No : 06
Kelas : XII MIPA 1
The film tells the story of Moana, the strong-willed daughter of a Polynesian village
chief, who is chosen by the ocean itself to reunite the mystical remains of the goddess Te
Fiti. When a curse attacks the island, Moana sets sail in search of Maui, a legendary god, in
hopes of returning the relic to the goddess Te Fiti and saving her people.
This film is highly recommended to watch because the main character is a strong and
clever girl, who goes on an adventure in the vast ocean and has an unpredictable plot.
I. Characterization
Main characters : Moana (a brave girl who has a strong love for the ocean)
Minor characters :
Chief Tui : friendly, respected by people and very strict with Moana
II. Settings
Place : Motonui Island
Theme : adventure
Atmosphere : tense
III. Plot
On the Polynesian island of Motunui, residents worship the goddess Te Fiti, who brings life
to the ocean, using the pounamu stone as her heart and source of power. Maui, demigod
and master of seafaring, stole the heart of the goddess Te Fiti to give humans the power of
creation. However, Te Fiti is destroyed, and Maui is attacked by another person seeking the
heart of the goddess Te Fiti: Te Ka, a volcanic demon. In the fight, Maui is blasted from the
sky, losing his magic giant fishing rod and the heart of the goddess Te Fiti to the depths of
the sea.
Rising action
That same night, Moana sails on a camakau found in a cave. He is caught in a typhoon and
stranded on an island where he finds Maui, who brags about his accomplishments. Moana
demands that Maui return the heart of the goddess Te Fiti; however, he refuses and traps
her in a cave.
Maui initially refuses Moana's invitation, but Moana finally convinces Maui to work with
her. They sailed towards the island of Te Fiti. The two arrive on the island of Te Fiti, only to
be attacked by Te Kā. However, Moana refuses to turn around, resulting in Maui's hook
being badly damaged. Believing that if he returns to war with Te Kā, he will lose his hook
which is his power, Maui becomes furious and abandons Moana, who with tears asks the
sea to find someone else to restore the heart of the goddess Te Fiti.
Falling action
Samudra also helped and took the heart of the goddess Te Fiti from Moana. Then Tala's
spirit appears, inspiring Moana to find her true calling. He took the heart of the goddess Te
Fiti and with full courage sailed back to face Te Kā. Maui returns, having changed his mind,
and buys time for Moana to reach the goddess Te Fiti by fighting Te Ka, destroying his hook
in her fight. Moana finds the goddess Te Fiti missing, and realizes that Te Ka is the corrupted
goddess Te Fiti without her heart. Moana tells the ocean to clear the way, allowing her to
return the heart of the goddess Te Fiti, turning the goddess Te Fiti back to normal.
The goddess Te Fiti then healed the ocean and the islands from the curse. Maui apologizes
to the goddess Te Fiti, who returns the hook and gives Moana a new boat before falling into
a deep sleep and becoming a mountain.
IV. Conclusion
Moral lesson : The film conveys the message that fear obscures our true identity and hurt
does not define who we are.
Opinion : This character represents the concept that everyone has the ability to
overcome challenges, pursue dreams, and find the true purpose of life. Through Moana's
journey, viewers are invited to not only be entertained but also get inspiration to have
courage, perseverance and honesty within themselves.