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Street Triple S

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Street Triple S (660cc), Street Triple R, Street Triple

R (LRH) and Street Triple RS

This handbook contains information on the Triumph Street Triple S (660cc), Street Triple R, Street Triple R (LRH) and
Street Triple RS motorcycles. Always store this Owner's Handbook with the motorcycle and refer to it for information
whenever necessary.
The information contained in this publication is based on the latest information available at the time of printing.
Triumph reserves the right to make changes at any time without prior notice, or obligation.
Not to be reproduced wholly or in part without the written permission of Triumph Motorcycles Limited.
© Copyright 02.2022 Triumph Motorcycles Limited, Hinckley, Leicestershire, England.
Publication part number 3850186-EN issue 1
This handbook contains a number of different sections. The table of contents below
will help you find the beginning of each section where, in the case of the major
sections, a further table of contents will help you find the specific subject required.


















Warnings, Cautions and Warning Labels

Throughout this Owner's Handbook
particularly important information is
presented in the following form: At certain areas of the motorcycle, the
symbol (above) can be seen. The symbol
HANDBOOK and will be followed by a
This warning symbol identifies special
pictorial representation of the subject
instructions or procedures, which if
concerned and/or text.
not correctly followed could result in
personal injury, or loss of life. Never attempt to ride the motorcycle or
make any adjustments without
reference to the relevant instructions
Caution contained in this handbook.
This caution symbol identifies special For the location of all labels showing
instructions or procedures, which, if this symbol, see the Warning Label
not strictly observed, could result in Locations section of this Owner's
damage to, or destruction of, Handbook. Where necessary, this
equipment. symbol will also appear on the pages
containing the relevant information.
This note symbol indicates points of
particular interest for more efficient and
Street Triple R - Low Ride
convenient operation. Height (LRH) Models
Unless stated otherwise, the
information, instructions, and
specifications for the
Street Triple R - LRH model is identical
to those detailed in this Owner’s
Handbook for the Street Triple R
standard ride height model.
Maintenance Noise Control System
To ensure a long, safe and trouble free Tampering with the noise control
life for your motorcycle, maintenance system is prohibited.
should only be carried out by an Owners are warned that the law may
authorised Triumph dealer. prohibit:
Only an authorised Triumph dealer will 1. The removal or rendering inoperative
have the necessary knowledge, by any person other than for
equipment and skills to maintain your purposes of maintenance, repair or
Triumph motorcycle correctly. replacement, of any device or
To locate your nearest authorised element of design incorporated into
Triumph dealer, visit the Triumph web any new vehicle for the purpose of
site at www.triumph.co.uk or telephone noise control prior to its sale or
the authorised distributor in your delivery to the ultimate purchaser or
country. Their address is given in the while it is in use and,
service record book that accompanies 2. the use of the vehicle after such
this handbook. device or element of design has been
removed or rendered inoperative by
any person.
Among those acts presumed to
constitute tampering are the acts listed
▼ Removal of, or puncturing the
muffler, baffles, header pipes or any
other component which conducts
exhaust gases.
▼ Removal of, or puncturing of any
part of the intake system.
▼ Lack of proper maintenance.
▼ Replacing any moving parts of the
vehicle, or parts of the exhaust or
intake system, with parts other than
those specified by the manufacturer.

Owner's Handbook This Owner's Handbook is available from

your local dealer in:
Warning ▼ English
▼ US English
This Owner's Handbook, and all other
instructions that are supplied with ▼ Arabic
your motorcycle, should be considered ▼ Chinese
a permanent part of your motorcycle ▼ Dutch
and should remain with it even if your
motorcycle is subsequently sold. ▼ French

All riders must read this Owner's ▼ German

Handbook and all other instructions ▼ Italian
which are supplied with your ▼ Japanese
motorcycle, before riding, in order to
▼ Portuguese
become thoroughly familiar with the
correct operation of your motorcycle's ▼ Spanish
controls, its features, capabilities and ▼ Swedish
limitations. ▼ Thai
Do not lend your motorcycle to others ▼ Finnish (available online from
as riding when not familiar with your www.triumphmotorcycles.com).
motorcycle's controls, features,
capabilities and limitations can lead to The languages available for this Owner's
an accident. Handbook are dependent on the specific
motorcycle model and country.
Thank you for choosing a Triumph
motorcycle. This motorcycle is the Talk to Triumph
product of Triumph's use of proven
engineering, exhaustive testing, and Our relationship with you does not end
continuous striving for superior with the purchase of your Triumph. Your
reliability, safety and performance. feedback on the buying and ownership
experience is very important in helping
Please read this Owner's Handbook
us develop our products and services
before riding in order to become
for you.
thoroughly familiar with the correct
operation of your motorcycle's controls, Please help us by ensuring your
its features, capabilities and limitations. authorised Triumph dealership has your
email address and registers this with us.
This Owner's Handbook includes safe
You will then receive an online customer
riding tips, but does not contain all the
satisfaction survey invitation to your
techniques and skills necessary to ride a
email address where you can give us
motorcycle safely.
this feedback.
Triumph strongly recommends that all
Your Triumph Team.
riders undertake the necessary training
to ensure safe operation of this

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The Motorcycle Warning

Warning This motorcycle is designed for use as
a two-wheeled vehicle capable of
This motorcycle is designed for on- carrying a rider on his/her own, or a
road use only. It is not suitable for off- rider and one passenger (subject to a
road use. passenger seat and footrests being
Off-road operation could lead to loss fitted).
of control of the motorcycle resulting The total weight of the rider, and any
in an accident causing injury or loss of passenger, accessories and luggage
life. must not exceed the maximum load
limit stated in the Specifications
Warning section.

This motorcycle is not designed to tow Warning

a trailer or be fitted with a sidecar.
Fitting a sidecar and/or a trailer may This motorcycle is fitted with a
result in loss of control and an catalytic converter below the engine,
accident. which along with the exhaust system
reaches a very high temperature
during engine operation.
Flammable materials such as grass,
Street Triple - Low Ride Height (LRH) hay/straw, leaves, clothing and
Models luggage etc. could ignite if allowed to
The Street Triple R - LRH motorcycles come into contact with any part of the
is equipped with lowered suspension exhaust system and catalytic
and has reduced ground clearance. converter.
As a result, the cornering banking Always make sure that flammable
angles that can be achieved by the materials are not allowed to contact
Street Triple R - LRH are reduced, the exhaust system or catalytic
when compared with the standard converter.
ride height Street Triple R model.
When riding, bear in mind that your
motorcycle’s ground clearance is
limited. Operate your motorcycle in an
area free from traffic to gain
familiarity with the motorcycle’s
ground clearance and bank angle
Banking to an unsafe angle or
unexpected contact with the ground
may cause instability, loss of
motorcycle control and an accident.
Fuel and Exhaust Fumes Helmet and Clothing
Always turn off the engine when
Do not refuel or open the fuel filler cap Warning
while smoking or in the vicinity of any
open (naked) flame. When riding the motorcycle, both rider
Take care not to spill any petrol on the and passenger (on models where
engine, exhaust pipes or silencers carrying a passenger is permitted)
when refuelling. must always wear appropriate clothing
including a motorcycle helmet, eye
If petrol is swallowed, inhaled or protection, gloves, boots, trousers
allowed to get into the eyes, seek (close fitting around the knee and
immediate medical attention. ankle) and a brightly coloured jacket.
Spillage on the skin should be During off-road use (on models
immediately washed off with soap and suitable for off-road use), the rider
water and clothing contaminated with must always wear appropriate clothing
petrol should immediately be removed. including trousers and boots.
Burns and other serious skin Brightly coloured clothing will
conditions may result from contact considerably increase a rider's (or
with petrol. passenger's) visibility to other
operators of road vehicles.
Warning Although full protection is not
Never start the engine or run the possible, wearing correct protective
engine in a confined area. clothing can reduce the risk of injury
when riding.
Exhaust fumes are poisonous and can
cause loss of consciousness and death
within a short period of time.
Always operate the motorcycle in the
open air or in an area with adequate

Warning Parking
A helmet is one of the most important Warning
pieces of riding gear as it offers
protection against head injuries. You Always switch off the engine and
and your passenger's helmet should remove the ignition key before leaving
be carefully chosen and should fit you the motorcycle unattended. By
or your passenger's head comfortably removing the key, the risk of use of
and securely. A brightly coloured the motorcycle by unauthorised or
helmet will increase a rider's (or untrained persons is reduced.
passenger's) visibility to other When parking the motorcycle, always
operators of road vehicles. remember the following:
An open face helmet offers some - Engage first gear to help prevent the
protection in an accident though a full motorcycle from rolling off the stand.
face helmet will offer more.
- The engine and exhaust system will
Always wear a visor or approved be hot after riding. DO NOT park where
goggles to help vision and to protect pedestrians, animals and/or children
your eyes. are likely to touch the motorcycle.
- Do not park on soft ground or on a
steeply inclined surface. Parking under
these conditions may cause the
motorcycle to fall over.
For further details, please refer to the
'How to Ride the Motorcycle' section
of this Owner's Handbook.
Parts and Accessories Maintenance and Equipment
Warning Warning
Owners should be aware that the only Consult your authorised Triumph
approved parts, accessories and dealer whenever there is doubt as to
conversions for any Triumph the correct or safe operation of this
motorcycle are those which carry Triumph motorcycle.
official Triumph approval and are fitted Remember that continued operation of
to the motorcycle by an authorised an incorrectly performing motorcycle
dealer. may aggravate a fault and may also
In particular, it is extremely hazardous compromise safety.
to fit or replace parts or accessories
whose fitting requires the dismantling Warning
of, or addition to, either the electrical
or fuel systems and any such Make sure all equipment that is
modification could cause a safety required by law is installed and
hazard. functioning correctly.
The fitting of any non-approved parts, The removal or alteration of the
accessories or conversions may motorcycle’s lights, silencers, emission
adversely affect the handling, stability or noise control systems can violate
or other aspect of the motorcycle the law.
operation that may result in an Incorrect or improper modification
accident causing injury or death. may adversely affect the handling,
stability or other aspect of the
Triumph does not accept any liability
motorcycle operation, which may
whatsoever for defects caused by the
result in an accident causing injury or
fitting of non-approved parts,
accessories or conversions or the fitting
of any approved parts, accessories or
conversions by non-approved personnel. Warning
If the motorcycle is involved in an
accident, collision or fall, it must be
taken to an authorised Triumph dealer
for inspection and repair.
Any accident can cause damage to the
motorcycle that, if not correctly
repaired, may cause a second accident
that may result in injury or death.

Riding Warning
Warning This Triumph motorcycle should be
operated within the legal speed limits
Never ride the motorcycle when for the particular road travelled.
fatigued or under the influence of Operating a motorcycle at high speeds
alcohol or other drugs. can be potentially dangerous since the
Riding when under the influence of time available to react to given traffic
alcohol or other drugs is illegal. situations is greatly reduced as road
Riding when fatigued or under the speed increases.
influence of alcohol or other drugs Always reduce speed in potentially
reduces the rider's ability to maintain hazardous driving conditions such as
control of the motorcycle and may bad weather or heavy traffic.
lead to loss of control and an accident.
Continually observe and react to
All riders must be licenced to operate changes in road surface, traffic and
the motorcycle. wind conditions. All two-wheeled
Operation of the motorcycle without a vehicles are subject to external forces
licence is illegal and could lead to which may cause an accident. These
prosecution. forces include but are not limited to:
Operation of the motorcycle without - Wind draft from passing vehicles
formal training in the correct riding - Potholes, uneven or damaged road
techniques that are necessary to surfaces
become licenced is dangerous and - Bad weather
may lead to loss of motorcycle control
and an accident. - Rider error.
Always operate the motorcycle at
moderate speed and away from heavy
Warning traffic until you have become
Always ride defensively and wear the thoroughly familiar with its handling
protective equipment mentioned and operating characteristics. Never
elsewhere in this foreword. exceed the legal speed limit.
Remember, in an accident, a
motorcycle does not give the same
impact protection as a car.
Wobble/Weave Handlebars and Footrests
A weave is a relatively slow oscillation of
the rear of the motorcycle, while a Warning
wobble is a rapid, possibly strong
shaking of the handlebar. These are The rider must maintain control of the
related but distinct stability problems motorcycle by keeping hands on the
usually caused by excessive weight in handlebars at all times.
the wrong place, or by a mechanical The handling and stability of a
problem such as worn or loose bearings motorcycle will be adversely affected if
or under-inflated or unevenly worn the rider removes their hands from
tires. the handlebars, resulting in loss of
Your solution to both situations is the motorcycle control and an accident.
same. Keep a firm hold on the
handlebars without locking arms or Warning
fighting the steering. Smoothly ease off
the throttle to slow gradually. Do not The rider and passenger (if applicable)
apply the brakes, and do not accelerate must always use the footrests
to try to stop the wobble or weave. In provided, during operation of the
some cases, it helps to shift your body motorcycle.
weight forward by leaning over the By using the footrests, both rider and
tank. passenger will reduce the risk of
Copyright © 2005 Motorcycle Safety inadvertent contact with any
Foundation. All rights reserved. Used motorcycle components and will also
with permission. reduce the risk of injury from
entrapment of clothing.

Warning Warning
Use of a motorcycle with bank angle When banking and the bank angle
indicators worn beyond the maximum indicator, attached to the rider's
limit will allow the motorcycle to be footrest, makes contact with the
banked to an unsafe angle. Therefore, ground, the motorcycle is nearing its
always replace the bank angle bank angle limit.
indicators before they are worn to A further increase of the banking
their maximum limit. angle is unsafe.
Banking to an unsafe angle may cause Banking to an unsafe angle may cause
instability, loss of motorcycle control instability, loss of motorcycle control
and an accident. and an accident.
Details of the bank angle wear limits
can be found in the Maintenance and
Adjustment section.

The bank angle indicators must not be
used as a guide to how far the
motorcycle may be safely banked.
This depends on many various
conditions including, but not limited to,
road surface, tyre condition and
Banking to an unsafe angle may cause
instability, loss of motorcycle control
and an accident.
Warning Label Locations
The labels detailed on this and the following pages draw your attention to important
safety information in this handbook. Before riding, make sure that all riders have
understood and complied with all the information to which these labels relate.

1 2 3 4
R.P.M. 4

5 6 7
1. Headlights (page 191) 5. Coolant (page 150)
2. Mirrors (page 166) 6. Tyres (page 180)
3. Running-in (page 118) 7. Drive Chain (page 155)
4. Gears (page 124)

Warning Label Locations (continued)

All warning labels and decals, with the exception of the Running-in label, are fitted
to the motorcycle using a strong adhesive. In some cases, labels are installed prior
to an application of paint lacquer. Therefore, any attempt to remove the warning
labels will cause damage to the paintwork or bodywork.

1 2 3

4 5
1. Daily Safety Checks (page 119) 4. Engine Oil (page 146)
2. Unleaded Fuel (page 105) 5. Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
3. Helmet (page 08) (if fitted) (page 182)
1 2 3 4 5 6

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
1. Headlight 9. Gear change pedal
2. Fuel filler cap 10. Side stand
3. Fuel tank 11. Coolant expansion tank
4. Rear suspension unit 12. Oil filter
5. Seat lock 13. Front direction indicator
6. Rear light 14. Front brake caliper
7. Drive chain adjuster 15. Front brake disc
8. Drive chain

Parts Identification - Continued

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

14 13 12 11 10 9
1. Licence plate light 8. Front fork
2. Rear direction indicator 9. Clutch cable
3. Tool kit (under seat) 10. Engine oil level dipstick
4. Battery (under seat) 11. Rear brake pedal
5. Rear brake fluid reservoir 12. Silencer
6. Oil filler cap 13. Rear brake disc
7. Radiator/Coolant pressure cap 14. Rear brake caliper
Rider View Parts Identification
Street Triple R, Street Triple R - LRH and Street Triple S (660cc)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

17 16 15 14 13

1. Clutch lever 10. Front brake fluid reservoir

2. High beam button 11. Engine stop/start switch
3. Instrument TRIP button 12. Front brake lever
4. SCROLL button 13. Hazard warning light switch
5. SET button 14. Ignition switch
6. Instrument assembly (LCD) 15. Mode button
7. Trip computer display 16. Horn button
8. Speedometer 17. Direction indicator switch
9. Tachometer

Rider View Parts Identification

Street Triple RS

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

17 16 15 14

1. Clutch lever 9. Tachometer

2. High beam/pass button 10. Front brake fluid reservoir
3. Daytime Running lights (DRL) switch if 11. Engine start/stop switch
fitted 12. Hazard warning light switch
4. MODE button 13. Front brake lever
5. Direction indicator switch 14. HOME button
6. Instrument assembly (TFT) 15. Ignition switch
7. Information tray/Mode display 16. Joystick selection button
8. Speedometer 17. Horn button

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Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Engine Serial Number

1. Vehicle identification number 1. Engine serial number

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) The engine serial number is stamped on
is stamped into the steering head area the engine crankcase, directly above the
of the frame. It is also displayed on a clutch cover.
label attached to the left hand side of Record the engine serial number in the
the frame, adjacent to the radiator cowl. space provided below.
Record the vehicle identification number
in the space provided below.

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Table of Contents
Hand Controls................................................................................................................................................. 26
Throttle Control ..................................................................................................................................... 26
Ignition Switch/Steering Lock......................................................................................................... 27
Ignition Key .............................................................................................................................................. 28
Engine Immobiliser ............................................................................................................................... 29
Brake Lever Adjusters........................................................................................................................ 29
Clutch Lever Adjusters........................................................................................................................ 31
Right Handlebar Switches ................................................................................................................ 32
Right Handlebar Switches ................................................................................................................ 33
Left Handlebar Switches ................................................................................................................... 34
Left Handlebar Switches ................................................................................................................... 36
Instruments ..................................................................................................................................................... 37
TFT Instrument Display ............................................................................................................................ 38
Instrument Display Layout............................................................................................................... 39
Warning Lights...................................................................................................................................... 40
Warning and Information Messages ........................................................................................... 45
Odometer and Speedometer .......................................................................................................... 46
Tachometer .............................................................................................................................................. 47
Fuel Gauge................................................................................................................................................ 47
Coolant Temperature Gauge........................................................................................................... 48
Ambient Air Temperature................................................................................................................. 48
Gear Position Display ......................................................................................................................... 49
Display Styles.......................................................................................................................................... 50
Display Navigation ................................................................................................................................ 50
Riding Modes............................................................................................................................................ 51
Riding Mode Selection.......................................................................................................................... 51
Main Menu................................................................................................................................................ 53
Information Tray................................................................................................................................... 68
Instrument Panel Position Adjustment ..................................................................................... 76
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Instruments.......................................................................................... 77
Instrument Panel Layout.................................................................................................................. 78
Warning Lights....................................................................................................................................... 79
Speedometer and Odometer .......................................................................................................... 83
Tachometer ............................................................................................................................................. 83
Gear Position Display ......................................................................................................................... 84
Coolant Temperature Gauge........................................................................................................... 84
Fuel Gauge................................................................................................................................................ 85
Instrument SCROLL/SET Buttons................................................................................................. 85
Traction Control (TC) Disable........................................................................................................... 86
Clock............................................................................................................................................................. 87
Service Interval Announcement (SIA)......................................................................................... 88
Gear Change Lights ............................................................................................................................ 88
UnitS (Imperial, US or Metric) ......................................................................................................... 90
Trip Meter.................................................................................................................................................. 92
Lap Timer (if fitted)............................................................................................................................... 93
Riding Mode Selection......................................................................................................................... 97
RAIN Mode ................................................................................................................................................ 97
ROAD Mode .............................................................................................................................................. 97
SPORT Mode (Street Triple R only)............................................................................................... 98
RIDER Mode (Street Triple R only)................................................................................................ 98
Setting the RIDER Mode Options ................................................................................................. 99
Selecting a Riding Mode – Motorcycle Stationary.............................................................. 102
Selecting a Riding Mode – Motorcycle Moving..................................................................... 103
Fuel..................................................................................................................................................................... 105
Fuel Tank Cap........................................................................................................................................ 106
Filling the Fuel Tank........................................................................................................................... 107
Traction Control (TC) .................................................................................................................................. 108
Traction Control Settings ........................................................................................................................ 108
Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) (if fitted)................................................................... 109
Tyre Pressure Warning Light (if TPMS is fitted) ................................................................... 110
Tyre Pressure Sensor Serial Number .......................................................................................... 111
Tyre Pressures ....................................................................................................................................... 111
Replacement Tyres.............................................................................................................................. 112
Sensor Batteries................................................................................................................................... 112
Side Stand........................................................................................................................................................ 113

Seats................................................................................................................................................................... 114
Seat Care.................................................................................................................................................. 114
Rider's Seat ............................................................................................................................................. 114
Passenger Seat and Seat Cowl ..................................................................................................... 115
Owner's Handbook and Tool Kit............................................................................................................ 116
Universal Serial Bus (USB) Socket........................................................................................................ 117
Running-In ...................................................................................................................................................... 118
Daily Safety Checks..................................................................................................................................... 119
Hand Controls Warning
Reduce speed and do not continue to
Throttle Control
ride for longer than is necessary with
An electronic throttle twist grip controls the Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL)
the opening and closing of the throttles illuminated.
via the engine’s electronic control
The fault may adversely affect engine
module. There are no direct-acting
performance, exhaust emissions and
cables in the system.
fuel consumption.
The throttle grip has a resistive feel to it
Reduced engine performance could
as it is rolled rearwards to open the
cause a dangerous riding condition,
throttles. When the grip is released it
leading to loss of control and an
will return to the throttle closed position
accident. Contact an authorised
by its internal return spring and the
Triumph dealer as soon as possible to
throttles will close.
have the fault checked and rectified.
There are no user adjustments for the
throttle control. If there is a malfunction with the
throttle control the Malfunction
Indicator Light (MIL) becomes
illuminated and one of the following
engine conditions may occur:
▼ MIL illuminated, restricted engine
RPM and throttle movement
▼ MIL illuminated, limp-home mode with
the engine at a fast idle condition
▼ MIL illuminated, engine will not start.
For all of the above conditions contact
1. Throttle closed position an authorised Triumph dealer as soon
as possible to have the fault checked
and rectified.
Brake Use
At low throttle opening (approximately
20°), the brakes and throttle can be
used together.
At high throttle opening (greater than
20°), if the brakes are applied for longer
than two seconds the throttles will close
and the engine speed will reduce. To
return to normal throttle operation,
release the throttle control, release the
brakes and then reopen the throttle.

Ignition Switch/Steering Lock Switch Operation

This is a four position, key operated
Warning switch. The key can be removed from
the switch only when it is in the OFF,
For reasons of security and safety, LOCK or P (PARK) position.
always turn the ignition to the OFF or
PARK (if equipped) position and TO LOCK: Turn the steering fully to the
remove the key when leaving the left, turn the key to the OFF position,
motorcycle unattended. push and fully release the key, then
rotate it to the LOCK position.
Any unauthorised use of the
motorcycle may cause injury to the PARKING: Turn the key from the LOCK
user, other road users and position to the P position. The steering
pedestrians and may also cause will remain locked.
damage to the motorcycle. Note
Do not leave the steering lock in the P
Warning position for long periods of time as this
will cause the battery to discharge.
With the key in the LOCK or PARK (if
equipped) position, the steering will
become locked.
Never turn the key to the LOCK or
PARK (if equipped) positions while the
motorcycle is moving as this will cause
the steering to lock. Locked steering
will cause loss of motorcycle control
and an accident.

3 4




1. PARK position
2. LOCK position
3. OFF position
4. ON position
5. Ignition switch/Steering lock
Ignition Key
Warning Key functions may be disrupted by
electronic devices, environmental
Additional keys, key rings/chains or electrical noise sources and metal
items attached to the ignition key may objects.
interfere with the steering, leading to
Avoid storing and using the key near
loss of motorcycle control and an
the following:
- Electrical service masts, radio masts
Remove all additional keys, key rings/
and power distribution infrastructure
chains and items from the ignition key
before riding the motorcycle. - Garage door opener devices
- Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID)
Caution access cards or fobs
- Metal, metallic card holders and
Additional keys, key rings/chains or
aluminium items
items attached to the ignition key may
cause damage to the motorcycle's - Other vehicle electronic keys
painted or polished components. - In panniers or top boxes
Remove all additional keys, key rings/ - Wireless communication devices
chains and items from the ignition key such as mobile phones, tablets,
before riding the motorcycle. laptops, portable game systems, audio
players, radios and chargers.
Do not store the spare key with the
motorcycle as this will reduce all
aspects of security.

1. Key number tag

In addition to operating the ignition
switch/steering lock, the ignition key is
required to operate the seat lock and
fuel tank cap.

When the motorcycle is delivered from Brake Lever Adjusters

the factory, two ignition keys are
supplied together with a small tag Warning
bearing the key number. Make a note of
the key number and store the spare key Do not attempt to adjust the levers
and key number tag in a safe place with the motorcycle in motion as this
away from the motorcycle. may lead to loss of motorcycle control
A transponder is fitted within the and an accident.
ignition keys to turn off the engine After adjusting the levers, operate the
immobiliser. To make sure the motorcycle in an area free from traffic
immobiliser functions correctly, always to gain familiarity with the new lever
have only one of the ignition keys near setting.
the ignition switch. Having two ignition Do not loan your motorcycle to
keys near the switch may interrupt the anyone as they may change the lever
signal between the transponder and the setting from the one you are familiar
engine immobiliser. In this situation the with causing loss of motorcycle
engine immobiliser will remain active control and an accident.
until one of the ignition keys is removed.
Always get replacement keys from your Brake Lever - Street Triple RS
authorised Triumph dealer. Replacement
keys must be 'paired' with the There are two adjusters fitted to the
motorcycle’s immobiliser by your brake lever; a span adjuster and a ratio
authorised Triumph dealer. adjuster.

Engine Immobiliser
2 1
The ignition barrel housing acts as the
antenna for the engine immobiliser.
When the ignition switch is turned to
the OFF position and the ignition key is
removed, the engine immobiliser is
active (see page 80). The engine
immobiliser is deactivated when the
ignition key is in the ignition switch and 3
it is turned to the ON position.
1. Brake lever
2. Span adjuster
3. Ratio adjuster
Span Adjuster Brake Lever - Street Triple S
The span adjuster allows the distance (660cc)
from the handlebar to the brake lever to A span adjuster is fitted to the brake
be changed to suit the span of the lever. The adjuster allows the distance
rider's hands. from the handlebar to the brake lever to
To adjust the brake lever span: be changed to suit the span of the
▼ Rotate the span adjuster rider's hand.
anticlockwise to decrease the
distance to the handlebar or
clockwise to increase the distance
from the handlebar. 2

▼ The distance from the handlebar grip

to the released brake lever is
shortest when the span adjuster is
rotated fully anticlockwise.
Ratio Adjuster
The ratio adjuster moves the brake
master cylinder push rod to the left or cjev

right in 1 mm increments from 19 mm to 1. Adjuster wheel

21 mm. 2. Arrow mark

To adjust the brake lever ratio: To adjust the brake lever:

▼ Rotate the ratio adjuster to the ▼ Push the brake lever forward and
rider’s preferred position. The ratio turn the adjuster wheel to align one
adjuster can be rotated both of the numbered positions with the
clockwise and anticlockwise to set arrow mark on the lever holder.
the required preference. ▼ The distance from the handlebar grip
▼ An audible click can be heard when to the released brake lever is
the ratio adjuster is locked into shortest when set to number five
position. and longest when set to number one.
▼ The ratio adjuster has three lever
▼ 19 (19 mm) for a softer brake feel with
a longer lever travel
▼ 20 (20 mm) for a firmer brake feel
and a medium lever travel
▼ 21 (21 mm) for a firm brake feel and a
shorter lever travel.

Clutch Lever Adjusters To adjust the clutch lever:

▼ Push the clutch lever forward and
Warning turn the adjuster wheel to align one
of the numbered positions with the
Do not attempt to adjust the levers triangular mark on the lever holder.
with the motorcycle in motion as this
may lead to loss of motorcycle control ▼ The distance from the handlebar grip
and an accident. to the released clutch lever is
shortest when set to number four
After adjusting the levers, operate the and longest when set to number one.
motorcycle in an area free from traffic
to gain familiarity with the new lever
setting. Clutch Lever - Street Triple RS
Do not loan your motorcycle to A span adjuster is fitted to the clutch
anyone as they may change the lever lever. The adjuster allows the distance
setting from the one you are familiar from the handlebar to the clutch lever
with causing loss of motorcycle to be changed to suit the span of the
control and an accident. rider's hand.

Clutch Lever - Street Triple S

A span adjuster is fitted to the clutch
lever. The adjuster allows the distance
from the handlebar to the clutch lever
to be changed to suit the span of the
rider's hand.

1 2
1. Span adjuster
2. Clutch lever
To adjust the clutch lever span:
▼ Rotate the span adjuster

anticlockwise to decrease the

distance to the handlebar or

clockwise to increase the distance
from the handlebar.
▼ The distance from the handlebar grip
1. Clutch lever
2. Adjuster wheel
to the released clutch lever is
3. Triangular mark shortest when the adjuster wheel is
adjusted fully anticlockwise.
Right Handlebar Switches RUN Position
Street Triple RS Only In addition to the ignition switch being
turned to the ON position, the engine
4 5 start/stop switch must be in the RUN
position for the motorcycle to operate.
START Position
The START position operates the electric
starter. For the starter to operate, the
clutch lever must be pulled to the
1 handlebar.
Even if the clutch lever is pulled to the
handlebar, the starter will not operate if
the side stand is down and a gear is
1. Home button engaged.
2. START position
3. RUN position
4. STOP position Hazard Warning Lights
5. Hazard warning light switch To turn the hazard warning lights on or
off, press and release the hazard
STOP Position warning light switch.
The STOP position is for emergency use. The ignition must be switched ON for
If an emergency arises which requires the hazard warning lights to function.
the engine to be stopped, move the The hazard warning lights will remain on
engine start/stop switch to the STOP if the ignition is switched OFF, until the
position. hazard warning light switch is pressed
Although the engine stop switch stops again.
the engine, it does not turn off all the
electrical circuits and may cause HOME Button
difficulty in restarting the engine due to
a discharged battery. Normally, only the The HOME button is used to access the
ignition switch should be used to stop main menu on the instrument display.
the engine. Press and release the HOME button to
select between the main menu and
Caution instrument display.
All messages that appear in the
Do not leave the ignition switch in the
instrument display must be
ON position unless the engine is
acknowledged by pressing the Joystick
running as this may cause damage to
centre before the HOME button can be
electrical components and will
discharge the battery.

Right Handlebar Switches RUN Position

All Models except Street Triple RS In addition to the ignition switch being
turned to the ON position, the engine
start/stop switch must be in the RUN
position for the motorcycle to operate.
3 1

START Position
The START position operates the electric
starter. For the starter to operate, the
clutch lever must be pulled to the
5 Even if the clutch lever is pulled to the
handlebar, the starter will not operate if
the side stand is down and a gear is
1. Engine start/stop switch engaged.
2. STOP position
3. RUN position
4. Start position Hazard Warning Lights
5. Hazard warning light switch To turn the hazard warning lights on or
off, press and release the hazard
STOP Position warning light switch.
The STOP position is for emergency use. The ignition must be switched ON for
If an emergency arises which requires the hazard warning lights to function.
the engine to be stopped, move the The hazard warning lights will remain on
engine start/stop switch to the STOP if the ignition is switched to the PARK
position. position, until the hazard warning light
Although the engine stop switch stops switch is pressed again.
the engine, it does not turn off all the
electrical circuits and may cause
difficulty in restarting the engine due to
a discharged battery. Normally, only the
ignition switch should be used to stop
the engine.

Do not leave the ignition switch in the
ON position unless the engine is
running as this may cause damage to
electrical components and will
discharge the battery.
Left Handlebar Switches Horn Button
Street Triple RS Only When the horn button is pushed, with
the ignition switch turned on, the horn
will sound.

Direction Indicator Switch
When the direction indicator switch is
pushed to the left or right, the
4 corresponding direction indicators will
flash on and off.
3 2 The indicators can be cancelled
manually. To manually turn off the
indicators, press and release the
indicator switch in the central position.
1. Mode button
2. Joystick Automatic self cancelling indicators can
3. Horn button be activated in the Bike Set Up function
4. Direction indicator switch on the display, refer to page 56.
5. High beam button There are two options available:
6. Dipped beam/Daytime Running Lights
(DRL) switch (if fitted) ▼ Manual - The self-cancelling function
is off. The direction indicators must
Mode Button be manually cancelled.

When the MODE button is pressed and ▼ Auto - The self-cancelling function is
released it will activate the Riding Mode on. The indicators will activate for
Selection Menu in the multifunction eight seconds plus an additional 65
display screen. Further presses of the meters.
mode button will scroll through the Note
available riding modes (see page 51).
If the motorcycle stops for any reason
the indicators will flash for the
Joystick Button remainder of the time and distance
The JOYSTICK is used to operate the unless manually cancelled by the rider.
following functions of the instruments:
▼ Up - scroll the menu bottom to top
▼ Down - scroll the menu top to
▼ Left - scroll the menu to the left
▼ Right - scroll the menu to the right
▼ Centre - press to confirm selection

Daytime Running Lights (DRL) (if High Beam Button

fitted) If the Daytime Running Light (DRL)
switch is in the dip beam position, when
the High Beam button is operated then
the high beam will be switched on. Each
When the ignition is switched
press of the button will swap between
ON and the daytime running lights
dip and high beam.
switch is set to Daytime Running Lights,
the daytime running lights warning light If the DRL switch is in the daytime
will illuminate. During daylight hours, the running lights position, then press and
Daytime Running Lights (DRL) improve hold the High Beam button to turn the
the visibility of the motorcycle to other high beam on. It will remain on as long
road users. Low beam headlights must as the button is held in and will turn off
be used in any other conditions unless as soon as the button is released.
the road conditions allow for high beam Note
headlights to be used.
A lighting on/off switch is not fitted to
The daytime running lights and low this model. The position light, rear light
beam headlights are operated manually and licence plate light all function
using a switch on the left hand switch automatically when the ignition is
housing, see page 35. turned to the ON position.
The headlight will function when the
Warning ignition switch is turned to the ON
Do not ride for longer than necessary position.
in poor ambient light conditions with
the Daytime Running Lights (DRL) in
Riding with the Daytime Running
Lights when dark, in tunnels or where
poor ambient light is apparent may
reduce the riders vision or dazzle
other road users.
Dazzling other road users or reduced
vision in low ambient light levels may
result in loss of motorcycle control
and an accident.
Left Handlebar Switches Direction Indicator Switch
All Models except Street Triple RS When the indicator switch is pushed to
the left or right and released, the
corresponding direction indicators will
flash on and off. To turn off the
5 indicators, push and release the switch
in the central position.

Horn Button
When the horn button is pushed, with
1 the ignition switch turned on, the horn
will sound.

High Beam Button

1. MODE button
2. Horn button When the high beam button is pressed
3. Direction indicator switch the high beam will be switched on. Each
4. TRIP button press of the button will swap between
5. High beam button dip and high beam.
The headlight will function when the
Mode Button ignition switch is turned to the ON
When the MODE button is pressed and position. The headlight will go off while
released it will activate the Riding Mode pressing the starter button until the
Selection Menu in the multifunction engine starts.
display screen. Further presses of the A lighting on/off switch is not fitted to
mode button will scroll through the this model. The position light, rear light
available riding modes, see page 97. and licence plate light all function
automatically when the ignition is
Trip Button turned to the ON position.
The SCROLL button is used to operate A Pass feature is not available on this
the following functions of the model.
▼ Trip meter
▼ Odometer
▼ Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (if

Instruments LCD Instrument Display

There are two different types of All models except Street Triple RS are
instrument display depending on the fitted with a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
motorcycle model. instrument display.

TFT Instrument Display

Street Triple RS models are fitted with a
full colour Thin Film Transistor (TFT)
instrument display.



0 LCD Instrument Display


For LCD instrument display operating

instructions, see page 77.

TFT Instrument Display

For TFT instrument display operating
instructions, see page 38.
TFT Instrument Display

Table of Contents
Instrument Display Layout............................................................................................................... 39
Warning Lights...................................................................................................................................... 40
Warning and Information Messages ........................................................................................... 45
Odometer and Speedometer .......................................................................................................... 46
Tachometer .............................................................................................................................................. 47
Fuel Gauge................................................................................................................................................ 47
Coolant Temperature Gauge........................................................................................................... 48
Ambient Air Temperature................................................................................................................. 48
Gear Position Display ......................................................................................................................... 49
Display Styles.......................................................................................................................................... 50
Display Navigation ................................................................................................................................ 50
Riding Modes............................................................................................................................................ 51
Riding Mode Selection.......................................................................................................................... 51
Main Menu................................................................................................................................................ 53
Information Tray................................................................................................................................... 68
Instrument Panel Position Adjustment ..................................................................................... 76

Instrument Display Layout

1 2 3 4 5 6

SERVICE ODO: 0001234 mi

21 Recommended by 7
20 or in 8
460 km
19 21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM 9

18 3 8 6
0 0
6 8 10
12 10 12
F E x1000rpm C H

17 16 15 14 13 12 11
1. Air temperature 11. Current riding mode
2. Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) 12. Coolant temperature gauge
warning light (if fitted) 13. ABS warning light
3. Information tray icon 14. Speedometer
4. Alarm/immobiliser status indicator light 15. Tachometer
(alarm is an accessory kit) 16. Fuel gauge
5. Information tray area 17. Gear position
6. Clock 18. Fuel level low warning light
7. Right hand indicator and hazard warning 19. ABS warning light
light 20. High beam warning light
8. Daytime Running Light (DRL) (if fitted) 21. Left hand indicator and hazard warning
9. Oil pressure warning light light
10. Engine management Malfunction Indicator
Light (MIL)
Warning Lights
When the ignition is switched on, the
instrument warning lights will illuminate Reduce speed and do not continue to
for 1.5 seconds and will then go off ride for longer than is necessary with
(except those which remain on until the the MIL illuminated. The fault may
engine starts, as described in the adversely affect engine performance,
following pages). exhaust emissions and fuel
For additional warning and information
messages, see page 45. Reduced engine performance could
cause a dangerous riding condition,
leading to loss of control and an
Engine Management System
Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL)
Contact an authorised Triumph dealer
as soon as possible to have the fault
checked and rectified.
The Malfunction Indicator
Light (MIL) for the engine management Low Oil Pressure Warning Light
system illuminates when the ignition is
switched ON (to indicate that it is
working) but should not become
illuminated when the engine is running. With the engine running, if
If the engine is running and there is a the engine oil pressure becomes
fault with the engine management dangerously low, the low oil pressure
system the MIL will be illuminated and warning light will illuminate. The low oil
the general warning symbol will flash. In pressure warning light will also
such circumstances, the engine illuminate if the ignition is switched ON
management system may switch to without running the engine.
'limp-home' mode so that the journey
may be completed, if the fault is not so Caution
severe that the engine will not run. If
the MIL flashes when the ignition is Stop the engine immediately if the low
switched ON contact an authorised oil pressure warning light illuminates.
Triumph dealer as soon as possible to Do not restart the engine until the
have the situation rectified. In these fault has been rectified.
circumstances the engine will not start. Severe engine damage will result from
running the engine when the low oil
pressure warning light is illuminated.

Immobiliser/Alarm Indicator Light Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)

This Triumph motorcycle is fitted with Warning Light
an engine immobiliser which is activated
when the ignition switch is turned to When the ignition switch is
the OFF position. turned to the ON position, it is normal
Without Alarm Fitted that the ABS warning light will flash on
and off. The light will continue to flash
When the ignition switch is turned to after engine start-up until the
the OFF position, the immobiliser light motorcycle first reaches a speed
will flash on and off for 24 hours to exceeding 6 mph (10 km/h) when it will
show that the engine immobiliser is on. go off.
When the ignition switch is turned to
the ON position the immobiliser and the Note
indicator light will be off. Traction control will not function if there
If the indicator light remains on it is a malfunction with the ABS. The
indicates that the immobiliser has a warning lights for the ABS, traction
malfunction that requires investigation. control and the MIL will be illuminated.
Contact an authorised Triumph dealer
The warning light should not illuminate
as soon as possible to have the fault
again until the engine is restarted
checked and rectified.
unless there is a fault.
With Alarm Fitted If the warning light becomes illuminated
The immobiliser/alarm light will only at any time while riding it indicates that
illuminate when the conditions the ABS has a malfunction that requires
described in the genuine Triumph investigation.
accessory alarm instructions are met.
If the ABS is not functioning, the brake
system will continue to function as a
non-ABS equipped brake system.
Do not continue to ride for longer than
is necessary with the warning light
Contact an authorised Triumph dealer
as soon as possible to have the fault
checked and rectified. In this situation
braking too hard will cause the wheels
to lock resulting in loss of motorcycle
control and an accident.
Traction Control (TC) Indicator Light If traction control is switched on:
▼ Under normal riding conditions the
TC indicator light will remain off.
The Traction Control (TC) ▼ The TC indicator light will flash
indicator light is used to indicate that rapidly when the traction control
the traction control system is active and system is working to limit rear wheel
is working to limit rear wheel slip during slip during periods of hard
periods of hard acceleration or under acceleration or under wet or slippery
wet or slippery road conditions. Traction road conditions.
control will not function if there is a If traction control is switched off:
malfunction with the ABS. The warning ▼ The TC indicator light will not
lights for the ABS, traction control and illuminate. Instead the TC disabled
the MIL will be illuminated. warning light will be illuminated.

Warning Traction Control (TC) Disabled

If the traction control is not Warning Light
functioning, care must be taken when
accelerating and cornering on wet/
slippery road surfaces to avoid rear
wheel spin. The TC disabled warning light
should not illuminate unless traction
Do not continue to ride for longer than control is switched off or there is a
is necessary with the engine malfunction.
management system Malfunction
Indicator Light (MIL) and traction If the warning light becomes illuminated
control warning lights illuminated. while riding, it indicates that the
Contact an authorised Triumph dealer traction control system has a
as soon as possible to have the fault malfunction that requires investigation.
Hard acceleration and cornering in
this situation may cause the rear
wheel to spin resulting in loss of
motorcycle control and an accident.

Direction Indicators Daytime Running Lights (DRL) (if


When the direction indicator

switch is turned to the left or right, the When the ignition is switched
direction indicator warning light will ON and the daytime running lights
flash on and off at the same speed as switch is set to Daytime Running Lights,
the direction indicators. the daytime running lights warning light
will illuminate. During daylight hours, the
Hazard Warning Lights Daytime Running Lights (DRL) improve
the visibility of the motorcycle to other
To turn the hazard warning lights on or
road users. Low beam headlights must
off, press and release the hazard
be used in any other conditions unless
warning light switch.
the road conditions allow for high beam
The ignition must be switched ON for headlights to be used.
the hazard warning lights to function.
The daytime running lights and low
The hazard warning lights will remain on beam headlights are operated manually
if the ignition is switched OFF, until the using a switch on the left hand switch
hazard warning light switch is pressed housing, see page 43.
High Beam Light
Do not ride for longer than necessary
in poor ambient light conditions with
the Daytime Running Lights (DRL) in
When the ignition is switched use.
ON and the headlight dip switch is set to Riding with the Daytime Running
HIGH BEAM, the high beam warning Lights when dark, in tunnels or where
light will illuminate. poor ambient light is apparent may
reduce the riders vision or dazzle
other road users.
Dazzling other road users or reduced
vision in low ambient light levels may
result in loss of motorcycle control
and an accident.

Low Fuel Warning Light

The low fuel indicator will

illuminate when there are approximately
4.5 litres of fuel remaining in the tank.
Tyre Pressure Warning Light (if When the warning light is illuminated,
TPMS is fitted) the TPMS symbol indicating which is the
deflated tyre and its pressure will
automatically be shown in the display
Warning area.
Stop the motorcycle if the tyre 1 2
pressure warning light illuminates.
Do not ride the motorcycle until the
tyres have been checked and the tyre
pressures are at their recommended 36REAR
psi 28 FRONT

pressure when cold.

21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM

3 8 6
0 0
The Tyre Pressure Monitoring System 12 10
8 10
(TPMS) is available as an accessory F E x1000rpm C H

option on all models.

1. Rear tyre indicator
2. Front tyre indicator
The tyre pressure warning 3. Tyre pressure warning light
light works with the Tyre Pressure The tyre pressure at which the warning
Monitoring System (TPMS) see page 109. light illuminates is temperature
The warning light will only illuminate compensated to 20°C but the numeric
when the front or rear tyre pressure is pressure display associated with it is
below the recommended pressure. It will not see page 181. Even if the numeric
not illuminate if the tyre is over inflated. display seems at or close to the
standard tyre pressure when the
warning light is on, a low tyre pressure
is indicated and a puncture is the most
likely cause.

Warning and Information Messages The following Warning and Information

messages may be shown if a fault is
It is possible for multiple warning and
detected on the motorcycle.
information messages to be shown
when a fault occurs. Where this is the
case, warning messages will take
priority over information messages and
the warning symbol will be shown on (red indicator)
the display. The number of currently
active warning messages is shown in CHECK ENGINE
the information tray. (amber indicator)


(amber indicator)
(red indicator)
(red indicator)
(amber indicator)
(amber indicator)
(amber indicator)
(amber indicator)
If more than one message is displayed Odometer and Speedometer
then the down arrow becomes active,
The odometer shows the total distance
push the joystick down to show other
that the motorcycle has travelled.
The speedometer indicates the road
Press the joystick centre to
speed of the motorcycle.
acknowledge and hide each message.

SERVICE ODO: 0001234 mi

Recommended by
Visit garage now 460 miles
2/5 21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM


21.5 oC +9 10:55AM

0 0
2 2
4 4
0 0 8 6 6 8 10
2 2
4 12 10 12
8 6 6 8 10
12 10 12 MPH
MPH F E x1000rpm C H
F E x1000rpm C H

1. Odometer
Tyre Pressure Low Warning Shown 2. Speedometer
Push the joystick left or right to review
the warnings previously acknowledged.
Previously acknowledged warnings will
be shown until they have been rectified.
When a warning or information
message is activated, the message will
be accompanied by the relevant
warning or information symbol in the
instrument panel.

Tachometer Fuel Gauge

The fuel gauge indicates the amount of
Caution fuel in the tank.
Never allow engine speed to enter the
red zone as severe engine damage

49.8 42.3 204.8

may result.
mpg mpg mi
The tachometer shows the engine
speed in revolutions per minute - rpm 21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM

(r/min). At the end of the tachometer
range there is the red zone. Engine 3 8 6
0 0
6 8 10
12 10 12
speeds in the red zone are above MPH
maximum recommended engine speed x1000rpm

and are also above the range for best

performance. 1

1 1. Fuel gauge
The fuel gauge colours described below
may vary by different styles.

With the ignition switched on, a black
line indicates the fuel remaining in the
fuel tank.
21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM

When the fuel tank is full, a black line is
3 10 8
0 0
6 8 10
shown and when empty, a grey line is
12 12
shown. Other gauge markings indicate
F E x1000rpm C H intermediate fuel levels between full and
1. Engine speed (rpm) shown in a numerical The low fuel warning light will illuminate
format when approximately 4.5 litres of fuel is
2. Engine speed (rpm) shown in a graph remaining in the tank and you should
format refuel at the earliest opportunity. The
range to empty and instantaneous fuel
consumption will be also shown in the
Information tray. Press the joystick
centre to acknowledge and hide the low
fuel warning.
After refuelling, the fuel gauge and
range to empty information will be
updated only while riding the
motorcycle. Depending on the riding
style, updating could take up to five
Coolant Temperature Gauge
The coolant temperature gauge
indicates the temperature of the engine Stop the engine immediately if the
coolant. high coolant temperature warning
light illuminates. Do not restart the
TRIP 1 1 HOLD TO RESET engine until the fault has been
1234 34.5
mph 23:45 DURATION
Severe engine damage will result from
running the engine when the high
21.5 o C 10:55 AM
coolant temperature warning light is

3 8 6
0 0
6 8 10
12 10 12

x1000rpm C H
Ambient Air Temperature
The ambient air temperature is
displayed as either oC or oF.
1. Coolant temperature gauge When the motorcycle is stationary the
heat of the engine may affect the
When the engine is started from cold
accuracy of the ambient temperature
the display will show grey bars. As the
temperature increases more bars in the
display will be shown illuminated. When Once the motorcycle starts moving the
the engine is started from hot the display will return to normal after a
display will show the relevant number of short time.
illuminated bars, dependant on engine
TRIP 1 1
temperature. HOLD TO RESET

The normal temperature range is

between the C (Cold) and H (Hot) on the 1234 34.5
mph 23:45 DURATION

21.5 o C 10:55 AM
With the engine running, if the engine +9


coolant temperature becomes 3 8 6

0 0
dangerously high, the high coolant 12 10
8 10
temperature warning light on the F E x1000rpm C H

display will be illuminated and the gauge

will display in the information tray. 1

1. Ambient air temperature

To change the temperature from °C or
°F, see page 62.

Frost Symbol Gear Position Display

The gear position display indicates
Warning which gear (one to six) has been
engaged. When the transmission is in
Black ice (sometimes called clear ice)
neutral (no gear selected), the display
can form at temperatures several
will show N.
degrees above freezing, 0°C (32°F),
especially on bridges and in shaded 1
Always take extra care when the
temperatures are low and reduce
1234 34.5
mph 23:45 DURATION

speed in potentially hazardous driving

21.5 o C 10:55 AM
conditions such as bad weather. +9


Excess speed, hard acceleration, N 8 6

0 0
6 8 10
12 10 12
heavy braking or hard cornering when MPH
roads are slippery may result in loss of F E x1000rpm C H

motorcycle control and an accident.

1. Gear position display (neutral position

The frost symbol will TRIP 1 1 HOLD TO RESET

illuminate if the ambient air temperature

is 4°C (39°F) or lower. 1234 34.5
mph 23:45 DURATION

The frost symbol will remain illuminated

until the temperature rises to 6°C (42°F). 21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM

A message will also be shown in the
information tray.
3 8 6
0 0
6 8 10
12 10 12
F E x1000rpm C H

1. Gear position display (third gear displayed)
Display Styles Display Navigation
There are four different display styles to The table below describes the
select from. instrument icons and buttons used to
Style 03 is used for visual recognition navigate through the instrument menus
and consistency throughout this described in this handbook.
owner's handbook.
Home button (right hand
switch housing).

m Mode button (left hand

47 47 switch housing).
47 47

STYLE 01 STYLE 02 STYLE 03 STYLE 04 Joystick left/right or up/

21.5 o C 10:55 AM
+9 down.


3 8 6
0 0
6 8 10
12 10 12
F E x1000rpm C H Joystick Centre (press).

To select a style, see page 74 for more Selection arrow (right

information. shown).
Information Tray - left/right
scroll using the joystick.
Information Tray - up/down
scroll using the joystick.
Option available within the
Information Tray - scroll
using the joystick up/down.
Short press (press and
release) using the joystick
Long press (press and hold)
using the joystick centre.
Reset current feature, (only
available with joystick long

Riding Modes Riding Mode Selection

The riding modes allow adjustment of
the throttle response (MAP), Anti-lock Warning
Brake System (ABS) and Traction Control
The selection of riding modes whilst
(TC) settings to suit differing road
the motorcycle is in motion requires
conditions and rider preferences.
the rider to allow the motorcycle to
Riding modes can be conveniently coast (motorcycle moving, engine
selected using the MODE button located running, throttle closed, clutch lever
on the left hand switch housing, whilst pulled in and no brakes applied) for a
the motorcycle is stationary or moving, brief period of time.
see page 51.
Riding mode selection whilst the
Five riding modes are available. If the motorcycle is in motion should only be
rider edits a riding mode (other than the attempted:
RIDER mode), the icon will change as
- At low speed
shown in the table below.
- In traffic free areas
Rider Edited - On straight and level roads or
Default Icon Description
- In good road and weather conditions
- Where it is safe to allow the
motorcycle to briefly coast.
Riding mode selection whilst the
motorcycle is in motion MUST NOT be
SPORT - At high speeds
- Whilst riding in traffic
- During cornering or on winding
TRACK roads or surfaces
- On steeply inclined roads or surfaces
- In poor road/weather conditions
- Where it is unsafe to allow the
motorcycle to coast.
Each riding mode is adjustable, see
Failure to observe this important
page 55 for more information.
warning will lead to loss of motorcycle
control and an accident.
If the mode icons are not shown when
Warning the ignition switch is in the ON position,
After selecting a riding mode, operate make sure that the engine stop switch
the motorcycle in an area free from is in the RUN position.
traffic to gain familiarity with the new
settings. 1

Do not loan your motorcycle to RIDING MODE M SELECT

anyone as they may change the riding

mode settings from the one you are
familiar with, causing loss of ABS ROAD MAP RAIN TCS RAIN
21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM

motorcycle control and an accident. SET 100

3 8 6
0 0
6 8 10
12 10 12

Warning F E x1000rpm C H

If Traction Control (TC) has been 2 3

disabled in the Main Menu as
described on page 57 then all TC 1. Mode button
settings that were saved for all riding 2. New riding mode
3. Current riding mode
modes will be overridden.
To select a riding mode:
TC will remain off regardless of the
riding mode selection, until it has been ▼ Press and release the MODE button
re-enabled or the ignition has been on the left hand switch housing to
switched off then on again. activate the riding mode selection
If the traction control is disabled, the
motorcycle will handle as normal but ▼ The currently active riding mode icon
without traction control. In this is shown in the right hand side of the
situation accelerating too hard on display.
wet/slippery road surfaces may cause To change the selected riding mode:
the rear wheel to slip, and may result
▼ Press the joystick left or right, or
in loss of motorcycle control and an
repeatedly press the MODE button
until the required riding mode is
The riding mode will default to ROAD highlighted in the centre of the
when the ignition is switched ON, if the riding mode information tray.
TRACK or RIDER Mode was active the ▼ A brief press of the joystick centre
last time the ignition was switched OFF will select the required riding mode,
with TC set to TRACK or OFF in the and the riding mode icon in the right
required mode. hand side of the display will change.
Otherwise, the last selected riding mode ▼ The selected mode is activated once
will be remembered and activated when the following conditions for switching
the ignition is switched ON. modes have been met:

Motorcycle Stationary - Engine Off Main Menu

▼ The ignition is switched ON. To access the Main menu:
▼ The engine stop switch is in the RUN ▼ The motorcycle must be stationary
position. with the ignition switched on.
Motorcycle Stationary - Engine Running ▼ Press the HOME button on the right
▼ Neutral gear is selected or the clutch handlebar switch housing.
is pulled in. ▼ Scroll the Main menu by pushing the
Motorcycle in Motion joystick down/up until the required
option is selected and then press the
Within 30 seconds of selecting a riding
joystick centre to confirm.
mode the rider must carry out the
following simultaneously:
▼ Close the throttle. RIDING MODES
▼ Make sure that the brakes are not TRIP SET UP
engaged (allow the motorcycle to

If a riding mode change is not

completed, the riding mode icon will BACK EXIT SELECT

alternate between the previous riding

Main Menu Screen
mode and the newly selected riding
mode until the change is complete or it The Main menu allows access to the
is cancelled. following options:
The riding mode selection is now Riding Modes
complete and normal riding can be This menu allows configuration of the
resumed. riding modes. For more information, see
Note page 55.
It is not possible to select TRACK or Bike Set Up
RIDER modes whilst the motorcycle is in This menu allows configuration of the
motion, if the TC settings are set to different features of the motorcycle. For
TRACK or OFF in either of those modes. more information, see page 55.
In this case, the motorcycle must be
brought to a stop before the riding mode Trip Set Up
change can take place. This menu allows configuration of Trip 1
and Trip 2. For more information, see
page 58.
Display Set Up
This menu allows configuration of the
display options. For more information,
see page 60.
Lap Timer Riding Modes
This menu allows configuration of the To access the Riding Modes menu:
lap timer and the viewing of lap timer
▼ From the MAIN MENU, push the
data. For more information, see
joystick down and select RIDING
page 66.
Reset to Defaults ▼ Press the joystick centre to confirm.
This menu allows all instrument settings
to be returned to the default setting. RIDING MODES
For more information, see page 68. RAIN


▼ Scroll down/up using the joystick to

select the required riding mode.
Press the joystick centre to confirm.
▼ The relevant setting options for the
selected riding mode are now shown.



To change a setting, scroll down/up

using the joystick until the required
setting option is highlighted and press
the joystick centre to select.




Riding Mode Configuration Bike Set Up Menu

Refer to the following table for the ABS, The Bike Set Up menu allows
MAP and TC options available for each configuration of the different features
riding mode. of the motorcycle.
To access the Bike Set Up menu:
Riding Mode
▼ From the MAIN MENU, push the
RAIN ROAD RIDER joystick down and select BIKE SET
▼ Press the joystick centre to confirm.

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) BIKE SET UP

Road TC

MAP (Throttle Response)





Traction Control (TC)





Via Via Via

Menu Menu Menu


Standard (factory default setting)

Selectable option

Option not available

Bike Set Up - TSA (Shift Assist) (if Bike Set Up - Direction Indicators
fitted) The direction indicators can be set to
Triumph Shift Assist (TSA) triggers a Auto Basic, Auto Advanced or Manual
momentary engine torque change to mode.
allow gears to engage, without closure
of the throttle or operation of the INDICATORS
clutch. This feature works for both up- AUTO ADVANCED
changes and down-changes of gear. MANUAL

The clutch must be used for stopping

and pulling away.
TSA will not operate if the clutch is
applied or if an up-change is attempted
by mistake when in 6th gear.
Selecting a Direction Indicators Mode
It is necessary to use a positive pedal
To select the required direction
force to make sure there is a smooth
indicators mode:
gear change.
▼ From the Bike Set Up menu, push the
TSA (SHIFT ASSIST) joystick down to select INDICATORS
ENABLED and press the joystick centre to
▼ Push the joystick down/up to scroll
– Auto Basic - The self-cancelling
function is on. The direction
To enable/disable TSA:
indicators will activate for eight
▼ From the Bike Set Up menu, push the seconds and an additional 65
joystick down to select TSA (SHIFT metres.
ASSIST) and press the joystick to
– Auto Advanced - The self-
cancelling function is on. A short
▼ Push the joystick down/up to scroll press activates the direction
between ENABLED and DISABLED. indicators for three flashes. A
▼ Press the joystick centre to confirm longer press activates the
the required selection. direction indicators for eight
seconds and an additional 65
▼ The display will then return to the
Bike Set Up menu.
– Manual - The self-cancelling
For more information on Triumph Shift
function is off. The direction
Assist (TSA), see page 125.
indicators must be manually
cancelled using the direction
indicator switch.

▼ Press the joystick centre to confirm Bike Set Up - Service

the required selection.
The service interval is set to a distance
▼ The display will then return to the and/or time period.
Bike Set Up menu.
To review the service interval:
▼ From the BIKE SET UP menu, push
Bike Set Up - Traction Control (TC) the joystick down to select SERVICE.
The Traction Control (TC) system can be ▼ Press the joystick centre to display
temporarily disabled. The Traction the SERVICE information.
Control (TC) system cannot be
permanently disabled, it will be SERVICE
automatically enabled when the ignition 5450 mi
01-01-2020 (335 DAYS)
is turned off and then on again.
To disable or enable the TC system:
▼ From the BIKE SET UP menu, press
the joystick centre to select TC.
▼ Push the joystick down/up to scroll BACK EXIT SELECT




▼ Press the joystick centre to select

the required option.
▼ Once selected the display will return
to the BIKE SET UP display.
Trip Set Up Trip Set Up - Manual Reset
This menu allows the configuration of To set the trip computer to reset
the trip meters. manually:
To access the Trip Set Up menu: ▼ From the TRIP SETUP menu, push
▼ From the MAIN MENU, push the the joystick down and then press the
joystick down and select TRIP SET joystick centre to select TRIP 1 RESET
▼ Press the joystick centre to confirm. ▼ Push the joystick centre to select



Selecting TRIP 1 RESET or TRIP 2 RESET

allows the relevant trip meter to be There are two options:
configured manually or automatically. ▼ RESET NOW AND CONTINUE - Resets
The set up procedure is the same for all trip meter data in the relevant trip
both trip meters. meter.
trip meter data in the relevant trip
AUTOMATIC meter will not be reset.


Manual reset will only reset the selected

trip meter when the rider chooses to do
so. For more information, see page 58.
Automatic reset will reset each trip
meter after the ignition has been
switched off for a set time. For more
information, see page 59.
Trip meter 2 can be enabled or disabled.
For more information, see page 59.

Trip Set Up - Automatic Reset Trip 2 Enable/Disable

To set the trip computer to Trip 2 meter can be enabled or disabled.
automatically reset: If trip 2 meter is disabled, it will no
▼ From the TRIP SETUP menu, push longer be shown in the information tray.
the joystick down/up and then press
the joystick centre to select TRIP 1 ENABLED

▼ Push the joystick down/up to select

AUTOMATIC and then press the
joystick centre to confirm.
▼ Using the joystick down/up, choose BACK EXIT SELECT
the timer setting and press the
joystick centre to confirm the To enable or disable the Trip 2 meter:
required time limit. ▼ From the TRIP SET UP menu, push
▼ The required time limit is then stored the joystick down/up to scroll to the
in the trip memory. A tick is shown to TRIP 2 DISPLAY. Press the joystick
indicate the selected option. centre to confirm.
▼ When the ignition is turned off, the ▼ Push the joystick down/up to scroll
trip meter is set to zero when the between ENABLED and DISABLED.
time period has elapsed. Press the joystick centre to confirm.
A tick is shown to indicate the
AUTOMATIC selected option.
1 HR
12 HRS
16 HRS


The following table shows two examples

of the automatic trip reset functionality.

Trip Meter
Ignition Selected
Resets to
Turned Off Time Delay
10:30 hrs 4 HRS 14:30 hrs
10:00 hrs
18:00 hrs 16 HRS
(next day)
Display Set Up Menu Display Set Up - Colour
The Display Set Up menu allows To select a different colour for the
configuration of the different display display information:
screen options. ▼ From the DISPLAY SET UP menu,
push the joystick down/up to select
▼ Press the joystick centre to confirm.

To access the Display Set Up menu:

▼ From the MAIN MENU, push the
joystick down and select DISPLAY
SET UP. Press the joystick centre to ▼ Push the joystick down/up to scroll
confirm. between the four different coloured
▼ Select the required option from the icons. There are four colour options
list to access the relevant available; blue, green, yellow and
information. white.
▼ Press the joystick centre to select
the required colour.
▼ The new colour is then applied to the
instrument display for all styles.
Press the HOME button to exit.

Display Set Up - Brightness Display Set Up - Visible Tray

There are two brightness options to The Visible Tray menu allows the
select from: selection of the items to be shown in
▼ High contrast - day time mode the information tray.
▼ Low contrast - night time mode VISIBLE TRAY
To adjust the brightness:
push the joystick down to select SERVICE INTERVAL
▼ Press the joystick centre to select BACK EXIT SELECT

the required menu.

To select the Visible Tray menu:
push the joystick down to select the
▼ Press the joystick centre to show the
available options.
▼ Scroll the menu by moving the
BACK EXIT SELECT joystick down/up until the required
option is highlighted.
Brightness (High Contrast) Shown
▼ Press the joystick centre to select/
▼ Push the joystick left/right to adjust
deselect the information trays.
the brightness.
▼ An information tray item with a tick
▼ Press the joystick centre to confirm
next to it will be shown in the tray.
the required level of brightness.
An information tray item without a
▼ Press the HOME button to return to tick next to it will not be shown in
the main display. the tray.
In bright sunlight, low brightness
settings will be overridden to make sure
that the instruments can be viewed at
all times.
Display Set Up - Language Display Set Up - Units
The Language menu allows the The Units menu allows the selection of a
preferred language to be used as the preferred unit of measurement.
instrument display language.

To select the required units of

To select the required language for the measurement:
instrument display: ▼ From the DISPLAY SET UP menu,
▼ From the DISPLAY SET UP menu, push the joystick down and select
push the joystick down to select the UNITS.
LANGUAGES option. ▼ Press the joystick centre to confirm.
▼ Press the joystick centre to confirm To change the unit of measurement:
and display the available language
options. ▼ Push the joystick down/up to
highlight the required option
▼ Scroll the menu by pushing the (DISTANCE/ECONOMY, TEMPERATURE
joystick down/up until the required or PRESSURE).
language option is highlighted.
▼ Press the joystick centre to select. A
▼ Press the joystick centre to select/ tick is shown to indicate the selected
deselect the correct LANGUAGE. A option.
tick is shown to indicate the selected
option. ▼ Push the joystick down/up to select
the required unit of measurement.
▼ Press the joystick centre to confirm
the language option. ▼ Press the joystick centre to confirm.
A tick is shown to indicate the
selected option.

The options available are: To adjust the hour setting:

Economy: ▼ Select HOURS on the display and
▼ Miles & MPG (UK) press the joystick centre. A tick will
appear next to HOURS and the hour
▼ Miles & MPG (US) display will flash as shown below.
▼ KM & L/100KM ▼ Push the joystick down/up to set the
▼ KM & KM/L hour. Press the joystick centre to
Temperature: confirm.
▼ °C
▼ °F 12 Hr
24 Hr
Pressure: HOURS
▼ bar

Display Set Up - Clock To adjust the minute setting:

The Clock menu allows the adjustment ▼ Select MINUTES on the display and
of the clock to be set to the local time. press the joystick centre. A tick will
appear next to MINUTES and the
To set the clock: minute display will flash as shown
▼ From the Display Set Up menu, push below.
the joystick down to select CLOCK ▼ Push the joystick down/up to set the
and press the joystick centre to minute. Press the joystick centre to
confirm. confirm.
▼ Push the joystick down/up to select
between either 12 Hr or 24 Hr clock CLOCK
12 Hr
and press the joystick centre to 24 Hr
confirm selection. A tick is shown to HOURS
indicate the selected option. MINUTES

▼ The clock will display in either 12 or 15:53

24 hour format. Once the clock

format is set, the display will return BACK EXIT SELECT

to the CLOCK menu.

To set the time, push the joystick down/
up to select HOURS or MINUTES.
Display Set Up - Date To set the date:
This function allows the date and date ▼ From the DISPLAY SET UP menu,
format to be adjusted. push the joystick down to select
DATE and press the joystick centre
To set the date and date format:
to confirm.
▼ From the DISPLAY SET UP menu,
▼ Push the joystick down/up to select
push the joystick down to select
YEAR and press the joystick centre
DATE and press the joystick centre
to confirm. The YEAR display will
to confirm.
▼ Push the joystick down/up to select
▼ Push the joystick down/up to set the
DATE FORMAT. Press the joystick
current year and then press the
centre to confirm.
joystick centre to confirm.
DATE FORMAT ▼ To set the MONTH and DAY repeat
the procedure used to set the year.


▼ Push the joystick down/up to select

either of the date format options and
press the joystick centre to confirm
selection. A tick is shown to indicate
the selected option.
▼ Once the date format is set the
display will return to the DATE menu.





Display Set Up - Shift Indicator To adjust the engine speed threshold

(RPM) for the gear shift indicator:
This menu allows the adjustment of the
gear shift indicator. ▼ Push the joystick left/right to select
each individual number.
The gear shift indicator changes the
tachometer colour to orange when the ▼ Push the joystick down/up to change
specified engine speed threshold is the number.
reached, indicating to change gear. ▼ Press the joystick centre to confirm
RUNNING IN ▼ Repeat this process with each
USER DEFINED individual number until the correct
RPM number is shown.
To reset the gear shift indicator:
▼ Push the joystick down/up to select
RESET and press the joystick centre
to confirm. This resets the RPM to
The engine speed threshold can be 09500.
defined and reset, and the gear shift
indicator can be disabled. Once the
engine has been run in (at 1,000 miles),
the RUNNING IN option is replaced with
a DEFAULT option.
From the GEAR SHIFT IND. menu, push
the joystick down to select USER
DEFINED and press the joystick centre
to confirm.

09500 RPM


Lap Timer Lap Timer - Start Session
To set the lap timer option, the This function allows the lap timer
motorcycle must be stationary with the options to be set.
ignition turned to the ON position.
▼ Push the HOME button to show the AUTO LAP DISTANCE

▼ Push the joystick down and then

press joystick centre to select LAP
REVIEW There are two options available:
motorcycle odometer is used to
calculate the lap distance and
average speed. The lap distance is
accurate to +/-50 metres.
The options available are: ▼ FIXED LAP DISTANCE - Allows the
▼ START SESSION exact lap distance in yards or metres
to be set. The lap timer uses the set
▼ REVIEW (Review is available only if distance to calculate a more
lap timer data is stored). accurate average speed, compared to
Auto Lap Distance.
To set the auto lap distance:
▼ Push the joystick down/up to select
AUTO LAP DISTANCE and press the
joystick centre to start the lap timer
To set the fixed lap distance:
▼ Push the joystick down/up to select
FIXED LAP DISTANCE and press the
joystick centre. The UNITS and SET
DISTANCE menus will be shown.

UNITS ▼ Push joystick down to select the

REVIEW menu.
08:43 02/08/19
09:52 02/08/19
10:12 02/08/19



To manually input a measured distance: ▼ Push joystick centre to display the
stored sessions.
▼ Using the joystick left/right and up/
down, input the measured distance ▼ Scroll the menu by moving the
in metres or yards. joystick up/down until the required
session is highlighted.
▼ Press the joystick centre to confirm
the selection. ▼ Press joystick centre to select the
required session and review the
FIXED LAP DISTANCE stored lap times using joystick up/
00761 METRES
▼ Sessions are stored in time and date

LAP 1 05.05 58.1 mph
BACK EXIT SELECT LAP 2 04.59 61.2 mph

To start the lap timer, see page 75.

Lap Timer - Review

This function allows the rider to review BACK EXIT SELECT

any stored sessions, see page 66.

To select the LAP TIMER - REVIEW
menu the motorcycle must be The lap timer will store up to five
stationary with the ignition turned to sessions and up to 24 laps per session.
the ON position. Once this limit is reached, earlier
sessions will be overwritten.
▼ Push the HOME button to show the
▼ Push joystick down and then press
joystick centre to select LAP TIMER.
Reset to Defaults Information Tray
The Reset to Default option allows the
Main Menu display items to be reset to Warning
the default setting.
When the motorcycle is in motion, only
attempt to switch between the
CONFIRM information tray modes or reset the
CANCEL fuel information under the following
- At low speed
- In traffic free areas
BACK EXIT SELECT - On straight and level roads or
To reset the Main Menu display items:
- In good road and weather conditions.
▼ From the Main Menu, push the
joystick down and select RESET TO Failure to observe this important
DEFAULTS. warning could lead to loss of
motorcycle control and an accident.
▼ Push the joystick down/up to select
CONFIRM or CANCEL. Press the Note
joystick centre to confirm the
To access the information tray, the
warning messages must first be
▼ Confirm - The following main menu acknowledged, see page 69.
settings and data will be reset to the
factory default values - Riding The information tray appears in the top
Modes, Indicator Set Up, Trip section of the display screen for styles
Computers, Visible Trays, Language, 01, 02 and 03. It appears on the left
Traction Control, Style, Display hand side of the display screen for style
Brightness, Lap Timer settings and 04. It allows easy access to different
data. motorcycle status information.
▼ Cancel - The main menu settings and To view the different information tray
data will remain unchanged and the items, push the joystick left/right until
display will return to the previous the required information tray item is
menu level. shown.

The information tray contains the Warning Review

following information tray items:
Any warnings and information
▼ Warnings and Information Messages, messages are shown in the Warnings
see page 69 tray. An example is shown below.
▼ Trip Meter, see page 70
▼ Fuel Consumption, see page 70 WARNING

▼ Tyre Pressure Monitoring System

(TPMS) (if fitted), see page 71 TYRE PRESSURE LOW
▼ Service Interval, see page 72 Visit garage now
▼ Colour, see page 72 21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM


▼ Screen Contrast, see page 73 3 8 6

0 0
6 8 10
12 10 12
▼ Brightness, see page 74 MPH
F E x1000rpm C H
▼ Style Select, see page 74
▼ Lap Timer, see page 75.
Different information tray items can be To view the warnings:
shown or hidden from the information ▼ Push the joystick down/up to scroll
tray. For further information, refer to through the options until the
page 61. warning review is shown.
▼ Push the joystick left/right to review
each warning (if more than one). The
warning counter will show the
amount of warnings that are
▼ Push the joystick down/up to return
to the information tray.
Low Battery Warning
If items such as heated grips are fitted
and are on with the engine at idle, over
a period of time, the battery voltage
may drop below a predetermined
voltage and a warning message will be
shown in the Warnings tray.
Trip Meter Fuel Consumption
There are two trip meters that can be The Fuel Consumption information tray
accessed and reset in the information shows fuel consumption information.


49.8 42.3 204.8

1234 34.5 23:45
mpg mpg mi
mi mph hh:mm
21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM

21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM
SET 70 ABS 0 0

2 2
4 4
8 6 6 8 10
0 0
12 10 12
4 4
6 6 MPH
12 10 8 8 10
12 F E x1000rpm C H
F E x1000rpm C H

1 2 3 4
1 2 3 1. Fuel gauge
1. Distance travelled 2. Current fuel consumption
2. Average speed 3. Average fuel consumption
3. Duration of trip 4. Range to empty
To view a specific trip meter: After refuelling, the fuel gauge and
range to empty information will be
▼ Push the joystick left/right to scroll
updated only while riding the
through the information tray items
motorcycle. Depending on the riding
until Trip 1 meter is shown.
style, updating could take up to five
▼ Select TRIP 1 or TRIP 2 by pushing minutes.
the joystick down/up.
Current Fuel Consumption
Note This is an indication of the fuel
TRIP 2 meter can be shown or hidden consumption at an instant in time. If the
from the information tray. For more motorcycle is stationary, --.- will be
information, see page 59. shown in the display area.
To reset a trip meter: Average Fuel Consumption
▼ Select the trip meter to be reset. This is an indication of the average fuel
consumption. After being reset the
▼ Press and hold the joystick centre display will show dashes until 0.1 miles/
for more than one second. km has been covered.
▼ The trip meter will then be reset. Range to Empty
The trip meter can also be reset from This is an indication of the predicted
the Main menu, see page 58. distance that can be travelled on the
remaining fuel in the tank.
To reset the average fuel consumption,
press and hold the joystick centre.

Tyre Pressure Monitoring System Tyre Pressure Warning Light

(TPMS) (if fitted) The tyre pressure warning light will only
illuminate when the front or rear tyre
Warning pressure is below the recommended
pressure. It will not illuminate if the tyre
Stop the motorcycle if the tyre is over inflated.
pressure warning light illuminates.
Front Tyre Pressure Indicator
Do not ride the motorcycle until the
This shows the current front tyre
tyres have been checked and the tyre
pressures are at their recommended
pressure when cold. Rear Tyre Pressure Indicator
This shows the current rear tyre
The Tyre Pressure Monitoring System pressure.
(TPMS) information tray shows the front
and rear tyre pressures. For more Low Tyre Pressure
information, see page 109. The front or rear tyre will be highlighted
on the motorcycle image to indicate
TYRE PRESSURE that the tyre pressure is below the
recommended pressure.

psi 28 FRONT

21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM


3 8 6
0 0
6 8 10
12 10 12
F E x1000rpm C H

1 2 3 4
1. Rear tyre pressure indicator
2. Tyre pressure warning light
3. Low front tyre pressure warning shown
4. Front tyre pressure indicator
Service Colour
The Service information tray shows the The Colour information tray allows a
distance and days remaining before the different colour to be applied to the
next service is recommended. current style. There are four colour
options available; blue, green, yellow and
SERVICE ODO: 0001234 mi white.
Recommended by

460 miles
21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM


3 8 6
0 0
6 8 10
12 10 12
MPH 21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM


F E x1000rpm C H

0 0
2 2
4 4
8 6 6 8 10
12 10 12
F E x1000rpm C H
1. Service information

To apply a different colour to the

current style:
▼ Push the joystick left/right to select
the required colour.
▼ Press the joystick centre to confirm
the required colour.
▼ The new colour is then applied to the
current style.
▼ To apply a colour to all styles, see
page 60.

Screen Contrast To select an option:

The Contrast information tray allows the ▼ Push the joystick left/right to select
display screen contrast to be adjusted. the HIGH, AUTO or LOW contrast
option and press the joystick centre
▼ If the rider defined brightness
setting is suitable this will be used,
HIGH AUTO LOW see page 61.
21.5 o C 10:55 AM
+9 Note


3 8 6
0 0
6 8 10
Do not cover the light sensor on the
12 10
display screen as this will stop the
F E x1000rpm C H screen brightness and contrast from
working correctly.
1 2 3
1. High contrast option
2. Auto contrast option
3. Low contrast option
There are three options available:
▼ HIGH - This option locks the display
screen to the white background
version of each display screen style
for maximum visibility during the
▼ AUTO - This option uses the
instrument light sensor to adjust the
contrast to the most suitable setting.
In bright sunlight, low brightness
settings will be overridden to make
sure the instruments can be viewed
at all times.
▼ LOW - This option locks the display
screen to the black background
version of each display screen style
for maximum visibility at night time.
Brightness Style Select
The Brightness information tray allows The Style Select information tray allows
the brightness of the display screen to a different style to be applied to the
be adjusted. In bright sunlight, low display screen.
brightness settings will be overridden to
make sure that the instruments can be
viewed at all times. STYLE SELECT SELECT

47 47
21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM


3 8 6
0 0
6 8 10
12 10 12
21.5 C o
+9 10:55 AM MPH


F E x1000rpm C H

0 0
2 2
4 4
6 6
12 10 8 8 10
F E x1000rpm C H
Style Select Information Tray (Style 03
To change the display screen style:
To adjust the brightness of the display
▼ Push the joystick left/right to select
the required style and then press
▼ Push the joystick left/right to the joystick centre to confirm.
increase/decrease the level of
▼ Press the joystick centre to confirm
the required level of brightness.
Do not cover the light sensor on the
display screen as this will stop the
screen brightness and contrast from
working correctly.

Lap Timer To start a lap:

The Lap Timer information tray allows a ▼ Briefly press the joystick down/up or
certain distance/lap to be timed and centre. The lap counter will start to
compared against a previously timed count the first lap. This is shown as
lap. THIS LAP.
▼ Pressing the joystick down/up or
centre will start a new lap, and the
previous lap's time and average
MPH 0:56.8 0:55.2
24 LAP
speed will be shown in the
information tray as LAST.LAP next to
21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM the new lap time.


3 10 8
0 0
6 8 10
▼ A long press
seconds) of the
(longer than two
joystick down/up or
12 12
MPH centre will stop the lap timer, clear
F E x1000rpm C H
the stored data and start a new lap
1 2 3 4
▼ The stored lap timer data is viewable
1. Average speed
from the Main Menu. For more
2. Last lap time
3. This lap time information, see page 67.
4. Number of lap
Instrument Panel Position
Do not press directly onto the
Warning instrument panel display screen.
Only adjust the position of the
Operation of the motorcycle with an
instrument panel using the
incorrectly adjusted instrument panel
adjustment lever.
is dangerous.
Pressing directly on the instrument
An incorrectly adjusted instrument
panel display screen may damage the
panel will result in loss of instrument
instrument panel.
vision when riding and may cause a
distraction leading to loss of control of The instrument panel can be adjusted
the motorcycle and an accident. to allow for improved visibility of the
Always adjust the instrument panel to display screen.
provide sufficient vision of the Position the instrument panel to allow
instruments before riding the an unobstructed view of the display
motorcycle. screen using the adjustment handle.

Never attempt to clean or adjust the
instrument panel while riding the
motorcycle. Removal of the rider’s
hands from the handlebar while riding
the motorcycle will diminish the ability 1
of the rider to maintain control of the
Attempting to clean or adjust the
instrument panel while riding the
motorcycle may result in loss of
1. Adjustment handle
control of the motorcycle and an
Only attempt to clean or adjust the
instrument panel while stationary.

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Instruments

Table of Contents
Instrument Panel Layout.................................................................................................................. 78
Warning Lights....................................................................................................................................... 79
Speedometer and Odometer .......................................................................................................... 83
Tachometer ............................................................................................................................................. 83
Gear Position Display ......................................................................................................................... 84
Coolant Temperature Gauge........................................................................................................... 84
Fuel Gauge................................................................................................................................................ 85
Instrument SCROLL/SET Buttons................................................................................................. 85
Traction Control (TC) Disable........................................................................................................... 86
Clock............................................................................................................................................................. 87
Service Interval Announcement (SIA)......................................................................................... 88
Gear Change Lights ............................................................................................................................ 88
UnitS (Imperial, US or Metric) ......................................................................................................... 90
Trip Meter.................................................................................................................................................. 92
Lap Timer (if fitted)............................................................................................................................... 93
Riding Mode Selection......................................................................................................................... 97
RAIN Mode ................................................................................................................................................ 97
ROAD Mode .............................................................................................................................................. 97
SPORT Mode (Street Triple R only)............................................................................................... 98
RIDER Mode (Street Triple R only)................................................................................................ 98
Setting the RIDER Mode Options ................................................................................................. 99
Selecting a Riding Mode – Motorcycle Stationary.............................................................. 102
Selecting a Riding Mode – Motorcycle Moving..................................................................... 103
Instrument Panel Layout
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15
1. Clock 14. Low fuel level indicator light
2. Service interval indicator 15. Alarm/immobiliser status indicator light
3. Speedometer (alarm is an accessory kit)
4. Fuel gauge 16. Traction control (TC) disabled warning light
5. Engine management Malfunction Indicator 17. Traction control (TC) indicator light
Light (MIL) 18. Tachometer
6. Gear change lights 19. High coolant temperature warning light
7. Left hand direction indicator light 20. Low oil pressure warning light
8. ABS warning light 21. Trip meter indicator
9. Tachometer red zone 22. Riding modes indicator light
10. Tyre pressure warning light (if Tyre 23. Tyre pressure display (if Tyre Pressure
Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) is Monitoring System (TPMS) is fitted)
fitted) 24. Gear position symbol
11. Right hand direction indicator light 25. Coolant temperature display
12. Neutral indicator light 26. SET Button
13. High beam indicator light 27. SCROLL Button

Warning Lights Low Oil Pressure Warning Light

Engine Management System

Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) With the engine running, if
the engine oil pressure becomes
dangerously low, the low oil pressure
warning light will illuminate. The low oil
The Malfunction Indicator
pressure warning light will also
Light (MIL) for the engine management
illuminate if the ignition is switched ON
system illuminates when the ignition is
without running the engine.
switched ON (to indicate that it is
working) but should not become
illuminated when the engine is running. Caution
If the engine is running and there is a Stop the engine immediately if the low
fault with the engine management oil pressure warning light illuminates.
system the MIL will be illuminated and Do not restart the engine until the
the general warning symbol will flash. In fault has been rectified.
such circumstances, the engine Severe engine damage will result from
management system may switch to running the engine when the low oil
'limp-home' mode so that the journey pressure warning light is illuminated.
may be completed, if the fault is not so
severe that the engine will not run. If
the MIL flashes when the ignition is High Coolant Temperature Warning
switched ON contact an authorised Light
Triumph dealer as soon as possible to
have the situation rectified. In these
circumstances the engine will not start.
With the engine running, if
the engine coolant temperature
becomes dangerously high, the high
Reduce speed and do not continue to coolant temperature warning light will
ride for longer than is necessary with illuminate.
the MIL illuminated. The fault may
adversely affect engine performance, Caution
exhaust emissions and fuel
consumption. Stop the engine immediately if the
high coolant temperature warning
Reduced engine performance could
light illuminates. Do not restart the
cause a dangerous riding condition,
engine until the fault has been
leading to loss of control and an
Severe engine damage will result from
Contact an authorised Triumph dealer
running the engine when the high
as soon as possible to have the fault
coolant temperature warning light is
checked and rectified.
Engine Immobiliser/Alarm Indicator Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)
Light Warning Light

When the ignition switch is

This Triumph motorcycle is turned to the ON position, it is normal
fitted with an engine immobiliser which that the ABS warning light will flash on
is activated when the ignition switch is and off. The light will continue to flash
turned to the OFF position. after engine start-up until the
motorcycle first reaches a speed
Without Alarm Fitted exceeding 6 mph (10 km/h) when it will
When the ignition switch is turned to go off.
the OFF position, the engine Note
immobiliser/alarm light will flash on and
off for 24 hours to show that the engine Traction control will not function if there
immobiliser is on. When the ignition is a malfunction with the ABS. The
switch is turned to the ON position the warning lights for the ABS, traction
engine immobiliser and the indicator control and the MIL will be illuminated.
light will be off. The warning light should not illuminate
If the indicator light remains on it again until the engine is restarted
indicates that the engine immobiliser unless there is a fault.
has a malfunction that requires If the warning light becomes illuminated
investigation. Contact an authorised at any time while riding it indicates that
Triumph dealer as soon as possible to the ABS has a malfunction that requires
have the fault checked and rectified. investigation.
With Alarm Fitted
The engine immobiliser/alarm light will
only illuminate when the conditions If the ABS is not functioning, the brake
described in the genuine Triumph system will continue to function as a
accessory alarm instructions are met. non-ABS equipped brake system.
Do not continue to ride for longer than
is necessary with the warning light
Contact an authorised Triumph dealer
as soon as possible to have the fault
checked and rectified. In this situation
braking too hard will cause the wheels
to lock resulting in loss of motorcycle
control and an accident.

Traction Control (TC) Indicator Light If traction control is switched on:

▼ Under normal riding conditions the
TC indicator light will remain off.
The Traction Control (TC) ▼ The TC indicator light will flash
indicator light is used to indicate that rapidly when the traction control
the traction control system is active and system is working to limit rear wheel
is working to limit rear wheel slip during slip during periods of hard
periods of hard acceleration or under acceleration or under wet or slippery
wet or slippery road conditions. Traction road conditions.
control will not function if there is a If traction control is switched off:
malfunction with the ABS. The warning ▼ The TC indicator light will not
lights for the ABS, traction control and illuminate. Instead the TC disabled
the MIL will be illuminated. warning light will be illuminated.

Warning Traction Control (TC) Disabled

If the traction control is not Warning Light
functioning, care must be taken when
accelerating and cornering on wet/
slippery road surfaces to avoid rear
wheel spin. The TC disabled warning light
should not illuminate unless traction
Do not continue to ride for longer than control is switched off or there is a
is necessary with the engine malfunction.
management system Malfunction
Indicator Light (MIL) and traction If the warning light becomes illuminated
control warning lights illuminated. while riding, it indicates that the
Contact an authorised Triumph dealer traction control system has a
as soon as possible to have the fault malfunction that requires investigation.
Hard acceleration and cornering in
this situation may cause the rear
wheel to spin resulting in loss of
motorcycle control and an accident.
Direction Indicators Neutral

When the direction indicator The neutral warning light

switch is turned to the left or right, the indicates when the transmission is in
direction indicator warning light will neutral (no gear selected). The warning
flash on and off at the same speed as light will illuminate when the
the direction indicators. transmission is in neutral with the
ignition switch in the ON position.
Hazard Warning Lights
To turn the hazard warning lights on or Tyre Pressure Warning Light
off, press and release the hazard
warning light switch. Warning
The ignition must be switched ON for Stop the motorcycle if the tyre
the hazard warning lights to function. pressure warning light illuminates.
The hazard warning lights will remain on Do not ride the motorcycle until the
if the ignition is switched to the PARK tyres have been checked and the tyre
position, until the hazard warning light pressures are at their recommended
switch is pressed again. pressure when cold.

High Beam Light Note

TPMS is available as an accessory option
on all models.

When the ignition is switched

ON and the headlight dip switch is set to
HIGH BEAM, the high beam warning The tyre pressure warning
light will illuminate. light works in conjunction with the Tyre
Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) see
Low Fuel Warning Light page 109.
The warning light will only illuminate
when the front or rear tyre pressure is
below the recommended pressure. It will
The low fuel indicator will
not illuminate if the tyre is over inflated.
illuminate when there are approximately
4.5 litres of fuel remaining in the tank.

When the warning light is illuminated, Speedometer and Odometer

the TPMS symbol indicating which is the
The speedometer indicates the road
deflated tyre and its pressure will
speed of the motorcycle.
automatically be shown in the display
area. The odometer shows the total distance
that the motorcycle has travelled.

1 2 3 4

Never allow engine speed to enter the
red zone as severe engine damage
may result.

The tachometer shows the engine

speed in revolutions per minute - rpm
(r/min). At the end of the tachometer
1. TPMS symbol range there is the red zone.
2. Front tyre indicator
3. Rear tyre indicator Engine speeds in the red zone are above
4. Tyre pressure warning light maximum recommended engine speed
5. Tyre pressure and are also above the range for best
The tyre pressure at which the warning performance.
light illuminates is temperature
compensated to 20°C but the numeric
pressure display associated with it is
not (see page 180). Even if the numeric
display seems at or close to the
standard tyre pressure when the
warning light is on, a low tyre pressure
is indicated and a puncture is the most
likely cause.
Gear Position Display Coolant Temperature Gauge
The gear position display indicates The coolant temperature gauge
which gear (one to six) has been indicates the temperature of the engine
engaged. When the transmission is in coolant.
neutral (no gear selected), the display
will show N. 1

1. Coolant temperature gauge
When the ignition is switched on, all
1. Gear position display (neutral position eight bars of the display will be shown.
When the engine is started from cold
the display will show one bar. As the
temperature increases more bars in the
display will be shown. When the engine
is started from hot the display will show
the relevant number of bars, dependant
on engine temperature.
The normal temperature range is
between three and five bars.
If the coolant temperature becomes too
high the display will show eight bars and
will start to flash. The high coolant
1. Gear position display (first gear displayed) temperature light in the tachometer will
also be illuminated.

Do not continue to run the engine if
either of the high temperature
warnings are displayed as severe
engine damage may result.

Fuel Gauge Instrument SCROLL/SET Buttons

The fuel gauge indicates the amount of SCROLL Button
fuel in the tank.
When the SCROLL button is pressed
and released it will scroll through the
1 menu shown in the instrument display
The SCROLL button is used to operate
the following functions of the
▼ Set Up (SEtUP)
– Traction Control (ttc), see
page 86
2 – Clock Adjustment (t-SEt), see
page 87
1. Fuel gauge
2. SET Button – Service Interval Announcement
With the ignition switched on, the (SIA), see page 88
number of bars shown in the display – Gear Change Lights (SHIFt), see
indicates the level of fuel. page 88
When the fuel tank is full all eight bars – Units (UnitS), see page 90.
are displayed and when empty, no bars ▼ Return (REtURn)
are displayed. Other gauge markings
indicate intermediate fuel levels SET Button
between full and empty. When the SET button is pressed it will
When two bars are displayed the low select the menu shown in the
fuel warning light will illuminate. This instrument display screen.
indicates there are approximately
4.5 litres of fuel remaining in the tank
and you should refuel at the earliest
opportunity. If a trip meter display is
shown, the range to empty display can
be selected by pressing and releasing
the SET button until it is shown.
After refuelling, the fuel gauge and
range to empty information will be
updated only while riding the
motorcycle. Depending on the riding
style, updating could take up to five
Traction Control (TC) Disable ▼ Pressing the set button will disable
the TC system; the message TTC OFF
Warning will be shown for 2 seconds, and the
TC warning light will be illuminated.
If the traction control is disabled, the
motorcycle will handle as normal but
without traction control. In this
situation accelerating too hard on
wet/slippery road surfaces may cause
the rear wheel to slip, and may result
in loss of motorcycle control and an

It is possible to temporarily disable the

Traction Control (TC) system. The TC
system cannot be permanently disabled,
it will be automatically enabled when the
ignition is turned off and then on again. Traction Control Off Shown

To Disable Traction Control To Enable Traction Control

To access the traction control disable To enable the traction control system
function: again:
▼ Press and release the SCROLL button ▼ Repeat the traction control disable
until SEtUP is shown in the display procedure and select ON.
screen then press the SET button. ▼ An alternative way to enable the TC
▼ The display screen will show ttc. is to turn the ignition off and on.
▼ Press the set button and ON or OFF
will be shown.
▼ Press and release the scroll button
until OFF is shown in the display

Clock To set the hour and minute display:

▼ Make sure that the hour display is
Warning still flashing and the word Hour is
Do not attempt to adjust the clock
with the motorcycle in motion as this ▼ Press the SCROLL button to change
may lead to loss of motorcycle control the setting. Each individual button
and an accident. press will change the setting by one
digit. If the button is held, the display
will continuously scroll through in
5 1 2 single digit increments.
▼ When the correct hour display is
shown, press the SET button. The
minutes display will begin to flash
and the word Min is shown in the
display screen. The minutes display is
adjusted in the same way as for the
▼ Once both hours and minutes are
4 correctly set, press the SET button
1. Hours
to confirm and t-SEt will be shown in
2. Minutes the display screen.
3. Display screen (Hour selected for ▼ Press and release the SCROLL button
adjustment) until REtURn is shown then press
4. SET button
the SET button.
5. SCROLL button

Adjusting the Clock - t-SEt

To set the clock time format:
▼ Press and release the SCROLL button
until SEtUP is shown in the display
screen. Press the SET button until t-
SEt is shown.
▼ Press the SET button again and
either 24 Hr or 12 Hr clock format will
be shown.
▼ Press the SCROLL button to select
the required clock display and then
press the SET button. The hour
display will start to flash and the
word Hour is shown in the display
Service Interval Announcement Gear Change Lights
The Service Interval Announcement (SIA)
The gear change lights will not operate
shows the total distance that the
below 3,500 rpm to avoid the lights
motorcycle has remaining before a
operating at idle.
service is required.
3 1

2 4 2
1. Gear change lights
1. Service symbol
2. Display screen (6 mode shown)
2. Remaining distance
3. SCROLL Button
When the remaining distance is 0 miles 4. SET Button
(0 km) the service symbol will remain on
until the service has been carried out Changing the Gear Change Light Modes
and the system has been reset by your To change the gear change light modes:
authorised Triumph dealer. ▼ Press and release the SCROLL button
If the service is overdue, the distance until SEtUP is shown in the display
will be shown as a negative number. screen then press the SET button.
When the ignition is switched on and ▼ Press and release the SCROLL button
the distance to the next service is 500 until SHIFt is shown then press the
miles (800 km) or less, the service SET button. The current mode will be
symbol will be shown for three seconds shown and the corresponding gear
and the clock will show the distance change lights will illuminate.
remaining before the next service. ▼ Press and release the SCROLL button
until the required gear change light
mode is shown then press the SET
button. The display will scroll through
in the following order:
– 6 (6 LED mode);
– 3 (3 LED mode);
– SE (Sequential mode);
– OFF (Gear change lights off).

Note Setting the Gear Change Lights to Off

The motorcycle is delivered from the 3 1
factory with the gear change light set
to the 6 LED mode at 3,500 rpm.
When the gear change light mode has
been selected, the tachometer needle
will move round to the current set
position. The rpm will be shown in the
display screen with the current set
units flashing.

2 4 2
1. Gear change lights
2. Display screen (OFF mode shown)
3. SCROLL Button
4. SET Button
To turn the gear change lights to OFF:
▼ Press and release the SELECT button
until OFF is shown then press the
SET button.
3 1 ▼ Press the SET button and SHIFt will
1. Current set units
be shown in the display screen.
2. SCROLL button ▼ Press and release the SCROLL button
3. SET button until REtURn is shown in the display
screen then press the SET button.
Changing the Set Engine Speed
To change the engine speed setting:
▼ Press the scroll button. Each
individual press of the SCROLL
button will increase the setting in
increments of 500 rpm, up to the
maximum rpm limit. When the
maximum rpm limit is reached, the
setting will return to 3,500 rpm.
▼ When the correct setting is shown,
press the SET button to confirm the
setting, SHIFt will be shown in the
display screen and all the gear
change lights will flash.
▼ Press and release the SCROLL button
until REtURn is shown in the display
screen then press the SET button.
UnitS (Imperial, US or Metric) Changing the Units Display
Units has four selectable display modes.
Each display provides the following
information: Do not attempt to change the units
mpg (Imperial gallons) display with the motorcycle in motion
as this may lead to loss of motorcycle
The speedometer and odometer will
control and an accident.
read in miles. The fuel consumption will
be measured in imperial gallons.
mpg US (US gallons) 1
The speedometer and odometer will
read in miles. The fuel consumption will
be measured in US gallons.
L/100 km (Metric)
The speedometer and odometer will
read in kilometres. The fuel consumption
will be measured in litres of fuel per 100
2 3
km/L (Metric)
1. Scroll button
The speedometer and odometer will 2. SET button
read in kilometres. The fuel consumption 3. Display screen
will be measured in kilometres per litre To access the units display:
of fuel.
▼ Press and release the SCROLL button
until SEtUP is shown in the display
screen then press the SET button.
▼ Press and release the SCROLL button
until UnitS is shown then press the
SET button.
▼ Press and release the SCROLL button
until the required display is shown.
The display will scroll through in the
following order when pressing down
on the SCROLL button (it will scroll
through in the reverse order when
pressing up on the SCROLL button):
– mpg – Imperial gallons
– mpg US – US gallons
– L/100 km – Metric
– km/L – Metric.

Tyre Pressure Units - only if TPMS is To exit the tyre pressure display:
fitted ▼ Press and release the SCROLL button
until REtURn is shown.
5 ▼ Press and release the SET button to
return to the TRIP screen
12 3
Select REtURn to return to the main

1. TPMS symbol
2. Front tyre indicator
3. Rear tyre indicator
4. Tyre pressure display
5. Scroll button
6. Set button
To access the tyre pressure display:
▼ Press and release the SCROLL button
until SEtUP is shown in the display
▼ Press and release the SET button.
▼ Press and release the SCROLL button
until UnitS is shown in the display
▼ Press and release the SET button to
select the pressure display.
▼ Press and release the SCROLL button
to scroll between BAR or PSI.
▼ Press and release the SET button to
select either BAR or PSI.
▼ When the tyre pressure monitoring
system has been selected, —— PSI or
bAR will be shown in the display
screen until the motorcycle is
travelling at a speed greater than 12
mph (20 km) and the tyre pressure
signal is received.
Trip Meter The display will scroll through in the
following order:
Warning ▼ Journey time
Do not attempt to switch between trip ▼ Average fuel consumption
meter display modes or reset the trip ▼ Instantaneous fuel consumption
meter with the motorcycle in motion ▼ Average speed
as this may lead to loss of motorcycle
▼ Odometer
control and an accident.
▼ Front Tyre Pressure Display (if TPMS
is fitted)
▼ Rear Tyre Pressure Display (if TPMS
is fitted)
▼ Journey distance
▼ Range to empty.
Each display provides the following
information all calculated since the trip
1 meter was last reset to zero:
Journey Time
The total time elapsed.
1. Trip meter display Average Fuel Consumption
To access the trip meter information An indication of the average fuel
press and release the TRIP button on consumption. After being reset the
the left handlebar switch housing until display will show dashes until 0.1 miles/
the required display is shown. km has been covered.
Instantaneous Fuel Consumption
An indication of the fuel consumption at
an instant in time.
Average Speed
The average speed is calculated from
when the trip computer was last reset.
After being reset the display will show
dashes until 1 mile/km has been

1. TRIP button The odometer shows the total distance

that the motorcycle has travelled.

Front Tyre Pressure Display Lap Timer (if fitted)

Displays the current front tyre
Rear Tyre Pressure Display
Displays the current rear tyre pressure.
Journey Distance
The total journey distance travelled.
Range to Empty
This is an indication of the predicted
distance that can be travelled on the
remaining fuel in the tank. 1
Trip Meter Reset 1. Display screen
To reset the trip meter, select and 2. Button A
display the trip meter then press the The lap timer provides the following
TRIP button for one second. After one information: lap time, number of laps,
second, the trip meter will reset to zero. average speed, maximum speed and
distance travelled. Each display provides
Note the following information:
When the trip meter is reset to zero, the Lap Time
journey time, average fuel consumption
and average speed will also be set to The elapsed time of the lap (the lap
zero. number will be displayed in the
speedometer display). Information is
recorded for each lap since the last
reset. The lap timer will reset to zero
after 100 minutes.
Number of Laps
The number of recorded laps since the
last reset is displayed. A maximum of 50
laps can be stored by the lap timer.
Maximum Speed
The maximum speed achieved per lap
and the lap number.
Average Speed
The average speed per lap and the lap
Distance Travelled
The distance travelled per lap and the
lap number.
Accessing the Lap Timer Data Recording Mode
The data recording mode and the data
Warning retrieval mode will only operate when
the lap timer (lap) is turned on.
Do not attempt to switch between lap
timer display modes with the 1 2
motorcycle in motion as this may lead
to loss of motorcycle control and an

To switch the lap timer on or off:

▼ Make sure the motorcycle is
stationary and in neutral, turn the
ignition to the ON position.
▼ Press and release button A until SEt
UP is shown in the display screen. 3
▼ Press button B. 1. Lap display
▼ Press and release button A until Lap 2. Stopwatch icon
3. Lap time
is shown then press button B. ON or
OFF will flash in the display screen. To select the data recording mode:
▼ Press button A to select the required ▼ Turn the ignition to the ON position.
display then press button B. Do not ▼ Press and release button A until Lap
touch buttons A or B until Lap is is shown in the display screen then
shown in the display. press button B.
▼ Press and release button A until ▼ L01 and a stopwatch icon will be
rEturn is shown then press button B. shown in the speedometer display,
Trip 1 is then shown in the display and the lap timer will be shown in
screen. the display screen.
The lap timer has two modes; data ▼ Pressing the starter button (with the
recording mode and data retrieval mode. engine running only) will start the lap
timer. The display will show the lap
time in minutes, seconds and
hundredths of a second, and the
stopwatch icon is on.

New Lap Recording Data Retrieval Mode

The data retrieval mode cannot be
accessed whilst the motorcycle is in
The data retrieval mode can be
accessed in one of two ways:
▼ With the ignition in the ON position,
from the lap timer display, press
button B.
▼ From the data recording mode, with
the engine running and the
motorcycle stationary, press the
1. Starter button starter button for two seconds. This
At the end of the lap, pressing the will return the display to the Lap
starter button again will register the display. Press button B.
start of a new lap. The display will show
the last lap time for five seconds then
1 2
the new lap number for five seconds.
After this time, the speedometer display
will show the current lap number and
the display screen will show the current 4
lap time.

1. Lap number
2. Stopwatch icon
3. Lap timer
4. Button A
5. Button B
When the data retrieval mode is
accessed, the lap time for the first lap
will be shown. The lap number will be
shown in the speedometer display
Press and release button A until the
required lap (up to a maximum of 50
laps) is shown.
Press and release button B to scroll Lap Timer Reset
through the data available in the
To reset the lap timer and exit the lap
following order:
▼ Average Speed (per lap or total of all
▼ Press button B for two seconds.
▼ After two seconds, the lap timer will
▼ Maximum Speed (per lap or maximum
reset and Lap will be shown in the
speed achieved)
display screen. This will delete the
▼ Distance Travelled (per lap or total of stored data for all stored laps.
all laps)
To exit the data retrieval mode without
▼ Lap Time. resetting the lap timer:
1 2 ▼ Press button A for two seconds. Lap
will be shown in the display screen.
▼ Press and release button A to select
the required display.

1. Lap number
2. Stopwatch icon
3. Data retrieval mode (average speed
4. Button A
5. Button B
The speed and distance will be shown in
kilometres or miles, according to the
units shown by the speedometer.

Riding Mode Selection RAIN Mode

The RAIN mode is predetermined and
Warning provides optimal ABS, MAP and TC
settings for normal road use in rain
After selecting a riding mode, operate
the motorcycle in an area free from
traffic to gain familiarity with the new System Settings
Do not loan your motorcycle to Road – Optimal ABS
anyone as they may change the riding setting for road use.
mode settings from the one you are Rain – Reduced throttle
familiar with, causing loss of response when compared
motorcycle control and an accident. MAP
to the Road setting, for
Riding modes may be selected when the wet or slippery conditions.
motorcycle is stationary or moving. Rain – Optimal TC setting
When the MODE button is pressed, the for road use in rain
riding modes are displayed in the conditions, allows minimal
following sequence: rear wheel slip.
▼ RAIN Mode
▼ ROAD Mode ROAD Mode
▼ SPORT Mode The ROAD mode is predetermined and
▼ RIDER Mode. provides optimal ABS, MAP and TC
settings for normal road use.
There is a one second delay after
pressing the MODE button between System Settings
each of the modes to allow for further
scrolling to take place. Road – Optimal ABS
The selected mode is automatically setting for road use.
activated once the one second delay Road – Standard throttle
has elapsed, and the conditions for MAP
switching modes have been met.
The last selected riding mode will be Road – Optimal TC setting
remembered and activated when the for road use.
ignition is switched ON.
SPORT Mode (Street Triple R only) The MAP, ABS and TC options available
for selection are as follows:
The SPORT mode provides optimal MAP,
ABS and TTC settings for normal sport
MAP Options
Reduced throttle response
System Settings when compared to the
Road setting, for wet or
Road – Optimal ABS
ABS slippery conditions.
setting for road use.
Standard throttle
Sport– Increased throttle Road
MAP response when compared
to the Road setting. Increased throttle
Sport response when compared
Sport – Allows increased
to the Road setting.
rear wheel slip when
compared with the Road Increased throttle
setting. Track response when compared
to the Sport setting.
RIDER Mode (Street Triple R only)
ABS Options
Warning Optimal ABS setting for
The TRACK ABS and TTC options are road use.
not intended for normal, on-road Optimal ABS setting for
riding. track use:
Riding on-road with the TRACK ABS Front Wheel – The ABS
and TTC options activated can system allows increased
produce instability when braking if the front wheel slip when
ABS cuts in and under acceleration if compared to the Road
the TTC intervenes, leading to loss of setting.
motorcycle control and an accident.
Rear Wheel – The ABS
The RIDER mode is fully adjustable and system is disabled for the
allows the rider to select MAP, ABS and rear wheel, allowing it to
TTC options to suit road conditions or lock under heavy braking.
personal preferences. The ABS warning light will
flash slowly (see page 80).

TC Options To set the RIDER mode options; with the

motorcycle stationary and in neutral,
Optimal TC setting for turn the ignition to the ON position.
road use for wet or ▼ Press and release the MODE button
slippery conditions, allows on the left handlebar switch housing
minimal rear wheel slip. until RIDER mode is selected.
Optimal TC setting for ▼ Press and hold the MODE button
Road road use, allows minimal until MAP is shown in the display
rear wheel slip. screen.
TC is set up for road use, or alternatively:
allowing increased rear ▼ Press and release the SCROLL
wheel slip when compared button until SEtUP is shown in the
to the Road setting. display screen. Press the SET button
to confirm.
TC is set up for track use,
allowing increased rear ▼ Press and release the SCROLL button
Track until RIdER is shown in the lower
wheel slip when compared
to the Sport setting. instrument display, then press the
SET button to confirm.
TC is turned off. The TC
disabled warning light will
be illuminated (see
page 81).

For details on setting the RIDER Mode

options, see page 99.

Setting the RIDER Mode Options

During setup, TC can be activated or de-
activated in the RIDER mode.
If the RIDER mode is currently selected,
changes to the MAP, ABS and TC RIdER Shown
systems will become immediately active.
If the ROAD or TRACK modes are
selected the RIDER settings will not
become active until the RIDER mode is
selected (see page 97).
MAP Options ABS Options
▼ Press the SCROLL button and choose ▼ Press the SCROLL button and choose
one of the available MAP options: one of the available ABS options:
– Rain – Road
– Road – Track.
– Sport.

Road Option Shown

Rain Option Shown ▼ Press the SET button to confirm the
▼ Press the SET button to confirm the selection.
selection. ▼ TC is now shown in the display
▼ ABS is now shown in the display screen.

TC Options ▼ RIdER is now shown in the display.

▼ Press the SCROLL button and choose
one of the available TC options:
– Rain
– Road
– Track
– Off.

RIdER Shown
▼ Press the SET button and the
REtURn screen is shown.

Track Option Shown

If the traction control is disabled, the
motorcycle will handle as normal but
without traction control. In this
situation accelerating too hard on
wet/slippery road surfaces may cause
the rear wheel to slip, and may result REtURn Shown
in loss of motorcycle control and an ▼ Press the SET button to confirm.

▼ Press the SET button to confirm the

▼ The trip screen and the current With the Engine Off
riding mode is shown. ▼ The ignition is switched ON.
▼ The engine stop switch is in the RUN
With the Engine Running
▼ Neutral gear is selected or the clutch
is pulled in.

Current Riding Mode

▼ To select a riding mode, see page 97.
Selecting a Riding Mode –
Motorcycle Stationary
1. Selected riding mode
To select a riding mode when the
motorcycle is stationary: ▼ Once the ABS, MAP and TTC settings
have changed, the selected riding
▼ Press and release the MODE button
mode will be shown and the previous
on the left handlebar switch housing
mode will no longer be shown.
until the required riding mode is
flashing in the display.

1 2

1. Selected riding mode (flashing)

2. Current (active) riding mode
▼ The selected riding mode is
automatically activated one second
after the MODE button is pressed, if
the following conditions are met:

Selecting a Riding Mode – To select a riding mode when the

Motorcycle Moving motorcycle is moving:
▼ Press and release the MODE button
Warning on the left handlebar switch housing
until the required riding mode is
The selection of riding modes whilst flashing in the display.
the motorcycle is in motion requires
the rider to allow the motorcycle to
coast (motorcycle moving, engine
running, throttle closed and no brakes
applied) for a brief period of time.
Riding mode selection whilst the
motorcycle is in motion should only be
- At low speed 1
- In traffic free areas 2
- On straight and level roads or
surfaces 1. Selected riding mode (flashing)
- In good road and weather conditions 2. Current (active) riding mode
- Where it is safe to allow the ▼ The selected riding mode is
motorcycle to briefly coast. automatically activated if within 30
Riding mode selection whilst the seconds of pressing the MODE
motorcycle is in motion MUST NOT be button the following has been carried
attempted: out simultaneously:

- At high speeds – Throttle closed.

- Whilst riding in traffic – Brakes not applied (allow the

motorcycle to coast).
- During cornering or on winding
roads or surfaces
- On steeply inclined roads or surfaces
- In poor road/weather conditions
- Where it is unsafe to allow the
motorcycle to coast.
Failure to observe this important
warning will lead to loss of motorcycle
control and an accident.

1. Selected riding mode

▼ Once the ABS, MAP and TTC settings
have changed, the selected riding Warning
mode will be shown and the previous Do not stop the engine using the
mode will no longer be shown. ignition switch or engine stop switch
▼ Resume riding as normal. whilst the motorcycle is moving.
▼ If any one of the systems (ABS, MAP Always bring the motorcycle to a stop
and TTC) fails to change to the safely and engage Neutral gear prior
settings specified by the selected to stopping the engine.
riding mode, both the previous and Stopping the engine by turning off the
the selected riding mode icons will ignition or engine stop switch whilst
flash. the motorcycle is moving can lock the
rear wheel causing loss of motorcycle
control and an accident.

The engine should normally be
stopped by turning the ignition switch
to the OFF position.

1 The engine stop switch is for

emergency use only.
Do not leave the ignition switched on
with the engine stopped. Electrical
1. Incomplete mode change (flashing)
damage may result.
▼ The flashing of two riding mode icons
together indicates that ABS, MAP
and TTC settings specified by the Caution
selected riding mode have not been The engine should not be stopped by
correctly selected. In this case the turning the ignition switch to the OFF
ABS, MIL or TTC warning light(s) may position when the motorcycle is
be illuminated depending on the moving. The engine stop switch is for
current state of each system. emergency use only.
In the event of an incomplete riding Stopping the engine when the
mode change: motorcycle is moving may cause
▼ Safely bring the motorcycle to a stop. damage to motorcycle components.
▼ Select Neutral.
▼ Turn the ignition OFF and then back
If the mode icons are not shown when
ON again.
the ignition switch is in the ON position,
▼ Select the required riding mode. make sure that the engine stop switch
▼ Restart the engine and continue is in the RUN position.

Fuel Engine Calibration

Unleaded fuel only

In certain circumstances engine
Carburant san plomb calibration may be required. Always
E5 E10 Gasolina sin plomo
Bleifreies Benzin refer to your authorised Triumph dealer.
Endast blyfri bensin
Benzina senza piombo
Ongelode Brandstof
Combustival sem schumbo
RON/ROZ 95 min. 91
The motorcycle can be permanently
damaged if it is allowed to operate
Pb with the incorrect grade of fuel or
incorrect engine calibration.
Always make sure the fuel used is of
Fuel Grade the correct grade and quality.
Triumph motorcycles are designed to Damage caused by using the incorrect
use unleaded fuel and will give optimum fuel or engine calibration is not
performance if the correct grade of fuel considered a manufacturing defect
is used. Always use unleaded fuel with a and will not be covered under
minimum octane rating of 91 RON. warranty.
In Europe, Triumph motorcycles are Caution
compatible with Ethanol E5 and E10 (5% The exhaust system for this
and 10% Ethanol) unleaded fuel. motorcycle is fitted with a catalytic
In all other markets Ethanol up to E25 converter to help reduce exhaust
(25% Ethanol) may be used. emission levels.
Use of leaded fuel will damage the
catalytic converter. In addition, the
catalytic converter can be
permanently damaged if the
motorcycle is allowed to run out of
fuel or if the fuel level is allowed to get
very low.
Always make sure you have adequate
fuel for your journey.

The use of leaded fuel is illegal in some
countries, states or territories.
Refuelling Fuel Tank Cap

To help reduce hazards associated 1
with refuelling, always observe the
following fuel safety instructions:
- Petrol (fuel) is highly flammable and
can be explosive under certain
conditions. When refuelling, turn the
ignition switch to the OFF position.
- Do not smoke.
- Do not use a mobile telephone. ckad

1. Fuel tank cap

- Make sure the refuelling area is well 2. Key
ventilated and free from any source of
flame or sparks. This includes any To open the fuel tank cap, lift up the flap
appliance with a pilot light. covering the lock. Insert the key into the
lock and turn the key clockwise.
- Never fill the tank until the fuel level
rises into the filler neck. Heat from To close and lock the cap, push the cap
sunlight or other sources may cause down into place with the key inserted,
the fuel to expand and overflow until the lock clicks into place. Withdraw
creating a fire hazard. the key and close the key cover.
- After refuelling always check that
the fuel filler cap is correctly closed.
- Because petrol (fuel) is highly Closing the cap without the key
flammable, any fuel leak or spillage, or inserted will damage the cap, tank and
any failure to observe the safety lock mechanism.
advice given above will lead to a fire
hazard, which could cause damage to
property, injury to persons or death.

Filling the Fuel Tank Fill the fuel tank slowly to help prevent
spillage. Do not fill the tank to a level
Warning above the bottom of the filler neck. This
will make sure there is enough air space
Overfilling the tank can lead to fuel to allow for fuel expansion if the fuel
spillage. inside the tank expands through
If fuel is spilled, thoroughly clean up absorption of heat from the engine or
the spillage immediately and dispose from direct sunlight.
of the materials used safely.
Take care not to spill any fuel on the 1 2
engine, exhaust pipes, tyres or any
other part of the motorcycle.
Because fuel is highly flammable, any
fuel leak or spillage, or any failure to
observe the safety advice given above
may lead to a fire hazard, which could
cause damage to property and injury
or death to persons.
Fuel spilled near to, or onto the tyres
will reduce the tyres’ ability to grip the 1. Fuel filler neck
road. This will result in a dangerous 2. Maximum fuel level
riding condition potentially causing After refuelling always check that the
loss of motorcycle control and an fuel filler cap is correctly closed.

Avoid filling the tank in rainy or dusty
conditions where airborne material
can contaminate the fuel.
Contaminated fuel may cause damage
to fuel system components.
Traction Control (TC) Traction Control Settings
Warning Warning
The traction control and optimised Do not attempt to adjust the traction
cornering traction control systems are control settings while the motorcycle
not a substitute for riding is in motion as this may lead to loss of
appropriately for the prevailing motorcycle control and an accident.
surface and weather conditions. The
systems cannot prevent loss of Warning
traction due to; excessive speed when
entering turns, accelerating at a sharp If the traction control is disabled, the
lean angle and braking. motorcycle will handle as normal but
Traction control or optimised cornering without traction control. In this
traction control cannot prevent the situation accelerating too hard on
front wheel from slipping. wet/slippery road surfaces may cause
the rear wheel to slip, and may result
Failure to observe any of the above in loss of motorcycle control and an
may result in loss of motorcycle accident.
control and an accident.
The traction control can be set as
Traction control helps to maintain described on page 51 for Street Triple RS
traction when accelerating on wet/ models, or on page 86 for all other
slippery road surfaces. If sensors detect models.
that the rear wheel is losing traction
(slipping), the traction control system If traction control is turned OFF, the TC
will engage and alter the engine power disabled warning light will be illuminated
until traction to the rear wheel has been (see page 45 or page 81
restored. The traction control warning The traction control defaults to ON after
light will flash while it is engaged and the ignition has been switched OFF and
the rider may notice a change to the then switched ON again.
sound of the engine.
Traction control will not function if there
is a malfunction with the ABS. The
warning lights for the ABS, traction
control and the MIL will be illuminated.

Tyre Pressure Monitoring Tyre pressure sensors are fitted to the

front and rear wheels. These sensors
System (TPMS) (if fitted) measure the air pressure inside the tyre
and transmit pressure data to the
instruments. These sensors will not
transmit the data until the motorcycle is
travelling at a speed greater than 12
mph (20 km/h). Two dashes will be
shown in the display area until the tyre
Note pressure signal is received.
The Tyre Pressure Monitoring System An adhesive label will be fitted to the
(TPMS) is available as an accessory wheel rim to indicate the position of the
option on all models and must be fitted tyre pressure sensor, which is near the
by your authorised Triumph dealer. The valve.
TPMS display on the instruments will
only be activated when the system has
been fitted.

The daily check of tyre pressures
must not be excluded because of the
fitment of the Tyre Pressure
Monitoring System (TPMS).
Check the tyre pressure when the
tyres are cold using an accurate tyre
pressure gauge, see the Tyre section
for more information.
Use of the TPMS system to set
inflation pressures may lead to
incorrect tyre pressures leading to
loss of motorcycle control and an
Tyre Pressure Warning Light (if TYRE PRESSURE
TPMS is fitted)

Warning 36
psi 28 FRONT

Stop the motorcycle if the tyre 21.5 o C +9 10:55 AM

pressure warning light illuminates.
3 8 6
0 0
6 8 10
Do not ride the motorcycle until the 12 10 12
tyres have been checked and the tyre F E x1000rpm C H

pressures are at their recommended

pressure when cold. 1 2 3 4
1. Rear tyre pressure indicator
2. TPMS warning light
3. Low front tyre pressure warning shown
The tyre pressure warning 4. Front tyre pressure indicator
light works in conjunction with the Tyre
Pressure Monitoring System, see 1 2 3 4
page 109.
The warning light will only illuminate
when the front or rear tyre pressure is
below the recommended pressure. It will
not illuminate if the tyre is over inflated.
When the warning light is illuminated,
the Tyre Pressure display will show
which tyre is the deflated tyre. It will
also show the tyre pressure.

1. TPMS symbol
2. Front tyre indicator
3. Rear tyre indicator
4. Tyre pressure warning light
5. Tyre pressure
The tyre pressure at which the warning
light illuminates is temperature
compensated to 20°C but the numeric
pressure display associated with it is
not (see page 180). Even if the numeric
display seems at or close to the
standard tyre pressure when the
warning light is on, a low tyre pressure
is indicated and a puncture is the most
likely cause.

Tyre Pressure Sensor Serial Number Tyre Pressures

The serial number for the tyre pressure
sensor is printed on a label attached to Warning
the sensor. This number may be
The Tyre Pressure Monitoring System
required by your authorised Triumph
(TPMS) is not to be used as a tyre
dealer for service or diagnostics.
pressure gauge when adjusting the
When the tyre pressure monitoring tyre pressures.
system is being fitted to the motorcycle,
For correct tyre pressures, always
make sure that your authorised Triumph
check the tyre pressures when the
dealer records the serial numbers of the
tyres are cold using an accurate tyre
front and rear tyre pressure sensors in
pressure gauge.
the spaces provided below.
Use of the TPMS system to set
Front Tyre Pressure Sensor inflation pressures may lead to
incorrect tyre pressures leading to
loss of motorcycle control and an

Rear Tyre Pressure Sensor Do not use anti puncture fluid or any
other item likely to obstruct air flow to
the TPMS sensor’s orifices. Any
blockage to the air pressure orifice of
the TPMS sensor during operation will
cause the sensor to become blocked,
causing irreparable damage to the
TPMS sensor assembly.
Damage caused by the use of anti
puncture fluid or incorrect
maintenance is not considered a
manufacturing defect and will not be
covered under warranty.
Always have your tyres fitted by your
authorised Triumph dealer and inform
them that tyre pressure sensors are
fitted to the wheels.
The tyre pressures shown on the Sensor Batteries
instrument panel indicate the actual
When the battery voltage in a pressure
tyre pressure at the time of selecting
sensor is low, a message will be shown
the display. This may differ from the
in the instrument display and the TPMS
inflation pressure set when the tyres
symbol or message will indicate which
are cold because tyres become warmer
wheel sensor has the low battery
during riding, causing the air in the tyre
voltage. If the batteries are completely
to expand and the pressure to increase.
flat, only dashes will be shown in the
The cold inflation pressures specified by
instrument display, the red TPMS
Triumph take account of this.
warning light will be on and the TPMS
Only adjust tyre pressures when the symbol will flash continuously. Contact
tyres are cold using an accurate tyre your authorised Triumph dealer to have
pressure gauge (see page 181), and do the sensor replaced and the new serial
not use the tyre pressure display on the number recorded in the spaces provided
instruments. on page 111.
With the ignition switch turned to the
Replacement Tyres ON position, if the TPMS symbol flashes
When replacing tyres, always have an continuously or the TPMS warning light
authorised Triumph dealer fit your tyres remains on there is a fault with the
and make sure they are aware that tyre TPMS system. Contact your authorised
pressure sensors are fitted to the Triumph dealer to have the fault
wheels. rectified.

Side Stand The motorcycle is equipped with a side

stand on which the motorcycle can be
When using the side stand, always turn
The motorcycle is fitted with an the handlebars fully to the left and
interlock system to prevent it from leave the motorcycle in first gear.
being ridden with the side stand in the Whenever the side stand is used, before
down position. riding, always make sure that the side
Never attempt to ride with the side stand is fully up after first sitting on the
stand down or interfere with the motorcycle.
interlock mechanism as this will cause For instructions on safe parking, refer
a dangerous riding condition leading to the How to Ride the Motorcycle
to loss of motorcycle control and an section.

Do not lean, sit or climb on the
motorcycle when it is supported on
the side stand.
This may cause the motorcycle to fall
over leading to motorcycle damage
and an accident.

1. Side stand
Seats Rider's Seat

Seat Care

To prevent damage to the seat or seat
cover, care must be taken not to drop
the seat. Do not lean the seat against
the motorcycle or any surface which
may damage the seat or seat cover.
Instead, place the seat, with the seat
cover facing upwards, on a clean, flat cjxd

surface which is covered with a soft 1. Rider's seat fixing

cloth. To remove the rider's seat:
Do not place any item on the seat ▼ Remove the passenger seat or seat
which may cause damage or staining cowl (see page 115).
to the seat cover.
▼ Remove the fixing located to the rear
See page 201 for seat cleaning of the padding. This will allow the
information. rider’s seat to slide up and rearwards
for complete removal from the
To refit the seat:
▼ Engage the seat's tongue under the
fuel tank.
▼ Fit and tighten the fixing to 9 Nm.
▼ Refit the passenger seat or seat cowl
(see page 115).

The rider's seat is only correctly
retained and supported once the
fixing is correctly tightened.
Never ride the motorcycle with the
fixing loose or removed, as the rider’s
seat will not be secure and may move.
A loose or detached seat may cause
loss of motorcycle control and an

Passenger Seat and Seat Cowl

Never ride the motorcycle with the
This section applies to both the passenger seat detached or removed.
passenger seat and the seat cowl. The
To prevent detachment of the seat
seat cowl is fitted to certain models
during riding, after fitting always
only, or is available as an accessory.
grasp the seat and pull firmly
The passenger seat lock is located on upwards. If the seat is not correctly
the left hand side of the rear bodywork, secured, it will detach from the lock.
in line with the footrest mounting rail. A loose or detached seat could cause
Removal loss of motorcycle control and an

2 Refit
To refit the passenger seat:
▼ Engage the seat's tongue under the
▼ Align the locating peg to the lock and
press down engaging the seat lock.
An audible click can be heard when
the seat is fully engaged in its lock.

1. Seat lock
2. Passenger seat 3
To remove the passenger seat: 1
▼ Insert the ignition key into the seat
lock and turn it anticlockwise while
pressing down on the front of the
seat. This will release the passenger
seat from its lock.
▼ Slide the passenger seat forward for 2
complete removal from the
1. Locating peg
2. Lock
3. Bracket
4. Tongue
Owner's Handbook and Tool Street Triple R

Kit The tool kit includes a:

▼ Screwdriver
Owner's Handbook
▼ 4 mm Allen key
The Owner's Handbook is located under
▼ 5 mm Allen key
the passenger seat.
▼ Front fork adjuster tool.
Tool Kit
Street Triple RS
The tool kit is located on the underside
of the passenger seat. The tool kit includes a:
▼ Screwdriver
Street Triple S (660cc)
▼ 3 mm Allen key
The tool kit includes a:
▼ 4 mm Allen key
▼ Screwdriver
▼ 5 mm Allen key
▼ Rear suspension unit spring preload
adjustment tool (not stored in tool ▼ Front fork adjuster tool.
▼ Extension handle (not stored in tool
▼ 4 mm Allen key
▼ 5 mm Allen key.
Street Triple R - LRH
The tool kit includes a:
▼ Screwdriver
▼ Rear suspension unit spring preload
adjustment tool (not stored in tool
▼ Extension handle (not stored in tool
▼ 4 mm Allen key
▼ 5 mm Allen key
▼ Front fork adjuster tool

Universal Serial Bus (USB) The Universal Serial Bus (USB) socket
allows a 5 Volt USB connection for
Socket charging electronic devices such as
mobile phones, cameras and GPS
Warning devices. Loads up to a maximum of two
Amps can be connected to the USB
The USB socket is not waterproof
unless the waterproof cap is installed.
Do not connect electronic devices To access the USB socket:
whilst it is raining. ▼ Remove the passenger seat or seat
Water in the USB socket could lead to cowl, see page 115.
an electrical problem, resulting in ▼ The USB socket is located on the
motorcycle damage, loss of motorcycle right hand side, adjacent to the seat
control and an accident. lock.

Caution 1

Do not leave the ignition switch in the

ON position unless the engine is
running as this will discharge the

Make sure that all electronic devices
and cables are safely secured under cjxf

the seat when riding.

USB Port Socket
Make sure there is sufficient space
▼ Remove the cap.
surrounding any electronic devices for
the seat to close without causing any ▼ Plug the relevant USB adaptor cable
damage to the electronic device or the into the socket.
motorcycle. Note
Adaptor cables are not supplied with the

USB Port Socket

Running-In Both during and after running-in has
been completed:
▼ Do not overrev the engine when cold;

▼ Do not let the engine labour. Always
downshift before the engine begins
Running-in is the name given to the to 'struggle';
process that occurs during the first ▼ Do not ride with engine speeds
hours of a new vehicle's operation. unnecessarily high. Changing up a
In particular, internal friction in the gear helps reduce fuel consumption,
engine will be higher when components reduces noise and helps to protect
are new. Later on, when continued the environment.
operation of the engine has ensured
that the components have 'bedded in',
this internal friction will be greatly
A period of careful running-in will
ensure lower exhaust emissions, and
will optimise performance, fuel economy
and longevity of the engine and other
motorcycle components.
During the first 500 miles (800 km):
▼ Do not use full throttle;
▼ Avoid high engine speeds at all times;
▼ Avoid riding at one constant engine
speed, whether fast or slow, for a
long period of time;
▼ Avoid aggressive starts, stops and
rapid accelerations, except in an
▼ Do not ride at speeds greater than
3/4 of maximum speed.
From 500 to 1,000 miles (800 to 1,600
▼ Engine speed can gradually be
increased to the rev limit for short

Daily Safety Checks Steering Action: Smooth but not loose

from lock to lock. No binding of any of
the control cables (page 168).
Brakes: Pull the brake lever and push
the brake pedal to check for correct
resistance. Investigate any lever/pedal
where the travel is excessive before
Warning meeting resistance, or if either control
feels spongy in operation (page 160).
Failure to perform these checks every
day before you ride may result in Front Brake Pads: Check that the
serious motorcycle damage or an correct amount of friction material is
accident causing serious injury or remaining on all the brake pads
death. (page 160).
Brake Fluid Levels: No brake fluid
Check the following items each day leakage. Brake fluid levels must be
before you ride. The time required is between the MAX and MIN marks on
minimal, and these checks will help both reservoirs (page 163).
ensure a safe, reliable ride.
Front Forks: Smooth action. No leaks
If any irregularities are found during from fork seals (page 170).
these checks, refer to the Maintenance
Throttle: Make sure that the throttle
and Adjustment section or see your
grip returns to the idle position without
authorised Triumph dealer for the action
sticking (page 26).
required to return the motorcycle to a
safe operating condition. Clutch: Smooth operation and correct
cable free play (page 154).
Check the following:
Coolant: No coolant leakage. Check the
Fuel: Adequate supply in tank, no fuel
coolant level in the expansion tank
leaks (page 105).
(when the engine is cold) (page 151).
Engine Oil: Correct level on dipstick. Add
Electrical Equipment: All lights and the
correct specification oil as required. No
horn function correctly (page 191).
leaks from the engine or oil cooler
(page 146). Engine Stop: Stop switch turns the
engine off (page 122).
Drive Chain: Correct adjustment
(page 156). Stand: Returns to the fully up position
by spring tension. Return springs not
Tyres/Wheels: Correct inflation
weak or damaged (page 113).
pressures (when cold). Tread depth/
wear, tyre/wheel damage, punctures
etc. (page 180).
Nuts, Bolts, Fasteners: Visually check
that steering and suspension
components, axles, and all controls are
properly tightened or fastened. Inspect
all areas for loose/damaged fixings.

This page intentionally left blank


Table of Contents
Stopping the Engine .................................................................................................................................. 122
Starting the Engine.................................................................................................................................... 122
Moving Off ...................................................................................................................................................... 124
Changing Gears............................................................................................................................................ 124
Triumph Shift Assist (TSA) (if fitted)................................................................................................... 125
Braking ............................................................................................................................................................. 126
Parking ............................................................................................................................................................. 130
Considerations for High Speed Operation ....................................................................................... 131
Stopping the Engine Starting the Engine
Caution Warning
The engine should normally be Never start the engine or run the
stopped by turning the ignition switch engine in a confined area.
to the OFF position. Exhaust fumes are poisonous and can
The engine stop switch is for cause loss of consciousness and death
emergency use only. within a short period of time.
Do not leave the ignition switched on Always operate the motorcycle in the
with the engine stopped. Electrical open air or in an area with adequate
damage may result. ventilation.

Do not operate the starter
21.5 o C

continuously for more than five


N 8 6
0 P seconds as the starter motor will
12 10

overheat and the battery will become


Wait 15 seconds between each
1 2 3
operation of the starter to allow for
1. Neutral indicator (Street Triple RS only) cooling and recovery of battery power.
2. Neutral indicator (all models except
Street Triple RS) Do not let the engine idle for long
3. OFF position on the ignition switch periods as this may lead to
4. STOP position on the engine start/stop overheating which will cause damage
switch to the engine.
To stop the engine:
▼ Close the throttle completely.
▼ Select neutral. 1
▼ Turn the ignition switch to the OFF 21.5 o C

position. N 8 6
0 P

12 10 TC

▼ Select first gear. F E


▼ Support the motorcycle on a firm,

level surface with the side stand. 3 4 5

▼ Lock the steering. 1. RUN position on the engine start/stop

2. START position on the engine start/stop
3. Neutral indicator (Street Triple RS only)
4. Neutral indicator (all models except
Street Triple RS)
5. ON position on the ignition switch

To start the engine:

▼ Check that the stop switch is in the
RUN position. The low oil pressure warning light
▼ Make sure the transmission is in should go out shortly after the engine
neutral. starts.

▼ Pull the clutch lever fully into the If the low oil pressure warning light
handlebar. stays on after starting the engine,
stop the engine immediately and
▼ Turn the ignition switch to the ON investigate the cause.
Running the engine with low oil
Note pressure will cause severe engine
When the ignition is switched on, the damage.
tachometer needle will quickly sweep
▼ The motorcycle is equipped with
from zero to maximum and then return
starter lockout switches. The
to zero (LCD instruments only). The
switches prevent the electric starter
instrument warning lights will illuminate
from operating when a gear in
and will then go off (except those which
engaged with the side stand down.
normally remain on until the engine
starts – see page 40 for TFT ▼ If the side stand is extended whilst
instruments and page 79 for LCD the engine is running, and the
instruments). It is not necessary to wait transmission is not in neutral then
for the needle to return to zero (LCD the engine will stop regardless of
instruments only) before starting the clutch position.
A transponder is fitted within the key to
turn off the engine immobiliser. To make
sure the immobiliser functions correctly,
always have only one of the ignition
keys near the ignition switch. Having
two ignition keys near the switch may
interrupt the signal between the
transponder and the engine immobiliser.
In this situation the engine immobiliser
will remain active until one of the
ignition keys is removed.
▼ Leaving the throttle fully closed,
push the starter button until the
engine starts.
▼ Slowly release the clutch lever.
Moving Off Changing Gears
To move the motorcycle:
▼ Pull in the clutch lever and select Warning
first gear. Take care to avoid opening the throttle
▼ Open the throttle a little and let out too far or too fast in any of the lower
the clutch lever slowly. gears as this can lead to the front
▼ As the clutch starts to engage, open wheel lifting from the ground (pulling a
the throttle a little more, allowing 'wheelie') and to the rear tyre breaking
enough engine speed to avoid traction (wheel spin).
stalling. Always open the throttle cautiously,
particularly if you are unfamiliar with
the motorcycle, as a 'wheelie' or loss
of traction will cause loss of
motorcycle control and an accident.

Do not change to a lower gear at
speeds that will cause excessive
engine rpm (r/min).
This can lock the rear wheel causing
loss of control and an accident. Engine
damage may also be caused.
Changing down should be done such
that low engine speeds will be

For models fitted with Triumph Shift

Assist (TSA), see page 125.

N 1

1. Gear change pedal


To change gear: Triumph Shift Assist (TSA) (if

▼ Close the throttle while pulling in the fitted)
clutch lever.
▼ Change into the next higher or lower Caution
▼ Open the throttle part way, while In the event of a TSA system fault
releasing the clutch lever. when riding, the TSA system will be
▼ Always use the clutch when
changing gear. Use the clutch to change gears in the
normal way otherwise damage to the
Note engine or gear box may occur.
The gear change mechanism is the Contact a Triumph dealer as soon as
'positive stop' type. This means that, for possible to have the fault checked and
each movement of the gear change rectified.
pedal, you can only select each gear,
one after the other, in ascending or
descending order.
Changing gears must be completed
with a quick and forceful pedal
movement, making sure that the pedal
moves through its full range of travel.
Always take care when changing
gears. After a gear change, the pedal
must be fully released before another
gear change can be made.
Incorrect gear changes can cause
damage to the engine and

Triumph Shift Assist (TSA) adjusts the

engine torque to allow gears to engage,
without closure of the throttle twist grip
or operation of the clutch.
TSA is not an automatic system for
changing gears. Gears must be selected
and changed in the normal way using
the gear pedal as described on page 124.
TSA works for both up shifts and down
shifts of gear. The clutch must be used
for stopping and pulling away. The
clutch must be used when selecting any
gear from neutral, and also when
selecting neutral from any other gear.
Triumph Shift Assist will not operate if: Braking
▼ The clutch is applied.
▼ An up shift is attempted by mistake
when in 6th gear.
▼ A down shift is attempted by mistake
when in 1st gear.
▼ An up shift is attempted at very low
engine speeds.
▼ A down shift is attempted at very
high engine speeds.
▼ An up shift is attempted during
overrun. cjxh

▼ The vehicle speed limiter is active. 1. Front brake lever

▼ Cruise control is active.

▼ Traction control is operating.
▼ If the previous gear has not fully
engaged. 1
▼ The throttle is changed during a
If TSA does not operate, the clutch can
be used to change gears in the normal
For more information on enabling and
disabling the TSA functionality, see 1. Rear brake pedal
page 56.

Warning Warning
WHEN BRAKING, OBSERVE THE For your safety, always exercise
FOLLOWING: extreme caution when braking,
- Close the throttle completely, leaving accelerating or turning as any
the clutch engaged to allow the incautious action can cause loss of
engine to help slow down the control and an accident. Independent
motorcycle. use of the front or rear brakes
reduces overall braking performance.
- Change down one gear at a time Extreme braking may cause either
such that the transmission is in first wheel to lock, reducing control of the
gear when the motorcycle comes to a motorcycle and causing an accident
complete stop. (see ABS warnings).
- When stopping, always apply both When possible, reduce speed or brake
brakes at the same time. Normally the before entering a turn as closing the
front brake should be applied a little throttle or braking in mid-turn may
more than the rear. cause wheel slip leading to loss of
- Change down or fully disengage the control and an accident.
clutch as necessary to keep the When riding in wet or rainy conditions,
engine from stalling. or on loose surfaces, the ability to
- Never lock the brakes, as this may manoeuvre and stop will be reduced.
cause loss of control of the motorcycle All of your actions should be smooth
and an accident. under these conditions. Sudden
acceleration, braking or turning may
Warning cause loss of control and an accident.

For emergency braking, disregard

down changing, and concentrate on
applying the front and rear brakes as When descending a long, steep
hard as possible without skidding. gradient or mountain pass, make use
Riders should practice emergency of the engine's braking effect by down
braking in a traffic-free area. changing and use both front and rear
Triumph strongly recommends that all brakes intermittently.
riders take a course of instruction, Continuous brake application or use of
which includes advice on safe brake the rear brake only can overheat the
operation. Incorrect brake technique brakes and reduce their effectiveness
could result in loss of control and an leading to loss of motorcycle control
accident. and an accident.
ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System)
Riding with your foot on the brake Warning
pedal or your hands on the brake lever
may actuate the brake light, giving a The ABS function attempts to
false indication to other road users. maximise the chances of keeping the
motorcycle under control when
It may also overheat the brake, braking. The potentially shorter
reducing braking effectiveness leading braking distances ABS allows under
to loss of motorcycle control and an certain conditions are not a substitute
accident. for good riding practice.
Always ride within the legal speed
Warning limit.
Do not coast with the engine switched Never ride without due care and
off, and do not tow the motorcycle. attention and always reduce speed in
The transmission is pressure consideration of weather, road and
lubricated only when the engine is traffic conditions.
running. Take care when cornering. If the
Inadequate lubrication may cause brakes are applied in a corner, ABS will
damage or seizure of the transmission, not be able to counteract the weight
which can lead to sudden loss of and momentum of the motorcycle.
motorcycle control and an accident. This can result in loss of control and
an accident.
Under some circumstances it is
possible that a motorcycle equipped
with ABS may require a longer
stopping distance.

ABS Warning Light

If the ABS is not functioning, the brake
system will continue to function as a
When the ignition switch is
non-ABS equipped brake system.
turned to the ON position, it is normal
for the ABS warning light to flash on In this situation, braking too hard will
and off, see page 41 for Street Triple R, cause the wheels to lock resulting in
Street Triple R - LRH and loss of control and an accident.
Street Triple RS models or page 41 for Reduce speed and do not continue to
Street Triple S (660cc) models. If the ABS ride for longer than is necessary with
warning light is constantly illuminated it the indicator light illuminated. Contact
indicates that the ABS function is not an authorised Triumph dealer as soon
available because: as possible to have the fault checked
▼ The ABS has been disabled by the and rectified.
rider, see page 51 Street Triple R,
Street Triple R - LRH and Warning
Street Triple RS models.
The ABS warning light will illuminate
▼ The ABS has a malfunction that
when the rear wheel is driven at high
requires investigation.
speed for more than 30 seconds when
If the indicator light becomes illuminated the motorcycle is on a stand. This
while riding, it indicates that the ABS reaction is normal.
has a malfunction that requires
When the ignition is switched off and
the motorcycle is restarted, the
Note warning light will illuminate until the
motorcycle reaches a speed exceeding
The ABS operation may feel like a harder
19 mph (30 km/h).
pedal pressure or a pulsation of the
brake lever and pedal.
The ABS is not an integrated braking Warning
system and does not control both the ABS operates by comparing the
front and rear brake at the same time relative speed of the front and rear
so this pulsation may be felt in the lever, wheels.
the pedal or both.
Use of non-recommended tyres can
The ABS may be activated by sudden affect wheel speed and cause the ABS
upward or downward changes in the not to operate, potentially leading to
road surface. loss of control and an accident in
conditions where the ABS would
normally function.
The engine and exhaust system will be
hot after riding.
DO NOT park where pedestrians and
children are likely to touch the
Touching any part of the engine or
exhaust system when hot may cause
unprotected skin to become burnt. To park the motorcycle:
▼ Select neutral and turn the ignition
Warning switch to the OFF position.
Petrol is extremely flammable and can ▼ Select first gear.
be explosive under certain conditions. ▼ Lock the steering to help prevent
If parking inside a garage or other theft.
structure, be sure it is well ventilated ▼ Always park on a firm, level surface
and the motorcycle is not close to any to prevent the motorcycle from
source of flame or sparks. This falling. This is particularly important
includes any appliance with a pilot when parking off-road.
▼ When parking on a hill, always park
Failure to follow the above advice may facing uphill to prevent the
cause a fire resulting in damage to motorcycle from rolling off the stand.
property or personal injury. Engage first gear to prevent the
motorcycle from moving.
Warning ▼ On a lateral (sideways) incline, always
park such that the incline naturally
Do not park on a soft or steeply
pushes the motorcycle towards the
inclined surface.
side stand.
Parking under these conditions may
▼ Do not park on a lateral (sideways)
cause the motorcycle to fall over
incline of greater than 6° and never
causing damage to property and
park facing downhill.
personal injury.

▼ Do not leave the switch in the P Considerations for High

position for long periods of time as
this will discharge the battery. Speed Operation
▼ When parking near traffic at night,
or when parking in a location where Warning
parking lights are required by law, This Triumph motorcycle should be
leave the tail, licence plate and operated within the legal speed limits
position lights on by turning the for the particular road travelled.
ignition switch to P (PARK).
Operating a motorcycle at high speeds
can be potentially dangerous since the
time available to react to given traffic
situations is greatly reduced as road
speed increases.
Always reduce speed in potentially
hazardous driving conditions such as
bad weather or heavy traffic.

Only operate this Triumph motorcycle
at high speed in closed-course, on-
road competition or on closed-course
High speed operation should only then
be attempted by riders who have been
instructed in the techniques
necessary for high speed riding and
are familiar with the motorcycle's
characteristics in all conditions.
High speed operation in any other
circumstances is dangerous and will
lead to loss of motorcycle control and
an accident.
Electrical Equipment
Make sure that all electrical equipment
The handling characteristics of a such as the headlight, rear/brake light,
motorcycle at high speed may vary direction indicators and horn all work
from those you are familiar with at correctly.
legal road speeds.
Engine Oil
Do not attempt high speed operation
unless you have received sufficient Check that the engine oil level is correct.
training and have the required skills as Make sure that the correct grade and
a serious accident may result from type of oil is used when topping up.
incorrect operation. Drive Chain
Make sure that the drive chain is
Warning correctly adjusted and lubricated.
Inspect the chain for wear and damage.
The items listed below are extremely
important and must never be Fuel
neglected. A problem, which may not
Have sufficient fuel for the increased
be noticed at normal operating speeds,
fuel consumption that will result from
may be greatly exaggerated at high
high speed operation.

General Caution
Make sure that the motorcycle has been In many countries, the exhaust
maintained according to the scheduled system for this model is fitted with a
maintenance chart. catalytic converter to help reduce
exhaust emission levels.
The catalytic converter can be
Check that the front and rear brakes
permanently damaged if the
are functioning correctly.
motorcycle is allowed to run out of
Coolant fuel or if the fuel level is allowed to get
Check that the coolant level is at the very low.
upper level line in the expansion tank. Always make sure you have adequate
Always check the level with the engine fuel for your journey.

Luggage Tyres
Make sure that any luggage containers High speed operation is hard on tyres,
are closed, locked and securely fitted to and tyres that are in good condition are
the motorcycle. crucial to riding safely. Examine their
overall condition, inflate to the correct
Miscellaneous pressure (when the tyres are cold), and
Visually check that all fixings are tight. check the wheel balance. Securely fit
the valve caps after checking tyre
pressures. Observe the information
Check that the handlebar turns given in the maintenance and
smoothly without excessive free play or specification sections on tyre checking
tight spots. Make sure that the control and tyre safety.
cables do not restrict the steering in
any way.

This page intentionally left blank


The addition of accessories and carriage

of additional weight can affect the Warning
motorcycle's handling characteristics Owners should be aware that the only
causing changes in stability and approved parts, accessories and
necessitating a reduction in speed. The conversions for any Triumph
following information has been prepared motorcycle are those which carry
as a guide to the potential hazards of official Triumph approval and are fitted
adding accessories to a motorcycle and to the motorcycle by an authorised
carrying passengers and additional dealer.
In particular, it is extremely hazardous
Accessories to fit or replace parts or accessories
whose fitting requires the dismantling
Warning of, or addition to, either the electrical
or fuel systems and any such
Do not install accessories or carry modification could cause a safety
luggage that impairs the control of the hazard.
motorcycle. The fitting of any non-approved parts,
Make sure that you have not accessories or conversions may
adversely affected any lighting adversely affect the handling, stability
component, road clearance, banking or other aspect of the motorcycle
capability (i.e. lean angle), control operation that may result in an
operation, wheel travel, front fork accident causing injury or death.
movement, visibility in any direction, or Triumph does not accept any liability
any other aspect of the motorcycle's whatsoever for defects caused by the
operation. fitting of non-approved parts,
accessories or conversions or the
fitting of any approved parts,
accessories or conversions by non-
approved personnel.

Warning Warning
Fit only genuine Triumph accessories Never ride an accessory equipped
to the correct Triumph motorcycle motorcycle, or a motorcycle carrying a
model. payload of any kind, at speeds above
Always check the Triumph Fitting 80 mph (130 km/h). In either/both of
Instruction associated with the these conditions, speeds in excess of
genuine Triumph accessory. Make sure 80 mph (130 km/h) should not be
the Triumph motorcycle model that attempted even where the legal speed
the Triumph accessory is to be fitted limit permits this.
to, is listed as approved for the The presence of accessories and/or
genuine Triumph accessory. For all payload will cause changes in the
Triumph Fitting Instructions, see stability and handling of the
www.triumphinstructions.com. motorcycle.
Never fit genuine Triumph accessories Failure to allow for changes in
to a Triumph motorcycle model that is motorcycle stability may lead to loss of
not listed in the associated Triumph motorcycle control and an accident.
Fitting Instruction, as this may affect When riding at high speed, always be
handling, stability or other aspects of aware that various motorcycle
the motorcycle operation that may configuration and environmental
result in an accident causing severe factors can adversely affect the
injuries or death. stability of your motorcycle. For
- Incorrectly balanced loads on both
sides of the motorcycle
- Incorrectly adjusted front and rear
suspension settings
- Incorrectly adjusted tyre pressures
- Excessively or unevenly worn tyres
- Side winds and turbulence from
other vehicles
- Loose clothing.
Remember that the 80 mph (130 km/h)
absolute limit will be reduced by the
fitting of non-approved accessories,
incorrect loading, worn tyres, overall
motorcycle condition and poor road or
weather conditions.

Warning Never attempt to store any items
between the frame and the fuel tank.
Always make sure that any loads
carried are evenly distributed on both This can restrict the steering and will
sides of the motorcycle. Make sure cause loss of control leading to an
that the load is correctly secured so accident.
that it will not move around while the Weight attached to the handlebar or
motorcycle is in motion. front fork will increase the mass of the
Evenly distribute the load within each steering assembly and can result in
pannier (if fitted). Pack heavy items at loss of steering control leading to an
the bottom and on the inboard side of accident.
the pannier.
Always check the load security Warning
regularly (though not while the The maximum safe load for each
motorcycle is in motion) and make pannier is stated on a label inside the
sure that the load does not extend pannier.
beyond the rear of the motorcycle.
Never exceed this loading limit as this
Never exceed the maximum vehicle may cause the motorcycle to become
loading weight as specified in the unstable leading to loss of motorcycle
Specifications section. control and an accident.
This maximum loading weight is made
up from the combined weight of the
rider, passenger, any accessories
fitted and any load carried. If the passenger seat is used to carry
For models that have adjustable small objects, they must not exceed 5
suspension settings, make sure that kg (11lbs) in weight, must not impair
front and rear spring preload and control of the motorcycle, must be
damping settings are suitable for the securely attached and must not
loading condition of the motorcycle. extend beyond the rear or sides of the
Note the maximum permissible motorcycle.
payload for the panniers is stated on a Carrying objects in excess of 5 kg
label inside the pannier. (11lbs) in weight, that are insecure,
Incorrect loading may result in an impair control or extend beyond the
unsafe riding condition leading to an rear or sides of the motorcycle may
accident. lead to loss of motorcycle control and
an accident.
Even if small objects are correctly
loaded onto the passenger seat, the
maximum speed of the motorcycle
must be reduced to 80 mph (130 km/h).
Warning Your passenger should be instructed
that he or she can cause loss of
The handling and braking capabilities motorcycle control by making sudden
of a motorcycle will be affected by the movements or by adopting an
presence of a passenger. incorrect seated position.
The rider must make allowances for The rider should instruct the
these changes when operating the passenger as follows:
motorcycle with a passenger and
should not attempt such operation - It is important that the passenger
unless trained to do so and without sits still while the motorcycle is in
becoming familiar and comfortable motion and does not interfere with the
with the changes in motorcycle operation of the motorcycle.
operating characteristics that this - To keep his or her feet on the
brings about. passenger footrests and to firmly hold
Motorcycle operation without making onto the seat strap or the rider's waist
allowances for the presence of a or hips.
passenger could lead to loss of - Advise the passenger to lean with
motorcycle control and an accident. the rider when travelling around
corners and not to lean unless the
Warning rider does so.

Do not carry a passenger unless he or Warning

she is tall enough to reach the
footrests provided. Do not carry animals on your
A passenger who is not tall enough to motorcycle.
reach the footrests will be unable to An animal could make sudden and
sit securely on the motorcycle and unpredictable movements that could
may cause instability leading to loss of lead to loss of motorcycle control and
control and an accident. an accident.

Table of Contents
Scheduled Maintenance........................................................................................................................... 142
Scheduled Maintenance Table .............................................................................................................. 144
600 Mile (1,000 Km) or 6 Month Service................................................................................. 144
1st Annual Service............................................................................................................................. 144
2nd Annual Service .......................................................................................................................... 144
3rd Annual Service ........................................................................................................................... 144
4th Annual Service........................................................................................................................... 144
6,000 and 18,000 Mile (10,000 and 30,000 Km) Service .................................................. 144
12,000 Mile (20,000 Km) Service ................................................................................................. 144
24,000 Mile (40,000 Km) Service ................................................................................................ 144
Engine Oil ........................................................................................................................................................ 146
Engine Oil Level Inspection ............................................................................................................ 146
Engine Oil and Filter Change ......................................................................................................... 147
Disposal of Used Engine Oil and Oil Filters............................................................................. 149
Engine Oil Specification and Grade (10W/40 & 10W/50)................................................... 149
Cooling System ............................................................................................................................................. 150
Coolant Level Inspection .................................................................................................................. 151
Coolant Level Adjustment................................................................................................................ 151
Coolant Change .................................................................................................................................... 152
Throttle Control ........................................................................................................................................... 153
Throttle Inspection............................................................................................................................. 153
Clutch ................................................................................................................................................................ 154
Clutch Inspection ................................................................................................................................ 154
Clutch Adjustment.............................................................................................................................. 154
Drive Chain ..................................................................................................................................................... 155
Drive Chain Lubrication.................................................................................................................... 156
Drive Chain Free Movement Inspection ................................................................................... 156
Drive Chain Free Movement Adjustment ................................................................................ 157
Drive Chain and Sprocket Wear Inspection ........................................................................... 158
Brakes............................................................................................................................................................... 159
Breaking-in New Brake Pads and Discs .................................................................................. 159
Front Brake Wear Inspection........................................................................................................ 160
Rear Brake Wear Inspection........................................................................................................... 161
Disc Brake Fluid ................................................................................................................................... 162
Front Brake Fluid Level Inspection and Adjustment......................................................... 163
Front Brake Fluid Level Inspection and Adjustment......................................................... 164
Rear Brake Fluid Level Inspection and Adjustment .......................................................... 165
Brake Light Switches ........................................................................................................................ 166
Mirrors.............................................................................................................................................................. 166
Steering............................................................................................................................................................ 168
Steering Inspection ............................................................................................................................ 168
Wheel Bearings Inspection............................................................................................................. 169
Front Fork Inspection ....................................................................................................................... 170
Suspension ...................................................................................................................................................... 171
Front Suspension................................................................................................................................. 171
Front Suspension Settings.............................................................................................................. 171
Front Suspension Spring Preload Adjustment..................................................................... 172
Front Suspension Spring Preload Adjustment..................................................................... 173
Front Suspension Rebound and Compression Damping Adjustment....................... 173
Front Suspension Rebound and Compression Damping Adjustment....................... 174
Rear Suspension.................................................................................................................................. 174
Rear Suspension Settings .............................................................................................................. 175
Rear Suspension Spring Preload Adjustment ...................................................................... 176
Rear Suspension Spring Preload Adjustment ....................................................................... 177
Rear Suspension Rebound Damping Adjustment ............................................................... 177
Rear Suspension Rebound Damping Adjustment .............................................................. 178
Rear Suspension Compression Damping Adjustment ...................................................... 178
Rear Suspension Compression Damping Adjustment ...................................................... 179
Rear Suspension Compression Damping Adjustment ...................................................... 179
Bank Angle Indicators .............................................................................................................................. 180
Tyres.................................................................................................................................................................. 180
Tyre Inflation Pressures ................................................................................................................... 181
Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) (if fitted)........................................................... 182
Tyre Wear................................................................................................................................................ 182
Minimum Recommended Tread Depth...................................................................................... 183
Tyre Replacement ............................................................................................................................... 183
Battery ............................................................................................................................................................. 186
Battery Removal.................................................................................................................................. 186
Battery Disposal .................................................................................................................................. 186
Battery Maintenance ........................................................................................................................ 187
Battery Discharge............................................................................................................................... 187
Battery Discharge During Storage and Infrequent Use of the Motorcycle .......... 188
Battery Charging................................................................................................................................. 188
Battery Installation ............................................................................................................................ 189
Fuses................................................................................................................................................................. 190
Fuse Identification.............................................................................................................................. 190

Headlights........................................................................................................................................................ 191
Headlight Adjustment....................................................................................................................... 192
Headlight Replacement.................................................................................................................... 192
Direction Indicator Lights ....................................................................................................................... 193
Rear Light ....................................................................................................................................................... 193
Licence Plate Light..................................................................................................................................... 194
Scheduled Maintenance Warning
Warning All maintenance is vitally important
and must not be neglected. Incorrect
Triumph Motorcycles cannot accept maintenance or adjustment may
any responsibility for damage or injury cause one or more parts of the
resulting from incorrect maintenance motorcycle to malfunction. A
or improper adjustment carried out by malfunctioning motorcycle may lead to
the owner. loss of control and an accident.
Incorrect or neglected maintenance Weather, terrain and geographical
can lead to a dangerous riding location affect maintenance. The
condition. maintenance schedule should be
Always have an authorised Triumph adjusted to match the particular
dealer carry out the scheduled environment in which the motorcycle
maintenance of this motorcycle. is used and the demands of the
individual owner.
Special tools, knowledge and training
are required in order to correctly carry
out the maintenance items listed in
the scheduled maintenance chart.
Only an authorised Triumph dealer will
have this knowledge and equipment.
Incorrect or neglected maintenance
can lead to a dangerous riding
condition. Always have an authorised
Triumph dealer carry out the
scheduled maintenance of this

To maintain the motorcycle in a safe

and reliable condition, the maintenance
and adjustments outlined in this section
must be carried out as specified in the
schedule of daily checks, and also in line
with the scheduled maintenance chart.
The information that follows describes
the procedures to follow when carrying
out the daily checks and some simple
maintenance and adjustment items.

Scheduled maintenance may be carried Service Symbol/General Warning Symbol

out by your authorised Triumph dealer
in three ways; annual maintenance, The service symbol will
mileage based maintenance or a illuminate for five seconds after the
combination of both, depending on the motorcycle start up sequence as a
mileage the motorcycle travels each reminder that a service is due in
year. approximately 60 miles (100 km). The
1. Motorcycles travelling less than service symbol will illuminate
6,000 miles (10,000 km) per year must permanently when the mileage is
be maintained annually. In addition reached, it will remain permanently
to this, mileage based items require illuminated until the service interval is
maintenance at their specified reset using the Triumph Diagnostic tool.
intervals, as the motorcycle reaches
this mileage. The general warning symbol will
2. Motorcycles travelling approximately flash if an ABS or engine management
6,000 miles (10,000 km) per year must fault has occurred and the ABS and/or
have the annual maintenance and MIL warning lights are illuminated.
the specified mileage based items Contact an authorised Triumph dealer
carried out together. as soon as possible to have the fault
3. Motorcycles travelling more than checked and rectified.
6,000 miles (10,000 km) per year must Note
have the mileage based items
Items marked * in the following table are
maintained as the motorcycle
subject to additional labour charge,
reaches the specified mileage. In
above the cost and time allowance for
addition to this, annual based items
the basic service, which includes time to
will require maintenance at their
check only.
specified annual intervals.
In all cases maintenance must be
carried out at or before the specified
maintenance intervals shown. Consult
an authorised Triumph dealer for advice
on which maintenance schedule is most
suitable for your motorcycle.
Triumph Motorcycles cannot accept any
responsibility for damage or injury
resulting from incorrect maintenance or
improper adjustment.
Scheduled Maintenance Table
Odometer Reading in Miles (km) or Time Period, whichever comes first
First Annual
Mileage Based Service
Service Service
Operation description 6,000 and
600 Mile
18,000 Mile 12,000 Mile 24,000 Mile
(1,000 Km)
Daily Year (10,000 and (20,000 Km) (40,000 Km)
or 6 Month
30,000 Km) Service Service
Engine and oil cooler - check for leaks • • • • • •
Engine oil - renew • • • • •
Engine oil filter - renew • • • • •
Fuel System and Engine Management
Fuel system - check for leaks • • • • • •
Autoscan - carry out a full Autoscan using the
• • • • •
Triumph diagnostic tool (print a customer copy)
Fuel system - check fuel hoses for chafing, cracks or
• • • • •
damage. Replace if necessary
Fuel hoses - renew - every 4 years, regardless of
Every four years, regardless of mileage
Evaporative hoses - renew (if fitted) - every 4 years,
Every four years, regardless of mileage
regardless of mileage
Throttle body plate (butterfly) - check/clean • • •
Throttle bodies/carburettors - balance* • • •
Spark plugs - check • • •
Air filter - renew • •
Secondary air injection system - check/clean • •
Spark plugs - renew • •
Cooling System
Cooling system - check for leaks • • • • • •
Coolant level - check/adjust • • • • • •
Cooling system - check coolant hoses for chafing,
• • • • •
cracks or damage. Replace if necessary
Coolant - renew - every 3 years, regardless of
Every three years, regardless of mileage
Clutch - check operation •
Clutch cable - check function and adjust as
• • • • • •
necessary (models fitted with a cable clutch only)
Valve clearances - check/adjust* • •
Camshaft timing - check/adjust* • •
Wheels and Tyres
Wheels - inspect for damage • • • • • •
Tyre wear/tyre damage - check • • • • • •
Tyre pressures - check/adjust • • • • • •
Wheel bearings - check for wear/smooth operation • • • • •

Odometer Reading in Miles (km) or Time Period, whichever comes first

First Annual
Mileage Based Service
Service Service
Operation description 6,000 and
600 Mile
18,000 Mile 12,000 Mile 24,000 Mile
(1,000 Km)
Daily Year (10,000 and (20,000 Km) (40,000 Km)
or 6 Month
30,000 Km) Service Service
Steering and Suspension
Steering - check for free operation • • • • • •
Front and rear suspension - check for damage/
• • • • • •
leaks/smooth operation
Headstock bearings - check/adjust - except first
• • • •
Headstock bearings - lubricate • •
Rear suspension unit and linkage - lubricate (single
• •
rear suspension unit models only)
Fork oil - renew •
Brake system - check operation •
Brake pads - check wear levels* • • • • • •
Brake fluid levels - check • • • • • •
Brake master cylinders - check for fluid leaks • • • • •
Brake calipers - check for fluid leaks and seized
• • • • •
Brake fluid - renew - every 2 years, regardless of
Every two years, regardless of mileage
Final Drive
Drive chain slack - check/adjust • • • • • •
Drive chain - wear check* • • • • •
Drive chain - lubricate • • • • •
Drive chain rubbing strip - check for wear, cracks or
• • • • •
Lights, instruments and electrical systems - check/
• • • • • •
Bank angle indicators - check for wear* • • • • • •
Centre and/or side stand - check for wear/smooth
• • • • • •
Instruments and engine ECM - check for latest
calibration download using the Triumph diagnostic • • • • •
Fasteners - inspect visually for security • • • • •
Side stand pivot pin - clean/grease • • • • •
Carry out all outstanding Service Bulletin and
• • • • •
warranty work
Carry out road test • • • • •
Complete the service record book and reset the
• • • • •
service indicator (if fitted)
Engine Oil Warning
If the engine has recently been
running, the exhaust system will be
Before working on or near the
exhaust system, allow sufficient time
for the exhaust system to cool as
Warning touching any part of a hot exhaust
Motorcycle operation with insufficient, system could cause burn injuries.
deteriorated, or contaminated engine
oil will cause accelerated engine wear Caution
and may result in engine or
transmission seizure. Running the engine with insufficient
oil will cause engine damage.
Seizure of the engine or transmission
may lead to sudden loss of motorcycle If the low oil pressure indicator
control and an accident. remains on, stop the engine
immediately and investigate the
In order for the engine, transmission, situation.
and clutch to function correctly,
maintain the engine oil at the correct
level, and change the engine oil and oil
filter in accordance with scheduled 1 5
maintenance requirements.
Engine Oil Level Inspection 3

Never start the engine or run the
engine in a confined area. 2

Exhaust fumes are poisonous and can 1. Filler

cause loss of consciousness and death 2. Dipstick location in crankcase
within a short period of time. 3. Dipstick
Always operate the motorcycle in the 4. Upper marking
5. Lower marking
open air or in an area with adequate

To inspect the engine oil level: Engine Oil and Filter Change
▼ Start the engine and run at idle for
approximately five minutes. Warning
▼ Stop the engine, then wait for at Prolonged or repeated contact with
least three minutes for the oil to engine oil can lead to skin dryness,
settle. irritation and dermatitis.
Note Used engine oil contains harmful
An accurate indication of the level of oil contamination that can lead to skin
in the engine is only shown when the cancer.
engine is at normal operating Always wear suitable protective
temperature, the motorcycle is upright clothing and avoid skin contact with
(not on the side stand) and when the used oil.
dipstick has been screwed fully home.
Do not add oil through the dipstick hole Warning
in the crankcase.
The oil may be hot to the touch.
▼ Remove the dipstick.
Avoid contact with the hot oil by
▼ The oil level is indicated by lines on wearing suitable protective clothing,
the dipstick. When full, the indicated gloves, eye protection, etc.
oil level must be level with the upper
Contact with hot oil may cause the
marking on the dipstick.
skin to be scalded or burned.
▼ If the oil level is below the lower
marking, remove the filler plug and
add oil a little at a time through the
filler plug hole in the clutch cover If the engine has recently been
until the correct level is reached. running, the exhaust system will be
▼ Once the correct level is reached, fit hot.
and tighten the filler plug. Before working on or near the
exhaust system, allow sufficient time
for the exhaust system to cool as
touching any part of a hot exhaust
system could cause burn injuries.
The engine oil and engine oil filter must ▼ Fill the engine with a Semi or fully
be replaced in accordance with synthetic 10W/40 or 10W/50
scheduled maintenance requirements. motorcycle engine oil which meets
specification API SH (or higher) and
JASO MA, such as Castrol Power 1
Racing 4T 10W-40 (fully synthetic)
engine oil, sold as Castrol Power RS
Racing 4T 10W-40 (fully synthetic) in
some countries.
▼ Start the engine and allow it to idle
for a minimum of 30 seconds.

Raising the engine speed above idle,
1. Oil drain plug before the engine oil reaches all parts
2. Oil filter of the engine can cause engine
To change the engine oil and engine oil damage or seizure.
filter: Only raise engine speed after running
▼ Warm up the engine thoroughly, and the engine for 30 seconds to allow the
then stop the engine and secure the engine oil to circulate fully.
motorcycle in an upright position on
level ground. Caution
▼ Place an oil drain pan beneath the If the engine oil pressure is too low,
engine. the low oil pressure warning light will
▼ Remove the oil drain plug. illuminate. If this light stays on when
▼ Unscrew and remove the oil filter the engine is running, stop the engine
using Triumph service tool T3880313. immediately and investigate the cause.
Dispose of the old oil filter in an Running the engine with low oil
environmentally friendly way. pressure will cause engine damage.
▼ Apply a thin smear of clean engine oil
▼ Make sure that the low oil pressure
to the sealing ring of the new oil
warning light remains off and the oil
filter. Fit the oil filter and tighten to
pressure message is not shown in
10 Nm.
the instrument display screen.
▼ After the oil has completely drained
▼ Stop the engine and recheck the oil
out, fit a new sealing washer to the
level. Adjust if necessary.
drain plug. Fit and tighten the drain
plug to 25 Nm.

Disposal of Used Engine Oil and Oil Engine Oil Specification and Grade
Filters (10W/40 & 10W/50)
To protect the environment, do not pour Triumph's high performance fuel
oil on the ground, down sewers or injected engines are designed to use
drains, or into watercourses. 10W/40 or 10W/50 semi or fully
Do not place used oil filters in with synthetic motorcycle engine oil that
general waste. If in doubt, contact your meets specification API SH (or higher)
local authority. and JASO MA, such as Castrol Power 1
Racing 4T 10W-40 (fully synthetic)
engine oil, sold as Castrol Power RS
Racing 4T 10W-40 (fully synthetic) in
some countries.
Refer to the chart below for the correct
oil viscosity (10W/40 or 10W/50) to be
used in your riding area.

Ambient Temperature (°C)

-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 (°C)

SAE 10W/50

SAE 10W/40

-4 14 32 50 68 86 104 (°F)
Ambient Temperature (°F)

Oil Viscosity Temperature Range

Do not add any chemical additives to
the engine oil. The engine oil also
lubricates the clutch and any additives
could cause the clutch to slip.
Do not use mineral, vegetable, non-
detergent oil, castor based oils or any oil
not conforming to the required
specification. The use of these oils may
cause instant, severe engine damage.
Make sure that no foreign matter enters
the crankcase during an engine oil
change or top up.
Cooling System Corrosion Inhibitors

HD4X Hybrid OAT coolant contains
corrosion inhibitors and antifreeze
suitable for aluminium engines and
radiators. Always use the coolant in
accordance with the instructions of
To ensure efficient engine cooling, check the manufacturer.
the coolant level each day before riding Coolant contains toxic chemicals that
the motorcycle, and top up the coolant are harmful to the human body.
if the level is low. Contact with skin or eyes may cause
Note severe irritation. Wear protective
gloves, clothing and eye protection
A year round, Hybrid Organic Acid when handling coolant.
Technology (known as Hybrid OAT or
HOAT) coolant is installed in the cooling If coolant is inhaled, remove the
system when the motorcycle leaves the person to fresh air and keep
factory. It is coloured green, contains a comfortable for breathing. In case of
50% solution of ethylene glycol based doubt or persistent symptoms, seek
antifreeze, and has a freezing point of medical attention.
-35°C (-31°F). If coolant gets on your skin, flush with
water immediately. Remove
contaminated clothing.
If coolant gets in your eyes, flush with
water for at least 15 minutes and SEEK
If coolant is swallowed, rinse the
mouth with water and SEEK MEDICAL

HD4X Hybrid OAT coolant, as supplied by
Triumph, is premixed and does not need
to be diluted prior to filling or topping up
the cooling system.
To protect the cooling system from
corrosion, the use of corrosion inhibitor
chemicals in the coolant is essential.

If coolant containing a corrosion Coolant Level Adjustment

inhibitor is not used, the cooling system
will accumulate rust and scale in the Warning
water jacket and radiator. This will block
the coolant passages, and considerably Do not remove the expansion tank or
reduce the efficiency of the cooling radiator pressure cap when the
system. engine is hot.
When the engine is hot, the coolant
Coolant Level Inspection inside the radiator will be hot and also
under pressure.
Contact with this hot, pressurised
The coolant level should be checked coolant will cause scalds and skin
when the engine is cold (at room or damage.
ambient temperature).

If hard water is used in the cooling
1 system, it will cause scale
accumulation in the engine and
radiator and considerably reduce the
efficiency of the cooling system.
Reduced cooling system efficiency
4 may cause the engine to overheat and
suffer severe damage.


1. Expansion tank 2
2. Filler cap
3. MAX mark 1
4. MIN mark
To inspect the coolant level:
▼ Position the motorcycle on level 3
ground and in an upright position.
The expansion tank can be viewed 4
from the left hand side of the
motorcycle, below and towards the
front of the fuel tank. cjxo

1. Expansion tank
▼ Check the coolant level in the 2. Filler cap
expansion tank. The coolant level 3. MAX mark
must be between the MAX and MIN 4. MIN mark
▼ If the coolant is below the minimum
level, the coolant level must be
To adjust the coolant level: Coolant Change
▼ Allow the engine to cool. It is recommended that the coolant is
▼ The expansion tank cap can be changed by an authorised Triumph
removed from the left hand side of dealer in accordance with scheduled
the motorcycle. maintenance requirements.
▼ Remove the cap from the expansion Radiator and Hoses
tank and add coolant mixture
through the filler opening until the Warning
level reaches the MAX mark. Refit
the cap. The fan operates automatically when
the engine is running.
Always keep hands and clothing away
If the coolant level is being checked from the fan.
because the coolant has overheated,
also check the level in the radiator and Contact with the rotating fan may
top up if necessary. cause an accident and/or personal
In an emergency, distilled water can be
added to the cooling system. However,
the coolant must then be drained and Caution
replenished with HD4X Hybrid OAT Using high pressure water sprays,
coolant as soon as possible. such as from a car wash facility or
household pressure washer, can
damage the radiator fins, cause leaks
and impair the radiator's efficiency.
Do not obstruct or deflect airflow
through the radiator by installing
unauthorised accessories, either in
front of the radiator or behind the
cooling fan.
Interference with the radiator airflow
can cause overheating, potentially
resulting in engine damage.

Check the radiator hoses for cracks or

deterioration, and tension clips for
tightness in accordance with scheduled
maintenance requirements. Have your
authorised Triumph dealer replace any
defective items.
Check the radiator grille and fins for
obstructions by insects, leaves or mud.
Clean off any obstructions with a
stream of low pressure water.

Throttle Control Throttle Inspection

Warning Warning
Always be alert for changes in the Use of the motorcycle with a sticking
'feel' of the throttle control and have or damaged throttle control will
the throttle system checked by an interfere with the throttle function
authorised Triumph dealer if any resulting in loss of motorcycle control
changes are detected. and an accident.
Changes can be due to wear in the To avoid continued use of a sticking or
mechanism, which could lead to a damaged throttle control, always have
sticking throttle control. it checked by your authorised Triumph
A sticking or stuck throttle control will
lead to loss of motorcycle control and To inspect the throttle:
an accident.
▼ Check that the throttle opens
smoothly, without undue force and
that it closes without sticking. Have
your authorised Triumph dealer
check the throttle system if a
problem is detected or any doubt
▼ If there is an incorrect amount of
free play, Triumph recommends that
you have your authorised Triumph
dealer investigate.
▼ Check that there is 1 - 2 mm of
throttle grip free play when lightly
turning the throttle grip back and
Clutch Clutch Adjustment
The motorcycle is equipped with a To adjust the clutch:
cable-operated clutch. ▼ Turn the adjuster sleeve until the
If the clutch lever has excessive free correct amount of clutch lever free
play, the clutch may not disengage fully. play is achieved.
This will cause difficulty in changing
gear and selecting neutral. This may
cause the engine to stall and make the 2
motorcycle difficult to control.
Conversely, if the clutch lever has
insufficient free play the clutch may not
engage fully, causing the clutch to slip,
which will reduce performance and
cause premature clutch wear.
Clutch lever free play must be checked 2 - 3 mm
in accordance with scheduled
maintenance requirements.
1. Clutch lever
2. Adjuster sleeve (locknut fully released)
Clutch Inspection 3. Correct clearance 2-3 mm
Check that there is 2 - 3 mm clutch lever ▼ Check that there is 2 - 3 mm clutch
free play at the lever. lever free play at the lever.
If there is an incorrect amount of free ▼ If there is an incorrect amount of
play, adjustments must be made. free play, adjustments must be
▼ If correct adjustment cannot be
made using the lever adjuster, use
the cable adjuster at the lower end
of the cable.

Drive Chain

A loose or worn chain, or a chain that
breaks or jumps off the sprockets
could catch on the engine sprocket or
lock the rear wheel.
1. Adjuster locknuts
2. Clutch outer cable A chain that snags on the engine
sprocket will injure the rider and lead
▼ Loosen the adjuster locknut.
to loss of motorcycle control and an
▼ Turn the outer cable adjuster to give accident.
2 - 3 mm of free play at the clutch
Similarly, locking the rear wheel will
lead to loss of motorcycle control and
▼ Tighten the locknut to 3.5 Nm. an accident.

For safety and to prevent excessive

wear the drive chain must be checked,
adjusted and lubricated in accordance
with the scheduled maintenance
requirements. Checking, adjustment and
lubrication must be carried out more
frequently for extreme conditions such
as high speed riding, salty or heavily
gritted roads.
If the chain is badly worn or incorrectly
adjusted (either too loose or too tight)
the chain could jump off the sprockets
or break. Therefore, always replace worn
or damaged chains using genuine
Triumph parts supplied by an authorised
Triumph dealer.
Drive Chain Lubrication Drive Chain Free Movement
Lubrication is necessary every 200 miles Inspection
(300 km) and also after riding in wet
weather, on wet roads, or any time that Warning
the chain appears dry.
Before starting work, make sure the
To lubricate the drive chain: motorcycle is stabilised and
▼ Use the special drive chain lubricant adequately supported.
as recommended in the This will help prevent injury to the
Specifications section. operator or damage to the motorcycle.
▼ Apply lubricant to the sides of the
rollers then allow the motorcycle to
stand unused for at least eight
hours (overnight is ideal). This will
allow the lubricant to penetrate to
the drive chain O-rings etc.
▼ Before riding, wipe off any excess
▼ If the drive chain is especially dirty,
clean first and then apply lubricant
as mentioned above. 1

Caution 1. Maximum movement position

Do not use a pressure washer to clean To inspect the drive chain free
the drive chain as this may cause movement:
damage to the drive chain ▼ Place the motorcycle on a level
components. surface and hold it in an upright
position with no weight on it.
▼ Rotate the rear wheel by pushing the
motorcycle to find the position where
the chain is tightest, and measure
the vertical movement of the chain
midway between the sprockets.
▼ The vertical movement of the drive
chain must be in the range of 20 to
30 mm.

Drive Chain Free Movement

Operation of the motorcycle with
2 insecure adjuster lock nuts or a loose
1 wheel spindle may result in impaired
stability and handling of the
This impaired stability and handling
may lead to loss of control or an

▼ Check the rear brake effectiveness.

3 Rectify if necessary.

1. Adjuster bolt Warning

2. Adjuster bolt lock nut
3. Rear wheel spindle nut It is dangerous to operate the
motorcycle with defective brakes; you
If the drive chain free movement is
must have your authorised Triumph
incorrect, adjustment must be made as
dealer take remedial action before you
attempt to ride the motorcycle again.
▼ Loosen the wheel spindle nut.
Failure to take remedial action may
▼ Loosen the lock nuts on both the left reduce braking efficiency leading to
hand and right hand chain adjuster loss of motorcycle control or an
bolts. accident.
▼ Moving both adjusters by an equal
amount, turn the adjuster bolts
clockwise to increase drive chain free
movement and anticlockwise to
reduce drive chain free movement.
▼ When the correct amount of drive
chain free movement has been set,
push the wheel into firm contact
with the adjusters. Tighten both
adjuster lock nuts to 20 Nm and the
rear wheel spindle nut to 110 Nm.
▼ Repeat the drive chain adjustment
check. Readjust if necessary.
Drive Chain and Sprocket Wear To inspect the drive chain and sprocket
Inspection wear:
▼ Remove the chain guard.
Warning ▼ Stretch the chain taut by hanging a
10 - 20 kg (20 - 40 lb) weight on the
Never neglect drive chain maintenance
and always have drive chains installed
by an authorised Triumph dealer. ▼ Measure the length of 20 links on the
straight part of the chain from pin
Use a genuine Triumph supplied drive
centre of the 1st pin to the pin centre
chain as specified in the Triumph Parts
of the 21st pin. Since the chain may
wear unevenly, take measurements
The use of non-approved drive chains in several places.
may result in a broken drive chain or
▼ If the length exceeds the maximum
may cause the drive chain to jump off
service limit of 319 mm, the chain
the sprockets leading to loss of
must be replaced.
motorcycle control or an accident.
▼ Rotate the rear wheel and inspect
the drive chain for damaged rollers,
Caution and loose pins and links.
If the sprockets are found to be worn, ▼ Also inspect the sprockets for
always replace the sprockets and drive unevenly or excessively worn or
chain together. damaged teeth.
Replacing worn sprockets without also
replacing the drive chain will lead to Worn Tooth Worn Tooth
premature wear of the new sprockets. (Engine Sprocket) (Rear Sprocket)

(Sprocket wear exaggerated for

illustrative purposes)

▼ If there is any irregularity, have the

drive chain and/or the sprockets
2 replaced by an authorised Triumph
1. Measure across 20 links dealer.
2. Weight ▼ Refit the chain guard, tightening the
fixings to 4 Nm.

Brakes Breaking-in New Brake Pads and

Breaking-in New Brake Pads and Discs
Brake pads must always be replaced
Brake pads must always be replaced as a wheel set. At the front, where two
as a wheel set. At the front, where two calipers are fitted on the same wheel,
calipers are fitted on the same wheel, replace all the brake pads in both
replace all the brake pads in both calipers.
Replacing individual pads will reduce
Replacing individual pads will reduce braking efficiency and may cause an
braking efficiency and may cause an accident.
After replacement brake pads have
After replacement brake pads have been fitted, ride with extreme caution
been fitted, ride with extreme caution until the new pads have 'broken in'.
until the new pads have 'broken in'.
New brake discs and pads require a
New brake discs and pads require a period of careful breaking-in that will
period of careful breaking-in that will optimise the performance and longevity
optimise the performance and longevity of the discs and pads. The
of the discs and pads. The recommended distance for breaking-in
recommended distance for breaking-in new pads and discs is 200 miles
new pads and discs is 200 miles (300 km).
(300 km).
During this period, avoid extreme
During this period, avoid extreme braking, ride with caution and allow for
braking, ride with caution and allow for greater braking distances.
greater braking distances.
Front Brake Wear Inspection
If fitting new proprietary brand brake 2
pads, check that the carrier plate of
the brake pad is the specified
thickness shown in the table.
Fitting brake pads with the carrier
plate less than the specified thickness
may result in brake failure due to the chbe_2

possible loss of the brake pad as it

wears. 1. Carrier plate
2. Brake pad lining
Brake pads must be inspected in Brake pads for this model supplied by
accordance with scheduled Triumph will have the carrier plate at
requirements and replaced if worn to, or the recommended thickness. Always
beyond the minimum service thickness. have replacement brake pads supplied
and fitted by your Triumph dealer.
If the lining thickness of any brake pad
1 is less than that specified in the table,
replace all the brake pads on the wheel.
2 Street Triple All Other
RS Models

Carrier Plate
Minimum 4.8 mm 4.0 mm

Minimum Brake
cbmz_1 Pad Lining 1.0 mm 1.5 mm
1. Carrier plate Thickness
2. Brake pad Minimum Service
5.8 mm 5.5 mm
(Brake Pad Lining
and Carrier Plate)

Rear Brake Wear Inspection If the lining thickness of any brake pad
is less than that specified in the table,
Warning replace all the brake pads on the wheel.

If fitting new proprietary brand brake All Models

pads, check that the carrier plate of Carrier Plate Minimum
the brake pad is the specified 3.0 mm
thickness shown in the table.
Minimum Brake Pad Lining
Fitting brake pads with the carrier 1.5 mm
plate less than the specified thickness
Minimum Service Thickness
may result in brake failure due to the
(Brake Pad Lining and Carrier 4.5 mm
possible loss of the brake pad as it


1. Carrier plate
2. Brake pad lining
Brake pads supplied by Triumph will
have the carrier plate at the
recommended thickness. Always have
replacement brake pads supplied and
fitted by your Triumph dealer.
Disc Brake Fluid
Warning If the ABS is not functioning, the brake
system will continue to function as a
Brake fluid is hygroscopic which non-ABS equipped brake system.
means it will absorb moisture from the
In this situation, braking too hard will
cause the wheels to lock resulting in
Any absorbed moisture will greatly loss of control and an accident.
reduce the boiling point of the brake
Reduce speed and do not continue to
fluid causing a reduction in braking
ride for longer than is necessary with
the indicator light illuminated. Contact
Because of this, always replace brake an authorised Triumph dealer as soon
fluid in accordance with scheduled as possible to have the fault checked
maintenance requirements. and rectified.
Always use new brake fluid from a
sealed container and never use fluid Inspect the level of brake fluid in both
from an unsealed container or from reservoirs and change the brake fluid in
one which has been previously accordance with scheduled
opened. maintenance requirements. Use only
DOT 4 fluid as recommended in the
Do not mix different brands or grades
Specification section. The brake fluid
of brake fluid.
must also be changed if it becomes, or is
Check for fluid leakage around brake suspected of having become
fittings, seals and joints and also contaminated with moisture or any
check the brake hoses for splits, other contaminants.
deterioration and damage.
Always rectify any faults before riding.
A special tool is required to bleed the
Failure to observe and act upon any of
ABS braking system. Contact your
these items may cause a dangerous
authorised Triumph dealer when the
riding condition leading to loss of
brake fluid needs renewing or the
control and an accident.
hydraulic system requires maintenance.

Front Brake Fluid Level Inspection To adjust the brake fluid level:
and Adjustment ▼ Release the reservoir cap retaining
screws and remove the reservoir cap
Street Triple RS
and the diaphragm seal.
▼ Fill the reservoir to the MAX level line
Warning using new DOT 4 brake fluid from a
If there has been an appreciable drop sealed container.
in the level of the fluid in either fluid ▼ Fit the diaphragm seal into the
reservoir, consult your authorised reservoir cap and make sure that the
Triumph dealer for advice before holes for the fixings in the reservoir
riding. cap and the diaphragm seal are
Riding with depleted brake fluid levels, correctly aligned.
or with a brake fluid leak is dangerous
and will cause reduced brake
performance potentially leading to loss 2
of motorcycle control and an accident.

3 3


1. Reservoir cap
2. Diaphragm seal
3. Reservoir cap retaining screw holes

▼ Install the reservoir cap retaining
1. Reservoir cap retaining screws
screws into the reservoir cap and
2. MAX level line diaphragm seal assembly.
3. MIN level line ▼ Hold the assembly together and
To inspect the front brake fluid level: position the reservoir cap, diaphragm
▼ Check the level of brake fluid visible seal and reservoir cap retaining
in the MIN and MAX section of the screws onto the reservoir.
▼ The brake fluid level in the reservoir
must be kept between the MAX and
MIN level lines (reservoir held
Front Brake Fluid Level Inspection
and Adjustment
All Models except Street Triple RS

2 If there has been an appreciable drop
in the level of the fluid in either fluid
reservoir, consult your authorised
Triumph dealer for advice before
1. Reservoir cap, diaphragm seal and Riding with depleted brake fluid levels,
reservoir cap retaining screws assembly or with a brake fluid leak is dangerous
2. Reservoir and will cause reduced brake
performance potentially leading to loss
Warning of motorcycle control and an accident.
If the reservoir cap retaining screws
are over tightened this can result in a
brake fluid leak.
A dangerous riding condition leading
to loss of motorcycle control and an
accident could result if this warning is

1. Front brake fluid reservoir, upper level line

2. Lower level line
To inspect the front brake fluid level:
▼ Check the level of brake fluid visible
in the window at the front of the
reservoir unit.
▼ The brake fluid level must be kept
1. Reservoir cap retaining screws between the upper and lower level
▼ Tighten the reservoir cap retaining lines (reservoir held horizontal).
screws to 0.7 Nm.

To adjust the brake fluid level: Rear Brake Fluid Level Inspection
▼ Release the reservoir cap retaining and Adjustment
screws and remove the reservoir cap
and the diaphragm seal. Warning
▼ Fill the reservoir to the upper level
If there has been an appreciable drop
line using new DOT 4 from a sealed
in the level of the fluid in either fluid
reservoir, consult your authorised
▼ Refit the reservoir cap making sure Triumph dealer for advice before
that the diaphragm seal is correctly riding.
positioned between the reservoir cap
Riding with depleted brake fluid levels,
and the reservoir body.
or with a brake fluid leak is dangerous
▼ Tighten the reservoir cap retaining and will cause reduced brake
screws to 1 Nm. performance potentially leading to loss
of motorcycle control and an accident.

The reservoir is visible from the right

hand side of the motorcycle, forward of
the silencer, below the rider’s seat.


1. Upper level line

2. Lower level line
To inspect the rear brake fluid level:
▼ Check the level of brake fluid visible
in the reservoir.
▼ The brake fluid level must be kept
between the upper and lower level
lines (reservoir held horizontal).
To adjust the rear brake fluid level: Mirrors
▼ Release the reservoir cap and
remove the diaphragm seal. Warning
▼ Fill the reservoir to the upper level
line using new DOT 4 brake fluid from Operation of the motorcycle with
a sealed container. incorrectly adjusted mirrors is
▼ Refit the reservoir cap making sure
that the diaphragm seal is correctly Operation of the motorcycle with
fitted. incorrectly adjusted mirrors will result
in loss of vision to the rear of the
motorcycle. It is dangerous to ride a
Brake Light Switches motorcycle without sufficient
rearward vision.
Warning Always adjust the mirrors to provide
Riding the motorcycle with defective sufficient rearward vision before riding
brake lights is illegal and dangerous. the motorcycle.
An accident causing injury to the rider
and other road users may result from Warning
use of a motorcycle with defective
Never attempt to clean or adjust
brake lights.
mirrors while riding the motorcycle.
The brake light is activated Removal of the rider’s hands from the
independently by either the front or handlebars while riding the motorcycle
rear brake. If, with the ignition in the ON will diminish the ability of the rider to
position, the brake light does not work maintain control of the motorcycle.
when the front brake lever is pulled or Attempting to clean or adjust mirrors
the rear brake pedal is pressed, have while riding the motorcycle may result
your authorised Triumph dealer in loss of control of the motorcycle
investigate and rectify the fault. and an accident.
Only attempt to clean or adjust the
mirrors while stationary.

Models with Bar End Mirrors The bar end mirrors will be set by your
authorised Triumph dealer and will not
Warning normally require any adjustment. Should
adjustment be necessary, do not rotate
Incorrect adjustment of the bar end the mirror beyond 75°, measured from
mirrors may cause the mirror arm to the vertical section of the mirror arm.
contact the fuel tank, brake or clutch
levers or other parts of the
This will restrict brake or clutch lever
operation or restrict steering
movement, resulting in loss of 1
motorcycle control and an accident.
Adjust the mirrors as required to make
sure they do not contact any part of
the motorcycle. After adjustment,
move the handlebar to the left and
right full lock while checking that the
mirrors do not contact the fuel tank, 1. Mirror arm vertical section
brake or clutch levers or other parts of
the motorcycle.

Incorrect adjustment of the bar end
mirrors may cause the mirror arm to
contact the fuel tank, brake or clutch
levers or other parts of the
This will result in damage to the fuel
tank, brake or clutch levers or other
parts of the motorcycle.
Adjust the mirrors as required to make
sure they do not contact any part of
the motorcycle. After adjustment,
move the handlebar to the left and
right full lock while checking that the
mirrors do not contact the fuel tank,
brake or clutch levers or other parts of
the motorcycle.
Steering Steering Inspection

Caution Warning
To prevent risk of injury from the Riding the motorcycle with incorrectly
motorcycle falling during the adjusted or defective steering
inspection, make sure that the (headstock) bearings is dangerous and
motorcycle is stabilised and secured may cause loss of motorcycle control
on a suitable support. and an accident.
Do not exert extreme force against
each wheel or rock each wheel
vigorously as this may cause the
motorcycle to become unstable and
cause injury by falling from its
Make sure that the position of the
support block will not cause damage
to the motorcycle.

Inspecting the Steering for Free Play

To inspect the steering:
▼ Position the motorcycle on level
ground, in an upright position.
▼ Raise the front wheel above the
ground and support the motorcycle.
▼ Standing at the front of the
motorcycle, hold the lower end of the
front forks outer tube and try to
move them forward and backward.
▼ If any free play can be detected in
the steering (headstock) bearings,
ask your authorised Triumph dealer
to inspect and rectify any faults
before riding.
▼ Remove the support and place the
motorcycle on the side stand.

Wheel Bearings Inspection To inspect the wheel bearings:

▼ Position the motorcycle on level
Warning ground, in an upright position.
Riding with worn or damaged front or ▼ Raise the front wheel off the ground
rear wheel bearings is dangerous and and support the motorcycle.
may cause impaired handling and ▼ Standing at the side of the
instability leading to an accident. motorcycle, gently rock the top of
If in doubt, have the motorcycle the front wheel from side to side.
inspected by an authorised Triumph ▼ If any free play can be detected, ask
dealer before riding. your authorised Triumph dealer to
inspect and rectify any faults before
The wheel bearings must be inspected riding.
at the intervals specified in the
▼ Reposition the lifting device and
scheduled maintenance chart.
repeat the procedure for the rear
▼ Remove the support and place the
motorcycle on the side stand.
If the wheel bearings in the front or rear
wheel allow play in the wheel hub, are
noisy, or if the wheel does not turn
smoothly, have your authorised Triumph
dealer inspect the wheel bearings.


Inspecting the Wheel Bearings

Front Fork Inspection To inspect the forks:
▼ Position the motorcycle on level
Warning ground.
Riding the motorcycle with defective ▼ While holding the handlebars and
or damaged suspension is dangerous applying the front brake, pump the
and may lead to loss of control and an forks up and down several times.
accident. ▼ If roughness or excessive stiffness is
detected, consult your authorised
Triumph dealer.
▼ Examine each fork for any sign of
Never attempt to dismantle any part damage, scratching of the slider
of the suspension units surface, or for oil leaks.
All suspension units contain ▼ If any damage or leakage is found,
pressurised oil. consult an authorised Triumph
Skin and eye damage can result from dealer.
contact with the pressurised oil.

Street Triple S (660cc) shown


Suspension Front Suspension Settings

The motorcycle is delivered from the
Front Suspension factory with all the suspension settings
set at the Road (Solo Riding) setting, as
shown in the relevant suspension
Warning settings tables. The Road suspension
Make sure that the correct balance settings provide a comfortable ride and
between front and rear suspension is good handling characteristics for
maintained. general, solo riding.
Suspension imbalance could The details shown in the tables are only
significantly change handling a guide. Setting requirements may vary
characteristics leading to loss of for rider and passenger weight and
control and an accident. personal preferences.
Refer to the table for further Street Triple R - LRH
information or consult your authorised
Triumph dealer. Front Suspension Settings -
Street Triple R - LRH

Warning Spring Rebound

Loading ion
Preload1 Damping2
Make sure that the adjusters are set Damping2
to the same setting on both front Solo Riding
suspension units. 5 1 1
- Track
Settings that vary from left to right Solo Riding
may affect handling and stability 5 2 2
- Sport
resulting in loss of motorcycle control
Solo Riding
and an accident. - Road
5 2.5 5

Solo Riding
5 5.5 7
- Comfort

Rider and
5 2.5 5
Number of adjuster turns clockwise from the
fully anticlockwise position.
Number of adjuster turns anticlockwise from
the fully clockwise position.
Street Triple R Front Suspension Spring Preload
Front Suspension Settings - Street Triple R

Street Triple R and Street Triple R - LRH
Spring Rebound
Preload1 Damping2
ion The spring preload adjuster is located at
Damping2 the top of each fork.
Solo Riding
5 1 1.5 1
- Track

Solo Riding
5 1 2
- Sport

Solo Riding
5 2.5 5
- Road

Solo Riding
5 5.5 7
- Comfort

Rider and
5 2.5 5
Number of adjuster turns clockwise from the cjyc

fully anticlockwise position. 1. Adjuster screw

Number of adjuster turns anticlockwise from To change the spring preload:
the fully clockwise position. ▼ Rotate the adjuster screw clockwise
to increase, or anticlockwise to
Street Triple RS
Front Suspension Settings - Street Triple RS ▼ Always count the number of
clockwise turns from the fully
Spring Rebound anticlockwise position.
Loading ion
Preload1 Damping2

Solo Riding
3.5 2 1
- Track

Solo Riding
3.5 2 2
- Sport

Solo Riding
3.5 4 5
- Road

Solo Riding
3.5 5.5 7
- Comfort

Rider and
3.5 4 5
Number of adjuster turns clockwise from the
fully anticlockwise position.
Number of adjuster turns anticlockwise from
the fully clockwise position.

Front Suspension Spring Preload Front Suspension Rebound and

Adjustment Compression Damping Adjustment
Street Triple RS Street Triple R and Street Triple R - LRH
The spring preload adjuster is located at The rebound and compression damping
the bottom of both front forks. adjusters are located at the top of the
right hand fork.
1 2


1. Front suspension spring preload adjuster cjyc

(right hand shown) 1. Compression damping adjuster (COM)
To change the spring preload: 2. Rebound damping adjuster (TEN)

▼ Rotate the adjuster clockwise to To change the rebound damping setting:

increase, or anticlockwise to ▼ Rotate the TEN slotted adjuster
decrease using the Allen key clockwise to increase, or
attached to the passenger seat. anticlockwise to decrease.
▼ Always count the number of ▼ Always count the number of turns
clockwise turns from the fully from the fully clockwise position.
anticlockwise position. To change the compression damping
▼ Rotate the COM slotted adjuster
clockwise to increase, or
anticlockwise to decrease.
▼ Always count the number of turns
from the fully clockwise position.
Front Suspension Rebound and Rear Suspension
Compression Damping Adjustment
Street Triple RS
The rebound and compression damping Make sure that the correct balance
adjusters are located at the top of each between front and rear suspension is
fork. maintained.
Suspension imbalance could
significantly change handling
characteristics leading to loss of
control and an accident.
Refer to the table for further
information or consult your authorised
Triumph dealer.

cjyf 1
1. Compression damping adjusters
2. Rebound damping adjusters
To change the rebound damping setting:
▼ Rotate the TEN slotted adjuster
clockwise to increase, or
anticlockwise to decrease.
▼ Always count the number of turns
from the fully clockwise position.
To change the compression damping
▼ Rotate the COM slotted adjuster
clockwise to increase, or
anticlockwise to decrease.
▼ Always count the number of turns
from the fully clockwise position.

Rear Suspension Settings Street Triple R

The motorcycle is delivered from the
factory with all the suspension settings Warning
set at the Road (Solo Riding) setting as The rear suspension unit spring
shown in the relevant suspension preload is not rider adjustable.
tables. The Road suspension settings
provide a comfortable ride and good Any attempt to adjust the spring
handling characteristics for general, solo preload could result in a dangerous
riding. riding condition leading to loss of
motorcycle control, and an accident.
The details shown in the tables are only
a guide. Setting requirements may vary Rear Suspension Settings - Street Triple R
for rider and passenger weight and
personal preferences. Rebound Compression
Damping1 Damping1
Street Triple R - LRH
Solo Riding -
1.25 1.5
Rear Suspension Settings -
Street Triple R - LRH Solo Riding -
1.5 2
Loading Spring Preload
Damping1 Solo Riding -
2.5 2
Solo Riding -
Min 0.25
Track Solo Riding -
3 2.75
Solo Riding -
Min 0.75
Sport Rider and
1.5 1.5
Solo Riding -
Min 2
Road 1
Number of adjuster turns anticlockwise from
the fully clockwise position.
Solo Riding -
Min 2.75

Rider and
Max 0.25
Number of adjuster turns anticlockwise from
the fully clockwise position.
Street Triple RS Rear Suspension Spring Preload
Street Triple R - LRH
The rear suspension unit spring The spring preload adjuster is located at
preload is not rider adjustable. the top of the rear suspension unit.
Any attempt to adjust the spring
preload could result in a dangerous
riding condition leading to loss of
motorcycle control, and an accident. 1

Rear Suspension Settings - Street Triple RS

Rebound Compression
Damping1 Damping1
Solo Riding -
8 7
Solo Riding -
10 10
1. Peg
Solo Riding - 2. Position 1 (minimum adjustment)
14 20
Road 3. Adjustment tool
Solo Riding - To change the spring preload setting:
20 20
▼ Insert the adjustment tool supplied
Rider and in the tool kit into the slot in the
9 9
Passenger adjuster ring.
Number of clicks anticlockwise from the fully ▼ Turn the adjuster ring anticlockwise
clockwise position noting that the first stop to increase spring preload, and
(click) is counted as one.
clockwise to decrease spring preload.
Street Triple S (660cc) ▼ Adjuster settings are counted from
position one with position one being
Rear Suspension Settings - with the adjuster turned fully
Street Triple S (660cc) clockwise. Position one gives the
Loading Spring Preload minimum amount of spring preload.

Solo Riding Min

Rider and Passenger Max


Rear Suspension Spring Preload Rear Suspension Rebound Damping

Adjustment Adjustment
Street Triple S (660cc) Street Triple R
The spring preload adjuster is located at The rebound damping adjuster is
the top of the rear suspension unit. located at the bottom of the rear
suspension unit on the left hand side of
the motorcycle.

1. Peg
2. Position 1 (minimum adjustment) cjye

3. Adjustment tool 1. Slotted adjuster

To change the spring preload setting: To change the rebound damping setting:
▼ Insert the adjustment tool supplied ▼ Rotate the slotted adjuster clockwise
in the tool kit into the slot in the to increase rebound damping and
adjuster ring. anticlockwise to decrease.
▼ Turn the adjuster ring anticlockwise
to increase spring preload, and
clockwise to decrease spring preload.
▼ When delivered from the factory, the
spring preload adjuster will be set to
the Solo Riding position as shown in
the suggested suspension settings
▼ Adjuster settings are counted from
position one with position one being
with the adjuster turned fully
clockwise. Position one gives the
minimum amount of spring preload.
Rear Suspension Rebound Damping Rear Suspension Compression
Adjustment Damping Adjustment
Street Triple RS Street Triple R
The rebound damping adjuster is The compression damping adjuster is
located at the bottom of the rear situated adjacent to the rear
suspension unit on the left hand side of suspension unit reservoir.
the motorcycle.


cjyd 1. Slotted adjuster

1. Adjuster screw To adjust the compression damping
To change the rebound damping setting: setting:
▼ Rotate the adjuster screw clockwise ▼ Rotate the slotted adjuster clockwise
to increase rebound damping and to increase, or anticlockwise to
anticlockwise to decrease. decrease.

Rear Suspension Compression Rear Suspension Compression

Damping Adjustment Damping Adjustment
Street Triple R - LRH Street Triple RS
The compression damping adjuster is The compression damping adjuster is
situated adjacent to the rear situated adjacent to the rear
suspension unit reservoir. suspension unit reservoir.


1. Slotted adjuster 1. Adjuster screw

To change the compression damping To adjust the compression damping
setting: setting:
▼ Rotate the slotted adjuster clockwise ▼ Rotate the adjuster screw clockwise
to increase, or anticlockwise to to increase, or anticlockwise to
decrease. decrease.
Bank Angle Indicators Tyres
Always replace the bank angle
indicators before they are worn to
their maximum limit.
Use of a motorcycle with bank angle This model is fitted with tubeless tyres,
indicators worn beyond the maximum valves and wheel rims. Use only tyres
limit will allow the motorcycle to be marked ‘TUBELESS’ and tubeless valves
banked to an unsafe angle. on rims marked ‘SUITABLE FOR
Banking to an unsafe angle may cause
instability, loss of motorcycle control
and an accident. Warning
Do not install tube type tyres on
Bank angle indicators are located on the
tubeless rims.
rider's footrests.
The bead will not seat and the tyres
could slip on the rims, causing rapid
tyre deflation that may result in a loss
of motorcycle control and an accident.
Never install an inner tube inside a
tubeless tyre without the appropriate
marking. This will cause friction inside
the tyre and the resulting heat build-
2 up may cause the tube to burst
resulting in rapid tyre deflation, loss of
motorcycle control and an accident.

1. Bank angle indicator

2. Maximum wear limit groove
Bank angle indicators must be replaced
when they have worn down to the
maximum wear limit. The maximum
wear limit is shown by a groove on the
bank angle indicator.
Regularly check the bank angle
indicators for wear.

Tyre Inflation Pressures

Incorrect tyre inflation will cause
abnormal tread wear and instability
problems that may lead to loss of
control and an accident.
Under inflation may result in the tyre
slipping on, or coming off the rim.
Overinflation will cause instability and
accelerated tread wear.
Typical Tyre Marking - Tubeless Tyre
Both conditions are dangerous as they
may cause loss of control leading to
an accident.

Tyre pressures which have been
reduced for off-road riding will impair
on-road stability.
Always make sure that the tyre
pressures are set as described in the
Specification section for on-road use.
Typical Wheel Marking - Tubeless Tyre Operation of the motorcycle with
incorrect tyre pressures may cause
loss of motorcycle control and an

Correct inflation pressure will provide

maximum stability, rider comfort and
tyre life. Always check tyre pressures
before riding when the tyres are cold.
Check tyre pressures daily and adjust if
necessary. See the Specification section
for details of the correct inflation
Tyre Pressure Monitoring System The tyre pressures shown on your
(TPMS) (if fitted) instruments indicate the actual tyre
pressure at the time of selecting the
display. This may differ from the
Caution inflation pressure set when the tyres
An adhesive label is fitted to the wheel are cold because tyres become warmer
rim to indicate the position of the tyre during riding, causing the air in the tyre
pressure sensor. to expand and increase the inflation
Care must be taken when replacing pressure. The cold inflation pressures
the tyres to prevent any damage to specified by Triumph take account of
the tyre pressure sensors. this.
Always have the tyres fitted by an Only adjust tyre pressures when the
authorised Triumph dealer. It is tyres are cold using an accurate
important to inform them that tyre pressure gauge. Do not use the tyre
pressure sensors are fitted to the pressure display on the instruments.
wheels before they remove the tyres.
Tyre Wear
Caution As the tyre tread wears down, the tyre
becomes more susceptible to punctures
Do not use anti puncture fluid or any and failure. It is estimated that 90% of
other item likely to obstruct air flow to all tyre problems occur during the last
the TPMS sensor’s orifices. Any 10% of tread life (90% worn). It is
blockage to the air pressure orifice of recommended that tyres are changed
the TPMS sensor during operation will before they are worn to their minimum
cause the sensor to become blocked, tread depth.
causing irreparable damage to the
TPMS sensor assembly.
Damage caused by the use of anti
puncture fluid or incorrect
maintenance is not considered a
manufacturing defect and will not be
covered under warranty.
Always have the tyres fitted by an
authorised Triumph dealer. It is
important to inform them that tyre
pressure sensors are fitted to the
wheels before they remove the tyres.

Minimum Recommended Tread Tyre Replacement

Depth All Triumph motorcycles are carefully
and extensively tested in a range of
Warning riding conditions to make sure that the
most effective tyre combinations are
Riding with excessively worn tyres is approved for use on each model. It is
hazardous and will adversely affect essential that approved tyres and inner
traction, stability and handling which tubes (if installed) fitted in approved
may lead to loss of control and an combinations, are used when
accident. purchasing replacement items. The use
When tubeless tyres, used without a of non-approved tyres and inner tubes,
tube, become punctured, leakage is or approved tyres and inner tubes in
often very slow. Always inspect tyres non-approved combinations, may lead
very closely for punctures. Check the to motorcycle instability, loss of control
tyres for cuts, embedded nails or and an accident.
other sharp objects. Riding with A list of approved tyres and inner tubes
punctured or damaged tyres will specific to your motorcycle are available
adversely affect motorcycle stability from your authorised Triumph dealer, or
and handling which may lead to loss of on the Internet at www.triumph.co.uk.
control or an accident. Always have tyres and inner tubes
Check the rims for dents or fitted and balanced by your authorised
deformation. Riding with damaged or Triumph dealer who has the necessary
defective wheels or tyres is dangerous training and skills to ensure safe,
and may lead to loss of control and an effective fitment.
accident. When replacement tyres or inner tubes
Always consult your authorised are required, consult your authorised
Triumph dealer for tyre replacement, Triumph dealer who will arrange for the
or for a safety inspection of the tyres. tyres and inner tubes to be selected, in
a correct combination, from the
In accordance with the periodic approved list and fitted according to the
maintenance chart, measure the depth tyre and inner tube manufacturer's
of the tread with a depth gauge, and instructions.
replace any tyre that has worn to, or
Initially, the new tyres and inner tubes
beyond the minimum allowable tread
will not produce the same handling
depth specified in the table below:
characteristics as the worn tyres and
Under 80 mph inner tubes and the rider must allow
2 mm (0.08 in) adequate riding distance (approximately
(130 km/h)
100 miles (160 km)) to become
Over 80 mph Front 2 mm (0.08 in) accustomed to the new handling
(130 km/h) Rear 3 mm (0.12 in) characteristics.
24 hours after fitting, the tyre
pressures must be checked and Warning
adjusted, and the tyres and inner tubes Do not install tube type tyres on
examined for correct seating. tubeless rims.
Rectification must be carried out as
The bead will not seat and the tyres
necessary. The same checks and
could slip on the rims, causing rapid
adjustments must also be carried out
tyre deflation that may result in a loss
when 100 miles (160 km) have been
of motorcycle control and an accident.
travelled after fitting.
Never install an inner tube inside a
Warning tubeless tyre without the appropriate
marking. This will cause friction inside
Inner tubes must only be used on the tyre and the resulting heat build-
motorcycles fitted with spoked wheels up may cause the tube to burst
and with tyres marked 'TUBE TYPE'. resulting in rapid tyre deflation, loss of
Some brands of approved tyres motorcycle control and an accident.
marked 'TUBELESS' may be suitable
for use with an inner tube. Where this Warning
is the case, the tyre wall will be
marked with text permitting the If a tyre or inner tube sustains a
fitment of an inner tube. puncture, the tyre and inner tube
must be replaced.
Use of an inner tube with a tyre
marked 'TUBELESS', and NOT marked Failure to replace a punctured tyre
as suitable for use with an inner tube, and inner tube, or operation with a
or use of an inner tube on an alloy repaired tyre or inner tube can lead to
wheel marked 'SUITABLE FOR instability, loss of motorcycle control
TUBELESS TYRES' will cause deflation or an accident.
of the tyre resulting in loss of
motorcycle control and an accident. Warning
If tyre damage is suspected, such as
after striking the kerb, ask your
authorised Triumph dealer to inspect
the tyre both internally and externally.
Tyre damage may not always be visible
from the outside.
Operation of the motorcycle with
damaged tyres could lead to loss of
control and an accident.

Warning Warning
Use of a motorcycle with incorrectly Tyres and inner tubes that have been
seated tyres or inner tubes, used on a rolling road dynamometer
incorrectly adjusted tyre pressures, or may become damaged. In some cases,
when not accustomed to its handling the damage may not be visible on the
characteristics may lead to loss of external surface of the tyre.
motorcycle control and an accident. Tyres and inner tubes must be
replaced after such use as continued
Warning use of a damaged tyre or inner tube
may lead to instability, loss of
ABS operates by comparing the motorcycle control and an accident.
relative speed of the front and rear
Use of non-recommended tyres can
affect wheel speed and cause the ABS
function not to operate, potentially
leading to loss of motorcycle control
and an accident in conditions where
the ABS would normally function.

Accurate wheel balance is necessary
for safe, stable handling of the
motorcycle. Do not remove or change
any wheel balance weights. Incorrect
wheel balance may cause instability
leading to loss of control and an
When wheel balancing is required,
such as after tyre or inner tube
replacement, see your authorised
Triumph dealer.
Only use self-adhesive weights. Clip on
weights may damage the wheel, tyre
or inner tube resulting in tyre
deflation, loss of motorcycle control
and an accident.
Battery Battery Removal

Warning Warning
The battery contains sulphuric acid Make sure that the battery terminals
(battery acid). Contact with skin or do not touch the motorcycle frame.
eyes may cause severe burns. Wear This may cause a short circuit or
protective clothing and a face shield. spark which would ignite battery
If battery acid gets on your skin, flush gases causing a risk of personal injury.
with water immediately.
4 2
If battery acid gets in your eyes, flush
with water for at least 15 minutes and
If battery acid is swallowed, drink large
quantities of water and SEEK MEDICAL


Warning 1. Battery
2. Positive (red) terminal
Under certain circumstances, the 3. Negative (black) terminal
battery may release explosive gases. 4. Battery strap
Make sure to keep all sparks, flames
To remove the battery:
and cigarettes away from the battery.
▼ Remove the passenger and rider’s
Do not attach jump leads to the
seats, (see page 114).
battery, touch the battery cables
together or reverse the polarity of the ▼ Remove the battery strap.
cables, as any of these actions may ▼ Disconnect the battery leads,
cause a spark which would ignite negative (black) lead first and then
battery gases causing a risk of the positive lead.
personal injury. ▼ Remove the battery from its housing.
Make sure that there is adequate
ventilation when charging or using the Battery Disposal
battery in an enclosed space.
Should the battery ever require
replacement, the original battery must
Warning be handed to a recycling agent who will
The battery contains harmful make sure that the dangerous
materials. Always keep children and substances from which the battery is
pets away from the battery at all manufactured do not pollute the
times. environment.

Battery Maintenance Battery Discharge

Warning Caution
Battery acid is corrosive and The charge level in the battery must
poisonous and will cause damage to be maintained to maximise battery life.
unprotected skin. Failure to maintain the battery charge
Never swallow battery acid or allow it level could cause serious internal
to come into contact with the skin. damage to the battery.
To prevent injury, always wear eye
Under normal conditions, the motorcycle
and skin protection when handling the
charging system will keep the battery
fully charged. However, if the
The battery is a sealed type and does motorcycle is unused, the battery will
not require any maintenance other than gradually discharge due to a normal
checking the voltage and routine process called self discharge; the clock,
recharging when required, such as Engine Control Module (ECM) memory,
during storage. high ambient temperatures, or the
addition of electrical security systems or
Clean the battery using a clean, dry other electrical accessories will all
cloth. Make sure that the cable increase this rate of battery discharge.
connections are clean. Disconnecting the battery from the
It is not possible to adjust the battery motorcycle during storage will reduce
acid level in the battery; the sealing the rate of discharge.
strip must not be removed.
Battery Discharge During Storage Battery Charging
and Infrequent Use of the
Motorcycle Warning
During storage or infrequent use of the The battery contains sulphuric acid
motorcycle, inspect the battery voltage (battery acid). Contact with skin or
weekly using a multimeter. Follow the eyes may cause severe burns. Wear
manufacturer’s instructions supplied protective clothing and a face shield.
with the meter.
If battery acid gets on your skin, flush
Should the battery voltage fall below with water immediately.
12.7 Volts, the battery should be
If battery acid gets in your eyes, flush
with water for at least 15 minutes and
Allowing a battery to discharge or SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION
leaving it discharged for even a short IMMEDIATELY.
period of time causes sulphation of the
If battery acid is swallowed, drink large
lead plates. Sulphation is a normal part
quantities of water and SEEK MEDICAL
of the chemical reaction inside the
battery, however over time the sulphate
can crystallise on the plates making KEEP BATTERY ACID OUT OF THE
recovery difficult or impossible. This REACH OF CHILDREN.
permanent damage is not covered by
the motorcycle warranty, as it is not Caution
due to a manufacturing defect.
Do not use an automotive quick
Keeping the battery fully charged
charger as it may overcharge and
reduces the likelihood of it freezing in
damage the battery.
cold conditions. Allowing a battery to
freeze will cause serious internal For help with selecting a battery
damage to the battery. charger, checking the battery voltage or
battery charging, contact your local
authorised Triumph dealer.
Should the battery voltage fall below 12.7
Volts, the battery should be charged
using a Triumph approved battery
charger. Always remove the battery
from the motorcycle and follow the
instructions supplied with the battery

For extended periods of storage (beyond Battery Installation

two weeks) the battery should be
removed from the motorcycle and kept Warning
charged using a Triumph approved
maintenance charger. Make sure that the battery terminals
Similarly, should the battery charge fall do not touch the motorcycle frame.
to a level where it will not start the This may cause a short circuit or
motorcycle, remove the battery from spark which would ignite battery
the motorcycle before charging. gases causing a risk of personal injury.

4 2


1. Battery
2. Positive (red) terminal
3. Negative (black) terminal
4. Battery strap
To install the battery:
▼ Position the battery into its housing.
▼ Reconnect the battery, positive (red)
lead first and then the negative lead.
▼ Tighten the battery terminals to
4.5 Nm.
▼ Apply a light coat of grease to the
terminals to prevent corrosion.
▼ Cover the positive terminal with the
protective cap.
▼ Refit the battery strap.
▼ Refit the rider and passenger seat.
Fuses Fuse Identification
Spare fuses are located on the inside of
Warning the fuse box cover and should be
replaced if used.
Always replace blown fuses with new
ones of the correct rating (as specified
on the fuse box cover) and never use
a fuse of higher rating. 10A ACC 1

Use of an incorrect fuse could lead to 10A 2
an electrical problem, resulting in 10A AUX 3
motorcycle damage, loss of motorcycle 8

10A 4
control and an accident.
15A 5
Note 6

A blown fuse is indicated when all of the
systems protected by that fuse become
inoperative. When checking for a blown Fuse Box
fuse, use the tables to establish which
fuse has blown. Rating
Position Circuit Protected
The fuse boxes are located underneath
the rider's seat. To allow access to the 1 Accessories 10
fuse boxes, the rider's seat must be 2 Instruments 10
removed (see page 114).
3 Auxiliary 10

4 Lighting 10

5 Engine management system 15

6 Ignition 10

2 7 ABS modulator 25

8 Fuel pump 10

9 Cooling fan 15


1. Fuse box
2. Main fuse (30 Amp)

Headlights Caution
Do not cover the headlight or lens
with any item likely to obstruct air
flow to, or prevent heat escaping from,
the headlight lens.
Covering the headlight lens during
operation with items of clothing,
Warning luggage, adhesive tape, devices
Adjust road speed to suit the visibility intended to alter or adjust the
and weather conditions in which the headlight beam or non genuine
motorcycle is being operated. headlight lens covers will cause the
headlight lens to overheat and distort,
Make sure that the head light beam is
causing irreparable damage to the
adjusted to illuminate the road surface
headlight assembly.
sufficiently far ahead without dazzling
oncoming traffic. Damage caused by overheating is not
considered a manufacturing defect
An incorrectly adjusted headlight may
and will not be covered under
impair visibility causing an accident.
If the headlight must be covered
Warning during use - such as taping of the
Never attempt to adjust a headlight headlight lens required during
beam when the motorcycle is in closed‑course conditions - the
motion. headlight must be disconnected.
Any attempt to adjust a headlight
beam when the motorcycle is in
motion may result in loss of control
and an accident.
Headlight Adjustment ▼ Moving the headlight bracket
forwards moves the headlight
The vertical beams of the left and right
upwards. Moving the headlight
hand headlights can only be adjusted
bracket rearwards moves the
together. Independent adjustment is
headlights downwards.
not possible.
▼ Tighten the headlight bracket bolts
to 7 Nm.
▼ Recheck the headlight beam settings.
▼ Switch the headlights off when the
beam settings are satisfactorily set.

Headlight Replacement
2 The headlight unit is a sealed,
maintenance free LED unit. The
headlight unit must be replaced in the
3 event of the failure of the headlight.
1. Headlight bracket bolts
2. Front subframe alignment marks
3. Headlight bracket mark
To vertically adjust the headlights:
▼ Switch the ignition on. The engine
does not need to be running.
▼ Switch the headlight dipped beam on.
▼ Loosen the two headlight bracket
bolts securing the headlight bracket
to the front subframe sufficiently to
allow restricted movement of the
▼ Using the headlight bracket mark
and the alignment markings on the
front subframe, adjust the position of
the headlights to give the required
beam setting. Each alignment mark
on the subframe represents 1°.

Direction Indicator Lights Rear Light

Models fitted with LEDs The rear light unit is a sealed,
maintenance free LED unit. The rear
The LED direction indicator light units light unit must be replaced in the event
are sealed, maintenance free LED units. of the failure of the rear light.
The direction indicator assembly must
be replaced in the event of the failure of
the direction indicator light.
Models fitted with Bulbs


1. Lens
2. Indicator lens screw
To replace the direction indicator light
▼ The lens on each indicator light is
held in place by a screw located in
the body of the light.
▼ Release the indicator lens screw.
▼ Remove the lens to gain access to
the bulb for replacement.
▼ Replace the bulb.
▼ Refit the lens making sure that the
locating tang is correctly aligned to
the indicator body.
▼ Tighten the indicator lens screw to
1 Nm.
Licence Plate Light
Bulb Replacement

1 2 3

1. Fixing
2. Lens
3. Bulb
To replace the licence plate light bulb:
▼ Release the fixing and remove the
lens of the licence plate light.
▼ Replace the bulb.
▼ Refit the lens and tighten the fixing
to 1 Nm.

Table of Contents
Cleaning ........................................................................................................................................................... 196
Preparation for Washing......................................................................................................................... 196
Where to be Careful................................................................................................................................... 197
Washing ........................................................................................................................................................... 197
After Washing............................................................................................................................................... 198
Gloss Paintwork Care ................................................................................................................................ 198
Matt Paintwork Care ................................................................................................................................. 198
Aluminium Items - not Lacquered or Painted .............................................................................. 199
Chrome and Stainless Steel Care ........................................................................................................ 199
Black Chrome Care .................................................................................................................................... 200
Exhaust System Care............................................................................................................................... 200
Seat Care......................................................................................................................................................... 201
Windscreen Care (if fitted)..................................................................................................................... 202
Leather Products Care............................................................................................................................ 203
Storage............................................................................................................................................................ 204
Cleaning Preparation for Washing
Frequent, regular cleaning is an Before washing, precautions must be
essential part of the maintenance of taken to keep water off the following
your motorcycle. If regularly cleaned, places.
the appearance will be preserved for Rear opening of the exhausts: Cover
many years. with a plastic bag secured with rubber
Cleaning with cold water containing an bands.
automotive cleaner is essential at all Clutch and brake levers, switch housings
times but particularly so after exposure on the handlebar: Cover with plastic
to sea breezes, sea water, dusty or bags.
muddy roads and in winter when roads
are treated for ice and snow. Ignition switch and steering lock: Cover
the keyhole (if applicable) with tape.
Do not use household detergent, as the
use of such products will lead to Remove any items of jewellery such as
premature corrosion. rings, watches, zips or belt buckles,
which may scratch or otherwise damage
Although, under the terms of your painted or polished surfaces.
motorcycle warranty, cover is provided
against the corrosion of certain items, Use separate cleaning sponges or
the owner is expected to observe this cleaning cloths for washing painted/
reasonable advice which will safeguard polished surfaces and chassis areas.
against corrosion and enhance the Chassis areas (such as wheels and
appearance of the motorcycle. under mudguards) will be exposed to
more abrasive road grime and dust,
which may then scratch painted or
polished surfaces, if the same sponge or
cleaning cloths are used.

Where to be Careful Washing

To wash the motorcycle, do the
Caution following:
Do not use high pressure spray ▼ Make sure that the motorcycle
washers or steam cleaners. engine is cold.
Use of high pressure spray washers ▼ Prepare a mixture of clean, cold
and steam cleaners may damage water and mild automotive cleaner or
seals, and cause water and steam to low alkaline soap.
be forced into bearings and other ▼ Do not use a highly alkaline soap as
components causing premature wear commonly found at commercial car
from corrosion and loss of lubrication. washes because it will leave a
residue on painted surfaces and may
Caution also cause water spotting.
▼ Wash the motorcycle with a sponge
Do not spray any water at all near the or soft cloth.
air intake duct.
▼ Do not use abrasive scouring pads or
The air intake duct is located under steel wool. They will damage the
the rider’s seat, under the fuel tank or finish.
near the steering head.
▼ Rinse the motorcycle thoroughly
Any water sprayed in this area could with clean, cold water.
enter the airbox and engine, causing
damage to both items.

Do not get water near the following

▼ Air and any intake duct
▼ Any visible electrical components
▼ Brake cylinders and brake calipers
▼ Handlebar switch housings
▼ Headstock bearings
▼ Instruments
▼ Oil filler cap
▼ Rear bevel box breather (if fitted)
▼ Rear of headlights
▼ Seats
▼ Suspension seals and bearings
▼ Under the fuel tank
▼ Wheel bearings.
After Washing Gloss Paintwork Care
Gloss paintwork should be washed and
Warning dried as described previously, then
protected using a high quality
Never wax or lubricate the brake discs.
automotive polish. Always follow the
Always clean the brake disc with a manufacturer’s instructions and repeat
proprietary brand of oil-free brake disc regularly to maintain your motorcycle’s
cleaner. appearance.
Waxed or lubricated brake discs may
cause loss of braking power and an Matt Paintwork Care
Matt paintwork requires no greater care
After washing the motorcycle, do the than that already recommended for
following: gloss paintwork.
▼ Remove the plastic bags and tape, ▼ Do not use any polish or wax on
and clear the air intakes. matt paintwork.
▼ Lubricate the pivots, bolts and nuts. ▼ Do not try and polish out scratches.
▼ Test the brakes before motorcycle
▼ Use a dry cloth or chamois leather to
absorb water residue. Do not allow
water to stand on the motorcycle as
this will lead to corrosion.
▼ Start the engine and run it for 5
minutes. Make sure that there is
adequate ventilation for the exhaust

Aluminium Items - not Chrome and Stainless Steel

Lacquered or Painted Care
Items such as brake and clutch levers, All chrome and stainless steel parts of
wheels, engine covers, engine cooling your motorcycle must be cleaned
fins, upper and lower yokes and throttle regularly to avoid a deterioration of its
bodies on some models must be appearance.
correctly cleaned to preserve their
appearance. Please contact your dealer Washing
if you are unsure which components on Wash as previously described.
your motorcycle are aluminium parts
not protected by paint or lacquer, and
for guidance on how to clean those Dry the chrome and stainless steel
items. parts as far as possible with a soft cloth
or chamois leather.
Use a proprietary brand of aluminium
cleaner which does not contain abrasive Protecting
or caustic elements.
Clean aluminium items regularly, in Caution
particular after use in inclement
The use of products containing
weather, where the components must
silicone will cause discolouration of the
be hand washed and dried each time
chrome and stainless steel parts and
the machine is used.
must not be used.
Warranty claims due to inadequate
The use of abrasive cleaning products
maintenance will not be allowed.
will damage the finish and must not be

When the chrome and stainless steel is

dry, apply a suitable proprietary chrome
cleaner on to the surface, following the
manufacturer’s instructions.
It is recommended that regular
protection be applied to the motorcycle
as this will both protect and enhance its
Black Chrome Care Exhaust System Care
Items such as headlight bowls and All parts of the exhaust system of your
mirrors on some models must be motorcycle must be cleaned regularly to
correctly cleaned to preserve their avoid a deterioration of its appearance.
appearance. Please contact your dealer These instructions can be applied to
if you are unsure which components on chrome, brushed stainless steel and
your motorcycle are black chrome parts. carbon fibre components; matt painted
Maintain the appearance of black exhaust systems should be cleaned as
chrome items by rubbing a small above, noting the care instructions in
amount of light oil into the surface. the Matt Paintwork section previously.
The exhaust system must be cool
before washing to prevent water
Wash as previously described.
Make sure that no soap or water enters
the exhausts.
Dry the exhaust system as far as
possible with a soft cloth or chamois
leather. Do not run the engine to dry
the system or spotting will occur.

Protecting Seat Care

Caution Caution
The use of products containing Do not use chemicals or high pressure
silicone will cause discolouration of the spray washers to clean the seat.
chrome and stainless steel parts and
must not be used. Using chemicals or high pressure
spray washers may damage the seat
The use of abrasive cleaning products cover.
will damage the finish and must not be
used. To help maintain its appearance, clean
the seat using a sponge or cleaning
When the exhaust system is dry, apply cloth with soap and water.
a suitable proprietary motorcycle
protection spray onto the surface,
following the manufacturer’s
It is recommended that regular
protection be applied to the system as
this will both protect and enhance the
system's appearance.
Windscreen Care (if fitted) Clean the windscreen with a solution of
mild soap or detergent and clean, cold
After cleaning, rinse well and then dry
with a soft, lint-free cloth.
If the transparency of the windscreen is
Warning reduced by scratches or oxidation which
cannot be removed, the windscreen
Never attempt to clean the must be replaced.
windscreen while the motorcycle is in
motion as releasing the handlebars
may cause loss of motorcycle control
and an accident.
Operation of the motorcycle with a
damaged or scratched windscreen will
reduce the rider's forward vision. Any
such reduction in forward vision is
dangerous and may lead to loss of
motorcycle control and an accident.

Corrosive chemicals such as battery
acid will damage the windscreen.
Never allow corrosive chemicals to
contact the windscreen.

Products such as window cleaning
fluids, insect remover, rain repellent,
scouring compounds, petrol or strong
solvents such as alcohol, acetone,
carbon tetrachloride, etc. will damage
the windscreen.
Never allow these products to contact
the windscreen.

Leather Products Care ▼ If exposure to salt is unavoidable,

clean the leather product
It is recommend that the leather immediately after each exposure
products are periodically cleaned with a using a damp cloth then leave the
damp cloth and allowed to dry naturally leather product to dry naturally at
at room temperature. This will maintain room temperature.
the appearance of the leather and
ensure the long life of the product. ▼ Gently clean any minor marks with a
damp cloth then leave the leather
The Triumph leather product is a natural product to dry naturally at room
product and lack of care can result in temperature.
damage and permanent wear.
▼ Place the leather product in a fabric
Follow these simple instructions to bag or cardboard box to protect it
prolong the life of the leather product: when in storage. Do not use a plastic
▼ Do not use household cleaning bag.
products, bleach, detergents
containing bleach or any kind of
solvent to clean the leather product.
▼ Do not immerse the leather product
in water.
▼ Avoid direct heat from fires and
radiators which can dry out and
distort the leather.
▼ Do not leave the leather product in
direct sunlight for prolonged periods
of time.
▼ Do not dry the leather product by
applying direct heat to it at any time.
▼ If the leather product does get wet,
absorb any excess water with a soft
clean cloth then leave the leather
product to dry naturally at room
▼ Avoid exposure of the leather
product to high levels of salt, for
example sea/salt water or road
surfaces that have been treated
during the winter for ice and snow.
Storage ▼ Set the motorcycle on a stand so
that both wheels are raised off the
Preparation for Storage ground. (If this cannot be done, put
To prepare the motorcycle for storage, boards under the front and rear
do the following: wheels to keep dampness away from
the tyres).
▼ Clean and dry the entire vehicle
thoroughly. ▼ Spray rust inhibiting oil (there are
numerous products on the market
▼ Fill the fuel tank with the correct
and your dealer will be able to offer
grade of unleaded fuel and add a fuel
you local advice) on all unpainted
stabiliser (if available), following the
metal surfaces to prevent rusting.
fuel stabiliser manufacturer's
Prevent oil from getting on rubber
parts, brake discs or in the brake
Warning ▼ Lubricate and if necessary adjust the
Petrol is extremely flammable and can drive chain (see page 155).
be explosive under certain conditions. ▼ Make sure the cooling system is filled
Turn the ignition switch off. Do not with a 50% mixture of coolant
smoke. (noting that HD4X Hybrid OAT
Make sure the area is well ventilated coolant, as supplied by Triumph, is
and free from any source of flame or pre-mixed and requires no dilution)
sparks; this includes any appliance and distilled water solution (see
with a pilot light. page 150).
▼ Remove the battery, and store it
▼ Remove the spark plug from each where it will not be exposed to direct
cylinder and put several drops (5 cc) sunlight, moisture, or freezing
of engine oil into each cylinder. Cover temperatures. During storage it
the spark plug holes with a piece of should be given a slow charge (one
cloth or rag. With the engine stop Ampere or less) about once every
switch in the RUN position, push the two weeks (see page 188).
starter button for a few seconds to
▼ Store the motorcycle in a cool, dry
coat the cylinder walls with oil. Install
area, away from sunlight, and with a
the spark plugs, tightening to 12 Nm.
minimum daily temperature variation.
▼ Change the engine oil and filter (see
▼ Put a suitable porous cover over the
page 147 ).
motorcycle to keep dust and dirt
▼ Check and if necessary correct the from collecting on it. Avoid using
tyre pressures (see the relevant plastic or similar non-breathable,
Specification section). coated materials that restrict air flow
and allow heat and moisture to

Preparation after Storage ▼ Check and if necessary correct the

To prepare the motorcycle to be ridden tyre pressures (see the relevant
after storage, do the following: Specification section).
▼ Install the battery (if removed) (see ▼ Clean the entire vehicle thoroughly.
page 189). ▼ Check the brakes for correct
▼ If the motorcycle has been stored for operation.
more than four months, change the ▼ Test ride the motorcycle at low
engine oil (see page 147). speeds.
▼ Check all the points listed in the Daily
Safety Checks section.
▼ Before starting the engine, remove
the spark plugs from each cylinder.
▼ Put the side stand down.
▼ Crank the engine on the starter
motor several times.
▼ Refit the spark plugs, tightening to 12
Nm, and start the engine.

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Table of Contents
Triumph Warranty Terms and Conditions - All except Canada........................................... 208
Triumph Warranty Terms and Conditions - Canada only....................................................... 209
Conditions and Exclusions - All except Canada........................................................................... 210
Conditions and Exclusions - Canada Only........................................................................................ 212
Noise Control System Warranty .......................................................................................................... 213
Tampering With The Noise Control System Prohibited ............................................................ 214
Emission Control System Warranty................................................................................................... 215
Triumph Overseas ....................................................................................................................................... 216
Caring for your Motorcycle .................................................................................................................... 218
Triumph Warranty Terms Within the warranty period, TRIUMPH
and Conditions - All except new Triumph motorcycle detailed in the
Canada Motorcycle Service Handbook to be free
from any defect in materials used in the
Thank you for choosing a Triumph
manufacture, and/or workmanship at
motorcycle. This motorcycle is the
the time of its manufacture.
product of Triumph's use of proven
engineering, exhaustive testing, and Any part found to be defective during
continuous striving for superior this period will be repaired or replaced
reliability, safety, and performance. at the discretion of TRIUMPH
This section of the Owner's Handbook
authorised Triumph dealer.
includes details of the warranty and
other useful information concerning Any part replaced under the warranty
your motorcycle. will be covered for the remaining period
of the warranty.
Make sure that all your owner
information is entered in the Triumph Any parts replaced under warranty
Motorcycle Service Handbook that is must be returned to TRIUMPH
provided with the motorcycle. MOTORCYCLES LIMITED by the dealer/
distributor and will become the property
Maintain maximum protection under
of Triumph Motorcycles Ltd.
warranty by making sure that your
motorcycle is serviced in accordance Triumph may, at its discretion make any
with the recommendations of the repairs or replacement of defective
scheduled maintenance chart in this parts falling outside the warranty, but
Owner’s Handbook. such work shall not be deemed to be
any admission of liability.
If you should sell your motorcycle, make
sure this Owner's Handbook together Triumph will bear labour charges for
with all other relevant documents are work carried out under the warranty.
passed to the new owner. Please advise The warranty may be transferred to
the new owner that he or she can notify subsequent owners for the balance of
Triumph of the change of ownership by the remaining warranty period.
completing the form found on the
Triumph web site at Australia Only
www.triumphmotorcycles.com. Our goods come with guarantees that
All new Triumph motorcycles are cannot be excluded under the
covered by a 24 (Twenty-four) month Australian Consumer Law. You are
unlimited mileage warranty, entitled to a replacement or refund for a
commencing from the date of first major failure and compensation for any
registration or the date of sale if the other reasonably foreseeable loss or
motorcycle remains unregistered. damage. You are also entitled to have
the goods repaired or replaced if goods
fail to be of acceptable quality and the
failure does not amount to a major

Triumph Warranty Terms Within the warranty period, TRIUMPH

and Conditions - Canada only warrant the new Triumph motorcycle
Thank you for choosing a Triumph detailed in the Motorcycle Service
motorcycle. This motorcycle is the Handbook to be free from any defect in
product of Triumph's use of proven materials used in the manufacture, and/
engineering, exhaustive testing, and or workmanship at the time of its
continuous striving for superior manufacture.
reliability, safety, and performance. Any part found to be defective during
This section of the Owner's Handbook this period will be repaired or replaced
includes details of the warranty and at the discretion of TRIUMPH
other useful information concerning MOTORCYCLES AMERICA LIMITED by an
your motorcycle. authorized Triumph dealer.
Make sure that all your owner Any part replaced under the warranty
information is entered in the Triumph will be covered for the remaining period
Motorcycle Service Handbook that is of the warranty.
provided with the motorcycle. Any parts replaced under warranty
Maintain maximum protection under must be returned to TRIUMPH
warranty by making sure your MOTORCYCLES AMERICA LIMITED and
motorcycle is serviced in accordance will become the property of TRIUMPH
with the recommendations of the MOTORCYCLES AMERICA LIMITED.
scheduled maintenance chart in this TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLES AMERICA
Owner's Handbook. LIMITED may, at its discretion make any
If you should sell your motorcycle, make repairs or replacement of defective
sure this Owner's Handbook together parts falling outside the warranty, but
with the other relevant documents are such work shall not be deemed to be
passed to the new owner. Please advise any admission of liability.
the new owner that he or she can notify TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLES AMERICA
Triumph of the change of ownership by LIMITED will bear labor charges for work
completing the form found on the carried out under the warranty.
Triumph web site at
The warranty may be transferred to
subsequent owners for the balance of
All new Triumph motorcycles are the remaining warranty period.
covered by a 24 (Twenty-four) month
unlimited mileage warranty,
commencing from the date of first
registration or the date of sale if the
motorcycle remains unregistered.
Conditions and Exclusions - 5. The motorcycle battery is warranted
for 12 (twelve) months from the
All except Canada original date of purchase of the
1. The motorcycle must not have been motorcycle. After this 12 (twelve)
used for competition, misused1, month period, the battery is
inadequately or incorrectly serviced excluded from the terms of this
or maintained. warranty. The battery supplied with
the motorcycle must be provided
2. The motorcycle must not have been
with sufficient charge to replenish
subject to any modification, repair or
that lost by the operation of the
replacement other than as
starting mechanism and/or the use
authorised by TRIUMPH
of electrical equipment whilst the
engine is not running. If the
3. The motorcycle must have been motorcycle is placed in to storage,
serviced as detailed in the remove the battery, and store it
manufacturers service maintenance where it will not be exposed to direct
schedule, at the intervals specified in sunlight, moisture, or freezing
the Triumph Owner’s Handbook and temperatures. During storage it
the service log completed should be given a slow charge (one
accordingly. Ampere or less) approximately once
4. The motorcycle’s exhaust silencers every two weeks.
are warranted for 12 (twelve) months
from the commencement of the
general motorcycle warranty. During
this 12 (twelve) month warranty
period, internal corrosion or
deformation of internal baffles are
excluded from the warranty. After
this 12 (twelve) month period, the
motorcycle silencers are excluded
from the terms of this warranty.

Misuse includes any use not in accordance
with the recommendations made in the 'how to
ride the motorcycle' section of the Owner’s
Handbook and any use contrary to the
warnings given in that same handbook. In
addition, misuse will include, but not be limited
to any use of the motorcycle which does not
constitute normal road use.

The warranty does not cover: ▼ Defects which have not been
▼ Defects caused by faulty adjustment, reported to an authorised dealer
or repairs and alterations performed within ten days of discovery of the
by a NON-AUTHORISED Triumph defect.
dealer are not covered by this ▼ Motorcycles which have been
warranty. inadequately lubricated, or for which
▼ Defects caused by the use of parts the wrong fuel or lubricant has been
and accessories not authorised by used.
TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLES LIMITED are Should a warranty claim become
not covered by this warranty. necessary, Triumph Motorcycles and its
▼ The cost of removal and replacement authorised dealers shall not be liable for
of parts and accessories, unless loss of use, inconvenience, lost time,
supplied as original equipment, or commercial losses or other incidental or
recommended by TRIUMPH consequential damages.
MOTORCYCLES LIMITED. This warranty shall be interpreted in
▼ The cost of transportation of the accordance with English law and any
motorcycle to or from the authorised question arising from this warranty
Triumph dealer, or expenses incurred shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the
while the motorcycle is off the road English courts.
for warranty repairs. Any statement, condition,
▼ Normal servicing and normal service representation, description or warranty
items, such as spark plugs, oil and air otherwise contained in any catalogue,
filters are not covered by this advertisement or other publication shall
warranty. Similarly items which are not be construed as enlarging, varying
expected to wear as part of their or overriding anything contained herein.
normal function such as tyres, bulbs, Triumph Motorcycles reserve the right
chains, brake pads and clutch plates to make alterations or improvements
are also excluded, unless there is a without notification to any model or
manufacturing defect. motorcycle without obligation to do so
▼ Defects to the front fork oil seals as to motorcycles already sold.
they are subject to wear and tear, This warranty does not affect your
including but not limited to damage statutory rights.
caused by stone chips to the inner
fork tubes.
▼ Seats, luggage, paint, chrome,
polished aluminium items, or trim
deterioration caused by normal wear
and tear, exposure or lack of correct
▼ Motorcycles used on a commercial
Conditions and Exclusions - The warranty does not cover:
Canada Only ▼ The cost of transportation of the
motorcycle to or from the authorised
1. The motorcycle must not have been Triumph dealer, or expenses incurred
used for competition, misused2, while the motorcycle is off the road
inadequately or incorrectly serviced for warranty repairs.
or maintained.
▼ Defects caused by the use of parts
2. The motorcycle must not have been and accessories not authorised by
subject to any modification, repair or TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLES AMERICA
replacement other than as LIMITED.
authorised by TRIUMPH
▼ Defects caused by faulty adjustment,
or repairs and alterations performed
3. The motorcycle battery is warranted by a NON-AUTHORISED Triumph
for 12 (twelve) months from the dealer.
original date of purchase of the
▼ The cost of removal and replacement
motorcycle. After this 12 (twelve)
of parts and accessories, unless
month period, the battery is
supplied as original equipment, or
excluded from the terms of this
recommended by TRIUMPH
warranty. The battery supplied with
the motorcycle must be provided
with sufficient charge to replenish ▼ Normal servicing and normal service
that lost by the operation of the items, such as spark plugs, oil and air
starting mechanism and/or the use filters are not covered by this
of electrical equipment whilst the warranty. Similarly items which are
engine is not running. If the expected to wear as part of their
motorcycle is placed in to storage, normal function such as tyres, bulbs,
remove the battery, and store it chains, brake pads and clutch plates
where it will not be exposed to direct are also excluded, unless there is a
sunlight, moisture, or freezing manufacturing defect.
temperatures. During storage it ▼ Defects to the front fork oil seals as
should be given a slow charge (one they are subject to wear and tear,
Ampere or less) approximately once including but not limited to damage
every two weeks. caused by stone chips to the inner
fork tubes.

Misuse includes any use not in accordance
with the recommendations made in the 'how to
ride the motorcycle' section of the Owner’s
Handbook and any use contrary to the
warnings given in that same handbook. In
addition, misuse will include, but not be limited
to any use of the motorcycle which does not
constitute normal road use.

▼ Seats, luggage, paint, chrome, Noise Control System

polished aluminium items, or trim
deterioration caused by normal wear Warranty
and tear, exposure or lack of correct
maintenance. Warning
▼ Motorcycles used on a commercial This product should be checked for
basis. repair or replacement if the
▼ Defects which have not been motorcycle noise has increased
reported to an authorised dealer significantly through use, otherwise
within ten days of discovery of the the owner may become subject to
defect. penalties under state and local
▼ Motorcycles which have been ordinances.
inadequately lubricated, or for which
The following warranty applies to the
the wrong fuel or lubricant has been
noise control system and is in addition
to the general Triumph warranty and
Should a warranty claim become the emission control warranty.
Per 40 C.F.R. § 205.173-1, Triumph
AMERICA LIMITED and its authorised
Motorcycles America Limited, warrants
dealers shall not be liable for loss of use,
that this exhaust system, at the time of
inconvenience, lost time, commercial
sale, meets all applicable U.S E.P.A.
losses or other incidental or
federal noise standards. This warranty
consequential damages.
extends to the first person who buys
Any statement, condition, this exhaust system for purposes other
representation, description or warranty than resale, and to all subsequent
otherwise contained in any catalog, buyers. Warranty claims should be
advertisement or other publication shall directed to an authorised Triumph
not be construed as enlarging, varying Motorcycles America dealer.
or overriding anything contained herein.
Triumph Motorcycles America Limited
TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLES AMERICA warrants to the first, and each
LIMITED reserve the right to make subsequent owner, that the vehicle was
alterations or improvements without designed and built so as to conform, at
notification to any model or motorcycle the time of sale, with the regulations of
without obligation to do so to Environment Canada (as tested
motorcycles already sold. following F-76 Drive-By test procedure)
This warranty does not affect your and, at the time of manufacture, was
statutory rights. free from defects in materials and
workmanship which would cause the
motorcycle not to meet the
Environment Canada Standards. This
noise control system warranty extends
for a period of 1 calendar year or
6,000 kms whichever occurs first from
the date on which the motorcycle was Tampering With The Noise
delivered to the first retail purchaser or,
in the case of a demonstration Control System Prohibited
motorcycle or company motorcycle, the Owners are warned that the law
date on which the company placed the prohibits:
motorcycle in service prior to retail sale. (a) The removal or rendering inoperative
by any person other than for purposes
of maintenance, repair or replacement,
of any device or element of design
incorporated into any new vehicle for
the purpose of noise control prior to its
sale or delivery to the ultimate
purchaser or while it is in use; and
(b) the use of the vehicle after such
device or element of design has been
removed or rendered inoperative by any
Acts which are likely to constitute
tampering include the following:
1. Removal or tampering with the
mufflers, baffles or header pipes or
any other component which
conducts exhaust gases.
2. Removal of or puncturing of any part
of the air intake system.
3. Failure to carry out maintenance as
prescribed in the owner's manual.
4. Replacement of any parts of the
exhaust or air intake system with
parts other than those specified by
Triumph Motorcycles America

The following items are not covered by Emission Control System

the noise control system warranty:
1. Failures which arise through misuse,
alterations or accident damage. The following warranty applies to the
emission control system and is in
2. Replacing, removing, or modifications
addition to the general Triumph
of any part of the noise control
warranty and the noise control system
system (consisting of the exhaust
system and air intake system) with
parts not certified to be noise legal Triumph Motorcycles America Limited
for street use. warrants to the first, and each
subsequent owner, that the vehicle was
3. Triumph Motorcycles America Limited
designed and built so as to conform, at
and its authorized dealers shall not
the time of sale, with the regulations of
be liable for loss of use,
Environment Canada and, at the time of
inconvenience, lost time, commercial
manufacture, was free from defects in
losses or other incidental or
materials and workmanship which would
consequential damages.
cause the motorcycle not to meet
4. Any motorcycle which has had the Environment Canada Standards. This
odometer recorded mileage changed emission control system warranty
so that the correct mileage of the extends for a period of 5 calendar years
motorcycle cannot be accurately or 30,000 kms whichever occurs first,
determined. from the date on which the motorcycle
was delivered to the first retail
purchaser or, in the case of a
demonstration motorcycle or company
motorcycle, the date on which the
company placed the motorcycle in
service prior to retail sale.
The following are not covered by the Triumph Overseas
Emission Control System warranty:
If you are travelling abroad and require
1. Failures which arise through misuse, assistance or advice from a Triumph
alterations, accident damage or dealer, contact the subsidiary or
failure to carry out maintenance as importer for the country which you are
described in the owner's manual. visiting.
2. The replacement of any parts Subsidiary offices are listed below.
required in the maintenance of the
emission control system. For an up to date list of authorised
Triumph dealers and importers, visit
3. Triumph Motorcycles America Limited www.triumphmotorcycles.co.uk.
and its authorized dealers shall not
be liable for loss of use, Subsidiary Offices
inconvenience, lost time, commercial
losses or other incidental or
consequential damages. Triumph Netherlands
4. Any motorcycle which has had the Tel: +31 725 41 0311
odometer recorded mileage changed Email: Benelux@Triumph.co.uk
so that the correct mileage of the
motorcycle cannot be accurately Brazil
determined. Triumph Motorcycles Brazil Ltda
This warranty period starts the date the Tel: +55 11 3010 1010
motorcycle is delivered to the first retail Email: sac.triumph@europ-
purchaser or, if the motorcycle is placed assistance.com.br
in service as a demonstrator or
company motorcycle prior to sale at China
retail, the date it is first placed in British Triumph (Shanghai) Trading Co.,
service. Ltd.
The emission control system of each Room 302, Tower 11,
new Triumph motorcycle was designed,
1250, Xinzha Road, Jingan District,
built and tested using only genuine
Shanghai, PRC
Triumph motorcycle parts and with
these parts the motorcycle is certified 200041
as being in conformity with Environment Tel: +86 21 6140 9180
Canada emission control regulations. Email:
WE RECOMMEND THAT ONLY GENUINE aftersales.china@triumphmotorcycles.co

Denmark/Finland/Norway/Sweden Thailand
Triumph Motorcycles AB Triumph Thailand
Tel: +46 8 680 68 00 Tel: +66(0)20170333
Fax: +46 8 680 07 85 Fax: +66(0)20170330
France United Kingdom/Eire
Triumph S.A. Triumph Motorcycles Ltd
Tel: +33 1 64 62 3838 Tel: +44 1455 45 5012
Fax: +33 1 64 80 5828 Fax: +44 1455 45 2211
Germany USA
Triumph Motorrad Deutschland GmbH Triumph Motorcycles (America) Ltd
Tel: +49 6003 829090 Tel: +1 678 854 2010
Fax: +49 6003 8290927 Fax: +1 678 854 8740
Triumph Motorcycles (India) Private
Tel: 1 800 3000 0051 (toll free)
Triumph Motorcycles srl
Tel: +39 02 93 454525
Fax: +39 02 93 582575
Triumph Motorcycles Japan K.K.
Tel: +81 3 6453 9810
Fax: +81 3 6453 9811
Triumph Motocicletas España, S.L
Tel: +34 91 637 7475
Fax: +34 91 636 1134
Caring for your Motorcycle
Triumph Motorcycles have taken great
care in the selection of materials, plating
and painting techniques so as to
provide its customers with a quality
cosmetic appearance allied to durability.
However, motorcycles are often used in
hostile environmental conditions and in
these circumstances it is essential that
the motorcycle is washed, dried and lost
lubricity replaced to prevent
discolouration particularly of plated and
unplated metallic surfaces. Your dealer
can provide further information and
advice if required. Ultimately the
appearance of your motorcycle will very
much depend on the care it receives.
For further information in regards to
caring for your motorcycle, refer to the
Cleaning and Storage section of this
Owner’s Handbook.

Street Triple RS

Dimensions, Weights and Performance

A list of model specific dimensions, weights and performance figures is available
from your authorised Triumph dealer, or on the Internet at www.triumph.co.uk.

Payload Street Triple RS

Maximum Payload 195 kg (430 lb)

Engine Street Triple RS

Type In-line 3 cylinder
Displacement 765 cc
Bore x Stroke 77.99 x 53.38mm
Compression Ratio 12.54:1
Cylinder Numbering Left to Right
Cylinder Sequence 1 at left
Firing Order 1-2-3

Lubrication Street Triple RS

Lubrication System Wet sump
Engine Oil Capacities:
Dry Fill 3.40 litres
Oil/Filter Change 3.00 litres
Oil Change Only 2.80 litres

Cooling System Street Triple RS

Coolant Type Triumph HD4X Hybrid OAT coolant
Water/Antifreeze Ratio 50/50 (premixed as supplied by Triumph)
Coolant Capacity 2.13 litres
Thermostat Opens (nominal) 71°C
Fuel System Street Triple RS
Type Electronic fuel injection
Injectors Solenoid operated
Fuel Pump Submerged electric
Fuel Pressure (nominal) 3.5 bar

Fuel Street Triple RS

Type 91 RON unleaded
Tank Capacity (motorcycle upright) 17.4 litres

Ignition Street Triple RS

Ignition System Digital inductive
Electronic Rev Limiter 12,650r/min
Spark Plug NGK CR9EIA9
Spark Plug Gap 0.9 mm
Gap Tolerance +0.00/-0.1 mm

Transmission Street Triple RS

Transmission Type 6 speed, constant mesh
Clutch Type Wet, multiplate
Final Drive Chain RK XW-ring, 118 link
Primary Drive Ratio 1.85:1 (76/41)
Gear Ratios:
Final Drive Ratio 2.88:1 (46/16)
1st 2.62:1 (34/13)
2nd 1.95:1 (39/20)
3rd 1.57:1 (36/23)
4th 1.35:1 (27/20)
5th 1.24:1 (26/21)
6th 1.14:1 (25/22)

Use the recommended tyres ONLY in the combinations given.
Do not mix tyres from different manufacturers or mix different specification tyres
from the same manufacturers as this may result in loss of motorcycle control and
an accident.

Approved Tyres
A list of approved tyres specific to these models is available from your authorised
Triumph dealer, or on the Internet at www.triumph.co.uk.

Tyres Street Triple RS

Tyre Sizes:
Front 120/70 ZR17 58W
Rear 180/55 ZR17 73W
Tyre Pressures (Cold):
Front 2.34 bar (34 lb/in²)
Rear 2.9 bar (42 lb/in²)
Electrical Equipment Street Triple RS
Battery Type YTX-9BS
Battery Rating 12 Volt, 8 Ah
Alternator 14 Volt, 34 Amp at 5,000 rpm
Headlight LED
Front Position Light LED
Tail/Brake Light LED
Licence Plate Light 12 Volt, 5 Watt
Direction Indicator Lights 12 Volt, 10 Watt
Models with LED Direction Indicator

Frame Street Triple RS

Rake 23.9°
Trail 100 mm

Tightening Torques
Battery Terminals 4.5 Nm
Chain Adjuster Lock Nuts 20 Nm
Chain Guard 9 Nm
Clutch Lever Nut 3.5 Nm
Oil Filter 10 Nm
Spark Plug 12 Nm
Sump Plug 25 Nm
Rear Wheel Spindle Nut 110 Nm

Fluids and Lubricants

Bearings and Pivots Grease to NLGI 2 specification
Brake Fluid DOT 4 brake fluid
Coolant Triumph HD4X Hybrid OAT coolant (pre-mixed)
Drive Chain Chain spray suitable for XW-ring chains
Semi or fully synthetic 10W/40 or 10W/50 motorcycle
engine oil which meets specification API SH (or higher)
Engine Oil and JASO MA, such as Castrol Power 1 Racing 4T
10W-40 (fully synthetic) engine oil, sold as Castrol Power
RS Racing 4T 10W-40 (fully synthetic) in some countries.

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Street Triple S (660cc)

Dimensions, Weights and Performance

A list of model specific dimensions, weights and performance figures is available
from your authorised Triumph dealer, or on the Internet at www.triumph.co.uk.

Payload Street Triple S (660 cc)

Maximum Payload 195 kg (430 lb)

Engine Street Triple S (660 cc)

Type In-line 3 cylinder
Displacement 660 cc
Bore x Stroke 76 x 48.48mm
Compression Ratio 12.47:1
Cylinder Numbering Left to Right
Cylinder Sequence 1 at left
Firing Order 1-2-3

Lubrication Street Triple S (660 cc)

Lubrication System Wet sump
Engine Oil Capacities:
Dry Fill 3.40 litres
Oil/Filter Change 3.00 litres
Oil Change Only 2.80 litres

Cooling System Street Triple S (660 cc)

Coolant Type Triumph HD4X Hybrid OAT coolant
Water/Antifreeze Ratio 50/50 (premixed as supplied by Triumph)
Coolant Capacity 2.13 litres
Thermostat Opens (nominal) 71°C
Fuel System Street Triple S (660 cc)
Type Electronic fuel injection
Injectors Solenoid operated
Fuel Pump Submerged electric
Fuel Pressure (nominal) 3.5 bar

Fuel Street Triple S (660 cc)

Type 91 RON unleaded
Tank Capacity (motorcycle upright) 17.4 litres

Ignition Street Triple S (660 cc)

Ignition System Digital inductive
Electronic Rev Limiter 12,650 r/min
Spark Plug NGK CR9EIA9
Spark Plug Gap 0.9 mm
Gap Tolerance +0.00/-0.1 mm

Transmission Street Triple S (660 cc)

Transmission Type 6 speed, constant mesh
Clutch Type Wet, multiplate
Final Drive Chain RK XW-ring, 118 link
Primary Drive Ratio 1.85:1 (76/41)
Gear Ratios:
Final Drive Ratio 2.88:1 (46/16)
1st 2.62:1 (34/13)
2nd 1.95:1 (39/20)
3rd 1.57:1 (36/23)
4th 1.35:1 (27/20)
5th 1.24:1 (26/21)
6th 1.14:1 (25/22)

Use the recommended tyres ONLY in the combinations given.
Do not mix tyres from different manufacturers or mix different specification tyres
from the same manufacturers as this may result in loss of motorcycle control and
an accident.

Approved Tyres
A list of approved tyres specific to these models is available from your authorised
Triumph dealer, or on the Internet at www.triumph.co.uk.

Tyres Street Triple S (660 cc)

Tyre Sizes:
Front 120/70 ZR17 58W
Rear 180/55 ZR17 73W
Tyre Pressures (Cold):
Front 2.34 bar (34 lb/in²)
Rear 2.90 bar (42 lb/in²)
Electrical Equipment Street Triple S (660 cc)
Battery Type YTX-9BS
Battery Rating 12 Volt, 8 Ah
Alternator 14 Volt, 34 Amp at 5,000 rpm
Front Position Light LED
Headlight LED
Tail/Brake Light LED
Licence Plate Light 12 Volt, 5 Watt
Direction Indicator Lights 12 Volt, 10 Watt

Frame Street Triple S (660 cc)

Rake 24.1°
Trail 99.6 mm

Tightening Torques
Battery Terminals 4.5 Nm
Chain Adjuster Lock Nuts 20 Nm
Chain Guard 9 Nm
Clutch Lever Nut 3.5 Nm
Oil Filter 10 Nm
Spark Plug 12 Nm
Sump Plug 25 Nm
Rear Wheel Spindle Nut 110 Nm

Fluids and Lubricants

Bearings and Pivots Grease to NLGI 2 specification
Brake Fluid DOT 4 brake fluid
Coolant Triumph HD4X Hybrid OAT coolant (pre-mixed)
Drive Chain Chain spray suitable for XW-ring chains
Semi or fully synthetic 10W/40 or 10W/50 motorcycle
engine oil which meets specification API SH (or higher)
and JASO MA, such as Castrol Power 1 Racing 4T
Engine Oil
10W-40 (fully synthetic) engine oil, sold as Castrol
Power RS Racing 4T 10W-40 (fully synthetic) in some

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Street Triple R and Street Triple R - LRH

Dimensions, Weights and Performance

A list of model specific dimensions, weights and performance figures is available
from your authorised Triumph dealer, or on the Internet at www.triumph.co.uk.

Payload Street Triple R Street Triple R - LRH

Maximum Payload 195 kg (430 lb) 170 kg (375 lb)

Engine Street Triple R Street Triple R - LRH

Type In-line 3 cylinder In-line 3 cylinder
Displacement 765 cc 765 cc
Bore x Stroke 77.99 x 53.38mm 77.99 x 53.38mm
Compression Ratio 12.54:1 12.54:1
Cylinder Numbering Left to Right Left to Right
Cylinder Sequence 1 at left 1 at left
Firing Order 1-2-3 1-2-3

Lubrication Street Triple R Street Triple R - LRH

Lubrication System Wet sump Wet sump
Engine Oil Capacities:
Dry Fill 3.40 litres 3.40 litres
Oil/Filter Change 3.00 litres 3.00 litres
Oil Change Only 2.80 litres 2.80 litres

Cooling System Street Triple R Street Triple R - LRH

Triumph HD4X Hybrid OAT Triumph HD4X Hybrid OAT
Coolant Type
coolant coolant
50/50 (premixed as 50/50 (premixed as
Water/Antifreeze Ratio
supplied by Triumph) supplied by Triumph)
Coolant Capacity 2.13 litres 2.13 litres
Thermostat Opens
71°C 71°C
Fuel System Street Triple R Street Triple R - LRH
Type Electronic fuel injection Electronic fuel injection
Injectors Solenoid operated Solenoid operated
Fuel Pump Submerged electric Submerged electric
Fuel Pressure (nominal) 3.5 bar 3.5 bar

Fuel Street Triple R Street Triple R - LRH

Type 91 RON unleaded 91 RON unleaded
Tank Capacity (motorcycle
17.4 litres 17.4 litres

Ignition Street Triple R Street Triple R - LRH

Ignition System Digital inductive Digital inductive
Electronic Rev Limiter 12,650r/min 12,650r/min
Spark Plug Gap 0.9 mm 0.9 mm
Gap Tolerance +0.00/-0.1 mm +0.00/-0.1 mm

Transmission Street Triple R Street Triple R - LRH

Transmission Type 6 speed, constant mesh 6 speed, constant mesh
Clutch Type Wet, multiplate Wet, multiplate
Final Drive Chain RK XW-ring, 118 link RK XW-ring, 118 link
Primary Drive Ratio 1.85:1 (76/41) 1.85:1 (76/41)
Gear Ratios:
Final Drive Ratio 2.88:1 (46/16) 2.88:1 (46/16)
1st 2.62:1 (34/13) 2.62:1 (34/13)
2nd 1.95:1 (39/20) 1.95:1 (39/20)
3rd 1.57:1 (36/23) 1.57:1 (36/23)
4th 1.35:1 (27/20) 1.35:1 (27/20)
5th 1.24:1 (26/21) 1.24:1 (26/21)
6th 1.14:1 (25/22) 1.14:1 (25/22)

Use the recommended tyres ONLY in the combinations given.
Do not mix tyres from different manufacturers or mix different specification tyres
from the same manufacturers as this may result in loss of motorcycle control and
an accident.

Approved Tyres
A list of approved tyres specific to these models is available from your authorised
Triumph dealer, or on the Internet at www.triumph.co.uk.

Tyres Street Triple R Street Triple R - LRH

Tyre Sizes:
Front 120/70 ZR17 58W 120/70 ZR17 58W
Rear 180/55 ZR17 73W 180/55 ZR17 73W
Tyre Pressures (Cold):
Front 2.34 bar (34 lb/in²) 2.34 bar (34 lb/in²)
Rear 2.9 bar (42 lb/in²) 2.90 bar (42 lb/in²)
Electrical Equipment Street Triple R Street Triple R - LRH
Battery Type YTX-9BS YTX-9BS
Battery Rating 12 Volt, 8 Ah 12 Volt, 8 Ah
14 Volt, 34 Amp at 5,000 14 Volt, 34 Amp at 5,000
rpm rpm
Front Position Light LED LED
Headlight LED LED
Tail/Brake Light LED LED
Licence Plate Light 12 Volt, 5 Watt 12 Volt, 5 Watt
Direction Indicator Lights 12 Volt, 10 Watt 12 Volt, 10 Watt
Models with LED Direction
Indicator Lights

Frame Street Triple R Street Triple R - LRH

Rake 23.9° 23.9°
Trail 100 mm 100 mm

Tightening Torques
Battery Terminals 4.5 Nm
Chain Adjuster Lock Nuts 20 Nm
Chain Guard 9 Nm
Clutch Lever Nut 3.5 Nm
Oil Filter 10 Nm
Spark Plug 12 Nm
Sump Plug 25 Nm
Rear Wheel Spindle Nut 110 Nm

Fluids and Lubricants

Bearings and Pivots Grease to NLGI 2 specification
Brake Fluid DOT 4 brake fluid
Coolant Triumph HD4X Hybrid OAT coolant (pre-mixed)
Drive Chain Chain spray suitable for XW-ring chains
Semi or fully synthetic 10W/40 or 10W/50 motorcycle
engine oil which meets specification API SH (or higher)
Engine Oil and JASO MA, such as Castrol Power 1 Racing 4T 10W-40
(fully synthetic) engine oil, sold as Castrol Power RS
Racing 4T 10W-40 (fully synthetic) in some countries.

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A Windscreen ................................................... 202

Accessories ......................................................... 135
Adjustment...................................................... 87
B Clutch.................................................................... 154
Bank Angle Indicators ...................................... 180 Adjustment..................................................... 154
Battery ................................................................. 186 Inspection ....................................................... 154
Charging.......................................................... 188 Clutch Lever
Discharge ........................................................ 187 Adjustment - Street Triple (660cc) ............. 31
Disposal ........................................................... 186 Adjustment - Street Triple RS ..................... 31
Installation...................................................... 189 Cooling System ................................................... 150
Maintenance .................................................. 187 Coolant Change ............................................. 152
Removal........................................................... 186 Coolant Level Adjustment........................... 152
Storage ............................................................ 188 Coolant Level Inspection .............................. 151
Brake Lever Corrosion Inhibitors...................................... 150
Adjustment - Street Triple (660cc) ............ 30 High Coolant Temperature Warning Light 79
Adjustment - Street Triple RS .................... 29 Specifications................................. 219, 225, 231
Brakes................................................................... 159
Breaking in New Pads and Discs .............. 159
Daytime Running Lights (DRL) .................. 35, 43
Disc Brake Fluid............................................. 162
Direction Indicators
Front Brake Fluid Adjustment ........... 163, 165
Bulb Replacement......................................... 193
Front Brake Fluid Inspection.............. 163, 164
LED Units ........................................................ 193
Front Brake Fluid Reservoir ............... 163, 164
Warning Light ........................................... 43, 82
Front Brake Wear Inspection..................... 160
Drive Chain .......................................................... 155
Light Switches ............................................... 166
Free Movement Adjustment ...................... 157
Rear Brake Fluid Level Adjustment.......... 166
Free Movement Inspection......................... 156
Rear Brake Fluid Level Inspection ............ 165
Lubrication...................................................... 156
Rear Brake Fluid Reservoir......................... 165
Wear Inspection ............................................ 158
Rear Brake Wear Inspection ....................... 161

Electrical Equipment
Specifications............................... 222, 228, 234
After Washing................................................ 198
Aluminium Items - not Lacquered or
Painted ............................................................ 199 Moving Off ...................................................... 124
Black Chrome Items..................................... 200 Specifications................................. 219, 225, 231
Care of Leather Products .......................... 203 To Start the Engine ...................................... 123
Chrome and Stainless Steel........................ 199 To Stop the Engine ....................................... 122
Exhaust System ........................................... 200 Engine Immobiliser / Indicator Light.............. 80
Frequency of Cleaning................................. 196 Engine Oil ............................................................. 146
Gloss Paintwork ............................................ 198 Disposal of Oil and Filters ........................... 149
Matt Paintwork ............................................. 198 Low Oil Pressure Warning Light .......... 40, 79
Preparation for Washing ............................ 196 Oil and Oil Filter Change .............................. 148
Seat Care......................................................... 201 Oil Level Inspection....................................... 147
Washing .......................................................... 197 Specification and Grade .............................. 149
Where to be Careful ..................................... 197 Engine Start/Stop Switch
RUN Position ............................................. 32, 33 I
START Position ......................................... 32, 33
STOP Position ........................................... 32, 33
Ignition Switch/Steering Lock...................... 27
F Specifications............................... 220, 226, 232
Fluids Immobiliser
Specifications............................... 223, 229, 235 Indicator Light ................................................. 41
Frame Instruments
Specifications............................... 222, 228, 234 Description ....................................................... 37
Front Fork Inspection ....................................... 170 Speedometer................................................... 83
Front Suspension Settings Tachometer...................................................... 83
Street Triple R................................................ 172 L
Street Triple R - LRH..................................... 171
Lap Timer .............................................................. 93
Street Triple RS.............................................. 172
Accessing......................................................... 94
Data Recording Mode ................................... 94
Filling the Fuel Tank ..................................... 107
Data Retrieval Mode...................................... 95
Fuel Grade ...................................................... 105
Reset................................................................. 96
Fuel Tank Cap................................................. 106
LCD Instruments
Low Fuel Warning Light ......................... 43, 82
Changing Units............................................... 90
Refuelling ........................................................ 106
Clock Adjustment........................................... 87
Specifications............................... 220, 226, 232
Coolant Temperature Gauge ....................... 84
System Specifications................ 220, 226, 232
Fuel Gauge....................................................... 85
Fuel Tank
Gear Change Lights....................................... 88
Filling................................................................ 107
Gear Position Display.................................... 84
Instrument Panel Layout............................. 78
Identification .................................................. 190
Rain Mode........................................................ 97
Location........................................................... 190
Riding Mode Selection ................... 97, 102, 103
G ROAD Mode...................................................... 97
Gear Change Lights............................................ 88 SCROLL Button............................................... 85
Gears Service Interval Announcement (SIA) ....... 88
Changing Gears ............................................. 125 SET Button ...................................................... 85
Traction Control (TC) Disable ....................... 86
H Trip Meter ........................................................ 92
Handbook and Tool Kit Left Handlebar Switches............................. 34, 36
Handbook......................................................... 116 Direction Indicator Switch ..................... 34, 36
Tool Kit.............................................................. 116 High Beam Button ......................................... 36
Hazards Horn Button .............................................. 34, 36
Warning Lights ......................................... 32, 43 Mode Button ............................................. 34, 36
Headlight Trip Button ...................................................... 36
Adjustment..................................................... 192 Licence Plate Light
Replacement .................................................. 192 Bulb Replacement......................................... 194
High Beam Warning Light .......................... 43, 82 Lights
High Speed Operation....................................... 132 Hazards ...................................................... 32, 43
HOME Button ........................................................ 32 Rear Light ....................................................... 193

Loading................................................................. 137 Maintenance and Equipment....................... 10

Low Ride Height Models.................................... 03 Parking ............................................................. 09
Lubrication Parts and Accessories................................... 10
Specifications................................. 219, 225, 231 Riding.................................................................. 11
Scheduled Maintenance Table ....................... 000
M Seats
Maintenance Rider's Seat ..................................................... 114
Scheduled Maintenance .............................. 142 Seat Care.................................................. 114, 201
Mirrors .................................................................. 167 Seat Lock ......................................................... 115
Bar End Mirrors............................................. 167 Serial Numbers
P Engine Serial Number .................................... 21
Parking ................................................................. 130 Vehicle Identification Number...................... 21
Parts Identification Service Interval Announcement (SIA) ............ 88
Left Hand Side ................................................. 16 Side Stand............................................................. 113
Rider View................................................... 18, 19 Specifications
Right Hand Side ............................................... 17 Street Triple R................................................ 231
Passengers.......................................................... 138 Street Triple R - LRH.................................... 231
Payload Street Triple RS.............................................. 219
Specifications................................. 219, 225, 231 Street Triple S (660 cc)................................. 225
R Front Fork Inspection .................................. 170
Rear Light ............................................................ 193 Inspection ....................................................... 168
Rear Suspension Settings ............................... 175 Wheel Bearing Inspection........................... 169
Street Triple R................................................ 175 Storage
Street Triple R - LRH.................................... 175 Preparation after Storage ......................... 205
Street Triple RS.............................................. 176 Preparation for Storage ............................. 204
Street Triple S (660cc).................................. 176 Suspension
Riding Modes ........................................................ 51 Front Suspension........................................... 171
Configuration ................................................... 55 Rear Suspension ........................................... 174
RIDER Mode..................................................... 98 Suspension Adjustment
Selection............................................................ 52 Front Suspension - Street Triple R and
Setting the RIDER Mode Options ............... 99 Street Triple R (LRH).............................. 172, 173
SPORT Mode.................................................... 98 Front Suspension - Street Triple RS . 173, 174
Right Handlebar Switches .......................... 32, 33 Rear Suspension - Street Triple R ..... 177, 178
Hazard Switch........................................... 33, 82 Rear Suspension - Street Triple R (LRH)
High Beam Button (DRL) ............................... 35 .................................................................... 176, 179
HOME Button ................................................... 32 Rear Suspension - Street Triple RS.. 178, 179
Running-In ........................................................... 118 Street Triple S (660cc).................................. 177

Safety TFT Digital Display
Daily Safety Checks ....................................... 119 Main Menu - Display Set Up - Gear Shift
Ind...................................................................... 65
Fuel and Exhaust Fumes ............................. 08
TFT Instruments
Handlebars and Footrests............................ 13
Ambient Air Temperature ............................ 48
Helmet and Clothing...................................... 09
Bike Set Up Menu ........................................... 55 Tyre Type......................................................... 180
Coolant Temp Gauge ..................................... 48 Tyre Wear ....................................................... 182
Display Navigation ......................................... 50
Display Set Up Menu..................................... 60
Frost Symbol ................................................... 49 Universal Serial Bus (USB) Socket................... 117
Fuel Gauge........................................................ 47 W
Gear Position Display.................................... 49 Warnings............................................................... 03
Information Tray ............................................ 68 Maintenance ................................................... 04
Instrument Display Layout.......................... 39 Noise Control System.................................... 04
Lap Timer Menu ............................................. 66 Owner’s Handbook......................................... 05
Main Menu........................................................ 53 Warning Label Locations ......................... 14, 15
Odometer ......................................................... 46 Warning Labels............................................... 03
Panel Adjustment ........................................... 76 Warning Lights ......................................... 40, 79
Reset to Defaults........................................... 68 Wheels
Riding Mode Selection ................................... 52 Wheel Bearing Inspection........................... 169
Riding Modes ............................................. 51, 54 Windscreen
Riding Modes Configuration......................... 55 Cleaning.......................................................... 202
Speedometer................................................... 46
Styles ................................................................ 50
Tachometer....................................................... 47
Trip Set Up Menu ........................................... 58
Warning and Information Messages......... 45
Warning Lights ............................................... 40
Throttle Control................................................... 26
Inspection ....................................................... 153
Torque Specifications...................... 222, 228, 234
Traction Control (TC).......................................... 108
Disabled Warning Light ........................... 42, 81
Indicator Light ........................................... 42, 81
Settings ........................................................... 108
Specifications................................ 221, 227, 233
Triumph Shift Assist (TSA) ............................... 125
Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) ... 109
Replacement Tyres ........................................ 112
Sensor Batteries ............................................ 112
Sensor Serial Number .................................... 111
Tyre Pressure Warning Light........ 44, 82, 110
Tyre Pressures ....................................... 112, 182
Tyres .................................................................... 245
Minimum Tread Depth ................................. 183
Replacement ........................................... 112, 183
Specifications................................ 221, 227, 233
Tyre Inflation Pressures............................... 181

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This section contains approval information that is required to be included in this
Owner's Handbook.

Radio Equipment Device EU Directive 2014/53

Triumph motorcycles are equipped with a range of radio equipment devices. These
radio equipment devices must comply with the EU Radio Equipment Device
Directive 2014/53/EU. The complete text of the EU declaration of conformity for each
radio equipment device is available at the following address:
The table below shows the frequencies and power levels for the radio equipment
devices in compliance with the EU Directive 2014/53/EU. The table shows all radio
equipment devices used across the Triumph range of motorcycles. Only certain radio
equipment devices in the table are applicable to specific motorcycles.

Radio Equipment Device Frequency Range Transmit Power Manufacturer

Receive Bands: 433.92 MHz,

134.2 kHz
Category-2 Receiver
Chassis Control Unit 287 nW ERP
Transmit Bands: 134.2 kHz
Class 1 Transmitter Fixed
Inductive Loop Coil Antenna

Receive Bands: 433.92 MHz,

134.2 kHz
Category-2 Receiver
Keyless Control Unit 6.28 uW ERP
Transmit Bands: 134.2 kHz
Class 1 Transmitter Fixed Pektron
Inductive Loop Coil Antenna Alfreton Road,
Receive Bands: 433.92 MHz, Derby, DE21 4AP
134.2 kHz UK
Category-2 Receiver
Keyless Control Unit 2 3.01 uW ERP
Transmit Bands: 134.2 kHz
Class 1 Transmitter Fixed
Inductive Loop Coil Antennas

Receive Bands: 134.2 kHz

Category-2 Receiver

Keyless System Key Fob Transmit Bands: 433.92 MHz, 0.019 mW ERP
134.2 kHz
Class: N/A Antenna Type
Fixed Antenna (PCB)

Radio Equipment Device Frequency Range Transmit Power Manufacturer

Receive Bands: 433.92 MHz, LDL Technology

Immobiliser 125 kHz
(Motorcycles with Key 5dBµA/m @ 10m Parc Technologique Du
System) Transmit Bands: 120.9 KHz to Canal,
131.3 KHz 3 Rue Giotto,
Tyre Pressure Receive Bands: None 31520 Ramonville Saint-
Monitoring System Transmit Bands: 433.97 MHz 0.063 mW Agne,
(TPMS) to 433.87 MHz France

Triumph Accessory Receive Bands: 433.92 MHz

Alarm System ECU Transmit Bands: None
Scorpion Automotive
Triumph Accessory Receive Bands: None Ltd
Alarm System Remote/ 10 mW ERP
Key Fob Transmit Bands: 433.92 MHz Drumhead Road,
Chorley North Business
Accessory Alarm Receive Bands: 433.92 MHz Park,
System ECU - Triumph N/A
Protect+ Transmit Bands: None Chorley, PR6 7DE
Accessory Alarm Receive Bands: None
System Remote/Key 1 mW ERP
Fob - Triumph Protect+ Transmit Bands: 433.92 MHz

Receive and Transmit Bands: Viale dell'Industria,
Instrument Panel 7.4 dBm
2402 MHz to 2483.5 MHz 12 26845 Codogno (LO)

C.O.B.O. S.p.A. via Tito

My Triumph Receive and Transmit Bands: Speri
100 mW
Connectivity Unit 2402 MHz to 2480 MHz 10 25024 Leno (BS)

ADC Automotive
Distance Control
Systems GmbH
Receive and Transmit Bands: 100mW (20
Blind Spot Radar Peter-Dornier-Strasse
24.05 to 24.25 GHz dBm) peak EIRP 10,
88131 Lindau,

Representative within the European Union

Triumph Motocicletas Espana S.L.
C/Cabo Rufino Lazaro
14 - E
28232 - Las Rozas De Madrid

Industry Canada Statement Tyres

Under Industry Canada regulations, this With reference to the Pneumatic Tyres
radio transmitter may only operate and Tubes for Automotive Vehicles
using an antenna of a type and (Quality Control) Order, 2009, Cl. No. 3 (c),
maximum (or lesser) gain approved for it is declared by M/s. Triumph
the transmitter by Industry Canada. Motorcycles Ltd. that the tyres fitted on
To reduce potential radio interference to this motorcycle meet the requirements
other users, the antenna type and its of IS 15627: 2005 and comply with the
gain should be so chosen that the requirements under Central Motor
equivalent isotropically radiated power Vehicle Rules (CMVR), 1989.
(e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary
for successful communication.
This device complies with Industry
Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two
(1) this device may not cause
interference, and
(2) this device must accept any
interference, including interference that
may cause undesired operation of the

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