AI and Debate Presentation
AI and Debate Presentation
AI and Debate Presentation
Stefan Bauschard
Dr. Alan Coverstone
Dr. Anand Rao
Sebastian Rao
Dr. Anand Rao Sebastian Rao
Sebastian Rao is a senior in
Dr. Anand Rao is a Professor of Communication and
the Commonwealth Governor’s School, a STEM magnet
Department Chair at the University of Mary
program in Virginia. Sebastian has studied the use of AI by
Washington. He started integrating AI applications into
students and high school debaters, presenting at
his courses in the spring and is currently teaching a
the AIxEducation Conference in August, working as an
digital studies course on Generative AI. He is a co-
AI instructor for the Richmond Debate Institute in the
editor and contributor to the March 2023 book
summer of 2023 and DebateUS in the spring,
“Chat(GPT): Navigating the Impact of Generative AI
and contributing to the March 2023 book
Technologies on Educational Theory and Practice,”
“Chat(GPT): Navigating the Impact of Generative
and is a frequent invited speaker on the impact of
AI Technologies on Educational Theory and Practice.”
generative AI on education
He is co-founder of his
school’s chapter of the
With Stefan Bauschard, he has
International Youth
co-developed an online AI
literacy course for students in
Association, serves as
grades 6-12. the President of various
student activity
chapters, and is a
nationally ranked high
school debater.
Dr. Alan Coverstone
Stefan Bauschard Alan Coverstone is an educator, leader, and consultant who has
Stefan Bauschard is the co-editor of ChatGPT: Navigating the
worked for over 30 years to advance educational equity and
Impact of Generative AI Technologies on Educational Theory and catalyze change in K12 and higher education through
Practice. He has been actively involved in issues related to professional roles in educator preparation, charter school
generative artificial intelligence and hosted one of the first innovation, grantmaking, and school improvement. Alan
webinars on AI and education. He has spoken about AI at partners with educational communities to drive practical and
conferences in the US (AIxEducation; NDCA) and in the U.K meaningful outcomes with students of color and those
(Cottesmore) about understanding AI, trends in AI experiencing poverty. Alan seeds intentional, transformational
development and change efforts by building trusting relationships and placing
impending educational disruptions. wrote with AI those most connected to the outcomes at the center of decision-
in 6 minutes. He has co-taught an online course
for educational leaders Prior to launching Covariant Education
and is working on training programs where he is now Principal Consultant,
for the Orange Alan served as a Senior Program Officer
County Department of Education and at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in
the Santa Anna Unified multiple faculty and program leadership
School District.
roles in the College of Education at Belmont University, as an innovation
leader for Metropolitan Nashville Public
Schools, and as a school board member.
Beyond Algorithmic Leadership:
The Significance of Speech & Debate for
Learning Assessment
and Skill Cultivation in the AI World
How it Can
Challenges Competitive How it Can Be Model for the
Facing Academic Used in the Future of
Education Debate Classroom Instruction
Challenges Facing
1. Radical Technological Change
in Education
1T-5T Parameters
▪ OpenAI is not going out of business
Challenges in Education
4. Student use of generative AI is widespread
Dilemmas of
Detecting Owen Kichizo Terry
▪ 100K-300K places
The School Paper is in Trouble
Challenges in
Educaton (Founder, ChatGPT)
Challenges in
The School Paper is in Trouble
in Education
in Education
Challenges in Education
Challenges in Educaton
5. Teachers are Unprepared
▪ 6. There is a teacher shortage
Challenges in Education
Challenges in Educaton
7. Students are disengaged
▪ 8. Scores are declining
Challenges in Education
Challenges in Education
Implemented immediately
Easy to understand
Challenges in Relatable to teachers
Educaton Look toward the Future
Integrate Technology Over Time
Academic Debate
What is Debate?
Students debate a topic
Preparation is iterative
Students debate at tournaments, Competition is
Competitive iterative
Students compete on 2+ person teams that are part
Academic Debate of larger squads
What is the Basic Structure of a Debate?
Shared ideas
Peer and coach research
Peer and coach feedback
Peer and coach instruction
Iterative development
Working Together
Expression of ideas
Novel arguments
Combining ideas
Additional Skills Managing emotions
Open mind
Shared moral understandings
Human interaction
Academic Debate
Content Learning
Academic Debate
Solves "Cheating"
Practice promotes
Individualizes instruction
How does it help
manage teacher
The Flipped Classroom
How does Debate
Flip the Classroom?
Debate in the
Essential elements of debate:
Backward design
PBL but 2-way and incisive feedback
Turn and talk/pair-share
Scaffold skills across topics; backward design
High School
Debate on the Enlightenment and the US Constitution
High School
Use ChatGPT to Help
High School
Model for the Future
Sebastian Rao
Competition vs. Collaboration
Khan Academy
Competitive ends to
education vs. The student
▪ Integrating instruction
Bot-as-coach model of instruction, with debate
Encouraging Collaboration in the learning process
Teaching instruction