Example Risk Assessment For A Warehouse
Example Risk Assessment For A Warehouse
Example Risk Assessment For A Warehouse
The warehouse manager carried out a risk assessment of the warehouse. The warehouse employed 12 staff, some were part of a union.
Do not just copy this example and put your company name to it as that would not satisfy the law and would not protect your employees. You must
think about the specific hazards and controls your business needs.
The HSE site has a template and other examples to help you produce your own assessment.
Risk assessment
Company name: GHI Logistics Assessment carried out by: JH Reynolds
What are the Who might be What are you already doing to What further action do Who needs to When is the Done
hazards? harmed and control the risks? you need to take to carry out the action
how? control the risks? action? needed by?
Falls from height Staff could suffer All staff are given strict instructions Share this risk assessment Manager 30/10/19 30/10/19
severe or fatal never to climb racking – monitored by with regular contractors.
injuries if they fell supervisors. Check their awareness of
while climbing health and safety issues and
racking. ensure they give health and
safety information to any
staff new to the site.
Staff could suffer Proprietary forklift cage used by Train maintenance worker to Manager and 15/10/19 14/10/19
severe or fatal maintenance worker for changing bulbs. check cage is in good maintenance
injuries if they fell Cage supplier’s information shows it is condition and properly worker
while changing manufactured to standard. secured before each use.
light bulbs in the
high ceiling.
Staff or contractor No controls in place. Agree with maintenance Manager and 14/10/19 14/10/19
could suffer severe worker that a contractor maintenance
or fatal injuries will be used for any access worker
falling through to the roof.
What are the Who might be What are you already doing to What further action do Who needs to When is the Done
hazards? harmed and control the risks? you need to take to carry out the action
how? control the risks? action? needed by?
fragile roof lights Require contractor to Maintenance From now on
when looking for provide an assessment worker
leaks or repairing before access is allowed if
them. any roof work is required.
Worker falling from The internal warehouse roof is load No further action required.
roof of internal bearing, has full rails and boards
warehouse office around its edge. It has adequate lighting
used for storage. and access is by permanent steps with a
Slips, trips and All staff may suffer Flooring kept dry and quality Suitable absorber to be Supervisor 15/10/19 14/10/19
falls sprains or fractures maintained. made available for liquid
if they trip over All staff trained to maintain good spills.
debris or slip on housekeeping standards and ensure
spillages. stock does not project into Staff to be trained to clean Supervisor 22/10/19 22/10/19
gangways. and dry any spillages
Cleaner empties bins and removes immediately.
loose debris daily.
Pallets stored safely in designated Extra bins to be provided Manager 28/10/19 28/10/19
area. for waste material near
Protective non-slip footwear loading bays.
supplied and worn.
What are the Who might be What are you already doing to What further action do Who needs to When is the Done
hazards? harmed and control the risks? you need to take to carry out the action
how? control the risks? action? needed by?
Operation of lift Serious injuries or All operators trained and competent to Supervisor to ensure truck Supervisor From now on
trucks fatalities can be use lift truck. drivers check trucks each
caused by: Trucks serviced regularly and day before starting.
the vehicle examined by suppliers every six
crashing into months.
other vehicles Drivers instructed to keep keys with
and/or other them at all times.
objects; System in place for refresher Separate pedestrian Supervisor 7/11/19 5/11/19
staff and visitors training of drivers. entrance(s) with protective
being hit by lift Gangways and aisles big enough for barrier rail to be provided
trucks; lift trucks to load and unload from next to roller-shutter doors.
objects falling the racking safely.
from lift trucks System in place to separate
onto staff and vehicles and pedestrians.
visitors; Access to warehouse restricted to
staff. Housekeeping standards Manager From now on
lift trucks toppling
Floor condition maintained on a and floor condition to be
regular basis, housekeeping covered by a monthly
people falling
standards maintained by cleaner inspection by manager and
from the vehicle
and workforce. brief record kept.
or parts of the
vehicle; and Warning signs located around the
being crushed by traffic route.
the mast. Trucks have seat belts and roll Strict requirement that Manager 4/11/19 4/11/19
cages. only competent drivers
may operate lift trucks to
be explained to all staff.
Disciplinary action to be
taken against anyone
involved in breaking this
What are the Who might be What are you already doing to What further action do Who needs to When is the Done
hazards? harmed and control the risks? you need to take to carry out the action
how? control the risks? action? needed by?
Traffic Injuries such as Floor and traffic routes suitable for Anyone working in the Supervisor From now on
movements fractures or even the vehicles using them. vicinity of moving vehicles
(deliveries etc) fatalities can be Vehicle routes kept free of should be given training and
caused by: obstructions (with spillages being high-visibility clothing.
staff and visitors cleaned up promptly).
being hit by Parking of cars and vans only
vehicle; allowed in marked spaces, well
people falling away from external
from a vehicle or delivery/dispatch area.
parts of a vehicle; Outside area gritted when frosty,
and snow cleared.
objects falling Sensible speed limits imposed and
from vehicle onto kept to.
staff and visitors. Adequate signage to warn of
Reversing of delivery vehicles
avoided unless absolutely
Any reversing that is necessary
should be overseen by a trained
reversing assistant (banksman).
What are the Who might be What are you already doing to What further action do Who needs to When is the Done
hazards? harmed and control the risks? you need to take to carry out the action
how? control the risks? action? needed by?
Stretch-wrap Staff using the Machine is relatively new and Keep area around machine Machine From now on
machine machine. Moving instructions show it meets the unobstructed at all times. operators
parts can trap relevant guarding standard.
fingers, hands, arms Only standard palletised loads
etc, causing crush wrapped. Indicate area around machine Machine From now on
injuries. The whole Emergency stop button provided. using markings in fluorescent operators
body may also get Fixed guards on moving parts. orange-red.
trapped between Mechanical parts maintained
moving pallet load regularly. Weekly check on guarding Machine From now on
and fixed structure. Staff trained to use correctly. and condition of machine. operators
Staff can also be cut
by sharp edges or
scalded by hot parts.
Conveyor belt for As above, Guards provided for moving parts. Weekly check on guarding Supervisor From now on
unloading from particularly where Conveyor instructions show it and condition of conveyor.
lorries the belt meets meets guarding standards.
rollers. Emergency stop button provided.
Regular maintenance.
Portable All staff could Fixed electrical installations are Manager to arrange and Manager From now on
electrical receive potentially maintained to a suitable standard record the six-monthly
equipment fatal electrical and inspected every five years. inspection and testing of
shocks or burns if portable equipment.
Rest area:
they use faulty
industrial cleaner,
electrical Instruct staff to report Manager and 15/10/19 15/10/19
kettle and heater
equipment. faults immediately. supervisor
What are the Who might be What are you already doing to What further action do Who needs to When is the Done
hazards? harmed and control the risks? you need to take to carry out the action
how? control the risks? action? needed by?
Fire If trapped in the Building designed with fire-resisting Talk to insurer about Manager 16/10/19 16/10/19
warehouse, all materials. providing automatically
Bulk storage of
staff and visitors Exits/fire exits marked and kept closing, roller-shutter
easily burnt
could suffer from clear. doors linked to the fire
smoke inhalation Fire extinguishers well located. alarm.
Ignited through or burns which
electrical fault, Clear access kept at all times to all
could potentially exits and fire extinguishers.
battery kill.
recharging etc Fire detection and alarm system.
Each fire alarm point displays
evacuation procedures.
Maintenance contracts for
extinguishers and detection/alarm
Annual fire drill and training in
correct use of extinguisher.
Cleaner ensures no debris left.
Staff trained in good housekeeping.
Hazardous Fumes may irritate Only few vehicles delivering so No further action required.
substances eyes, cause exposure is limited, which prevents
respiratory irritation. build-up of fumes.
Vehicle exhaust
fumes Drivers not allowed to leave
engines running.
Roller-shutter doors and windows
May irritate kept open, to assist ventilation.
cleaner’s skin, or
Bleach and
vapour cause eye Cleaner told safe procedures. Investigate availability of Supervisor
cleaning fluids safer alternatives for
irritation breathing Rubber gloves used.
difficulties. First-aid facilities (including eye cleaner.
Recharging of wash) are readily available.
Burns or fractures
forklift truck from material
batteries – potential ejected could affect Batteries charged in designated Supervisor to monitor and Supervisor
explosion through any worker bay that is well ventilated. Safe ensure protective equipment
release of system of work used which is being worn.
includes provision and use of
What are the Who might be What are you already doing to What further action do Who needs to When is the Done
hazards? harmed and control the risks? you need to take to carry out the action
how? control the risks? action? needed by?
hydrogen, spillage nearby. goggles and gloves. Potential
of acid sources of ignition controlled.
Lighting Poor lighting is Good quality lighting provided No further action required.
likely to result in throughout the warehouse.
higher levels of Stacking of materials in warehouse on
work error and top of racking is restricted to avoid
accidents. blocking light and creating shadows.
Cleaner checks that light units are
operating and are replaced by
electrician when necessary.
Floodlighting in the external area.
Hygiene/comfort All staff could Heated rest area provided with hot No further action required.
suffer varied and cold water.
discomfort, eg Area kept clean. Lockers available
being too hot/cold. for staff members’ belongings.
Toilets a short walk away, cleaned