Example Risk Assessment
Example Risk Assessment
Example Risk Assessment
Noise from use of Workers using Angel grinders replaced Supervisor to LBG From _
equipment e.g. angle grinders or working with block splitter. No monitor and talk to 01/07/10
grinder near people who significant vibration site manager if noisy
may suffer hearing left. work does start
loss Construction phase close by
plan show other trades
using grinders etc,
should not be working
close enough to cause
Vibration from use of Exposure to Angel grinders replaced No further action _ _ _
equipment such as angle vibration can lead with block splitter. No necessary.
grinder. to the development significant vibration
of ‘vibration white left.
finger’ (VWF)
Fire/ explosion All operatives in the Suitable fire Supervisor to brief LGB 01/07/10 01/07/10
vicinity could suffer extinguisher kept in all workers on first
from smoke site office and welfare day on emergency
inhalation or burns. block. arrangement agreed
Good housekeeping with principal
monitored by contractor.
What are the Who might be What were you doing already? What further Who needs When is Done
hazards? harmed and action do you to carry the
how? need to take? out the action
action? needed
Health issues relating to All operatives. Principal contractor will have Supervisor to LGB 01/07/10 01/07/10
poor welfare facilities facilities on site by the time brief workers
/First aid arrangements bricklaying starts, including : on facilities and
Flushing toilet; keeping them
Hot and cold running water, clean.
Soap, towels and full-size
Heated canteen wit kettle ect;
First aid equipment;
Principal contractor will
arrange clearing the ensure the
necessary electrical and
heating safety checks are
made, and
Trained first aider and
appointed person on site
Example Risk Assessment for a Bricklaying Company published by HSWNI, 08/10. Health and Safety Executive gratefully acknowledged as source