Activity Lines MC
Attendance The attendance for the event will now begin.
Career Attire At this juncture, we are going to witness the different careers that
Parade the senior high school students want to be in the future. The future
career they are manifesting by wearing the outfit.
Wow! it was a very nice performance coming from both the grade 11
and 12 students. Let us give them a round of a applause pls!
For now, let us take a 15-minute break.
After the break, please come back at the gym for the highlight of this
Calling all the senior high school students, parents and teachers to
please be here at the gymnasium.
Introduction To start this seminar, let us call Ma’am Zea Oryza H. Diaz, to
to Guest introduce to us the resource speaker for the seminar.
Please join us here ma’am Zea.
Guidance Honorable guest,
Talk Ma’am Harlyn Marie Deirada
Senior Labor & Employment Officer, DOLE – Region 12
LUNCH For now, let us rest and have our lunch. Please come back at the
gymnasium by 12:30 pm for the next part of our Career Guidance
Calling all the senior high school students and teachers to please be
here at the gymnasium as we are about to start the afternoon
Intermission Before we dive into the afternoon program. Let us be entertained
No. first by an intermission number from our Guidance counsellor,
guidance coordinator, SHS acad coor, and SHS teachers.
Let us give them a round of applause pls!
Thank you so much, that was a fun performance from our Guidance
counsellor, guidance coordinator, SHS acad coor, and SHS
Success Now let us call Ma’am Rachel Ulanday, to introduce to us the guest
Story sharer.
Now the on-the-spot career poster making and career bulletin board
designing will commence.
Masters of Ceremony
Mariane Mallorca
Rynoah Casimero