FDS Iat-2 Part-B
FDS Iat-2 Part-B
FDS Iat-2 Part-B
Age of Cars (years) 2 4 6 7 8 10 12
2 Explain the following pairs represents the number of licensed drivers (x) and the
number of cars (y) for seven houses in my neighborhood.
Drivers(x) Cars(y)
5 4
5 3
2 2
2 2
3 2
1 1
2 2
6 Analyses how to implement correlation coefficient for quantitative data using both
computation and definition formula?
7 Construct a frequency distribution for the number of different residences occupation
by grading seniors during their college career, namely
8 Analyze how to visualize Geographic Data with Basemap and Visualization with
Seaborn in pandas
9 Analyze Customize Plot Legends, Text and annotation in pandas with example of
each styles?
10 Analyze how to visualize simple line plots and scatter plots with their different styles
using Matplotlib in pandas.?
PART – C (1x 15 = 15 Marks)
1 Describes in details about Correlation with different relationships with examples.
Explain in details about scatterplots and Examine with the following example.
Critical reading and math scores on the SAT test for students A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and
H are shown in the above scatterplot:
a) Which student(s) scored about the same on both tests?
(b) Which student(s) scored higher on the critical reading test than on the math test?
(c) Which student(s) will be eligible for an honors program that requires minimum
scores of 700 in critical reading and 500 in math?
(d) Is there a negative relationship between the critical reading and math scores?
2 Summarize the concept of variables and its types with example in details.
Summarize the positive, Negative, Little, No Relationship with diagrammatic
Calculate the correlation coefficient for the height ‘in inches’ of fathers (x) and their
1 son’s (y) with the data presented below
x 66 68 68 70 71 72 72
y 68 70 69 72 72 72 74
6 Briefly explain about the operations performed using NumPy arrays with example
program in detail.
7 What is broadcasting and rules of broadcasting with example? Elaborate about the
aggregate functions in NumPy.
8 Consider that, and E-Commerce organization like Amazon have different regions sales
as north sales, south sales, west sales, east sales.csv files. They want to combine sales
north and west regions sales and south and east sales to fine the aggregate sales of these
collaborating region help them to do so using python.
9 Perform an exploratory data analysis for the following data with different types of
The dataset contains cases from the study that was conducted between 1958 and 1970
at the university of Chicago’s Billing Hospital on the survival of patients who had
undergone surgery for cancer.
Data attribute:
Age of the patient at the time of operation(numerical)
Patient year of the operation (year-1990, numerical)
Number of positive axillary nodes detected (numerical)
Survival status (class attribute) 1= the patient survived 5 years or longer 2 = the patient
died within 5 years.
10 Analyze how to visualize Geographic Data with Basemap and Visualization with
Seaborn in pandas.
PART – C (1x 15 = 15 Marks)
1 Analyze how text and image annotations are done using python? Give an example of
your own with appropriate python code.
2 Appraise the following (i) Histogram (ii) Binning (iii)Density with appropriate
python code.