Foster PDS 60 90 60 91 R1119
Foster PDS 60 90 60 91 R1119
Foster PDS 60 90 60 91 R1119
Product Data Sheet
Stir well. DO NOT THIN. Apply only to clean, dry surfaces. Keep container closed when not in use to prevent solvent evaporation.
To prevent water vapor and moisture infiltration, proper and complete flashing is required. Follow flashing specifications.
Apply a tack coat of MONOLAR® Mastic at a thickness of 1/32 inch (0.8 mm). This is equivalent to 2 gal./100 sq. ft. (0.8 l/m 2).
Embed Foster® MAST-A-FAB® White Membrane into wet tack coat. Smooth membrane to avoid wrinkles and overlap all seams at
least 2 inches (5 cm). Apply a finish coat of MONOLAR® Mastic at a minimum thickness of 3/64 inch (1.2 mm). This is equivalent to
3 gal./100 sq. ft. (1.2 l/m2). This finish coat shall be applied no later than 2 hours after the tack coat and shall completely cover the
membrane. This application shall provide a minimum dry film thickness of 33 mils (0.8 mm).
Increase the tack coat coverage to 3 gal./100 sq. ft. (1.2 l/m2) and the finish coat to 4 gal./100 sq. ft. (1.6 l/m2). Allow the tack coat to
set up before applying the finish coat on vertical surfaces. This application shall provide a minimum dry film thickness of 46 mils (1.2
Use clean tools. Work in long, even strokes to ensure uniform thickness. Wet tool with detergent foam (not soap) occasionally to
prevent a buildup of dried mastic.
Best appearance may be achieved by smoothing wet MONOLAR® Mastic with detergent foam (not soap) on a clean glove or brush,
being careful not to pick up any MONOLAR® Mastic onto the glove or brush.
Use xylol (flammable) or chlorinated solvent (non-flammable) for cleaning equipment. Dried MONOLAR® Mastic is extremely difficult
to remove.
Where available, it is suggested to use a National Insulation Association (NIA) certified (or other similarly certified) mechanical
insulation inspector throughout the project to inspect and verify the materials and total insulation system have been installed correctly
in accordance with the specifications.
ADEQUATE TESTS: The information contained herein we believe is correct to the best of our knowledge and tests. The recommendations and suggestions herein are
made without guarantee or representation as to results. We recommend that adequate tests be performed by you to determine if this product meets all of your
requirements. The warranted shelf life of our products is twelve months from date of shipment to the original purchaser or as otherwise provided on the certificate of