
equations to complete the last column of the
table. Write each equation. 1
c. Analytical How could you write an equation
with three roots? Test your conjecture by _.?_ 4
writing an equation with roots 1, 2, and 3. 3'
Is the equation quadratic? Explain.
51. CHALLENGE Find all values of k such that 2x 2 - 3x + 5k = 0 has two solutions.
52. G SENSE-MAKING Use factoring techniques to determine the number of real
zeros of f(x) = x 2 - 8x + 16. Compare this method to using the discriminant.
CHALLENGE Determine whether there are two, one, or no real solutions of
each equation.
53. The graph of the related quadratic function does not have an x-intercept.
54. The graph of the related quadratic function touches but does not cross the x-axis.
55. The graph of the related quadratic function intersects the x-axis twice.
56. Both a and b are greater than 0 and c is less than 0 in a quadratic equation.
57. €l WRITING IN MATH Why can the discriminant be used to confirm the number of
real solutions of a quadratic equation?
58. WRITING IN MATH Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each method of
solving quadratic equations. Why are the methods equivalent? Which method do you
prefer, and why?
612 I Lesson 9-6 I Solving Quadratic Equations by Using the Quadratic Formula
Preparing for Assessment
59. MULTI-STEP Gabrielle is using the Quadratic 61. Examine the quadratic equation 3x2 - 4x + 2 = 0.
Formula to solve the equation 8x2 - 3x = 9. Her ~6
work so far is shown below.
a. What do you know about the discriminant of
~ 3,6
3x2 - 4x + 2?
-b ± Vb 2
0A It is a negative integer.
-(-3) ± y(-3) 2 - 4(8)(9)
0B It is a positive integer.
3 ± y-9- 288 oc It is an irrational number.
0D It is a rational number.
a. What errors, if any, did Gabrielle make when
using the Quadratic Formula to solve this b. What is one solution of 3x2 - 4x + 2?
equation? Select all that apply. 0 A about 0.2
DA There are no errors.
0 B about 0.3
DB She made a sign error when
0 C about 1.7
substituting for a.
oc She made a sign error when
substituting for b.
D There is no solution.
DB 1.3
63. For what value of c does the quadratic equation
oc 0 -2x 2 + 12x- c = 0 have exactly one real
solution? ~ 6, 7
DD -1.3
0 A c=3
DE -0.9
0 B c = 18
OF no solution
0 C c=-18
c. What are two strategies Gabrielle could have
used to reduce errors in this calculation? 0 D c = 72
60. Which equation has no real solutions? ~ 1 64. A piece of scaffolding falls to the ground from a
height of 50 feet. The situation is modeled by the
0 A 2x 2 - 4x = 5 function h = -16t 2 + 50, where his the height in
feet and tis the time in seconds. About how many
0 B 2x 2 + 4x = 5
seconds is the best estimate for the time it will take
0 C - 2x 2 + 4x = 5 for the scaffolding to hit the ground? ~ 4, 6
0 D -2x 2 + 4x = -5
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 613
• You graphed and
solved linear and
•1 Solve systems of linear • The height of a kicked football can
and quadratic be modeled by a quadratic equation.
quadratic functions. equations by graphing. The height of a player running up a
hill to catch the ball during a
Solve systems of linear
and quadratic
equations by using
practice drill can be modeled by a
linear equation. The intersection of
the graphs of the equations tells the
algebraic methods.
time and height when the player
should catch the ball.
G Mathematical
2 Reason abstractly and
1Graph a System of Linear and Quadratic Equations Like solving systems of
linear equations, you can solve systems of linear and quadratic equations by graphing
the equations on the same coordinate plane. A system with one linear equation and one
4 Modelwith quadratic equation can have two solutions, zero solutions, or one solution. The number
mathematics. of solutions depends upon the number of intersections of the two graphs.
..\ y .4
one solution
two equations with graphs that
intersect at one point
' r\. ./
0 X
) ~ If
~ J/
1\ ,/
two solutions
two equations with graphs that
intersect at two points
' v0
~ .)
~ y 4. IJ(
I v
two equations with graphs that
'v v
~ .) /
no solution
do not intersect v 0 X
/ c
614 I lesson 9-7
You can solve a system of linear and quadratic equations by using the following steps.
The points of intersection of the graphs are the solutions to the system.
\ I I
' If If
, ~ ./ i
y = x2 + 4x -1 Original equation y = 2x +2
-4 ;b (-3) 2 + 4(-3) - 1 x= -3.y= -4 -4 ;b 2(-3) + 2
-4 ;b 9- 12- 1 Simplify. -4 ;b -6 + 2
-4 = -4 ./ Simplify. -4 = -4 ./
y = x 2 + 4x -1 Original equation y = 2x +2
4 ;b 12 + 4(1) - 1 x=1.y=4 4 ;b 2(1) + 2
4;b1+4-1 Simplify. 4;b2+2
4=4 ./ Simplify. 4=4 ./
Guided Practice
1. y=x2 -x-5
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 615
---- -
x = 3 or x = -2 Solve for x.
You can use systems of linear and quadratic equations to model revenue and look for
trends in sales data.
Real-World Example 3 Apply a System of linear and Quadratic Equations
SALES Camping equipment sales at a sporting
goods store can be modeled by the function
y = -x2 + 12.x + 25 and gift card sales
can be modeled by the function y = Sx + 7, where x
represents the number of months past January and
y represents the revenue in thousands of dollars.
Solve a system of equations algebraically to find the
month in which the revenue from camping
equipment sales is equal to the revenue from gift card sales.
Substitute one expression for yin the other equation. Then solve for x.
-x2 + 12x + 25 = 5x + 7 Substitute.
2 Add >f. to each side.
12x + 25 = x + 5x + 7
25 = x2 - 7x +7 Subtract 12x from each side.
0= x2 - 7x -18 Subtract 25 from each side.
0 = (x - 9) (x + 2) Factor.
x-9=0 x+2=0 Zero Product Property
X= 9 X= -2 Solve for x.
A solution of the system occurs when x = 9, Sales Revenue
so the revenue from camping equipment c;;- y
sales and from gift card sales are equal 9 ~ 70
months past January, or in October.
56 lo"' -- ~""'- l;f
Because the functions only model data for ~v ) ~
~ 49
months past January, x = -2 is not a viable
solution as it represents a month prior to
~ 42
~ 35
/ / '"'~
~ 28
I /
·; 21 v
Graph the equations to check the solutions. ~ 14 ~"'
~ 7
/ I
is correct. 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Months Past January
Guided Practice
3. AMUSEMENT PARKS Revenue from single-day ticket sales at a local amusement park
O'l can be modeled by the function y = - x2 + 11x + 42 and revenue from season pass
>. sales can be modeled by the function y = -5x + 81, where x represents the number
of months past January andy represents the total revenue in tens of thousands of
~ dollars. Solve a system of equations algebraically to find the first month when the
revenue from single-day ticket sales is equal to the revenue from season pass sales.
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 617
When you solve a linear and quadratic system algebraically, you may arrive at a an
equation in one variable that has no real solutions. This means the original system has no
real solutions.
Guided Practice
4. y = -x2 + x - 1
-3 + y =X
y = 4x- 11 y = x2 - 6x +5
12. y =X+ 1 13. y = 2x
y=x2 +2x+4 y = -x2 + 2x + 4
Examples 2-4 14. VIDEO GAMES Jamar is using a coordinate plane to program a video game in which
a fish jumps out of the water to catch a fly. The path of the fish is modeled by
y = -x2 + 8x- 10 and the path of the fly is modeled by y = -x + 8, where y is the
height in centimeters above the water and x is the distance in centimeters from the left
edge of the screen.
a. How far is the fish from left edge of the screen when it catches the fly? Is there more
than one possible distance? Explain.
b. What is the height of the fish when it catches the fly? Is there more than one
possible height? Explain.
21. CITY PLANNING A city planner is using the first quadrant of a coordinate plane to
lay out new streets in a suburban development. Franklin Road is modeled
y = -5x2 + 32x + 2 and Jefferson Street is modeled by y = 28x + 1.
a. At what point do Franklin Road and Jefferson Street intersect?
b. The city planner changes the equation for Jefferson Street toy= 28x + 4. How does
this affect the intersection of the streets? Explain.
22. PARACHUTING A parachutist jumps off a tall building. She falls freely for a few
seconds before releasing her parachute. Her height during the free fall can be modeled
by y = -4.9x2 + x + 360, where y is the height in meters and xis the number of
seconds after jumping. Her height after she releases the parachute can be modeled
by y = -4x + 142.
a. How long after jumping did she release her parachute?
b. What was her height when she released her parachute?
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 619
24. ~ SENSE-MAKING Solve x2 + 3x - 5 = 2x + 1 by using a system of linear and
quadratic equations. Describe your solution method.
Each graph shows the graph of a linear equation that is part of a system of equations.
Write a quadratic equation that could be part of the system so that the system has the
given number of solutions.
25. one solution 26. two solutions 27. no solution
y y J ~~ y
IJ 1"""
"" "" ...... .......
I ra-..
0 X 0/ X 0 X
II '
30. ~ CRITIQUE ARGUMENTS Sarah says that if a system of linear and quadratic equations
involves a linear equation of the form y = c, where c is a constant, and there is only
one solution, then the graph of the linear equation intersects that of the quadratic
equation at the vertex. Is she correct? Explain your answer.
31. ERROR ANALYSIS Tomas solved the system of equations and found no solution. What
error did he make? Explain.
y-x2 =0
32. WRITING IN MATH Explain why a linear and quadratic system of equations can have no
more than two solutions.
33. ~TOOLS Use a graphing calculator to determine the solutions of each system
of equations.
a. y = x2 - 2x + 1
y = 2x- 3
b. y = x2 - 2x + 5
y = 2x
c. y = x2 - 2x + 1
If v
35. Which of the following are solutions of the given
system? Select all that apply. G 7
,, ' .,
IV ~
y = x + 7x + 12
0 A (0.4, -2.4)
DD (4, 16)
connectEO.mcgraw-hill.com 621
• You graphed linear, . , Identify linear, • Every year, the golf team sells
quadratic, and quadratic, and candy to raise money for charity.
exponential exponential functions By knowing what type of
functions. from given data. function models the sales of the
candy, they can determine the
Write equations that
model data.
best price for the candy.
G Mathematical
7 Look for and make use , Identify Functions You can use linear functions, quadratic functions, and
of structure. exponential functions to model data. The general forms of the equations and a graph
of each function type are listed below.
0 X 0 X
'\ I .'
I' I
0 X 0 X
Guided Practice i
1A. (-2, -3), (-1, -1), (0, 1), (1, 3) 18. (-1, 0.25), (0, 1), (1, 4), (2, 16) :<
622 I lesson 9-8
Another way to determine which model best describes data is to use patterns.
The differences of successive y-values are called first differences. The differences of
successive first differences are called second differences.
• If the differences of successive y-values are all equal, the data represent a
linear function.
• If the second differences are all equal, but the first differences are not equal, the data
represent a quadratic function.
• If the ratios of successive y-values are all equal and r +1, the data represent an
exponential function.
-8 -3 2 7 12
"-._..,/ "-._..,/ Jt:..J "-../
First differences: 5 5 5 5
Since the first differences are all equal, the table of values represents a linear
Go Online! •t;• b. -1 0 2 3
8 4 2 0.5
Review with your graphing
calculator. Ask your teacher
to assign the Graphing
8 4 2 1 0.5
First differences: "'-../"'-../"-.../ "'-./
Calculator Easy FilerM -4 -2 -1 -0.5
5-Minute Check to you in
ConnectED. The first differences are not all equal. So, the table of values does not represent a
linear function. Find the second differences and compare.
The second differences are not all equal. So, the table of values does not represent a
quadratic function. Find the ratios of the y-values and compare.
8 4 2 1 0.5
4 1 2 1 1 0.5 1
Ratios: s=2 4=2 2 1=2
The ratios of successive y-values are equal. Therefore, the table of values can
be modeled by an exponential function.
Guided Practice
2A. 28. -2 I -1 I 0 2
-3 I -2 I -1 I o I 1
-3 -7 -9 -9 -7 -18 I -13 I -8 I -3 2
2 Write Equations Once you find the model that best describes the data, you can
write an equation for the function. For a quadratic function in this lesson, the
equation will have the form y = ax 2 .
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 623
Example3 Write an Equation
Determine which kind of model best describes the data. Then write an equation for
the function that models the data. II -4 I -3 I -2 I -1 I o I
fim Determine which model fits the data. 32 18 8 2 0
32 18 8 2 0
-14 -10 -6 -2
First differences are not equal.
Second differences are equal. 4 4 4
Watch Out! fim Write an equation for the function that models the data.
Finding a In Example 3, The equation has the form y = ax 2 . Find the value of a by choosing one of the
the point (0, 0) cannot be ordered pairs from the table of values. Let's use (-1, 2).
used to find the value of a.
You will have to divide each y = ax 2 Equat1on for quadratic function
side by 0, giving you an 2 = a(-1) 2 x= -1andy=2
undefined value for a.
2=a An equation that models the data is y = 2x 2 .
Guided Practice
3A. -2 I -1 0 2 3B. -3 -2 I -1 0
11 7 3 -1 I -5 0.375 I 0.75 I 1.5 3 6
Example2 Look for a pattern in each table of values to determine which kind of model best describes
the data.
5.1 0
8 ~1~ 1:215:1 6.
1 -3
I -2
I -1
I a
ll ~1 I
6 ~1~ lz:l:al 8. 1 314151617
-1.5 0 2.5 6 10.5
Example 3 Determine which kind of model best describes the data. Then write an equation for the
function that models the data.
9. 10.
~: I ~; ~~ I ~
-1 I 0 2 I 3 1
3 9 I 27 I 81 ::
11. -3 I -2 I -1 I 0 12. -1 0 2
1.5 I 2 I 2.5 I 3 -1.25 I -1 I -0.75 I -0.5
~ 1351 ~
Example 4 13. PLANTS The table shows the height of 1
a plant for four consecutive weeks.
Determine which kind of function • 14 51: I
best models the height. Then write a
function that models the data.
Example 1 Graph each set of ordered pairs. Determine whether the ordered pairs represent a linear
function, a quadratic function, or an exponential function.
14. (-1, 1), (0, -2), (1, -3), (2, -2), (3, 1) 15. (1, 2.75), (2, 2.5), (3, 2.25), (4, 2)
16. (-3, 0.25), (-2, 0.5), (-1, 1), (0, 2) 17. (-3, -11), (-2, -5), (-1, -3), (0, -5)
18. (-2, 6), (-1, 1), (0, -4), (1, -9) 19. (-1, 8), (0, 2), (1, 0.5), (2, 0.125)
Examples 2-~ Look for a pattern in each table of values to determine which kind of model best describes
the data. Then write an equation for the function that models the data.
20. -3 -2 -1 0 ® -2 I -1 I 0 2
-8.8 I -8.6 I -8.4 I -8.2 10 I 2.5 I 0 I 2.5 I 10
22. -1 0 2 3 23. -2 -1 0 2
0.75 I 3 I 12 I 48 I 192 0.008 I 0.04 I 0.2 5
24. 0 2 3 4 25. -3 -2 I -1 0
0 I 4.2 I 16.8 I 378 I 672 14.75 I 9.75 I 4.75 I -0.25 I -5.25
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 625
Example4 26. WEBSITES A company tracked the number of visitors to its website over four days.
Determine which kind of model best represents the number of visitors to the website
with respect to time. Then write a function that models the data.
o , I 2 I 3 I 4
0 1
0.9 3.6 8.1 14.4
FROZEN YOGURT The cost of a build-your-own cup of frozen yogurt depends on the
weight of the contents. The table shows the cost for up to 6 ounces.
1 I 2 I 3 4 I 5 I 6
0.49 I 0.98 I 1.47 1.96 I 2.45 I 2.94
a. Graph the data and determine which kind of function best models the data.
b. Write an equation for the function that models the data.
c. Use your equation to determine how much 10 ounces of yogurt would cost.
28. DEPRECIATION The value of a car depreciates over time. The table shows the value of a
car over a period of time.
0 2 3 4
18,500 I 15,910 I 13,682.60 11,767.04 10,119.65
31. ~ REASONING Write a function that has constant second differences, first differences that
are not constant, a y-intercept of -5, and contains the point (2, 3).
32. ~ CONSTRUCT ARGUMENTS What type of function will have constant third
differences but not constant second differences? Explain.
33. ~STRUCTURE Write a linear function that has a constant first difference of 4.
34. PROOF Write a paragraph proof to show that linear functions grow by equal
differences over equal intervals, and exponential functions grow by equal factors over
equal intervals. (Hint: Let y =ax represent a linear function and let y =ax represent
an exponential function.)
35. €} WRITING IN MATH How can you determine whether a given set of data should be
modeled by a linear function, a quadratic function, or an exponential function?
0 2 I 3 4
3 0 -3 39. For what value of c does the equation
y = x 2 + 6x + c model the data in the table?
c. Copy and complete the table below so that the G1
data is best modeled by an exponential
equation. Write this exponential equation. ~41 ~31 ~21 ~1 I ~
0 2 3 4
4 I 16
If there is a constant increase or decrease in data values, Mathematical Practices
there is a linear trend.lf the values are increasing or G 5 Use tools strategically
decreasing more and more rapidly, there may be a quadratic
or exponential trend.
CHARTER AIRLINE The table shows the average monthly number of flights made each year by a
charter airline that was founded in 2010. Work cooperatively to predict the number of flights in
2030 and when the airline will meet its goal of 200 flights per month.
Use the graph to predict the number of flights in 2030. There will be
approximately 177 flights per month if this trend continues.
FROGS The table shows the frog population in a small pond. Work cooperatively to predict what the frog
population will be in year 11 and when the pond will reach its capacity of 500 frogs.
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
80 90 102 115 130 147 166 188 212
Jim Make a scatter plot. Enter the years 1-8 in l1 and the population in l2. Graph the scatter
plot. The data appear to have either a quadratic or exponential trend.
fittifl Find the regression equation. Check both trends by examining their regression equations.
To acquire the exponential or quadratic equation select ExpReg or QuadReg on the STAT
menu. To choose, fit both and use the one with the R 2 value closest to 1.
fim Graph the exponential regression equation. Copy the equation to theY= list and graph.
EWliJ Predict using the equation.
Use the graph to predict the number of frogs in year 11. There will be approximately 306
frogs in the pond if this trend continues.
mB Find a solution using the model. The pond cannot maintain more than 500 frogs. Use the
graph to determine when the pond will reach capacity. Graph the equation y = 500 and
find the intersection. If this trend continues the pond will reach capacity in year 15.
Plot each set of data points. Determine whether to use a linear, quadratic
or exponential regression equation. State the coefficient of determination.
1. 2. 3. 4. ,.
1 30 0.0 12.1 0 1.1 1 1.67
2 40 0.1 9.6 2 3.3 5 2.59
3 50 0.2 6.3 4 2.9 9 4.37
4 55 0.3 5.5 6 5.6 13 6.12
5 50 0.4 4.8 8 11.9 17 5.48
6 40 0.5 1.9 10 19.8 21 3.12
5. BAKING Alyssa baked a cake and is waiting for it to cool so she can ice it.
The table shows the temperature of the cake every 5 minutes after Alyssa
took it out of the oven. Time (min) I Temperature (°F)
0 350
a. Make a scatter plot of the data.
5 244
b. Which regression equation has an R 2 value closest to 1? Is this the equation 10 178
that best fits the context of the problem? Explain your reasoning.
15 137
c. Find an appropriate regression equation, and state the coefficient of 20 112
determination. What is the domain and range?
25 96
d. Alyssa will ice the cake when it reaches room temperature (70°F). Use the 30 89
regression equation to predict when she can ice her cake.
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 629
e You wrote and
graphed linear,
e 1
Combine functions by
using addition and
e On February 15, 2013, a meteor
over Chelyabinsk, Russia, sending a
exponential, and subtraction. 1400-pound meteorite to Earth's su,
quadratic functions. You can write a function that models
Combine functions by
using multiplication.
temperature of the meteorite by
combining an exponential decay fu
and a constant function that represents
the local air temperature.
G Mathematical
4 Model with
mathematics. 1Add and Subtract Functions You can perform operations, such as addition and
subtraction, with functions just as you perform operations with real numbers.
7 Look for and make use
of structure.
f; Ke_y__~~-~-~~).!t Adding and Subtracting Functions
Words Given two functions, ~x) and g(x}, you can form new functions, (f + g)(x}, by adding
the two functions, and (f- g)(x}, by subtracting the two functions.
= (x2 + 3x - 7) + (x - 5) Substitution
= x2 + 4x -12 Simplify.
b. (f- g)(x)
(f- g)(x) = f(x) - g(x) Subtraction of functions
= + 3x - 7) - (x - 5)
(x2 Substitution
= x2 + 3x - 7 - x + 5 Distributive Property
= x2 + 3x - x - 7 + 5 Combine like terms.
=x2 +2x-2 Simplify.
Guided Practice
Given that f(x) = 4x + 1 and g(x) = 5x2 + x - 1, find each function.
1A. (f + g)(x)
18. (f- g)(x)
Watch Out! annual rate of 5.65%. While he is in graduate school, Hugo's parents also lend him
Percents To convert a $400 per month for rent. His parents decide not to charge him interest on this loan.
percent to a decimal, divide a. Write an exponential function f(t) to represent the amount of money Hugo owes
the percent by 100 or just on his student loans t years after interest begins to accrue.
move the decimal point 2
places to the left. 5.65% = f(t) = a(1 + r)t Equation for exponential growth
0.0565 = 28,500(1 + 0.0565)t Substltutionwitha=28,500andr=5.65%or0.0565
= 28,500(1.0565)t Simplify.
b. Write a function g(t) to represent the amount of money Hugo owes his parents
after t yeat s.
Since t is the time in years, first find the amount of money Hugo borrows from his
parents each year.
12(400) = 4800
Hugo borrows $4800 from his parents each year.
So, g(t) = i 800t represents the total amount Hugo owes his parents after t years.
c. Find C(t) f(t) + g(t) and explain what this function represents.
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 631
2 Multiply Functions Just as you can add and subtract functions, you can also
multiply them. When you multiply functions that have more than one term, use the
Distributive Property to multiply each term in the first function by each term in the
second function.
Given two functions, ~x) and g(x), you can form a new function, (f • g)(x), by
multiplying the two functions.
Guided Practice
THEATERS A theater currently sells tickets for $18 and they sell an average of
250 tickets per show. The box office manager estimates that they can sell 25 more
tickets for every $1.50 decrease in the price.
4A. Let x represent the number of $1.50 price decreases. Write a function P(x)
to represent the price of a ticket, a function T(x) to represent the number of
tickets sold, and a function R(x) that can be used to find the revenue from
ticket sales.
48. If the manager decides to sell tickets at $13.50, find the revenue from ticket sales.
Example 1 Given that f(x) = x2 - 5x - 9, g(x) = 4x + 1, and h(x) = 3x, find each function.
1. if+ g)(x) 2. if- g)(x) 3. if+ h)(x)
4. (g- j)(x) 5. (g- h)(x) 6. (g + h)(x)
Example 2 7. COINS A coin collector buys a rare nickel and a rare quarter. She pays $20 for the
nickel and $42 for the quarter. The value of the nickel increases by 4.5% per year. The
value of the quarter increases by $2 per year.
a. Write a function f(t) to represent the value of the nickel after t years.
b. Write a function g(t) to represent the value of the quarter after t years.
c. Find V(t) = f(t) + g(t) and explain what this function represents.
d. How much will the coins we worth after 5 years?
Example 3 Given thatf(x) = 3x + 10, g(x) = x 2 - 6x- 2, and h(x) = 2x- 5, find each function.
8. if· g)(x) @ (g • h)(x) 10. if· h)(x)
Example 4 11. FARMERS' MARKETS A vendor at a farmers' market sells jars of strawberry jam for $4
per jar. At this price, he sells an average of 160 jars of jam per day. The vendor predicts
that he will sell10 fewer jars of jam for each $0.15 increase in the price.
a. Let x represent the number of $0.15 price increases. Write a function P(x) to
represent the price of a jar of strawberry jam.
b. Write a function T(x) to represent the number of jars of jam sold per day.
c. Write a function R(x) that can be used to find the revenue from sales of
strawberry jam.
d. If the vendor decides to charge $4.60 for a jar of jam, find the revenue
from sales of strawberry jam.
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Practice and Problem Solving Extra Practice is found on page R9.
Example 1 Given that f(x) = -x2 + 9, g(x) = zx + 2, and h(x) = 3x2 - 6x - 9, find each function.
12. if+ g)(x) 13. if+ h)(x) 14. if- g) (x)
15. (g- j)(x) 16. (g + h)(x) 17. if- h)(x)
Example 4 18. MUSEUMS An art museum has an admission price of $15. An average of 620 people
visit the museum each day. The museum's director predicts that each $0.50 decrease in
the price of admission will result in 40 additional visitors per day.
a. Let x represent the number of $0.50 price decreases. Write a function A(x) to
represent the museum's admission price.
b. Write a function V(x) to represent the number of visitors per day.
c. Write a function R(x) that can be used to find the museum's daily revenue.
d. If the director decides to change the museum's admission price to $13, what daily
revenue can the museum expect?
Example 3 Given thatf(x) = -x2 + 2x + 1, g(x) = 5x- 8, h(x) = -3x- 3, and k(x) = 5x2, find each
19. if· g)(x) 20. if· h)(x) 21. (h • k) (x)
22. (g • h)(x) 23. (g • k)(x) 24. if· k) (x)
Example 2 @ BLOGS Aurelio writes a sports blog and a photography blog. The sports blog has 385
subscribers and Aurelio expects the number of subscribers to increase at a rate of 30
subscribers per month. The photography blog has 590 subscribers and Aurelio expects
the number of subscribers to increase by 15% per year.
a. Write a function f(t) to represent the number of subscribers to the sports blog after t
b. Write a function g(t) to represent the number of subscribers to the photography blog
after t years.
c. Find if+ g)(t) and explain what this function represents.
d. Find the total number of subscribers Aurelio expects to have after 6 years.
32. ~PERSEVERANCE Suppose f(x) = x2 - 2x + 14 and lf + g)(x) = 4x2 - 3x- 5. Find g(x).
Use the graph of f(x) and g(x) to find each of the following.
33. lf + g)(1) 34. lf - g)(1) 35. lf + g)(-2) Y i)(
a. Find lf- g) (x) and (g- f) (x). Explain how these two functions
are related.
b. Graph
lf- g)(x) and (g- j)(x).
How are the graphs of lf- g)(x) and (g- j)(x) related?
d. Do you think the relationship you noticed between the graphs of lf- g) (x) and
- ])t'
(g- f) (x) will hold true given any functions f(x) and g(x)? Explain.
40. TABLETS A telecommunications company offers a plan in which you purchase a tablet
for $149 and then pay a monthly fee for online access. The function C(x) = 29x + 149
models the total cost after x months. Explain how you can think of C(x) as the sum of
two functions. What do each of these functions represent?
49. ~ CRITIQUE ARGUMENTS Jeremy said that if f(x) and g(x) are both linear functions,
then (f • g)(x) cannot be a linear function. Is he correct? Explain your answer.
50. ~ SENSE-MAKING If f(x) is a linear function and g(x) is a quadratic function, what
type of function is (f + g)(x)? Explain.
51. ERROR ANALYSIS Mikayla was asked to find (f- g)(x) given that f(x) = 3x2 + 7x - 1 and
g(x) = 2x2 - 3x- 4. She wrote (f- g)(x) = x2 + 4x- 5.
a. What error did Mikayla make?
b. Find the correct function (f- g) (x).
52. WRITING IN MATH Describe an example of a real-world situation in which you might
write two functions, f(x) and g(x), and then subtract the functions to find (f- g)(x).
Explain what f(x), g(x), and (f- g) (x) would represent in the real-world situation.
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 635
0 A -4
I f(x)
I g(x)
-2 2 -8
0 B -2
-1 -3 3
0 c 3 0 2 -5
0 D 4 1 0 2
2 4 -3
DA lf+ g)(x) 0 c 1
DB lf- g)(x) 0 D 7
D C lf · g)(x)
DD lf + h)(x)
DE (g • h)(x)
59. For which pair of functions does lf- g) (x) = x?
OF (g- h)(x) 07
0 A f (x) = 2x2 + 2x - 5; g(x) = - 2x2 - x + 5
can be solved by factoring and then using the Zero found by using the equation x = -
Product Property.
2. The vertex is the maximum or minimum point of a
Solving Systems of Linear and Quadratic parabola.
Equations (Lesson 9-7)
3. The graph of a quadratic function is a(n) straight line.
• To solve a system graphically, determine the point(s) of
intersection of the graphs. 4. The graph of a quadratic function has a(n) maximum if
the coefficient of the x2-term is positive.
Analyzing Functions with Successive Differences (Lesson 9-8)
5. A quadratic equation with a graph that has two
• If the differences of successive y-values are all equal, the x-intercepts has one real root.
data represent a linear function.
• If the second differences are all equal, but the first
6. The expression b2 - 4ac is called the discriminant.
differences are not, the data represent a quadratic function. 7. The solutions of a quadratic equation are called roots.
Combining Functions (Lesson 9-9) 8. The graph of the parent function is translated down to
form the graph of f(x) = x2 + 5.
• To add or subtract functions, combine like terms.
• To multiply functions, apply the distributive property and
combine like terms. [ Concept Check
9. Explain the relationship between the solutions of a
Study Organizer quadratic equation and the graph of the related
quadratic function.
Use your Foldable to review the chapter. 10. Explain how functions can be combined to form new
Working with a partner can be helpful. functions.
Ask for clarification of concepts as needed.
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 637
Lesson-by-Lesson Review
9-1 Graphing Quadratic Functions
-- Example1
Consider each equation. 1
c. What are the domain and range of the function? For f(x) = x 2 + 6x + 5, a= 1, b = 6, and c = 5.
20. f(x) = -j-x2 21. f(x) = ~x2 down of the parent graph.
\ j
\ j
\ I \ I
\ I \ I
0 I X
\ J
\ I
\1 \ J
\ [j
0 X
30. NUMBER THEORY Find two numbers that have a sum of The x-intercepts of the graph appear to be at -2 and 3,
2 and a product of -15. so the solutions are -2 and 3.
9-4 Solving Quadratic Equations by factoring
Solve each equation. Check your solutions. ExampleS 1
31. x2 + 6x - 55 = 0 Solve x2 - 2x = 120 by factoring.
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Solve each equation by completing the square. Round to the Example&
nearest tenth if necessary. Solve x2 -16x + 32 = 0 by completing the square. Round to
37. x2 + 6x + 9 = 16 the nearest tenth if necessary.
38. -a 2 - 10a + 25 = 25 Isolate the x2- and x-terms. Then complete the square
and solve.
39. 1- By+ 16 = 36 x2 - 16x + 32 = 0 Original equation
40. 1- 6y + 2 = 0 x2 -16x= -32 Isolate the x 2- and x-terms.
41. n2 -7n = 5 x2 - 16x + 64 = -32 + 64 Complete the square.
(x- 8) 2 = 32 Factor.
42. - 3x2 + 4 =0 x-8= ±V32. Take the square root.
43. a 2 - 4a + 9 = 0 x=8±V32. Add 8 to each side.
x=8±4V2 Simplify.
44. 2a 2 - 4a + 1 = 0
The solutions are about 2.3 and 13.7.
45. NUMBER THEORY Find two numbers that have a sum of
-2 and a product of -48.
33 1 ~1:1:1:1;
62. 2 3 4
12 27 48
~ 16 1 1 1 1
A linear function models the data.
~ I ~, I ~41 ~91 -~6 fittrfl The slope is 1and they-intercept is 3,
so the equation is y = x + 3.
65. 0 2 3 4
8 5 2 I -1 I -4
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9-9 Combining Functions
Consider the following functions. Example10 1
~x)= 4x2 - Bx + 2 Let ~x) = -2x2 - x + 5 and g(x) = x2 - 1. Determine
(f · g)(x) and (f- g)(x).
g(x) = -5x2 + x+ 1
(f • g)(x) Original expression
h(x) = 3- x2
= (-2x2 - x + 5)(x2 - 1) Substitute.
Determine each of the following.
= -20 + 2x2- x3 + x + 5x2- 5 Distribute.
66. (f + g)(x)
= -20- x3 + 7XZ + x- 5 Combine like terms.
67. (g + h)(x)
68. (f- h)(x) (f- g)(x) Origmal expression
Use a table of values to graph the following functions. Solve each equation by completing the square. Round
State the domain and range. to the nearest tenth if necessary.
1. y = x 2 + 2x + 5 15. x 2 + 2x + 5 =0
2. y = 2x 2 - 3x + 1 16. x2 + 5x - 8 = 12
3. Determine whether the function has a maximum or Solve each equation by using the Quadratic Formula.
minimum value. Round to the nearest tenth if necessary.
4. State the maximum or minimum value. 18. x 2 - x - 30 = 0
5. What are the domain and range? 19. x - lOx= -15
20. 2x 2 + x- 15 = 0
Describe how the graph of each function is related to
the graph of f(x) = x 2 • 21. BASEBALL Elias hits a baseball into the air. The
equation h = -16t 2 + 60t + 3 models the height
6. g(x) = x2 - 5 h in feet of the ball after t seconds. How long is
7. g(x) = -3oc 2 the ball in the air?
C y = x2 + 2 o I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4
D y = -3x 2 + 2 10 20 40 80 160
Solve each equation by graphing. If integral a. Determine which model best represents the data.
roots cannot be found, estimate the roots to the b. Write a function that models the data. ,
nearest tenth. c. Predict the number of car club members after
10. x 2
+ 7x + 10 = 0 6 years.
BASEBALL A professional baseball player hits a baseball. Its height above the field can be
modeled by the equation y = -0.002x 2 + 0.78x + 4, where y is height of the baseball, in feet,
and xis the horizontal distance the baseball is from home plate, in feet.
1. What is the height of the baseball when it is 20 feet from home plate?
2. At what distance(s) is the baseball from home plate when its height is 15 feet? Round to
the nearest tenth.
We can use the quadratic equation to find how far the baseball will travel before it hits the
ground. If the baseball is hit towards left center field, where the fence is 370 feet from home
plate, we can determine whether the baseball will travel far enough to be a home run.
3. Modeling Write an equation that could be used to determine if the baseball will travel
far enough to be home run.
4. Reasoning Solve the equation and round to the nearest tenth, if necessary. Based on
the solution, does the baseball travel far enough to be home run? Explain.
The graph of the related quadratic function reveals characteristics of the baseball's trajectory.
5. What is the maximum height of the baseball?
6. How far away from home plate does the baseball reach its maximum height?
7. How far above the ground was the baseball at the moment it was hit by the player?
Another player hits a foul ball. Its height y can be modeled by y = -0.02x2 + x + 4 where xis
the distance, in feet, from home plate. A fan runs up the stands to catch the foul ball. His
height above the field y, in feet, is approximately modeled by y = 0.7x- 21, where xis his
distance from home plate, in feet.
8. At what distance and height will the fan catch the baseball?
9. Construct an Argument Is it more reasonable to use a linear or quadratic model for the
trajectory of a baseball after it is hit by the batter?
Read the problem. Identify what you need to know. Then use the information in the problem to solve.
-6 ± v
(6) 2 -4(-2)(5)
2(-2) =
-6 ± V76
correct answer.
3 ±Vi9
The correct answer is C.
Read each problem. Identify what you need to know. Then use the information in the problem to solve.
connectED.mcgraw-hill.com 645
Read each question. Then fill in the correct answer on 4. Which statements describe the function graphed
the answer document provided by your teacher or on a below? Select all that apply.
sheet of paper.
~ y4 -4
1. Celia graphed the set of ordered pairs in the \ 3 I
table below. \ 2 I
\1 1 1/
2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6
-4-3-2 ~ 1 2 J 4x
3 0 -1 0 3 -,
4 ./
Which equation best models the data in the table? I
0 A x2 + 6x = 9
0D 1252
0 B x2 + 6x = -9
0 C x 2 -6x=9
13. The graph of the quadratic function h(x) is shown
0 D x2 - 6x = -9 below.
f-- f---3 \ , 11
0 B - 1.1 0 D -1.1 or 1.5
f-- f--
1-- 1--· r-
- ..J
\ J
1-- r---
\ l/
10. For what domain values of the function r--- c-1-7
y = - 2x + 1 is the range of the function
{y I y < 5}?
Which of the following statements best describes
0 A {x I x < 2} 0 C {x I x < - 2} the function?
0 B {x I x > 2} 0 D {x I x > -2} 0A h(x) is a vertical compression of the graph
ofj(x) = x 2 .
0B h(x) is a reflection across the x-axis of the
graph of f(x) = x2 .
Test-Taking Tip
Question 8 First, use the graph to find the zero of the function. Oc In vertex form, the equation of the function
Then, use what you know about the relationship between the is f(x) = 2(x- 2) 2 - 6.
zeros of a quadratic function and their corresponding linear
factors to identify the correct equation. 0D In standard form, the equation of the
function is f(x) = 2x2 - 8x + 14.
Need Extra Help?
If you missed Question ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Go to Lesson ... 9-8 9-2 6-2 9-1 9-5 9-9 5-2 9-3 9-6 3-1 9-5 7-3 9-2
- - -
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