Research Article: An Improved Method of Particle Swarm Optimization For Path Planning of Mobile Robot
Research Article: An Improved Method of Particle Swarm Optimization For Path Planning of Mobile Robot
Research Article: An Improved Method of Particle Swarm Optimization For Path Planning of Mobile Robot
Research Article
An Improved Method of Particle Swarm Optimization for Path
Planning of Mobile Robot
Received 6 February 2020; Revised 16 April 2020; Accepted 8 May 2020; Published 25 May 2020
Copyright © 2020 Xun Li et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The existing particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm has the disadvantages of application limitations and slow convergence
speed when solving the problem of mobile robot path planning. This paper proposes an improved PSO integration scheme based
on improved details, which integrates uniform distribution, exponential attenuation inertia weight, cubic spline interpolation
function, and learning factor of enhanced control. Compared with other standard functions, our improved PSO (IPSO) can
achieve better optimal results with less number of iteration steps than the different four path planning algorithms developed in the
existing literature. IPSO makes the optimal path length with less than 20 iteration steps and reduces the path length and simulation
time by 2.8% and 1.1 seconds, respectively.
[14] proposed a modified particle swarm optimization population for the best companion to learn. That is, the next
(MPSO) with constraints to jointly obtain a smooth path, step of the particle is determined by the experience and the
but the method does not improve the efficiency of the best experience of the companion:
particle diversity, which makes the particles stagnate and fall
Vk+1 k k k k k
id � ωVid + c1 r1 Pid − Xid + c2 r2 Pqd − Xid , (1)
into the optimal local solution. The studies in [15] proposed
a fusion of chaotic PSO and ant colony algorithm (ACO).
The algorithm effectively adjusts the particle swarm opti- Xk+1 k k+1
id � Xid + Vid , (2)
mization parameters. It reduces the number of iterations of
the ant colony algorithm, called the chaotic particle swarm where Vkid is the dth component of the flight velocity vector
algorithm, thereby effectively reduces the search time. of the particle i of the kth iteration; Xkid indicates the dth
However, due to the improved algorithm parameters, its element of the position vector of the particle i of the kth
speed and the position updates are proportional, and this iteration; c1 and c2 represent the learning factor, which is
can limit the particle global searchability. Moreover, it is a used to adjust the learned to the maximum step size; r1 and
solution that can fall into the optimal local solution. r2 are two random functions with a range of value from 0 to
The hybrid genetic particle swarm optimization algo- 1 and are used to increase the randomness searching; and ω
rithm (GA-PSO) is proposed in [16] that established a path is the inertia weight to adjust the searchability for the so-
planning. The mathematical model of the problem proposed lution space. Although the classical PSO is simple to im-
a time-first based particle-first iteration mechanism, which plement and has few adjustment parameters when it is used
makes the evolution process more directional and acceler- in the path planning method, it is prone to poor search-
ates the development of path planning problems. However, ability, falls into the optimal local solution, and has reduced
the hybrid algorithm has too many parameters that need particle diversity, low convergence precision, and low ac-
control. This increases the computational complexity and curacy of path planning. Therefore, this paper systematically
has reduced the execution efficiency of the algorithm. It improves the classical PSO algorithm by combining various
signifies that it is difficult to improve the diversity of particles improved methods.
due to the easy way of falling into the optimal local solution.
Therefore, to combine the advantages of the above- 2.2. Improvement of PSO Algorithm Integration
mentioned various improved algorithms and improve their
defects, this paper proposed a new method to improve the 2.2.1. Uniform Distribution. We aim to ensure that the PSO
PSO integration scheme based on improved details, which is algorithm does not lose the randomness of the particles
used to solve the global path planning of mobile robots in the when initializing the population and, at the same time, avoid
indoor environment. In the proposed algorithm, the navi- the problem of excessive concentration of the initial posi-
gation point model is selected as the working area model of tions of the particles, which is not conducive to global search
the mobile robot, and the uniform distribution, exponential and postprocessing, especially with the possibility that the
attenuation inertia weight, cubic spline interpolation search stagnation may occur in the late search. In this paper,
function, and learning factor of enhanced control are in- continuous uniform random distribution is used to initialize
troduced to PSO to improve its performance. Finally, the the particles so that the particles are relatively uniformly
advancement and effectiveness of the standard test function distributed in the search space to facilitate later search and
and obstacle environment are verified in the paper. The avoid particles falling into the local optimal solution. The
results show that, compared with other standard functions, formula for uniform position distribution is shown as
IPSO achieves better optimal results and more iteration follows:
steps. Compared with the other four path planning algo- x − xmin
rithms, IPSO reaches the optimal path length with less than x � max , (3)
20 iteration steps and reduces the path length and simulation
time by 2.8% and 1.1 seconds, respectively. ymax − ymin
y� , (4)
2. Improved PSO (IPSO) where xmax and ymax are the upper limits of the variables,
xmin and ymin are the lower limits of the variables, and n is
2.1. Classical PSO. The fundamental core of the PSO method the number of the decision variables.
is to share the information through the individuals in the
group so that the movement of the whole group can be
transformed from disorder to order in the problem of so- 2.2.2. Exponential Decay Inertia Weight. The change of the
lution space to obtain the optimal solution of the problem. inertia weight w affects the position of the particle. The larger
The answer to each optimization problem is the “particle” the value of w, the stronger the global searchability and the
speed and position update through (1) and (2). The first term weaker the local mining ability. Therefore, good results can
of (1) indicates that the next move of the particle is affected be obtained when the values of the w are dynamic (ad-
by the magnitude and direction of the last flight speed; the justable) compared to the fixed values. The value of w can
second term means that the following action of the particle vary linearly during the PSO search process, or dynamically
originates from its own experience; the third term indicates based on a measure function of PSO performance. By an-
that the next move of the particle originates from the alyzing and summarizing the linear decreasing inertia
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 3
the intersection of any two cubic spline intervals. Path nodes Step 4: calculate the fitness value of the particle
can be selected arbitrarily or according to the environment. according to (11).
Suppose that the coordinates of n path nodes are Step 5: update the velocity and position of the particle
(xn1 , yn1 ), (xn2 , yn2 ), ..., (xnn , ynn ). The start and end coor- according to (1), (2), and (5) to (9), respectively. Update
dinate of the trail are (xs , ys ), (xt , yt ). Interpolating the the local optimal value Pbest and the global optimal
coordinates of the interpolation points with cubic spline value Gbest.
interpolation is on the interval of
Step 6: determine whether the updated particle in-
(x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), . . . , (xm , ym ). The path of the particle code
tersects the obstacle according to (13), and obtain a path
planning is the connection of the interpolation points. This
composed of the path node coordinates after updating.
paper uses the path node, the interpolation point, and the
The number of iterations is increased by one.
link of the start and endpoints of the path as the running
trajectory of the robot. Step 7: if the termination condition is met (the
threshold error is good enough to be negligible.), then
(3) Evaluation Function. This paper provides the shortest the algorithm ends, and the optimal path is output.
way that does not intersect with the obstacle. The design Otherwise, it goes to Step 3 and repeats the procedure.
evaluation function of our proposed algorithm is as The flowchart of the algorithm is shown in Figure 1.
shown in (11), where L is the path length of the mobile
agent from the ith path point to the i + 1th path point, 4. Simulation Experiment and Result Analysis
which is often used as an index in the path planning, and
its mathematical expression is given in (12); xi and yi are To verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the improved
the coordinates of the ith path point; xi+1 and yi+1 are the algorithm, the improved algorithm of this paper (denoted as
coordinates of the i + 1th path point; α is the weight IPSO), classical PSO algorithm (referred to as PSO), liter-
coefficient and is set to 100 here, which is used to exclude ature [23] stochastic inertia weight PSO algorithm (indicated
the illegal path, i.e., the way through the obstacle; and P is as Rand PSO), literature [24] trigonometric learning factor
a penalty function of obstacle avoidance constraint in the PSO algorithm (denoted as TFPSO), and research [25] PSO
selected indoor environment model, which is used to set with contraction factor algorithm (recorded as NCFPSO),
up a safe distance. The calculation formula is as shown in the optimal values of the typical functions are compared and
(13), where Rm is the radius of the mth obstacle, m is the analyzed through path planning experiment. The simulation
number of obstacles, and c and d are the center coor- experiment environment is carried out on Windows 10, core
dinates of the obstacle; the smaller the value of P, the i7, CPU (2.2 GHZ), memory 8 GB, Matlab (2018a).
higher the safety coefficient of the final path. If the trail
passes the mth obstacle, it is a number greater than 0. If 4.1. Standard Test Function Optimization. At present, several
the obstacle is avoided, then the value is 0: researchers work on intelligent bionic algorithms to evaluate
and compare the performance of algorithms by finding the
F � L ×(1 + α × P), (11) optimal values for the five typical functions. The Ackley function
is generally used to detect the global convergence rate of the
n ���������������������
2 2 algorithm, the Rastrigin function is used to find the optimal
L� xi+1 − xi + yi+1 − yi , (12) global value of the algorithm, and the Griewank function detects
the ability of the algorithm to jump out of the optimal local
����������������� value. The Sphere and Rosenbrock functions are unimodal
m 2 2
⎜ ⎜ xi − c + yi − d ⎟ ⎟ functions that are used to solve optimal global solutions.
P � ⎛
⎝1 − ⎠⎞
, 0⎞ ⎠. (13)
m�1 Rm In this paper, the above five functions are used as objects
to compare and evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed
algorithm. The basic mathematical of the basic functions
properties are shown in Table 1.
3. Improved Algorithm Flow
This section provides the detailed step by step explanation of 4.1.1. Standard Test Function and Parameter Setting. This
how to improve the PSO algorithm, as stated in Section 2. section compares the performance of our proposed algo-
Step 1: the number of path nodes, together with the rithm with some of the developed algorithms in the current
number of interpolation, is determined according to literature. The maximum number of iterations of each al-
the actual environment. gorithm is set to MaxIt � 1000, the population size is set to
Npop � 50, the dimension is set to D � 30, and the lower and
Step 2: set the parameters of the particle uniformly and upper limit of the dynamic inertia weight are set as wmin �
initialize the particle position using (3) and (4), re- 0.4 and wmax � 0.7, respectively. The five algorithms were
spectively. Then, the particle population and velocity run 20 times, and the optimal values, mean values, standard
are initialized. deviations, and average simulation run times are computed
Step 3: compute the coordinates of m interpolation based on the experimental results for each algorithm, re-
points in x and y directions of each particle. spectively. The performance of our proposed (IPSO)
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 5
i ≥ NP?
algorithm was evaluated using the experimental results of but it can be seen from the test curve in the subgraph of
these four aspects and the iterative curve. Figure 2(a) that our proposed IPSO algorithm has the
fastest convergence and highest precision among all the
four algorithms developed in the literature. The subgraph
4.1.2. Comparative Analysis of Algorithm Simulation Results, depicted in Figure 2(b) is the iterative curve of the
Standard Function Test, and Result Analysis. The results for Griewank function. Griewank function is a typical non-
the five standard functions test curves are shown in linear multimode stating function with a large search
Figure 2. The test curve for the Ackley function is shown in space and has many local advantages. As can be seen from
the subgraph of Figure 2(a). The Ackley function is an n- the graph shown in Figure 2(b), our proposed IPSO al-
dimensional function with several local optimal values. gorithm can obtain the optimal value better than the other
Therefore, it is difficult to find the optimal global value, developed algorithms in the existing literature, and its
6 Journal of Control Science and Engineering
10 600
Fitness value
Fitness value
2 100
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Number of iterations Number of iterations
(a) (b)
Rastrigin iterative curve Rosenbrock iterative curve
300 9000
200 6000
Fitness value
Fitness value
100 3000
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Number of iterations Number of iterations
(c) (d)
Sphere iterative curve
Fitness value
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Number of iterations
Figure 2: (a) Ackley iteration curve. (b) Griewank iteration curve. (c) Rastrigin iteration curve. (d) Rosenbrock iteration curve. (e) Sphere
iteration curve.
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 7
convergence speed is fast. Its optimal value is received at convergence speed at the beginning, as the optimization
the iteration step of less than 120. This shows that our process continues, the IPSO algorithm in this paper per-
proposed algorithm has better local optimal value bounce forms better than the other four algorithms at the middle
ability. The subgraph shown in Figure 2(c) represents the and later stages.
iterative curve of the Rastrigin function. Rastrigin func-
tion, which is similar to Griewank function, is a multipeak
function. Its algorithm is easy to fall into the local 4.2. Path Planning
maximum with an excellent solution. From the subgraph
of Figure 2(c), our proposed IPSO algorithm approaches 4.2.1. Experimental Environment and Parameter Setting.
the optimal global value in a shorter iterative step when The IPSO algorithm of this paper uses the navigation point
compared with the other four algorithms existing in the model of [26] to construct the experimental environment
literature. Our proposed algorithm converges at 110 it- model and the obstacle expansion treatment. The experi-
eration steps, which verifies its ability to jump out from mental environment is divided into a simple environment
the optimal local value. and a complex environment. The number of simple envi-
The subgraph in Figure 2(d) is the iterative curve of the ronmental obstacles is set to 5, the number of path nodes is 3,
Rosenbrock function. The global advantage of the Rose- and the number of interpolation points is set to 100. Sim-
nbrock function lies in a smooth and narrow parabolic ilarly, the number of complex environmental obstacles is set
valley. The function optimization algorithm provides limited to 11, the number of path nodes is 5, and the number of
information, and it is challenging to distinguish the search interpolation points is set to 100. The boundary is a nonnode
direction. This implies that it is challenging to solve optimal boundary.
global value. Nevertheless, it can be seen from the iteration Simulation parameter selection: the population size and
curve that our proposed IPSO algorithm can find the op- the maximum number of iterations of the five algorithms are
timal global value in less than 60 iterations, which is the consistent: Npop � 150, MaxIt � 100; wmin � 0.4, and
fastest among the compared four existing algorithms in the wmax � 0.9.
literature. This indicates that our proposed algorithm has
better global searchability.
The subgraph shown in Figure 2(e) is the iteration curve of 4.2.2. Path Planning and Algorithm Performance Analysis
the Sphere function. From Figure 2(e), our proposed algorithm
has shown a certain advantage in terms of convergence speed (1) Simple Environment. In a simple environment, the
and convergence precision that are not obvious. Still, the starting point (■) is the map coordinate system of (0, 0), and
optimal value obtained by our proposed algorithm is the the endpoint (★) coordinates are (9, 9), as shown in
smallest, because the Sphere function is a unimodal function Figure 3(a).
with a unique global minimum value, which does not make it It can be seen from Figure 3(a) that the path of the IPSO
difficult to find the optimal value. Hence, the degree of dis- algorithm is smoother and the dynamics of the robot motion
crimination of the algorithm is not obvious. is improved; the path of the classical PSO planning does not
Table 2 presents the performance comparison for the test find the optimal solution at the beginning of optimization
result data obtained by the standard functions Ackley, and encounters stagnation along its path. It should be easy
Griewank, Rastrigin, Rosenbrock, Sphere, and our proposed for the algorithm to fall into the optimal local solution. The
algorithm for the verification. It can be seen from Table 2 ability to find the optimal global solution is weak due to poor
that, for the five functions, except for the Ackley function, particle diversity with small disturbance. The TFPSO al-
the best result is the same as the other four comparison gorithm starts to search for a short stagnation phenomenon.
algorithms. However, the other four functions are optimized Finally, the localized optimal solution is obtained by the
by our proposed algorithm, and the results are improved by disturbance of the algorithm, which signifies that the al-
at least 45%. After the optimization of the five functions by gorithm has a weak ability to jump out from the optimal
the proposed algorithm in this paper, the average value is local solution.
increased by at least 0.1%, and the standard deviation is Figure 3(b) shows that our proposed IPSO algorithm has
increased by at least 0.2%. The experimental data shows that the fastest convergence rate and converges at 13 iteration
the IPSO algorithm is superior to the other four comparison steps; the RandWPSO algorithm converges at around 20
algorithms in terms of optimal value, average value, and iterative steps; the TFPSO converges at the 48th iteration; the
standard deviation. However, the average running time is NCFPSO algorithm converges at the 14th iterative step; the
more than that of the classical PSO. This is because the classical PSO converges at the 34th iteration.
function of the parameters of our proposed algorithm is Table 3 provides the performance comparison based
improved, while the classical PSO improved the parameters average path length and the average simulation run time for
by constant values. Moreover, our proposed algorithm will the five algorithms. As compared with the other four al-
increase the function to some extent. The limitation of the gorithms, the longest path length of our proposed algorithm
IPSO algorithm in this paper is being time-consuming. Our is reduced by at least 3.3%, the shortest path length is re-
future studies would further consider the issue of achieving a duced by at least 2.9%, the average path length is reduced by
reduced time. Although the IPSO algorithm of this paper at least 5.2%, and the average simulation time is reduced by
optimizes the Rastrigin and Sphere functions with the slower 1.2 s.
8 Journal of Control Science and Engineering
8 30
7 28
Fitness value
y 22
0 12
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
x Number of iterations
TFPSO Destination TFPSO
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Experimental comparison of five algorithms in a simple environment. (a) Simple environment path plan. (b) Simple environment
iteration graph.
8 28
7 26
6 24
Fitness value
5 22
4 20
3 18
2 16
1 14
0 12
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
x Number of iterations
Figure 4: The first experimental comparison of five algorithms in the complex environment. (a) The first type of complex environment path
planning diagram. (b) The first type of complex environment iteration graph.
(2) Complex Environment. To verify the universality of the algorithms, the average path is reduced by at least 2.1%, and
experiment, two types of experiments were carried out. The the average simulation running time is reduced by 1.1 s.
first experiment is carried out from the starting point to the Furthermore, path planning has higher accuracy.
endpoint, while the second experiment is conducted from The second type of experiment: the starting point (■) is the
the endpoint to the starting point. origin of the map with the coordinate system of (9, 9), and the
The first type of experiment: the starting point (■) is the endpoint (★) coordinates are (0, 0), as shown in Figure 5(a).
map coordinate system (0, 0), and the endpoint (★) coor- By considering Table 5, the performance of the path
dinates are (9, 9), as shown in Figure 4(a). planning of our proposed algorithm in this paper is as
It can be seen from Figure 4(a) that the path planning of follow: the average path length is reduced by at least 5.2%,
our proposed algorithm is not only the shortest but the the shortest path length is reduced by at least 1.5%, the
smoothest. The path planning of a complex environment is longest path length is reduced by 7.2%, and the average
relatively concentrated. This is because there are many ob- simulation running time is reduced by 1.2 s.
stacles in the complex environment with fewer paths to choose In summary, it is verified that our proposed IPSO al-
from. The classical PSO and TFPSO appear to be stagnant at gorithm has the shortest path, the highest precision, and
the beginning of the algorithm, and the IPSO algorithm is more least processing time when compared with the four algo-
prominent. An excellent solution is achieved after the algo- rithms existing in the literature.
rithm is optimized for a while. The optimal local solution is
jumped out after its disturbance is settled. It shows that two
algorithms (i.e., classical PSO and TFPSO) have small dis- 4.2.3. Summary of Path Planning. In the simple environ-
turbances, few particle diversity, and weak ability to jump out ment, the path planning by the five algorithms is relatively
from the local optimal solutions. Figure 4(b) presents the scattered. This is because there are fewer obstacles and ample
results obtained from the complex environment; from the space with many paths available for the algorithm to select.
iterative curves shown in Figure 4(b), the IPSO algorithm has When comparing the first type of experiment with the
the fastest convergence rate and the highest convergence second type experimental path planning diagram in a
precision with 22 iteration steps. The NCFPSO algorithm has complex environment, the five types of experiments in the
27 iterative steps. The RandWPSO algorithm has 28 iterations first type of experiment are more concentrated when the
before it starts to converge. TFPSO iterates 39 times before the robot starts running, and appear to be more dispersed in the
left and right algorithms start converging; the PSO algorithm later stages. This is because the first type of experiment is
starts to converge at around 93 iterative steps. Table 4 compares near the starting point. In the presence of obstacles, the
the path lengths of five algorithms in the first type of complex algorithms avoid the obstacles according to their optimi-
heterogeneous environment. zation ability. At the later stages of the optimization, the
Table 4 shows that the shortest path of the IPSO algo- obstacles at the endpoint are sparse, thereby making the path
rithm is reduced by at least 3% compared with the other four more concentrated.
10 Journal of Control Science and Engineering
Table 4: The first comparison of path length of five algorithms in the complex environment.
Algorithm Longest path Shortest path Average path Average time (s)
PSO 31.21 13.73 15.84 10.89
RandWPSO 22.49 13.07 13.67 15.10
TFPSO 26.50 13.00 14.00 16.22
NCFPSO 26.40 13.07 13.92 10.83
IPSO 22.44 12.84 13.38 9.70
8 28
7 26
6 24
Fitness value
5 22
4 20
3 18
2 16
1 14
0 12
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
x Number of iterations
TFPSO Destination TFPSO
(a) (b)
Figure 5: The second experimental comparison of five algorithms in the complex environment. (a) The second type of complex envi-
ronment path planning diagram. (b) The second type of complex environment iteration graph.
Table 5: The second comparison of path length of five algorithms in the complex environment.
Algorithm Longest path Shortest path Average path Average time (s)
PSO 25.66 13.59 15.30 11.14
RandWPSO 28.86 13.07 13.76 15.07
TFPSO 25.62 13.12 14.41 16.42
NCFPSO 23.41 13.04 13.67 11.07
IPSO 21.72 12.84 12.96 10.00
The second type of experiment is the opposite of the first algorithm. The introduction of the local optimization and
type. The three-path planning experiment is carried out to exponential decay for inertia weight improves the search-
verify the effectiveness of our proposed IPSO algorithm ability of our proposed algorithm and increases the dis-
among the algorithms existing in the literature. The per- turbance of our algorithm, which subsequently improves the
formance comparison for the algorithms is based on the diversity of the particles.
longest path, the shortest path, the average path, and the
average simulation running time. In all the comparisons 5. Conclusion
carried out, our proposed IPSO algorithm has performed
better than the other four algorithms in the literature. This is In this paper, particle swarm optimization (PSO) and cubic
because the algorithm proposed in this paper introduces a spline interpolation are combined to solve the minimum of
uniform distribution initialization strategy. Furthermore, five test functions and robot path planning problems. In
the inertia weight and the learning factor interact in the view of the problems of the classical particle swarm opti-
optimization algorithm, which reduces the parameters of the mization algorithm, such as poor searchability, low con-
proposed algorithm. Increasing the uniformity of the im- vergence accuracy, easy falling into local optimal solution,
proved algorithm can better balance the global search of the poor robustness, and poor path smoothness, the classical
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 11
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