Narrative Report Angeline Mae Pido
Narrative Report Angeline Mae Pido
Narrative Report Angeline Mae Pido
A Narrative Report
Submitted to the Faculty of the
Tanza National Trade School (TNTS)
Senior High School (SHS) Department
Tanza, Cavite
In partial fulfilment
of the requirements for the subject
Work Immersion
August 18, 2023
This Narrative Report on the 10th day entitled, SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL WORK
prepared and submitted by Angeline Mae S. Pido has been assessed and
recommended for acceptance and approval in order to meet the requirements for the
Work Immersion.
Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for Senior High
A Narrative Report on Work Immersion submitted to the faculty of the Tanza National
Trade School – Senior High School Department, Tanza, Cavite. In partial fulfilment
of the requirements for the Work Immersion prepared under the Chairmanship of Dr.
Crescencia Tarinay Canubas
Angeline Mae S. Pido is a 17 year old, she was born on
December 17, 2005 at Manila. She is a Grade 12 Student Academic
Strand of ABM of Tanza National Trade School.
She is the third daughter among the two (4) children of Dionisio
G. Pido and Jennifer S. Pido. Her father is a Construction Worker and
her mother is a housewife that taking care of her children.
She spent her kindergarten at Pedro Gil Day Care while the 6
years of elementary was spent in Belvedere Elementary School.
She studied for four years in high school at Tanza National Trade
School where she took a Computer System Servicing course and
successfully completed in 2022. Still at the same school, she pursued
Senior High School in which she took the Academic strand of
Accountancy, Business, and Management.
Without the right guidance and persistent inspiration of our beloved
immersion instructor Sir Pfc. Lorence M. Ipan and lectures from the
402nd CDC army’s, day 10 of Senior High School Work Immersion would
be unbearable.
This author also wants to thank the Class Officers of ABM, the
ABM advisers, and our beloved subject teachers for their patience,
support, and willingness to alter the time schedule for their sessions.
Finally, a great thank you to the Camp Reigo De Dios, Tanza
Cavite especially the 402nd CDC personnel for lending us trainees their
time, sharing their knowledge, and just listening to our worries for the
previous ten days of our work immersion
TITLE PAGE……….………………………………………………………
APPROVAL SHEET………………………………………………………
BIOGRAPHICAL DATA...………………………………………………...
TABLE OF CONTENTS………….……………………………………….
ORGANIZATIONAL CHART……………………………………………..
LOCATION MAP………………………………………………………..…
The 402nd Community Defense Center, 4th Regional Community
Defense Group, Reserve Command, Philippine Army perform its
mandated tasks to administer, organize, train, equip, command and
control a capable and mobilizable Reserve Force in the Armed Forces of
the Philippines and to engage in socio economic development and
civilian military relations.
To provide well trained,equipped, capable and mobilizable
Ready Reserve Infantry Battalion and Service Support Unit that can
assist the AFP, PNP, LGUs and the Communities in the Province of
Cavite in times of emergency.
To better serve and protect the community.
❖ To enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitude (KSAs) of Policemen
through constant quality training and education to Achieve the desired
competence levels.
❖ To institute organizational development in the execution of PNP
Program Thrust.
❖ To instill discipline and inspire unwavering commitment in the
Execution of its mandated core functions without fear or favor.
❖ To ensure excellence in the performance of mandated tasks Through
the optimum use of resources.
❖ To cultivate personal commitment for professional policing Services.
Delegate activities that link trainees from different strands and sections to
foster friendship.
The lecturers should use more simple language so that the learners/trainees
grasp more of what is being addressed in the lecture.
August 18, 2023 is our pre-employment at 402nd CDC in Camp Riego De Dios
, Tanza, Cavite. On August 15, 2023 we attend a orientation that held by Dr.
Crescencia T. Canubas our Chairman Work-Immersion Head in Tanza
National Trade School of what will gonna do in our pre-demployment. Our first
day in work immersion, I arrived at 7:40 am in 402 nd CDC. We sat and stay at
“Bulwagan” and waited for the others to be complete. While waiting we asked
to clean the ground by sweeping, pluck the grass, and washing dishes. After
that Sir Rodelas speak to us and teaches many lesson that we can apply in
our future course. I remember one of his lecture that we should remember is
to have a KSA that stands for knowledge, skills, and attitude that will help us
in future. After that, we sat again and wait for order from our trainees. We eat
our lunch at 12:00 pm then came back to Bulwagan. While sitting, Sir. PFC.
Lorence M. Tipan came for briefing. He informed us that he’s the one who will
grade for our work immersion and introduce people who are in charge in 402 nd
CDC. He said that Camp Riego have many reservist. Also, he informed us the
rules and regulation and just stand by and relax. As time goes by, Dr.
Crescencia came and checked us. Before we go home, we’ve been informed
about the closing of batch 3 and opening of batch 4.
On our second day, I arrive at 5:53 am in Camp Riego and check-in in our
time sheet. After that Sir Cloyd ask for our help in planting. He showed us
and other reservist the right way of planting plants. After planting we came
back to Bulwagan and clean the admin office, we swept and mop the floor.
Our seniors guide us for our first march. At first, its really hard but Sir Cloyd
and other seniors help us for our marching. After lunch we practice again our
marching. Sir Almencion orient us for reminding again the rules and regulation
of 402nd CDC. Also, Sir Ipan lecture us about M16 A2 and Sir Balong showed
us how to disassemble and assemble M16 A2.
On our third day, I arrive at 7:33 am in Camp Riego and check-in in our log
book. We stay at Bulwagan and wait for command of officers. We go to
covered court and sat then while waiting for National Intelligence Coordinating
Ageny (NICA) that will lecture us about avoiding from being member of CPP,
NPA, and NDF. While waiting, Sir Almencion entertained us by singing and
asking history question and will get a prize. After the lecture of NICA we ate
our lunch. Then, after that we’ve been marching again together with Sir
Balong until our time-out.
August 23, 2023 our fourth day in Camp Riego. I arrive at 7:26 am and check-
in in our log book. We clean the Bulwagan and swept the ground. We’ve been
informed that closing of Batch 3 and welcoming our batch will held in
afternoon. We practice again our marching and other steps are being taught
by our platoon leader. After that, we rest and volunteer to wash dishes. We
also informed to defend our flag because if someone stole our flag we will
have a punishment. After the closing ceremony and welcoming our batch we
decided to defend our flag from previous batch and we are happy to say that
we successfully defend our flag.
On our fifth day in work immersion, I arrive at 7:39 am and check-in in our log
book. We do again our daily routine by cleaning the surroundings of
Bulwagan. Sir Cloyd command us to crushed the soil into pieces so that it can
be planted in the next few days. After that PNP members came to lecture us
about legal and illegal drugs and how to avoid from illegal drugs users. Also,
they discussed about anti-bastos law. We ate our lunch after the lecture. Next,
we practice again our marching and learn new steps from Sir Balong. While
marching my shoes got broken and Sir Balong helps me to buy super glue,
but sadly it didn’t help my shoes to be fix. Sir Balong go to admin office and to
my surprise he his holding a pair of shoes and let me borrowed it.
August 25, 2023 our sixth day in work immersion. We started to crushed
again the soil into pieces. But its raining so we came back to Bulwagan and
after of rain we will back again in garden to go back in our assigned work.
After lunch time we go to covered court because Sir Ipan introduce us one of
army to teach us some basic self defense escaping. It’s really helpful to one of
us to learn basic self defense for our safety and by Monday Sir informed us
that we still have basic self defense to learn. Additionally, we practice again
our marching by the guide of one of army and our platoon leader.
August 28, 2023 our seventh day in work immersion I arrive at 7:06 am in
Bulwagan. We clean the assigned area and order from our marcher by
sweeping. One of our mate said to us that we need a ten volunteer to go to
office because Sir Almencion will give us a task. I volunteered to that. We look
for a folder from office assigned by Sir Almencion. We started our marching
when our platoon leader came. New steps are being thought by Sir Balong.
After marching we go to office and clean it. After lunch, Sir Balong go to us
then let us borrow gun that have no bullet and let us to take a picture. Our last
task is we clean again the office by mopping the floor and sweeping.
On our eighth day I arrive in Bulwagan and check-in in our log book. We
started to clean in Bulwagan and other surroundings by sweeping the ground.
We’ve been ask to go to office and do the assigned task to us by cleaning
office. After our lunch time we stay at Bulwagan and wait for assigned task by
our marcher. Sir Ipan also promise that we will have a firing in our Day 9. We
also record video in our marching for our video editing that we will present in
closing ceremony. Lastly, we practice our marching until our time-out.
On our ninth day we started again to clean in kitchen by washing dishes. We
also clean in Office. After that we came back to Bulwagan because it’s
raining. After of our lunch time we go to firing place but I decide to volunteer in
last day to do firing. We watch our batch mate to do firing. Somehow it excites
me while waiting for our time-out we go to basketball court and play
basketball. After that, our marcher called us and explain our closing ceremony
before we go home.
DAY 10
On our last day, before we go to CDC we guide some of our friends in Batch 5
going to CDC. We entertained them and guide them in their place in
Bulwagan. After that we go to kubo and wait for command of our marcher.
After marching, we decided to practice again our marching for our closing
ceremony tomorrow. After lunch time, we wait to have a good timing for
practice because it’s been raining. We practice our marching and Sir Ipan was
there to guide us. We stop practicing because it’s raining and came back
again to practice because we want to have a good graduation and last day in
402nd CDC. September 01, 2023 our graduation day in 402 nd CDC. We’ve
been hardworking in morning until afternoon just to have a good graduation
and entrance in court. All of our tiring day was worth it because we did it until
the last day. It such a relief and memory to me. We learned from CDC like
farming, house keeping, marching, and discipline, and lastly the unity we build
from our batch.
Removing grass in the ground
Closing Ceremony
UPDATED RESUME (Attach your updated resume)
Name: Ynervhone Ofelia R. Rejano
Residential Address: Blk 28 Lot 9 Ph6 Carissa Homes
Punta 1 Tanza, Cavite
ZIP Code: 4108
Provincial Address: Blk 28 Lot 9 Ph6 Carissa
Homes Punta 1 Tanza, Cavite
Email Address:
Facebook: Ynervhone Ofelia Rogel Rejano
Telephone #: N/A
Mobile #: 09452766879
Date of Birth: February 08, 2006
Place of Birth: Trece Martires City, Cavite
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Nathaniel R. Rejano
Occupation: Van Driver
Mother’s Maiden Name: Ofelia A. Rogel
Occupation: Housewife/ Sari-Sari Store Owner
Siblings: Rogiene Nathaniel R. Rejano
Preschool/Kindergarten: Dawn Amadis Christian School
Elementary: Punta Elementary School
Secondary: Tanza National Trade School