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6. Chillers
6.1 Explanation of Use
Refrigeration systems in the chemical industry range in capacity from one ton to thousands of
tons. Typically, most of these are specially engineered, one-of-a-kind systems; equipment used
in normal commercial applications may be unacceptable for chemical plant service. (2002
ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook). Two types of systems are commonly found in this industry,
‘mechanical and absorption. Recently, absorption equipment has seen litte use in chemical
plants, even in settings where waste process heat may be available to operate it because of the
proximity of the heat source to the refrigeration requirements (2002 ASHRAE Refrigeration
Chillers are typical refrigerant equipment that uses heat transfer between two different Nuids to
achieve desired temperatures. Chillers are air-cooled or water-cooled, depending on the capacity
of the refrigeration system as well as the operating conditions of the system. The three primary
components of a chiller are condensers, compressors, and evaporators (see Figure 6.1),
Figure 6,1 Centrifugal Single-Stage Compressors Diagram”
Typical chiller operation follows this general cycle:
1. Refrigerant flows over evaporator tube bundle and evaporates, removing heat energy
from the fluid,
* thseion sere fr the eb st or EMP ORM Beat Paces woh by Technologist Ins, sing graphics supplied by The bolle
‘en nse, Abin, Abst PML, forse on FEM OB Nn79
2. ‘The refrigerant vapor is drawn out of the evaporator by a compressor that “pumps” the
vapor to the condenser.
3. The refrigerant condenses on the condenser cooling coils giving its heat energy to the
cooling fluid; the condensed refrigerant heads back to the evaporator.
6.2 Chiller Best Practices
6.2.1 Maintain an Accurate Log of System Operations
Proper maintenance procedures and accurate operating logs are important tools in any approach
to improving chiller and cooling system efficiency. Proper maintenance ensures that a system
operates as designed. To monitor and/or improve efficiency, you first must have accurate
records of operating conditions. A daily operating log is the best method of tracking,
performance and detecting any changes. Without this information, system deficiencies cannot be
readily detected. Maintenance needs may go unnoticed, increasing operating. costs and risking
‘major damage. Without accurate logs, it will be difficult to execute energy-saving strategies.
Best Practice—System Logs
* Maintain an accurate log of the primary indications of system operations. This should
include condenser and evaporator entering and leaving temperatures, chiller load, various
pressures (oil, refrigerant, etc) depending on chiller type, equipment in operation, motor
voltage and amperage, weather conditions, and any other important factors.
6.2.2 Demand Limiters and Staggered Start
Most electric utilities base their demand charges on the amount of energy used during any 15- or
30-minute interval. This may be monthly or, in some instances, the demand rate may be set
annually. Peak demand occurs during chiller startup; the most severe demand usually occurs on
ahot summer morning when chillers are started and the system water is warm.
Best Practice—Use of Demand Limiters and Staggered Start
‘* The use of demand limiting can save significantly energy cost on ulility bills in the
category of demand charges, Most centrifugal chillers have either manual or automatic
demand limiters. The use of these limiters can reduce the demand in any one period.
‘When starting multiple chillers, stagger the starts at least by one demand period. Start the
second chiller after the first has loaded.
6.2.3 Chill Water Reset
Many chiller and tower systems are designed for peak conditions that are experienced only a few
days per year. At reduced loads, the cooling coils can produce the required cooling at higher
chilled water temperatures because there is less need for dehumidification. Raising the chilled
water temperature lowers the compressor head, resulting in decreased energy consumplion. For
centrifugal chillers at constant speed (not VSD equipped chillers), this strategy saves 0.5% to
0.75% per degree of reset. The efficiency of a constant-speed chiller, operating below 40% load,
may lose efficiency by increasing the leaving chilled water temperature.
Centrifugal chitlers equipped with variable-speed drives and operating at loads of 80% down to
10% will consume 2% to 3% less energy per degree of chilled water reset.Best Practice—Chill Water Reset
+ Reset the chill water temperature to the maximum that is required to meet the load on the
system. This is best accomplished with automated controls and programming to reset on
a dynamic basi
6.2.4 Monitor for Refrigerant and Air Leaks
‘Any leaks in the closed-loop refrigerant system should be eliminated. In high-pressure chillers,
refrigerant will leak out, reducing refrigerant charge, and air will leak into low-pressure chillers.
In low-pressure refrigerant chiller, air collects in the condenser and displaces refrigerant vapor,
resulting in higher condenser pressure and temperature, For every °F increase in condenser
Jeaving temperature, energy consumption increases about 1.5%. Most low-pressure chillers use
a purge unit to remove ait. To reduce air problems, ensure the purge unit is functioning properly.
Best Practice—Monitor for Refrigerant and Air Leaks
* Periodically check low-pressure systems for excess air and high-pressure systems for
proper refrigerant levels, Maintain a log of the results.
6.2.5 Monitor Refrigerant Levels
Incorrect levels of refrigerant limit a chitler’s capacity, increasing head pressure and energy
consumption. Incorrect levels also can decrease the evaporator temperature. For every 1°F that
the evaporator temperature can be raised, 1.5% of the full-load energy can be saved.
Best Practice—Refrigerant Level Monitoring
* For centrifugal chillers, monitor and log the sight glass levels in the evaporator shell.
Check for bubbles in the liquid line sight glass on reciprocating units, which indicate low
level and high discharge pressure ot low refrigerant temperature leaving the condenser
for high levels. Maintain the level according to the manufacturer's instructions.
6.2.6 Use Optimum Condenser Temperature
Chiller manufacturers specify a minimum temperature for condenser water flowing into each
chiller, Check with the manufacturer for recommended minimums for your model. Energy
‘consumption is a function of the condenser pressure and temperature. Lowering the condenser
‘ater temperature reduces the refrigerant condensing temperature and condensing pressure. ‘This
reduces the lift required by the compressor and results in lower head pressure and reduced
compressor energy consumption. Energy savings, at full-load, will be 1.5% per degree of
reduction in entering condenser water temperature,
Best Practice—Condenser (cooling tower) Temperature
* Maintain the lowest condenser temperature recommended by the chiller manufacturer.
‘Tower fans may consume some of the increased energy, but savings from the much larger
‘compressor will offset it
6.2.7 Maintain Optimum Cooling Tower Discharge Temperature
Condenser water temperature should be monitored at the cooling tower and al the condenser intet
{o ensure that the lowest possible temperature is being maintained. If the entering condenser81
water temperature is more than 1-2°F higher than the temperature at the cooling tower, identify
tho cause and take corrective action, Many systems have a cooling tower bypass valve to mix
warm return water with the water to the condenser for startup or cold weather operation. Check
this valve for proper operation and adjustment. Pipe insulation may be warranted
Best Practice—Mainiain Cooling Tower Discharge Temperature
* Ensure that neither mechanical nor insulation issues are responsible for any temperature
increases between the cooling tower and the chiller.
6.2.8 Maintain Chiller Condenser Tubes
Fouling of the condenser tubes (e.g., scale formation, sedimentation, slime, and algae growth)
results from poor water treatment and/or poor maintenance of the system’s waterside. Fouling is
an insulator that impedes transfer between the refrigerant and the water. It increases both the
‘condensing temperature and the head pressure, Increasing head pressure increases compressor
‘energy use. Fouling can increase the temperature difference needed between the leaving
condenser water temperature and the refrigerant condensing temperature to maintain the same
cooling load. Each increase in temperature of 1°F increases the full load energy consumed by
Best Practice—Maintain Chiller Condenser Tubes in a Clean Condition
* The first line of defense is to follow good water treatment practices. This includes taking
steps to control biocides, algae, and suspended solids. Filtration will assist in suspended
solids control. Brush or high-pressure water cleaning of condenser tubes should be done
annually at a minimum.
6.2.9 Maintain Optimum Condenser Water Flow Rate
Low water flow in the condenser increases head pressure and therefore energy consumption. A
20% reduction in the condenser flow rate will increase full-load energy consumption by 3%.
‘Common causes of reduced flow are partially closed or damaged valves, clogged hot-deck
nozzles in the cooling tower, clogged line strainers, sediment in the condenser tubes, and air in
the system piping.
Best Practice—Condenser Water Flow
* Verify the condenser water flow by measuring it at least annually. A clamp-on or
insertion flow meter can achieve this, if permanent measurement tools are not installed,
6.2.10 Monitor Motor Cooling
Chiller motor maintenance is @ major area that is often neglected. ‘The compressor motor is the
largest energy consumer in the chiller system, Motor cooling is the most common cause of
declining motor efficiency. If an increase in current draw is noted without a decrease in voltage,
the motor may have a cooling problem brought on by blocked reftigerant lines in hermetic
chillers, dirt-clogged air passages, or blocked air filters. Poor chiller room ventilation may also
contribute to the cooling issue.82
Best Practice—-Motor Cooling
* When reviewing chiller logs, pay particular attention to the motor amperage vs. voltage
to detect increases in amp draw. Check the motor for cooling problems. This should be a
part of all annual chiller reviews.
6.2.11 Optimize Chiller Sequencing
Employing a chiller sequence can have a major impact on overall energy efficiency of the chiller
plant, Usually, a centrifugal chiller is more efficient at full or nearly full load, while rotary screw
chillers usually have the best efficiency at partial load, Reciprocating chillers vary and the exact
unit specifications should be verified. When operating multiple chillers, always load the one that,
has the best efficiency for the current cooling demand before loading the other chillers, which
use more energy. When starting a second or subsequent chiller, consider the characteristics of
the other chillers. Operate the centrifugal chillers at full load and swing with the screw chiller i
available, The use of variable speed drive chillers provides the ultimate in chiller employment
Best Practice—Chiller Employment
* Always consider efficiency vs. load when starting and stopping chillers. Various chiller
designs have different partial load and full load efficiencies. Also, consider the
efficiency of the chillers on line as a group. Choose the best combination for the best
energy efficiency.
6.2.12 Chiller Water Flow Isolation
Effective management of water flow to the chiller is a source of potential energy savings. Start
and stop chill water and condenser pumps when the associated chiller is operated. Isolate
inactive chillers from the chill water and condenser water loops when they are not in operation.
Water pumped through idle chillers consumes unnecessary energy by adding temperature to the
water. ‘This can be as much as 2-2,5°F. The use of automatic shut-off valves is recommended.
Best Practice—Chiller Water Flow Isolation
* Isolate both the chiller evaporator and condenser from the system when the chiller is not
in service, Automatic valves are the ideal solution,
6.2.13 Variable Speed Drive Chillers
‘The use of chillers equipped with variable speed drives greatly enhances their energy efficiency.
‘This enables the chiller to match the speed of the compressor to the load at the maximum
efficiency. It also allows the chiller to function, without damage, at much lower condenser water
temperatures. ‘This further reduces operating costs,
Best Practice—Vartable Speed Drive Chillers
* The availability of variable speed chillers has improved in recent years, thus reducing
initial purchase costs. The use of drives allows the chiller to exacily match the
compressor speed to the load and provides the ultimate in employment matching, When
using multiple chillers, employment can be controlled to use the VSD-equipped chiller as
the swing chiller and maximize the benefit if only one chiller is equipped with a VSD.6.2.14 Automate Chiller System
‘The use of automation for chiller employment and control can significantly reduce energy
consumption, An automation system can provide 24-hour electronic monitoring and control of
chiller plant operation, and can report information to a control center or cell phone. This type of
system can report operational problems and even dispatch a service call. It can detect and report
problems earlier and prevent equipment damage. Control functions include employment (on-
off), demand limiting, chill water reset, pump employment, and water flow control. Additional
duties can be monitoring of maintenance items, filters, oil changes and out of range conditions
Automated systems can also pickup many of the logging duties for operators, A control system
does not replace a good operator and/or the normal inspections required for sound operating
Best Practice—Chiller Plant Automation, Reporting, and Control
* The use of a well-designed automation package can greatly reduce the energy
consumption of a chiller plant and provide an improved level of monitoring and
6.2.15 Automatic Tube Cleaning Systems
Automatic tube cleaning systems consisting of captured brushes in each tube and a flow-
reversing valve with controls are excellent energy savers in cases where chiller or condenser
fouling is a problem, The system typically cleans the tubes four times per day. Common
applications are river water condensers, process evaporators, and condensers on towers or
systems where fouling is critical. Energy savings commonly range from 15-20% on condensers
and 15%:plus on process evaporators. Additional savings from reduced maintenance and less
downtime are possible.
Best Practice—Automatic Tube Cleaning Systems
* On evaporators and condensers in high fouling applications, automatic tube cleaning
can save significant energy by maintaining tube heat transfers surfaces in clean
6,2,16 Free-Cooling With a Plate Heat Exchanger
Free-cooling (systems above 36°F) for systoms that are not equipped to use outside air can be
done by utilizing a plate-heat exchanger and a cooling tower. The tower must be setup for cold
operation and have sufficient heater capacity (o prevent freezing in cases of low load and
severely cold weather. The effectiveness of free-cooling depends on the chill water temperature
required in winter months and the hours of wet bulb temperatures for the location, ‘The plate-
heat exchanger is used like a chiller but the heat exchanger does not require additional power
Best Practice—Free Cooling on the Waterside
* A careful analysis of free-cooling opportunities is required when winter cooling is needed
and outside air is not available (or cannot be used for other reasons). Attention should be
paid to the required chill water temperature in cold weather, as typically the chill water
tomperature can be higher than in the summer months, This is usually due to lower loads
in the winter, The warmer the chill water temperature required, the longer free-cooling84
can be used. Froo-cooling applications have been used successfully in the southeastern
USS. for many years. Depending on the application and installation, paybacks of less than
one year have been achieved. Automation of the controls for change over is
recommended, as it will greally increase the mumber of hours of use.
6.2.47 Free Cooling With Fin-Fan Coils
Free-cooling (systems below 36°F) can be achieved with fin-fan coils, ‘This is usually applied on
systems that are operating below freezing and are using a brine solution (glycoV/water, etc.) ‘The
brine is circulated to a fin-fan coil outside and cooled by cold air that’s forced over a coil.
Best Practice—Free Cooling for Low Temperatures,
* The use of a fin-fan coil to cool brine solutions to temperatures below 36°F is a source of
winter energy savings. The outside coil acts as the chiller and only requires a small
amount of energy for the fan(s),
6.3 Cooling Tower Best Practices
Cooling towers are heat rejection devices that divert waste process heat into the atmosphere,
They are commonly used in air-conditioning, manufacturing, and electric power generation,
Cooling towers may be direct (open circuit) or indirect (closed circuit), depending on the specific
application. Direct-cooling towers require the cooling fluid to have direct contact with air, in
indirect-cooting towers air and cooling fluid are separated.
6.3.1 Cooling Tower Water Filtration
Cooling tower water filtration is the single most effective way to reduce fouling and maintenance
‘on a cooling water system. The dirt particles typically found in cooling water consist of airborne
dust, pollen, dirt, bacteria, and other organic material ingested by the tower. The typical cooling
tower moves millions of cubic feet of air each day. All of the foreign material in air is washed
out into the cooling water. This material provides food for the bacteria normally present in
cooling tower water. It also forms a sludge blanket in the basin or tower sump, which harbors
bacteria and corrosion-causing conditions. Ifa sludge blanket becomes an inch or more thick,
biocides can no longer penetrate it to kill bacteria,
Best Practice—Cooling Tower Water Filtration
* The use of side-stream sand filters is the most effective way to remove the suspended
solids in cooling tower water. Filters designed for this purpose can remove 90-95% of all
suspend solids larger than $ microns, ‘This level of filtration, which is equal to or better
than drinking water, will eliminate the problems associated with dirty cooling tower
water. Selection and sizing is site-, equipment-, and location-dependant. Because the
solids are small and airbome (making them low in specific gravity), centrifugal
separators are not effective for this application,
* A filtration system should include a properly designed basin sweeper system to reduce or
eliminate the studge blanket that forms in tower basins
6.3.2. Cooling Tower Hot Deck Covers
Cooling tower hot decks provide another defense against airborne solids and algae growth. Hot85
decks are a common method of water distribution in most cooling towers (some towers use
pressure nozzle system). Algae cannot grow in cooling water without sunlight, The most
‘common source of sunlight in cooling towers is uncovered hot decks.
Best Practice—Hot Deck Covers
* On cooling towers with hot decks, install and maintain hot deck covers, Ensure that
procedures require the replacement of the covers following maintenance activities.
6.3.3 Monitor Hot Deck Nozzles
To ensure efficient operation of a cooling tower, the tower must have the appropriate flow of
‘water and air in the fill at all times. The most common disruption to adequate water flow is hot
deck nozzle plugging (in towers with hot decks), This causes unbalanced and uneven water flow
through the fill affecting the tower performance, This nozzle plugging is usually large pipe scale
picces and other debris in the system that cannot pass through deck nozzles. Regular monitoring
of hot deck conditions is recommended.
Best Practice—Hot Deck Nozzles
+ Hot deck nozzles should be inspected on a monthly basis in normal operating conditions.
‘Where frequent problems are encountered with nozzle plugging, install a line strainer on
the return line to the tower. The perforations in the strainer should be one-half the size of
‘the smallest opening in the hot deck nozzle, Install a 2-inch ball valyein a convenient
Jocation for blow down of the strainer, and check it frequently.
63.4 Cooling Tower Basins
Cooling tower basins usually collect a large amount of dirt and sludge from the solids washed
out of the airflow. ‘These solids create a sludge blanket on the bottom of the tower basin, When
sludge thickness reaches 1-inch, the biocide and corrosion inhibitor used as cooling water
{treatment cannot reach the basin bottom. If the basin is galvanized steel, rapid corrosion can
cause severe damage in a short time, ‘The most common form is anaerobic bacterial corrosion.
This is caused from the growth of bacteria, which thrives in an atmosphere with no oxygen. ‘The
first-line defense for this occurrence is the use of stainless steel basins and filtration with a basin
sweeper system,
Best Practice—Cooling Tower Basins
* Order new cooling towers with stainless steel basin for longer life and reduced
maintenance costs, Use epoxy of elastomeric coatings to extend the life of galvanized
cooling tower basins. See also “Cooling tower water filtration.”
6.3.5 Cooling Tower Selection
‘The design of the cooling tower has an impact on energy efficiency. The most efficient design is
the induced draft, counter-flow design. For most applications, this is also the most cost-effective
tower design if lifecycle costing is used. It may not be the lowest first-cost unit. In some
instances, there may be site restrictions or conditions that would affect this choice.86
Best Practice—Cooling Tower Type Selection
* ‘The most efficient tower type, for most conditions, is the induced draft, counter-flow
design, Consider operating efficiency and lifecycle costs when selecting a cooling tower
6.3.6 Shutdown Vibration Switches
Most cooling towers use fans to push or pull air through the fill, and cool the water by
‘evaporation, Fan blades are subject to fatigue, other mechanical stresses, and manufacturing
defects. When a fan blade loses a blade tip or experiences abnormal wear, it becomes
unbalanced, This causes excessive vibration in the gearbox, mounting, and other structures.
Best Practice—Vibration Switches
+ All cooling tower fans should be equipped with a shutdown vibration switch. In the
event of an unbalanced situation, the fan will shut down before causing additional blade
failure and the possibility of a safety hazard. Care should be taken to install the vibration
switch in the correct plane for cooling towers. Switches installed in the wrong plane will
not function, Switches should be checked on an annual basis for correct operation.
6.3.7 Upgrading Cooling Tower Capacity
Cooling tower performance may require improvement if loads have increased over time, There
are a number of options to improve the capacity of an existing cooling tower. ‘These include fill
upgrades, fan blade adjustment, fan and motor replacement, etc.
Best Practice—Cooling Tower Upgrades
* Consult a knowledgeable company to evaluate the improvements available to enhance the
capacity of an existing cooling tower.
6.3.8 Drift Elimination
‘Water lost through the cooling tower fan is called drift, This water, when excessive, reduces the
overall efficiency to the cooling tower. Water use rises, chemical costs increase, and
environmental damage can occur from the water droplets.
Best Practice—Drifi Control
* Maintain drift eliminators in good condition. If drift is a problem, consider replacing the
drift eliminators. Drift eliminators affect the tower performance by increasing the
pressure drop and, therefore, the airflow across the tower. There is a trade-off between
‘energy, performance, and drift control, Use the type of drift eliminator that meets the
Tequitements, not necessarily the best one available,
6.3.9 Drain Basin Tanks
Drain-back tanks are useful in cold climates where tower freezing is an issue. The use of
polyethylene tanks to hold the sump water is an effective method of eliminating the basin heaters
and heater controls. Locate the tank in an area that is heated.87
Best Practice Winter Tower Freeze Control
* The use of a drain-back tank is a cost-effective way to avoid tower freezing and the cost
of heaters, controls, and heater operation, Space must be available in a heated area at an
elevation lower than the base of the tower.
6.3.10 Cooling Tower Cleaning
Cooling towers should be cleaned at least annually. New standards from the Cooling Tower
Institute suggest that more frequent cleaning may be warranted. Cleaning schedules will vary
depending on the tower load, location, the use of filtration, and other environmental conditions.
Best Practice—Cooling Tower Cleaning
* The cleaning of cooling towers should be done often enough to prevent any significant
buildup of dirt in the tower and tower fill
6.4 Heat Exchanger Best Practices
6.4.1 Heat Exchanger Selection
Heat exchanger selection is an increasingly difficult task. Many types of heat exchangers are
available and each type is outstanding for select applications. For liquid-to-liquid applications
where solids are not a problem, plate heat exchangers excel. When cleaning or solids are an
issue, spiral plate heat exchangers are an excellent choice. Applications with a large approach
are suited for tube-and-shell heat exchangers.
Best Practice —Heat Exchangers
+ The various types of heat exchangers should be considered before purchasing a unit. For
most HVAC applications, plate-and-frame units or tube-and-shell units are the most
‘common. A variation on the plate-and-frame heat exchanger, the brazed plate heat
‘exchanger, is an excellent unit for small heating, cooling, and condensing applications.
6.4.1 Back Flushing System
Heat exchangers that are subject to frequent fouling can benefit from back flushing. The use of a
four-way valve to periodically reverse flow to distodge fouling and sediment allows cleaning on-
line, This can be applied to most heat exchangers. On some tube-and-shell type heat
exchangers, eatch baskets and brushes can be installed to brush the tubes when the flow reverses.
Best Practice-—On-line Heat Exchanger Cleaning
+ When using dirty or fouting-type liquids in heat exchangers, consider using back fushing
for on-line cleaning. In certain tube-and-shell units, captured brushes can be used.
64.1 Fluid Selection
The use various additives to prevent freezing of fluids affect the heat transfer capabilities of the
solution. Ethylene and propylene glycol are the most commonly used fluids. As the temperature
‘of operation decreases, greater amounts of glycol are required, As this percentage increases, the
heat transfer abilities decline and flow must be increased.88
Freezing Point
ation by volume [Ethylene Glycol [Propylene Glycol
[sor bor
lo base
Lise bia
jar hae
bse ja
Glycol Properties:
| tiple eye | Propylne Get
‘Heat transfer @180F with ao increase in flow rate
20% soation 96 | 97
Hose kelsanad ea eee ar eet| 50
Flow Rate Correction Required (with no change in pump curve)
| wor || oe | ae
( EEEEEE EE -tePE PEP [Pen sae Pree eee ere
~~ tor | a6 110%
“Pump Hend Correction Required (with increase in flow)
wor ftw |
Mor haem
i a
Specie Gravity @STP | 125-1438 1.045 1055
|” Pounds/Gaton @ 60 sa [8a
| pH (ef glycol concentrate) | 93 | 95
| "Note: Except as indicated, comparisons are of 50% glyco! solution to
i water
Best Practice—Glycol Additions for Antifreeze
* Use the least amount of glycol possible to prevent freezing, to maximize heat transfer and
minimize the flow required for the application.a :
Chapter Four
Methods and Devices
for the Prevention of
Backflow and
wide choice of devices
exits that can be used t0
prevent backsiphonaze and,
backpressure from eleling
contaminated fluids or gases
into a potable water supply
system, Generally, che selection
ofthe proper device to use is
based upon the degeoe of hazard
‘posed by the cross-connection,
‘Additional considerations are
based upon piping size, location,
and the potential need to
periodically ese the devices to
insare proper operation
“There are six basic types of
devices that can be used 20
cowcect cross-connections: ait
‘gps, baromettic loops, vacaum
breaken—both atmospheric
and pressure type, double check
‘with intermediate aemospheric
vent, couble check valve
assembles, and reduced pressure
principle devices. In general
manufacnaress of these devices,
with the exception ofthe
‘baromettic loop, produce them
to one or more of thee basic
stands, dbus insuring the
public that dependable devices
are being utilized and matketed
‘The major standards in the
industry are: American Society
‘of Sanitary Engineers ASSE),
“American Waer Works Ass
tion (AWWA), and the Univer-
sigy of California Foandacion for
Gross-Connection Control and
Hydeautic Research,
‘Alc gaps ate non-rnechanical
backflow preventers that are
very effective devices to be used
where ether backsiphonage oF
backpressue conditions may
‘exist. Their use sas old as
Piping and plumbing itself, but
‘only relatively recenely have
standards been issued that
seandadie theie design. In
‘genera, the ae gap muse be
‘wie che supply pipe diamerer
bur never less lian one inch,
‘See Figure 12.
An aie gap, alehough a0
cexteomely effective backllow
preventer when used fo prevent
backsiphonage and backpres-
sure conditions, des interrupt
the piping floss with coce-
sponding loss of pressure for
subsequent use. Consequently,
ai gaps ae primaily used at
end of the line service where
resevois or strage tanks are
desied, When contemplating
the use of an airgap, some
ther considerations are:
(1) Ina continuous piping,
system, each air gap requires
the added expense of reservoirs
and secondary pumping
(2) The air gap may be easily
defeated in the event thatthe
*2D" requirement was purposely
‘or inadvertently compromised.
[Excessive splash may be encoun-
‘ered in the event that higher
than anticipated pressures ot
ows occur. The splash may be a
cosmetic o cue poteatal
hhazard—the simple solotion
being to reduce the “2D"
danension by thrusting the
supply pipe into the receiving
fanne. By 0 doing, the ai gap
i defeated.
@) Avan airgap, we expose the
water tothe sucrounding sic
with its inherent bacteria, dust
pacticls, and other airborne
pollatants or concaminants. In
addition, the aspiration effect of
the flowing water can deag down
surrounding pollutants into the
reservoir or holding tank.
(4) Free chlorine can come out of
twcated water asa esultofehe ait
apand the resulting splash and
clouening effec as te water
carers te holding eanks, This
reduces the ability of the water
+o withstand bacteria conteunina-
rion doting long term storage.
(6) For the above reasons, ai
‘gaps most be inspected as
feequeatly as mechanical
backflow prevents, They are
not exempe from an in-depch
‘x0s-connection conte pro
‘gram requiring periodic inspec
tion ofall backflow deve.
Alc gaps may be fabricated
fom commercially availble
plumbing components oF
parehasel as separate units and
‘tegrated into plumbing and
piping systems, An example of
the use of an ar gop is shown in
Figure (3,